Preschool News -...

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

National Day : Thu, 9 Aug 2018

Hari Raya Haji : Tue, 21 Aug 2018

Teacher’s Day : Fri, 31 Aug 2018

Hari Raya Celebration: Fri, 6 Jul 18

Disposition Day: Fri, 20 Jul 18

Racial Harmony cum National Day: Wed, 8 Aug 18

Nature Magnified Fieldtrip: Mon - Wed, 27 - 29 Aug 18

Superkinder Camp: Mon - Tue, 3 - 4 Sept 18

Mid Autumn Festival: Mon, 24 Sept18


Warm Greetings!

It had been an amazing Term 2 for both the teachers and their children and we would like to thank all parents and guardians for their support!

As we believe that children learn best through first hand experience, we had our first field trip to Koh Fah Technology Farm. It was an enriching experience as the children were exposed to the different types of vegetables grown there. We look forward to planning for more learning journeys for the children.

From the recent Parent-Teacher Conference that we had, I am glad to see the children’s progress in all aspects of their development through the documentations prepared by the respective teachers. We are looking forward to witness greater development from your children.

Lastly, we have also fully launched the MERCU Mobile App. Through this app, you will be able to communicate with the teachers and be updated of the centre’s happenings with the touch of a button. Do also remember to press the button after reading the circulars to acknowledge that you’ve read in the app. The button will display after you’ve done so.

Mdm Nur Afidah Suhaimi

Pg 2 : Launch of Project C.A.R.E & Term 2 Disposition Day Pg 3 : Mother’s Day/ Koh Fah Technology Farm Pg 4 : New Staff, Enrolment & Promotion Pg 5 : Infant Phoenix Pg 6 : Toddler Gremlins Pg 7 : Nursery 1 Unicorn Pg 8 : Nursery 1 Trolls Pg 9 : Nursery 2 Pixies Pg 10 : Kindergarten 1 Gnomes Pg 11 : Kindergarten 2 Dragon Pg 12 : Recommended Song & Facts about Nutrition Pg 13 : It’s Cookery Time! – Homemade Granola Bars Pg 14 : Tips for Parents - 10 Ways to Get Kids Eat Healthy Food Pg 15 : What Our Parents Say… Pg 16 : Our PMVV & Core Values

Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Launch of Project C.A.R.E On 20 April, children from Kindergarten 1

and 2 went to Our Tampines Hub for

Project C.A.R.E Launch. It is a project

collaboration with Singapore Red Cross.

They performed their dance and skit to promote Project

C.A.R.E that focusses on Care for Elderly, Care for Differently Abled and Care for


Disposition Day: Care

Children watched video on how to show care to others. From there, children

expressed their thoughts on showing care. They created crafts and posters to promote

values of giving care individually and in groups.

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Mother’s Day Celebration

A Journey to

Koh Fah Technology Farm

Children and teachers put extra effort for this year’s Mother’s Day celebration, held on 10 May. Children made their own invitation card, bouquet of flowers and fruit salad specially for their mummies.

The Preparation The Celebration

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On 15 May, children from Toddler to

Kindergarten 2 went to Koh Fah

Technology Farm. Children were given the opportunities to explore and discover

more about food that comes from plants like, aloe

vera, salad and lots more.

Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Teacher Sasnidar Infant Care Educarer Joined: 2 May 2018

Jaythdan Teo Zi Qi Nursery 2 Pixies Enrolled: 16 April 2018

Shaw’qi Athari Bin Irsha Iqbal Toddler Gremlins Promoted on: 1 May 2018

Ong Zhi Yuan Amelia Infant Phoenix Enrolled: 1 May 2018

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Infant Phoenix

This bubble play activity helps infants in enhancing their physical skills. They had an enjoyable time catching and popping the bubbles using their both hands and feet. In addition, it enhances their social skills as they interacted with each other during this activity. This helps them to boost their self-esteem too. Pop the bubbles, pop!

During this cookery lesson, teachers provided the opportunity for the infants to make no-bake chocolate biscuit muffin for their mummies as a token of appreciation. We hope the mummies enjoy the sweet treat made by their loved ones

Happy Mommies


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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Toddler Gremlins

Mixed Beans Exploration

The children were introduced to two different types of beans; green and red beans. They learnt to scoop and pour the beans using the spoons and the cups. They discovered more attributes such as the colours and the shape. They had such a wonderful time exploring together with their peers.

Gloopy Gloop

Children explored the texture of gloop using their hands and the sponge roller.

