Presbyterian Courier - Clover

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Presbyterian Courier


Pastor’s Corner Pastor’s Corner Pastor’s Corner Pastor’s Corner 1 1 1 1 Associate PastorAssociate PastorAssociate PastorAssociate Pastor 2 2 2 2 Music and ArtMusic and ArtMusic and ArtMusic and Art 3 3 3 3 Presbyterian WomenPresbyterian WomenPresbyterian WomenPresbyterian Women 6 6 6 6 YouthYouthYouthYouth 7 7 7 7 Kids’ Page 8Kids’ Page 8Kids’ Page 8Kids’ Page 8 Congregational Care Congregational Care Congregational Care Congregational Care

& Fellowship & Fellowship & Fellowship & Fellowship 9 9 9 9 Church & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & Community 11 11 11 11 November Birthdays November Birthdays November Birthdays November Birthdays 14 14 14 14 November CalendarNovember CalendarNovember CalendarNovember Calendar 15 15 15 15

Volume 14 November 2010 Issue 11

Please send information for the November newsletter to by November 15, 2010.

The Presbyterian Church of Bowling Green, Kentucky

. Pastoral Note

In one of our planning meetings, the Worship Committee suggested that the congregation might bene-fit from information about silence in worship. We have silence after the Welcome and Announce-ments and before the Prel-ude begins. We observe silence after the Prayer for Confession for personal con-fession. There is a brief silence after the Sermon. Often, the Prayers of the People involve short periods of silence as we collect our thoughts on items of prayer. Why do we do this? In one way, the answer is obvious. We create separa-tion between distinct parts of the worship service with an appropriate pause. We also can give greater focus to moments in worship if we leave ourselves time to think. Silence is strangely personal,

too; and it gives us all a moment to make the worship experience our own. Silence is also slightly counter-cultural. We may, sometimes, want to resist the drive to be busy, and driven, and noisy that is a hallmark of modern life. Sometimes, we may want to step outside the noise, and sense in a moment of quiet some of the depth and serenity of being God’s creatures, and crea-tures with spiritual lives that don’t have to be pressed into the spiritless shape of the hectic and hustling world. In 1831, Thomas Carlyle wrote this in Sartor Resartis: "Silence is the element in which great things fashion themselves together…Speech is of Time, Silence is of Eternity." And didn’t the crooner Frankie Valli once croon, “Silence is Golden?” Know You Are Loved, Matthew

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Have you ever wondered what your pastor reads? Well, maybe you haven’t and maybe you’re not curious so you can stop reading now. However, for all those that are curious as to what I have read, am reading, and will be reading, and if any of it is worthy to be read again here it goes.

When it comes to theological writings I bounce between several theologians but a limited list includes the following: -Rowan Williams: Tokens of Trust (actually parses out the Apostles’ Creed) and On Theology (a profound work on understanding the trinity) -Shirley Guthrie: Christian Doctrine (a concise and easily accessible work of theol-ogy) -Wendy Farley: Tragic Vision and Divine Compassion: A Contemporary Theodicy (which is one of the best explanations on suffering) and The Wounding and Healing of Desire -Edward Farley (and yes…. Wendy is the daughter of Ed): Divine Empathy: A The-ology of God and Good and Evil -Calvin: Institutes of the Christian Religion (a staple for a Presbyterian)

Recently I have spent a considerable amount of time reading practical ecclesial books about new movements around the country, which include the emergent church, new monasticism, and the postmodern church. So here are just a few of the titles.

-New Monasticism: What it has to say to Today’s Church -School(s) for Conversion: 12 Marks of a New Monasticism -The Practicing Congregation: Imagining a New Old Church -The Irresistible Revolution -Church on the Other Side

Now that it sounds like I only read theological and ecclesial books I do have to confess in true Presbyterian style that I do read some for leisure. The most recent books include A.J. Jacobs My Life as an Experiment and The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Two very different books but excellent. My future reading material is The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Enjoy reading! Rev. Kara J. Hildebrandt

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Music and Art Music and Art Music and Art Music and Art

