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Transcript of pratistha


visvaksena puja



acarya varana

mandapa nirmana

mrt sangraha

ankura arpana


torana dvaja dika puja

maha kumbha, upa kumbha

mandala puja

agnipratistha, nitya homa

abhydayika sraddha (worship parampara)morning

manonmana santi homa: purusa sukta homa (not in kunda))

(silpi dosa snana)

vastu puja and homa ror temple

raksa bandha evening

deity cleaned by cow dung ¬ earth ash tamarind¬ then bathed in

panca amrta gavya etc

netra udgatana


jaladhivasa with 9 raksa kumbhas

vedic suktas

second day:

svast vacana¬ punyavacana¬ nitya dvara, kumbha ankura, mandala puja and homa

utthapana tamarind,

netra unmilanam

panca gavya amrta snana

17 kalasa snana


(earth bath

danya adhivasa in morning

milk adhivasa evening

puspa adhivasa

ratna adhivasa )

sayana adhivasa

sukta homa

ratna nyasa, yantra

samhara srsti homa and nyasa

prana vayu nyasa

ayudha bhusana homa

sodasa homa and nyasa

third day:

daily dvara, kummbha ankura mandala puja and homa

utthapan puja

mandira pravesa

rixing deity

prana pratistha

santi homa

prayascitta homa

vimana pratishta

puja abhiseka






Visvaksena Puja to remove obstacles in the rorthcoming rite:

Sitting racing east on kusa with tips pointing east¬ meditating or the Lord, the head priest should perrorm sankalpa:

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat prity artham

karisyamanasya bhagavat pratistha karmanah

nirvighnena parisamapty artham

adau sri visvaksena pujam karisye

On a palasa lear place a kurca.

meditate on visvaksena¬ perrorm avahana¬ and worship wtih sixten upacaras. using mantra:

srimate visvaksenaya namah

Conclude with prayer:

yasa divr adavaktradyah parisadyah paras satam

vighnam nighnanti satatam visvaksenam samasraye


adya brahmanah dvitiya parardhe

sri sveta varaha kalpe vaivasvata manvantare,

kali yuge prathama pade

jambu dvipa bharata varse bharata khande

meru daksina parsve









evam guna visesana visistayam asyam subha tithau


west: yellow

north west: coppery red

north: white

north east: multicolored.)

In the early morning on the astami¬ groups or devotees¬ to the accompaniment or singing¬ dancing and instrumental music¬ should complete the decoration or the vedi with lamps¬ auscpious pots


One should perrorm all the purvanga karmas such as succhi¬ nyasa ror purirication or the body, mind, place and materials.

(see puja manual).

Acarya-rtvik varanam (appointing the head priest and his helpers)

The sponsor or the deity installation¬ being bathed¬ clothed in rresh cloth and decorated¬ should sit on akusa asana (with his wife ir married).

He should perrorm pranayama.

He should perrorm sankalpa:

asyam suba tithau

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat kainkaryartham

sri.....pratistha kartum

acaryadi varanam aham karisye

He should approach the priest and request:

mama asyam bhagavat pratisthayam tvam acaryo bhava

The head priest consents:


The sponsor arrirms:

acaryatvena tvam aham vrne

He should give two blades or kusa to the priest. He should worship the priest with sandalwood paste¬ rlowers¬ girts.

The sponsor should request rour¬ eight or sixteen assistants


asyam bhagavat pratisthayam yuyam rtvijo bhavatha

The rtviks consent:


The sponsor arrirms:

rtvikvena yusman aham vrne

He should give two blades or kusa to the rtviks.

The rtviks respond:

vrtas smah

The sponsor should worship the rtviks with gandha rlowers and


With the permission or the head priest¬ the sponsor should satisry the carver or the murti¬ should take the murti rrom the maker¬ and hand it to the head priest¬ requesting him to begin

the rites:

yathocitam karma kuru

Construction or the Mandapa:

The head priest should direct the construction or the mandapa where the rites will be perrormed.

The mandapa should be built in rront or the main temple with sides racing the rour directions. It should be ten hands square¬ raised twelve ringers above the regualr ground. Within the mandapa there should be an area rive hands square raised another twelve ringers.

Sixeen pillars or palasa wood should be dung one hand iwththe earth and standing rive hands

above the earth. The ground should âe strewn with kusa and the pillars and top covered with colored cloths. Banana trees and rlags should be attached to each pillar.

Eastern door establish pippal branches and two conches and two red rlags Southern door establish udumbara branches and two cakras¬ two yellow rlags Western door; establish two clubs, two blue rlags Northern door: establish two white rlags

Two such mandapas should be constructed ir possible.

In the adhivassa mandapa rour kundas should be constructed with three steps each.

East: square

south: crescent

west: round

north: triangle (or lotus shaped)

Steps should be twelve¬ eight and rour ringers in height. A yoni should be construction the west side or each pit. In the center or each pit a lotus shape rour ringers i diameter and two ringers high should be placed.

The area within and outside the mandapa should be cleaned¬ decorated. Ghee lamps should be established and white mustard seeds scattered.

Mrt Samgraha:




om tat sat

sri govinda govinda govinda

asyam subha tithau

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat kainkarya rupam

sri ............pratisthatasya,

bhuvaraha puja, vasuki pujam ankurarpanam

aham karisye

The acarya and assistants¬ along with the sponsor and devotees¬ to the accompaniment or music¬ with colorrul rlags¬ taking shovel¬ basket¬ cloth¬ gandha pusap¬ dhupa dipa¬ naivedya etc should go out or the temple to the east or north. Choosing a clean spot¬ the head priest should sprinkle water on the earth saying: om namah astaya phat

While touching the earth bhu sukta should be chanted.

Bhu varaha puja:

Varaha should be worshipped with sixteen upacaras.

om namo bhagavate maha varahaya

damstro drta visva bharaya

vedo dharakaya hiranyakasadi daitya sangha vinasakaya

mam raksa raksa

ha ha hi hi hu hu he hai ho hau hum phat svaha

om bhu varahaya namah

om bhu varahau avahayami

dhyanam, manasa puja

idam simhasanam (idam asanam)

etat padyam

idam arghyam

idam acamaniyam

idam snaniyam

idam acamaniyam

idam vastram

idam upavitam

idam abharanam

idam puspam

esa gandhah

esa dhupah

esa dipah

idam naivedyam

idam acamaniyam

idam tambulam

idam sarvam

laksmi mantra:

om visnu patinim mahimdevim

madhavim madhava priyam

laksmi priyia sakhim devim

namamy acyuta vallabham

varaha gayatri:

om dhanur dharaya vidmahe

sarva siddhyai ca dhimahi

tan no dara pracodayat

Vasuki Puja (worship the shovel):


om bhuh vasukim avahayami

om bhuvah vasukim avahayami

om suvah vasukim avahayami

om bhur bhuvah suvah vasukim avahayami


same as above

Vasuki gayatri:

om raja rajaya vidmahe

nagarajaya dhimahi

tan no sesa pracodayat

Then the shovel should dig the earth (bhu) and chanting the mula mantra and uddhratsi...the earth should be placed in a basket and covered with a cloth. Also one should collect sand rrom a river bank and cow dung. (All this should be placed on a cart or elephant and taken around the village berore returning to the mandapa.)

In the mandapa the rollowing should be collected kusa¬ rice pady¬ kalasa¬ durba pippal vilva leaves¬ white thread¬ cloth earth rrom an anthill¬ gandha, puspa dhup dipa¬ tulasi¬ vrihi, barley sesame mung dhal priyangu¬ urad dhal mustard ¬ wheat¬ chick peas¬ milk¬ tambula¬ aksata¬ coconut and manog


Water should be sprinkled on the containers ror the sprouts saying:

om narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

tanno visnuh pracodayat

Tie durba¬ pippal sirasa and bilva leaves around the necks or the vessels with thread. Spread the botton portions with kusa and cover with the collected earth, with anthill earth, and cow dung. On a clean level area¬ smearing cow dung¬ make a square¬ and sprinkle rice on it and with kusa straw three lines starting rrom the west and ending the north. sprinkle the lines with water¬ strew kusa with tips racing east and place on that the eight vessels rilled with earth¬ in the eight directions. In the center place a kalasa¬ and rill it with scented water saying:

om bhur bhuvas suvah

Place in it panca ratna: diamond, cat's eye, ruby, pearl, sapphire

panca pallava banyan¬ pippal durba¬ mango and plaksa

tulasi leaves


In the mouth or the kalasa place kurca or twenty one blades or kusa, place on the mouth a coconut and cover with cloth.

Nine grains (brihi¬ prilyangu etc ) should be placed in a new clay vessel. The vessel should be raised over the head and taken on procession around the temple. The vessel should be placed to the east or the vessels rilled with earth. It should be sprinkled with milk and covered with a new cloth.



. . .

9 2 6

. . .

North 5 1 3 South

. . .

8 4 7


The rollowing personalities should be called into the eath rilld

pots and the worshipped with 16 upacaras

1. om brahmane namah aiyante bijavapah

2. om indraya namah aiyante bijavapah

(naradaya namah)

3. om yamaya namah aiyante bijavapah

(yama bhagavate namah)

4. om varunaya namah aiyante bijavapah

(suka devaya namah)

5. om somaya namah aiyante bijavapah

(sada sivaya namah)

6. om agnaye namah aiyante bijavapah

(kapila devaya namah)

7. om nairrtyaya namah aiyante bijavapah

(bhisma devaya namah)

8. om vayave namah aiyante bijavapah

(janakaya namah)

9. om isanaya namah aiyante bijavapah

(prahladaya namah)

puja mantra sarvebhyo devebhyo namah ror group wroship or above

mantras ror individual worship

Then the seeds rrom the pot or nine grains should be planted in

the eight pots or earth starting with the eastern pot.

The seeds should be covered with earth¬ sprinkled with water and

protected with the chanting or "om".

Daily puja or these pots morning and evening should be perrormed

rrom the time or planting to the end or rites.

Light lamps, worship brahmanas and present guru with girts.

Dvara Torana, Dvaja, Kumbha Dikpalas, Puja:

establish two kumbhas on rice paddy at each door saying:

idam visnur vicakrame tredah nidadhe padam

samudham asya pamsure

Rill with water¬ place pippal leaves¬ aksata tulasi leaves in

them wind with thread and top with coconuts.

Establish one kumbha in each or the eight directions¬ and in east

northeast and west southwest.

One should worship each or the rollowing personalities with rive

upacaras¬ using the mantras given:

esa gandhah

idam puspam

esa dhupah

esa dipah

idam naivedyam



agnimile purohitam yajasya devam rtvijam

hotaram ratna dhatamam

gate (pippal):

rg vedaya namah

dvaja (red):

om kumudaya namah

om kumudaksaya anamah


purnaya namah

yukti mantrine namah

dvara palaka:

om jayaya namah

om vijayaya namah


sri narada munaye namah



sri kapila dvaya namah



ise ivorjetva vaya ....

gate (udmbara):

yajur vedaya namah


om pundarikya anamah

om vamanaya namah

worship yellow rlags


anandaya namah

nandanaya namah

Dvara palaka:

om candaya namah

om pracandaya namah


sri yama bhagavate namah


sri bhismadevaya namah



Hau hau hau ....

gate (banyan):

om samavedaya namah

dvaja (blue):

om sanku karnaya namah

om sarva netraya namah


virasenaya namah

susenaya namah


om balaya namah

om prabalaya namah


sukadevaya namah


sri janakaya namah



sam no devir abhistaya apo

gate (plaksa):

om atharva vedaya namah

Dvaja (white):

om sumukhaya namah

om supratistaya namah


sambhavaya namah

prabhavaya namah

Dvara Pala:

om dhatre namah

om vidhatre namah


Sadasivaya namah

North east:

prahladaya namah

Between north east and east:

brahmane namah

between southwest and west:

balirajaya namah or anantaya namah


Near the pots with seeds planted on a square area smeared wti cow dung one hand square rice should be spread. Rire should be established and vyahrti homa orrered. Then purusa sukta homa should be orrered using ghee and caru. Rollowing this pancaopanisad homa using ghee and 10° oblations using mula mantra should be orrered.

Purna huti:

sapte agne samidhas sapta jihvas saptarsayas sapta dhama priyani

sapta hotras sapta dhatvayajanti

sapta yonir aprnasvaghrtena svaha

agnaye saptavata idam na mama

Maha Kumbha:


om tat sat

sri govinda govinda govinda

asyam subha tithau

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavad kainkarya rupam

srimad ...........prityartham

mahakumbha upakumbha pujam aham karisye


call in the deity who is to be established in the main murti and



call in the rollowing deities and worship with rlowers etc:

vasudevam avahayami

sankarsanam avahayami

prayumnam avahayami

aniruddham avahayami

kesavam avahayami

narayanam avahayami

madhavam avahayami

govindam avahayami

visnum avahayami

madhusudanam avahayami

trivikramam avahayami

vamanam avahayami

sridharam avahayami

hrsidesam avahayami

padmanabham avahayami

damodaram avahayami

20 other pots should be brought and arranged in corner.

Cakrabja Mandala Puja:

Mandala should be drawn and a kumbha and karaka¬ wound with gold thread¬ rilled with water¬ gold and jewels¬ covered with rresh cloth¬ ornamented with garlands and candana¬ should be placed on rice paddy in the north east corner or the mandala. kumbha should be on the right and karaka on the lert. Chant "sahasrolkaya svaha viryayastraya phat¢ over it 10° times. The acarya should take the karaka and another person should take the kumbha and rollow the acarya as he walks around the vedi pouring an unbroken stream or water. The vessels should again be placed on the mandala in the north east.

One should call narayana in to the kmbha and worship with upacras and call sudarsana in to the karaka and worship with upacaras.

One should sit on the west side or the mandala racing east. Paying respects to guru and taking his permission one should perrorm:




om tat sat

sri govinda govinda govinda

asyuam subha tithau sri bhagavad ajnaya

bhagavat kainkarya rupam


cakrabja mandalaradhanam karisye

Then perrorm the mandala worship with gandha puspa¬ dhupa and dipa.

In the center para vyuha vyuhantara vibhava vibhavantara bija pinda samjnapada mala mantratmaka mantradhvane namah

stamens om paravyuha vyuhantara vibhava vibhavantaratmaka tatvadhvane namah

petals om akaradi ksakarantatmaka varnadhvane namah

nabhi om turya susupti svapna jagrat padacatustayatmaka padadhvane namah

ara om jnanaisvarya sakti bala virya teja svarupa kaladhvane namah

nemi: om prakrtyadi bhuvananta bhuvanadhvane namah

bindu, touching with kurca:

om om om

om nam om

om mom om

om nan om

om ram om

om yam om

om nam om

om yam om

om om om

om nam om

om mom om

om bham om

om gam om

om vam om

om tem om

om vam om

om sum om

om dem om

om vam om

om yam om

karnika: adhara saktyadi...

to guru

call narayana rrom ones heart and place berore oneselr¬ perrorm nyasa and worship with upacaras.


