Presentation for Bricks and Water

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Presentation for Bricks and Water

As a business owner, you wantto spend a dollar to make $2.

Advertisingis simple.

There’s an old saying thatmost marketers use:

“ 50% of my marketing works,I just don’t know which 50%”

They pull the trigger wearinga blindfold and just shoot

in every direction.It’s bound to hit someone right?

They play theShot-gun theory.

We like to think ofourselves as Snipers.

We choose the people we communicate with, we find

their interests aiming, only to pull the trigger when it counts.

Bricks & Water was named based on traditional businesses

needing Bricks and Water(A shop-front and overheads)to attract customers through

the front door.

But where are all the eyeballs?

They’re notwatching TV.

We choose the people we communicate with, we find

their interests aiming, only to pull the trigger when it counts.

They have their eyes pointing down. Overseas, they are

starting to create street floor graphics so when people walk,

they don’t hit lamposts.

So wheremight they be?

The heads are facing down.The eyeballs are consumed

by their phones.

They’re absorbed in Facebook, Instagram, Reddit…

the list goes on

Most business owners think this is weird, people taking selfies, throwing out dumb comments every hour. But

young people are addicted to this way of life. They live it.

People are using facebook instead of email.

What the heckis Instagram?

These people are now 25, meaning they have life decisions

to make. They have to spend cash on adult stuff.

These people have a massive advantage over us oldies.

They grew up with technology, they live and breath it. Social media is only warming up and Facebook shares are shooting

through the roof.

But guess what, the fastest growing market on facebook is

us oldies, we’re catching up.

Advertise wherethe eyeballs are