PRAISE FOR YEAR to employer,...

Post on 02-Aug-2020

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Transcript of PRAISE FOR YEAR to employer,...

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“Engaged inquisitive and a promising start.”

“All three of my new Yr10 classes in Fine Art and Photography have had a brilliant start to the year. My Photographers have produced diverse and interesting summer projects based on the theme ‘a day in the life’ and my Fine Art students are busy drawing seed pods. Such a positive start. ”

“My two Maths classes have made a fantastic start to the year –enthusiastic, hardworking and keen to do well. Keep up the great effort Year 10!”

“I just want to pass on how absolutely brilliantly my Year 10 class have settled back in to work. The quality of the work they are producing is superb and I look forward to their lessons each day!”


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“I have been really impressed with how everyone in the Year 10 Child Development class has started the course. Their behaviour has been exemplary and the effort they have put into their classwork, presentation and home learning tasks has been fantastic so far. I am really excited about teaching them this year!”

“Really thrilled with the enthusiasm shown in the Y10 Spanish GCSE class. Lots of Spanish being used in the lesson and it’s clear that many have spent time in the holidays learning and revising grammar and making sure they would be off to a flying start. Lovely to see how well they get on with each other, too. Looking forward to seeing them progress.”


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“I have found that the current Year 10s seem to have come back to school with focus and maturity. I’m impressed with how my English class are approaching their study of Lord of the Flies – they are engaging open-mindedly with sophisticated and challenging concepts, are taking responsibility for their learning, and demonstrating positive attitudes in the class room and around the school. I’m really enjoying teaching the class of 2021”

“My 10a2 class have started back absolutely fantastically! (if that is a word!) They are focussed and have blown me away with their effort. I taught them at the end of last year, and I am delighted I’ve got them for the rest of their GCSE course!”


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Year 10Information


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*Homework is work that is set to be done outside the timetabled curriculum. It contains an element of independent study in that it is not usually directly supervised by a teacher. It is important in raising student achievement.

*In Years 10 and 11, homework tasks could take up to an hour and will be set on 75% of occasions in Years 10 and 11.

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A student with 90% attendance

Has missed……………

10% of the academic year

½ a day of school a week

4 weeks of school across the year

97 hours of teaching

If a student has 90% attendance for the 5 years of secondary school they will have missed ½ a year of their education!

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On average, compared to someone with attendance above 98%...

*Someone with attendance lower than 90% achieves 1 ½ grades lower in all of their subjects.

*Someone with attendance between 90% and 95% achieves 1 grade lower in half of their subjects.

*Someone with attendance between 95% and 98% achieves 1 grade lower in a quarter of their subjects.

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• Fifth consecutive year of very strong results

• A third of all grades awarded were 9-7 with 143 grade 9 awarded

• 78% of students secured the new standard pass (9-4) in English & Maths

• 56% of students secured the new strong pass (9-5) in English & Maths

• 82% of students secured at least 2 Science grades at 9-4

• 25% secured the English Baccalaureate

• Progress 8 - on average, students at Priestlands made more progress than similar students nationally by a third of a grade in every subject.

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What have we learnt about the new GCSEs?

• Broadly the same number of pupils who previously achieved a C grade achieved a grade 4.

• Greater volume of content & knowledge required to answer questions

• Pupils need to apply their knowledge to a range of different contexts

• Papers are challenging and aimed to stretch pupils

The keys to success:• Effort• Hard work• Regular revision and self testing• Regular exam practice• Regular attendance

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Wednesday 27th November 4.30pm

Parents Evening:

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Mrs Ritchie

Head of Year 10

Mrs Ainslie

Pastoral Support

Manager for Year 10

Mrs Yates

Assistant Head


attached to Year


TutorsCDH – Mr HillJDR – Mr RobinsonPJS – Miss Wootton (maternity cover)HEK – Miss KemishRJP – Mr PurdyRP – Ms ParkerGF – Mr FitzgeraldMWC – Mr Cable

• During work experience a student is classed as a young person (the Education Act 1996 applies).

• The law to work experience students differs to Child Employment Law (the Children’s Protection at Work Regulations 1998)

Working Hours - the law

Young workers are entitled to 2 days off per week.

A daily rest break of 12 consecutive hours (break between finishing work one day and starting work the following day). Students effectively can be expected to work 6 hours straight before lawfully needing a break (as per other members of staff).

Young workers will not normally work more than 8 hours a day/40 hours a week.

Young workers do not usually work at night – however there are exceptions (for example shift rotas within the hospitality industry).

Why do work experience? It increases pupils knowledge and understanding of the world of work

They will find out about their strengths and how they can improve their skills and abilities

They will get the opportunity to have a taste of a particular career and make plans for the future

They will get first hand experience of what is needed to do well in a job

Working in an adult environment will give them confidence for the future.

Work Experience ProcessPupil selects placement

(either from school database or by selecting their own placement)

Pupil completes a placement request form

Mrs Hartland checks if placement is available and not oversubscribed. Request form is then approved and returned to

pupil confirming ok for them to apply to the employer.

The database cannot be published on the school website due to data protection, but it is available within school to all Y10s.

Work Experience ProcessPupil then completes and sends off EBP form, C.V and

Letter of Application to the employer.

(Parents MUST sign the Parental Consent section on the EBP form)

Pupil posts/emails

their paperwork

to employer.

Employer confirms whether they can take pupil for work experience (by returning fully completed EBP form to school).

Work Experience Process

Medical Information – EBP Form

Vital that parents disclose pupils medical

conditions in the Parental Consent box

on the EBP form, as this enables the employer to

be aware in advance. Conditions such as asthma,

diabetes, Epipen user, allergies or has mobility

issues etc.

Parents responsibility to notify the employer and

Priestlands School should there be a change in

the pupils health since they completed the EBP


Although we hold medical data on all our pupils

it’s not practical for us to notify the employers

on all our Year 10 pupils.


• Pupils to discuss their placement with family, friends and their tutor.

• Pupils need to consider how they will get to their placement. The school does not fund work experience transport costs.

• Pupils need to think about their skills, interests and future career plans.

Deadline for fully completed EBP forms to be returned to school:

1st April 2020

Work Experience Process

Health & safety site check/risk assessment of the employers

premises must be carried out by EBP South Ltd before work

experience begins.

All employers must have valid Employers Liability Insurance (ELI). EBP South Ltd will check the employers level of insurance and validity during their site check. Pupils CANNOT do their placement with an employer if they do not have ELI.


Cancellation Charge

£35 charge (payable by parent) for placements cancelled by pupil after it’s been accepted by the employer/processed.

Split Placement Charge

£36 charge (payable by parent) if pupil elects to do a split placement.

Charge MUST be paid as soon as second placement secured (school are in receipt of second EBP form). Placement for second week will NOT be sanctioned until the payment has been made.

End Result!

• Due to successful placements, many local employers offer our pupils holiday work and Saturday jobs – a credit to them and our school. Some pupils have even obtained leisure qualifications whilst on their placement (such as Level 1 National Canoeing Qualification at New Forest Activities in Beaulieu).

• We expect pupils to be independent and resilient, but we do help/support the pupils. For some pupils, securing a work placement can be an uphill struggle. They will get knockbacks as we’ve had pupils who’ve experienced numerous rejections from employers through no fault of their own (such as inconvenient dates to employer, business constraints, placement over-subscribed) but this will test the pupils perseverance to secure a placement. Over the past 4 years, we’ve had over 98% of pupils participate in the work experience program!

• Work experience is a fantastic opportunity for the Y10s helping boost their confidence and giving sense of achievement. When they come back to school after completing their placements they’re buzzing!