Pre-construction - Wind Prospect Group WP - Pre... · 2008 Loughderryduff north West Wind vestas...

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Pre-construction - Wind Prospect Group WP - Pre... · 2008 Loughderryduff north West Wind vestas...

track record 2011 / 2012

Pre-construction- Health & safety management

- Turbine procurement

- Electrical engineering

- Civil engineering design

- Civil & electrical procurement

- Satisfying planning conditions

- Grid connection management

services and advice from the people that build their own


Wind farm projects


australia: 2 wind farms, 588MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2010 Boco Rock Wind Prospect CWP under review 270 2010 sapphire Wind Prospect CWP under review 318

China: 1 wind farm, 50MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2008 Qian’an (Phase 1) iW Power Chinese turbines 49.5

Canada: 1 wind farm, 5MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2011 Fairmont Wind For all lP enercon e82 4.60

FiJi: 1 wind farm, 10MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2007 Butoni Fiji Electricity Authority vergnet GEv-MP 10.36

FranCe: 3 wind farms, 35MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2006 Chemin Blanc Bank of Scotland Enercon E70 12 2006 Demie Lieue Bank of Scotland Enercon E70 12 2006 La Marette Bank of Scotland Enercon E70 11.5

ireland & northern ireland: 52 wind farms, 694MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2012 Ballaman Ballaman Wind Farm under review 3.60 2012 Ballycumber KBM Wind Farm under review 18 2012 Ballynancornan Ballynancornan Wind Farm Enercon E82 4 2012 Carn hill Gaelectric under review 13.80 2012 Clydaghroe Clydaghroe Wind Enercon E70 4.60 2012 Hollyford Energia Renewables under review 9 2012 Knockalour Knockalour Wind Farm enercon e70 8 2012 Knocknagoum Knocknagoum Wind Farm under review 14 2012 Maghanknockane Maghanknockane Wind Farm under review 12 2012 Meenadreen Energia Renewables under review 92 2011 Ballycadden Ballycadden Wind Farm Enercon E82 26 2011 Cahercullenagh upper Cahercullenagh upper under review 15.30 Wind Farm 2011 Caherdowney Energia Renewables Enercon E70 9.20 2011 Carrowleagh Powercon Wind Energy Enercon E70 27.25 2011 Churchill Energia Renewables Enercon E70 18.4 2011 Corkermore Energia Renewables Gamesa G80 10 2011 Crigshane Energia Renewables Enercon E70 32.2 2011 esk esk Wind Farm under review 6.90 2011 Greenouge Extension Greenouge Wind Farm under review 2.60 2011 Oonagh Aeropower Wind Energy Enercon E70 6.90 2010 Ballincollig Hill Tra Investments Enercon E48 & E44 12.80 2010 Bawnmore Bawnmore Wind Farm Enercon E82 25.30 2010 Boggeragh Green Energy Company vestas v90 57 2010 Cronelea ii Cronelea Wind Farm enercon e70 2.30

health & saFetyManaGeMentKey: TuRBInE


Civil enGineerinG desiGn

Civil & eleCtriCal ProCureMent

satiFyinG PlanninG Conditions

Grid ConneCtion ManaGeMent

ProJeCts all - 121 Wind FarMs, 3,130MW


Wind Prospect has successfully developed wind farm projects around the world. Our expertise acquired over two decades and distributed across 200 experts is available to aid

you in finding, developing, building, operating and buying your own renewable energy projects.

niCaraGua: 1 wind farm, 40MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2010 amayo Globeleq suzlon s88 39.9

Poland: 1 wind farm, 160MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2009 Confidential Confidential Ge Wind Ge 2.5 160

roMania: 1 wind farm 347MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2008 Fantanele Continental Wind Partners Ge Wind Ge 2.5 347.5

russia: 1 wind farm, 32MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2010 the Far east Wind Farm activity under review 32

thailand: 1 wind farm, 46MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2009 Phetchaboon Sustainable Energy Corp Siemens SWT-2.3-82 vS 46

