Presentación 25 | 04 | 2019 Barcelona Riello UPS Company ... · Seismic Certification by OSHPD...

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Transcript of Presentación 25 | 04 | 2019 Barcelona Riello UPS Company ... · Seismic Certification by OSHPD...

Reliable Power for a sustainable World

Reliable Power for a sustainable World

Riello UPSCompany UpdateRiello UPSCompany Update

Presentación25 | 04 | 2019Barcelona

Presentación25 | 04 | 2019Barcelona

Castellar del Valles, Abril 2019

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Intro Riello

Riello UPS:Liderazgo Competitivo

3Liderazgo de


4 Desarrollo de mercadot

5Referencias Recientes

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Intro - RIELLO

ENERGIA - Nuestro core business es la conversión de la energía y la producción de sistemas de alimentación ininterrumpida (SAI), equipos que aseguran la calidad de la alimentación eléctrica y la continuidad de actividades, garantizando el suministro y el funcionamiento correctos de los sistemas incluso en situaciones críticas




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Que significan las siguientes siglas?SAI



Que utilidad� Un dispositivo de protección eléctrica que frente a los problemas en el suministro de la Red

Eléctrica ofrece:

− Protección:

− Contra microcortes, parásitos, sobretensiones... evitando cierres intempestivos, no deseados, de los sistemas alimentados protegidos

− Autonomía:

− Ante ausencia de suministro eléctrico permite seguir trabajando durante un tiempo

− Limitado y proceder a cierres ordenados de los sistemas que alimenta

Riello - UPS

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Calidad de suministro, calidad de energía eléctrica

GeneraciónOnda Senoidal

Microcortes� 300 ms Cortes> 300 ms

Parásitos Sub/Sobretensiones Acumulación Energía

Cargas Sensibles

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Brand visibility

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Riello UPSLiderazgo competitivo


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Drivers of UPS demandEn el 2020 el tráfico de datos crecerá +23% / año lo cual requerirá infraestructuras flexibles y seguras para cubrir:• El incremento de tráfico en internet• Más y más dispositivos conectados (IOT = Internet Of Things)

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Crecimiento Riello UPS 2009-2017

Riello UPS Riello UPS ha registrado en 2017 un crecimiento de la facturación del 12,2% por encima de 2016 (el segundo más alto en los últimos 8 años): un rendimiento claramente por delante de la tendencia del mercado.

Esto lleva el crecimiento global desde 2009 al 80%.80%.

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Outperforming market gain


– for Riello: internal filing

– for market: IHS reports,

various years

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Western Europe all ratings 2017

Data from IHS «UPS Hardware Tracker» – July 2018

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Claves del éxito

Factores clave para que el rendimiento promedio de Riello esté por encima del mercado

� Centrarse en la UPS como el mercado central� La agilidad y flexibilidad de una pequeña compañía, comparada frente a los grandes conglomerados

multisectoriales� Estrategia de inversión constantemente orientada al crecimiento, en todos los sectores: I + D,

producción, marketing, adquisiciones

� A complete range of products, appreciated by the ma rketplace, constantly kept at the latest state of the art.

� Una gama completa de productos, apreciada por el mercado, mantenida constantemente en lo más avanzado de la vanguardia “State of the art”

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Liderazgo enproducto :

nuestra visión


BayWa r.e. Solar Energy Systems | Unternehmenspräsentation

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La misión de Riello UPS

- La misión de Riello UPS es proporcionar al mercado u na gama completa de productos, que cubra todas las necesidades en el sector de la segu ridad de la energía, que se mantenga constantemente en los últimos avances tecnológicos, con áreas de excelencia seleccionadas.

- Esto significa que el desarrollo de productos y la I + D son centrales en la actividad de la empresa y siguen siendo la prioridad más importante.

- Diseñar un UPS es una actividad compleja que debe tener en cuenta y equilibrar los diferentes aspectos y desafíos del UPS: eficiencia, fiabilidad, flexibilidad, conectividad, sostenibilidad, sin olvidar la competitividad.