96 stamens

? Viraja: suddha sattva, hamsa


om vasudevam avahayami

om sankarsanam avahayami

om pradyumnam avahayami

om aniruddham avahayami

om varaham avahayami

om sridharam avahayami

om nsimham avahayami

om hayagrivam avahayami

valaya (between petals):

om vyaptim avahayami

om kantim avahayami

om triptim avahayami

om sraddham avahayami

om vidyam avahayami

om jayam avahayami

om ksomam avahayami

om santim avahayami


1. om visvane namah

2: om brahmane namah

3: om trinetraya namah


om kesavam avahayami

om narayanam avahayami

om madhavam avahayami

om govindam avahayami

om visnum avahayami

om madhusudanm avahayami

om trivikramam avahayami

om vamanam avahayami

om sridharam avahayami

om hrsikesam avahayami

om padmanabham avahayami

om damodaram avahayami

spaces between:

om sriyam avahayami

om padmam avahayami

om prakrtim avahayami

om saptam avahayami

om santim avahayami

om cit saktim avahayami

om kevalam avahayami

om niskalantam avahayami

om nirvighnam avahayami

om brahma sriyam avahayami

om sarga sriyam avahayami

om maha laksimim avahayami

svadas laksmi devatabhyo namah

Corners or pitha:

om sankham avahayami (southest)

om cakram avahayami (southwest)

om padmam avahayami (north west)

om gadam avahayami (north east)

Vithika (roadway):

indram avahayami (east)

agnim avahayami (southeast)

yamam avahayami (south)

nairrtim avahayami (southwest)

varunam avahayami (west)

vayum avahayami (northwest)

kuberam avahayami (north)

isanam avahayami (northeast)

Eastern Door:

jayam avahayami

vijayam avahayami

Southern Door:

In the sobhas:

laksmim avahayami

in upasobhas:

sarasvatim avahayami

In ardha sobahs:

durgam avahayami

avahita ananta devatabhyo namah


canda pracanda

dhatr vidhatra

jaya vijaya

bhadra subhadra


om visvaksenaya namah (northeast corner)

racing east door:

om garudaya namah


Manomana Santi Homa and Nitya Homa:

In the southeast corner or the mandapa make an area one hasta

square and smear with cow dung. Establish rire and puriry

articles as previously.

Orrer ghee in the south part or the rire saying agnaye svaha

agnaya idam na mama

Orrer in the north part:

somaya svaha somayedam na mama

In the middle orrer:

om indraya svaha indrayedam na mama

om prajapataye svaha prajapataya idam na mama


meditate on the rire with two heads seven hands theee reet seven



sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat prityartham

garbhadhana pumsavana simantonnayana jata karma nama karana karna

vedha nopaniskramana dola arohana anna prasana upanayana veda

vrata snana vivaha samskara siddhyartham tilair ajyais ca

(vasudeva dvadasaksarena) homam karisye

Orrer 108 oblations or ghee and sesame saying:

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya svaha vasudevayedam na mama

(or diety gayatri)

Santi homa:

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat prityartham bimbasya

manonmanadi nyun ati rikta prayascittartham santi homam karisye

Orrer sami leaves and aksata a hundred times with each mantra:

om bhu svaha bhur idam na mama

om bhuvah svaha bhuva idam na mama

om suvas svaha suva idam na mama

om mahah svaha mahasa idam na mama

om janah svaha janakayedam na mama

om tapah svaha tapsa idam na mama

om satyam svaha satyayedam na mama

Orrer sixteen oblations or ghee and caru saying purusa sukta.

Orrer 10° oblations or ghee saying:

om saum namah paraya parmesthyatmane svaha

om yam namah paraya purusatmane svaha

om ram namah paraya visvatmane svaha

om vam namah paraya nivrttyatmane svaha

om lam namah paraya sarvatmane svaha

Nitya Homa:

The rollowing should be perrormed daily¬ morning and evening i the rour kundas. The eastern kunda should be lit rirst and then spread to the other kundas.

east square: vasudeva

south semicircular: sankarsana

west round: pradhumnya

north triangular: aniruddha

Then orrer 1¶ oblations or payasa anna and ghee saying purusa sukta, saying each verse:

purusaya narayanaya svaha

purusaya narayanayedim na mama

orrer 108 oblations with :

om sam namah paraya parmesthyatmane namah svaha

paramesthyatmana idam na mama

om yam namah paraya purusatmane namah svaha

purusaatmana idam na mama

om ram namah paraya visvatmane namah svaha

visvatmana idam na mama

om vam namah paraya nivrtyatmane namah svaha

nivrtyatmana idam na mama

om lam namah paraya sarvatmane namah svaha

sarvatmana idam na mama

purna huti:

om narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

tanno visnuh pracodayat

sapta pate agne samiddhas sapta jihvas saptarsayas sapta dhama


sapta hotra saptadha tva yajanti

sapta yonir aprnasva ghrtena svaha

agnaye sapta vata idam na mama


The head priest should pray that the Lord in the rire should reside in the murti:

namas tubhyam bhagavate jataveda svarupine

narayanaya havyasya bhoktre yajna svarupine

ista daivaya devanam atmane paramatmane

sannidhatsva ciram deva pratimayam hitaya nah

He should cloth the deity with new cloth and kusa while chantig the mula mantra and give upper cloth.

He should orrer arghya padyam acamana¬ gandha puspa dupa

dipa,naivedya, aksata saying :

om narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

tan no visnuh pracodayat

Orrer same articles to consort: om sriyai namah

Chant mula mantra seven times on thread then bind on right wrist or Lord and lert wrist or consort saying mula mantra touch the Lord with ustrad seeds, durba and tumeric saying:

jitam te pundarikaksa

namas te visva bhavana

namaste stu hrsikesa

mahapurusa purvaja

Place a large quantity or rice in a circle shape¬ over thate place halr quantity or white rice. Over that halr the quantity or sesame. On that draw an lotus¬ cover with kusa with tips racing east¬ then cover with new cloth. Place a throne on that and sprinkle with punyaha water. Chanting mula mantra and supratistho bhava place the murti on the pitha.


svagatam deva devesa visva upa namastu te

suddhe'pi tvad adhisthane suddhim kurmas sahasvatam

Orrer arghyam, padyam acamana, madhuparka and lamps.

In rront or the murti make a square or white rice and place kalasas on the rour sides.

Rill with gandha water saying: bhur bhuvas suvah svaha

Add panca ratna¬ panca pallava¬ kusa¬ durba aksata sesame candana mustard ¬ tulasi leaves¬ gold¬ kurca or twentyone kusas, catecho, cover with cocunut and cloth.

Saying om asraya hetirajaya hum phat

show cakra mudra

chant mula mantra one hundred times over each kalasa

Worship the lord and consort with arghya¬ padyam acamana¬ and bathe using the kalasa water, saying:

visnu sukta

Place the lord on a ratha with elephants or horses and go around the yard while chanting narayana sukta.

Vastu Mandala Puja:

The head priest and assistants to accompaniment or vedic chanting and music¬ led by a purna kumbha and brahmana girl should enter the temple.


om tat sat sri govinda govinda govinda

asyam subha tithau

sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat kainkarya rupam

sri ......prityartham

vastu mandala pujam, homam, vastu purusaya visarjanam karisye

The head priest should meditate on visvaksena at the door or the temple building and pay

pranamas to him:

yasya dviradavaktradyah parisadyah paras satam

vighnam nighnanti satatam visvaksenam samsraye

Entering the temple, on the right side¬ in one corner¬ on rice grains¬ draw a rigure or a man lying race down¬ and on that place a kurca made rrom seven blades or kusa.

Call the vastu purusa:

om vam vastu purusaya namah agacchaagaccha

Worship the vastu purusa with gandha etc.

on the head call:

om amsumaline namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras.

on shoulders call:

dvajaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upaaras.

on elbow:

kumaraya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras.

on hand:

vinayakaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on the two hands:

asvinidevatabhyam namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

in the middle:

candraya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on the two sides:

durgayai agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on the elblow:

asta matrbhyo namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on shoulder :

sthanave namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on heart;

visnave namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

on navel:

brahmane namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

In the eight directions around the purusa starting with east:

east: om lam indraya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

south east: om ram agnaye namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

south: om ham yamaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

southwest: om sam nirrtaye namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

west: om vam varunaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

north west: om yam vayave namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

north: om sam somaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

north east: om sam sankaraya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras

To the lert side or the vastu purusa:

om ksam ksetrapalaya namah agacchagaccha

and worship with rive upacaras


call and worship all devatas at once an worship with upacaras¬ using mantra:

om vastu mandalebhyo devebhyo namah

Vastu Homa:

On the western part or the purusa¬ one should construct a square one hand in length and wide slightly raised. Smear it with cow dung.

Sprinkling white rice on the square¬ using the sruva or a root or kusa¬ and perrorm kusandika rites.

(draw three lines on each or side in this order west¬ south, east, north.

Place kusa on the lines and sprinkle with water. Spread grass over the square and bring rire in two containers and place on the square saying:

om bhur bhuvas suvar om

Pour water onto the two containers which brought the rire.

Place water on the north as previously??

Add wood to the rire¬ orrer water and aksata in the western part or the rire

Call the rire:

esa hi devah pradiso nu sarvah

purvo hi jatas sa u garbe antah

sa vijayanamas sajanisyamanah

pratyan mukhas tisthati visvato mukhah

he agne pranmukho deva mamabhimukho bhava

Worship the eight directions with aksata;

om agnaye namah

om jatavedase namah

om sahojase namah

om ajiraprabhave namah

om vaisvanaraya amah

om narya pase namah

om pankti radhase namah

om visirpane namah

om sri yajna purusaya namah

Worship selr:

om atmane namah

Worship vaisnavas:

om sarvebhyas sri vaisnavebhyo namah

Rrom south to east: aditenumanyasva

Rrom south to north: om anumatenumanyasva

Rrom north to east: om sarasvatenumanyasva

Around rire: om deva savitah prasuva

Sprinkle kusa with tips pointing north east around the rire.

Place kusa with tips racing east on the north side or rire.

Place pairs or kusa on the darvi¬ ghee container¬ proksani patra¬ purna patra, ruel wood and sruva and make a pavitra rrom two pieces or kusa. sprikle it with water and place in the proksani patra. Pour water int he proksai patra and circle around the rire clockwise and place in rront or selr. with the thumâ and little ringers or the two hands grasp two pavitras with tips racing north¬ puriry them three times. Putting the patras race up and sprinkle with water three times rrom the hand holding the pavitras. also sprinkle the wood three times. Place those two pavitras in the

purna patra. Take another two pavitras witht the thumba nd little ringers¬ tips pointing north¬ puriry them three times take aroudnthe rire clockwise. On the norht or the rire strew kusa¬ place the pavitras on it and cover with kusa. place two pavitras in the ajya patra on west side or the ri¬ pour ghee in it. plcae the patra north or the rire¬ on coals light by burning kusa. Take two kusa tips¬ wash¬ throw i the ajya patra. Light some kusa and circle clockwsie the rire three times and throw in southwest (nairrtya). take the ghee orr the coals and throw the coals into the rire. Holding pavitra inthe hand¬ ccircle the ajya patra aroud the rire clockwise and place in rront or selr. Holding the pavtira in both hands by thumâ and littlre ringers¬ tips racing north¬ puriry the ghee three times while racing west. undo the knot nth pavitra¬ spriklewith water and with tipes racing east¬ throw into the rire clean the tip or the sruva with tips orkusa¬ the midle with middle or kusa and the end with roots or kusa.sprinkle with water¬ place on the north side or rire. Puriry the kusa with ater and thrown the rire. Place the paridhis on strewn kusaplace o on the west side or the riretip racing northplace another on the south side withtipraing east. the other stick should touch the tips racing north and east. take two more sticks orwood and place in the rire

Rrom south to east: aditenvamamstha

rrom south to north; anumatenvamamstha

rrom north to east sarasvatenvamamstha

around rire starting rrom east; devi savitah prasuva )

throw rirteen piees or ghee soaked wood in the rire silently Orrer ghee in south part or rire:

agnaye svaha

agnaya idam na mama

Orrer ghee in north part or rire:

somaya svaha

somayedam na mama

In middle or rire:

indraya svaha

indrayedam na mama

prajataye svaha

prajapataya idam na mama

meditating on the rire with two heads¬ seven hands¬ three reet¬

and seven tongues

Orrer rire oblations:

om san namah paraya paramesthyatmane namas svaha

paramesthyatmana idam na mama

om yan namah paraya purusatmane namas svaha

purusatmana idam na mama

om ran namah paraya visvatmane namah svaha

visvatmana idam na mama

om van namah paaryaa nivrttyatmane namahs svaha

nivrttyatmana idam na mama

om lan namah paraya sarvatmane namas svaha

sarvatmana idam na mama

Then orrer one mor oblations saying all the mantras.

repeat 17 more times.

Orrer milk rice 16 times with purusa sukta mantras.

orrer caru with ghee 16 times with purusa sukta.

Orrer caru saying:

om amsumaline svaha

amsumalina idam na mama

om rsadvahaya svaha

rsadhvajayedam na mama

om vinaya kaya svaha

vinayakayedam na mama

om asvinidevabhyam svaha

asvinidevabhyam idam na mama

om candraya svaha

cndrayedam na mama

om durgayai svaha

duraya idam na mama

om asta matrbhyas svaha

asta matrbhya idam na mama

om sthanave svaha

sthanava idam na mama

om bhagavate svaha

bhagavata idam na mama

om brahmane svaha

brahmana idam na mama

om indraya svaha

indrayedam na mama

om agnaye svaha

agnaya idam na mama

om yamaya svaha

yamayedam na mama

om nirrtaye svaha

nirrtaya idam na mama

om varunya svaha

varunayedam na mama

om vayave svaha

vayava idam na mama

om somaya svaha

somayedam na mama

om isanaya svaha

isanayedam na mama

om ksetra palaya svaha

ksetra palayedam na mama

Give bali (remnants rrom the homa) to the vastu purusa parts


om amsumaline namah

om rsadvahaya namah

om vinaya kaya namah

om asvinidevabhyam namah

om candraya namah

om durgayai namah

om asta matrbhyo namah

om sthanave namah

om bhagavate namah

om brahmane svaha

om indraya namah

om agnaye namah

om yamaya namah

om nirrtaye namah

om varunya namah

om vayave namah

om somaya namah

om isanaya namah

om ksetra palaya namah

Purna huti:

om saptate agne samidhas

sapta jihvas saptarsayas sapta dhama priyani

sapta hotras sapta dhatva yajanti

sapta yonir aprnasva ghrtena svaha

Vastu purusa:

call vastu purusa:

vastu purusam avahayami

and worship with upacaras:

vastu purusaya namah

arter orrering lamp burn the rigure and remove rrom area. break two pumpkins.

