PRESENTED BY DAVID MWANZA CARITAS ZAMBIA. Will discuss who voter education facilitators are Will...

Post on 15-Jan-2016

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Transcript of PRESENTED BY DAVID MWANZA CARITAS ZAMBIA. Will discuss who voter education facilitators are Will...



Will discuss who voter education facilitators are

Will look at why voter education facilitators are important

Will discuss the importance of voter education/voting

Will discuss key things that a voter education facilitator needs to highlight/know

Who are they? Should be able to get meaning from the three


It is important to carefully consider the words Education facilitators could be on any topic.

However Voter education facilitators focuss on voters and the information they need to be able to vote properly without difficulties and with understanding of what exactly he/she is doing

One can vote without knowing why he/she is voting and with really understanding the process and meaning

A voter is a person on the voters roll, one who is eligible to vote, an elector or member of the electorate

Education (educator) refers to training, teaching, learning or tutelage among others


One would therefore not be wrong to say a voter education facilitator is an ELECTOR TRAINING HELPER

In other words is a person(s) who helps voters through some form of training, learning process or tutoring in for purposes of them being able to vote and vote rightly.

Voter education facilitators have the responsibility helping understand their role in the electoral process

Citizens participation in governance is the lifeblood of any democracy

And for any democracy to be upheld there is need for regular free and fair, credible and legitimate elections.

Therefore, for citizens to effectively take part in governance they need to take part in electing their leaders who will represent them at various levels

Again citizens need to understand the process, significance of electing these leaders

And for them to understand there is need for voter education facilitators

It is true that the quality of governance is directly related to the quality and level of development in a country

It is almost universally accepted that countries with good governance records are better developed with big percentage of their citizens having better living conditions

Governance of any country can only improve with full involvement and participation of its citizens

And since governance is related to development, it is true that for a country to develop citizens need to be involved in both these processes

The role of voter education facilitators is important because it influences the development of the country

As more and more citizens understand and participate (get involved) in the process of voting (governance), it is assumed or expected that that the quality of governance will improve thereby leading to development

As a country continues to develop it is expected that even the quality of governance will continue to improve as citizens will become more and more enlightened and will therefore be able to participate in the process.

Rural voters especially women, youth and various marginalized groups such as the differently abled who reside in remote places usually do not have access to voter education programmes

High levels of illiteracy is also a contributing factor to low levels of knowledge among the general citizenry on issues of election and voting-there is therefore need to continuously engage in voter education

If elections are to reflect the will and wishes of the people then voter education needs to be conducted to help citizens make informed and better choices

In Zambia the electoral act No 12 of 2006 part VI does highlight the importance of voter education

It is a right and therefore everyone should be allowed to exercise it

It allow citizens to have a say on who governs them

It is a fundamental principle of any representative democracy

It is one way citizens take part in the governance process of the country

It helps put the good leaders in office and the bad ones out

It allows change of government without violence

A voter education facilitator needs to know that voter education AIMS at giving people information about the voting process, who can vote, what voting is and how one should vote

He/She should understand that the aim of voter education is to get as much people as possible to vote during elections

A voter education facilitator should understand what a DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT is…

It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people

It means people need to participate/take part in decisions that affect their lives

It also means that people elect their representatives or governments that represent their views, values, beliefs and wishes

A voter education facilitator needs to know that a democratic government represents MOST of the people and NOT ALL the people- the majority rule in a democracy

She/he needs to understand that whether right or wrong the majority’s wishes hold

She/he needs to know what an election is-Elections are when people vote for the best

individual or party that they feel will best represent their own wishes and needs

She/he needs to know and emphasize that for elections to be free, fair, credible and legitimate voters must be free to vote without fear, intimidation, violence, bribery or force

Who can vote……….in Zambia one needs to be 18years or older and have a National Registration Card and be registered as a voter

He/she should know what a BALLOT IS- a form voters are given on election day to mark their vote

Voter education facilitators need to know how to vote- how does one vote (mark a ballot)

He/ She needs to know and emphasize the secrecy of voting

He/she needs to know the role of monitors during elections

He/she should, even in brief, understand the various electoral systems

1-single member plurality2-single member majority3-proportional representation4-mixed member proportional system

He/she needs to know the rights of voters

The role of the media and the role of citizens in general

She/he needs to be non-partisan or bias while conducting their voter education

She/he must be truthful in their efforts and should be aware that if found deliberately misinforming people she/he will be prosecuted, hence should be factual.