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- La eficiencia ha sido la prioridad en el desarrollo de productos de Riello desde hace muchos años. Hoy en día, los UPS de Riello están a la vanguardia de los valores de eficiencia, alcanzando el umbral del 97% en los UPS sin transformador, y cuen tan con la mayor eficiencia disponible en el mercado para los UPS basados en transformadores .

.- Reducir las pérdidas de energía no es solo una ventaja económica directa y responsable, sino que también

aporta beneficios indirectos (refrigeración, tamaño de la batería, cables) y reduce las emisiones de carbono.

- El umbral antes mencionado, alrededor del 97%, es lo mejor de lo que se puede lograr con las tecnologías actuales: los valores más altos solo se pueden lograr con componentes más caros (carburo de silicio). Riello está listo para este cambio, ya que los nuevos productos ya están diseñados con la posibilidad de cambiar a nuevos semiconductores. La pregunta es si el mercado está listo para aceptar el aumento de los costos (consulte la experiencia de los inversores fotovoltaicos, que se trasladaron hacia el carburo de silicio y volvieron).

- Hoy, el desafío es llevar el diseño de alta eficiencia a la escala de potencia: Riello es líder en este proceso, ya que ha introducido una arquitectura de inversor de tres niveles hasta modelos de 5 kVA (fabricados en Italia por cierto).

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Tendencias de diseño

Además de la eficiencia, Riello está involucrado en otros frentes del desarrollo de UPS:

- Utilización de módulos personalizados para los circuitos de potencia: reducido número de pines, diseño interno optimizado, construcción compacta y confiabilidad

- Comunicación avanzada (IoT, Industria 4.0)

- Interfaz de usuario mejorada (gráficos intuitivos, pantalla táctil, extendida también para UPS de baja potencia)

- Modularización, tanto externa (UPS modular) como interna (subunidades modulares)

- Uso de técnicas de simulación en la etapa de pre-diseño de un nuevo producto.

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Nuevo Rol para la UPS

Los sistemas eléctricos se enfrentan a nuevos desafíos debido al efecto combinado de:- Aumento del tráfico de datos- IOT- E-mobilidad- La demanda de energía se concentra en periodos limitados del día.- Aumento de la cuota de energías renovables, que por su naturaleza son intermitentes.

La solución a estos desafíos está en muchos casos relacionada con la posibilidad de reaccionar con:- Inteligencia- Disponibilidad de Energía almacenada

Teniendo estos dos activos, el UPS ya no se puede c onsiderar puramente como un sistema de respaldo, se está convirtiendo en un elemento cl ave de la cadena energética

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Nuevo Rol para la UPS

UPS puede proporcionar soluciones fiables y altamente eficientes para:

� Soportar la oferta y demanda de energía en redes desequilibradas

� Salvar picos / nivelación para reducir demanda

� Proporcionar energía fiable de dos fuentes inestables

� Gestionando proactivamente un sistema de almacenamiento.� Administrar y equilibrar sistemas combinados que incluyen fuentes de energía renovable,

alimentación y almacenamiento de la red.

El almacenamiento es clave en todas las aplicacione s anteriores. La base instalada de UPS es una importante fuente activa potencial de en ergía almacenada, con unos MWh

de baterías distribuidas en el territorio.

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Lithium -ion

Las baterías de iones de litio son el cambio en la evolución de la función del UPS, lo que permite una capacidad de ciclo que las baterías de plomo-ácido convencionales


Riello UPS se mantiene a la vanguardia de la evolución de los sistemas de almacenamiento, tiene soluciones para todas las tecnologías de almacenamiento de

energía de uso común y se mantiene preparado para los desafíos del futuro.

• Lithium• Lead • Flywheel • Supercap • next?

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SostenibilidadLa energía del futuro no solo debe ser segura sino también sostenible. Riello no solo respeta,

sino que también contribuye, junto con los miembros del otro fabricante de CEMEP, al desarrollo de las regulaciones ambientales que afec tan al UPS.

Las nuevas perspectivas van más allá de la eficienc ia durante la vida útil, para considerar todo el ciclo del producto.

Efficiency Waste Management Environmental Footprint Circular Economy

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Riello está preparado

Las características que hemos descrito no son futur as: Riello ha sido un pionero de la nueva administración de energía, por delante de los competidores, y las

capacidades requeridas ya están disponibles en nues tras líneas de productos actuales.


