Presentation V. (download)

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Transcript of Presentation V. (download)

How to get from where you are to where you want to be

With reference to the book

The Success Principles – How to get from where you are to where you want to be [2005] Jack Canfield and Janet Switzer

1 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

There is a science of getting rich, and it is an exact science, like algebra or arithmetic. There are certain laws which

govern the process of acquiring riches, and once these laws are learned and obeyed by anyone, that person will get rich

with mathematical certainty. [Wallace D. Wattles, Author of The Science of Getting Rich]

2 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

There is a secret psychology to money. Most people don´t know about it. That´s why most people never become financially successful. A lack of money is not the problem; it is merely a symptom of what´s going on inside you.

[T. Harv Eker. Multimillionaire and president of Peak Potentials Training]

Financial success also start in the mind. First decide what you want, believe it´s possible and that you deserve it.

Then you must focus it by thinking about it and visualizing it as if it were already yours.

Finally, you have to be willing to pay the price to get it – with disciplines effort and perseverance over time.

3 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Identify your limiting beliefs about money.

To become wealthy, you´ll need to surface, identify, root out, and replace any negative or limiting beliefs you may have about money.

Messages from early childhood can actually sabotage and dilute your later financial success, because they subconsciously emit a vibration that´s contrary to your conscious intentions.

4 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Examples: Its not Okay to make more money than my father. Becoming rich would violate the family code. If I become wealthy, I will be a burden You must begin to understand, therefore, that the

present state of your bank account, your sales, your health, your social life, your position at work, etc., is nothing more than the physical manifestation of your previous thinking. If you sincerely wish to change or improve your results in the physical world, you must change your thoughts, and you must change them IMMEDIATELY. [Bob Proctor. Author of The Power to Have It All]

5 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Three steps to turn around you limiting beliefs about money.

1. Write down your limiting beliefs. Money is the root of all evil.

2. Challenge, make fun of, and argue with the limiting beliefs. Money might be the root of evil for someone who is evil, but

I am a loving, generous compassionate, and kind person who will use money to create good in the world.

3. Create a positive turnaround statement. When it comes to me, money is the root of love, joy, and

good works.

6 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Money affirmations - every day.

If you want to accelerate reaching your financial goals, you need to practice saying positive money affirmations every day.

Money comes to me in many unforeseen ways.

Every day, my income increases whether I am working, playing, or sleeping.

All my investments are profitable.

People love to pay me money for what I most enjoy doing.

7 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Use the power of releasing to accelerate your millionaire mind-set. All you have to do…

…is let yourself fully experience the accompanying feeling and then release it.

…just take yourself through this little process whenever a negative or limiting belief or feeling about money comes up.

What am I feeling right now? Could I welcome and allow it? Could I let it go? Would I let it go? When?

8 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Visualize what you want as if you already have it.

See all your financial goals as already accomplished.

See images that affirm your desired level of income such as paychecks, rent checks, royalty checks, dividend statements, and people handing you cash.

See images of your ideal bank statements, stock reports, and real estate portfolios.

See images of the things you would be able to buy, do, and contribute to if you have already met all of your financial goals.

Finally, remember to add in the feeling of appreciation and gratitude for already having these things.

9 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

If you don´t put a value on money and seek wealth, you most probably won´t receive it. You must seek wealth for it to seek you. If no burning desire for wealth arises within you, no wealth will arise around you. Having definiteness of purpose for acquiring wealth is essential for its acquisition. [Dr. John Demartini. Self-made multimillionaire and consultant on financial and life mastery]

You must decide to be wealthy. Decide from your deepest place in your heart to have

wealth in your life – without worrying if it´s possible or not.

Decide what wealthy means to you

10 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Decide what wealthy means to you.

Define, what your financial goals are and include written goals like these:

I will have a net worth of $________ by the year____.

I will earn at least $________ next year.

I will save and invest $________ every month.

A new financial habit I will develop starting now is ___________________.

To become debt free, I will ____________________.

11 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Find out what it cost to finance your dream life (now and later) and get real about your retirement. Decide exactly how much money you´ll need to live the

lifestyle of your dreams – be aware your current lifestyle represent your past thoughts and actions.

This could include rent or mortgage, food, clothes, medical care, automobiles, utilities, education, vacations, recreation, insurance, savings, investments, and philanthropy

If retirement is in your plan, consider that for every $1.000,-- in monthly income during retirement, you will need to have $230.000,-- invested (in securities); if you focus an income of $4.300,--, you would have to have invested $1.000.000,-- at a rate of 6%yield. (USA 2005)

12 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Become conscious about your money.

