Practicum/Field Study Handbook · Practicum/Field Study Handbook For EDC 475 & 480 Note: Students...

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Transcript of Practicum/Field Study Handbook · Practicum/Field Study Handbook For EDC 475 & 480 Note: Students...


Counselor Education Program College of Education

Graduate & Professional Studies in


Practicum/Field Study


For EDC 475 & 480

Note: Students are required to attend mandatory Advising Night each semester prior to

enrollment in Practicum or Field Study. Dates: a designated Friday evening in April for

enrollment the following fall semester. A designated Friday in November for enrollment

in Field study the following spring semester, and a designated Friday in April for

enrollment in Field Study the following Fall semester.

Please see announcements and files in Canvas Counselor Education Cohort page each

semester for exact dates, times, and fillable documents.

Original November 2009/Revised December 2019


Change Record

December 2019 Revision; replaces prior issues



Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4

Faculty ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

The Center for Counseling and Diagnostic Services (CCDS) .................................................................................................. 4

EDC 475 Practicum Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 5

EDC 480 Field Study Overview ................................................................................................................................................. 9

Field Study Sites ........................................................................................................................................................................ 15

Roles and Responsibilities in Training .................................................................................................................................... 17

Consent/Confidentiality ........................................................................................................................................................ 18

Professional Behavior Expectations ..................................................................................................................................... 19

Students Responsibilities ...................................................................................................................................................... 19

University Responsibilities ................................................................................................................................................... 20

Field Study Site Supervisors Responsibilities ..................................................................................................................... 21

Field Study Site Supervisor Qualifications .......................................................................................................................... 21

Probation and Dismissal of Students from the Counselor Education Program ........................................................... 22

Dispositions:....................................................................................................................................................................... 22

Supervision ................................................................................................................................................................................ 23

FORMS ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 27

Consent for Discussing or Recording Counseling Sessions ........................................................................................................ 27

Certificate of Clearance............................................................................................................................................................... 27

Petition to Enroll EDC 475 ....................................................................................................................................................... 279

Field Study Forms ..................................................................................................................................................................... 40

Expectations Contract FORM 3........................................................................................................................................... 40

EDC 480: Field Study Timesheet FORM 4 ......................................................................................................................... 40

California State University, Sacramento: Counselor Education Program: FORM 5 ...................................................... 48

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee MIDTERM EVALUATION: Career, RC, and School Specializations: FORM 5 ........... 48

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee MIDTERM EVALUATION: MCFC Specialization: FORM 5 ......................................... 60

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee FINAL EVALUATION: MCFC Specialization: FORM 6 ................................................ 84

EDC 480 Student Evaluation of Site: FORM 7 ................................................................................................................... 40

EDC 480 Verification of Work Completed: FORM 8 ........................................................................................................ 40

EDC 480 Final Verification of Field Study Completion: FORM 9 .................................................................................... 40



This document describes the practicum and field study training requirements for the Master of Science in

Counseling program. It includes the procedures for applying for Practicum (EDC 475) and Field Study (EDC 480)

placement, descriptions of roles and responsibilities of those involved, and a description of relevant terms.

The Master of Science in Counseling training experiences are designed to be compatible with general education

requirements for BBS licensure; there are notes included herein that pertain to considerations of licensure

requirements. Students are advised to regularly review the licensure requirements of the jurisdiction in which they

wish to pursue licensing in order to stay apprised of changes.

The Counseling Department expects all those participating in counselor education and supervision to be

practicing within the ethical standards and practice guidelines of the American Counseling Association (ACA) The Counseling Department permits training affiliation with

sites and supervisors who practice empirically based interventions that follow the current practice guidelines of

the ACA.


Practicum/Field Study Coordinator- Dr. Rivas

Program Coordinators:

Career Counseling- Dr. Park

Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling- Dr. Moreno

Rehabilitation Counseling- Dr. Mahr

School Counseling- Dr. Joo & Dr. Scarton

Academic Advisors

Academic advisors are the full-time faculty members within a counseling specialization who students may meet

with for all academic advising, student dispositions review, and guidance with Practicum and Field Study.

Advisors by Counseling Specialization are:

Career Specialization Advisors:

Dr. Sangmin Park,

Dr. Rachael Marshall,

MCFC Specialization:

Dr. Jessica Moreno,

Dr. Bita Rivas,

Dr. Ebony Williams,

Dr. Susan Wycoff,

Rehabilitation Specialization:

Dr. Michele Mahr,

School Specialization:

Dr. HyunGyung Joo,

Dr. Elisabeth Liles-Lourick,

Dr. Carly Scarton,

Dr. Maiko Xiong,

The Center for Counseling and Diagnostic Services (CCDS)

Clinic Coordinator: Michael Levine,

Eureka Hall Room 421

Phone: (916) 278-6252


The Center for Counseling and Diagnostic Services (CCDS) has been in operation since 1968. It is equipped with

family counseling rooms, small counseling cubicles, and art and play therapy materials. Services are offered by

supervised graduate students from the Counselor Education Program, Vocational Rehabilitation Program, and

Special Education Program during the academic year (September through December and February through May).

EDC 475 Practicum students offer the following services:

Career Counseling: Individuals who would like assistance in learning how to make career decisions and need

information or guidance for educational or career choices can receive counseling and testing services and


Individual Counseling: For individuals who want assistance and skills in dealing with personal changes,

emotional and social crises, and other personal issues, such as divorce/separation, depression, anger, stress and


Couple Counseling: Whether married, "coupled," or domestic partners, this is for couples seeking to strengthen and improve their relationships or to work on unsatisfactory relationship issues.

Counseling for Children: Counseling can be provided either with other family members or individually to help

children understand and deal with problems of their own or problems relating to family or school.

EDC 475 Practicum Overview


Students are required to complete supervised practicum experiences that total a minimum of 100 clock hours. The

practicum provides for the development of counseling and assessment skills under direct clinical supervision

(CACREP, 2016). The student’s practicum must include all of the following:

(1) 40 hours of direct service with clients, including experience in individual counseling and group counseling;

(2) Weekly interaction with an average of one hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision which occurs

regularly over a minimum of one academic term by a program faculty member or a supervisor working under the

supervision of a program faculty member; (3) An average of one and one half (1½) hours per week of group

supervision that is provided on a regular schedule over the course of the student’s practicum by a program faculty

member or a supervisor under the supervision of a program faculty member; and (4) evaluation of the student’s

performance throughout the practicum, including a formal evaluation, Counselor Trainee Evaluation, at the

midterm and end of the practicum experience.

