Presentation of cdm statutes, structure and protocols

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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a guide in formulating an organizational statutes.

Transcript of Presentation of cdm statutes, structure and protocols

Mussolini Sinsuat LidasanRegional Chair, CDM SMMember, Committee on the Amendments of the Statutes

We, the Centrist Democrats of the Philippines,in order to establish a functioning democracy in the

country where all its citizens can live in dignity andhave the opportunity to participate actively in thedemocratic process, to establish a just and humane

Philippine society, under the rule of law, equality,justice, solidarity, integrity and subsidiarity, securefor the Filipino people a fully humane and dignifiedexistence, do hereby ordain and promulgate these

Statutes of the Centrist Democratic MovementFederation of the Philippines.

Article I: The Centrist Democratic Movement of the Philippines

Article II: Nature of the CDM Article III: Mission Article IV: Objective of the CDM Article V: Socio-economic and Political Activities Article VI: Membership Article VII: Regional and Local Structures Article VIII: National Bodies of the Federation Article IX: Involvement of Major Public Office Holders in the Bodies of the CDM Article X: Finances Article XI: Exit from the

Federation/Dissolution/Expulsion Article XII: Transitory Provisions

• How many articles? What are these articles?

Who may become member?

Rights of members?

Obligations of Members?

Expulsion of Members?

Any Filipino who is 18 years or older, who is not disqualified byPhilippine laws or regulations to vote and be voted upon in any

elections in the country, who has attended a CDM basic orientation seminar (BOS) and is willing to support the objectives of the movement, can become a member of the Centrist Democratic Movement.

A Youth Wing shall be established as may be provided by a mechanism

to be formulated by the National Council.

Membership in the CDM is not allowed for organizations, institutions,

enterprises or other bodies with juridical personality. The National Council shall regulate the membership application procedures in its working procedures.

Every member shall have the right to participate in all events, activities and elections of the movement as may be provided by any policies, regulations or advisories of the CDM.

A member shall have the following rights as provided for in thesestatutes:

a. to exercise the right to vote on matters relating to the affairs of the district and other levels of the federation;

b. to elect and be eligible to any elective or appointive office of the federation;

c. to participate in all deliberations and meetings in the district and in all levels of the federation;

d. to avail of all the facilities of the district and of the federation; and

e. to examine all the records or books of the federation.

Every member shall pay his/her annual contribution to the movement

as provided for in the financial and contribution policy or regulation

imposed by the National Council.

If a member has delayed the payment of his/her contribution for more than six months and does not pay after being reminded within one month with two written notices, his membership shall be cancelled.

A member shall have the following duties and responsibilities:a. to obey and comply with the Statutes, rules and

regulations ofthe federation; andb. to pay membership dues and other assessments of the


Termination of membership to the movement may be made through voluntary written withdrawal of membership, expulsion or death.

Grounds and the procedure for expulsion shall be provided for in the working procedures.

The CDM Federation shall consist of 10 autonomous Centrist

Democratic Movements in the following Regions of the Philippines:

1. CDM Northern Luzon2. CDM Central Luzon3. CDM Metro Manila4. CDM Southern Luzon5. CDM Palawan6. CDM Central Visayas7. CDM Western Visayas8. CDM Northern Mindanao9. CDM Southern Mindanao10. CDM Southwest-Mindanao

The regional compositions shall be defined by the National Council

by a 2/3 vote of all its members. There shall be no additional regions to be

entertained other than those stated hereof.

Within the framework of the Statutes and the Program of the

Federation, the regional CDMs shall be entitled to develop their own

programs and activities and to organize and sustain themselves, following

the principles of transparency, subsidiarity, internal democracy and


The regional and sub-regional CDM structures are organized following

the principle of representative democratic procedures.

Regional Council

Regional Assembly

shall consist of representatives of the CDM districts of the respective regions, elected in accordance with democratic principles. They shall convene every four months. Additional meetings may be convened upon the request of the regional chairperson or by 20of the members of the respective assembly. The number of members of a Regional Assembly is three times the number of formally established suborganizationsof CDM in districts/cluster districts in the respective region.

The elected chairpersons of the formally established CDM Districts/Cluster Districts shall become Ex-Officio members in the regional assemblyof the respective CDM Region. In case of absence in a meeting, they shall berepresented by their Deputy Chairpersons or another elected officer of the respective CDM District Council.

The other seats in the Regional Assemblyshall be distributed to the different District CDM Organizations in accordancewith their number of members, following the principle of proportionality.They shall be elected in their respective districts in a secret ballot by themembers. They cannot be represented in meetings of the Regional Assemblyin case of their absence.

The Regional Assemblies shall decide upon:a. the general plan of activities and the budget of the Regional CDM;b. the approval of the yearly narrative and financial reports of therespective Regional Council; andc. a simple majority of the total members of the regional assembly issufficient to constitute a quorum to do business.

