Presentation 2

Post on 20-Nov-2015

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Transcript of Presentation 2

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? Olivia Lark


The media institution that is going to be distributing my music magazine will be Bauer Media. Bauer media is a major distributer for many magazines, they are involved in with over 600 magazines across Europe.

Here are some of their magazines

And many more


My magazine is an indie music magazine which will be sold Bi-weekly. The reason I have chosen Bauer media to distribute my magazine is because currently, Bauer media only distributes one major indie music magazine that would be in competition with Vital magazine, which is Mojo magazine. Unlike Vital magazine Mojo magazine is monthly, this therefore benefits Bauer media as they would now have two indie magazines being distributed in the same month, creating more business for the company.


Also this would benefit my magazine because my magazine wouldn't be distributed at the same time as another competing indie music magazine, for example Mojo magazine. Also Bauer Media will not have any competition with TimeInc because the only Indie music magazine that they distribute is NME magazine and this magazine is sold weekly, benefitting my magazine because this creates less competition for my magazine.Bauer media will be in charge of distributing Vital magazine to all the local and major stores over the country. Vital magazine is going to be sold in the following supermarkets: * Tesco * Asda * Waitrose * Aldi * Spar * Sainsburys * Morrisons * Booths


Vital magazine is going to be distributed to local and major Newsagents, these newsagents will be:*Londis*Costcutter*Nisa*WHSmith


Vital magazine is also going to be soldinall local and major music shops located around the UK, these music shops are:* The Schott music shop* Barbican Chimes music shop* Hobgoblin music shop* Hanks Guitar shop* Ritz Music & Tuition Centre* Academy Chimes music shop


Subscriptions will also be available to read and pre-order Vital magazine, the sites that Vital magazine will be old on are as follows:* Magazines Direct* EVO Magazines** Membermouse.comA subscriptions of Vital magazine will also be made available for costumers to read and buy on the Bauer Media website, Bauer media have every magazine subscription that they are in charge of distributing on their website.


My chosen target audience is for both male and female, aged between 16-25. So that my target audience are able to buy to my magazine when they go to see their favorite indie bands and artists Vital magazine is also going to be distributed to all major arenas in the UK, These are: * Phones 4 U Arena - Manchester * Echo Arena - Liverpool * Barclaycard Arena - Birmingham * Royal Albert Hall Arena - London * The O2 Arena - London * Motor point Arena - Sheffield Vital magazine is going to be sold at the following festivals, Leeds/Reading festival, V festival, T in the Park Festival and Parklife festival. The reason I have chosen for my magazine to be distributed to the places I have stated above, is because these are the places my chosen target audience will go to. By making Vital magazine available in all major supermarkets, newsagents, online, Arena venues and festivals I know that it will target audience will be able to easily see my magazine and want to buy it.