Presentation by Dr. Shrikrishna Sane- Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource

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Transcript of Presentation by Dr. Shrikrishna Sane- Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource

S-W Monsoon driven

Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource

A Novel India Specific Concept

A Presentation at Exploring Energy Frontiers:

an interactive summit from IITBAA-GABF

Miramar, Goa September 21, 2014

With a Focus on

“Improving energy self sufficiency for the country

by harnessing the transformative potential of IITians

(alumni, faculty and students) as change agents”


Dr. Shrikrishna Sane

IITB Alumnus (1964 Batch M. Tech., Mechanical) and Former Professor,

Centre for Aerospace Systems & Engineering, Department of Aerospace Engineering,

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai (1971-2004).

Since 2007, Advisor, Science & Technology, Nostrum Energy LLC (NJ, USA),

operating from Powai, Mumbai (India).

Email:; Websit: www.nostrumenergy.com10/10/2014 © Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

Presentation Outline

• Tropical Monsoon: a BOON and an OPPORTUNITY

• Western Ghats: Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource Assessment

• Energy Conversion Devices: Linear Power Turbine

• Changing Paradigms: Sustainability of Society & Environment

• Pilot Case Study: Resource Potential

• Pilot Case Study: Techno-Economic Assessment

• Conclusions & Recommendations

• Tasks Ahead: Start Detailed Project Definition Feasibility Report Field Demonstration

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Energy Resource, by definition, must be:

Abundant and Accessible,



Technically Feasible,

Economically Competitive,


must have

Net Positive Benefit over its Life Cycle.

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Renewable: Rainfall/Snow Melting

Just Rainfall is not a Hydro Kinetic Energy Resource. Wind blowing at 6 m/s 24x365 is not a

Wind Energy Resource. Rainfall in US & Indian S-W Monsoon are different.


© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)


Renewable: Tropical Monsoon

Tropical Monsoon Regions: (indicated in blue).

Monsoon in Indian Subcontinent is special because

of Great Himalayan Wall in the North.S-W Monsoon brings 3.5 – 10 m rainfall in 60-120 days

almost in equal measure year after year: an opportunity.

Sorry, Cannot help Boundary Distortions

This Map tells many things, which need urgent recognition

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Case of : Western Ghats of Peninsular IndiaThe Unexploited Opportunity

What experts say:

“Though the west-flowing rivers draining the western aspect of the Western Ghats have substantial run-off, the spatial scope for their wider utilization is limited.” [3] But no more.


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© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)


Western Ghats of Peninsular India

Gross Hydro Kinetic Energy Resource Potential

• Consider some Realistic Numbers:

• Catchment Area: 100000 km2 out of 180000 km2;

• Usable Rainfall: 4.5 m out of 7.5 m with 0.6 runoff;

• Duration of Stabilized Flow: 45 days minimum;

• Usable Gravitational Head: 100 m out of 1000;

• Gross Flow: 70000 m3/s @ Usable Head: 1 MPa;

• Gross Hydro Kinetic Power: 70 GW;

• Gross Energy Available: 75 TWh/year;

• Practical Realization of 2% of 75 TWh Energy Potential

will deliver annually: 1.5 TWh of useful energy;

with a decent CUF: 0.123 to 0.37 (45 – 135 days);10/10/2014

© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)


Western Ghats (WG): Way Forward

• WHAT IT IS: 1.5 TWh/year with CUF=0.13-0.37


• In 2012 : 14623 installed MW actually delivered

16428 MU or 16.428 TWh at 13% CUF.

• WG are equal to 10 % of Indian Wind Energy.

• Higher the CUF better the economics, but

we need to carefully work it out.

• HOW TO DO IT: Check Dams with

Temporary Storages and

• Multiple Turbine Units10/10/2014 8© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource Concept

Couple it with ‘Total Water Management Model’Catchment Area W x B

CDSR Concept


Site Specific Scenario needs

Careful Requirements Capture

Ask locals (humans, flora, fauna, ……)

as to ‘What is best for them’.

No straight Jacketed Solutions please!10/10/2014

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CDSR: Check Dam Stabilizing Reservoir

Conventional HKEC Designs – Inappropriate to

specific requirements of hydro kinetic energy resource

A mixed ‘DRAG-Lift’ Device


© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

Savonius Marine Propeller Type Gorlov Helical 2-Bladed Windmill Type

An emulation of ancient Chinese Water Wheel:Sophisticated AVTAAR:Mini Linear Turbine Test at Rakaia River New Zealand, 4/9/2012

We need better Energy Conversion Devices:

Here is a Novel Design.

