Praise the Lord! With all my heart I will thank the Lord ... · 7 May Year 7/8 MNC Da Vinci...

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Transcript of Praise the Lord! With all my heart I will thank the Lord ... · 7 May Year 7/8 MNC Da Vinci...

Volume 17 Edition 5 29 March 2019

Praise the Lord! With all my heart I will thank the Lord in the assembly of his people. Psalm 111, verse 1.

Important Dates

2 April K-11 Parent/Teacher Interviews

9 April Carpe Diem Night of Notables

10-12 April Year 9/10 Camp

11 April Year 7 Immunisation

12 April Term 1 Concludes

30 April Term 2 Commences

1 May School Photographs

2 May Year 10 Science & Engineering Challenge

3 May HRIS Cross Country

7 May Year 7/8 MNC Da Vinci Decathlon

8 May Year 9/10 MNC Da Vinci Decathlon

9 May Year 5/6 MNC Da Vinci Decathlon

Moving Forward in Teaching and Learning at MVAC

It has been an exciting start to the year in teaching and learning. The growth of MVAC has seen the inclusion of three new subjects in the Secondary school. French has replaced Japanese for

Year 7 and is being taught by Mrs Anita Wilson. In Stage 5 and 6, we have introduced Agriculture, which is being taught by Mrs Elizabeth Fell. It is pleasing to see that a veg-etable garden has been established at the front of the school, near the canteen, by the Stage 5 elective class and the garden behind the Science block has been re-established.

In readiness for NAPLAN online, which is running from the 14-22 May, we have purchased 60 CloudBooks for the Primary school. These are ultra-mobile PC’s. This purchase will mean that, along with the existing iPads, we will have approximately 84 devices available to the Primary school. While we also have laptops available for use in the Secondary school, it is excellent to see many of the Secondary school students bringing their own device to use in the classroom. The benefits of the BYOD system within schools include: the ability to share

work with the teacher on a digital platform, improvement in students’ technological skills in readiness for life be-yond school and, with the prevalence of technology, learning to become a respon-sible digital citizen.

Aligned with technology, in the Secondary school, MVAC has made the move away from traditional reporting, to an online progressive report-ing system. This system was adopted after research and

discussion with other independent schools, who chose to go in this direction. It was trialled last year in Year 11 and rolled out for Years 7-12 this year. These reports, available on Parent Lounge, allow parents to see teach-er feedback on student assessments more frequently, which is most beneficial in providing parents with the information they need to support and encourage their child in their schooling. Students will still receive a for-mal report at the end of the year.

Finally, as this term is nearing completion, all students have had assessment tasks to complete. The dates of the task and a copy of the task is available on Parent Lounge and Student Café. Students are encouraged to manage their time in preparation for these assess-ments, and to avoid any penalties for lateness (which are outlined in the Assessment Handbooks.) Below are some tips for managing the completion of tasks.

1. Organise a work space at home. 2. Eliminate distractions. 3. Set goals/ timeline for each assessment. 4. Start working on assessments early. 5. Seek clarification from your teacher if you are

unsure of what you are doing.

Mrs Therese Lloyd, Director of Teaching & Learning

Presentation To The College Leaders It was with great pleasure that our College Leaders were pre-sented with their Leaders Plaques by Mid Coast Council. This is a concept that has been re-established by Council recognis-ing the efforts and achievements of the leaders from all schools in the area. Our College Leader’s Portia Primmer and Harrison Walton were joined by their families at the presentation held this week. Congratulations to both Portia and Harrison for being recognised for your efforts. Parent/Teacher Interviews Thank you to all of the parents who attended the Parent/Teacher Interviews on Monday 25 March. We look forward to seeing more parents next week on Tuesday 2 April. Following the interview, it is important to discuss with your child their fu-ture goals and direction with regards to their learning. Teach your child to set reasonable goals and then to move toward them one step at a time. Moving toward that goal — even if it's a tiny step — and receiving praise for doing so will focus your child on what he or she has accomplished rather than on what hasn't been accomplished, and can help build the resilience to move forward in the face of challenges and assist with their enthusiasm towards their learn-ing. Parents Visiting The College

Parents and caregivers are requested to report to the College Office on entering the school grounds. This means

that before and after school, students should farewell and greet parents at the green gates. The exceptions to this

would be Kindergarten parents (children still settling into school) and those who arrive after 3.20pm in the afternoon

and are collecting their children from the Library.

