
Post on 11-May-2015

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The beginnings of art history, from neolithic cave paintings to the advent of civilization and writing.

Transcript of Prehistory

Pre-Historic Europe

Hohle Fels Figurine, c. 35-40,000 BCE

Human with Feline Head, c. 32,000 BCE

Venus of Willendorf, c. 28-25,000 BCE

Various Animals, Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc, c. 35-25,000 BCE

Wounded Bison, Altamira, c. 15-10,000 BCE

Spotted Horses, Pech-Merle, c. 16,000 BCE

Female and Male Figures, c. 3500 BCE

Stonehenge, Salisbury Plains, England, c. 3000 BCE

Skulls with Plaster and Shell, Lower Galilee, Israel, c. 6-7,000 BCE

Ancient Near East

Sumerian Cuneiform, c. 2500 B.C.E.,

Royal Standard of Ur, c. 2700 B.C.E.,

Ziggurat of Ur, c. 2100 B.C.E.

Law Code Stele of King Hammurabi, Babylonian, 1792-1750 B.C.E.

Sacking of Susa by Ashurbanipal, North Palace, Nineveh, 647 B.C.E.

Ishtar Gate and Processional Way, Babylon, c. 575 B.C.E.