They talked and shared about what it feels like, in their own language. They learnt a new word, “sticky”

through this activity.

Ring in the Cone

The children were very excited each time when it is time for

outdoor games. In this activity, children took turns to insert the colourful rubber rings into the cone. The cone was then moved

further away from them and they were challenged to toss the

rubber ring to the cone. They persevered and did not give up in

the given task. Good job!

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Nursery 1 Unicorn

Cetakan Sayur-Sayuran

Murid-murid menggunakan batang sayur sawi untuk membuat “cetakan sayur” istimewa. Sambil menyebut “sawi”, murid-murid mencelup batang sawi ke dalam cat warna dan kemudian, mencetakkannya di atas kertas mereka. “Wow cantiknya!!”

Exploring Flowers and Mimosa

Children explored flowers and mimosa at the garden. They touched and observed the mimosa changes its movement. This activity helps to enhance their environmental awareness skills.


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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Nature Walk

Children had fun exploring the nature environment. This activity helps in enhancing their self and environmental-awareness skills. After picking up the leaves they washed, dried and used it for leaf

printing activity.

Warna Apakah Itu?

Apakah yang akan terjadi setelah guru campurkan cat warna dengan secawan air ini? Murid-murid

ghairah apabila diberi peluang untuk meneroka dan mencampurkan cat warna untuk mendapatkan warna yang berbeza. Sambil menyelam, minum air. Itulah

yang sedang dilakukan oleh murid-murid ini. Sambil seronok bermain, murid-murid mempelajari tentang warna seperti warna merah, biru, hijau dan kuning.



Nursery 1 Trolls

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Murid-murid diperkenalkan dengan budaya perkahwinan. Di dalam pelajaran tersebut, murid-murid Nurseri 2 diperkenalkan dengan bunga mangga. Setelah itu guru membimbing mereka dengan melakukan kraf tersebut. Mereka menggunakan kertas tisu dan memilih warna kegemaran mereka.

Budaya- Perkahwinan



Let’s Move to the Music

Children learnt through play from action songs like; 5

little monkeys jumping on the bed, baby shark and 5 little ducks. This activity

helps to improve their social interaction skills and

engagement through music.

Nursery 2 Pixies

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Fruits! Fruit! Fruits!

Children were introduced to different kinds of fruits and were encouraged to observe the properties of fruits before making comparisons and share what

they have learnt.

As children are given opportunities to develop their process skills, they begin to gain confidence and communicate

their ideas to their peers.

Murid-murid diperkenalkan dengan budaya

perkahwinan. Di dalam pelajaran tersebut

murid-murid Tadika 1 diperkenalkan dengan

bunga rampai. Setelah guru menunjukkan cara-

caranya, murid-murid membuat bunga rampai

mereka sendiri.

Budaya- Perkahwinan



Kindergarten 1 Gnomes

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Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Buah-buahan kegemaran kami

Murid-murid seronok melukis dan mengecat buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran kegemaran mereka.

Dengan menggunakan pelbagai cat warna,murid-murid bebas melukis dan mengecat buahan-buahan

dan sayur-sayuran pilihan mereka.


小朋友们一起阅读书籍,一起学习、互相帮助。 在阅读遇到不会的字词时,其他小朋友会互相帮助。提高小朋友的阅读能力。

Children were introduced to different paintings by famous artists like Van Gogh, Picasso and Eric Carle. They created their own

paintings that were inspired by these famous artists.

Kindergarten 2 Dragon

Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Nutrition is present in all processes of life.

Right from the very moment the sperm fertilizes an egg, through the fetal development in the uterus, to

the birth, human growth, maturity, old age, and eventual death. Even after death the human body

serves as nutrition for other organisms.


Tune in: There was a farmer had a farm

Healthy food is good for me EE I EE I O

And so I eat it happily EE I EE I O

With some rice here And some meat there

And more fruit and more veggies Healthy food is good for me


Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Ingredients: 2 cups quick cooking oats 1 cup almond butter ½ cup sliced almond/nuts ½ cup mini chocolate chips ¼ cup honey (more if needed) Optional: salt and cinnamon to taste

Instructions: Combine the all ingredients in a medium size bowl. Stir until well combined. Add more honey if needed to hold shape and salt and cinnamon to taste. Line a 8X8 pan with parchment paper, allowing the paper to fall over the edges. Press the oat mixture into the pan Place in the freezer for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until firm. Remove paper from pan and then cut large square in half. Then, cut each half into 6 rectangles. Wrap bars individually with parchment paper or plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator or freezer.


Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

1. Avoid placing restrictions on food. Instead of banning foods, talk about all the healthy, nutritional options there are -- encouraging your family to chose fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and low-fat dairy, while avoiding heavily processed, low-quality junk foods. 2. Keep healthy food at hand. Children will eat what's available. Keep fruit in a bowl on the counter. Remember, your child can only choose foods that you stock in the house. Have an apple for your own snack. 3. Don't label foods as "good" or "bad.“ Instead, tie foods to the things your child cares about, such as sports or doing well in school. Let your child know that lean protein such as turkey and calcium in dairy products give them strength for sports. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables add lustre to skin and hair. And eating a healthy breakfast can help them keep focus in class. 4. Praise healthy choices. Give your children a proud smile and praise when they choose healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, or low-fat dairy. 5. Don't nag about unhealthy choices. When children choose fatty, fried, unhealthy foods, redirect them by suggesting a healthier option. •Instead of regular potato chips and dip, offer baked tortilla chips and salsa. •If your child wants candy, try dipping fresh strawberries in a little chocolate sauce. Too busy? Keep naturally sweet dried fruit at home for quick snacks. •Instead of buying French fries, try roasting cut up potatoes in the oven (tossed in just a bit of oil).

6. Never use food as a reward. This could create weight problems in later life. Instead, reward your children with something physical and fun -- perhaps a trip to the park or a quick game of catch. 7. Sit down to family dinners at night. If this isn't a tradition in your home, make it one. Research shows that children who eat dinners at the table with their parents have better nutrition and are less likely to get in serious trouble as teenagers. Start with one night a week, and then work up to three or four, to gradually build the habit. 8. Prepare plates in the kitchen. You can put the right portion of each item on everyone's dinner plate, instead of offering up a food buffet or serve-yourself style. This way your children will learn to recognize healthy portion sizes. If adjusting to healthier portion sizes means smaller portions for your family, help make the switch seem less shocking by using smaller plates. 9. Give the kids some control. Ask your children to take three bites of all the foods on their plate and give each one a grade, such as A, B, C, D, or F. When healthy foods -- especially certain vegetables -- get high marks, serve them more often. Offer the items your children don't like less frequently. This lets your children participate in decision making. After all, dining is a family affair. 10. Consult your paediatrician. Always talk with your child's doctor before putting your child on a weight loss diet, trying to help your child gain weight, or making any significant changes in the type of foods your child eats. Never diagnose your child as too heavy or too thin by yourself.


Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter

Mother’s Day Celebration

“I like the ice-breaker activity and parent-child game. The

video dedication was enlightening. The handcraft and door gift given a sweet

gestures. It was thoughtful of the organizing committee to provide refreshment after the

event.” Shariaah

Maisarah’s Mom (K1 Gnomes)

Infant Care

“I would like to thank all dedicated infant teachers for

the tender loving care for Sumayyah throughout her

journey in Infantcare. She has been more open to explore her surroundings. Appreciate all

your efforts. Well done teachers!”

Muhd Aidillah Nur Sumayyah’s Father

(Infant Phoenix)

Child’s Development

“Dear Teacher Gee,

From the bottom of our hearts we would like to say

THANK YOU for taking care and nurturing our child. We truly appreciate everything that you did for our child.”

Suhailah Putri Aniqah Qayla’s Mom

(N2 Pixies)

Father’s Day Celebration

“Thank you teachers for these great gestures and I had fun bonding with my daughter,

Sorfina. Keep it up and all the best!”

Muhd Taufik Sorfina Mishel’s Father

(K2 Dragons)

Preschool News

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Buangkok (979C) Term 2, 2018 Newsletter


A First-Class Provider in Early Childhood Care Education


Provide a quality and innovative programme that

nurtures children to be socially responsible citizens, active learners and thinkers.


We believe in providing an engaging and positive

environment for the children to develop their potential to the fullest in all aspects of



C – Community and Parental Involvement We build a strong and trusting partnerships with the parents and the community to enhance the development of the children.

A – Active Learners We understand that children are natural and active learners. Through project work, thematic and integrated learning, they are given opportunities to explore, gather information and share knowledge.

R – Resourceful We continuously upgrade our teaching and learning resources in line with the latest developments in the field of early childhood education to enhance children’s learning experiences.

E – Excellence We strive for excellence in everything that we do.