Unauthorised and unknown entry are both WHS and Child Protection issues. We ask that parents refrain from

“visiting” students during school hours unless in cases of emergency. Messages can be given to Office staff to be

relayed to students throughout the day.

Mr Andrew Jones, Deputy Principal

The canteen is reviewing it’s menu and is trialling new ideas. When ordering your child’s lunch through Flexis-

chools keep an eye out for weekly specials and new items. If you have any feedback or suggestions please email

Mrs Chrystal and Mrs Ward via

As Term 1 continues to disappear faster than a chocolate egg, the anticipation is building for the K-6 Easter Hat and Hairstyle Parade on Friday 12 April. The students have been informed that their hats and/or hairstyles do not have to be elaborate or costly and that the focus is not on the awarding of prizes, but rather on the appreciation of their creative efforts. Parents, carers, grandparents and all other members of the College community are of course encouraged to join in on the fun by sporting their own Easter hat or hairstyle on the day.

In my previous newsletter item, I congratulated Coco Solomon from Year 6 for progressing through to the final of the Joan and Monica Halliday awards at the Royal Academy of Dance in Sydney.  Coco has since danced her way to glory in the final, receiving the Prudence Bowen overall outstanding dancer award for a junior dancer. The College community are in awe of Coco and her remarkable achievements. Another Year 6 student who deserves to feel exceedingly proud is Mia Kelly, who was awarded Champion Junior Exhibitor at last week’s

Nabiac Show for her impressive chooks. Not willing to rest on her laurels, Mia now has her sights set on further domination at this weekend’s Wingham Show. We wish her continued suc-cess. In the Primary school we encourage all students in Years 3-6 to bring their/your own device (BYOD) to school. While the recommended device for these students is an iPad, we also welcome the use of laptops. The Col-lege promotes healthy habits with regards to using technology. Our ‘Acceptable Use’ Policy for Information and

Communication Technology (ICT) forbids the use of devices on the play-ground and limits the use of devices in the classroom as a learning tool, and at the discretion of the classroom teacher. While a vast majority of our students are outstanding digital citizens, it has recently been brought to my attention that some Primary students have not been using their devices for their intended purpose while at school. I encourage parents and carers to keep a close eye on their children’s technology usage – in particular their internet browsing history, and the content of their messages. Many Prima-ry aged students are yet to fully comprehend the consequences of their actions online, and the power these actions have to negatively impact the lives of others.

The BYOD program does not extend to mobile phones. We in no way promote the use of mobile phones in the Primary school. Students bringing mobile phones to school are doing so at their own risk, and the College accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage. Students are to keep their mobile phones in their school bag while on College grounds. Have a glorious weekend!

Mr Neil MacAulay, Head of Primary

MVAC families at Blue Cross Connect - the Family Service held at St John's Anglican Church in Ta-ree at 4:30pm on the 3rd Sunday of each month.

Mr Greg Anderson, College Chaplain

Cross Country

All students gave it their best last Friday when contesting their age group for the title of Cross Country Champion.

Some very fast times were set over the 2 and 3 km course with some students even surprising themselves with their


A big congratulations to our 2019 Age Champions:

8 Years Boys: Eoin Watkins Girls: Piper Dawson

9 Years Boys: Zander Saville Girls: Liliana Somers

10 Years Boys: William Papps Girls: Lin Zhao LimSchneider

11 Years Boys: Benjamin Matuszny Girls: Matilda Dunn

12-13 Years Boys: Wayne Pienaar Girls: Beatrix Lucas

Also, a huge thank you to the parents who manned the water station. We were lucky to have had a warm summer ’s

day and I believe the opportunity for students to hydrate during the race was well received.