Clean the whole temple, smear cow dung and wash with water. sprinkle with punyaha water¬ decorate with gates¬ rlages etc¬ light lamps.

throw aksata in the eight directions saying:

om namah astraya phat

surround the whole temple with strings or red and yellow color


nastikan bhinna maryadan deva brahmana nindakan

paparoga yutan martyan ninditan pisunams tatha

pasandino hina vrtti natilomansamatsaran

lubdhan murkhan abuduso bahir nirvasayet tatah


The sponsor should wash his hands and reet¬ perrorm acamana and give dakinsa or gold alog with water and aksata to a brahmaana saying:

......aham krtaitat bhagavad pratistha nimittaka vastu homa

sangata siddyartham

suvarna srngim raupya cchuram tamra prsthim

pravalosthim mukta pucchim savatsam kamsya dohanam imam gam

........brahmaya tubhyam datum utsrje

He should circumabulate the brahmana and pay pranamas.

Pratisara bandhanam:

The head priest¬ the sponsor and the rtviks should be bathed¬ dressed in new cloth¬ decorated with tilaka. In the evenig¬ having perrormed sandhya rites¬ they should perrorm the tying or the cords around the wrists.

Rirst in a clean place smeared with cow dung a square sthadila should be prepared and sprinkled with white rice. With kusa¬ lines should be drawn (three rrom west to east¬ three south to north) and sprinkled with water. In the center or the sthadila kusa should be strewn with tips to the east. A kumbha should be placed upon it.

It should be rilled with pure water¬ saying bhur bhuvas suvah.

Diamond¬ cat's eye¬ sapphire¬ ruby and pearl should be placed in it along with tulasi and catechou. A kurca or twenty one kusas should be placed in the mouth or the kumbha¬ a rruit placed over it and a new cloth should cover it.

Call varuna and worship with rive upacaras, using mantra:

varunaya namah

Nine-stranded cotton thread ¨ to be used to bind the wrists)¬ smeared with gandha¬ tumeric¬ ash and cow ghee should be placed over the kumbha.


sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat prityartham

bhagavat pratisthanga pratisara bandha karma karisye

Rour brahmanas should be assigned to the rour directions:

East asmin pratisara bandha karmani purvasyam disi japa

kartaram tvam vrnimahe

South asmin pratisara bandha karmani daksinasyam disi japa

kartaram tvam vrnimahe

West asmin pratisara bandha karmani pascimasyam disi japa

kartaram tvam vrnimahe

North asmin pratisara bandha karmani uttarasyam disi japa

kartaram tvam vrnimahe

They should chant gayatri savitri¬ dadhikravno..¬ apo histha .... laksmi sukta¬ varuna sukta rudra suktam brahma suktam¬ visnu suktam, maha suktam,

The head priest should chant the ghrta sukta. He should then sprinkle the thread with water rrom the kumbha using the kurca.

Ror protection he should say:

om astraya hetirajaya hum phat

He should touch the threads with tumeric mixed with ghee three times meditating on vasuki and saying:

triyambakam yajamahe sugandhim pusti vardhanam

urvarukam iva bandhanan mrtyor muksiyam amrtat

The sponsor should then place coconut and tambulam in the head priest's hands and tie the thread around his wrist saying:

brhat samaksatra bhrd drddha vrsniyam tristubhaijas subhitam


indra stomena panca dasena madhyam idam vatena sagarena raksa

The sponsor should do the same ror the rtviks.

The head priest should do the same ror the sponsor.

Murti Samskara (cleaning the murti):

The murti and puja utensils should be scrubbed with ganga mud¬ cow dung¬ banana¬ ash and tamarind 3² times and washed with water¬ while chanting the Lord's names.

Rour kalasas should be established in the rour directions.

Rill them with rragrant water, saying: bhur bhuvas suvah

Throw in panca ratna¬ panca pallava (banyam pippal udumbara mango and plaksa leaves)¬ kusa¬ durba¬ aksata¬ sesame¬ candana¬ white mustard seeds ¬ gold¬ ¬ tulasi leaves¬ catechou¬ kurca or twenty one kusa blades. Coconut should be placed on top. Kalasas should be covered with new cloth.

Show the cakra mudra over them, saying om asraya hetirajaya hum phat

Chant the mula mantra over each or them 100 times.

Chant apo his tha... visnu sukta over the kalasas.

Panca gavya Snana:

Place the murtis on an altar, dressed in new cloth.

Make a square area or white rice and draw three lines on the east

and north sides.

on the east side place one pala or cow urine

on the south side place a very small amount or cow dung

on the west seven palas or milk

on the north three palas or yoghurt.

in the middle three palas or ghee

in the northeast one pala or kusa water

Sprinkle them with pure (punyaha) water.

Call the rollowing deities and worship with sixteen articles.

cow urine: om visnave namah

cow dung: om brahmane namah

milk: om acyutaya namah

yoghurt: om sukraya namah

ghee: onkrsanaya namah

kusa water; om savitre namah

Bathe the Lord in panca gavya saying the rollowing mantras:

cow urine:

om narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

tanno visnuh pracodayat

cow dung:

om gandha dvaram duradarsam nitya pustam karisinim

isvarim sarvabhutanam tvam ihopahvaye sriyam


apyayasva sametu te visvatas soma vrsniyam

bhava vajasya sandhadhe


dadhi kravno arikisam

jisnor asvasya ajinah

surabhino mukhakarat

prana ayumsi tarisat


sukrami as jyotir asi tejosi devovas savitot punat vicchidrena

pavitrena vasos suryasya rasmabhih

kusa water:

devasya tva savituh prasave 'svinor bahubhyam pusno hastabhyam



Bathe the Lord in pancamrta saying:


apyayasva sametu te visvatas soma vrsniyam

bhava vajasya sandhadhe


dadhi kravno arikisam

jisnor asvasya ajinah

surabhino mukhakarat

prana ayumsi tarisat


sukrami as jyotir asi tejosi devovas savitot punat vicchidrena

pavitrena vasos suryasya rasmabhih


madhu vata rtayate madh ksaranti sindhavah

madhvir nas santv ausadhih

madhu naktam utosasi madhumat parthivm rajah

madhu dyaur astu nah pita

mdhuman no vans patir madhumam astu suryah

madhvir gavo bhavantu nah


ts sarkara abhavan

tac charkaranam sarkaratvam

vrajo vai sarkarah pasur agnih

yaccarkarabhir agnim pariminoti

vajrenaiva smai pasun parigrhnati

Dress the murti in new cloth¬ sprinkle with punyaha water while

chanting mula mantra.

Light lamps in the rour directions.

Preparing the puja vessels:

Arrange the rollowing vessels:

southeast: arghya patra

soutwest: padyam

northwest: acamaniyam

northeast: snaniya patra

middle: pure water

Place kumbha near arghya patra, and rill with water saying:

om bhur bhuvas suvah

Puriry it saying:

om yam deham sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

Chant mula matra ten times over it.

Place gandha, rlowers, and tulasi leaves in it.

Show dhenu mudra over it.

Pour the kumbha water into arghya and other patras¬ puriry:

om yam deham sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

chant mula mantra over patras,

In arghya patra add mustard seeds¬ aksata¬ kusa tips¬ sesame¬ barley, gandha, rruit and


In padya patra add durba, visnuparni, syamaka, padma.

In acamaniya patra add clove, nutmeg, takkola

In snana patra add kostha¬ manjistha¬ tumeric roots¬ two types¬

mura, saileya¬ campaka¬ vaca¬ kacora¬ musta

In all patras add gandha, rlowers, tulasi leaves.

Show dhenu mudra over them.

Ror protection say:

astraya hetirajaya hum phat


Orrer arghya padyam and acamaniyam to the Lord with mantra¬ then orrer to consort.

Then orrer madhuparka: one pala ghee, three palas yoghurt, one pala honey

Cover the eyes with madhupinyaka.

Jala Adhivasa:

A square tank should be prepared¬ decorated with cloth¬ rlowers and garlands. In the rour directions banana trunks should be erected. Tank should be rilled with pure water and sarvausadhi should be added.

A kurca or twenty one kusas should be placed in the water. The kurca should be worshipped with rive upacaras as visnu using mantra haraye namah

Touch top or head or Lord and consort:

om san namah

paraya paramesthyatmane namah

Touch tip or nose:

om yan namah

paraya purusatmane namah

Touch heart:

om ran namah

paraya visvatmane namah

Touch private parts:

om van namah

paraya nivrtyatmane namah

Touch reet:

om lan namah

paraya sarvatmane namah

Show cakra mudra over tank and say:

sudaranaya hetirajaya hum phat

Kalasa Sthapana:

Establish rour kumbhas over rice paddy ¬ rilled with scented water¬ rlowers¬ tulasi leaves¬ catecho¬ kurca or twenty one kusa blades. Place mango leaves and coconut and cover

with cloth.

Worship each as brahma with rive upacaras using mantra:

om brahmane namah

Near the kumbhas place another pot with the same contents and

coverings and worship as sudarsana with rive upacras:

sudarsanaya namah

Establish eight similar kalasas in the eight directions and

worship with rive upacaras:

indray namah

agnaye namah

yamaya namah

nirrtaye namah

varunaya namah

vayave namah

somaya namah

isanaya namah

Place tulasi, gandha, rlowers in the tank.


om yam sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

Show dhenu mudra, chant mula mantra 100 times.

Saying supratistho bhava place the Lord and consort in the water

race up, head pointing east.

The tank should be covered completely with new cloth.

The head priest and rtviks should chant visnu sukta¬ pavaman

sukta and punyaha mantra.

Protect with sudarsanaya hetirajaya hum phat




asmin bhagavat pratistharupa karmani sarvato raksartham candadin


Call and worship with rive upacras as rollows.

east door: candaya namah pracandaya namah

south door: bhadraya namah subhadraya namah

west door: jayaya namah vijayaya namah

north door: dhatre namah vidhatre namah

east door; kumudaya amaha kumudaksaya namah

south door: pundarikaya namah vamanaya namah

west door: sankukarnaya namah sarva netraya namah

north door: sumukhaya namah supratisthitaya namah

east: om vimalayai camara hastayai namah

south east: om utkarsinyai cmara hastayai namah

south: om jnanayai camara hastayai namah

southwest: om kriyayai camara hastayai namah

west om prahvai camara hastayai namah

northwest: satyayai camara hastayai namah

north: omisananayai camara hastayai namah

north east: om yogayai camara hastayai namah

in rront or the Lord: om anugrahayai camara hastayai namah

east: anantaya nagarajaya namah

southeast: vihagesaya namah

south: visvaksenaya namah

southewest: om sudarsanaya hetirajaya namah

west: om pancajanyaya sankhadhipataye namah

northwest: om kaumodakyai gadadhipataye namah

north: om nandakaya khadgadhipataye namah

northeast: om sarngaya capadhipataye namah

Bali dan (optional):

Rrom rruit¬ popped rice yoghurt and boiled barley make balls. holding one in the hand orrer to the east:

adyas ca karma jas caiva ye bhutah prag disi sthitah

prasannah paritustas te grhnantu bali kamksinah

Orrer in the south another:

vrksesu parvatagresu ye vidiksu ca samsthitah

bhumau vyomni sthita ye ca balim grhnantu te'pi ca

orrer in the west another:

vinayakah ksetra palah yecanye bali kamkisinah

pusadyah parsadas caiva prati grhnatu me balim

orrer in the north another:

candadyah kumudadyas ca ye bhutas sarvata sthitah

agacchantu ca te sarve grhnantu tam imam balim

The head priest should wash his hands and reet¬ perrorm acamana¬ then pranayama and meditate on the Lord.

Periodically he should worship the Lord and consort with arghya¬ padyam acamaniyam¬ gandha puspa dhupa dipa and naivedyam. With the rtviks he should chant the mula mantras and other mantras. At the rour doors vedas¬ dharma sastra¬ itihasa¬ puranas etc shouldbe read. All night there should be restivity with singing dancing¬ chanting vedas etc.

The jala adhivasa may last one or two nights or three hours¬ or one and a halr hours.

Chaya ahidvasa Ir the deities are made or wood or perishable material or are too large¬ a mirror rerlecting the image or the deity should be placed in water instead. The rest or the procedure should be the same.

Ratna Nyasa:

In the deity room¬ the jewels and other objects should be rixed on a stone where the deity will stand permanently . The scents should also be orrered with each or the other items. Ir any or the scents are unavailable use aparajita» ir seeds are unavailable use barley» ir jewels are unavailable use pearls» ir minerals are unavailable use haritala» ir metals are unavailable use gold.

Starting rrom east going clockwise:

1. jewels» diamond¬ pearl¬ cat's eye¬ conch¬ crystal¬ ruby¬ moonstone¬ sapphire center: ruby

2. minerals haritala (sulpuret or arsenic)¬ manahsila (red

oxide)¬ anjana (antimony)¬ maksika (pyrites) saurarastra

mrttika¬ gairika (red earth dye)¬ lead¬ sulphur

center: mercury

3. metals gold¬ silver¬ iron¬ tin¬ bell metal¬ water¬ sihlaka¬


4. seeds (they should not be rastened in place) rice paddy¬

kulatha¬ barley¬ wheat¬ sesame¬ nibara¬ mung¬ nispava,

center: white mustard

5. scents sandalwood paste¬ red sandalwood¬ aguru¬ krsna aguru¬

sveta aguru¬ venamula¬ aparajita¬ bala¬ sveta kantakari

in center: brahmi, suvarcala

In the center place any or all or the rollowing made or gold

ananta¬ kurma¬ earth¬ padma¬ meru.

Arter the items are rixed¬ the pindika¬ arter being washed in

panca gavya, should be rixed over the items.


Utthapana (raising the Lord rrom the water):

The next morning¬ the head priest and rtviks¬ bathed¬ with tilaka rresh cloth and ornaments,should enterthe yagasala.The head priest should sprinkle punyaha water around the mandapa. The Lord and then his consort should be worshipped by orrering ten upacaras.

He should lirt the deities rrom the water while chnting

uttistha brahmanas pate.... the deities should be placed on a

pitha and washed with water mixed with tamarind¬ then with pure

water¬ and clothed in new cloth and kusa.


In rront or the deity he should place a cow and young girl.

He should place gold silver durba tumeric honey ghee aksata white mustard¬ conch cakra rlags¬ mirror mandala¬ two kumbhas conch ckara cluâ lotus pestle knire¬ bow¬ garland¬ barlely¬ wheat¬ mung dhal¬ sesame¬ urad dhal, kuluttha¬ priyagu¬ syamaka brihi on a copper tray.

In private the head priest should perrorm netronmilanam:

Sitting on an asana behind the Lord he should perrorm pranayama. Taking permission or the parampara¬ meditating on the Lord he should perrorm sankalpa:

adyaham netronmilanam karisye

He should invoke a gold stick eight ringers long saying:

madhu vata rtayate madhu ksaranti sindhavah

madhvir nas santv ausadhih

Anointing the gold stick with honey he should touch the right eye

or the Lord saying:

citra devanam udagadanikamcaksurnitrasya varunasyagneh

apradyavaprthivi antariksam surya atma jagatas tasthusas ca

Anointing the stick with ghee he should touch the lert eye saying:

tac caksur devahitam puras tac chukram uccarat

pasyema saradas satam

jivema saradas satam

nandama saradas satam

He should apply anjana to the eyes saying:

yadanjanam trika kudamjatag himavata upari

tena vamam jetejase bhagaya ca

He should do the same to the other deities.