LPT Concept Demonstration Model

Sane, Manmadkar (IN), Mulye , Shukla, Barros (US) US Patent Application Publication, No. US 2011/0115231 A1 May 19 2011, “Hydro Kinetic Energy Conversion System” (Patent pending).

Flume [W, D, L, V]

Frame [w, h, l]

LPT [w1, h1, l1, d1, c, b, V, U, H, DP, , , NoB, RPM, Cp]

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Importance of V:For Wind V = 12-13 m/sFor WaterV = 3 m/sVariables:W, D, & V

Put Turbine in the River rather than

River in the Turbine

Rivers must flow as naturally as the rivers want,

do not ‘dam’ them, if you can avoid.

Micro Hydro

LPT Concept Demonstration: Sane Nostrum Energy

Practical Action

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Hydro Electric Paradigm: Mega, Mini and even Micro

If you have not used CFD, nobody will take you seriously.

Wake Vortices in CFD Simulation at Aero. Engg. Dept. IITB

by Prof. Prabhu Ramachandran & Co.

The Blade shapes/motion and topology of wakes tells us,

as to ‘why this machine is likely to be aqua life friendly’10/10/2014 13© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)





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CASE CPU EXE-TIME Advantage1-D Laptop 1 s Quick Design Tool2-D NS i3-cluster 3 months Detailed Wakes


U/V = 4

Extrapolation by Sane

Changing Paradigms:

• Can Renewables stand on own Legs? NO & YES.

• Distributed Generation and Consumption Model;

(If desirable, is this enmeshed in our thinking and planning? This is going on for a


• Moving away from age old ‘Hydro Electric Power’ Mind-Set; US has started the trend [2, 3], Poor Nations will need 50-100 years more, cannot just shut down existing plants.

• Innovating Power Extraction Devices for fully confined finite flows;

• Total Water Management Concept: Empowerment of the People and Environment


© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

Total Water Management Concept: a citizen’s charter

must envision and ensure that

• Empowerment rather than Displacement of Humans, Flora and Fauna, as they are primary stake holders.

• ‘Distributed Generation & Consumption’ Model: Only Excess Energy & Water to External Consumers & 24x7 electricity in each hospital/school/house.

• Prevent Soil Erosion; Generate Fresh Soil Areas through Temporary Storage Hydraulic Structures: Check dams/bunds: Help Ground Water Recharging

• Use of Innovative & Appropriate Strategies: Forestation, Herbal Plantation, Grass patches, Agricultural Ponds.

• Ensure Water for Drinking, Sanitation, Irrigation and Traditional Industry for the population, tribal included.

• Generate Revenues and Create Jobs Locally and Manage Locally at Village Level.

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Pilot Case Study: Resource PotentialCA near Sangameshwar (Maharashtra)Catchment Area: 15 x 2.4 = 36 km2.Height AMSL: Kondbhairav (360 m); Nivali (180 m); Nayari (80 m); Hedali (40 m); Total : 320 m.


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Kondbhairav Pilot Case Study: Resource Potential

• Catchment Area = 36 km2;

• Rainfall Intensity : 4500/6000 mm in 90 days

• Average Cumulative Stabilized Flow in the last 1 to 1.5 km of catchment zone with runoff coefficient of 0.72 = 15 m3/s;

• Usable Head: 20 / 320 m in Last 1 to 1.5 km

• Flumes: b = 2 m, w = 4 m, d = 1.25 m to ensure V = 3 m/s.

• LPTs: l = 3.2 m, s = 0.75, Rated Power = 16.7 kW @ V = 3 m/s.

• 30 units in 1000 m to generate 500 kW for 90 days.

• Energy Delivered: 1.1 TWh/year.

• Decent CUF of (90/365) ≈ 25 %.

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Kondbhairav: Pilot Case Study:

Techno-Economic Assessment

• @ INR 4/kWh: Annual Revenue per MW: INR 8.8 million.

• Indirect Revenue of ‘Value Addition’:

- ‘Total Water Management Model

• Estimated Annual Revenue per MW: INR 10 million.

• Payback Period: 5 years

• Limit Capital Costs to: INR 50 million/MW.

• Practically Feasible, but site specific.

• Cheaper Compared to Solar by 100%.

• Cheaper Compared to Micro Hydro by 150 %.