Supporting grid power supply √ √

Peak shaving / peak levelling √ √ √

Storage / Lithium-ion compatibility √ √ √ √ √

One reilable from two unstable sources √ √ √ √

Combining renewables, grid, storage √

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… que viene

Riello continúa con el desarrollo de su gama de UPS.El próximo año veremos importantes desarrollos en t odas las líneas de productos principales:

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Desarrollo de mercado


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Cobertura Global

Riello UPS tienen 16 compañías subsidarias y 2 rep oficinas, en 15 paises,

Con un total de más de 550 empleados fuera de Itali a

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Riello en USA

RPS America Inc. Es ahora totalmente operativa en una instalación de 1000 m2 en West Chester, cerca der Cincinnati (Ohio), con servicio técnico y comercial, y stock de UPS y recambios. El objetivo de RPS America es desarrollar el mercado en los paises NAFTA : USA, Canada and Mexico.

RPS America esta certificada como «Alternate Manufacturing Factory» por UL,

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Nuevo socio en Canada

Since 1994 Dataglobe is leader in the supply of equipment and

maintenance services for all types of critical AC and DC systems: «We are your partner when 7x24 security cannot be compromised»

Dataglobe Canada Inc.Montréal, Quebec

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Certificación sísmica US

After a rigorous process including both theoretical verifications and

vibrating table tests, Riello MHT-UL series has received the Special Seismic Certification by OSHPD (Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development).

OSHPD has been established by the state of California to overseehealthcare facility construction, but its certifications are taken as

reference in all the US.

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Nueva compañía en EAU

Riello UPS Middle East FZ-LLC will be operative in the summer


The company is seated in the Dubai Science Park, and has responsibility for all the countries in the Arabian Peninsula.

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Presencia Mundial

Riello UPS world coverage 2018

Areas with direct operations (subsidiaries)

Presence through partners

Rep offices

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RecentCase Histories


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DATA CENTRES: 1-Net North, Singapore

1-Net North will be the first data center in Asia that is Uptime Institute III

certified for both design and build. The 5-storey purpose-built mission-critical data center will consists of 4 floors of datacenter “white space” and 1 floor of office and ancillary space. This new location will have a

total built-up area of approximately 200,000 ft², which provides a total data center space of nearly 90,000 ft².

The selection criteria

� Energy efficiency� Transformer-based UPS� No neutral� Synchronized operation

of 2N groups

The solution

� 20 x MHE600� 2 x MHE250� 4 x MST20

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DATA CENTRES: Singtel, Singapore

Singapore Telecommunications Limited (Singtel) is making its biggest

data centre investment in Singapore to date with a new S$400 million, Tier 3-Plus data centre in Jurong to meet growing demand for co-location and cloud services in Singapore. With an approximate gross

floor area of 570,000 square feet, the network-ready data centrefeatures secure, high-grade private and co-location data hosting capabilities.

The selection criteria

� High efficiency� 2N configuration (4+4 or

2+2) with synchronizationof the UPS systems

The solution

� 32 MPW cabinets� 8 MW total power

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DATA CENTRE: Hetzner Online GmbH, Germany

Hetzner Online is an Internet hosting company and data center operator. Their datacenter projects are coordinated and implemented in-house with

as little outsourcing as possible.

Energy for normal operations comes exclusively from renewable sources, and the company strives to conserve energy with its use of direct free cooling, double-height raised floor, and components selected on the basis of energy-consumption. They were naturally interested in the high efficiency features of Riello NXE, and a first 1.5 MW module has been installed, planned for future extension.

The selection criteria

� Highest efficiency

The solution

� 6 x 250 kW NXE

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DATA CENTRES: Rosebery (contractors) UK

Rosebery is one of the largest independent electrical engineering contractors in the Northwest of England, offering complete engineering solution for Data Centres.

Riello has collaborated with Rosebery for the power infrastructure of a corporate Data Centre for a multinational consumer good company, providing the UPS for two computer rooms with high efficiency criteria, replacing legacy UPS.