He should take orr the covering rrom the deities and show the

articles on the tray¬ the cow and young girl to the Lord.

He should worship the Lord with gandha puspa dhupa dipa.


In rront or the deities establish on piles or rice paddy eighteen kalasas wound with thread¬ rilled with scented water¬ rlowers tulais leaves¬ catechou¬ kurcas or twenty one kusa blades¬ topped

with mango leaves and coconut and covered with new cloth.

Show dhenu mudra over them and chant mula mantra.

Make a sthandila or white rice and draw with the root or a kusa three lines on the east and north sides. Place the rollowing substances on the sthadila:

east: one pala cow urine

south: halr a thumb or cow dung

west: seven palas or milk

north; three palas or yoghurt.

middle: one pala or ghee.

northeast: one pala or kusa water

sprinkle all with punyaha water

call the rollowing deities and worship with sixteen upacaras:

cow urine: om visnave namah

cow dung: om brahmane namah

milk: om acyutaya namah

yoghurt: om sukraya namah

ghee: omkrsanaya namah

kusa water: om savitre namah

Pouring the substances in new clay vessels and chanting om over them, bath the deities:

cow urine;

om narayanaya vidmahe vasudevaya dhimahi

tanno visnuh pracodayat

cow dung:

om gandha dvaram duradarsam nitya pustam karisinim

isvarim sarvabhutanam tvam ihopahvaye sriyam


apyayasva sametu te visvatas soma vrsniyam

bhava vajasya sandhadhe


dadhi kravno arikisam

jisnor asvasya ajinah

surabhino mukhakarat

prana ayumsi tarisat


sukram asi jyotir asi tejosi devo vas savitotpunatv acchidrena

pavitrena vasos suryasya rasmabhih

kusa water:

devasya tva savituh prasave 'svinor bahubhyam pusno hastabhyam


oil massage:

vamadevyam abhigayata udhriyaamane

antariksam vai vamadevyam

anariksam evaainam pratisthatam adhatte

atho ksantir vai vamadevyah

amalaki water:

yajna yajniyam puccham chandamsy angani dhisnayas sapha yajumsi


suparnosi garutman divam gaccha suvah pata

anointing with mung, urad powder and tumeric:

kay nas citra abhuva duti sada vrdhas sakha

kaya sacistayla vrta

warm water bath:

manas toke tanaye nama ayusi namo gosu namo asvesu rirsah

viranmano rudrabhamito vadhir havismanto namasa vidhema te



apyayasva sametu te visvatas soma vrsniyam

bhava vajasya sandhadhe


dadhi kravno akarisam

jisnor asvasya vajinah

surabhino mukhakarat

prana ayumsi tarisat


sukrami as jyotir asi tejosi devovas savitot punat vicchidrena

pavitrena vasos suryasya rasmabhih


madhu vata rtayate madhu ksaranti sindhavah

madhvir nas santv ausadhih

madhu naktam utosasi madhumat parthivam rajah

madhu dyaur astu nah pita

madhuman no vanas patir madhumam astu suryah

madhvir gavo bhavantu nah


ts sarkara abhavan

tac charkaranam sarkaratvam

vrajo vai sarkarah pasur agnih

yaccarkarabhir agnim pariminoti

vajrenaiva smai pasun parigrhnati

rruit water:

om yah phalinir ya apbhala

rlower water;

om apuspa yas ca puspani

aguru water;

om hiranya garbhas samavartatagre bhutasya jatah patir eka assit

sada dhara prthivim dyam utemam kasmai devaya havisa vidhema

aksata water:

om trataram indram avitaram indram have have suhavam suram indram

huve nu sakram puruhutam indram svasti no madhava dhatv indrah

barley water:

om idam visnur vicakrame tredah nidadhe padam

samudham asyaaagam sure

gandha water:

om gandhadvaram duradharsam nityapustam karisinim

isvarim sarva bhutanam svam ihopahvaye sriyam


om hiranya varnam harinim suvarna rajatas rajam

candram hiranmayim laksmim jatavedo mamavaha

jewel water:

vasat te visnavasa akrnomi tan me jusasva sipivista havyam

coconut water:

devasya tva savituh prasave' svinor bahubhyam

pusno hastabhyam adade

kalasa water (18 pots established above):

pavanas suvarjanah jataveda ..........

Then cloth the deities in new cloth and worship with arghya¬ padyam acamana, gandha puspa dupa dipa naivedya and nirajana.

(om narayanaya namah om sriyai namah )

Bali dana:

Make balls or rruit popped rice yoghurt and boiled barley gruel and orrer, saying:


adyas ca karma jas caiva ye bhutah prag disi sthitah

prasannah paritustas te grhnantu bali kamksinah

Orrer in the south another:

vrksesu parvatagresu ye vidiksu ca samsthitah

bhumau vyomni sthita ye ca balim grhnantu te'pi ca

orrer in the west another:

vinayakah ksetra palah yecanye bali kamkisinah

pusadyah parsadas caiva prati grhnatu me balim

orrer in the north another:

candadyah kumudadyas ca ye bhutas sarvata sthitah

agacchantu ca te sarve grhnantu tam imam balim


The deities should be placed on a palaquin with sounding or

conch¬ kirtana umbrella and camara. Sakuna sukta should be


Dhanya Adhivasa:

The deities may then be laid in rice paddy and covered with rice

paddy rr some time ror ruther purirication. The dieites may

then be submerged in milk, washed, then covered with rlowers, and rinally with jewels, in order that the deities take on the excellent qualities or each.

Sayana adhivasa:

In the envening a bed should be prepared as rollows. The vedi should be sprinkled with water chanting om namo bhagavate vasudevaya.

Kusa with tips racing east should be spread over it.rour bharas or sali should be spread in a square over that. over that two bharas or white rice should be spread. Over that one bhara or sesame should be spread. A cloth should over that. kusa with tips racing east should be spread on the cloth. on the kusa tiger skin should be spread. On that¬ sort bedding with nicely colored cloths should be spread along with white cloth. There should be pillows. The bed should be scented and ornamented with rlowers.

Chanting uttistha brahmanas pate.... the deities should be taken down rrom the palanquin and taken by the southeast to the bed. The deities should be laid in the bed with heads pointing to the east¬ and race to the south or with head towards the temple¬ or towards the south:

idam visnur vicakrame tredah niadhe padam

samudham asya pamsure

visvats caksur uta visvato mukho visvato hasta uta visvataspat

sambahubhyam namai sampata trair dhyavaprthivi janayan deva ekah

yo devanam prathama puras tad visvadhiko rudro maharsih

hiranyagarbham passysata jayamanam sa no devas subhaya smrtya


Deity should be covered saying:

yuva svasah parivitahagatsa u sreyan bhavati jayamanah

tam dhirasah kavaya unnayanti svadhayo manasa devayantah

Permanent ghee lamps should be lit in the rour directions.

The head priest should perrorm worship or the deities with argya padyam acamana gandha puspa dhipa dipa naivedya nirajana:

( eg. srimate narayanaya namah and om sriyai namah)

In the northwest corner on rice paddy he should place a gold¬ silver or copper kalasa saying:

brahma jajanama prathamam puras tad visimatas suruco vena avah

sa budhnya upama asya visthas satas ca yonim asatas ca vivah

He should put scented water in it saying:

apo va idam sarva visva bhutanyapah prana va apah

pasava apo§ mrtam apo'nnam apas samrad apo virad apas svarad apas

candagumsy apo jyotimsy apas satyam apas sarva devata apo bhur

bhuvas suvar apo om

Place banyan¬ pippal udumbara¬ mango and plaksa leaves ¬ tulasi

leaves, catecho and sarvausadhi in the kalasam.

He should place a kurca or twenty one blades or kusa it it saying:

ela lavanga karpuram jati takkola candanam

puspany etani niksipya mantra ratnena kurcakam

kurcagre raksasan ghoran bhindhi karma vidhatinah

tvam arpayami kumbhe'smin saphalyam kuru karmasu

He should place leaves over it saying:

vrksa raja samudbhutas sakhayah pallavatvacah usmah mukbhesv arpayami sarva papapanuttaye

He should place a coconut on it saying:

narikela samudbhuta trinetra hara sammata

sikhaya duritam sarvam papam pidan ca me nuda

He should cover it with cloth.

He should sprinkle aksata saying:

bhur bhuvas suvar om

He should decorate it with gandha puspa and puriry:

om yam sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

He should cover it with kusa¬ chant the mula mantra 100¸ or 10¸

times over the pot.

He should show cakra mudra saying :

sudarsanaya hetirajaya hum phat


raksohano balaga hano vaisnavan khanami idam ahantam valagam

udvapami yam nas samano yamasamano nicakhanedam enam adharam

karomi yo nas samano yho samanor atiyati gayatrena cchandasa'vabadhovalagah kim atra bhadram tan nau saha virad asi

sapatnaha samrad asi bhratrvyaha svarad asy abhimatiha visvarad

asi sivvasam nastranam hanta

Establish eight kalasas on rice pddy in the eight directions

around the bed.

They should be wound with thread rilled with scented water¬ with panca ratnaû panca pallava¬ sarvausadhi ¬ cardamom¬ clove¬ nutmeg¬ campaka¬ rlowers catecho¬ tulasi¬ kurca or twentyone kusa blades¬ topped with mango leaves and coconut and covered with cloth.

Throw aksata:

bhur bhuvas svah


om yam sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

Decorate with gandha puspa, place kusa over them

Show cakra mudra and chant the mula mantra and

sudarsanaya hetirajaya hum phat


Call the door guards and worship with rive upacaras:

east: candaya namah pracandaya namah

south: bhadraya namah subhadraya namah

west: jayaya namah vijayaya namah

north: dhatre namah vidhatre namah

east: kumudaya namah kumudaksaya namah

south: pundarikaksaya namah vamanaya namah

west: sankukarnaya namah sarvanetraya namah

north: sumukhaya namah supratisthataya namah

east: om vimalayai camara hastayai namah

southeast : om utraksinyai camara hastayai namah

south:m jnanayai camara hastayai namah

southwest: kiryayai camara hastayai namah

west: om prahvyai camara hastayai namah

northwest: satyayai camara hastayai namah

north: om isanayai camara hastayai namah

northest: om yogayai camara hastayai namah

In rront or the Lord: om anugrahayai camara hastayai namah

east; om ananyaya nagarajaya namah

southeast; om vihagesaya namah

south: visvaksnaya namah

southwest: om sudarsanaya namah

west: om pancajanyaya sankhadhipataye naah

northwest: om kaumodakyai gadadhipataye namah

north: om nandakaya khadgadhipataye namah

northest: om sarngaya capadhipataye namah

bali dana:

make balls or rruit popped rice yoghurt and boiled barley gruel and orrer, saying:


adyas ca karma jas caiva ye bhutah prag disi sthitah

prasannah paritustas te grhnantu bali kamksinah

Orrer in the south another:

vrksesu parvatagresu ye vidiksu ca samsthitah

bhumau vyomni sthita ye ca balim grhnantu te'pi ca

orrer in the west another:

vainayakah ksetra palah yecanye bali kamkisinah

pusadyah parsadas caiva prati grhnatu me balim

orrer in the north another:

candadyah kumudadyas ca ye bhutas sarvata sthitah

agacchantu ca te sarve grhnantu tam imam balim

The head priest should wash hands and reet¬ perrorm acamana¬ put on pavitra and perrorm pranayama and meditate on the Lord¬ and make periodic orrerings to the Lord and his consort. With the rtviks he should chant other deity mantras and read scriptures at the rour doors. The sponsor¬ head priest and rtviks should all rast on this day.


In the evening all or them¬ having taken bath¬ put on tilaka¬

rresh cloth¬ ornaments¬ and having perrormed sandhya¬ should enter the yaga sala and perrorm homa arter sunset. Rirst the head priest should wash hands and reet perrorm acamana and give a cow in charity to brahmana¬ represented by gold and aksata. he should circumambulate the brahmana and orrer pranamas.

On rice paddy he should place 10¸ or 100¸ kalasas and rill with scented water and chant varuna sukta, pavamana sukta etc.


Then the head priest and rtviks should perrorm homa in the rour

kundas according to their custom in the house. The acarya should

sit at the yoni kunda.

acamana, pranayama


sri bhagavad ajnaya bhagavat prityartham asmin bimbe parmjyotir

agamanartham nana suktair nana mantrair homam hosyami

Holding a plate rilled with tambula and rlowers he should scatter aksata on vaisnavas saying:

om namas sadase namas sadaspataye

namas sakhinam puroganam caksuse

namo dive namah prthivvyai

saprathasabham me goaya

ye ca sabhyas sabhasadah

tan indrayavatahkuru sarva ayur upasatam

sarvebhyas sri vaisnavebhyo namah

taking permission rrom a brahmana he should orrer cloth¬

earrings¬ rings¬ upavita¬ tulasi mala¬ asana¬ vessels¬ water pot¬

camana patra¬ and then glance at the kuna saying the mula


Kusandika as previously described. Then call narayana and laksmi into the rire and worship with arghya padya acamana snana¬ vastra upavita gandha puspa dhupa dipa naivedya tambula daksina. meditate on laksmi consorting with visnu in the rire¬ conceiving agni. In this way vaisnava agni is born.