In order to earn credit in EDC 475: Practicum, students must earn a minimum passing score of 2 on all

competencies on the final evaluation. Failure to earn a minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies will

result in No Credit for this class.

Students who do not satisfactorily complete all of the requirements of practicum, including demonstration of

professional conduct and mastery of basic counseling skills, will not be permitted to enroll in fieldwork. The

practicum instructor reserves the right to assign a No Credit grade to students who, in the instructor’s and/or site

supervisor’s judgment, are not ready to enroll in Field Study.

*The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

Practicum Experiences

One course meets all of the CACREP requirements for practicum experiences: EDC 475: Practicum in

Counseling. EDC 475 hours may only be accrued during the semester in which the student is enrolled in this

course and under the direct supervision of program faculty. Students must earn at least 100 clock hours (at

least 40 direct contact hours) of practicum experiences in EDC 475 and receive credit for the course before

they will be permitted to enroll in EDC 480: Field Study in Counseling. At least 30 hours will be arranged


outside of the regularly scheduled class time and will be coordinated by the student, the supervisor of record and

the contact person at the assigned site or sites. (Note: Due to holidays and other reasons for canceled sessions, it is

recommended that instructors hold their initial orientation with their class the week prior to the start of the


Student Prerequisites

Students must petition with the Program, be officially approved by specialization faculty, and be administratively

added to practicum courses. Prior to enrolling in EDC 475, students from all specializations are required to

successfully complete the following prerequisite courses: EDC 210: Multicultural Counseling; EDC 214:

Dynamics of Human Development; EDC 216: Counseling Theory; and EDC 280: Practicum in

Communication (NO EXCEPTIONS). Additional prerequisites for EDC 475 are listed below based on


*For the Career Specialization, EDC 262 must be taken prior to or concurrently with EDC 475. For the RC

Specialization, EDC 260 must be taken concurrently with EDC 475. For the Career, RC, and MCFC

Specializations, EDC 252 must be taken prior to or concurrently with EDC 475. For the MCFC Specialization,

EDC 219 must be taken prior to or concurrently with EDC 475. For the School Specialization, EDC 218 and EDC

272 must be taken prior to or concurrently with 475.

Enrollment in Practicum (EDC 475)

Students who have completed all of the prerequisites for Practicum may petition with the Counselor Education

Program, to enroll in the course. A Petition for Practicum is attached at the end of this handbook. Students

wishing to enroll in Practicum are expected to attend mandatory Advising Night the semester prior to enrollment

for important details. The Counselor Education Program, enrolls students in sites based on goodness of fit and will

start collecting petitions after Advising Night. Incomplete petitions will not be accepted. Students who do not

submit completed petitions and satisfy all prerequisites prior to the deadline for submitting petitions will not be

enrolled in practicum the following semester. Students from all specializations must submit their Petition for

Practicum to their advisor. (Note: Practicum is not available during the summer sessions.)

EDC 475: Practicum in Counseling

The practicum experience involves having students provide counseling services to clients from the community

under direct supervision of program faculty. Practicum students will gain experience with a variety of clients:

individuals (adult and/or child), couples, families and/or groups. School Counseling students will see all of their

clients at designated school sites within Roseville City School District, Sacramento City Unified School District,

San Juan Unified School District, or Twin Rivers Unified School District. Most Career Counseling students will

Course Career MCFC RC School

210 X X X X

212 X

214 X X X

216 X X X

218 X X X X*

219 X X* X

234 X

242 X

252 X* X* X* X

260 X X*

262 X*

270 X

272 X*

280 X X X X

476 X


see all of their clients at designated school sites within Natomas Unified School District, Sacramento City Unified

School District, or Twin Rivers Unified School District. Some Career Counseling students will see their clients in

the Center for Counseling and Diagnostic Services. MCFC Students will see all of their clients at the Center for

Counseling and Diagnostic Services, Delta Elementary Charter School, Natomas High School, or Success

Academy. Specialization faculty are responsible for coordinating the practicum sites for all EDC 475

sections. Each EDC 475 instructor will establish and maintain contact with assigned sites.

Hours Defined

Direct Hours involve direct interaction with clients and include the application of counseling, consultation, or

human development skills. Practicum students may only count face-to-face counseling or clinical consultation

performed in a confidential setting as direct contact.

Supervision Hours include all interactions with one’s supervisor that involve receiving a combination of the

following: consultation, counseling, instruction and evaluation of clinical and administrative skills. (Please see

Supervision section of this manual for important definitions related to supervising students.)

Miscellaneous Hours involve all other duties and experiences related to practicum that do not fall into the “direct contact” or “supervision” categories, including administration. Administration involves scheduling, attending

school/agency meetings, writing case notes, research/preparation for sessions, room set-up/clean-up, etc.

Total Hours are the sum total of all direct contact, supervision and miscellaneous experiences.

Hours Calculated

1. All hours for EDC 475 must be entered on a single Practicum Timesheet (see page 39) and be endorsed by the

student and the instructor/supervisor of record.



Direct Contact



Three Hours of Counseling Sessions per Week (3 hours X 14 weeks)




Preparation, Clean-Up, Case Notes and Administration (1hour X 14 weeks)




Off-Site Administration

Research, Writing Case Studies, Evaluation Summaries, etc. (1 hour per week X 14 weeks)





Individual/Triadic (1 hour X 14 weeks)


13 minimum


Group (1st week = 4 hrs of prep/orientation) + (1.5 hours X 13 weeks)


21 minimum


*40 minimum* Direct Hours

60+ Miscellaneous *100 minimum* TOTAL HOURS


2. Students must earn a minimum of 100 clock hours (minimum of 40 direct contact hours) of practicum experiences

(at one or more sites) and pass EDC 475 before they are permitted to enroll in EDC 480: Field Study in


3. Students must receive an average of one hour per week of individual or triadic supervision AND one and one half

hours per week of group supervision, with a minimum total of 13 hours of individual/triadic supervision and a

minimum total of 21 hours of group supervision.


• Supervisors are responsible for completing an evaluation for each EDC 475 student at the MIDTERM and


• Supervisors will transfer data from each evaluation into the University’s online Evaluation Database. (This takes

about 30-45 minutes total.) The Counselor Education Program Data Analyst will provide you with the link to this


• Supervisors will file the original copy of each completed and signed evaluation in the students’ clinical files prior

to end of the semester.

• Make sure to keep a signed copy for yourself and provide a signed copy to each student.