You have to know precisely where you are and where your want to go an what´s required to get there.

1. Step: Determine your net worth (total assets minus your total liabilities)

2. Step: Determine what you need to retire

3. Step: Become aware of what you´re spending Track your expenditures monthly per year (see example)

13 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Become conscious about your money.

4. Step: Become financially literate – it takes a lot of work and time to change your thinking. Learn proactively about money and investing

read at least one good financial book every month for the next year – choose the best titles:

Seek out professionals, who can teach money skills

14 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The Empowered Wealth Quadrants

Optimize all your assets

Human Assets Enrich/Love

• Family • Health • Spirituality • Happiness • Well-Being • Ethics • Morals

• Character • Values • Unique Ability • Relationships • Habits • Future • Heritage

Intellectual Assets Capture/Learn

• Wisdom • Formal Education • Life Experiences

(both good and bad)

• Reputation Systems

• Relationships • Ideas • Traditions • Alliances • Skills • Talents

Financial Assets Capitalize/Earn

• Cash • Stocks & Bonds • Retirement Plan • Businesses • Real Estate • Things-Your Financial and Material


Civic Assets Contribute/Give

• Taxes

• Private Foundations • Charitable Contributions of

Financial Assets, as well as Human and Intellectual Assets

© Copyright 2002 Empowered Wealth, LLC

Choice & Control

The Empowered

Wealth SystemTM

15 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The Empowered Wealth Quadrants (by Lee Brower). Human and intellectual assets have been chosen by

wealthy families with priority – if they could choose only 2 of the 4 quadrants. They know, that if their children have those, they can always make more money.

If they only have the money assets (and not the other two) , they will ultimately loose the money.

I invite you to start thinking about how to build and optimize your assets in all four sectors of the Empowered Wealth Quadrants. If you do, then you will create real wealth in a balanced and integrated way and you will keep money in its proper perspective. It is just a tool to be used for higher purposes.

16 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

You have a divine right to abundance, and if you are anything less than a millionaire, you haven’t had your fair share. [Stuart Wilde. Author of The Trick to Money Is Having Some!]

“A part of all you earn must be yours to keep.”

Put aside at least 10% of your earnings – and make that money inaccessible for expenses.

See this amount built over time and, in turn, it starts earning money on its own.

Over an even longer time, it would grow into a lot, because of the power of compound interest.

17 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Build your fortunes by paying you first

Your fortune must initially be built on the solid bedrock of a long-term investment plan.

The earlier you start, the more quickly you can build your safety net of million dollars.

Sit down with a financial planner, or go to one of the sites on the Internet where you can enter the amount of your current net worth and your financial goals for retirement, and then calculate how much you need to save and invest from this point forward to make your goal amount by the time you retire.

18 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The idea of compound interest Time is your friend when it comes to compound interest.

The sooner you start saving, the greater the result – the longer you have for compounding interest.

Make saving and investing a priority Invest just 10% or 15% of your income, then live on what

is left. It will (1) force you to start building your fortune and (2) if you still want to buy more or do more, it will force you to find ways to earn more money to afford it.

Never dip into your savings to fund your bigger lifestyle. You want your investment to grow – to be truly financially independent.

19 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The 50/50 Law Never spend more than you save. Put 50% of every dollar you

earn into saving. The key is that you don’t raise your lifestyle until you’ve

earned the right to raise it by putting the same amount into savings.

It is a core strategy for building wealth.

Millionaire doesn’t mean “celebrity” The truth is that 99% of millionaires are hardworking,

methodical savers and investors. They make their fortune in one of three ways: (1) from entrepreneurship (75%); (2)as an executive at a major corporation (10%); or as a (3) professional practitioner (doctor, lawyer, dentist, certified

public accountant, architect) (10%); (4) through sales and sales consulting (5%)

20 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Most of U.S. millionaires are regular folks who worked hard, lived within their budgets, saved 10% to 20% of all their income, and invested it back into their business, real estate, and the stock market.

Learn the discipline of saving and investing and start early enough.

How to become an “automatic” Millionaire The simplest way to implement the pay yourself first plan is to

have a plan that is totally “automatic”

Set up a percentage of your paycheck which is automatically deducted and invested as you direct it.

You won’t have to exercise self-discipline, it doesn’t depend on your mood swings, household emergencies

Make a commitment once and it’s a done deal.

