Presby-Notes...Earl & Vera Lyons, Shannon Fanning (Ardyth Orwen’s son-in-law) Judy Knispel, Cathy...

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Transcript of Presby-Notes...Earl & Vera Lyons, Shannon Fanning (Ardyth Orwen’s son-in-law) Judy Knispel, Cathy...

Dear Members and Friends,

I am quite excited when we start a new year of preaching and study on the second cycle of the Lectionary, Year B. The emphasis in this cycle will be on the gospel of Mark with some references from John’s gospel throughout the year.

Since Advent is the beginning of this new year, it would be interesting and timely to consider the birthing of what is to come. Of course, we look to the anticipated celebration of the Christ’s birth, but also the birthing of a new ministry or the call of a new pastor. When one thinks about the anticipation of who that new pastor will be, it is like the anticipation of a child’s birth. However, one knows with some certainty when the child will be born, whereas the call of a new pastor is not so easy to track. The Pastor Nominating Committee is hard at work to make sure that this new pastor is called in due time without any delay. My reflections with you are to help us patiently and expectantly anticipate that person’s selection. In the meantime, we are still birthing the opportunities. Use the moments of worship that highlight the anticipated arrival of the Christ-Child as encouragements for the call of a new pastor. Use those moments for anything else that is anticipated – a birthing of something new that one is ex-pecting in their own life.

This season will include the Caroling of the Shut-in on December 3rd, the Children’s Christmas program on December 10th, and the Choirs performing their concert for the church and public on the afternoon of December 17th. Also, note that there is a change on Christmas Eve, December 24th. We will not have worship on Sunday morning, Christmas Eve, but will have worship and communion on Christmas Eve night at 7:00 PM.

In your own family life, find some devotional moment or prayer time to think of the preparations your fami-ly does in planning for Christmas. How is it like a family getting ready for a new member of the family to be born? It can be both exciting and scary of what is to come. My encouragement to all of us is to look ahead with excite-ment for something great is coming and ready to give birth this Advent Season! The greatest anticipation is the celebration of the Messiah’s birth! Yours with anticipation,

Pastor John Duling

Contact Us:

First Presbyterian Church

321 North 5th Street

PO Box 654 Email:

Beatrice, NE 68310 Website:

402-223-3933 Facebook: First Presbyterian Church—Beatrice, Nebraska

It is the mission of First Presbyterian Church of Beatrice to know Christ, to make Christ known and to exhibit Christ’s love through worship, education and service

December 2017


Attendance in October: 10/1; @Christ Church Episcopal: 10/8—64; 10/15—

65; 10/22—77; 10/29—58: November: 11/5—53; 11/12—69.

The Session voted to hold only one service on Christmas Eve at 7:00pm.

Warren’s Table served 25 people on November 7th. Next time we serve is January 2, 2018.

A Congregational Meeting to elect Elders will be December 3rd following worship service.

Pastor John will be holding Advent classes during Sunday School hour December 3, 10 and 17, The tittle Birthing


The youth Christmas Program will be December 10 with a soup luncheon following. Proceeds of the Luncheon

will go to the JOYS mission trip fund.

December 3 during Sunday School Hour Gingerbread Houses will be made again this year, and all are invited to


Next stated meeting is December 18 with committees meeting at 6:00 and the Session meeting at 6:30.

Shirley Mitschler, Carol Straub, Donna Knoche, Keith Knoche, Bob Hancock, Josh Johnson, Charlotte Carney, Phyllis Engelman, Mary Hancock, Diane Mayer, Marie Kerl, Dennis Prebyl, Henry Kerl, Harry Milke, Cindy Ahl-strand, Mary Mullen, Dorothy Appleget, Willard Engelman, Dorothy Rockemann, Ruth Jensen (hospice), and Wil-liam Cook III.