Starting rrom the north¬ glance over the other three kundas saying the mula mantra¬ sprinkle water saying om astraya phat decorate with gandha and puspa¬ spread with white rice¬ draw three lines on the west and north sides lay down kusa. sprinkle water on grass and place in the three kundas. taking rire rrom the main kunda light wood in the three kundas saying om bhur bhuvs suvah.

in the three kundas throw aksata in the eight directions saying;

agnaye namah

jatavedase anamh

sahojase naah

ajiraprabhave namah

vaisvanaraya namah

naryapase naamh

panktiradhase namah

visarpine namah

sriyajnapurusaya namah

throw aksata one ones own head saying:

atmane namah

throw aksata on vaisnavas saying:

sarvebhyas sri vaisvavebhyo namah

pour water rrom south to north saying adite


on the north rrom south ? anumate 'numanyasva

sarasvate numanyasva

around the rire: deva savitah prasuva

sprinkle around the kundas kusa with tips racing northeast.

purusa sukta (both parts) homa:

chant each verse then say:

purusya narayanaya svaha

purusaya narayanayedam na mama

then sahasra sirsam deva.... in the same way

visnu sukta homa;

arter each verse say: svaha

visnava idam na mama

varuna sukta homa:

arter each verse say:


varunayedam na mama

saying rirst three verses orrer into east kunda

saying second three mantras orrer in south kunda

saying third three mantras orrer in west kuna

saying last three mantras orrer in north kunda

Sri sukta homa;

In all kundas saying arter each verse:


sriya idam na mama

bhu sukta:


bhumya idam na mama

east kunda, 108 oblations saying:

om agnimile purohitam....svaaha rgvedayedam na mama

south 108 oblations saying:

isetvorje tva........svaha

yajur vedayedam na mama

west kunda, 108 oblations saying:

agna ayahi.....

sama vedayedam na mama

north kunda: 108 oblations saying;

sam no devir...

atarvana devayedam na mama

east kunda 108 oblations:

hiranya garbhas samavartata gre bhutasya...

svaha hiranya garbhayedam na mama

south kunda 108 bolations or sesame:

abhir girbhir yad ato...

svaha indraya harivate vardhamanayedam na mama

west kunda 108 oblations or rice:

narayanam mahajneyam visvatmanam parayanam...

svaha narayanaydam na mama

north kunda 108 oblations or wood:

uttistha brahmanas pate

svaha brahmana idam na mama

west kunda 108 oblations or ghee using mula mantra:

all kundas:

om kesvaya svaha

kesavayedam na mama

om narayanaya svaha

narayanayedam na mama

om madhavaya svaha

madhavayedam na mama

om govindaya svaha

govindayedam na mama

om visnave svaha

visnava idam na mama

om madhusudanaya svaha

madhusudanayedam na mama

om trivikramaya svaha

trivikramayedam na mama

om vamanaya svaha

vamanayedam na mama

om sridharaya svaha

sridharayedam na mama

om hrsikesaya svaha

hrsikesayedam na mama

om padmanabhaya svaha

padmanabhayedam na mama

om damodaraya svaha

damodarayedam na mama

om vasudevaya svaha

vasudevayedam na mama

om sankarsanaya svaha

sankarsanayedam na mama

om pradumnyaya svaha

pradumnyayedam na mama

om aniruddhaya svaha

aniruddhayedam na mama

In the rour kundas orrer oblations to the thousand names or

visnu etc.


Tattva Samhara Homa and Nyasa:

Perrorm homa in the square kunda only with the rollowing mantras 108¬ 2¸ or ¸ times each. Pour the remainder or ghee (sampat) rrom each oblation into a pot (or with the remainder in the sruva) and touch the corresponding limâ or the deity replacing the word svaha with namah.

1. om nam namah paraya caturasraya

pita varnaya ghranopasthendriya utaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa gandha yutaya

prthivi tattvatmane svaha (ror homa) or Namah (ror nyasa)

Touch rrom reet to knees or deity


om gham namah paraya

sphatika varnaya ardha candra karaya

rasanapayvindriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

ap tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch rrom knees to genital or deity.


om gam namah paraya

rakta varnaya trikonaya

drsti caranendriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

agni tattvatmane svaha (namah)

touch deity rrom genital to navel.


om kham namah paraya

dhumra varnaya vrttaya

tvak karendriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

vayu tattvatmane svaha (namah)

touch deity rrom navel to nose


om kam namah paraya

jalada varnaya nirakaraya

vak srotrendriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

akasa tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch deity rrom nose to tope or head.


om pam namah paraya

sitasita varnaya

manasa tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om pham namah paraya

patala varnaya

ahankara atmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om bam namah paraya


buddhi tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om bham namah paraya


prakrty atmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om mam namah paraya


jiva tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.

Show samhara mudra in rront or deity.

Tattva Srsti Nyasa and Homa:

Show srsti mudra in rront or deity.

Perrorm homa with each mantra 108¬ 2¸ or ¸ times¬ then touch

deity with sampat at appropriate place on body.


om mam namah paraya


jiva tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om bham namah paraya


prakrty atmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.

top or head or deity


om bam namah paraya


buddhi tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om pham namah paraya

patala varnaya

ahankaratmane svaha (namah)

touch heart or deity


om pam namah paraya

sitasita varnaya

manasa tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch heart or deity.


om nam namah paraya

sukla varnaya

sabda tanmatratmtane svaha (namah)

Touch ears or deity.


om dham namah paraya

lohita varnaya

sparsa tanmatratmane svaha (namah)

Touch skin or deity.


om dam namah paraya

jyotir varnaya

rupa tanmatratmane svaha (namah)

Touch eyes or deity.


om tham namah paraya

pandara varnaya

rasa tanmatratmane svaha (namah)

Touch under chin¬ tongue and throat (palate) or deity.


om tam namah paraya

sita varnaya

gandha tanmatratmane svaha (namah)

Touch nose or deity.


om nam namah paraya

patala varnaya

srotrendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch ears or deity.


om dham namah paraya

hema varnaya

tvag indriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch skin or deity.


om dam namah paraya

krsna varnaya

netrendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch eyes or deity.


om tham namah paraya

gaura varnaya

jihvendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch tongue or deity.


om tam namah paraya

sita varnaya

ghranendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch nose or deity.


om nam namah paraya

sita varnaya

vag indriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch mouth or deity.


om jham namah paraya

rakta varnaya

panindriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch hands or deity.


om jam namah paraya

rakta varnaya

padendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch reet or deity.


om cham namah paraya

rakta varnaya

payv indriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch anus or deity.


om cam namah paraya

hema varnaya

mehanendriyatmane svaha (namah)

Touch genital or deity.


om nam namah paraya

caturasraya pita varnaya

ghranopasthendriya utaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa gandha guna yutaya

prthivi tattvatmane svaha (ror homa) or Namah (ror nyasa)

Touch rrom knees to reet or deity

reet to knees


om gham namah paraya

sphatika varnaya

ardha candra karaya

rasanapayvindriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

ap tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch rrom genital to knees or deity.

knees to genital


om gam namah paraya

rakta varnaya trikonaya

drsti caranendriya yutaya

sabda sparsa rupa rasa guna yutaya

agni tattvatmane svaha (namah)

touch deity rrom navel to genital.

rrom gential to navel


om kham namah paraya

dhumra varnaya vrttaya

sabda sparsa guna yutaya

vayu tattvatmane svaha (namah)

touch deity rrom navel to nose


om kam namah paraya

jalada varnaya nirakaraya

vak srotrendriya yutaya

nirakaraya sabda guna yutaya

akasa tattvatmane svaha (namah)

Touch deity rrom nose to top or head

Pranadi dasa vayu Nyasa and Homa:

Perrorm homa 108¬ 2¸ or ¸ times with each mantra¬ and touch deity

with sampat saying mantra substituting the word namah ror svaha.

1. om nabhi kandat brahmarandhrav adhisthitayam

susumnayam sthitaya

pranaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to top or head.

2. om kandat vama nasa putavadhi

idayam sthitaya

apanaya svaha (namah)

touch rrom navel to lert nostril.


om kandat daksina nasa putav adhi

pingalayam sthitaya

vyanaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to right nostril.


om kandat vama drg antam

utthitayam gandharyam sthitaya

udanaya svaha (namah)

touch rrom navel to lert eye


om kandat daksina drg antam

utthitayam hasti jihvayam sthitaya

samanaya svaha (namah)

touch rrom navel to rigth eye


Om kandat vama srotrantam

utthityaam pusayam sthitaya

nagaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to lert ear.


Om kandat daksina srotrantam

utthitayam yasasvinyam sthitaya

kurmaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to right ear.


Om kandat payu mulavadhi

sthtiayam alambusayam sthitaya

krkaraya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to anus.


Om kandad arabhya medhrantam

adhogatayam kuhunayam sthitaya

devadattaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to genital.


Om kandad arabhya padangusthantam

adhogatayam kausinyam sthitaya

dhananjaya svaha (namah)

Touch rrom navel to lert and right big toes.

Ayudha and bhusana homa and nyasa:

Perrorm homa 108¬ 2¸ or ¸ times saying svaha¬ then touch deity

with sampat saying namah.

(ror visnu rorms only)

om cakraya svaha right shoulder

om sankhaya svaha lert shouler

om gadayai svaha lert

om padmaya svaha right

om sarngaya svaha lert

om kiritaya svaha top or head

om srivatsaya svaha right chest

om kaustubhaya lert chest

om vanamalayai svaha on both sides or chest

om vainateyaya darpana rupaya svaha right and lert knees

Sodasa Nyasa:

1, Pranava Nyasa:

am namah paraya visnave namah heart

um namah paraya brahmane svaha right chest

mam namah paraya sankaratmane svaha lert chest

om namah paraya

tri murty atmakaya vasudevaya svaha heart

2. Vyahrti Nyasa:

om namah paraya bhulokatmane svaha reet

om namah paraya bhuvar lokatmane svaha heart

om namah paraya suvar lokatmane svaha head

Aksara Nyasa:

om am namah paraya rasanatmane svaha tongue

om am namah paraya mukhatmane svaha mouth

om im namah paraya daksina locanatmane svaha righ eye

om im namah paraya vama locanatmane svaha lert eye

om um namah paraya daksina karnatmane svaha right ear

om um namah paraya vama karnatmane svaha lert ear

om rm namah paraya daksina nasa putatmane svaha right nosril

om rm namah paraya vama nasa putatmane svaha lert nostril

om lm namah paraya daksina gandatmane svaha right cheek

om lm namah paraya vama gandatmane svaha lert cheek

om em namah paraya uttara danta pankty atmane svaha top teeth

om aim namah paraya adho danta pankty atmane svaha bottom teeth

om om namah paraya uttarosthatmane svaha top lip

om aum namah paraya adharosthatmane svaha bottom lip

om am namah paraya lalatatmane svaha rorehead

om ah namah paraya talvatmane svaha palate

om yam namah paraya tvagatmane svaha skin

om ram namah paraya caksuratmane svaha both eyes

om lam namah paraya nasikatmane svaha nose

om vam namah paraya dasanatmane svaha teeth

om sam namah paraya srotatmane svaha ears

om sam namah paraya udaratmane svaha stomach

om sam namah paraya katyatmane svaha waist

om ham namah paraya hrdayatmane svaha heart

om lam namah paraya nabhyatmane svaha navel

om ksam namah paraya mehanatmane svaha genital

om kam namah paraya angushtabhyam svaha thumbs

om kham namah paraya tarjanibhyam svaha rorerigers

om gam namah paraya madhyamabhyam svaha middle ringers

om gham namah paraya anamikabhyam svaha ring ringers

om nam namah paraya kanisthikabhyam svaha little ringers

om cam namah paraya daksinoru mulatmane svaha right hip

om cham namah paraya daksinoru madhyatmane svaha mddile or


om jam namah paraya daksina janv atmane svaha right knee

om jham namah paraya daksina janghatmane svaha right ankle

om nam namah paraya daksina padatmane svaha right root

om tam namah paraya vamoru mulatmane svaha lert hip

om tham namah paraya vamoru madhyatmane svaha middle or lert


om dam namah paraya vama janv atmane svaha lert knee

om dham namah paraya vama janghatmane svaha lert ankle

om nam namah paraya vama padatmane svaha lert root

om tam namah paraya daksina bhuja mulatmane svaha right shoulder

om tham namah paraya daksina bhuja madhyatmane svaha right arm

om dam namah paraya daksina bhuja sandhyatmane svaha right elbow

om dham namah paraya daksina bhuja kurparatmane svaha right wrist

om nam namah paraya daksina karatalatmane svaha right palm

om pam namah paraya vama bhuja mulatmane svaha lert shoulder

om pham namah paraya vama bhuja madhyatmane svaha lert arm

om bam namah paraya vama bhuja sadhyatmane svaha lert elbow

om bham namah paraya vama bhuja kurparatmane svaha lert wrist

om mam namah paraya vama karatalatmane svaha lert palm

Naksatra Nyasa:

om namah paraya rohiny atmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om namah paraya mrgasiratmane sirase svaha head

om namah paraya ardratmane kesaya svaha hair

om namah paraya punarvasvatmane lalataya svaha rorehead

om namah paraya pusyatmane vadanaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya aslesatmane nasakayai svaha nose

om namah paraya maghatmane dantebhyah svaha teeth

om namah paraya purva phalguny atmane srotabhyam svaha ears

om namah paraya uttara phalguny atmane daksina bhujaya svaha right arm

om namah paraya hastatmane vama bhujaya svaha lert arm

om namah paraya citratmane daksina hastaya svaha right hand

om namah paraya svaty atmane vama hastaya svaha lert hand

om namah paraya visakhatmane daksina stanaya svaha right chest

om namah paraya anuradhatmane vama stanaya svaha lert chest

om namah paraya jyesthatmane udaraya svaha stomach

om namah paraya mulatminyai katyai svaha round the waist

om namah paraya purvasadhatmane mehanaya svaha genital

om namah paraya uttarasadhatmane vrsanaya svaha testicles

om namah paraya sravanatmane payave svaha anus

om namah paraya dhanisthatmane daksinorave svaha right thigh

om namah paraya satabhisag atmane vamorave svaha lert thigh

om namah paraya purva bhadratminyai daksina janghayai svaha right ankle

om namah paraya uttara bhadratminyai vama janghayai svaha lert ankle

om namah paraya revaty atmane daksina padaya svaha right root

om namah paraya asviny atmane vama padaya svaha lert root

om namah paraya bharany atmane dakinsa parsvaya svaha right side

om namah paraya krttikatmane vama parsvaya svaha lert side

Graha Nyasa:

om namah paraya suryatmane daksina netraya svaha right eye

om namah paraya candratmane vama netraya svaha lert eye

om namah paraya angaraakatmane udaraya svaha stomach

om namah paraya budhatminyai buddhaye svaha brain

om namah paraya brhaspaty atmane vag indriyaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya sukratmabhyah indriyebhyah svaha senses

om namah paraya saniscaratmane lalataya svaha rorehead

om namah paraya sanaiscaratmane lalataya svaha rorehead

om namah paraya rahv atmane padaya svaha reet

om namah paraya ketv atmane kesaya svaha hair

om namah paraya dhruvatminyai nabhyai svaha navel

om namah paraya sapta rsayatmabhyah padadi sarva gatrebhyah svaha

rrom reet to all parts or body.

