Pre-WWI multi-ethnic empires: 1. Austria-Hungary 2. Russia 3. Ottoman Empire ALL had problems from...

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Transcript of Pre-WWI multi-ethnic empires: 1. Austria-Hungary 2. Russia 3. Ottoman Empire ALL had problems from...

Pre-WWI multi-ethnic empires:1. Austria-Hungary

2. Russia

3. Ottoman Empire

ALL had problems

from nationalist ethnic

minorities in their


1) BALKANS = southeast Europe:

2) Balkan region was destabilized by:

Austria-Hungary, Russia, and the Ottoman Empire

Russia regarded it as its SPHERE OF INFLUENCE; Austria-Hungary and the Ottomans had long competed for DIRECT control of the region.

This region was further destabilized by intense nationalism among its various ethnic groups:

Serbs, Bosnians, Greeks, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Croats, Slovenes, Albanians, Bulgarians, Romanians

Most common language group: SLAVIC (Russia, too)

3) ***Factors contributing to WWI***:

1. NATIONALISM / JINGOISM intense competition among Euro nations. Includes territorial disputes; feelings of

vengeance from prior conflicts (i.e. Franco-Prussian War); ethnic groups fighting for independence (esp. in the Balkans).

2. INDUSTRIALISM competition for raw materials & markets.

3. IMPERIALISM more intense overseas competition, and fewer places to conquer… industrial nations will begin to target

each other.

4. MILITARISM glorifying armed strength; includes:

• - European ARMS RACE: a build-up of weapons & armies

- WAR PLANNING: detailed offensive strategies with precise speed & timing of mobilization; developed by career

generals with ideas of “quick victories” and fame.

5. ALLIANCES pulls multiple nations into regional conflicts.

6. POOR LEADERSHIP Unaccountable & incompetent monarchs (German Kaiser, Russian Czar)

4) After uniting Germany in 1871 via a defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War, Bismarck changes German foreign policy from one of militaristic expansion (“blood and iron”) to one of peaceful maintenance of German security and stability...

5) ... Bismarck did this by forming alliances with Austria-Hungary, Italy, and Russia, in the hopes of isolating a vengeful France, which he saw as the only threat to peace for Germany.

6) BUT… Kaiser Wilhelm II forces Bismarck out(1890):

6) (cont.): Kaiser Wilhelm II was too “proud and stubborn”, and sought to assert power himself in Germany, rather than share it with anyone else.

7) Kaiser Wilhelm II begins to undermine European stability… a.k.a. Billy has issues!

- Insecure & jingoistic:

wanted to show that

Germany was the most

powerful Euro nation,

investing a great deal in

the German army and

military displays.

7) Kaiser Wilhelm II’s destabilization of Europe (cont):

- Lets the German treaty with Russia expire; Russia then becomes an ally with France, instead. Germany now faces Bismarck’s fear of aggressors on both its Eastern and Western borders… and the dangerous potential of a TWO-FRONT WAR.

- Increasing militarism and arms build-up:

Germany makes major

investments in its navy,

to rival Britain, pushing

Britain into a closer

relationship with France.

8) Pre-war alliances:

Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

Triple Entente: France, Russia, Great Britain

Rival alliances increase the prospect of war:

A dispute between any two nations from either side could draw all other nations into the conflict, creating a larger military crisis.

9) The Balkans = the “powder keg” of Europe:

Balkan populations had a long history of “nationalist uprisings and ethnic clashes”, combined with interference from the Ottomans, Austrians, and Russians.

TWO Balkan Wars had already been fought from 1912-1913!

10) Balkans:

Dominant ethnic (linguistic) group: SLAVIC (Slavs).

SERBIA saw itself as the nationalist leader of all Balkan Slavs, promoting “Pan-Slavism”

11) RUSSIAN attitude toward Serbian nationalism:


1. Common Slavic identity

2. Would increase Russian influence in the Balkans, while simultaneously undermining the power of their rival, Austria-Hungary.

3. Would help Russia gain access to warm-water Mediterranean ports.

12) AUSTRIAN attitude toward Serbian nationalism:


Feared a spillover effect of Slavic nationalism inside Austria-Hungary’s borders, potentially causing rebellion and destabilizing the Empire.

13) Tensions between Austria-Hungary & Serbia intensify (1908): Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia &


13) (cont.): Bosnia & Herzegovina had a large ethnic Serb population; Serbia wanted to expand its borders to take control of this region, creating “one Slavic land” (YUGOSLAVIA). Serbia worked hard to undermine Austro-Hungarian control of Bosnia & Herzegovina, causing more tension between itself and Austria-Hungary.

14) In June of 1914, the heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, with his wife, Sophie, visited the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. While on their state visit to this newly annexed part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, they were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, an ethnic Serbian nationalist and member of the radical group, The Black Hand, which was dedicated to ousting Austrian rule in favor of Serbian rule in Bosnia.

15) Ultimatum: A non-negotiable list of demands that if not accepted, results in serious consequences. a.k.a., “Do this or else!”

16) Austria-Hungary delivers an ultimatum to Serbia on July 23rd, 1914: Austria-Hungary held Serbia as responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, since the assassin was Serbian, and the Black Hand was provided material support by Serbia, in the form of financing and weapons.

17) Serbian response to the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum: - Serbia accepted most of the demands, but wanted an international conference to mediate the dispute. (Serbia actually accepted 9 of 10 demands!) - Austria-Hungary rejected Serbia’s hesitation in

accepting ALL terms of the ultimatum, and declared war on Serbia five days after delivering the ultimatum

(likely their intention all along!) *NOT IN TEXT: Austria-Hungary did not deliver the ultimatum, nor declare war on Serbia, until it had confirmed guarantees of German support, knowing that their actions might bring Russia into the conflict, in support of Serbia.

18) Russia then gets involved, and the crisis escalates: Upon Austria-Hungary’s declaration of war against Serbia, Russia begins to mobilize (move) its troops to

the border with Austria-Hungary… the dominos begin to fall!

BONUS: Ottoman Turk genocide in the 1890’s and 1910’s. targeted ethnic ARMENIANS.