The Regional Assemblies shall elect in secret ballot by simple majorityof the members present in the meeting the members of the RegionalExecutive Council and the delegates of the region in the National Council ofthe Federation for a period of two years.

Regional Council

The Regional Councils shall be the planning, coordinating and implementing bodies of the Centrist Democratic Movements in the regions of the Philippines. They shall be in-charge of the budget and of the activities of therespective CDM in accordance with the decisions of the Regional Assemblies. They shall be the supervising authority of the CDM District Organizations.The Regional Council shall consist of at least 6 members. They shall be elected for a period of one year by the regular yearly Regional Assembly: a. one chairperson (who is also concurrent regional assemblychairperson and ex officio member of the National Council);b. one deputy chairperson;c. one secretary and one deputy secretary; andd. one treasurer and one deputy treasurer.

The regional assembly may create additional positions in the RegionalCouncil as it may deem necessary and the election of officers thereto shall beby secret balloting. At least 50 percent of the members of the Regional Council shall haveto be younger than 45 years. Furthermore, each Regional Council shallselect and appoint an auditing council consisting of three ordinary CDMmembers of the region for a period of one year. The regular meetings of the Regional Council shall take placemonthly. Additional meetings shall have to be convened upon the request ofthe regional chairperson or by 20 percent of its members.

Regional Assembly

District Level

A CDM sub-regional organization may be formally established underthe supervision of the respective regional CDM Council in each congressional district with a minimum number of 10 CDM members in good standing.

For reasons of number of members or for reasons of logistics and viabilityof active CDM work, sub-organizations may be established temporarily orwithout time limits as clusters of districts.

Each district or cluster districts CDM-Organization shall conduct its activities through the following bodies:a. the District Assembly; andb. the District Council

District Assembly

District Council

The District Assemblies shall consist of all members in good standingof the CDM in the respective district or cluster of districts. They conveneevery six months. Additional meetings shall have to be convened uponthe request of the district chairperson or by 20% of the members of theStatutes 2011 • 11respective assembly.The District Assemblies shall decide upon:a. the general plan of activities and the budget of the District CDM;andb. the approval of the yearly narrative and financial reports of therespective District Council.

The quorum for decisions of the District Assembly shall be 10 percentof its total members, with a minimum of at least five members present in the respective meeting.

The District Assemblies shall elect in secret ballot by simple majorityof the members present in the meeting the members of the District Council and the delegates of the district in the respective Regional Assembly for a period of one year

District Council

District Assembly

The District Councils shall be the planning, coordinating and implementing bodies of the Centrist Democratic Movements in thecongressional districts of the Philippines. They shall be in-charge of the budget and of the activities of the respective CDM district/cluster districts in accordance with the decisions of the District Assemblies and under supervision of the respective Regional Council.

The District Council shall consist of at least four members. They shall be elected for a period of one year by the District Assembly. The District Councils shall be composed of the following:

a. one chairperson (who is also concurrent District Assemblychairperson and ex officio member of the Regional Assembly);b. one deputy chairperson;c. one secretary; andd. one treasurer.

National Congress

National Council

National Executive


National Secretariat

National Thematic


The National Congress shall be the highest representative body of theCDM Federation. It shall consist of 150 members, elected by the RegionalAssemblies of the CDM in accordance to the number of members in theirrespective regions, following strictly proportional principles as specifiedunder the working procedures.

The National Congress of the CDM Federation shall be in-charge offundamental orientation and of basic programmatic decisions of the CDM. Itshall decide upon political alliances and strategies and the role and potentialinvolvement of the CDM in election processes.

The National Congress shall convene once a year upon the invitationof the National Council. The first convention shall take place after the totalnumber of members of the CDM nationwide reaches 5,000 members.

The National Council shall be the national policy making body of the CDM Federation of the Philippines and shall oversee the overall operations of the CDM nationwide. It shall consist of a maximum of 40 members, among them:

a. chairpersons of all regional CDMs with a minimum number of 50 full paying members;

b. 20 other members, elected by the Regional Assemblies according to the number of members of the different regions following strictly proportional principles;

c. chairpersons of the Thematic Commissions without voting rights; andd. representatives of the working groups from major public office holders.

The National Council shall convene four times a year. It shall electfrom among its members the Executive Committee who shall serve for


The National Council shall decide upon the following:a. the yearly budget and working plan of the Federation presented by

the National Secretariat in the last meeting before the start of a new calendar year;

b. the approval of the yearly financial and narrative report presentedby the National Secretariat in the first meeting of each year by simple

majority;c. formulation of policies that would affect the entire federation; andd. creation of committees as the need arises.

The National Council shall decide on amendments of the Statutes ofthe Federation and the Joint CDM Working Procedures by two thirds vote

ofall its members.

Details of the election procedures and working procedures for andwithin the bodies of the CDM shall regulated in the Joint CDM WorkingProcedures, drafted and put into force by the National Council afterconsultation with the Regional Councils.