Monday Afternoon with the Arts: November 2010 1:00PM The Ladies’ Parlor

Nov. 1 A History of Western Music—Part 87 Pizetti: Murder in the Cathedral Act Two Join us as we continue our major study of Western music in an historical perspective. Today we com-plete viewing a production of Ildebrando Pizetti’s opera Murder in the Cathedral, based on the T. S Eliot play of the same name. This performance was filmed at the Basilica di San Nicola, Bari and features Ruggero Raimondi as Thomas Becket. In Italian with English subtitles. Program length: 90 minutes Nov. 8 A History of Western Music—Part 88 Previn: A Streetcar Named Desire Act One Join us as we continue our major study of Western music in an historical perspective. Today we began viewing Andre Previn’s 1998 opera A Streetcar Named Desire in the world premiere production featur-ing Renee Fleming and Rodney Gilfrey. This production was staged by the San Francisco Opera and conducted by the composer. In English with English subtitiles. Program length: 90 minutes Nov. 15 A History of Western Music—Part 89 Previn: A Streetcar Named Desire Act Two Join us as we continue our major study of Western music in an historical perspective. Today we view Act Two of Andre Previn’s 1998 opera A Streetcar Named Desire in the world premiere production fea-turing Renee Fleming and Rodney Gilfrey. This production was staged by the San Francisco Opera and conducted by the composer. In English with English subtitiles. Program length: 90 minutes Nov. 22 A History of Western Music—Part 90 Previn: A Streetcar Named Desire Act Three Join us as we continue our major study of Western music in an historical perspective. Today we view Act Three of Andre Previn’s 1998 opera A Streetcar Named Desire in the world premiere production featuring Renee Fleming and Rodney Gilfrey. This production was staged by the San Francisco Opera and conducted by the composer. In English with English subtitiles. Program length: 90 minutes Nov. 29 Monday with the Arts will begin winter break. Programming will resume on Monday, January 24, when we will begin a survey of the visual arts.

For information about any of the Monday Afternoon with the Arts programming, please contact David Paul Gib-

son in the church office. All are invited to attend.

New art shows announced for Church Gallery

A NEW ART SHOW of jewelry entitled Jewelry Artistry began October 15th and will be available until December 2nd. This show features unique jewelry by two local artists, Kay Zoretic and Debby Modlin. Kay Zoretic crafts her jewelry from silver, gold, copper, and gemstones. Her jewelry, she says “is inspired from scripture” and is designed to “stimulate conversation about faith.” Debby Modlin’s jewelry consists of a variety of elements includ-ing sterling silver, pearls, glass beads, Swarovski crystal, and pearls. She restrings jewelry from family heirlooms and does custom pieces for clients. On Dec 2nd the Art Works exhibit will be hung. This annual renewing exhibit will show-case work by local artists.

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From the Director of Music

An Embarrassment of Riches

You may have noticed lately that there a number of new faces in the choir. (Actually, we currently have the largest choir ever with some thirty-five active members!) Many of those faces belong to Western Kentucky University students, and I believe that you might enjoy knowing a little about them, so here goes: Talor Barnett, alto – Collegiate Ensemble member, is a senior music education major at Western Kentucky University, where she has sung with the vocal ensembles and appeared in productions of Trial by Jury and The Devil and Daniel Webster. This past summer she was the Scarecrow in the Franklin-Simpson Arts Council production of The Wiz. This is Talor’s first year as a member of the Collegiate Ensemble. Eric Bigler, baritone, has sung with our Chancel Choir for many years. We have enjoyed watching his vocal journey from boy soprano down to today’s booming baritone. He is currently a sophomore music major at the university, where he is studying with Liza Kelly. Faith Byrd, soprano, is a junior music education major at Western Kentucky University, where she sings with numerous ensembles. Faith is a Bowling Green native and a fine addition to our soprano section. Sarah Capito, soprano – Collegiate Ensemble member, is pursuing a degree in Music Education at Western Kentucky University. A native of Bowling Green, she has been a member of The Presbyterian Church since childhood. While at WKU, Sarah has been a part of many groups and ensembles including the WKU Chorale, Women's Choir, and the Treblemakers, and is also a member of the professional music fraternity - Delta Omicron. Ellyn Kerchenski, alto, is a freshman horn major at the university who recently shared her talents with us by playing a lovely horn solo for worship. Ellyn is affiliated with the Russell-ville Presbyterian Church, is a graduate of Logan County High School, and is a welcome member of the choir’s alto section. Katie Knight, soprano, is a sophomore music major at the university studying with Lisa Hussung. Katie is a graduate of Bowling Green High School, and can often be found play-ing ping pong with Eric Bigler between Sunday morning services. Katie is also a fine clarinetist and a great addition to our choir. Travis Lowe, baritone - Collegiate Ensemble member, is a senior at Western Kentucky University where he is pursuing a Music Education degree. Travis has sung the title role in Puccini’s Gianni Schicchi and the role of the judge in Sullivan’s Trial by Jury at WKU, and recently performed the role of the Cowardly Lion in the Franklin-Simpson Arts Council pro-duction of The Wiz. As a long-standing member of the Ensemble, Travis has shown exem-plary leadership and dedication. He is also currently directing our youth choir, N’SPIRE. We look forward to watching Travis as he continues his education and moves into a profes-sional music career.