The selection criteria

� High efficiency� Scalability� 2N configuration

The solution

� 2 x 2 x 4 MPW cabinets� 112 42 kW modules� 4.7 MW total power

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DATA CENTRES: Riello - RWE joint project

RWE is one of the largest utility companies in Europe, supplying more than 20 million electricity customers and 10 million gas customers. Riello and RWE have jointly started a project for the utilization of the stored energy in Data Centres for primary regulation of the net, with reciprocal advantages for the utility company and the data centre itself. The project is based on the platform of Riello MHT, developed in order to communicate with the control system of the electric grid, and certified according to the German regulations for grid-connected devices.

The selection criteria

� Riello has been selected as a parter for its experience in this sector and the availability of a suitable existing product necessiting limited R&D intervention

The solution

� GCD based on Riello MHT texchnology

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Two projects developed by Riello obtained award recognition by prestigious organizations in 2018, in UK and Germany:

Riello Power Systems and its partner and customer RWE Supply & Trading received the first prize in the category “Energy Solutions for Data Centers”.The uninterruptible power supply "Riello Master+“ was awarded as the most innovative product, improving the quality and safety of the data center power supply and at the same time reducing installation and operating costs. It represents a new generation of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), in which the energy stored in the batteries can be marketed actively in the electric grid.

The DCS awards are designed to reward the product designers, manufacturers, suppliers and providers operating in data centrearena. Riello UPS took this year’s trophy thanks to a project which reduced a client’s annual electricity bill by more than £ 335,000 and cut carbon emission by 72%. Riello UPS partnered with the electric contractor The Rosebery Group to upgrade the UPS at a pair of data centresbelonging to one of the world’s largest consumer goods supplier.

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TRANSPORTATION: Shanghai Airport Terminal 3

The new satellite terminal will serve as an extension of the existing two terminals and function as an integrated transit centre. It will offer a multitude of services, including domestic and international transit, departure and arrival waiting lounge. Riello supplied all the UPS, for the various applications inside the structure: the availability of a complete UPS range was an essential decision factor.

The selection criteria

� High reliability� Complete range to cover

all the applications� System integration

The solution

� 8 x MHT 400� 8 x MHT 300� 14 x MHT 200� 2 x MHT 160� 4 x MPT 80� 3 x MPT 60� 1 x MST 30� 9.25 MVA total

Reliable Power for a sustainable World Riello UPS | Company profile 39

LOGISTIC: Shunfeng Express, Shenzhen, China

SF Express is second largest courier in China after China Post, and provides domestic and international express delivery, with a fleet of 31 cargo aircraft.

SF Express has opened more than 500 “Heike” (online shopping service community store), across all Chinese provinces, with plans to open 4000 more. Riello UPS is supplying 560 UPS of various sizes, to protect the data infrastructure in the stores.

The selection criteria

� Complete range� Technical support

The solution

� 560 units� from 3 kVA to 30 kVA

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TELECOM: Cellnex, Spain

Cellnex Telecom is the main infrastructure operator for wireless telecommunication in Europe.

MultiPower was their choice for the power protection of telecom equipment in remote locations (14 sites supplied), with changing needs over the time.

The selection criteria

� Highest reliability (remote locations)� Scalability� High efficiency� Ethical code of the supplier

The solution

� 22 MPW cabinets� 93 PM 42 modules� 2.73 MW total power

Reliable Power for a sustainable World Riello UPS | Company profile 41

INDUSTRY: Shanghai Huali Microelectronics, China

Shanghai Huali is the main entity of China 909 project, a national plan to promote IC manufacturing in the country. Their latest factory in Kangqiao (Shanghai), has the capacity of 40 kwafers per month, and a new automatic foundry line of 12 inch integrated circuit chips, with 28 nm technology. This is the first line with such a high technology in China, and we are proud that it is entirely protected by Riello UPS.

The selection criteria

� Highest reliability� Suitability to industrial

environment� Centralized by-pass

architecture� System integration by Riello

The solution

� 30 x MHE 600� 10 x MSB 2000� 18 MVA total

Reliable Power for a sustainable World Riello UPS | Company profile 42

INDUSTRY: Sanan Optoelectronics, Xiamen, China

San An is China’s earliest-established and largest production base for full-color ultra-bright LED epitaxial products and chips. Riello UPS has been selected for the high temperature chambers where the crystalline semiconductors are grown (24 x MHE 800, 3 for each oven), and other applications.