The Executive Board of the National Council shall be the highest decision making body of the Federation between the meetings of the National Council. It shall convene monthly and shall be in-charge of the day-to-day operations and activities of the Federation to be implemented by the National Secretariat.

The Executive Board of the National Council shall consist of 6members:a. the president of the CDM Federation who is concurrently alsochairperson of the National Council;b. two vice-presidents;c. one secretary general;d. one deputy secretary general; ande. one treasurer.The members of the Executive Board shall come from


The National Secretariat shall be in-charge of implementing thedecisions of the National Council and to coordinate the activities

of thefederation under supervision of the Executive Board of the National

Councilon a day to day basis. It shall consist of:

a) the secretary general as the head;b) the deputy secretary general;c) the treasurer; andd) the technical and administrative staff.

The National Secretariat shall be supported by a group of Technicaland Administrative Staff selected and employed after the approval of thePresident of the National Council upon recommendation of the SecretaryGeneral.

There shall be five standing National Thematic Commissions, each consisting of 10 members, elected by the 10 Regional

CDM Councils. The National Thematic Commissions shall

elect from among their members a chairperson, a deputy chairperson and a

secretary. The chairpersons of the National Thematic Commissions shall be members

of the National Council without voting rights.

Section 1. Elected public office holders who are CDM members shall enjoy the same rights and obligations like other CDM members in the activities and decision-making process of the movement. They shall be encouraged to contribute up to a maximum of 10 percent of their remuneration.

Section 2. District Councils

Congressmen, municipal or component city mayors who are CDM members shall become ex-officio members without voting rights in their home district council.

Section 3. Regional CDM

Senators, governors or mayors of chartered/highly urbanized cities who are CDM members shall be ex-officio members without voting rights in their home regional CDM council.

Section 4. National CDM

Senators, congressmen, provincial governors, city mayors or municipality mayors who are CDM members shall be encouraged to establish respective working groups on national level. The elected chairpersons of these working groups shall be ex-officio members with voting rights.

Section 1. The CDM Federation and the regional CDMs shall have their own yearly budget, based on a budget plan to be approved by the respective councils on the regional level and the National Council on the national level. The budget year shall follow the calendar year.

Section 2. The CDM in its financial management shall follow the principles of transparency, accountability, and efficiency. The CDM shall cover the costs for its structures and activities from the following sources:

a) membership fees;b) donations of natural or juridical persons;c) revenues from fundraising events or other

activities; andd) cooperation projects with national or international

CentristDemocratic partners.

Section 3. The minimum annual membership fee shall be one thousand pesos. This amount shall be reviewed every year by the CDM National Secretariat. It may be changed/adapted by a two thirds vote of the members of the National Council after consultation with the Regional Councils. The district council, with the supervision of the regional council, shall devise a mechanism to collect the dues.

Section 4. All members of CDM shall be encouraged to give any additional amount over and above their membership dues.

Section 5. Payment of another person’s membership dues shall be strictly prohibited. The National and Regional Councils shall institute mechanism to prevent patronage politics in the Federation. Violation of this shall result to automatic termination of membership or shall serve as basis for outright denial of membership.

Section 6. The treasurers of national and regional levels shall render a financial report to their respective National Council and Regional Councils before the end of March of the succeeding year. In these reports, every donation with a value of more than 100,000 pesos shall be declared.

Section 7. The budget of the CDMs in the different regions shall consist of:

a. membership dues;b. donations by natural or juridical persons; andc. revenues from fundraising events or other activities.

Section 8. The regions shall contribute 40 percent of their revenues fromtheir regular membership dues to the budget of the CDM Federation. Alldonations shall be addressed to the CDM Federation which may allow

therespective regional movement to use the donations acquired by them

fortheir regional use.

Section 9. The regional movements may use part of their revenues forthe coverage of the costs of the district CDM Organizations. Details shall

bedecided upon by the respective Regional Councils.

Section 1. It shall be incumbent upon the members to preserve the unionof the Federation.

Section 2. The exit from the Federation or the dissolution of any regionalmovement shall not take effect unless decided upon by three fourths of thetotal membership of the region.

Section 3. A Regional CDM that has left the Federation or has beenproperly dissolved shall not use the name and seal of the CDM Federationor any part thereof.

Section 4. The National Council may remove any Regional movement fromthe Federation by at least 80 percent vote of its all members on grounds ofdisloyalty, irreconcilable disagreements on core issues, non-payment of thecompulsory contributions to the Federation more than one year from thetime it fell due, or such other serious grounds.

Section 1. The CDM Federation Statutes shall serve as a framework for the development of a truly functional and programmatic Centrist Democratic Party of the Philippines.

Section 2. All policies, resolutions, advisories and other executivememoranda issued by the interim National Council consistent with

thestatutes shall remain operative until amended, repealed or revoked.

Section 3. The term of existing Interim National Council shall end byOctober 2011 whereby the regular National Council shall be elected.

Section 4. The Statutes shall take effect after the ratification upon two thirds vote of the Interim National Council.

Thank you once again!