Presentation Marketing

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Presentation Marketing

Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge.

– Jimmy Wales, founder, Wikipedia


Get Connected! We live in a world where yesterday is

old, and you need to be swift to manage the complexities around you today.

Intrigue has brought us all this far, and it truly is an amazing time to live-in with all these gadgets at our disposal.

I want to grasp them to help spread the word about the farce of auto insurance


We own the Media Space A social site, website, or online store is

nothing without our visit. Social media merges business and




Social Media Equation

When Fewer Cars Purchased, Premiums Rise

I will use technology to defame the greedy insurance companies.

I only need an internet connection, computer and a well recognized blog



Gather Your Army of Followers My goal is to use Twitter as a means of collecting

interest to my blog. Twitter only had 8 employees in 2009. In 2011,

they have over 400 Directories like JustTweetIt and WeFollow are great

places to provide others with information about who you are and how to follow you on Twitter.


Search ability Reach the individual connected to your

needs It is a business card specific to your

business or cause Build a personal image to generate

interest for an idea Build your search engine coverage So many directions to take

S’Tweet Success

I have researched stories which support the ability of Twitter to generate direct business. My realization is that it takes time to build

your Twitter army, but once it has matured, they will be there for you

@moderncanada is an example of a restaurant owner receiving revenues based on him standing his ground when an anonymous account was attacking him.

From Tweets to Blogs

The Transition

Very detailed – Endless options! Plugins, Widgets But MUST pay for the best function www.wordpress. Org Plugins are paid, and Widgets are free

With so many options you feel that your blog can easily have the effect you wish. The only problem is that most of the great features cost money. Font changes, upgraded themes


Big Names in Use

Effort in the Words, Tools to spread them

Bonuses – Well recognized platform with instant access to viewers

The complexity rests with how you wish to grasp Wordpress.

The more complex, the more usability, the more usability, the more viewers

Build your content to succeed Connect your channel

Dig Deeper to unearth Complexities

There’s is an overwhelming amount of community support. People in the official forums are helpful

I got lost in a sea of Self Help guides with many windows open to figure out the solution.

For example……..

Plugins and Widgets

There is a key difference between Widget and Plugin! Plugin gives you flexibility with many options whereas a Widget is the basics of usability like RSS feeds, and adding small HTML code.

Stones Left Unturned

Upgrade to paid Wordpress Domain ownership Plugins Become more technical with code usage Show ads