The HRIS Cross Country will be held on 3 May at Avondale College in Cooranbong. Qualifiers have been informed

of their success and letters have been sent home with permission notes to be completed at your earliest conven-

ience via Skoolbag. If you know your child will not be attending, it would be much appreciated if you could let me

know so that their spot can be filled by another student.

From next Friday, HRIS qualifiers will begin training during Friday afternoon sport. Students also have the oppor-

tunity to join Wednesday and Friday morning running sessions from 8.30am.


Selected students have been training hard for the upcoming TAFE NSW Schools Cup Fast5 Carnival to be held on 3

April. We wish them all the best and know they will make us proud.

Buderus 7’s

The gala day has been rescheduled for 1 May, Term 2. The players will continue to train of a Friday afternoon during

sport, with Mr North. A note with new details will be sent home soon.

Tuesday afternoon Basketball

Notes will be sent home next week once we have all details for the new basketball program to be held at Saxby’s

Stadium of a Tuesday afternoon, starting Term 2. The program is aimed at the Stage 3 (Year 5 and 6) students who

would like to play and develop their skills in basketball.

Friday Sport

The Primary students will be participating in sporting activities at MVAC for the remainder of Term 1. A combination

of skill and teamwork development will be the focus for students during the remaining two weeks before students

break for the holidays.

Mrs Sonia Kennedy, Teacher in Charge of K-6 Sport

Year 4G Swimming

Year 4G have finished their swimming lessons for the year.

Here’s what some of them said: Swimming is fun because it's a way to exercise and work all the muscles - Kloe Swimming is fun because you can play games in the water with your friends like sharks and Marco Polo - Sebastian

Swimming is fun because floating and relaxing with the water, is calming - Jade

Swimming is fun because I like to go in the pool, especially to cool off - Josh

Swimming is fun because you to learn how to swim - Hannah

Ms Yvonne Geerts, Year 4G Teacher

Weekly Sport Reminder: All students must have the correct equipment to participate in their designated sport each week. I would like to re-mind parents and students that the correct sports uniform is to be worn each sport day and during PDHPE practical lessons. The correct uniform is the school sport shirt, school sport shorts, white school socks and joggers (preferably white) and the school bucket hat. Street shoes or slip on shoes are not appropriate for sporting activities as they do not do up tightly enough to support the ankle and foot and do not support the heel. If your child is having issues with uniform, please write a note or place a message in the child’s diary explaining the issue.

Recent sporting events: Futsal Congratulations to the U13 boys Futsal team coached by Mr Eamonn Lawless who were runners up at the recent Hastings Futsal Gala Day. The U16 boys team coached by Mr Andrew Ferguson performed well.

AICES Swimming Congratulations to River Thompson who competed in the AICES Swimming Carnival this week held at Homebush.

MVAC Cross Country The Annual School Cross Country Carnival was held on campus last Friday 22 March. The Age Champions for each age group will be announced during the final assembly for the term in week 11.

Upcoming sporting events: Netball: Two Year 7/8 Netball teams have been selected and started training for the upcoming Netball NSW Schools Cup Gala Day to be held on Thursday 4 April week 10. The successful teams on the day will have the opportunity to pro-gress to the next round. Congratulations to those selected in the teams: Tahlia Allport, Madison Cross, Ruby Dunn, Amarli Harrison, Katelyn Matuszny, Eden Rogers, Georgia Rowe, Makayla Saunders, Allee Silvester, Lilly Smith, Katie Tisdell, Harmony Bean, Charlee Blanch, Holli Cooper, Olivia Gill, Taya Hawke, Seana Hedges, Kelahrni Mobbs, Amber Northam, Jacqui Stevenson, Breeanna Talbot-Bell & Charlotte Walton.