• Prima Facie a Practical/Doable Proposition

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LLC (NJ, US)19

Conclusions and Recommendations

• A scientifically sound, practically feasible,

sustainable, environmentally & socially

friendly and commercially competitive scheme

to identify, design-develop and exploit

potential Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy

Resource Sites, wherever these wait unnoticed.

This renewable will have a net positive


• Appropriate Power Extraction Device concept

demonstrated in March 2013.

• Support urgent Implementation10/10/2014 20© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

Conclusions and Recommendations

• Most of the nations in the tropical monsoon

region are not rich and are in need of

Affordable Solutions.

• India should lead from the front to

develop this technology.

• The numbers generated are kept

sufficiently conservative so that the

conclusions remain valid under all

possible uncertainties.

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LLC (NJ, US)21


• Power extraction devices, for Wind and Tidal, operate

in similar singly confined infinite flow domains. But

devices for rivers and canals operate in fully confined

finite flow domains and must look different.

• I consider this sufficiently fish friendly as compared

to conventional rotary ‘choppers’.

• This can be a Value addition to existing Hydro

Electric Power Installations.

• Floating debris is an issue but not insurmountable, so

also sealed bearings operating in muddy water.

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LLC (NJ, US)22

Tasks ahead …..

I look forward to this gathering to take up

some of the challenges to get the Technology

Details in place: Resource Development &

LPT Technology: ‘pocket belts’, ‘bearings’, ‘rotary/linear

generators with water gap’, ‘composite blades’, ‘debris removal

robots’ to name a few.

• We cannot change the way Sun shines or the way Wind

blows or even the way it rains but we can somewhat

change the way water flows from hill tops to oceans and

let the rivers flow……… ….

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LLC (NJ, US)23

EpilogThis has been SIX years effort of one individual.

March 24, 2013 was first time in the world that

a classical ‘LIFT’ based Linear Power Turbine

was demonstrated in the water efflux of Tata

Hydro Power Station at Bhivpuri near Karjat

(Maharashtra). Evidence about the effort it took to

reach there can be found in the storm water drain

canal near NCC office and Hydraulics Lab in IIT

Powai campus even today.

A pat on the back by Prof. Kirit Parikh in 2013!

‘Thank You’ to Nostrum Energy is not ap.10/10/2014 24© Prof. Shrikrishna Sane, Adviser S&T, NE LLC (NJ, US)

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Thank you !!!

A Dream in 2011: Produced & Directed by – S. Shrikrishna

Dream you must, One of the Dreams can be a Reality.

Constructive Criticism & Suggestions are

Sincerely Solicited to move Forward!!

As True Descendants of Bhagirath the Great, Take up TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATION

Let India be first in World in Technology Development for once

Jai Hind !

‘Kondbhairav’ will not need any other ‘Sacrifice’ …. Aadi Shankaracharya

Bibliographic Citations

1. India Wind Energy Outlook 2012, page 35, [] India-Wind-Energy-Outlook...

2. Gleick P. H., “The Changing Water Paradigm – A Look at Twenty-first Century Water Resources Development”, IWRA, Water International, v. 25, n. 1, pp 127-138, March 2000.

3. Bandyopadhyay J., Shama P., “The Interlinking of Indian Rivers: Some Questions on the Scientific, Economic and Environmental Dimensions of the Proposal”, Paper presented at Seminar on “Interlinking Indian Rivers: Bane or Boon?”at IISWBM, Kolkata, June 17, 2003.


5. Micro-hydro power | Practical Action[]

6. Surface Flow-Runoff []

7. Bengtson H. H., Rational Method Hydrologic Calculations with Excel, Course No: C01 []


1. Sane et al. US Patent No. 7,709,971*, May 2010, “Novel Linear Wind Power Generator”

2. Sane, Manmadkar (IN), Mulye, Shukla, Barros (US): US Patent Application Publication, No. US 2011/0115231 A1 May 19 2011*, “Hydro Kinetic Energy Conversion System” (Patent pending).

3. Sane “Monsoon Driven Hydro Kinetic Renewable Energy Resource- Concept Development”, submitted for publication on Aug 01 2014 in Springer Open Journal ‘Renewables: Wind Water and Solar’ as RWWS-D-14-00010.

* - Assignee: Nostrum Energy PTE Singapore, an associated company of Nostrum Energy LLC (NJ, USA).

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Dr. Nirmal Mulye (Sangameshwar) with President ObamaMeeting in New York on Oct 06, 2010

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Cp -TSR for Windmills

Cp – U/V for LPT

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LLC (NJ, US)29


Effect of Dynamic Wake Interactions included