Presentation1 150320082716-conversion-gate01

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Presentation1 150320082716-conversion-gate01

CinematographyAnalysing The Descent – Ryan Banks

Clip 3

Point of View Shot – This is used so we can see the POV of the character, in this case, the mother. This shot shows its her birthday and links in with the last scene. Not being able to see the person in the shot creates mystery so the audience doesn't’t know what's coming.

CU – This shot is a close-up and is used so you can see the damage done to her face. The tubes and the clothes show that she is in hospital. The shot shows that she is vulnerable as its higher up and looking down on her.

Mid Shot – Captures the little girl alone blowing a cake. It is also a POV shot from the mother. The shot goes to darkness when she blows the candles out which links to the next scene. This shows that she’s asleep or in some sort of coma after the accident and she’s dreaming its her daughters birthday, the thing they spoke about right before the crash.

Mid-Shot – This shot is used so it shows the girl in the hospital bed hooked up to some tubes. Like in the previous image, she looks vulnerable and alone in the dark room. She’s also alone and in darkness which makes her look vulnerable and defenseless.

Cutaway – This shot is used because it links with her pulling the wires off her body. It shows to the audience that she’s took the wires off and is getting out of the bed.

Trombone Shot – It uses this shot because the darkness is coming to get her and it makes it seem like something is coming towards her. This shot establishes shock to the audience as it’s the realization that something bad has happened, in this case, Sarah realizing where she is and what’s happened.

2 Person Shot – Just a shot to show two people in one shot. This shot is used to show the audience that it was some sort of nightmare or hallucination and that she’s now back in reality with somebody.

Point of View – POV shot of someone or something chasing her in the dark. Shows something is there as it’s a POV shot of someone or something following her. This makes the audience think there is something there and that it is chasing her although its all in her head.

Wide Shot – They use a wide shot in this scene to make her feel more alone and makes the corridor feel lonelier. It confuses the audience because of how empty the hospital is as this is very abnormal.

Close Up – Used to show the emotion in the persons face. Because of the crying in the hospital, it links to the earlier scene and lets you know Sarah’s daughter and husband are gone. Juno is also just as upset as the main character because of her affair that you find out about later in the film. This shot was used so the audience can actually see how upset and emotional she is.

360 Tracking Shot – Used for a dramatic moment and to show that things have changed or become more serious. This shows the audience how serious things have become and also shows the audience that there are other people in the hospital and that her dream or hallucination is over.