Evaluation Administration

EDC 475 practicum supervisors are required to complete and submit a Counselor Trainee Practicum Evaluation

for each of their practicum students. This evaluation has both quantitative and qualitative components that assess

counseling skills demonstrated by the student. The evaluation is used as part of a comprehensive assessment of

the student’s clinical and professional skills as the student progresses through the program. Supervisors should

attach a blank copy of the evaluation to their course syllabus and review it with students at the beginning of the


The evaluation is first administered in EDC 280: Practicum in Communication, then again in EDC 475.

Supervisors are required to complete the evaluation two times for each student: once at the midterm and once at

the end of each student’s practicum experience. The form may also be used as a weekly tool for tracking skill

development (i.e. student self- evaluation, peer evaluation, supervisor evaluation of an individual session)

throughout the semester.

Completing Evaluations: 4-Step Process

1. Supervisors will complete a Counselor Trainee Practicum Evaluation for each practicum student.

2. Supervisors will review the evaluation face-to-face with each student during individual/triadic

supervision. Once reviewed, supervisor and student will both endorse the evaluation. Some supervisors

have students complete a self- evaluation using the same instrument and “compare notes” during the

review session. (Note: Evaluations should be shared in a positive manner to facilitate discussion and

insight into strengths and areas of growth.)

3. Supervisors will transfer data from each of the evaluations to the University’s online Evaluation

Database. New links are emailed to instructors by the Counselor Education Program Data Analyst before

the Midterm each semester.

4. Supervisors should make a copy of each evaluation (Midterm and Final) for the student and file the

completed and signed originals in the student’s clinical file prior to the end of the semester.


Practicum is graded on a Credit / No Credit basis. Credit will be granted for satisfactory completion of all

practicum requirements, including demonstration of professional conduct and mastery of basic counseling skills.


The supervisor reserves the right to give a No Credit grade to students who, in the supervisor’s judgment, are not

ready to enroll in Field Study. If a student receives a grade of No Credit, then the student will be allowed to repeat

EDC 475 one time only for credit or a passing grade. If the student receives a No Credit grade a second time in

the course, the student will be automatically dismissed from the counseling program (please refer to the Student

Handbook for additional information). All course grades are submitted online through the University’s student

management system, CasperWeb.

EDC 480 Field Study Overview


EDC 480: Field Study in Counseling is an advanced counseling course designed to provide students with a

variety of practical, supervised experiences in the field of counseling; it is equivalent to a pre-graduation

internship. In addition to accruing hours of experience in the field and receiving regular individual supervision at

the site, students are required to participate in a weekly seminar class at the University where they receive group

supervision. The weekly group supervision is led by a CSUS faculty member and provides students an

opportunity to discuss cases, develop interventions and strategies, share resources, and further students’ personal

and professional development. The ultimate goal is to ensure the successful acquisition, integration, and

application of critical skills needed to be effective professional counselors, consultants, and advocates in general

and, particularly, as applied to one’s particular area of specialization.

Field Study (EDC 480) is not available during the summer session. All students in fieldwork (practicum EDC 475

and field study EDC 480) must be under both site and university supervision to be able to accumulate hours for the

program. Acceptable field experiences include, but are not limited to, providing individual, couple/family, and

group counseling services under supervision of field supervisors and university faculty. Additional activities will

vary, depending on the specialization.

Clinical hours may only be accrued during the semester in which the student is enrolled in EDC 480 and

under the direct supervision of Program faculty. Hours do not transfer from one semester to another or

from one site to another.

Interview and Enrollment Requirement

Field Study is an especially demanding course that requires students to be advanced enough in their skills to

counsel individual and group clients ethically, effectively, and professionally with less supervision than is

received in practicum.

In practicum, students are under direct observation by their site supervisor or university supervisor in the CCSD.

In their field study course, students are placed in community settings by specialty. During group university

supervision, the student must present a video/audio and transcription of a session and be willing to present the

case and receive feedback on skills and interventions utilized. In addition, students will participate in consultation

around cases with their peers.

Field Study necessitates a skill set that includes advanced skills, effectively utilizing supervision on site and in

class, and finally being able to operate independently at their site. Therefore, it is essential that students are well

prepared when enrolling in EDC 480: Field Study in Counseling. All counseling students must be interviewed by

their Field Study placement site prior to commencing counseling. This interview is intended to ensure that all

trainees are well prepared, demonstrating the above-mentioned skills for counseling at the assigned site. Students

may interview up to three times in order to obtain an appropriate site placement. Students who fail to obtain

placement after three interviews will not be enrolled in EDC 480 that semester and will be placed on

probation (review pp. 26-29 of the Counselor Education Student Handbook for detailed information about

probation policies and procedures).

Students may petition again for EDC 480 the following semester and may interview up to three additional times


in order to obtain an appropriate site placement. Since MCFC placements are year-long and begin in fall,

students who fail to be placed in the fall must wait until the following fall to petition again for EDC 480.

Students must successfully obtain placement in order to earn credit in EDC 480. Students who fail to obtain

placement in EDC 480 after two semesters will be automatically dismissed from the Counselor Education

Program. Finally, any student dismissed from their site may be dismissed from the program; their success in the

program during this time of fieldstudy is directly linked to their success as a professional at their site. You are

representing our program at each interview, and each interaction outside of the university.

A grade of Credit for EDC 480 is required for successful completion of the M.S. in Counseling degree. EDC 480

must be taken for 6 units obtained over a minimum of 2 semesters in order for students to be eligible for the


Basic Field Study Requirements

CACREP* Standards (2016) require that all students complete supervised field experiences in field study that

total a minimum of 600 clock hours and that must include all of the following:

1. After successful completion of the practicum, students complete 600 clock hours of supervised counseling

field study in roles and settings with clients relevant to their specialty area. This must include individual and

group counseling, and to meet BBS requirements for MCFC specialty couple/family counseling.

2. Field study students enrolled in Field Study must complete at least 240 clock hours of direct service with


3. One (1) hour of weekly interaction of individual supervision that occurs regularly during the course of Field

Study by a licensed or credential on-site supervisor.

4. Two (2) hours per week of group supervision that is provided on a regular schedule over the course of the

student’s Field Study by a CSUS faculty supervisor.

5. Evaluation of the student’s performance throughout the field experience by both the CSUS faculty supervisor

and the field supervisor.

a. This evaluation process includes a formal midterm evaluation (FORM 5: Midterm Evaluation), and a final

evaluation (FORM 6: Final Evaluation), that are both completed by the On-site Supervisor.

a. In order to earn credit in EDC 480: Field Study, students must earn a minimum passing score of 2 on all

competencies on the final evaluation (FORM 6). Failure to earn a minimum passing score of 2 on all

competencies will result in No Credit for this class. Earning a grade of No Credit for two semesters of EDC

480 will result in automatic dismissal from the Counselor Education Program.

b. In addition, university supervisors will conduct at least 1 site visit to directly observe students’ counseling

skills during the semester.

c. Students must present a video/audio recording to their university supervisor demonstrating their work and use of

advanced counseling skills.

