Presentación de PowerPointcountry Venezuela the quarantine persists. For this reason group...

Post on 30-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Presentación de PowerPointcountry Venezuela the quarantine persists. For this reason group...

We continue

working on the

Work of the Lord

Beloved Brothers

John 16:33 In the world you will have tribulation; but be of

good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

In these times of world tribulation, God does not abandon

us by using faithful Servants like you so that his work of

love does not stop. Without love we could not enjoy a close

relationship with our brothers.

The ministry God is love works for the

benefit of those most in need, due to the

situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic in our

country Venezuela the quarantine persists.

For this reason group activities are

prohibited, this leads us to deliver food

bags to representatives and members of

the ministry, taking all protection


God in his infinite love and mercy always

accompany you and keep you, we pray to God so

that prompt healing of the world, we seek for

spiritual healing. Our Lord continue to place in your

hearts the desire to serve and not to be served, an

example of our savior Jesus Christ.

God bless you!