Also: Lori Eckert, Pat Morris, Steve Arneal, Jake Frana, Elizabeth Shotkoski-Jurgens, Timothy Briskey (Jane Beavers’ brother), Richard Crom, Carol Koslofsky (Fran Martin’s sister), Skylar Nicola, Mike Willet, Elmer Cook, Linnel Rials, Earl & Vera Lyons, Shannon Fanning (Ardyth Orwen’s son-in-law) Judy Knispel, Cathy Carel, Stan Martin (Gene Mar-tin’s brother), Nancy Chalupa, Jon Lucas Warren, Hope Johns (Maxine Arneal’s great granddaughter and Imogene Johnson (Connie Dake’s sister). Our sympathy is with Jerry and Ardys Milke and family on the passing of Jerry’s father, Harry Milke, on Thurs-day, November 30.

Sermons for December

Sermons and Pastor’s Advent Class Topics for December: “Birthing Advent”

3rd Alert! Mark 13:24-37. Pastor’s class and worship.

10th Class topic: Thanks for Waiting! 2 Peter 3:8-15a. Children’s Christmas Program at Worship.

17th “Becoming” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24. Pastor’s Class and Worship.

24th Christmas Eve Communion Service, 7 PM “To You is Born” Luke 2:1-14. No class held.

30th Guest Minister

December 3 Gingerbread Houses,

9:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Bring candy to share and a box to decorate! Frosting

and graham crackers provided. Church Fellowship lunch after worship

then caroling to shut-ins. Food will be provided.

Wednesdays December 6, 13, & 20 Advent Kids 6:15-7:30 p.m.

Supper will be provided.

December 10 Children’s Christmas Program

“A Super Christmas” JOYS will host their annual

Soup Luncheon at 11:30 Free will donations go to support future

mission trips



Westminster Guild

Westminster Guild met Monday evening at 6:30 p.m. in the church parlor for their No-vember meeting and pot luck supper.

Fran Martin was the hostess decorating ta-bles with late “Fall Treasures” and dark chocolate.

Ardys Milke and Missy Sohl provided cakes.

Plans will be finalized at the December 4th meeting concerning our holiday giving for 2017.

Devotions were presented by Missy as was the treasurer’s report.

Due to illness Shirley Mitschler, Carol Straub, Dorothy Appleget and Donna Knoche were remembered through prayer.

Come join us the first Monday in December, same time - same place, for fellowship and a covered dish meal. Hope you can enjoy all the Christmas events our church has planned.

PW met Thursday, November 16, 2017 in the church parlor.

Sue Jedlicka and Ardys Milke served as hostesses. The tables were decorated with festive Thanksgiving decorations.

A thank you was received from the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance for the $500.00 sent for the disaster relief fund.

A big thank you also goes out to everyone who helped with the Holi-day Dinner on November 12.

Lynn Carothers and Sharon Langvardt received the Honorary Life Membership award. Congratulations to them both.

Bette Anne Thaut led the Bible Study “In Community with the Living Word”.

Our Christmas Tea will be December 7th from 1:30-3:30 at the PEO Home. Everyone is encouraged to bring a Christmas ornament from their tree. All women and guests are welcome.

We will have our next regular meeting January 18, 2018 in the church parlor.

The PW Book Club selection for January is

Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick.


December 3:

Jason & Gail Sutter, Torian Sutter

December 10:

Sam Rennick & Joyce Jeffries

December 17 :

Neil & Linda McConnell, Amanda Fossler

December 24: No morning worship service

Christmas Eve Service at 7:00 p.m.

December 31:

Neil & Linda McConnell

Pastor John’s Advent classes will be held December 3, 10 & 17 at 9:15 a.m.

Gingerbread Houses will be constructed on Sunday, December 3, at 9:15 a.m. in Fellowship Hall. Bring candy to share and a box to decorate! Frosting and graham crackers will be provided.

Church Fellowship will meet for lunch at 11:30, Sunday, December 3, then go caroling to shut-ins afterward.

Food will be provided.

Westminster Guild meets Monday, December 4, at 6:30 p.m. in the church parlor.

Advent Kids will meet Wednesdays December 6, 13, & 20 from 6:15-7:30 p.m. Supper will be provided.

PW will enjoy their annual Christmas Tea Thursday, December 7 from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the PEO Home.