The selection criteria

� Highest reliability� Suitability for industrial

environment� Extensive acceptance


The solution

� 32 x MHE 800� 8 x MHT 600� 30.4 MVA total

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INDUSTRY: BOE, Fujian, China

BOE Technology Group is a supplier of Internet of Things technologies, with three core businesses: display devices, smart systems and healthcare services. Riello supplied the UPS for the new Gen 8.5 semiconductor display production in Mianyang, Sichuan Province.

The needs

� Highest reliability

The solution

� 27 x MHT 500� 13.5 MVA total

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Riello is the partner of Audi for an innovative charge project for electric cars. The containerized system can be fed by mains, renewable energies, co-generating power plant, or the stored energy provided by “second life” lithium car batteries. Our SPS is the energy manager of the whole unit, taking energy from the most convenient source and supplying the load and/or re-charging the batteries. The concept has been developed as a quick and efficient solution to enable Audi dealership to recharge electric cars, with the minimum impact on their electric system, thanks to the possibility of supplying the peak demand with the battery, and to the potential connection to renewable sources.

The selection criteria

� Availability of the right device for the application

The solution

� Riello SPS, various ratings

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E-MOBILITY / STORAGE: StreetScooter GmbH, Aachen, Ge rmany

StreetScooter is an electric vehicle manufacturer, owned by Deutsche Post DHL Group: it has plans to scale up to manufacture approximately 10,000 delivery vans annually, thus becoming the largest producer of electric light utility vehicles in Europe. Riello is collaborating with StreetScooter for the charging system: our SPS can utilize “second life” Lithium batteries, mains or renewables to feed the charge columns of the vehicle fleet.

The selection criteria

� Availability of the right device for the application

The solution

� Riello SPS, various ratings

Reliable Power for a sustainable World Riello UPS | Company profile 46


The infrastructure used in the naval sector is increasingly

technologically advanced and complex. At the same time it must provide an exceptional level of resilience and reliability under all operating and environmental conditions. Riello’s UPS is a partner of

Fincantieri since many years and its power continuity solutions play a major role in guaranteeing continuity to the critical shipboard equipment.

The selection criteria

� Long experience in shipboard UPS

� Custom design� Compliance with maritime

standards (RINA)

The solution

A typical cruise ship includes:

� 20 UPS of different ratings(5, 25, 50, 60, 70 kVA)

� 8 rectifiers of differentcapacity

All custom-designed

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HEALTHCARE: Medical Cities, S.A.

The Ministry of National Guard – Health Affairs manages medical

complexes scattered in all the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Riello UPS have been selected for the three newest “medical cities” in Riyadh (Maternity Hospital) and Jeddah (Neuroscience and Children

Hospitals), as well as for the next project in Qassim.




The selection criteria

� Flexible range, with models for differentapplications

� IP 21 protection

The solution:

� 3 x MHT 600� 1 x MHT 400� 1 x MHT 300� 5 x MHT 250� 5 x MHT 200� 5 x MHT 160� 6 x MHT 120� 21 x UPS btw. 10-80

Reliable Power for a sustainable World Riello UPS | Company profile 48

HEALTHCARE: Philips, Netherlands

Philips Healthcare has selected Riello UPS for the protection of their most sophisticated medical equipment: computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR). The project is worldwide and includes both 50 Hz CE and 60 Hz UL models.

The selection criteria

� Highest reliability� Transformer-based UPS� Compatibility with medical

environment� Selection test and factory

inspection beforequalification

The solution:

� Master HP 120 kVA (CE) / 125 kVA (UL)

� MST 80 / 125� Over 300 units delivered

to date (ongoing project)

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Reliable Power for a sustainable World

The content of this presentation (including texts, graphics, photos, tables, logos, etc.) and the presentation itself are protected by

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Any dissemination of the presentation and/or content or parts thereof is only permitted with written permission from RPS SpA. Without written permission of RPS SpA. this document and/or parts

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