Prayer request from care mission india pastor babu

Post on 24-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Prayer request from care mission india pastor babu

My Beloved and Respected Brethren here I am coming in Christ for Christ we are crying in the Lord we FACED Big rain with wild wind it

has destroyed our Care Home ,that wind was made us cry by thy all great prayers and our all orphan children are well ,... since 5month of 2010 onward we are in outside livening and sleeping too people are praying for us in Christ amen .WE ARE COOKING UNDER THE TREE AND EATING THERE ITSELF from months together …..

That day was 19th of 5 month 2010 from Friday onward we faced rain but on Saturday at we were in problem with wild wind so it was taken very dangers rainy with great wind in our place and that rain was allover in south India but it came to my district with big wind after so many years we saw this big

wind, and great wild wing it destroys ever thing in our place,

Then our all children were in School , and ever thing in our home was destroyed rain fallen on children bags and some booked were wet and wind was taken our all dress and some other materials it was terrible day , never we had before we cried in the Lord all children were sleeping in the rain that night , this was one more mile stone in my life in faith in Christ . We love u thy all prayers thanks for thy Love for India amen and amen.

My Respected Brethren Stand with us to build our care home center so our orphan Children can happy in the Lord pray for us our children and my family are living in that same room without protection yes we are in insecurity .And we made small hut in our land to protect from rain to our children, here is some pictures children are going to school lot of things are spoiled any way we are safe in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ.

We we are so thanks to share our heart with our God thanks for all of your

prayers and whatever God Ordained me to accomplish His will and Commission in South India we are in Christ amen ….Sir Please give my greetings to everyone we need every one heart and prayers towards our children needs and more

protection.*We are crying in the Lord Jesus Christ to have a shelter for our orphan children I think thy could feel my burden we

hope and we are praying by faith in Christ for Christ in these last days of our coming master amen to accomplish.

And I feel some times as I am not able to carry and protect these poor orphans. But God is so faithful He given me Good brethren like you and grateful to carrying me all the days of my life in His Commission to accomplish my brethren in the lord I am so thanks for thy all prayers to me and our ministries and missions in Christ along with you all , so I am sharing all my heart you sir.

I HOPE TO hear from thy all heart and PRAY FOR THESE NEEDY CHILDREN SOON therefore we are here to SHARE my heart AND CRY IN THE LORD. Great to hear thy all.......

TO SHARE MY pathetic condition now but we are in faith in Christ still our death in Christ for Christ amen and... What I have to do now. We are all sleeping out side in small hut we made it in our Land, we are worshiping in small shed u can see this picture below this is our Church .

*** We need to

Rebuild to $14,500 for orphan home 6 Rooms and 1 kitchen***