21 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Build assets rather than liabilities Rule One. You must know the difference between an asset

and a liability and buy assets. An asset is something that puts money in your pocket. A liability is something that takes money out of your pocket. [Robert T. Kiyosaki. Coauthor of Rich Dad, Poor Dad]

Take a look at how wealthy people approach their investments. They take the money they earn and invest a large portion of it

in income-producing assets – real estate, small business, stocks, bonds, gold, and so on: Your income:

20% assets & multiple streams of income, 80% expenses & liabilities

Goal: build more assets & multiple streams of income Eventually, you can live off the income from your assets and

your multiple streams of income. That’s true “financial freedom”

22 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Financial advisor As your money begins to grow, you’ll want to educate yourself

further about the best way to invest your money. Find a good financial advisor. Ask successful friends whom they recommend. Go for more information on how to pick a financial advisor at

Protect what is yours with insurance Mistakes and accidents can always occur. It’s important to protect your financial assets through a good

insurance policy. This is even more important if you operate a small business.

If you are getting married get a prenuptial agreement – it can be a

very clarifying personal growth experience for both partners.

23 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Too many people spend money they haven’t earned, to buy things they don’t want, to impress people they don’t like. [Will Rogers. Actor, and writer]

Spend less money Spending too much can wreck havoc with your financial

goal. It keeps you in dept, prevents you from saving as much

as you could, and turns your focus to consumption, rather than to wealth creation and accumulation

Gather it all together in one place you spent money on last year but didn’t use in the last year. Then add up the price you paid for each and every item. You probably never really needed all those things in the first place. The total will be more than your current dept.

24 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Start paying cash It makes you think about what you are buying. Every

potential purchase will be considered more carefully, “necessary” incidentals will become less necessary, and large purchases will probably be put off.

Reduce the cost of your rich lifestyle Live the lifestyle you want yet pay a whole less for it. Make

a few simple changes in the way you spend and buy.

Sit at the balcony in the opera house, buy your convertible in January, buy designer fashion at the consignment store, ask for discounts, call four or five vendors and take bids for the same identical items, or shop at ultra-budget stores.

25 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Take steps now to become dept free Stop paying high (credit card) interest rates and assume a

less consumptive lifestyle. Take steps now to start living life dept free using these

strategies: 1. Stop borrowing money. 2. Don’t get a home equity loan to pay off credit card dept. 3. Pay off your smallest debts first. You achieve a major success breakthrough – you experience

a huge boost in your self-esteem. 4. Slowly increase your dept payments. This saves you interest and keeps you from expanding your

lifestyle. 5. Pay off your home mortgage and credit cards early. Make extra payments per month or per year

26 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The power of focus As you commit to becoming dept free and saving

more, you’ll encounter an almost miraculous force working in your life.

As you change your focus from spending and consuming to enjoying the things you already have and putting money aside, you’ll progress at an almost unexplainable rate.

Even if you don’t believe you’ll survive every month, once you commit to a dept-reduction and savings plan, you’ll be surprised at your ability to manage and arrive at your goal faster than you had planned.

27 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

The power of focus

You may go through a profound transformation. You’ll see your values and priorities change. Suddenly you’ll measure your success in terms of debts paid off rather than goods purchased.

And as your investment portfolio grows, you’ll begin to weigh all purchases against your goal to be financially secure and dept free.

Regardless of where you are in life – even if you’re in what appears to be a hopeless situation – stay the course and allow this miracle to accelerate you to your goal.

28 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Making more money means you can both invest and spend more.

1. Decide how much more you want to make - using the power of affirmations and visualization.

2. Ask yourself, What product, service, or additional value can I deliver to generate that money? What does the world, your employer, your community, fellow businesspeople, fellow students, or your customers need that you could provide?

3. Develop and deliver that product, service, or extra value.

29 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

More money idea # 1: Become an entrepreneur Cultivate entrepreneurship.

More money idea # 2: find a need and fill it Identify a need in the marketplace and provide a

solution for it.

Look for the next big business opportunity to make some serious money.

More money idea # 3: Think outside the box Look for an alternative, a better way to sell, keeping

more of what you earned.

How far might you go – backed up with hard work, perseverance and passion?

30 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

More money idea # 4: start a business on the internet Internet entrepreneurs sell e-books, audio files, software,

training materials, special reports, how-to courses, and other information products that are downloadable.