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watching his vocal journey from boy soprano down to today’s booming baritone. He is

Gregory McCord, tenor– Collegiate Ensemble mem-ber, holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music from Western Kentucky Univer-sity and is currently pursu-ing a Vocal Education de-gree. After graduation, Gregory’s plans include teaching music locally. Gregory is a long-standing member of the Collegiate Ensemble and has been directing the King’s Kids to great success. Gregory is married to soprano Sarah McCord, who for many years served as the princi-pal soprano in the Colle-giate Ensemble. We are blessed to have both of the McCord’s as members of our church family and Chancel Choir, where Gregory is preparing to serve as deacon. Jonathan Whitman , tenor, is a freshman art major from Russellville, Kentucky. Jonathan is a graduate of Logan County High School and we are delighted to have him join the tenor section of the Chancel Choir. Jonathan has recently agreed to be-come our choral librarian and will be working closely with me as we reorganize our music library in the months ahead. We are so fortunate to have these gifted young people working in our Music Ministry. They truly bring “an embarrassment of riches” to our church family. Wishing you and yours the joys of Thanksgiving in the month ahead. David Paul Gibson Director of Music

Talor Barnett Eric Bigler Faith Byrd

Sarah Capito Ellyn Kerchenski Katie Knight

Travis Lowe Gregory McCord Jonathan Whitman

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Presbyterian WomenPresbyterian WomenPresbyterian WomenPresbyterian Women

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. William Arthur Ward

Let me add to that my special thanks to Susan Leachman for providing liturgical dancers as an elegant beginning for our Gathering. And thanks to all of the Circles and the handful of men who made sure that our guests were well-parked, well-greeted and well-fed! Not to mention the attention to countless details that make the difference between an ordinary meeting and a wonderful occasion. Our own Reverend Kara Hildebrandt set a thoughtful, reflective tone in her Com-munion meditation, while Kelly Goad presented his serious subject matter with humor and a touch of grace. Let me join the many others who complemented all of you on your great job. By the end of the Gathering, we collected $568.00 for Living Waters for the World and an additional $170.95 for Least Coin. And, to top it off, we sold half a dozen cookbooks! Thanks again to everyone for a marvelous job. Shirley Schoen, PW Moderator


Following our Gathering, PW Presbytery Moderator, Rose Morgan wrote: “Shirley said it all—’Presbyterian Women Rock!!’ The PW of Bowling Green did a wonderful job putting together the PW Fall Gathering. Everything was lovely, delicious and well organized. Thank you for all your hard work. Blessings to you all.”

