Pregnancy Tests - Antenatal Care

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Pregnancy Tests - Antenatal Care

Routine Pregnancy Tests (Antenatal Care)

Women’s Health Information by

Pelvic (Vaginal) Examination

Purpose of Pelvic Examination during Early Pregnancy

• To confirm pregnancy

• To correlate size of uterus with the date of last menstrual period.

• To examine size and shape of pelvis.

• To get sample of vaginal fluid to detect infection or for cervical cancer (pap smear).

Pelvic (Vaginal) Examination

Purpose of Pelvic Examination in Late Pregnancy

• To assess condition of cervix and baby's position.

• To get sample of vaginal fluid to detect any kind of infection.

• Examination may cause dark brown or reddish vaginal discharge.

• Examination may increase risk of infection or premature rupture of membranes.

• First prenatal visit To confirm pregnancy

• Urine tests may be less accurate than blood tests to confirm pregnancy.

• Each Prenatal visit To detect infection

• To check for sugar and acetone, this might indicate blood sugar level (examining diabetes).Urine tests are less accurate than blood tests to confirm diabetes

• To check for protein level in the body, which act as an indication for preeclampsia (pregnancy induced hypertension) or infection

Urine Tests

Blood TestsFirst prenatal visit

• To confirm pregnancy

• To determine blood type, Rh type

• To test for Anemia (Hemoglobin level in blood).

• Blood Sugar test

• Thyroid testing (firstly, TSH if that count is abnormal then further testing includes measurement of T3 and T4).

• To test for HIV

• Testing for Hepatitis-B

Mother's body weight check

Each prenatal visit

•To detect sudden weight gain that could be due to preeclampsia.

•To help monitor mother's nutritional status.

Abdominal Examination

Each prenatal visit

• To measure the growth of uterus (fundal height) this indicates fetal growth and gestational age. (If problem is suspected, ultrasound/sonography visualization is recommended.

During last weeks of pregnancy, abdominal examination is done because:

• To estimate size and position of the fetus.

• To estimate amniotic fluid volume.

Listening to Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)The FHR is heard through the mother's abdomen with a fetal stethoscope or a Fetal Doppler, which uses ultrasound. Why is it done?

•To assess well-being of the fetus.

•Hearing the FHR enhances the parents' attachment for their baby and makes the baby seem more real.

Breast ExaminationBreast check-up should be carried out once or more during pregnancy during your prenatal visits.

• To check for flat or inverted nipples that may affect lactation (breastfeeding the baby).

• To assess condition of breasts for ability to breastfeed the baby, to rule out patient having inverted nipples.

• To detect any breast abnormalities including lumps in breast.

• Breast self-examination should be performed regularly throughout pregnancy by the expecting mother.

Glucose Tolerance Test

Glucose tolerance test is done if doctor suspects that the patient is borderline diabetic.

• If the mother's blood sugar is elevated, a longer and more sensitive glucose tolerance test (GTT) is planned.

• To screen for gestational diabetes, which, if untreated, may cause problems for mother and baby.

• Detection of Diabetes enables treatment to avoid any implications on the health of the mother or baby due to abnormal sugar level.

Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) test

• To screen for neural tube defect (Spina bifida, anencephaly), the presence of twins, or fetal death (high level of AFP).

• To screen for Down's syndrome (low level of AFP).

• If AFP test results are outside the normal range, then further testing includes a repeat blood test to confirm findings, ultrasound, genetic counseling, and possible amniocentesis.

• The test will not detect all cases of neural tube defects or Down's syndrome.

Prenatal risk profile (Triple marker screen)

A blood test that measures the levels of three substances:

a)Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (hCG), a hormone produced by the chorionic villi

b) Estriol, a by-product of estrogen metabolism

c) Maternal serum Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)


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