Football: The Bill Turner Cup (boys) Football team will play in Round 1 of the competition against Great Lakes Campus For-ster on Monday 8 April in Week 11. Congratulations to those selected in the team: Timothy Abbott, Lachlan Babing-ton, Zachary Challacombe, Nate Deas, Jonty Green, Callum Macalpine, Kai McNeil, Logan Naylor, Ezekiel Phillips, Zachariah Phillips, Gregorio Roxas, Sahibjot Singh, Harrison Thomas, Harper Thompson, Scott Walker & Cooper Walton.

The Bill Turner Trophy (girls) Football team will play in Round 1 of the competition against Chatham High School on Tuesday 9 April in Week 11. Congratulations to those selected in the squad (ONLY 16 will be selected to play in the game as per Bill Turner Rules): Tahlia Allport, Charlee Blanch, Emily Burge, Madison Cross, Annika Doolan, Ruby Dunn, Amarli Harrison, Chelsea Harvey, Alexandra Harvey, Taya Hawke, Brooke Hosgood, Katelyn Matuszny, Am-ber Northam, Arabella Randle, Eden Rogers, Makayla Saunders, Allee Silvester, Jacqui Stevenson, Summer Turner & Jasmine Wilson.

Cross Country: The MVAC representative team to compete at the Annual HRIS Cross Country Carnival to be held on Friday 3 May of Week 1 in Term 2 which is held at Avondale College Cooranbong has been selected. Congratulations to those selected in the team: Summer Turner, Breeana Talbot-Bell, Jacqui Stevenson , River Thompson, Brooke Hosgood, Amarli Harrison, Tayla Wait, Allee Silvester, Lachlan Babington, Scott Walker, Jonty Green, Thomas Hook, Harrison-Thomas, Indira Reddie, Annika Doolan, Makayla Saunders, Charlotte Walton, Cooper Walton, Charlie Rigney-Cook, Ezekiel Phillips, Erin Hinshelwood, Jasmine Wilson, Amy Curtain, Benjamin Inkson, Zachariah Phillips, Timothy Ab-bott, Brianna Wheeler, Elijah Bennell, Tegan Hinshelwood & Matthew Pienaar. Upcoming HRIS Sport Trials: Rugby Union: Open Boys and Girls & 15 Boys and Girls. These trials will be held on April 30. Entries close April 8.

If you would like to attend any of the above HRIS sport trials please see Mr Rowe to complete the nomination details. All students who nominate for a trial MUST be able to list their representative playing history.

Mr Luke Rowe, Teacher in Charge of Sport 7-12

What is bullying?

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happen-ing.

Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records)

Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, in-cluding bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not de-fined as bullying.

Examples of bullying:

Verbal bullying which includes name calling or insulting someone about physical characteristics such as their weight or height, or other attributes including race, culture, or religion

Physical bullying which includes hitting or otherwise hurting someone, shoving or intimidating another per-son, or damaging or stealing their belongings

Social bullying which includes consistently excluding another person or sharing information or images that will have a harmful effect on the other person.

Behaviours that do not constitute bullying include:

mutual arguments and disagreements (where there is no power imbalance)

not liking someone or a single act of social rejection

one-off acts of meanness or spite

isolated incidents of aggression, intimidation or violence.

However, these conflicts still need to be addressed and resolved. It is important here at MVAC that everyone has a clear understanding of what bullying is, how it can be acted out and also what actually constitutes bullying. We do not condone any bullying in any area of the school. We try very hard to ensure that no student suffers any form of bullying. If you do have concerns please contact the appropriate teacher or Director and appropriate action will be taken.

Mr Eamonn Lawless Director of Secondary Welfare

Year 11 Visual Arts students visited the historical Trial Bay Gaol. Here, they engaged with their surroundings, taking notes, photo-graphs and drawings that will be used to inform the production of a collection of works based on the site.