The Children’s Christmas Program, A Super Christmas, will be December 10 during worship.

JOYS will host their annual Soup Luncheon afterward at 11:30 in Fellowship Hall. Freewill donations go toward future mission trips.

The Music Department will present

“A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols” on Sunday, December 17th at 3:00 pm.

Make plans to attend!

New address: Phyllis Engelman—Heritage Care Center—909 17th Street, Room #213—Fairbury, NE 68352—No Phone

Wilma Huff—4324 North 132nd Street, Apartment #103—Omaha, NE 68164 Phone: 402-614-0008 Keith & Donna Knoche—Homestead House—2300 Lincoln Street, Apartment #20—Beatrice

There will be no morning worship service on Sunday, December 24. The Christmas Eve Service will be at 7:00 p.m.

There will be no Sunday School December 24 & 30.



You are cordially invited to the annual PW Christmas Tea

Thursday, December 7, 2017

1:30 - 3:30 p.m. at the PEO Home.

All Presbyterian Women and guests are invited.

Please plan to attend to enjoy some wonderful goodies, caroling and fellowship!

****Bring a favorite ornament that holds special meaning to share!****


Congratulations To!

Steven and Anni Paulmeyer on the birth of son Harris Steven on Tuesday, November 14. He joins big brothers Barret and Robert.

Grandparents are Don and Connie Harmon.

Brian Daake 1

Suzanne Byler 5

Matt McConnell 5

Norma Wiseman 5

Richard Scheideler 6

Roger Eskra 7

Kristin Jurgens 7

Colten Daake 12

Linda Nuismer 16

Maria Ojeda 18

Jessica Brinkman 21

Melissa Sohl 30

Church Fellowship will meet for lunch at 11:30 a.m.

Sunday, December 3, then go caroling to our homebound afterward.

Food will be provided.

Christmas Caroling

Pastor Nominating Committee Update

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has been meeting weekly to evaluate the resumes that have been submit-ted to the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) at the Presbyterian Church USA national headquarters. The PNC receives twenty-five Pastor Information Form (PIF) matches at a time and the matches are based on the number of characteristics that match our church. The resumes are read and rated by each member of the committee and then the members share their ratings of each candidate. Those candidates at the top of the list of each group of twenty-five are contacted with a short email informing them of our interest in them and asking if they are interested in First Presbyterian Church of Beatrice. Those that are interested in our church receive a phone call to update them on where our church is in the selection process and asking if they have questions for us. Currently, the PNC is contact-ing references of potential candidates from our first three batches as well as continuing to read PIF’s from the CLC. The PNC has read approximately one-hundred PIF’s with approximately thirty more to go. Remember, each time the PNC reads a set of PIF’s the committee begins the process of making contact with those on the short list to let them know of our interest. Finding the best candidate for our church is goal for the PNC and achieving that goal takes time based on the number of PIF’s that need to be read and evaluate. The PNC will continue to push forward to reach the goal as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The congregation is asked to give prayerful support to the members of the PNC in two ways: 1) Lift up each person of the PNC in prayer each day of the week Sunday – Jesse Bolli Thursday – Doris Martin Monday – Randy Schlueter Friday – Lennie Strader Tuesday – Missy Sohl Saturday – Paul Hay Wednesday – Suzanne Byler 2) Pray for the work of the PNC to be a cohesive unit in all that they do. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

First Presbyterian Church Music Department Presents

“A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols”

Sunday - December 17th

3:00 pm.

“The traditional Service of Lessons and Carols is synonymous with Christmas celebrations. Telling the story of humanity’s fall from grace in The Garden of Eden through the promise of redemption in the messianic prophecies and the birth of Jesus, these beloved services intersperse Bible readings with the singing of Christmas carols and hymns.” (Lorenz Publishing Company)

We welcome anyone and everyone who would like to be a part of this special service! We will need readers, deco-rators, stage designers, cookie bakers, and singers. If you do not have time to commit to weekly choir rehearsals, but still love to sing, this is the perfect time to join us! Sign-up sheets will be available in the Narthex and rehearsals will begin in December.