ireland & northern ireland (Continued): 52 wind farms, 694MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2010 Cuillalea extension Cuillalea Wind Farm vestas v52 1.70 2010 Dromdeeveen Reirk Energy vestas v80 28 2010 Drumlough Hill Extension Wind Farm Management Gamesa G52 10.20 2010 Glanlee Extension Midas Energy vestas v90 6 2010 seltannaveeny West Clare Wind Farms enercon e70 4.60 2010 Shannagh Shannagh Wind Farm Enercon E44 2.70 200 9 derrynadivva ecopower enercon e48 8 2009 dunmore ii dunmore Wind Power enercon e48 & e44 1.60 2009 Glackmore hill Glackmore Wind Power enercon e70 2.30 2009 rahora rahora Wind Farm enercon e48 4 2009 reenascreena reenascreena Wind Farm enercon e48 4 2009 Sheeragh Sheeragh Wind Enercon E70 4.60 2009 sorne ii sorne Wind enercon e70 6.90 2008 Loughderryduff north West Wind vestas v52 7.65 2008 Lurganboy Highland Wind Energy Enercon E44 5 2008 Meenachullalan airoishin enercon e70 13.80 2008 Mount Eagle II Mount Eagle Wind Farm vestas v52 1.70 2008 Muignaminnane Saorgus Energy Enercon E48 & E44 16.20 2008 Pallas Pallas Wind Farm enercon e70 40 2007 Cornacahan Hill Killybegs Wind Farm Enercon E44 2.70 2007 Lackan Lackan Wind Energy Enercon E70 6 2007 Midas Midas Energy vestas v90/v52 32.45 2006 Carrane Hill DP Energy Gamesa G52 3.40 2006 Cronelea Cronelea Wind Farm enercon e70 6.90 2006 sorne hill sorne Wind enercon e70 32 2005 Dundalk Dundalk Institute of Technology vestas v52 0.85 2004 Cuillalea Cuillalea Wind Farm vestas v52 3.40 2004 Tursillagh II Saorgus Energy vestas v52 6.80

TuRBInE ProCureMent85 Wind FarMs

eleCtriCalenGineerinG59 Wind FarMs

Civil enGineerinG desiGn 75 Wind FarMs

Civil & eleCtriCal ProCureMent 107 Wind FarMs

satiFyinG PlanninG Conditions 93 Wind FarMs

Grid ConneCtion ManaGeMent 96 Wind FarMs

health & saFetyManaGeMent93 Wind FarMs


uK: 56 wind farms, 1,123MW

year Wind FarM Client suPPlier Model MW role (see Key above)2012 Confidential Confidential nordex n90 32.5 2012 Confidential Confidential nordex n90 7.5 2012 todmorden Moor Confidential under review 2012 Baillie Baillie Wind Farm under review 52.5 2012 Boundary Lane EDF Energy Renewables under review 6 2012 Mars Petcare Wind direct nordex n90 2.5 2011 dewlay Cheese Wind direct repower MM92 2 2011 Fallago Rig north British Windpower vestas v90 144 2011 little raith latium Ge Wind Ge 2.75 24.75 2011 roy humphrey Group (eye airfield) Wind direct under review 5 2011 South Staffordshire College - rodbaston Campus Wind direct repower MM92 4 2010 Broom Hill EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 8 2010 Burnfoot Hill EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 26 2010 Butterwick Moor E.On REpower MM82 20 2010 Craigengelt GDF Suez Energy uK nordex n90 20 2010 east Midlands airport east Midlands int. airport Wind technik nord Wtn250 1 2010 Fairfield Farm EDF Energy Renewables nordex n60 6.5 2010 FMC Technologies Wind Direct Acciona AW77 1.5 2010 Great eppleton e.on repower MM92 8 2010 Green Rigg EDF Energy Renewables vestas v80 36 2010 haswell Moor e.on repower MM82 10 2010 Longpark EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 38 2010 Maesgywn Pennant Walters Alstom/ Ecotecnia Eco80 26 2010 Rusholme EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 24 2010 Stags Holt Extension E.On vestas v80 2 2010 Teesside EDF Energy Renewables under review 90 2009 Aikengall Community Wind Power vestas v90 48 2009 Bagmoor HgCapital REpower MM92 16 2009 Bicker Fen EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 26 2009 Langley EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 8 2009 Lochhead A7 Energy REpower MM82 6 2009 solutia Wind direct nordex n90 5 2008 arnish Moor FiM nordex n60 3.9 2008 Griffin sse under review 204 2008 High Headley II EDF Energy Renewables nordex n60 5.2 2008 Trimdon EDF Energy Renewables nordex n60 5.2 2008 Walkway EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 14 2008 Wardlaw Wood Community Wind Power vestas v90 18 2008 Wharrels hill FiM nordex n60 10.4 2007 Croda Chemicals Croda Chemicals repower MM92 2 2007 Greendykeside A7 Energy REpower MM82 4 2007 Knabs Ridge Hanson REpower MM82 16 2007 nissan Motors nissan Motors vestas v47 2.64 2007 Red Tile EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 24 2007 Stags Holt E.On vestas v80 18 2006 Deeping St nicholas EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 16 2006 eastman Wind direct repower MM82 4 2006 Glass Moor EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 16 2006 Red House EDF Energy Renewables REpower MM82 12 2004 Tir Mostyn & Foel Goch HgCapital Gamesa G52 21.25 2005 Haverigg III Windcluster vestas v52 3.4 2005 Longhill Road Snowmountain REpower MM82 2 2005 Winscales i K/s Winscales vestas v47 1.98 2003 Burradale II Shetland Aerogenerators vestas v52 1.7 2003 Llangwyryfon Repowering Llangwryfon Repowering vestas v52 9.35 2000 Burradale I Shetland Aerogenerators vestas v47 1.98