Where will the 2010 Thank Offering go? A few of our projects this year are:

���� An outdoor play area and outdoor education curriculum for preschoolers in Georgia ���� Provide life skills training for survivors of domestic violence in New York ���� Provide pediatric assessment and treatment in Malawi ���� Repair/rebuild housing in Mississippi ���� Meet basic and self-sufficiency needs of homeless women and children in Colorado ���� Offer food, baby supplies, and hygiene kits in Minnesota ���� Pay for dental health care for low income people in Illinois ���� Install showers for use by homeless families at a church in Pennsylvania ���� Purchase laundry equipment for a center for elderly people in Israel/Palestine ���� Build 80 brick stoves in Guatemala, reducing health hazards of cooking over open fires ���� Establish a clergy counseling network in Arkansas ���� Renovate a primary school in Ukraine ���� Build a Sunday School room in Sudan ���� Repair the Mission Ranch worship center in Haiti ���� Construct a women’s activities building for a church in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Youth Ministry News Youth Ministry News Youth Ministry News Youth Ministry News

COME TO SUNDAY SCHOOL! Sunday School begins at 9:45am. Chris Guthrie leads Junior Highs in “Faithfully Asking Questions”. Terry Shoemaker leads a Senior High hybrid class with parents & adults. The theme is social justice and how it relates to the bible and theology.

Check out the new Youth Group Website: click on the photos to enter. You’ll find upcoming events, a calendar, and a youth group dinner sign up list.


November 12-14 WKY Presbytery Fall Youth Retreat at Camp Loucon.

(Grades 6-12) “Life Together” is the theme. Cost is $50 per person. We need everyone to attend this event. Terry Shoemaker will be the keynote speaker. TWENTY LOAVES is coming….stay tuned to the church bulletin for more info! ANGLE TREE We will again adopt children from McNeil Elementary. The Angel Tree will be set up in the 10 Street Foyer beginning on Sunday November 28. We will deliver the gifts on December 18. The entire congregation is encourage to adopt an angel. The Youth Group will set up the tree and deliver the gifts.

December 19 we will have a Western Kentucky Youth Council Lock-in at our church. The youth from other churches in our Presbytery will be invited. This will be another opportunity to get to know other Presbyterian youth in our area.

January 12-14, 2011 Ski Trip to Perfect North Slopes

This will be our third year in a row to Perfect North. Cost is $125 per person and includes lift/tubing ticket, equipment rental, meals, transportation, and lodging.

June 11-18, 2011 Senior High Mission Trip to New Orleans. This is a Western Kentucky Presbytery event. Total Cost for the trip is $400 per person. Registration deadline with $60 deposit is due by January 3, 2011. We will do some fundraising to help offset the cost. This trip is for rising 9th graders thru graduating seniors.

July 16-23, 2011 Montreat Summer Youth Conference. For rising 9th graders thru graduated seniors. Cost has increased to $350 due to rising conference & housing fees.

Jr/Sr High Youth Group is from 6:00-8:00pm every Sunday. All students in grades 6-12 are welcome. For more information, contact David Muffett, Director of Youth Ministries:, 270.202.2776 or 270.843.4707

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Kids’ Page Kids’ Page Kids’ Page Kids’ Page

Come join us for King’s Kids at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in room 203!

Let’s continue working our way through the alphabet as we learn about God and how He wants us to live. This month’s letter is “E” for Eternal Life. God promises eternal life to people who believe in God.

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Congregational Care & FellowshipCongregational Care & FellowshipCongregational Care & FellowshipCongregational Care & Fellowship

In SympathyIn SympathyIn SympathyIn Sympathy

Sympathy is extended to the following members and friends of this church who have recently lost loved ones:

Friends of Allen Limes Joe Survant and family in the death of Jeannie Survant Bette Smith in the death of Mason Leathers David Gibson in the death of his daughter-in-law Gary and Mary Hext in the death of her mother, Jessie T. Shirley Kara Hildebrandt in the death of her grandmother, Wilma Hudgins Aydelott

Jonathan Whitman in the death of his grandfather, James Henderson Linda Hollifield in the death of her mother, Ruth Stuckey

Gordoneers meet Friday, November 12 at 6:30 PM. Open to all adults. Bring a dish to share. $2.50 covers meat and drinks. Program will be what we do best, "Sing-Along". For further info: Contact Arnie at 270-904- 0393 or

Suppers for Six In the coming months, we will mix up the fellowship notion of Suppers for Six. "Suppers for Six" will encourage couples and singles to sign up to meet in groups of six in a local restaurant or in the home. The responsibility for choosing location and a time will rotate between three couples (and/or pair of sin-gles) over a three month period. Each couple will pay for their own meals. We will begin in January. Please sign up with Cheryl at the church (843-4707).