More money idea # 5: join a network marketing company A list of 500 company addresses is available at


Direct Selling Association:

Direct Selling Women’s Association:

Make sure you get a solid advice about the company and its products before you get involved. Find a company that has been around for a while and has a great reputation.

Look for the next big business opportunity to make some serious money.

31 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Money flows to value Wherever you decide to put your energies, the key is to

become more valuable to your current employer, customer, or clients.

You do that by getting better at solving their problems, delivering products, and adding services that they want and need.

You may need to get more training, develop new skills, create more relationships, or put in extra time. But the responsibility for getting better at what you do and how you do it is totally yours.

Always seek out opportunities for more training and self-development.

If you need an advanced degree or some kind of certification to move up in your trade or profession, quit talking about it and go get it. 32 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Create multiple sources of income The best way to enjoy greater income and develop

economic security in your life is to create several sources of income.

You can find all kinds of additional ways to make money if you merely start looking for them – there are endless possibilities for multiple income sources.

Do your best to focus on creating business that require very little time and money to start and operate.

Too many scattered streams mean that you run the risk of losing your main source of income.

33 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Tithing Giving 10% of your earnings to the work of God – is one

of the best guarantees of prosperity ever known. Many of the world’s richest individuals and most

successful people have been devout tithers. By tithing regularly, you, too, can put into motion God’s

universal force, bringing you continual abundance. Not only does it serve others but it serves you as the

giver, too – because the simple act of giving creates both, a spiritual alliance with the God of abundance, and fosters the mind-set of love for others.

The more successful you are, the more wealth there is for everyone to share. An increase in wealth for an individual almost always represents an increase in wealth for society at large.

34 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Different types of tithing Financial tithing is best explained as contributing 10% of

your gross income to the organization from whence you derive your spiritual guidance or whose philanthropic work you want to support.

Time tithing is volunteering your time to serve your church, temple, or synagogue or any charity that could use your help.

You don’t tithe because you want to get something. You tithe because you’ve already gotten it.

You’re so blessed already, there’s no way in the world you’ll be able to repay it.

You tithe out of the gratitude you feel for the unbelievable blessings and lifestyle you have.

35 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Corporate giving is Corporations, too, can reap the rewards of giving

back, e.g. a commitment giving 2% of their pretax profits - back to the community.

Any contribution will make a difference to the recipients and to you, both in good feelings you’ll experience and in expanded flow

of abundance streaming into your life.

Share the wealth When you engage others in your success – when you

share the wealth with them – more work gets done, greater success is achieved, and ultimately everyone benefits more.

36 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

It is one of the beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. [Ralph Waldo Emerson. American essayist and poet]

The greatest levels of contentment and self-satisfaction are experienced by those who have found to serve others. In addition to the true inner joy that is created by serving others, it is a universal principle that you cannot serve others without it coming multiplied to yourself.

Decide what is important to you. Determine what causes and groups of people are

important to you. What issues call out to you? What organizations make your heart sing?

37 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Volunteer your skills There are many nonprofit organizations that could us

your business skills – management, accounting, marketing, volunteer recruitment, fund-raising, and so on.

If you are a skilled executive, consider serving on the board of a nonprofit organization.

You’ll get more than you give People who volunteer live longer, have stronger immune

systems, have fewer heart attacks, recover from heart attacks faster, have higher self-esteem, and have a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. In younger years they are more likely to end up in more prestigious and higher-paying jobs.

38 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

You’ll get more than you give Volunteering is a powerful way of networking and often leads

to business and career opportunities.

Volunteering is also a way to develop important success skills.

Add a volunteer opportunity to your personal development plan.

Service always comes back multiplied Serving others can also consist of focusing your company’s

mission on producing products and services that are beneficial to mankind.

The best long-term results flowed to those who focused on providing increasingly beneficial products and services.

When your efforts are focused on giving rather than getting, then you are going to eventually receive back more than you have given.

39 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

Service always comes back multiplied

The world responds to givers more positively than to takers. We naturally support the givers. Simply stated, givers get.

Teach people the skills of self-sufficiency so that they can support themselves. This is, in a way, a form of ministry, using one’s talents to uplift and empower others.

You can get anything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want. [Zig Ziglar. One of America’s greatest teachers of success principles.]

40 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles

are dedicated to all those courageous men and women who have ever dared to step out of the dominant culture

of resignation and mediocrity and endeavor to create the life of their dreams.

I honor and salute you!

Jack Canfield

41 J. Canfield 2005: The Success Principles