Presentation 24 October 2012 to School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University

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Interview presentation 24th October 2012

Transcript of Presentation 24 October 2012 to School of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University

Lecturer in ArchitectureSchool of Civil and Building Engineering Loughborough University

Andrea Wheeler BA(Hons) Dip Arch (Oxford) MPhil (Mech. Eng.) PhD (Architecture)

“My past work experience, skills and aspirations of research and teaching in the School”24 October 2012


•Qualifications and work experience.

•Research experience and academic achievements suitable to the position of Lecturer in Architectural Technology.

•Teaching and learning aspirations for an academic career.

Construction materials researcher

Exploring sustainable construction

Retrofit of traditional buildings

Academic Background. Prize winning student

BA (Hons) Architecture, Second year prize for outstanding achievementNational Diploma in Art and Design. Fine Art/ Studio Practice (Distinction)

Graduate Diploma in Architecture – Prizes for Graphics and Dissertation

MPhil (Timber Engineering Research and Structural Connection Technology)

Certificate Institute of Wood Science (Timber Industry Qualification)

TRADA Technology Ltd., Sponsorship – FULL SCHOLARSHIP

Hutchinson, Allan and Andrea Wheeler (1998) “Resin Bonded Repairs to Timber Structures”. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives, 18, 1-13.

PhD architectural DESIGN THEORY/ ethics in the built environment through contemporary dialogues

The University of Nottingham – AHRC Full Scholarship

Wheeler, Andrea (2008) "About being-two in an architectural perspective". In Conversations, Luce Irigaray (ed.) Continuum. pp. 53 – 72

Wheeler, Andrea (2008) "Architectural Issues in Building Community through Luce Irigaray's Perspective on being-two". In, Teaching Luce Irigaray (ed.) Continuum. pp. 61- 68

Industrial Experience Architects, Engineers, Planning Consultants and Policy

Defra, London (Policy)Walker Troup, ArchitectsShere Consulting Ltd., (Planning)Redmak Architects, NottinghamDerek Latham Architects, DerbyRegeneration East Midlands (Planning)March and Grochowski, Nottingham (Architects)Design Group Cambridge (Architects)Holder and Mathias Alcock, Architects, Cardiff

Post Doctoral Research – Success in Research Funding

Post doctoral UK Energy Research Council/ESRC , 3 year Interdisciplinary Early Careers Fellowship , The University of Nottingham (£220,000 over 3 years)

Universitas 21 lecture series

UK Energy Research Council “The Meeting Place” Oxford

Learning and Teaching Coordinator CEDE (Projects with Simon Austin an Jacqui Glass (HEA Departmental Award £29, 750) and Megs-KT (JISC £72, 872)

• How to engage young people in the problems of sustainable design and sustainable lifestyles.

• The role of schools and of education.• The relationship of architectural design,

theories and policies of participation.

Education and sustainable design – Aims of post doctoral fellowship

Post Doctoral Research Fellowship - Sustainable School Design Workshops with Children

Yes but…


School Design Futures Conference UKERC funded “The Meeting Place” Oxford

Academic Secondment/ Research Fellow

Update to Defra’s 2008 Framework for Pro- Environmental Behaviours

The Sustainable Lifestyles Framework (2011)


POE supporting emergent


POE supporting different ways of being

But which is the most


Problem. Why do modern building designed for energy efficiency, using modern simulation prediction tools, frequently fail to perform as intended? Why is the difference between predicted and actual energy use of schools so high? Objective. Understand this difference and determine a way to assess this difference. Action: Our emergent approach for sustainable schools. PostOPE (the project) combined different assessment methods .

IMPACT: POE already making a difference in schools. The importance of application of whole school methods for the construction industry.


  Case Study One Case Study Two Case Study Three

Windows and ventilation systems “We also have this automatic window thing for when it gets too stuffy. When you produce too much CO2 the windows open, it's automatic [...] If you talk too much in classroom they open (laughs)”.

“In the whole school there are automatic windows that you have to open and close with a key and there are only about four keys in the whole school. So that kind of means that you can’t open the windows in some departments because you haven’t got a key.”

“Sometimes they [the classrooms] are really warm and the windows don’t open. None of the windows open. Only the lower ones. In the summer it’s really hot” (Year 7 pupil.) Researcher 1: “Are there things you think the architect could have done better?” “Just the windows.”

ICT and computers “All the computers are always on, they are never switched off by the power. They are always on standby. [...] it's just that the monitor is off. You just logoff and you don't shut it down”.

“In there [computer room] as well is the study centre [full of computers] and it gets very hot and even if the air con is on only slight areas get it and it gets very hot.”

“On hot days the IT suites are the best because of the air conditioning.”

Attitudes to energy efficiency and sustainability

“I think we should but we have gotten used to everything and don't want to go back to basics”

““I don't even think we are trying. It feels like they don't even think they care. But they are always banging on about it. They are always telling us to save energy but why not them”.

