Predicting revenue for real estate business

Post on 21-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Predicting revenue for real estate business


In this presentation, we discuss KPIs that can help predict the potential revenue stream for a real estate business.

Choosing Key Metrics: Revenue

The customer acquisition system

For a real estate business to consistently make money, the market

has to be conducive to selling properties or renting (depending on

which you focus on).

Customer retention system

Customer relationships in real estate business is very important: That is if

you want to retain good tenants

There are 2 systems required to accurately predict revenue

#1) The Target Market Size

Customer Acquisition KPIs Real estate is very market


Even within the same city, different

localities have different statistics

So you really need to

understand the statistics for the neighborhood

you are investing in

#2) The Market Reach

Once you have defined your market size, you have to determine how you will reach your target market

Customer Acquisition KPIs

#3 Response Rate

As a real estate business person, you only have so much vacancies at a time and you do not need a lot of people responding to your advertising efforts

Customer Acquisition KPIs

#4 Conversion Rate

These are the people that actually sign a lease with you. Let us say 10 people responded to your market reach effort, of those 10 only 2 will sign a lease with you (provided they pass your screening process)

Customer Acquisition KPIs

#5 Price

In real estate, the price your charge is mostly determined by the market. If the average rent in your area for the kind of property you rent is $750, then probability is your rent will fall within 5% of the average rent

Customer Acquisition KPIs

Customer Retention KPICustomer relationships in real estate business are very important. That is if you want to retain good tenants

Retention activities could be sending Christmas baskets, birthday cards for members of the family, taking care of

their needs when they call, being a concerned landlord, taking care of your

property, etc.

The higher your retention, the less efforts you need to put into your acquisition


To compute your tenant retention rate

(Number of tenants at end of period – New tenants acquired during the period)/Number of tenants at

start of period

Read more

Operating a real estate business is very like operating any other business, you have to be concerned with the same factors regular businesses are concerned with even though you use different terminologies


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