Year 9/10 Visual Arts have been working with mixed media to produce images this semester to produce both appropriated images as well as works that reflect urban and popular culture.

Year 8 students have explored Pop Art and some of the artists who pioneered this signifi-cant art movement. They are now applying this understanding to their own compositions.

Year 7 students have engaged in a unit of study about the elements of art. They have explored the artist Robyn Stacey’s use of value, and are in the process of appropri-ating the work using a range of pencils.

Mrs Tamara Bean, Visual Arts Teacher

Night of Notable People from Around the World

Save the date: Tuesday 9 April 2019 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm

The 60 Carpe Diem students from Years 3 -10 will be presenting informative interactive displays about notable peo-

ple from around the world on Tuesday 9 April, commencing at 5:30pm. You will learn about the diverse group of

notable people, and the countries they come from, during MVAC’s 4th annual Night of Notables. MVAC families and

friends are invited to attend and share in the experience of travelling around the world and meeting many famous

people, without having to leave the comfort of our College Hall.

Here is the list of notable people you will meet and some possible future travel destinations.







MEXICO Frida Kahlo CUBA Alicia Alonso BRAZIL Pele COLOMBIA Egan Bernal ARGENTINA Lionel Messi

Rena Lovelis Ian Jones Quartey

Abraham Lincoln Elvis Presley

Misty Copeland Serena Williams





PHILIPPINES Corazon Aquino INDIA Mother Teresa CHINA

AFRICA CAMEROON Francoise Mbango Etone ETHIOPIA Tirunesh Dibaba SOUTH AFRICA



Cung Le Anh Do

May Chow Jacqueline Siu Rachel Cheung

Ryoichi Yazu Toru Iwatani

Akane Takada

Bingbing Fan Confucius

Christiaan Barnard Grace Legote

Djimon Hounsou

Aidan Turner Sarah Greene

Albert Einstein Oskar Schindler

Max Planck

Hugh Jackman Donald Bradman

Paul Hogan Nicole Kidman

Delta Goodrem Mark Webber

Donna Hay Elena Lampen

Jeff Fatt Rebel Wilson

Layne Beachley Edwina Tops-Alexander

Cate Blanchett Caitlin Stassey

Chris Hemsworth Steve Irwin

Isabel Lucas Guy Sebastian

Andy Griffiths

Mr Peter Sanders, Carpe Diem Teacher

Three of MVAC’s students, Coco Solomon Year 6, Amarli Harrison Year 7 and Wil Hellstedt Year 7 were lucky enough to travel to Sydney in recent weeks to attend the preliminaries of the NSW RAD Awards.

Amarli made it through to the semi-finals of the Joan and Monica awards.

Coco competed in the Grade 4 section and moved through to the semi-finals and then finals to be awarded the Prudence Bowen Memorial Award for out-standing Dancer from Grade 3,4 & 5.

Wil Hellstedt also moved through to the semi-finals and was then a finalist in the Isobel Anderson Memorial Awards for Intermediate Ballet held at University of NSW on Sunday 24 March. Congratulation to these three exceptional danc-ers on such a great achievement.

Congratulations to Keeley Taylor in Year 7 who’s touch football team won the Wingham Touch Football Association Mixed B Reserve Grade Grand Final.

Brooke Hosgood in Year 7, competed at State level in Little Ath-letics running in 3000m, 1500m, and 800m events. Brooke re-ceived an overall place of 8

th in the State for her efforts in the

800m event.