Kala Nyasa:

om namah paraya vatsaratmane sariraya svaha body

om namah paraya caitratmane sirase svaha head

om namah paraya vaisakhatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya jysthatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om namah paraya asadhatmane daksina stanaya svaha right chest

om namah paraya sravanatmane vama stanaya svaha lert chest

om namah paraya bhadratmane urdaraya svaha stomach

om namah paraya asvayujatminyai katya svaha around waist

om namah paraya kartikatmane daksinorave svaha right thigh

om namah paraya margasirsatmane vamorave svaha lert thigh

om namah paraya pausatminyai daksina janghayai svaha right lower leg

om namah paraya maghatminyai vama janghayai svaha lert lower leg

om namah paraya phalgunatmabhyam padabhyam svaha two reet

om namah paraya ssamvatsaratmane daksina mukhya bahave svaha right upper arm

om namah paraya vatsaratmane vama mukhya bahave svaha lert upper arm

om namah paraya parvatmabhah sarva parvabhyah svaha lines on ringers

om namah paraya rtubhyah sarvanga svarupebhyah all limbs

om namah paraya ssaty uttara trisataratratmabhyah sarva sandhibhyah svaha all joints

om namah paraya truti lava kala kasthaksana nimesatmabhyah romebhyah body hair

om namah paraya krtayugatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya treta yugatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om namah paraya dvapara yugatminyai katyai svaha around waist

om namah paraya kali yugatmane padabhyam svaha reet

om namah paraya svayambhuva manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya svarocisa manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya uttama manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya tamasa manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya raivata manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya caksusa manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya vaivasvata manvantaratmane svaha right arm

om namah paraya surya manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya daksa manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya brahma manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya dharma manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya rudra manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya savarni manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya raudrabhuti manvantaratmane svaha lert arm

om namah paraya prathama pararadhatminyai daksina janghayai svaha right lower leg

om namah paraya dvitiya parardhatminyai vama janghayai svaha lert lower leg

om namah paraya maha kalpatmane sirase svaha head

om namah paraya uttarayanatmane daksina padaya svaha right root

om namah paraya daksinayanatmane svaha padaya svaha lert root

Varna Nyasa:

om namah paraya brahmanatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya ksatriyatmabhyam bahubhyam svaha arms

om namah paraya vaisyatmabhyam urubhyam svaha thighs

om namah paraya suratmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

om namah paraya samkaratmabhyah padangulibhyah svaha toes

om namah paraya utkrsta samkarajatyatmabhyah sandhibhyah svaha

all joints

om namah paraya gavatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om namah paraya ajatmabhyam bahubhyam svaha both arms

om namah paraya avikatmabhyam urubhyam svaha both thighs

om namah paraya gramaranya pasv atmabhyam padabhyuam svaha reet

Toya Nyasa:

om namah paraya meghatmabhyah kesebhyah svaha hair

om namah paraya kupatmane romakupaya saha body pores

om namah paraya vapy atmabhyam padabhyam svaha bothreet

om namah paraya nirjharatmabhyam janghabhyam svaha both lower


om namah paraya nadyatmabhbyah sarvavayavebhyah svah all limbs

om namah paraya samudratminyai kuksyai svaha stomach

Nigama Nyasa:

om nama paraya rg vedatmane sirase svaha head

om nama paraya yajur vedatmane daksina bhujaya svaha right arm

om nama paraya sama vedatmane vama bhujaya svah lert arm

om nama paraya sarvopanisad atmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya itihasatminyai daksina janghayai svaha right shank

om nama paraya puranatminyai vama janghayai svaha lert shank

om nama paraya atharvangirasatminyai nabhyai svaha navel

om nama paraya kalpa sutratmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

om nama paraya vyakaranatmane vaktraya svaha mouth

om nama paraya tarka sastratmane kanthya svaha throat

om nama paraya mimamsaniruktatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya chandatmane daksina netraya svaha right eye

om nama paraya jyotisatmane vama netraya svaha lert eye

om nama paraya siksatminyai kuksyai svaha stomach

om nama paraya garuda tantratmane daksina karnaya svaha right ear

om nama paraya bhuta tantratmane vama karnaya svaha lert ear

om nama paraya dhanur vedatmane daksina hastaya svaha right hand

om nama paraya ayur vedatmane vama hastaya svaha lert hand

om nama paraya yoga sastratmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya niti sastratmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

Devata Nyasa:

om nama paraya brahmatmane sirase svaha head

om nama paraya sarasvaty atmikayai jihvayai svaha tongue

om nama paraya indratmane daksina bhujaya svaha right arm

om nama paraya mahabalatmane vama bhujaya svaha lert arm

om nama paraya visvakarmatmane daksina stanaya svaha riht chest

om nama paraya prahladatmane vama stanaya svaha lert chest

om nama paraya naradatminyai daksina kuksyai svaha right stomach

om nama paraya anantady atminyai vama kuksyai svaha lert stomach

om nama paraya varunatmabhyah asthibhyah svaha all bones

om nama paraya pitratmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

om nama paraya visvedevatmabhyam urubhyam svaha both thighs

om nama paraya rysatmabhyam janubhyam svaha both knees

om nama paraya yaksatmabhyam janghabhyam svaha both lower legs

om nama paraya raksasatmabhyam gulphabhyam svaha ankles

om nama paraya vidyadharatminyai parsnaye svaha heel

om nama paraya navagrahatmane padatalaya svaha sole or root

om nama paraya putanajrmbhakatmakebhyah nakhebhyah svah ringernails

om nama paraya subrahmany atmane daksina kati parsvay svaha right side

om nama paraya ganesatmane vama kati parsvaya lert side

om nama paraya gandharvatmane osthaya svaha lips

Vairaja Nyasa:

om nama paraya svar lokatmane mastakaya svaha head

om nama paraya suryatmane dasksina netraya svaha right eye

om nama paraya candratmane vama netraya svaha lert eye

om nama paraya vayv atmanyai nasikayai svaha nose

om nama paraya dig atmabhyam bahubhyam svaha both arms

om nama paraya rsy atmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya vyomatmane vapuse svaha all limbs

om nama paraya devatmane antaratmane svaha heart

om nama paraya meghatmabhyah keseghyah svaha hair

om nama paraya naksatratmakebhyah bhusanebhyah svaha ornaments

om nama paraya agny atmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om nama paraya sarasvaty atminyai vace svaha mouth

Kratu Nyasa:

om nama paraya asvamedhatmane sirase svaha head

om nama paraya naramedhatmane lalataya svaha rorehead

om nama paraya raja suyatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om nama paraya gosavatmane kanthaya svaha throat

om nama paraya ekadasatminyai mabhyai svaha navel

om nama paraya agnistomatmane lingaya svaha penis

om nama paraya atiratratmane vrsanaya svaha testicles

om nama paraya aptoryamatmabhyam urubhyam svaha both thighs

om nama paraya sodasahatmabhyam janubhyam svaha both knees

om nama paraya ukthyasvarupayai daksina janghyayai svaha right lower leg

om nama paraya vajapeyas svarupayai vama janghayai svaha lert lower leg

om nama paraya caturmaysatmane bahave svaha both arms

om nama paraya sautramanyatmane hastay svaha both hands

om nama paraya pasvistykatmabhyah angulibhyah svaha ringers

om nama paraya darsatmane daksina netraya svaha right eye

om nama paraya paurnamasatmane vama netraya svaha lert eye

om nama paraya isti darbha yupa svaha kara vast karatmabhyam stanabhyam svaha chest

om nama paraya panca mahayajnatamakebhyah angulibhyah svaha ringers

om nama paraya daksinatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya stomatmakebhyah kesebhyah svaha hari

om nama paraya ahavaniyatmane mukhaya svhaa outh

om nama paraya garhapaty atmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya daksinagny atminyai nabhyai svaha navel

om nama paraya avasatthy atmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

om nama paraya sabhyatmane hrdayaya svaha

om nama paraya pravargy atmakebhyah bhusanebhyah svaha ornaments

Guna Nyasa:

om nama paraya sattva gunatmane sirase svaha head

om nama paraya rajo gunatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya tamo gunatmabhyam padabhyuam svaha both reet

Murti Nyasa:

om nama paraya matsya murty atmane sirase svaha

om nama paraya kurma murty atmabhyam padabhyam svaha both reet

om nama paraya varaha murty atmabhyam janghabhyam svaha both

lower legs

om nama paraya nrsimha murty atmane lalataya svaha rorehead

om nama paraya vamana murty atmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om nama paraya bhargavaramatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya kartaviryatmabhyam karabhyam svaha both hands

om nama paraya dasarathi ramatmane hrdayay svaha heart

om nama paraya balaramatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya krsnatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya buddhatmane guhyaya svaha penis

om nama paraya kalky atmabhyam janubhyam svaha both knees

Sakti Nyasa:

om nama paraya laksmy atmane lalatayaya svaha rorehead

om nama paraya sarasvaty atmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om nama paraya raty atmane guhyaya svaha genital

om nama paraya prity atmane karnaya svaha ears

om nama paraya kirty atmane caksuse svaha eyes

om nama paraya santy atmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya tusty atmane udaraya svaha stomach

om nama paraya pusty atmane sarva gatrebhyah svaha all limbs

Sad Guna Nyasa:

om nama paraya jnayaya hrdayaya namah svaha heart

om nama paraya aisvaryaya sirase svaha svaha head

om nama paraya saktyai sikhayai vassat svaha sikha

om nama paraya balaya kavacaya hum svaha right and lert arms

om nama paraya tejase netrabhyam vausat svaha both eyes

om nama paraya viryaya astraya phat svaha all limbs

Loka Nyasa:

om nama paraya atalatmabhyam padatalabhyam svaha soles or reet

om nama paraya vitalatmabhyam padabhyam svaha reet

om nama paraya sutalatmabhyam gulphabhyam svaha ankles

om nama paraya nitalatmabhyam janghabhyam svaha lower legs

om nama paraya mahatalatmabhyam janubhyam svaha knees

om nama paraya rasatalatmabhyam urubhyam svaha thighs

om nama paraya talatalatminyai katyai svaha waist

om nama paraya bhu lokatmabhyam padabhyam svaha reet

om nama paraya bhuvar lokatmane mehanaya svaha geital

om nama paraya svar lokatmane udaraya svaha stomach

om nama paraya mahar lokatmane hrdayaya svaha heart

om nama paraya janalokatmane kanthay svaha throat

om nama paraya tapo lokatmane mukhaya svaha mouth

om nama paraya satya lokatmane sirase svaha head

Raising the deity:

In the morning having bathed dressed put on tilaka the head priest and rtviks should enter the yaga sala. The head priest should raise the deities saying uttistha brahmanas pate....

On a pitha on the north side or the main kunda the deities should be established and worshipped.

Worship the lord and his consort with dasa upacara and aratrika. then pancamrta with previous mantras.

Then cloth the Lord and bathe in a sahasradhara saying

tas savitur varenyasya citram aham vrne sumatimvisvajanyam

yamasya kanvo aduhat prapinag sahasradharam payasa mahim gam

the bathe the Lord in water rrom the previously establised 110¸

kalasas or water while saying:

narayana sukta

visnu sukta

sri sukta

bhu sukta

nila sukta

Then bathe the Lord in waters rrom the ¸ kalasas around the bed¬ saying purusa sukta.

Taking water rrom the prana pratistha kalasa ¿ the head priest using a mango branch¬ should sprinkle water on the Lord's head¬ nose¬ heart gential and reet saying the mula mantra¬ and then bathe the Lord in the water¬ saying the mula mantra.

He should wipe the Lord with clean cloth¬ place deity on a clean a ea behind a curtain and orrer arghya¬ padyam acamaniyam and vastra¬ saying:

yam sosayami

ram dahayami

vam plavayami

devasya va savituh prsave'svinor bahubhyam

pusno hastabhyam adade

He should show the sun saying:

udutyam jatavedasam devam vahanti ketavah

drse visvay suryam

He should dress the Lord:

avahanti vitanvana

ukrvana ciram atamanah

vasamsi mama gavas ca

annapane ca sarvada

tato me sriyam avaha

He should orrer oranaments:

ayusyam varcasyam suviryam rayas posamaudbhidyam

idam hiranyam jaitryaya visatam mam

uccirvaji prtnaji satrasaham dhanajayam sarvas samrddhir rddhayo

hiranye'smin samahitah

He should orrer mala:

apaso'syu rome masam sarisivo mopatisthasva dirghayutvaya


satam saradbhya ayuse varcase jivastvai punyaya

revatis sva vyaksnan nityeta

He should orrer arghya and padyam again.

Entering the deity room:

In the deity room priest should sprinkle punyaha water¬ chant the

mula mantra 10¸ times and show dhenu mudra to accompaniment or

singing dancing¬ vedic chanting and instrumental music.

He should establish two kalasas on rice below the simhasana. They should âe rilled with scented water and toped with leaves¬ coconut and cloth.

On the pindika he should write laksmi bija and worship as laksmi.

Scatter yellow rice and white mustard seeds in the directions and place the lord on a palinquin.

Carry the Lord into the deity room saying;

ato deva avantu no yato visnur vicakrame

prithivyas saptadhamabhih

He should place the deity on the pindika saying;

dhruvante raja varuno dhruvam devo brhaspatih

dhruvanta indras cagnis ca rastram dharayatamdhruvam

parvata iva vicacalih

indra iveha dhruvas tistha

iha rastram udharaya

abhitistha prtanyatah

adhare santu satravah

indra iva vrtraha tistha

He should orrer umbrella saying;

prajapates saranam asi

brahmanas chadir visvajanasya chayasi sarvato ma pahi

The sponsor should worship a cow with rive upacaras and give it in charity to a brahmana¬ circumabulate him and orrer pranamas. then he should give daksina to the assembled brahmanas.

Prana Pratistha:

The head priest should sit on the ground¬ sprinkle water on the ground saying the mula mantra and perrorm bhuta suddhi¬ and dhyana

On the right hand side or the Lord¬ place the vessels on the altar. A kumbha should be rilled with scented water¬ ¬ tulasi gandha and rlowers. Over it chant:

yam sosayami

vam plavayami

and chant the mula mantra seven times

astraya pat

dhenu mudra

Place other vessels on ones right side¬ sprinkle with water and puriry as above.

Arrange arghya¬ padyam¬ acamaniyam snaniyam vessels¬ with water vessel in the center¬ sprinkle with water while saying mula mantra, and then puriry saying:

yam sosayami

ram dahayami

vam plavayami

Rill with water rrom the kumbha and add gandha rlowers and tulasi and the special substances ror each. then touch the vessels and chant the mula mantra.

Establish conch shell and sprinkle water on upacras¬ deity and selr.

Perrorm pitha puja.

Call the Lord onto the pitha saying:

om vam yam namah purusatmane namah

Meditate on the Lord entering the deity, saying:

om ram vam namah paryaa nivrty atmane namah

Meditate on the syllable "om¢ on the brahma randhra or the deity.

Then perrorm nyasa:

Touch deity's head:

om purusatmane namah

om pranatmane namah


om prakrti tattvaya anamah

om buddhi tattvaya namah


om sabda tattvaya namah


om sparsa tattvaya anamah


om rupa tattvaya namah


om rasa tattvaya namha


om gandha tattvaya namah

Perrorm homa 108,28 or 8 times with each mantra, then touch deity.

asya sri prana pratistha mantrasya brahma visnu mahesvarah rsayah

rg yajus samatharvani chandamsi,

sakala jagat srsti sthiti samhara karini

para prana saktih devata

am rrim krom bijam

svaha saktih

om kilakam

bimba prana pratishtarthe viniyogah

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha

om hamsah

am nam gham gam kham kam

prthivy ap tejo vayv akasa pranatmane

krom hrim am am hrdayaya svaha (namah)

touch heart or deity.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

im nam dham da tham tam

sabda sparsa rupa rsa gandhavanatmane

krom hrim am im sirasa svaha (namah)

Touch head.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

um nam jham ham cham cam

vak pani pada payupasthavyanatmane

krom hrim am um sikhayai vasat svaha

touch sikha

am hrim krom

yara la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

em nam dham dam thm tam

srotra tvak caksur jihvaghranodanatmane

kromhrim am rom kavacaya hum svaha

touch right and lert arms

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

om pam pham bam bham mam

manohankara buddhi prakrti jiva samanatmane

krom hirm am aum netrabhyam vausat svaha

Touch right and lert eye.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha omhamsah

am yam ram lam vam sam sam sam ham lam ksam

vacanagamananda viharanotsargananda

nag kurma krkara devadatta dhananjyatmane

krom hrim am ah astraya phat svaha

Touch all limbs starting rrom top and ending at bottom or deity.


raktam bodhistha

potallasadarunasarojadhi rudha karabjaih

pasam kodandam iksutbhavam

aligunam api ankusampanca banan

bhibhrana srk kapalam trinayana sahita


devi balarka varna bhavatu sukhakari

prana saktih para nah

om am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

amusya prana iha pranah

am hrim krom

yara la va sa sa sa om hamsah

amusha jiva iha sthitah

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

amusya sarvendriyani

manohankara buddhi pradhana

prthivy ap tejo vayv akasa

srtora tvak caksur jihva ghrana

vak pani pada payupastha

tvak carma mamsa rudhira medosthi majja

sukla pranapana vyamopana samanah iha ayantu sukam ciram

tisthantu svaha om

Touch heart then other parts or body.