6. The University Supervisor is responsible for verifying a student’s completion of Field Study requirements fora

given term.

7. The student’s advisor will verify each student’s completion of all Field Study requirements for graduation.

Students who do not satisfactorily complete all of the requirements of Field Study will not be permitted to

graduate. Students dismissed from their site will not have satisfactory completion and may result in dismissal

from the program.

*The Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs.

Prerequisite Coursework

Field Study is designed to build on learning and competencies acquired in all core counseling courses, as well as

course requirements in the student’s counseling specialization. All counseling students must successfully


complete EDC 475 (and all of its prerequisites) and receive a grade of “Credit” in order to enroll in EDC

480 (CACREP Standards, 2016). NO EXCEPTIONS.


Hours Defined

Direct Hours involve direct interaction with clients and include the application of counseling, consultation, or

human development skills. Field Study students may only count face-to-face counseling or consultation done in a

confidential setting as direct contact.

Supervision Hours include all interactions with one’s supervisor that involve receiving a combination of the

following: consultation, counseling, instruction, and evaluation of clinical and administrative skills. Students will

receive 1 hour of individual supervision from the On-site Supervisor and 2 hours of group supervision from the

University seminar instructor for each week they see clients in Field Study. (Please see Supervision section of this

manual for important definitions related to the supervision of students.)

Miscellaneous Hours involve all other duties and experiences related to Field Study that do not fall into the

“direct contact” or “supervision” categories, including administration. Administration involves scheduling,

attending school/agency meetings, writing case notes, research/preparation for sessions, room set-up/clean-up, etc.

Total Hours are the sum total of all direct contact, supervision, and miscellaneous experiences.

Minimum Hour Requirements

The Field Study requirement for all students in the Counselor Education Program is 600 clock hours with 40%

(240 hours) of direct client contact. This is equivalent to 6 units of coursework (1 unit = 100 clock hours). Hours

may be completed in either two or three semesters. The Two Semester Plan involves taking 3 units (300 hours)

each semester over 2 semesters OR 4 units (400 hours) one semester and 2 units (200 hours) the other semester.

The Three Semester Plan involves taking 2 units (200 hours) each semester over 3 semesters. No student may

enroll in more than 400 clock hours (4 units) of fieldwork per semester. MCFC field study placements are for

one academic year and always begin in fall, thus, MCFC students are required to adhere to the two semester

option that involves taking 3 units (300 hours) each semester over 2 semesters.

Note: All students must complete the minimum hour requirements and receive a “Credit” grade for all semesters

of EDC 480 in order to qualify for graduation with the M.S. in Counseling degree.

Additional School Counseling Requirements

In addition to CACREP requirements, the school counseling program at CSUS must also adhere to the

requirements of the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) for the Pupil Personnel Services

(PPS) Credential. PPS Standards mirror CACREP standards for the most part, but have the following additional


“A minimum of six hundred (600) clock hours in public school settings at two of three school levels such as

elementary, middle, high school with a minimum of two hundred (200) clock hours at each level. Two hundred

(200) of the six hundred (600) clock hours may be completed in settings other than public schools. At least four

hundred (400) clock hours must be completed and supervised in public school settings with k-12 pupils.” (CCTC

PPS Standards, p. 87)

In order to earn experience in both primary and secondary levels, the CSUS School Specialization requires that all

students complete at least two hundred (200) clock hours at the elementary level and at least two hundred (200)

clock hours at the middle or high school levels. There are no exceptions to this policy.

Hours Calculations

The student’s field study hours will be accrued over a 15-week period in a given semester. As a guideline, weekly


hours on-site will be calculated as follows:

4 units = 24.7 hours on-site + 2 hours of University supervision →26.7 total clock hours per week 3 units = 18

hours on-site + 2 hours of University supervision → 20 total clock hours per week

2 units = 11.3 hours on-site + 2 hours of University supervision →13.3 total clock hours per week

Client contact hours should account for a minimum of 40% of the total Field Study hours. Group supervision (by

University seminar instructor) accounts for 2 hours per week and individual supervision (by on-site supervisor)

accounts for 1 hour. Miscellaneous hours may include the following: attending orientations, writing clinical notes,

conducting research regarding clients, preparing for clinical work or assessments, and attending

workshops/trainings relevant to counseling. Field Study hours performed off site must be pre-approved by the


Sample Case #1

The example below shows the typical one-week profile of a student enrolled in 3 units of field study (300 clock

hour requirement) during a 15-week semester:

Total clock hours for semester 300 (3 units × 100 hours per unit = 300) Hours per week 20 (300

hours ÷ 15 weeks = 20)

Weekly Activity

Client contact per week 8 hours minimum Group supervision (seminar) 2 hours minimum

Individual supervision (on-site) 1 hour minimum

Miscellaneous hours 9 hours (may be less if student exceeds requirements in other 3 areas)

20 hours per week


Sometimes students fall short of the hours that they intended to complete in a given semester. Please see page 31

for instructions for students who are SHORT 40 hours OR LESS total hours, OR 16 OR LESS client contact

hours. Students who are SHORT MORE THAN 40 total hours OR MORE THAN 16 client contact hours will be

assigned a grade of Incomplete (please see page 31 for more information).

Hours Before or Between Semesters

If the student will begin their Field Study experience prior to the start of the semester, or between semesters, they

will only be able to do so if there is continued university supervision in concert with on-site supervision. It is up

to the student to confirm with their university supervisor, fieldwork coordinator, or specialty coordinator to ensure

that they will provide supervision during these periods that are outside class university scheduled times. It is the

responsibility of the student to ensure both on-site and university supervisors will be available for supervision for

the trainee.

T.A. Hour Requirements

Students may receive up to 60 clock hours of field study credit while working as a Teaching Assistant (T.A.).

Only students with strong clinical, academic, and organizational abilities may be selected as T.A.s, and these

students must be personally invited by Counselor Education faculty. T.A. duties may include any or all of the

following: peer observation/feedback, small group facilitation, grading, and research. (Note: MCFC T.A.s may

not receive client contact credit for any of their duties. Career and School T.A.s may receive client contact credit

for assisting with EDC 280 triadic supervision and EDC 242 Micropracticum.) Each T.A. and their faculty mentor

will meet regularly for guidance and supervision and will complete Form 4b: T.A. Time Sheet at the end of their

work together. T.A. work may be performed prior to or concurrently with enrollment in Field Study. Students

may serve as a T.A. for more than one instructor, but will need to complete separate time sheets for each

instructor. Each completed time sheet will be submitted to the University Supervisor (seminar instructor) during

the semester in which the student intends to apply their earned T.A. hours.



