Pre-Attentive Processing. Affordances In this screenshot, we see rocks and trees, similar to ones...

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Pre-Attentive Processing. Affordances In this screenshot, we see rocks and trees, similar to ones...

Pre-Attentive Processing


In this screenshot, we see rocks and trees, similar to ones real world. In WoW, there are differences between how objects are used and acted upon. Specifically, affordances indicating how we can interact with objects in WoW, differs from interactions in the real world. In WoW, the trees resemble trees in the real world, hard to climb but possible. However, in WoW, these trees are merely impossible to climb, as the player moves forward towards the tree, they move sideways and are forced to move around the tree. In another case, if there are stairs or a bridge leading in the direction of a quest, the player automatically goes up the stairs or across the bridge. This is because the game forces the user to act a certain way or move a certain direction.

Ware (sensory representations):The online world (ie. game) is filled with sensory representations that Ware believes create visualizations in the mind of the user that are “understood” and require no learning. These visualizations are processed so rapidly in the user’s cognition that without realizing it they make decisions that are influenced by these sensory representations, which would not be the case in the real world.For example, the stairs leading to the doorway insinuates a path that the user should take, because the stairs and doorway symbolize an entrance within a users cognition.

World of Warcraft uses the affordances that we see and interact with in the real world to create a 3D perception and make the players feel as though they are in the real world. However, the interaction with these affordances are different than those in the real world. In WoW there is no interaction with these objects as they simply become images that dont allow the player to use them. They make the space look familiar through arbitrary (eg. exclamation marks) and sensory representations (eg. wooden bench) from the real world but restrict the player at the same time. The player looks in a room, familiarizes with objects and attempts to use them. If the objects serve no purpose in completing/finding a quest then they do not allow the player to interact with them, forcing the player to leave and explore something else in the game. Instead of feeling free to do what one wants as one feels in real life, this sense of freedom is replaced with feelings of frustration, boredom and isolation as though one is trapped in a room. In WoW, the player looks for a way out and immediately looks for convenience as though they would in the real world. Thus leading them to depend on the map, on the top right hand corner, to guide them and find a quest or another room.

In WoW paths are clearly defined to direct a player to a specific direction, making it seem as thought the player is free to move in an open space. This is not the case at all because if a room is not part of a quest the player has currently accepted, then the player can move around the room bump into walls, go through object and other avatars until knowing there is no point in staying in that room. It is obvious in real life, using pre-attentive processing that when there is no purpose in staying in a location and if we are unable to sit, speak, read or do any other type of activity we want to leave. This idea is implemented in World of Warcraft in that other avatars and objects become a series of background images in which the player can do nothing about. They are bored and frustrated and are merely forced to go find a quest or another space to explore.


It is obvious that avatar cant play without human interaction thus text is directed towards the actual player. The game, WoW is restricting in it always points towards main player that is played by someone in third person. Also, another player is moving beside us causing our sense of vection to be decreased when playing in third person. The players life and ability to move is under the control of a command button, whereas in real life the pause button does not exist.

Cognitive Mapping

This screenshot taken from WOW clearly shows the path the player should take. In an environment where there is a clear path such as the one above, the user is limited to take that path. This type of path usually leads to a reference points that the user can recognize through the cognitive map they developed playing the game. In the virtual world, it is impossible to create path through use alone. This limits the user because the path to be followed must be the one given to the user by the environment it is in. This lack of ability to create your own paths for reference limits the users ability to freely navigate in the virtual world.

WOW uses landmarks as reference points so that the user, especially beginners, can easily navigate themselves around. The point of this visual hierarchy is that in the real world name tags for places do not exist to inform us of where we are. In the real world, we rely on cognitive maps, instincts and memory to identify our environment. However, in WoW, the main hall is clearly identified to inform the character of where they are situated. The name represents a guide and serves to lessen the freedom the character has by placing boundaries. By recognizing the main hall, the character uses the information to act in the game based on the specific associations/ rules that define and are tied to the place.

Figure three shows the hall of arms in Northshire Abey. The cognitive map of the hall, circular and round in design shows the constraints and boundaries in which the character cannot cross. The character moves around the hall and finishes at the starting point. Not only does the design direct the players’ movement in this hall, but the mapping of the upper level floor in the Hall of Arms shows to be the wrong place for the character to complete the quest. The player is forced to travel down the stairs and look elsewhere to travel inside the Hall.

In this screenshot, the player is guided by a path that using gradient texture to differentiate between the grass and the stone path. Real world objects are used to make the player feel as though they are in the real world. When it is difficult for the the player to view the map, they can always choose to follow the mini-map on the top right of the screen.