Questions? Please contact Ann Covington at or 846-4325.

Thanksgiving Dinner to be served in Fellowship Hall

Thanksgiving Dinner will be served in the Fellowship Hall on Thanks- giving Day at noon. Turkey, stuffing, and rolls will be provided. Please bring your favorite dish/dessert to share. Please call the church office to make a reservation by November 15, 2010. Thanksgiving Day Dinner volunteers are sought! If you can set up, decorate, and/or clean up please

contact Cheryl Gregory in the church office to sign up.

A new Sunday School class is being offered – Confident Christian Parenting in the 21

st Century. This class meets in Room 202, and is being led by Corrie Vos

and Derrick Mason. All are welcome to attend.

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Earlene Newman Day was celebrated on October 24, 2010

A grand celebration was held on Sunday, October 24, 2010 in recognition of Earlene Holton Newman, the longest standing member of this congregation.

Earlene was born to Meade Estin and Henrietta Underwood Holton in TN. The family moved to BG in 1924 when she was 7. She is the oldest of 8 children.

She has attended this church since 1924 except for a few early years of her marriage. She was confirmed as a member when she was 12. With her parents, brothers and sisters she was actively involved in the mission and ministry of Little Rock Church in Delafield for

37 hears. Many Sundays, she “went to church twice”, attending here in the morning and teaching SS in the afternoon at Little Rock. She graduated from BGHS.

Earlene married BG native Robert Newman in 1935. For a few years they resided in Owensboro and Cave City before settling in Bowling Green. During those years Bob served as a civil servant of the Federal Government. They were married 52 years prior to his death.

Earlene worked 32 years as a salesperson and a model for Pushin’s department store on the square.

During her adult years at this church Earlene has been a member of Circle 5 and currently Circle 3. She has served as president, secretary/treasurer and Bible study leader. She and her husband were active members of the Presbyterian Men and Women’s group and she served as secretary/treasurer “for life” since Dorothy Pearson refused to allow anyone else’s name to be considered. Earlene was the “only one who knew anything about it” according to Dorothy.

Earlene and her husband were avid fishermen and fished all of the lakes around here, even those in TN. She enjoyed sewing, doing needlework, helped organize and was a member of Springhill Homemakers Club for over 40 years. One of her recipes from that club is printed on page 148 of The Presbyterian Church cookbook.

Earlene is a devoted “Aunt E” to nieces, nephews and one great, great nephew. She has two surviving brothers, John and Charlie. She is very fond of this church and considers its members to be her second family.

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Church & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & CommunityChurch & Community

Church library undergoes renovation

The library is undergoing a renewal. All books are being classi-fied and shelved anew. Books may be checked out during this phase. When completed, the library will be more self service oriented. A lend a book club will be started for those who enjoy leisure reading.

Peacemaking task force expresses thanks

The Peacemaking task force extends our thanks to all who attended the presenta-tion by Matt Lang of the PCUSA Peacemaking Program on World Communion Sunday and to those who contributed to the Peacemaking Offering. Hearing about Matt’s work with our church partners in the Philippines reminds us of the value of supporting both the long term mission work of our denomination and special pro-jects that fall under the umbrella of the Peacemaking Program (such as providing election monitors). Your generosity resulted in the collection of $1,002.25 in this years offering. Twenty five percent of that amount will be used for local Peacemak-ing projects, twenty five percent will support Presbytery and Synod initiatives and 50% will go to support of the PCUSA Peacemaking program which is solely funded through this offering. A special note of thanks to Corrie and Arvin Vos for the hospi-tality offered to our guest.

We also wish to thank all of you who supported the Backyard Chicks project. We were able to provide 12 families with starter kits and feed as well as distribute 45 chicks.

A special thanks goes to Pam Kielty and Steve Todd for their ongoing work in coor-dinating the Fair Trade Coffee Project. They have put in many hours maintaining our program and have expanded it by including orders from the Episcopal Church while assisting Holy Spirit in setting up their denomination's version. Not only does this program supply many with the opportunity to purchase a fair trade product but supports the independent farmer/producers and raises money for micro lending to women.