Progress Notes

Some specializations require progress notes to be written. A sample format is provided in the Appendix and serves as a guideline only. Supervisors may substitute their own style of progress notes. Students and supervisors should discuss desired format, supervisor expectations, and anticipated due dates early in the semester. Progress notes, as any other notes related to client information, should maintain the confidentiality of the clients involved. Check with your individual instructor for their expectations.

Written Case Study

Each student is required to produce at least one written case study per semester about a client they are currently counseling. Sample formats are provided in the Appendix for each specialization. The case study is to be written by the student and submitted to the University Supervisor who will provide written feedback regarding content, format, and presentation.

Case Studies, as any other notes related to client information, should maintain the confidentiality of the clients involved.

Additional MCFC Documentation

The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) has specific forms to be completed and procedures for MCFC students to follow in order to be credited MCFC experience hours. These are separate from the paperwork required for CSUS Field Study documentation. MCFC students should consult with their University Supervisor or Academic Advisor for information on documenting hours of experience as an MCFC Trainee.


Instructions for Evaluations and Forms

On-site Supervisors are required to complete and submit a Midterm Evaluation (FORM 5) and a Final Evaluation

(FORM 6) for each field study student at their site. These evaluations have both quantitative and qualitative

components (which are identical) that assess a variety of skills demonstrated by the student. The evaluations are

used as part of a comprehensive assessment of the student’s clinical and professional skills as the student

progresses through the program. Supervisors should review a copy of the evaluations with each student at the

beginning of the semester to facilitate the identification of strengths and the establishment of learning objectives.

A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the final evaluation (FORM 6) is required for students to

earn a grade of Credit in EDC 480: Field Study.

Earning a grade of No Credit for two semesters of EDC 480 will result in automatic dismissal from the

Counselor Education Program.

FORM 1: Petition to Enroll in Field Study Seminar

Form 1 is your petition to enroll in Field Study seminar. It is to be completed by the student and submitted to the

assigned advisor on or before the appropriate deadline in order to be considered for enrollment in fieldwork for

the requested semester. For enrollment during the fall semester, the deadline will be in May. For enrollment

during the spring semester, the deadline will be in December. If you are a student petitioning to enroll in your first

semester of EDC 480, please note that you must successfully complete EDC 475. No student will be allowed to

enroll in fieldwork until they have completed these practicum requirements and received a grade of


FORM 2: Petition to Enroll in Field Study Placement

Form 2 is available via Qualtrics link that will be distributed to all relevant cohorts. Students will submit

information regarding their Field Study placements, number of units previously completed in Field Study, number

of units being requested in Field Study, and contact information for their site supervisors.


FORM 3: Expectations Contract


Form 3 serves to outline expectations for field study students and school districts/agencies in the fieldwork

partnership. This form is a summary of Field Study guidelines and both students and supervisors are required to

read the Counselor Education Field Study Student Handbook in its entirety. Circumstances unique to specific

students and districts will be addressed by discussion between the district, the field study student, and CSUS.

Once the form is reviewed by both the student and the on-site supervisor, each party will sign the form, indicating

that expectations will be met. The student must then have the form signed by the Fieldwork Placement

Coordinator in their specialization. The original signed form must be returned to the student’s University

Supervisor (Seminar Instructor) no later than the third week of the University’s semester.

FORM 4, 4a, 4b: Time Sheets

One copy of FORM 4: Field Study Time Sheet is provided in the Appendix for students to duplicate and use

throughout the semester. These sheets are to be completed by the student and initialed weekly by the On-Site

Supervisor during individual supervision. Students working at more than one site in a given semester should

maintain a separate set of time sheets for each site. At the end of the term, the signed time sheets must be

submitted to the University Supervisor for final tally and approval. See “What’s Due and When” on page 4 of

this handbook for deadlines for submitting forms. One copy will be returned to students to be maintained for

submission, as required, to any applicable credentialing/licensing agency; the other copy will be maintained by

the Program. University supervisors initial the hours earned during university seminar group supervision, which is

documented on FORM 4a: Field Study Time Sheet: University Supervision Hours. T.A. hours are documented on

FORM 4b: T.A. Time Sheet and reviewed and signed by the student’s T.A. supervisor. Hours earned on FORM 4b

do not get added to the other time sheets. Instead, students should calculate any T.A. hours earned and include

them in their total hours on FORM 8.

FORM 5: Midterm Evaluation

The On-Site Supervisor will complete FORM 5: Midterm Evaluation at the midterm and review the evaluation

face-to-face with each student during individual supervision. Some supervisors have students complete a self-

evaluation using the same instrument and “compare notes” during the review session.

Evaluations should be shared in a positive manner, facilitating discussion and insight into strengths, identifying

goal achievement and to further identify areas of growth. Once reviewed, the supervisor and student will both

endorse the evaluation. The completed and signed form will be submitted to the University Supervisor for their

final endorsement by the last class meeting of October for the Fall semester, and the last class meeting of March

for the Spring semester (or the first Monday of December for MCFC students). The University Supervisor will

contact the student’s site supervisor and advisor if there are any identified problems or concerns and develop a

plan for addressing those concerns. The University Supervisor will file this form in the student’s clinical file prior

to the end of the term. The form will be filed in the student’s permanent clinical file. (Note: Students are urged to

make a copy for their own records.) If the form is not completed in a timely fashion, the student will receive a

“No Credit” grade for the semester. On-Site Supervisors and students should prioritize this important requirement

and its associated deadline.

FORM 6: Final Evaluation

The On-Site Supervisor will complete FORM 6: Final Evaluation at the end of the semester and review the

evaluation face-to-face with each student during individual supervision. Some supervisors have students complete

a self-evaluation using the same instrument and ‘compare notes’ during the review session. Evaluations should be

shared in a positive manner, facilitating discussion and insight into strengths, identifying goal achievement and

further identifying areas of growth. Once reviewed, the supervisor and student will both endorse the evaluation.