Wind farm projects


We have provided pre-construction services to our clients internationally.

WP has developed a track record and expertise in wind farm planning development and construction. It’s a one stop shop where a client can choose from as little or as much help as he wants to make his project

a success. Good advice and professional service assured E.ON are pleased to recommend WP to new and prospective clients.

Martin Roberts, E.ON

China 50MW

China 1 Wind FarMCanada

1 Wind FarM

FiJi 10MW

Canada 5MW

FiJi 1 Wind FarM

FranCe 35MW

FranCe 3 Wind FarM

australia 588MW

australia 2 Wind FarMs

niCaraGua 40MW niCaraGua

1 Wind FarMPoland 160MW

Poland 1 Wind FarM

ireland 694MW

ireland 52 Wind FarM

roMania 347MW

roMania 1 Wind FarM

thailand 46MW

thailand 1 Wind FarM

russia 32MW

russia 1 Wind FarM

uK 1,123MW

uK 56 Wind FarMs

Pre-construction services

Visit us online at

Colin Aimers

Engineering Director

Cormac Ó Dubhthaigh

Senior Civil Engineer

Contact us

health & saFety ManaGeMent

• Construction design & management coordinator for design phase

• Designer assessment & review

• Tender information pack

• Environmental management plan

Civil enGineerinG desiGn

• Geotechnical specification & investigation

• Infrastructure design• Turbine foundation

design• Access studies• Highway approvals• Enviromental

Civil & eleCtriCal ProCureMent

•Turbine supply• Civil works• Electrical works• Balance of plant• Contestable works• Operation &

maintenance• Power purchase


satisFyinG PlanninG Cond.

• Environmental• Statutory bodies• Construction method

statements• Legal agreements

eleCtriCal enGineerinG

• Electrical systems design

• Electrical studies• System specification• Grid offer assessment

& review

Grid ConneCtion ManaGeMent

• Feasibility• Connection

applications• Methodology

negotiations• Regulatory

TuRBInE ProCureMent

• Turbine specification• Turbine tendering• Turbine-grid

compliance• Turbine technology

reviews• Contract negotiation



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Wind Prospect client list includes

Australia Canada China France Ireland Poland South AfricaSingapore United Kingdom

Wind Prospect Group Ltd Registration number: 03254615



DevelopersAkuo EnergyBiotherm EnergyBord na MonaCoillteContinental Wind Partnerseco Wind PowerEnerco EnergyEnergia Renewableseole 76Green Bear CorporationKennedy Powernorth British Wind Powerred CapSaorgus EnergystatkraftsarGeWindcluster

investorsBnP Paribas Clean Energy FundClimate Change CapitalGlobeleqHgCapitaloxfamrenerco

Wind turbine manufacturersGevestas

BanksABSAAllied Irish BankBank of IrelandBank of ScotlandBarclays Group santanderHSBChsh nordbankIIB BankKBCLBBWnedbankRand Merchant BankStandard Bank of south africatriodosulster Bank

utilitiesaGlClPEDF Energy RenewablesedP renováveise.onESBGDF Suez Energy uKinternational PowerMalakoffnRG Energyoklahoma Gas & electricTarong EnergytrustPower