Thursday evening Sept. 30th the Interfaith Coalition on Earth Care, a group that formed out of last spring’s Interfaith Earth Care Conference, held a member’s meeting at the Presbyterian Church. This group uses care of creation as a shared concern of the faith communities to bring together people to pray with and support

Continued on page 12

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one another in learning about, and advocating for the ways we as individuals and people of faith can engage in healing and preserving God’s gift of the earth. Those attending shared a pot luck meal of locally grown foods, and watched the film “Dirt” which celebrates the amazing life-sustaining properties of the soil beneath our feet. Future plans include joining the Unitarian congregation at Shanty Hollow Lake Appre-ciation Day, a day of thanksgiving and celebration of that area and producing a guide to Recycling in the Bowling Green, Warren County area. It was a great pleasure to have the opportunity to share our facility with this group.

If you are interested in learning more about the scope and significance of Presbyterian Peace-making you are invited to join us in any of a vari-ety of initiatives as a member of the task force. Contact: Susan Webb (mshw6, Ann Rudolph or Tom Moody.

Presbyterian Coffee Project set to take orders

Orders will be taken on Sunday, November 21, 2010 in Fellowship Hall from 9:30 -11:00 a.m. for fairly-traded coffee, tea, chocolate, and snack items. All orders will be shipped in time for use as Christmas gifts. Please be ready to prepay your order by check or cash.

Over the past four years, thanks to your commitment, our congrega-tion has ordered approximately $14,000 worth of products through our partnership with the Equal Exchange Fair Trade Project. A per-centage of these proceeds has been returned to our denomination for use in its own Small Farmers Project. Thanks to your generosity our congregation has also made a donation to coffee farmers in Co-lumbia and women coffee farmers in Mexico.

New approach announced Same Manna Mart, New Approach During November we will ask that each time you enter our historic building of worship and service, you bring a canned good with you. Receptacles will be places near entryways. Going to church? Bring a canned good. Going to Sunday School? Bring a canned good. Going to youth group? Bring a canned good. Going to Circle? Bring a canned good. Going to Gordoneers? Bring a canned good. And thank you for helping others!

Continued from page 11

Page 13

A Word from Bellewood, our “Benevolence of the Month”

Bellewood is a nonprofit ministry serving abused, homeless and at-risk youth throughout Kentucky since 1849. We reclaim, educate and empower struggling children and families so they may lead healthy, independent lives.

More than a century and a half has passed since the members of four Presbyterian churches sought to address the needs of homeless and abandoned children in Kentucky, forming what became Bellewood Home for Children. Since that time, we have evolved from a single orphanage to a statewide agency with a multitude of care programs.

As the needs of youth and families change, so do our services. We face issues head-on that many people choose to ignore, and we make limitless strides to ensure our programs lead to successful, healthy lives for the young people in our hands,

Two years ago, we saw the growing need for better foster homes in Kentucky. After careful planning, we decided to take a fresh approach to this form of childcare and initiated Therapeutic Foster Care.

Bellewood’s program works to secure the best match between foster parents and a child. Additionally, we provide extensive training to parents and offer continuous support to homes in an effort to ensure the child’s safety, stability and success.

In just the past two years, our program’s numbers have more than quadrupled. We have 65-and growing foster homes registered with us, and our reach is stretching across Kentucky.

We are more proud than ever that some of our first foster parents are starting to adopt. These individuals worked extremely hard to provide for and educate their children. They opened their homes to young ones who were either abused or aban-doned and provided them with an opportunity to live a better life, an the impact they’re making is immeasurable.

By taking just one child, a parent is stopping the cycle of abuse and neglect that has been tolerated for generations.

Our ability to help these troubled young people is made possible through the prayers and ongoing partnerships with local churches. We are indescribably grateful for your support and it is our hope to continue growing the relationship with you. Sally Pendleton — — 502.245.4171

Page 14

November BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember BirthdaysNovember Birthdays