The completed and signed form will be submitted to the University Supervisor for their endorsement the Monday

BEFORE Final Exam week (or the first Friday in May for MCFC students). The University Supervisor will file

this form in the student’s clinical file by Final Exam week. (Note: Students are urged to make a copy for their

own records.) If the form is not completed in a timely fashion, the student will receive a “No Credit” grade for the

semester. On-site supervisors and students should prioritize this important requirement and its associated

deadline. A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the final evaluation (FORM 6) is required for

students to earn a grade of Credit in EDC 480: Field Study. Earning a grade of No Credit for two semesters of

EDC 480 will result in automatic dismissal from the Counselor Education Program.

FORM 7: Student’s Evaluation of Field Study Site

Each student will complete FORM 7: Student’s Evaluation of Field Study Site at the end of the semester. Students


may elect to share their responses to this form with their On-Site Supervisors. This form must be submitted to the

University Supervisor (and may be completed anonymously) by the Monday BEFORE final exam week. All

student evaluations are compiled in a confidential location and are used as part of a comprehensive process to

determine the quality of site supervision and the appropriateness of field sites for the training of CSUS Counselor

Education students.

FORM 8: Verification of Work Completed and Grade for Term

Each student is responsible for completing FORM 8: Verification of Work Completed and Grade for Term

(complete entire form EXCEPT the actual grade) and submitting it with other required forms to the University

Supervisor. The University Supervisor, in consultation with the site supervisor, will determine the final grade. The

University Supervisor will file this form in the student’s clinical file prior to the end of the term. If a student

receives an Incomplete, this form will be submitted two times: The first time for the Incomplete grade and the

second time for the Credit grade once requirements have been met.

FORM 9: Final Verification of Field Study Completion

Each student is responsible for completing and submitting FORM 9: Final Verification of Field Study Completion

during their last semester of field work. The student should enter accurate information for every semester enrolled

in field study. The Grand Total of all field study hours must be at least 600 clock hours including at least 40%

(or 240) direct client contact hours.


Students in EDC 480: Field Study are evaluated on their counseling skills, professionalism, receptiveness to

supervision, and personal characteristics suited for the counseling field. Onsite supervisors will perform two

formal evaluations of students, once at the midterm (FORM 5) and again at the final (FORM 6). A minimum

passing score of 2 on all competencies is required at the final evaluation (FORM 6) in order for students to earn a

grade of Credit in EDC 480. Earning a grade of No Credit for two semesters of EDC 480 will result in

automatic dismissal from the Counselor Education Program.

University Supervisors are responsible for verifying all students’ forms, assigning grades, and filing all forms in

the students’ clinical files. Students may receive one of the following grades for field study: Credit (CR), No

Credit (NC), or Incomplete (INC). Incomplete grades are reserved for exceptional circumstances, as defined by

university policy.

Students will only be awarded a grade of Credit if the University Supervisor has received all of the required forms

and evaluations, completed and signed, and in the following order (with FORM 8 on top):

FORM 8: Verification of Work Completed and Grade for Term FORM 3: Expectations Contract FORM 4: Field Study Time Sheet

FORM 4a: University Supervision Time Sheet

FORM 4b: T.A. Time Sheet (if applicable)

FORM 5: On-Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Student

FORM 6: On-Site Supervisor’s End of Semester Evaluation of Student

FORM 7: Student’s Evaluation of Field Study Site

NOTE: Each student is responsible for submitting all signed time sheets and Forms 6 and 7 to the University Supervisor early in the week of final exam week. The University Supervisor needs to verify all forms received for each student and file in their clinical records by Final Exam week.

Field Study Sites

All students enrolling in EDC 480: Field Study in Counseling will be interviewed by the site to which they are

assigned for the upcoming semester. If an interview does not result in placement at that site, students will have the

opportunity to interview at two additional sites. Failure to successfully be placed after three interviews will result

in not being enrolled in EDC 480 that semester and placement of the student on probation (see page 6 of this

handbook for more information).

Career Counseling Placements


Career Counseling students must complete all of their total Field Study units at a Designated Center. This is a

school or agency with which the Counselor Education Program has established an ongoing collaborative

partnership for the purpose of training CSUS counseling students. Current Designated Centers are listed by

specialization in the Appendix. These sites meet a number of important criteria established by the Program,

including, but not limited to, having a population of clients who are at least 50% minorities, and guaranteeing that

a licensed/credentialed supervisor is physically on-site each day the student is working at the site.

Students may petition to work at a specialization site if they are employed at the site as a paid counselor intern or

as a career counselor. When selecting a specialization site, students are responsible for contacting the site,

securing appropriate supervision at the site, and making certain that all of their programmatic and academic needs

will be met at the site. All specialization sites must be pre-approved by each student’s academic advisor. (Note:

this approval is in consultation with other specialization faculty.) Please see the following form for specific

criteria for qualified sites: FORM 3: Expectations Contract.

Marriage, Couples, and Family Counseling Placements

MCFC placements will occur once per year, each fall semester. Students will remain at their site placement for a

minimum of one academic year unless there is an extenuating circumstance that prevents the student and/or site

from fulfilling the training obligation.

MCFC students must complete all of their total Field Study units at a Designated Site. This is an agency or school

in which the Counselor Education Program has established an ongoing collaborative partnership for the purpose

of training CSUS counseling students. These sites meet a number of important criteria established by the

Program, including, but not limited to, having a population of clients who are at least 50% minorities, and

guaranteeing that a licensed/credentialed supervisor is physically on-site each day the student is working at the

site. If placed at a school site, MCFC students will provide counseling services to children and adolescents within

the district, and they will be required to pass a district screening process. Most often, this entails being

fingerprinted and taking a tuberculosis (T.B.) test. Some districts only accept fingerprints obtained through their

own district office. T.B. tests may be performed elsewhere (including free testing at the CSUS Student Health

Center), but the printed results must be submitted to the respective district. Students are required to have passed

the screening prior to the start of the semester in which they are enrolled in the course. STUDENTS MAY NOT


Specialization Sites

Specialization sites will be taken into consideration by the Counselor Education Faculty. Students must contact

the coordinator no less than 1 year prior to beginning field study so that a community relationship may be

established, a site visit completed, and a Memorandum of Understanding can be put in place. Specialization sites will not be considered if the above procedures are not met.

Rehabilitation Counseling Placement

Rehabilitation Counseling students must complete all of their total Field Study units at a Designated Center. This

is an agency with which the Counselor Education Program has established an ongoing collaborative partnership

for the purpose of training CSUS counseling students. Current Designated Centers are listed by specialization in

the Appendix. These sites meet a number of important criteria established by the Program, including, but not

limited to, having a population of clients who are at least 50% minorities, and guaranteeing that a

licensed/credentialed supervisor is physically on-site each day the student is working at the site.