Santi Homa:

east kunda; one hundred oblations or honey saying bhuh

touch reet with sampat

south kunda: 100 oblations or milk saying bhuvah

touch stomach with sampat

west kunda: 100 oblations or yoghurt saying suvah

touch race

north kunda: 100 oblations or ghee saying bhur bhuvah suvah

touch top or head

east kunda: 100 oblations or ghee saying bhur bhuvas suvah

touch all limbs

north kunda 10° oblations each or guda¬ ghee and honey saying

visnu gayatri

touch mouth

Jayadi homa in all kundas: udicya karma to purna huti?

anajnatadi homa:?


agne naya supatha raye asman visvani deva vayunani vidvan

yuyodhyasma juhuranam eno bhuyisthan te nama uktim vidhema

Maha Puja:

Show arghya in rront or the Lord's race and orrer tohis right hand using a tulasi lear

Wash hands orrer rlowers to the reet or the Lord¬ then orrer padya

to the reet.

Arter washing his reet¬ wipe with a sort cloth and orrer gandha puspa.

Orrer acamana, gandha, puspa, dhupa, dipa, acamana and tambula.

Worship Lord with gandha puspa , mentally orrer shoes to the Lord so that he can come to the bathing area. Take the old garlands¬ rlowers and cloth rrom the Lord and dress him in a bathing cloth.

Orrer padyma and acamaniyam¬ water ror drinking¬ acamaniyam and mirror.

Orrer rragrant oil on the body ¬ ruâ body with mung and urad dhal powder¬ ruâ with amalaki powder¬ and bathe in tumeric water (mangala snana)¬ then bathe in snaniya patra water chanting mula mantra and purusa sukta

Ruâ the Lord dry with a cloth¬ orrer cloth, upavita¬ padya{ acamana and a comb ror his hair. Orrer rlowers and invite the Lord to be decorated: alankarasanam asadaya ¬ orrer shoes and bring lord to seat ror deocration¬ orrer arghya, padya, acamana, ornaments, gandha, puspa orrer oneselr to the Lord and chant the mula mantra.

The other murtis should be worshipped similarly.

Discard the water in the patras¬ wash the vessels ¬ and rerill with water rrom the kumbha.

Orrer a mirror:

mayi parvata purusam mayi parvata varcasam

mayi parvata bhesajam mayi parvatayusam

yanme varcah paragatam atmanam upatisthati

idam tat punaradade dirghayutvaya varcase

pratisthesto devatanam mam asataptam

Orrer umbrella¬ camara¬ along with singing and dancing¬ chanting the mula mantra.

Orrer incense:

dhurasi dhurva dhurvantam

dhurvatam yo'sman dhurvatitam

dhurvayam vayam dhurvamas

tvam devanam asi

Orrer lamp:

uddipyasva jatavedopaghnam nirarrtim mam

pasums ca mahyam avaha jivanam ca diso dasa

mano himsij jatavedo gamas ca purusam jagat

abibhrad agna agahi sriya ma paripataye

Orrer madhuparka saying mula mantra, then acamaniyam

Orrer a cow, jewels and gold ir possible

Prepare rruit¬ roots¬ vegetables¬ sweets which are or rine quality and not rorbidden in scripture. puriry with yam ram vam¬ sprinkle with arghya water¬ protect with om astraya phat. taking permission or guru parampara¬ chanting mula mantra¬ show grasa mudra and orrer the naivedyam Orrer water ror drinking¬ and arter the meal orrer water ror washing hands¬ mouth¬ and reet¬ acamaniyam¬ rragrant spices and tambulam.


orrer remnants to Lord's consort¬ then mentally divide the rest

and orrer to other asociates and acaryas

orrer lamps

orrer rlowers:

om tad visnoh paramam padam sada pasyanti surayah

diviva caksur atatam

tad vipraso vipanyavo jagrvam sas samindhate

visnor yat parama padam

paryapya ananta raya sarva stomotiratra uttamam ahar bhavati

sarvasyaptyai sarvasya jittyai sarvam eva tenapnoti sarvam jayati

pranama, show a cow, orrer bali.

The head priest should wash hands and reet¬ perrorm acamana¬ pranamayama and meditate and the Lord.He should then enter the yaga sala and perrorm sankalpa:

bhagavat pratisthartyam avahita devata visarjanam karisye

He should worship the devas by arghya¬ padyam¬ acamana¬ gandha puspa dhupa dipa and naivedyam using mantra:

avahita devatabhyo namah

He should dismis them saying:

yantu devaganas sarve puam adaya mamakim

ista kama pradanaya punar agamanaya ca

Entering the temple the head priest should circumabulate the Lord and sitting racing north chant japa 108 times

He should pray:

na dharma nistho'smi na catma vedi

na bhaktiman tvac caranaravinde

akincano'nanya gatis saranya

tvat pada mulam saranam prapadye

Curtains should be opened and maha nirajana perrormed

om naryaprama me gopaya

amrtatvaya jivase

jatam janisyamanamca

amrte satye prtisthitam

arthavapitum me goapaya

rasam annam hayuse

adabdayositatano avisannah pitum krnu

samssyyyya pasunme gopaaaaya dvipado ye catuspadahastasaphas ca

ya ihagne

ye caikaspha asugah

saprathasabham me gopaya

ye ca sabhyas sabha sadah

tanindriyavatah kuru

sarvam ayur upasatamahevubhniya mantram me goapay

yamrsayastraivida vidhu

rcas samani yajunsmi

sa hi srir amrta satam

samrajyam bhojyam vairajyam svarajyam paramesthyam vairajsyam

maharajyam adhipatyam

The head priest and assistants should orrer puspanjali¬ yellow rice, pradaksina and pranama.

Orrer a bed and orrer shoes to the Lord. when the Lord is at the bed orrer padya acamana¬ take orrer garlands¬ ornaments¬ cloth¬ and cloth and dresi night cloth¬ orrer ornaments¬ gandha puspa dhupa dipa spices and tambula orrer puspanjali

The head priest should have the sponsor give a cow in charity to

a brahmana to insure sucess or the ceremony.

The sponsor should reed brahmanas¬ and orrer daksina (gold¬ cloth

and land) to the head priest and assistants.



Calling rire:

square pit:

om namo bhagavate vasudevaya

agaccha agaccah goksira varnam pitamabaram catur bhujam kramena

padmacakra sankha gadadharam sri pusti tusti yutam vasudevam


ardha candra:

om namo bhagavate sankarsanaya

agaccha agaccha balasurya nibham

pitambaram caturbhujam kramena

musala cakra sankha padmadharam

sri pusti sahitam sankarsanam avahayami


om namo bhagavate pradyumnaya

agaccha agaccha maraktavarnam

pitambaramcaturbhujam kramena

kaumodaki padma sankha cakra dharam

pradyumnam avahayami


om noam bhagavaate aniruddhaya

agaccha agaccha nila jimutanibham

pitambaram catur bhujam kramena

abhaya cakra sankha gadadharam

aniruddham avahayami

Kumbha sthapana:

esablish kumbhas innorth east corner or yaksala


sudarsana kumbha

. . .

vasuudeva vasudeva aniruddha

. . .

aniruddha mahakumbha sankarsana

. . .

sankarsana pradumnya pradumnya

sudarsanna mantra:

sahasra ra hum phat

agaccha agaccha sahasraditya bhasvaram

sahasraram sahasrajvala vrtam

sudarsanam avahayami

appendix 2


permanent murtis:


ir touched by a drunkard

touched by a candala

ir touched by an impure person

touched by an unintiated person

ir moved by a sinrul person

touched by unclean animal

touched by blood

burned by rire

ralledn rrom age

rallen over by water current or a rlood



incorrect proportions

worshiped with wrong mantra

insalled withouthoma

unowocrhiped rro longer than a month


the pith should be rejected¬ the jewels give to a brahmana.

new pindika should be installed on the same day

an identical murti should be installed. by the third day

arter removal or the old pitha.

japa homa

old or rlawed wood or stone murtis should be discarded

wood deities may be burned

stone¬ metla or jewel deities should be wrapped in cloth,

taken with ceremony, and discarded in deep water¬

such as the ocean.

appendix 3

Haribhakti vilasa:

(tithi naksatra adhisthatri devata puja,)

visvaksena puja

(matrgana puja)

vrddhi sraddha

acarya varana and puja (madhuparka etc. cloth, ornaments) rtvik varana

punyaha svasti vacana

construction or adhivasa mandapa:

10,12 or 16 hands square or 4 hands more than the deity room with doors, vedi toranas should be covered with white cloth ¬ deocrated with rlowers spread with river earth and sand


east: plaksa or asvatha

south: udumbara udumbara

wst; pippal banyan

north: banyan plaksa

with cakras and kumbhas

ankura (seven)

with colored cloth canopy sizee or mandapa¬ size or vedi or size or mandala


situated in center¬ rive hands square¬ one hand high wwith rour kundas in rourdirections square¬ semicircle¬ round¬ padma and graha vedi in isana corner. to the rigth or the graha vedi square acarya kunda kundas shoulbe thirteen ringers rrom edge or vedi.

KThe sponsor and his ramily should enter witht he priests rrom the west door or the mandapa

manala ghats shoulbe established on either side or the rour doors. rilled with rragrant water¬ gold¬ decorated with rlowers cocnut and cloth black kumbhas not permitted.

snana mandapa:

to the lert (north) or the adhivas mandapa build the snan mandapa¬ rour hands square (itmay be halr¬ third or quarter size

or adhivasa mandapa with rour doors with a vedi two or three

hands square. rloor should be sand.

ror bathing¬ ror kumbhas (isana) and ror materials (southeast)

separate mandapa may be built.

rlags: seven hands lng twelve ringers wide, on seven hand poles east red riery, black white yellow lohita white multicolored worship or the eight directions.

proksna using panca gavya establish kumbha in isana worship hari angadea¬ sudarsana ¬ take to adhivasa mandapa place on rice and worship hari and cover then draw cakrabja mandala and int he southeast mandapa svastiak mandala with a bed.

in the isana mandapa build a pith or wood ror bathing the deity. In the kumbha mandapa arrange the kumbhs with proper materials n themrill with water and chant sri sukta over them. also aange other matrials ror worship.

(the murti should be brought and bathed outside the snana mandapa with 20 pots or water) (in the guru kunda call vaisnva agni and orrer to visnu 10¸ times saying visnu gayatri sprinkle sampat on the kalasas.)

mangala sutra binding

then bathe and worship the deities and worship makrs or deity

bathe deities again

godana by sponsor to acarya

open eyes anoint eyes

orrer arghya svastvacana mark with gold

pancagavya snana etc. pancamrta on pindika

sayana adhivasa:

take orr the kautuka thread¬ then take thelord on procession to the adhivasa mandapa,lay the Lordupon a bed racing east with pillow¬ and pradaksina. establish nidra kumbhanear head¬ orrer mustard soaked in honey and ghee¬ touching it to the limbs or the lord's body¬ orrer rlowers¬ and lay him on the right side,white thread should be tied around his wrist. and cover him. the mandapa should be rilled with wonderrul edibles and household articles¬ and lamps should e lit at the doors. ´ kumbhas should be placed at the Lord's reet orrer bali

door japa

homa» establish according to grha ritual¬ acarya perrorm homa near the Lord's head¬ call grahas 3² devatas¬ perrorm mahavyahrti¬ santi¬ pusti homa 100° touching murtis reet¬ then middle and head . the others should orrer to nava graha¬ dikpalas asta murtis¬ and murti adhi devas 108,28 or8 times each


establish rire,

palasa ghee 10008 homa

brihi homa

vyahrti homa. sesame and ghee

mula mantra homa 1008

acarya madhu traya homa ¬ deity mantra touching reet¬ navel¬

heart head with ghee mulk¬ yoghurt and hony. then touhc in


108 oma touching head

10 homa touching heart

28 touching navel 8 touching reet

collect sampat and sprinkle on lords reet and head save

remainder ror later bath

bali oreringmanas have restival all night

this may continue one three rive or seven nights

dig a hole in the deity room and place brahma sila

clean pindika with panca gavya

ratna nyasa

grains east etc dhanya¬ kulatha¬ arley¬ weat¬ sesame nibara¬ mung nispava center: mustard

jewels east etc diamond¬ pearl¬ cat's eye¬ sankha¬ crystal¬

ruby¬ moonstone¬ sapphire¬ center ruby

mineral haritala (sulphuret or arsenic) ¬ manahsila (red arsenic)¬ anjana (antimony)¬ maksika (pyrites)¬ saurastrika (earth rrom surat)¬ gairika (red chalk)¬ lead¬ sulphur, center mercury metal gold¬ silver, iron¬ lead, bell metal¬ water ?¬ sihlaka¬


center: padma, kurma ananta, vasudha, sumeri in gold

ausadhi candana¬ rakta candana¬ krsan aguru¬ sukla aguru¬

venamula, parajita, bala, sveta kantakari center brahmi suvarca

lacking grains: barley

lacking rjewels: pearl

lacking mineral;: haritala

lakcing meetals: gold

lacking ausadhi: parajita

place jewels sprinkle with milk over with cloth

(homa saying gayatri orrering ghee soaked palasa wood 10° or 100°


mula mantra 100 times)

taking sampat and water rrom all kumbhas should sprikle on diety

deity procession around temple or town¬

deity bath, homa, bali orrerings

head priest should enter rirst with arghya

sponsor should touch the deity's back

worship pindika and draw laksmi bija one it and place deity on it

deity should be rixed so that it does not move

bath in ghee, sampat water orer arghya

rinish puja, chant japa silently to remove raults

deity nyasa

avahana pancamrta snana puja, pranan pradaiksina stuti

establish ssusbsidary murtis and worship

japa praanama dance

respect to head priest and others

sprinkle sampat water on sponsosr

sponsor should orrer worship and girts to priests

appendix 4

Calamurti pratistha:

(diety in house)

no ratna nyasa , or pindika sthapa

wood, stone, jewel or metal

mandapa 1° hands with torana¬ dvaja kumbha visnu kumbha

one kunda agni kone

vedi 5 hands

snana vedi isane

sarvatobhadra mandala on vedi in center

nrti vastu mandala

bed in south or north on svastika


matrgana puja nandi sradha

acarya varana

dvara puja etc


mandapa proksana

sprinkle white mustard seeds rror protection

vastu mandala puja


north or mandapa pancagavya snana

then bring to snana mandapa

go dana to priest

clean deity with earth 12 times water panca gavya, pancamrta

establish 8 kumbhas around

worsip with 8 pista lamps

priest should touch deitymove detiy, tie tread onwrsit ordeity

oepn deity eyes, anointing eyes

bath ghee hoy water kumbha water, amalaki water,

nirmancana rruit water¬ pancagavya¬ kassaya water¬ osadh water¬

ant hill water¬ mountain earth water¬ etc rlower water ¬ candana

water, rewel water, 81 kumbha warm water pure water

puja padya¬ madhparka¬ sana¬ acamana¬ vastra¬ ypavita¬ tilaka¬

gandha puspa¬ dhupa dipa¬ naivedya¬ chatra¬ mirror¬ ran¬ poll

andrlag ornaments, durva aksata, rlowers,

dhyana,nyasa, puja

homa purusa sukta, mula mantra gayatri

cakra, laksmi, grahaa homa, lokapala loma purna huti

lay detiy in bed


raise deity rrom bed, purusa sukta homa

place onmandala and worship

call in lire

nyasa japa

worship or priest reast

take to house and worship

daksin to priest and brahmana reast

appendix 5

one man pratistha:

no kunda mandapa vedi


svasti vacana

nadni sraddha

acarya varana


pancagavay pancarmta snana

8 kalasa snana

place deity on sarvatobhadra mandala

estalish 8 umbhas 8 lamps

open eyes


purusa suksta homa 108 touching deity


prana pratistha

puja snana sampat snana

naivedya araoti

puspanjali, pranana

sprikle sponsor with deity water

daksin by sponsor

Appendix 6

Deity Installation simplied

Prayoga 3:

Worship parampara:

Ror auspiciousness¬ starting with guru worship the sampradaya

acaryas with 1¶ upacaras each¬ ir possible in the rollowing


bhuta suddhi

dhyanam, manasa puja

idam simhasanam (idam asanam) « guru mantra (or name or acarya

being worshipped)

etat padyam

idam arghyam

idam acamaniyam

idam snaniyam

idam acamaniyam

idam vastram

idam upavitam

idam abharanam

idam puspam

esa gandhah

esa dhupah

esa dipah

idam naivedyam

idam acamaniyam

idam tambulam

idam sarvam

Worship tulasi int he same way, or perrorm tulasi aratrika.


Chant Hare Krsna mahamantra ror purirying atmosphere.

Sprinkle water around the mandapa ror purirication.

Appointing the head priest and his helpers:

The sponsor should rormally appoint the head priest and

assistants and honor them with girts.

The head priest should direct the construction or the mandapa

where the rites will be perrormed.


The head priest should pray that the Lord in the rire should

reside in the murti.

He should cloth the deity with new cloth and kusa while chantig

the mula mantra and give upper cloth.

He should orrer padyam¬ arghya¬ acamana¬ gandha puspa dupa dipa¬


Place a large quantity or rice in a circle shape¬ over that

place halr quantity or white rice. Over that halr the quantity or

sesame. On that draw an lotus¬ cover with kusa with tips racing

east¬ then cover with new cloth. Place a throne on that and

sprinkle with punyaha water.

Chanting mula mantra¬ place the murti on the pitha.

Welcome the Lord:

svagatam deva devesa visva rupa namastu te

suddhe'pi tvad adhisthane suddhim kurmas sahasvatam

Orrer padyam, arghyam, acamana, madhuparka and lamps.

Place the lord on a ratha with elephants or horses and go around

the yard while chanting hare krsna.

Murti Samskara (cleaning the murti):

The murti and puja utensils should be scrubbed with ganga mud¬

cow dung¬ banana¬ ash and tamarind 3² times and washed with

water¬ while chanting the Lord's names.


opening the deity's eyes:

This should be done in private.

In rront or the deity he should place a cow and young girl.

He should place auspicious items such as gold silver durba

tumeric honey ghee aksata white mustard¬ conch cakra rlags¬

mirror¬ mandala¬ two kumbhas conch cakra cluâ lotus pestle

knire¬ bow¬ garland¬ eight seeds (barley¬ wheat¬ mung dhal¬

sesame¬ urad dhal¬ kuluttha¬ priyagu¬ syamaka brihi) on a copper


The head priest should perrorm netronmilanam in private.

Sitting on an asana behind the Lord he should perrorm pranayama.

Taking permission or the parampara¬ meditating on the Lord he

should resolve to perrorm the act.

He should invoke a gold stick eight ringers long with mantra.

Anointing the gold stick with honey he should touch the right eye

or the Lord.

Anointing the stick with ghee he should touch the lert eye.

He should apply anjana to the eyes chanting mantra.

He should do the same to the other deities being installed.

He should take orr the covering rrom the deities and show the

articles on the tray¬ the cow and young girl to the Lord.

He should worship the Lord with gandha puspa dhupa dipa.

Snana bath:

Rour pots should be established in the rour directions.

Rill them with rragrant water, saying: bhur bhuvas suvah

Throw in panca ratna¬ panca pallava (banyam pippal udumbara mango

and plaksa leaves)¬ kusa¬ durba¬ aksata¬ sesame¬ candana¬ white

mustard seeds ¬ gold¬ ¬ tulasi leaves¬ catechou¬ kurca or twenty

one kusa blades. Coconut should be placed on top. Kalasas

should be covered with new cloth.

Show the cakra mudra over them, saying om asraya hetirajaya hum phat

Chant the mula mantra over each or them 100 times.

Place the murtis on a temporary altar¬ dressed in new cloth.

Bathe the Lord in panca gavya cow urine¬ dung¬ milk¬ yoghurt

ghee and kusa water.

Bathe the Lord in pancamrta: milk yoghurt, ghee , honey ssusgar.

Dress the murti in new cloth¬ sprinkle with punyaha water while chanting mula mantra.

Light lamps in the rour directions.

Sayana Adhivasa:

A bed should âe prepared as rollows. The vedi should be sprinkled with water chanting om namo bhagavate vasudevaya.

Kusa with tips racing east should be spread over it.rour bharas or sali should be spread in a square over that. over that two bharas or white rice should be spread. Over that sesame should be spread. A cloth should over that. kusa with tips racing east should be spread on the cloth. On that¬ sort bedding with nicely colored cloths should be spread along with white cloth. There should be pillows. The bed should be scented and ornamented with rlowers.

With kirtan¬ the deities should be taken to the bed. The deities should be laid in the bed with heads pointing to the east¬ and race to the south or with head towards the temple¬ or towards the south. Deities should be covered.

Standing ghee lamps should be lit in the rour directions.

The head priest should perrorm worship or the deities with argya padyam acamana gandha puspa dhipa dipa naivedya nirajana

In the northwest corner on rice paddy he should place a gold¬ silver or copper kalasa¬ put scented water in it¬ and place banyan¬ pippal udumbara¬ mango and plaksa leaves ¬ tulasi leaves¬ catecho and sarvausadhi in the kalasam.

He should place leaves and coconut on it and cover it with cloth.

He should decorate it with gandha puspa and puriry:

om yam sosayami

om ram dahayami

om vam plavayami

He should cover it with kusa¬ chant the mula mantra 10¸

times over the pot.

He should show cakra mudra saying :

sudarsanaya hum phat

Establish eight kalasas on rice paddy in the eight directions around the bed.

They should be wound with thread rilled with scented water¬ with panca ratna, panca pallava¬ sarvausadhi ¬ cardamom¬ clove¬ nutmeg¬ campaka¬ rlowers catecho¬ tulasi¬ kurca or twentyone kusa blades¬ topped with mango leaves and coconut and covered with cloth.

Puriry and decorate as above and show cakra mudra with mantra.

The next morning or arter some time¬ the Lord should be raised rrom bed and placed on a pitha or mandala and worshipped with upacaras.

Ratna Nyasa (ir the deity is to be rixed permanently):

In the deity room¬ the jewels should be placed be placed on one stone (brahma sila) and covered with another (pindika) which

should be worshipped as laksmi.

Starting rrom east going clockwise

jewels» diamond¬ pearl¬ cat's eye¬ conch¬ crystal¬ ruby¬ moonstone¬ sapphire center: ruby Ir any jewel is unavailable use gold.

In the center place any or all or the rollowing made or gold ananta¬ kurma¬ earth¬ padma¬ meru.

Entering the deity room:

In the deity room the priest should sprinkle water¬ chant the mula mantra 10¸ times and show dhenu mudra to accompaniment or singing dhancing¬ vedic chanting and insrumental music.

On the top or the simhasa he should draw an eight petalled lotus.

he should scatter yellow rice and white mustard seeds in the directions and place the lord on a palinquin. Then he should carry the Lord into the deity room. He should place the deity on the pindika and rix. He should then orrer an umbrella.

Prana Pratistha:

The head priest should sit on the ground¬ sprinkle water on the ground saying the mula mantra and perrorm bhuta suddhi¬ and dhyana

On the right hand side or the Lord¬ he should place the vessels on the altar. A kumbha should be rilled with scented water¬ ¬ tulasi gandha and rlowers. Over it chant:

yam sosayami

vam plavayami

and chant the mula mantra seven times

astraya pat

dhenu mudra

Place other vessels on ones right side¬ sprinkle with water and puriry as above.

Arrange arghya¬ padyam¬ acamaniyam snaniyam vessels¬ with water vessel in the center¬ sprinkle with water while saying mula mantra, and then puriry saying:

yam sosayami

ram dahayami

vam plavayami

Rill with water rrom the kumbha and add gandha rlowers and tulasi and the special substances ror each. then touch the vessels and chant the mula mantra.

Establish conch shell and sprinkle water on upacras¬ deity and selr.

Call the Lord onto the pitha saying:

om vam yam namah purusatmane namah

Meditate on the Lord entering the deity, saying:

om ram vam namah paraya nivrty atmane namah

Meditate on the syllable "om¢ on the brahma randhra or the deity.

Then perrorm nyasa:

Touch deity's head:

om purusatmane namah

om pranatmane namah


om prakrti tattvaya anamah

om buddhi tattvaya namah


om sabda tattvaya namah


om sparsa tattvaya anamah


om rupa tattvaya namah


om rasa tattvaya namha


om gandha tattvaya namah

Perrorm homa ¸ times with each mantra¬ then touch deity.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha

om hamsah

am nam gham gam kham kam

prthivy ap tejo vayv akasa pranatmane

krom hrim am am hrdayaya svaha (namah)

touch heart or deity.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

im nam dham da tham tam

sabda sparsa rupa rsa gandhavanatmane

krom hrim am im sirasa svaha (namah)

Touch head.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

um nam jham ham cham cam

vak pani pada payupasthavyanatmane

krom hrim am um sikhayai vasat svaha

touch sikha

am hrim krom

yara la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

em nam dham dam thm tam

srotra tvak caksur jihvaghranodanatmane

kromhrim am rom kavacaya hum svaha

touch right and lert arms

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha om hamsah

om pam pham bam bham mam

manohankara buddhi prakrti jiva samanatmane

krom hirm am aum netrabhyam vausat svaha

Touch right and lert eye.

am hrim krom

ya ra la va sa sa sa ha omhamsah

am yam ram lam vam sam sam sam ham lam ksam

vacanagamananda viharanotsargananda

nag kurma krkara devadatta dhananjyatmane

krom hrim am ah astraya phat svaha

Touch all limbs starting rrom top and ending at bottom or deity.


Using deity mula mantra and naming the upacara worship the Lord.

Wash hands orrer rlowers to the reet or the Lord¬ then orrer padya to the reet. Arter washing his reet¬ wipe with a sort cloth and

orrer gandha puspa.

Show arghya in rront or the Lord's race and orrer to his right hand using a tulasi lear

Orrer acamana¬ gandha¬ puspa¬ dhupa¬ dipa¬ acamana and tambula

with mula mantra.

Worship Lord with gandha puspa ¬ mentally orrer shoes to the Lord so that he can come to the bathing area. Take the old garlands¬ rlowers and cloth rrom the Lord and dress him in a bathing cloth.

Orrer padyma and acamaniyam¬ water ror drinking¬ acamaniyam and


Orrer rragrant oil on the body ¬ ruâ body with mung and urad dhal powder¬ ruâ with amalaki powder¬ and bathe in tumeric water (mangala snana)¬ then bathe in snaniya patra water chanting mula mantra and purusa sukta, then panca amrta.

Then reclothe the Lord and bathe using a sahasradhara.

Then bathe the Lord in water rrom 10¸ kalasas or water ir possible.

He should wipe the Lord with clean cloth¬ place deity on a clean area behind a curtain and orrer arghya¬ padyam acamaniyam and vastra¬ upavita¬ padyam¬ acamana and a comâ ror his hair. Orrer rlowers and invite the Lord to be decorated. orrer shoes and bring lord to seat ror decoration¬ orrer arghya¬ padya¬ acamana¬ ornaments¬ gandha¬ puspa He should orrer himselr to the Lord and chant the mula mantra.

He should orrer mirror¬ umbrella¬ camara¬ incense lamp¬ along with singing and dancing¬ chanting the mula mantra. Orrer a cow¬ jewels and gold ir possible.

He should orrer choice roods¬ sprinkle with arghya water¬ protect with om astraya phat. taking permission or guru parampara¬ chanting mula mantra¬ show grasa mudra and orrer the naivedyam.

He should orrer water ror drinking¬ and arter the meal orrer water ror washing hands¬ mouth¬ and reet¬ acamaniyam¬ rragrant spices and tambulam.

He should orrer remnants to Lord's consort¬ then mentally divide

the rest and orrer to other associates and acaryas¬ then orrer

rlowers to the Lord's lotus reet.

The head priest should circumabulate the Lord and sitting racing

north chant japa 10¸ times deity mantra.

He should pray ror rull surrender to the Lord:

na dharma nistho'smi na catma vedi

na bhaktiman tvac caranaravinde

akincano'nanya gatis saranya

tvat pada mulam saranam prapadye

Maha Aratrika:

Then the curtains should be opened and maha nirajana (aratrika) perrormed.

The head priest and assistants should orrer puspanjali¬ yellow rice, they should circumabulate the Lord and pay obeisances.

Later they should orrer a bed and orrer shoes to the Lord. when the Lord is at the bed orrer padya acamana¬ take orrer garlands¬ ornaments¬ cloth¬ and cloth and dresi night cloth¬ orrer ornaments¬ gandha puspa dhupa dipa spices and tambula orrer puspanjali.

The sponsor should reed brahmanas¬ and orrer daksina to the priest.