“...if no one moves in the classroom then the lights go out and so it’s like when people go out of the room the lights go off and so the bills are lower. So do you think the bills are lower in this new school? You’re paying less for your electricity and gas or not? Possibly not, because it’s bigger.”

Natural and artificial light “It happens [automatic lights switch on] when you go in, but when you go out everyone turns them off anyway. In PE that's what happens as they will go off in the changing rooms and in PE you just have to jump about a bit. In the store rooms it is straight on. You walk in and it just turns on. Cleaners’ cupboards and stuff”.

“In the art and music corridor there are full size windows, they go down the full length of the building, the problem is that you have to, if you have projectors on in an art department you can’t actually see because they don’t have blinds so you can’t actually lower the blinds so the projector can see so then you can’t really see anything.”

“I think we should stop lighting the school in the day as the sun lights it up alot and we’re wasting electricity” (Final ‘design’ session, Year 8 pupil).


1. Contradictions between what adults say and what they tell children to do. A mismatch between designers intention and teachers ability to manage the behaviours of pupils – (many examples – dining biggest issue)

2. Poorly functioning building features (windows, heating and ventilation systems, circulation, dining spaces) and either over provision or under provision of space and facilities, together with teachers prohibiting use of facilities (toilets locked, .

3. Lack of ownership of PFI buildings4. Lack of understanding of the ‘sustainable’ design

features of the new school building – solar heating panels

5. Convoluted facilities management procedures where prohibitions did nothing towards children establishing their own “authentic” relationship to the environment and a deep or lasting critical perspective on the problems of sustainable development.



Andrea Wheeler, Dr Masoud Malekzadeh and Professor Dino Bouchlaghem

The comfort dimension when evaluating the discrepancy between predicted and actual energy performance in new school buildings

April 12th – 15th 2012

Windsor Conference – POSTER PRESENTATION

Andrea WheelerThe Centre for Engineering & Design Education

From Agent of Change to Global Citizen?” Dialogue, drawings, narratives and performances of secondary school children engaged with the design of a sustainable school.

April 12th – 15th 2012

Windsor Conference – FULL PAPER

Andrea WheelerThe Centre for Engineering & Design Education

“The Future We Want?” Designing a sustainable school with children as aplace of wellbeing

September 10th – 11th 2012 2nd International Conference on Geographies of Education

Wheeler, Andrea, Dino Bouchlaghem and Masoud Malekzadeh (2013) “Emerging Technologies and Emerging Ontologies: Developing a POE method for supporting low carbon living” Architectural Engineering and Design Management Special Issue the Impact of Occupants Behaviour on Energy Consumption (forthcoming)

Wheeler, Andrea (2010) “An interview with Harry Shier: Contrasting children’s participation in the UK Building Schools for the Future programme with the Nicaraguan context” International Journal of Children’s Rights Vol. 18/3, 457-474 (translated into Spanish for Nicaraguan readers available at: ).



• Buildings and behaviour.

• Sustainable design demands both ontological and political interrogation: what does it mean to be in an ethical or just relation to the environment and to other human beings?

• The question of a sustainable lifestyle relates directly to the traditions of political discourse and philosophical discourse and this cannot be absent from teaching in schools in the context of sustainable development.

Dr Andrea Wheeler, Professor Simon Austin and Professor Jacqui GlassThe Centre for Engineering & Design Education, 1st Floor, Keith Green BuildingSchool of Civil and Building Engineering

E-mentoring for employability(Higher Education Academy Departmental Award £29, 750) 15 months

September 17th – 20th 2012

Engineering Education Conference 2012

Dr Andrea Wheeler, Dr Paul Rowley and Mandy KingThe Centre for Engineering & Design Education, 1st Floor, Keith Green BuildingSchool of Civil and Building Engineering

MEGS-KT(Jisc Funded £72, 872) 12 months

My aspirations for teaching in the School?






Dip.Arch and M.Arch seminars in school design. Subjects that students are presenting include: The Spatial, Material and Tectonic qualities of Hampshire Schools, The CLASP system, New Academies, New Technology in the Classroom.

Studio teaching school design project: Chilwell School Project, school children critics in studio and workshops with children.

PhD student supervision: The Impact of Modern Interior Design on Kindergarten Children’s Outputs and Behaviour in the Middle East Context

Innovate in the teaching

Previous Teaching experience

St Benedicts School, London


SUCCESS IN WINNING RESEARCH FUNDING , £220,000 UKERC/ESRC over 3 years, £29,750 over 15 months, £72,870 Jisc over 12 months

INTERDISCIPLINARITY – education, social sciences and built environment

COMMUNICATION SKILLS AND TEAM BUILDING– 20 + international conference presentations. 9 invited conference/ seminar presentations, organisation of conferences, MEGS-KT series, project management, supervision of summer internships.

PUBLICATIONS – developed in early career post-doctoral research project and in teaching and learning research projects.

Thank You