Students may petition or seek consultation with their advisor regarding a specialization site due to individual

circumstances. When selecting a specialization site, students are responsible for contacting the site, securing

appropriate supervision at the site, and making certain that all of their programmatic and academic needs will be

met at the site. All specialization sites must be pre-approved by each student’s academic advisor as well as

additional paperwork that needs to be completed by both faculty and the site supervisor. Please see the following

form for specific criteria for qualified sites: FORM 3: Expectations Contract.

School Counseling Placements


School Counseling students must complete all of their total Field Study units at a designated site. This is a school

or agency in which the Counselor Education Program has established an ongoing collaborative partnership for the

purpose of training CSUS counseling students. Current designated sites are listed by specialization in the

appendix. These sites meet a number of important criteria established by the program and accrediting

organizations (e.g., CCTC, CACREP), including, but not limited to, having a population of clients who are at

least 50% minorities, and guaranteeing that a licensed/credentialed supervisor is physically on-site each day the

student is working at the site.

Since Field Study students will provide counseling services to children and personnel within the district, they will

be required to pass a district screening process. Most often, this entails being fingerprinted and taking a

tuberculosis (T.B.) test. Some districts only accept fingerprints obtained through their own district office. If you

know you have dealt with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in the past, please call 1-888-921-2682 to

see if you need to be fingerprinted again. T.B. tests may be performed elsewhere (including free testing at the

CSUS Student Health Center), but the printed results must be submitted to the respective district. Students are

required to have passed the screening prior to the start of the semester in which they are enrolled in the course.


SCREENING. In addition, all School Counseling students must successfully receive their Certificate of

Clearance in order to begin counseling students in Field Study. This process can take up to 4 months, so it is

expected that students will begin their application well in advance to beginning Field Study. Please see the State

Certificate of Clearance Process at the end of this handbook for detailed instructions.

Roles and Responsibilities in Training

District Screening for All Specializations

Some career, some MCFC, some RC, and all school specialization students will be working with children or

adolescents at designated training sites within the Elk Grove Unified School District, Natomas Unified School

District, River Delta Unified School District, Roseville City School District, Sacramento City Unified School

District, San Juan Unified School District, and Twin Rivers Unified School District for their practicum class.

Since these practicum students will provide counseling services to children and personnel within the District, they

will be required to pass a District screening, which entails being fingerprinted and taking a tuberculosis (T.B.)

test. Each District generally only accepts fingerprints obtained through the respective District. If you know you

have dealt with the Commission on Teacher Credentialing in the past, please call 1-888-921-2682 to see if you

need to be fingerprinted again. T.B. tests may be performed elsewhere, but the printed results must be submitted

to the respective District.

Students are required to have passed the screening prior to the start of the semester in which they are enrolled for


SCREENING. It is also recommended that school specialization students begin the Certificate of Clearance

process during this semester in order to prepare for field study (see page 80 in this packet for more information).

Students assigned to schools in San Juan Unified School District must receive their Certificate of Clearance prior

to counseling clients in practicum.

State Certificates of Clearance for Working in Schools

California state law requires every Pupil Personnel Services (PPS - School Counseling) credential candidate to

obtain a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing prior to fieldwork placement. It

can take up to four (4) months from the date one applies for the Clearance to be processed. All Certificates of

Clearance are now processed online. Please see instructions, How to Apply for a Certificate of Clearance, in the

Appendix of this handbook.

Liability Insurance

All students registered for Practicum and Field Study must provide documentation of professional liability

insurance. As a member of the ACA and ASCA, you receive a discount for student liability insurance; however,

you may obtain your liability insurance from other sources. We recommend 1 million 3 million dollar coverage –

please check to be sure this meets the minimum required at your site.

The practicum student is providing services to the public and, therefore, runs the risk of having lawsuits brought

against him or her. Students may obtain liability insurance through a variety of organizations at a low student rate.


Recommended providers include Healthcare Providers Service Organization (HPSO;; $21), CPH

& Associates (; $25), and American Counseling Association Insurance Trust (ACAIT;; $35). Student membership in ACA, ASCA, CAMFT, and AAMFT also include liability

insurance. Students must present a copy of their Certificate of Insurance to their advisor prior to being enrolled in

practicum. It is recommended that students use the accrediting bodies for insurance as they will also get the perks

of association benefits, opportunities to present and go to conferences, and it holds our professional identity.


Every mental health professional has the obligation to abide by the ethical standards established by his or her

profession. The American Counseling Association’s Code of Ethics states that professional counselors “respect

their clients’ right to privacy and avoid illegal and unwarranted disclosures of confidential information”

( All students are expected to know the American Counseling

Association’s Code of Ethics as well as relevant California Legal Codes. Students working in schools are also

responsible for knowing the American School Counselors Association’s code of ethics (which are based on

ACA’s code) and the California Education Codes. Students specializing in MCFC should also be familiar with

the International Association of Marriage and Family Counseling and American Association of Marriage and

Family Counseling’s Code of Ethics.

Even though there are strong legal and ethical principles involved in the protection of client information, there are

limitations to confidentiality. First, professional counselors are ethically obligated to break confidentiality if the

client presents a clear and present danger of harming either him/herself or harming others, or reports child abuse

or elder abuse. Supervisors are responsible for making sure practicum students and clients are aware of limits to

confidentiality. Practicum students should be instructed to notify their supervisor immediately if a client reveals

the intent to harm self or others, or if there are reasons to suspect child or elder abuse. Supervisors are responsible

for assisting practicum students in making necessary legal reports and/or reports to Child Welfare Services (CWS)

or Adult Protective Services (APS). Students MAY NOT make reports without first consulting with their

supervisor(s). Next, students must be educated about of the nature of subpoenas. Although these situations are

very unlikely, practicum students and their clients need to be aware of the limitations of confidentiality when a

subpoena is issued. Finally, practicum students will be expected to discuss their counseling sessions with their

supervisors and with fellow students in the practicum. Students need to be informed that when they hear about

other students’ clients, the students are responsible for maintaining confidentiality.


Consent forms for audio/videotaping are provided by the Counseling Department, or the agency may choose to

provide its own forms. Students are required to adequately disguise/remove identifying client information when

turning in written reports to training seminar leaders or when discussing cases with training seminar groups.

