Pregnant Miscarriage

Post on 17-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Pregnant Miscarriage

Abortus ImminensThreatened Miscarriage

dr. Hendy Buana Vijaya

Pembimbing :dr. I Made Yudhi Sp. OG

Nama : Ny. SrUmur : 37 thRM : 151560Alamat : PT. GSIPPekerjaan : IRTMRS : 07 Februari 2015

Data Pasien

Autoanemnesis ( 07 Februari 2015)

• Pasien mengaku hamil dan mengeluh keluar darah dari jalan lahir 1 hari sebelum masuk RS (06 Februari 2015) pada petang hari. Pasien mengeluh hanya berupa gumpalan-gumpalan, sebelum maupun saat keluar darah pasien tidak ada mengeluh nyeri perut. Pasien menyangkal ada terjatuh, berhubungan/kumpul dengan suami, berpijat, maupun meminum obat-obatan. Pasien juga menyangkal adanya demam, kejang. Pasien mengaku sehari sebelum mengeleuh keluar darah sedang melakukan aktifitas berat.

• Riwayat ANC : rutin ke bidan• HPHT : 17 Desember 2014


Riwayat penyakit dahulu• Mengeluh sakit yang sama/keguguran (-)• HT (-), kejang (-)• Alergi makanan/obat (-)

Riwayat obstetri• Perempuan, 14 tahun, 2600gr, spontan,

bidan• Laki-laki, 11 tahun, 2600gr, spontan, bidan

Keadaan Umum• Tampak baik• Kesadaran : CM

Tanda vital• Tekanan darah : 130/90 mmHg• Nadi : 84x/m• DJJ : -

Pemeriksaan fisik

Kepala/leher• Konjungtiva anemis (-/-)• Sklera ikterik (-/-)

Thorak• Cor : irama reguler, bising (-)• Pulmo: pernafasan simetris, Rh (-), Wh


Abdomen / Obs / Gyn• Insp : datar• Ausk : BU (+) N, Djj – (dopler)• Palp : nyeri tekan (-), uterus setinggi pusat, konsistensi

keras• Perk : timpani• Pemeriksaan dalam : VT = pembukaan (-)

Ekstremitas• Edem : -• Sianosis : -

Pemeriksaan Hasil Nilai Normal SatuanHemoglobin 12,9 P : 13-18 W :


Leukosit 13.300 4000-11.000 /ulEritrosit 4,5 -6,5 juta /ul

Trombosit 319.000 150-450 ribu /ulHematokrit 39,4 37-45 %

Pemeriksaan Laboratorium07 Februari 2015

Pemeriksaan Hasil Nilai Normal SatuanBasofil - 0-1 %

Eosinofil - 1-2 %Stab - 2-6 %

Segmen 70 50-70 %Limfosit 25 20-40 %Monosit 5 2-8 %

Abortus iminens Usia 8 mgg

USG tanggal 08 Februari 2015

O2 3 lpm IVFD RL 20 tpm Po. Ultragestan 1x250 mg


G3P2A1 + H 7-8 mgg + Abortus imminens

Miscarriage is defined as spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks gestation, most miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Threatenend miscarriage is miscarriage with pervaginam bleeding but conception is still intake and the cervical os (mouth of the womb) is closed.


Misscarriage is common happening in about 15 % to 20% of pregnancies, and it can cause emotional problems in terms of deppresion, sleep disturbances, anger, etr.

Miscarriage can also be associated with excessive bleeding and shock, and in low-income countries sometimes causes maternal death, though this is very rare in high-income countries


Wahabi H, Althagafi A, Elawad M. Progesteron for treating threatened miscarriage (Review). The Chocrane Collaboration. 2008 :1-14

Genetics Age Antiphospolipid syndrome Uterine anomalies Hormonal or metabolic Infection Autoimmunity Sperms quality Life style issues

ETIOLOGYof recurrent pregnant loss

Anonymous. Evaluation and treatment of recurrent pregnant loss : a committe opinion. The practice committe of the american society for reproductive medicine. 2012;98:1103-11

Progeterone is secreted during early pregnancy from ovary by corpus luteum. Progesterone modulates the imune response of mother to prevent rejection of the embryo and it enhances uterine quiescence and supresses uterine contraction.

A progesterone level greater than 25ng/ml suggests a normal pregnancy, but a level less than 5ng/ml is associated with a poor pregnancy outcome


Miller D. Assessment and management of miscarriage. School of medicine. University of Otago. 2008;35:202-206

HCG concentrations in pregnancy

The first symptoms are usually vaginal bleeding with or without mild period type pain

Pelvic or backs pain Cervical os closed

Simptoms and sign

Differential diagnoses

Idiopathic bleeding


Ectopic pregnancy

Molar pregnancy

Cervical or vaginal abnormality

Miller D. Assessment and management of miscarriage. School of medicine. University of Otago. 2008;35:202-206

Diagnosis / algorithm

Miller D. Assessment and management of miscarriage. School of medicine. University of Otago. 2008;35:202-206

The principal of management in miscariage is immediate surgical evacuation of the uterus used to be routine for all women presenting spontaneous miscariage because of concern about infection and coagulation.

Surgical managementAspiration curettage or dilatation and curettage Medical managementTreatment with vaginal or oral prostaglandin, usually misoprostol


Bed rest Abstinensia (related: oxytocin, prostaglandin E) Progesteron hCG Antibiotics Tocolysis (Buphenine hydrochloride) Immunoglobulin anti-D


Cochrane review (Dodd 2006), intramuscular progesterone was associated with a reduction in the risk of preterm birth less than 37 weeks’ gestation, and infant birthweight less than 2500 grams.

Progestogen therapy has been linked to the development of hypospadias (deformity of the penis) in the male fetus (Silver 1999); however, there is little evidence on teratogenicity (Oates-Whitehead 2003).

One of the included studies (Palagiano 2004) has investigatedthe effect of progesterone on the relief of pain due to threatenedmiscarriage and has shown significant reduction with progesterone compare with placebo group.

Facts of progesteron administration

Wahabi H, Althagafi A, Elawad M. Progesteron for treating threatened miscarriage (Review). The Chocrane Collaboration. 2008 :1-14




hamilPerdarahan pervaginam

Tidak nyeriUSG


O2 nasal 3 lpmRinger Laktatp.O Ultragestan 250mg

Bed rest

Follow up Tanggal Subjek Objektif Ass Planning07-02-2015

Plek (+)Nyeri perut (-)

TD 130/90Anemis (-)Nyeri tekan perut (-)DJJ (-)

G3P2A1 + H 2 bulan + Abortus imminens

O2 3 lpmIVFD RL 20 tpmPo. Ultragestan 250mgUSG

08-02- 2015

Plek (-)Nyeri perut (-)

TD 120/90Anemis (-)Nyeri tekan perut (-)DJJ (-)

G3P2A1 + H 8 mgg + Abortus imminens

O2 3 lpmIVFD RL 20 tpmPo. Ultragestan 250mg