G’Day USA 2021 Information Meeting

DATE: Monday April 8 2019

TIME: 5:30 – 6:45pm (registration from 5:20pm)

WHERE: Manning Valley Anglican College Hall

The G'Day USA Program is a short-term cultural exchange which offers Australian students and staff the opportunity to travel as a group to the USA during the January school holidays. The program includes a cultural home stay with an American host family in some beautiful parts of the United States, whilst exploring all the local attractions and spending time going to a local American High School. The world-famous cities of Los Angeles and San Francisco are then explored, including visits to the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco Bay, Los Angeles premier surf beach-es, Anaheim theme parks and a day trip to San Diego! G’Day USA is generally the first step for young Australians to become true global citizens, as the program fosters greater cultural awareness, teaches tolerance for other people and promotes understanding and openness to new ideas. Educational World Travel (EWT) operates the tour based on over 30 years’ experience in the student travel space and provides all necessary support and resource materials to ensure a seamless experience. Pre-tour, EWT in-forms the students of the opportunity to travel and then conducts a Parent Information Evening to explain the pro-gram in detail to any interested parents and students. For every ten travellers, EWT will cover one Group Leader’s tour cost inclusions. This means all you need is some spending money for some meals and optional activities and an appetite for adventure! EWT aims to minimise the workload for each Group Leader throughout the planning and organising stages of the program as well as during the tour. EWT is responsible for all group tour operations and administrative tasks, in-cluding travel arrangements, hotels, transfers, travel insurance, sightseeing tours and entrance fees. EWT also of-fers resource materials to Group Leaders which are helpful in preparing student groups for the tour. EWT can sup-port schools with completing risk assessments on request. Our Program Development Managers are available to meet with principals, heads of school and staff, along with students and their families to discuss all aspects of our touring programs (including travel insurance, visas etc.). Taking part in the G’Day USA 20-day program includes the following opportunities; -

A home stay with an American family (host brother or sister) from a selected American high school

Attendance at an American high school for one or two days as a group

4 days of sightseeing and exploring the group’s chosen host city

Los Angeles sightseeing and Anaheim theme parks – Disneyland, Universal Studios & Knott’s Berry Farm

San Francisco city tour and walk the Golden Gate Bridge

Pier 39 and Union Square

Day tour of San Diego Living with an American family provides young Australians with a greater awareness of the differences between our cultures and is often the highlight of the tour for our travellers. Additionally, the educational benefits and learning gained from attending school classes in America is invaluable. The program is invaluable in providing students with a greater sense of responsibility, self-reliance and self-esteem. Travellers return with an increased awareness of the importance of working cohesively in a team environment. Please visit the EWT website at to find out more about G’Day USA.


Saint John’s Anglican Church in Victoria Street Taree runs an emergency relief service every Wednesday for those

who are struggling financially in our local region. If you are able to donate any of the items below to this worthwhile

ministry it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Mr Greg Anderson, College Chaplain

P & F MEETING The next P & F Meeting will be held on Wednesday 15 May at 6.00pm. All parents/carers are wel-

come to attend.

CANTEEN VOLUNTEERS The canteen is open Monday - Thursday. If you are able to volunteer some time in the

canteen, we would be very grateful for any assistance.

AFTERNOON MESSAGES can be given to students immediately after lunch. Please be aware that the school

administration area is a very busy time at the end of the school day and it is very difficult to get a message to stu-

dents who have already departed their classrooms for the day to stand in bus lines or parent pickup. If you need to

get a message to your child regarding alternative travel arrangements, please contact the school administration prior

to 2.30pm. Thank you for your assistance with this.

Tinned Goods Canned Goods

Toothpaste Tooth Brushes

Toiletries Long-Life Products

FLEXISCHOOLS is the fast, convenient and secure way to order and pay for canteen orders from home or on your

mobile. Register for Flexischools or manage your account by visiting Once you have

submitted your email address an email will be sent to you detailing how to complete your registration.

MVAC ON FACEBOOK Manning Valley Anglican College is on Facebook! Join us at

mvacollege to enjoy photos, video, news and announcements from the College.

REMINDER: DOWNLOAD THE SKOOLBAG APP Search ‘MVAC’ on the App Store (iOS devices), Google Play

Store (Android Devices) or App Store (Windows Phones) and look for our logo (shown right). Remember to set or

update your Year groups to get the most relevant and up-to-date information for parents.