Presentation 3- Fashion Theories

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Fashion Theories. The Need & Role OfFASHION THEORIES.Trickle-down TheoryTrickle-across Theory.Trickle-up Theory

Transcript of Presentation 3- Fashion Theories

This is the most widely applicable theory in current scenario and is prevalent in the society since ages which also makes it the traditional adoption theory. When a renowned designer or brand launches a new design it is accepted by people at the hierarchy of the society which makes it HIGH FASHION. The adopted styles are then promoted, through extensive media coverage and the desire of owning that particular style is stimulated amongst masses. But due to high prices, the design cannot be passed on to the larger consumer groups hence, a replica of the style is created with a little modifications in design details, using cheaper fabrics and embellishments, lesser workmanship and variation in colors are introduced leading to a product of lesser market price.Maximum numbers of styles are adopted from high fashion by common people who make the largest consumer groups.

According to this theory fashion moves horizontally between groups at similar social levels rather than merely vertically from one social level to another below.This theory works within peer groups or groups of similar socioeconomic level. There are fashion leaders and fashion followers.•Fashion leaders are those people in a group who are much ahead of the others in adapting any trend or fashion and are highly conscious and pro active in notifying even the minute changes in the current trend. They are highly influential and leave an impact on choice of clothing and accessories of other people in their group.•Fashion followers are those people in a group who knowingly or unknowingly tend to follow the fashion leaders in their group of similar socioeconomic level. As soon as the fashion reaches the fashion leaders, most the fashion followers would adapt the similar trend.The spread of fashion runs horizontally through the group.Modern Communication has accelerated the spread of various different trends in different groups simultaneously.

According to the Trickle- up Fashion theory the trend is being followed in a reverse direction, i.e. the fashion follows from the lower section of the society to the High Fashion group.The fashion moves from a larger number to a fewer number of people.

In order to achieve a unique look many a times the garment designers and producers experiment with fusion of core traditional designs and embellishments.

The designers adapt the fashion followed by the masses or the general public and after some modifications, present it as a High Fashion.

They watch people on the streets to find ideas. Some of these ideas eventually reach the designer market.

Hippie style