November 1

Sharon Hendrix

Curtiss Long

Allison Siddens

November 3

Frances Budde

Gary Hanks

Kyle Johnston

November 4

Trudy Burkeen

November 5

John Coates

Myrtle Hepler

November 6

Hayward Beliles

Stuart Kernohan

Evan Sharp

November 7

Claire Covington

November 8

Melinda Fry

November 9

Rosamond Beard

November 10

Jean Coverdale

Bradley Thomison

November 11

Haley Carter

November 12

Ryan Cook

Cindi Crocker

Lloyd Ferguson

November 13

Julie Spencer

Denny Wedge

November 14

Lola Baker

November 15

Carter Clemons

November 17

Grant Clemons

Mary Dillingham

November 18

Emily Kessler

Sarah Kessler

Peggy Truman

November 20

David Muffett

November 21

Sue Allis

Mike Cobb

November 22

David Coverdale

Cindy Tanner

November 23

Sandy Franklin

November 24

Bob Bueker

Frederick DeVries

George Dillingham

November 25

Jean Harris

Anne Multerer

Charles Reid

George Watson

November 26

Norma Johnson

David Stites

November 27

Basil Jones

November 28

Miguel Castro

Clemette Haskins

Robert Hayes

November 29

Susan Elms

Ellen Gott

November 30

Trevor Webb

David Yusk

Page 15

November Calendar of EventsNovember Calendar of EventsNovember Calendar of EventsNovember Calendar of Events Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 10:00am MM Ed 11:00am Circle 3 4:30pm Youth

Orch. 7:00pm English Country Dancing

2 Election Day 9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special

Care 4:30pm Peace-

making 7:00pm Deacons

3 7:00pm

Chancel Choir


5 10:00am




7 Time changes 8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High

Youth All Saints’ Sunday

8 10:00am Prayer

Shawls 11:30am Circle 9 4:30pm Youth

Orch. 7:00pm English Country Dancing

9 9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special

Care 5:00pm Worship

Min 6:30pm Missions 7:00pm Evening

Circle 7:00pm Camera


10 9:15am Wed.

Morn Circle 9:30am Circle 6

6:00pm Dinner

7:00pm Robert


11 3:00pm



12 10:00am


Prayer 6:30pm Gordoneers Camp





14 Pledge Dedica-

tions 8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

School 9:45am Sun. Morn.

Circle 11:00am Worship 12:00pm Luncheon 4:00pm Rainbow


15 4:30pm Youth

Orch. 7:00pm English Country Dancing

16 9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special

Care 11:00am Finance

Min. 7:00pm Session

17 11:00am Circle 4 7:00pm

Chancel Choir


19 10:00am




21 8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


22 4:30pm Youth

Orch. 7:00pm English Country Dancing

23 9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special

Care 7:00pm Christian

Ed. Min.


25 Thanks-


office closed




28 1st Sunday of

Advent 8:30am Worship 9:45am Sunday

School 11:00am Worship 4:00pm Rainbow

Ringers 6:00pm Jr./Sr. High


29 4:30pm Youth

Orch. 7:00pm English Country Dancing

30 9:30 Staff Mtg. 11:00am Special



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The Presbyterian Church 1003 State Street Bowling Green, KY 42101 (270)843-4707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED

Non-Profit Organization Permit No. 202

U. S. Postage Paid Bowling Green, KY

The Presbyterian Church Bowling Green, Kentucky


The Presbyterian Church Staff

Dr. Matthew W. Covington Pastor Rev. Kara Hildebrandt Associate Pastor David Paul Gibson Director of Music Thomas N. Moody Organist David Muffett Director of Youth Ministries Terry Shoemaker Dir. of Youth & College in Missions Richard Barefoot Administrator Steve Moore Treasurer Cheryl Gregory Secretary Dana Patterson Director, Preschool Learning Center Cedric Whitney Custodian Deborah Flynn Sunday Sexton Sheila Reeves Newsletter Editor

“Our reason for being is to manifest

the good news of Jesus Christ in

word and deed so that disciples are

made by means of inspiring and

engaging worship, relevant and

reliable education, compassionate

and caring fellowship, meaningful

and magnanimous outreach, to the

glory of God.”

November 2010

Monday, November 15th is the deadline Monday, November 15th is the deadline Monday, November 15th is the deadline Monday, November 15th is the deadline for the December 2010 newsletter. for the December 2010 newsletter. for the December 2010 newsletter. for the December 2010 newsletter.

Send your information to your information to your information to your information to

Newsletters are available on-line at