Ethical Behavior

If a report is made to the Counselor Education faculty that a student has violated the ethical principles of the

American Counseling Association or one of its divisions, the faculty will contact the student with the nature of the

ethical complaint and convene a hearing within three weeks of learning of the reported violation. Based on the

nature of the violation, the student may be asked to speak with the individual faculty member of the course, meet

with the Department Chairperson and/or meet with the entire Counselor Education Faculty. If the report of an

ethical violation is substantiated, the student will be required to complete remedial ethical studies and may be

dismissed from the program. In all cases, students have the right of appeal based on College of Education and

Graduate and Professional Studies in Education rules. Prior to initiating fieldwork, all students must state in

writing that they are familiar with and will follow the American Counseling Association (ACA), American

School Counseling Association (ASCA), the International Association for Marriage and Family Counselors

(IAMFC), the American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA), American Rehabilitation Counseling

Association (ACRA), and/or National Career Development Association (NCDA).










Professional Behavior Expectations

CSUS has a strong commitment to developing counseling practitioners who demonstrate high levels of

professionalism and counseling skill. Its programs are rigorous and demanding, and we require that students

continually apply themselves to all aspects of their preparation over an extended period of time.

It is a fundamental requirement of the Counselor Education Program that all students meet the standards of the

counseling profession. Students are required to do more than complete certain academic and counseling

requirements; they are expected to conduct themselves in an ethical and appropriate manner at the training site as

well as become familiar and abide by the ACA Ethical Standards. Demanding, threatening, or rude behavior is

inconsistent with the identity of a counselor. Any activities that appear to violate the principles of professional

standards in the course of the student's education or training will be reviewed carefully by the appropriate

committee and/or administrative unit. The following are examples of inappropriate and unethical behaviors on a

Practicum and Field Study:

1. Failure to follow defined training guidelines.

2. Failure to appear for any scheduled event at a site, such as a therapy session, supervision, etc., without

confirming the absence ahead of time with the supervisor.

3. Taking vacation time without obtaining approval from the supervisor.

4. Taping an interaction with a patient without the expressed and written permission of the supervisor and


5. Removal or private use of any materials from the site without approval of the supervisor.

6. Playing tapes of client sessions or presenting patient material to another party without the expressed

permission of the supervisor and client.

7. Inappropriate use of computer-generated interpretative reports. Using material from these reports without

citation in case presentations is considered plagiarism.

8. Withdrawing from or leaving the training experience (quitting) without the permission of the Counseling


9. Accepting one site, then turning it down to accept another site.

10. Acting in a manner inconsistent with the tenets of counseling as outlined in the ACA Ethical Standards

11. Demonstration of lewd or immoral conduct by a student in connection with the delivery of services to

clients or interaction with staff, faculty, or other students.

12. Demonstration of rude, demanding, or threatening behavior toward another member of the training

community or CSUS community (student, faculty, staff, or administration).

13. Offering to provide or providing services that are beyond the scope of the student's training, experience or

emotional functioning.

14. Conviction of a crime that has a direct bearing on the practitioner's ability to practice competently.

15. Continued practice by a student who has become unfit to practice under supervision due to:

a) Inappropriate behavior in counseling and academic settings; or

b) Addiction to, abuse of, or severe dependency on alcohol or other drugs which endanger the public

by impairing the practitioner's ability to practice safely.

Any questions about these training guidelines may be directed to the department chair.

Students Responsibilities

1. Conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner in all training activities. The ACA Code of

Ethics and Standards of Practice shall govern their behavior at all times on the site as well as at school.

The student must practice only those empirically based interventions that follow the current practice

guidelines of the ACA.

2. Shall integrate themselves into training sites and develop respectful working relationships with staff,

students, and clients. Demanding, threatening, or rude behavior is inconsistent with the identity of a


3. Are expected to appear for all events for which they have been contracted. They should clear vacation

times with their supervisors.


4. Shall cultivate an attitude of openness to self-examination, supervision, and new learning.

5. Shall immediately inform their supervisor and the course instructor of record of any difficulties


6. Shall make effective use of supervision by preparing for supervision sessions, bringing relevant material

from client sessions to supervision. Students are expected to be responsive to direction and guidance from

their supervisor, and to implement supervision guidance into their work with clients.

Practicum & Field Study Student Responsibilities

1. Students must attend weekly group supervision (University seminar) each semester they are enrolled in

field study.

2. Group supervision is in addition to the weekly individual supervision they receive on-site with their field


3. Field Study students should be instructed to notify their supervisor immediately if a client reveals the

intent to harm self or others, or if there are reasons to suspect child abuse. Supervisors are responsible for

assisting students in making necessary legal reports and/or reports to Child Protective Services (CPS).

4. Be prepared to bring audio/video recording to university supervision.

5. Be prepared to talk about cases with both on-site and university supervisor.

University Supervisor Responsibilities

1. Facilitating two hours of group discussion and supervision of client cases; 2. Evaluating each student’s contribution to group supervision;

3. Establishing contact with On-site Supervisors (via phone or e-mail) by the 4th week of the semester and making self-available for questions and/or concerns;

4. Maintaining communication with On-site Supervisor and collaborating on goals for each field student as


5. Reviewing video/audiotapes of sessions and/or observing student counseling sessions live;

6. Thoroughly documenting concerns regarding student progress and/or the quality of on-site supervision the

student is receiving; 7. Consulting with program faculty as appropriate and informing program faculty of concerns that arise; 8. Verifying that the required work for Field Study has been completed for each student;

9. Collaborating with On-site Supervisor to determine each student’s appropriateness for receiving credit for

field work;

10. Making sure graduating students complete FORM 9 and submit to their advisor for signature by the Friday of Final Exam week (no later than 5 p.m.).

11. Signing and filing all field study forms, FORMS 2 and 3, and 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in the students’ clinical

files by Final Exam week of each semester; and

12. Submitting students’ grades via Qualtrics.

Grading. Field Study is graded on a Credit / No Credit basis. Credit will be granted for satisfactory completion of

all field study requirements, including demonstration of professional conduct, ethical behavior, mastery of

appropriate counseling skills, and a minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the final evaluation

(FORM 6). The supervisor reserves the right to give a No Credit grade to students who, in the supervisor’s

judgment, did not meet the minimum standards for completing the course. Earning a grade of No Credit for two

semesters of EDC 480 will result in automatic dismissal from the Counselor Education Program. All course

grades are submitted online through the University’s student management system, Qualtrics.

Practicum/Field Study Coordinator & Specialty Coordinator Responsibilities

1. Secures and maintain affiliations with approved sites.

2. Provides students with resource materials describing approved sites.

3. Advises students during the application process in order to secure a good match between student training

needs and available site experiences.

4. Monitors student progress during training.

5. Works with agency personnel, supervisors, and students to resolve any training problems that may be



6. Develops new training sites and monitors the quality of training in existing sites.

7. Maintains up-to-date records of student progress in training and consults with student and supervisor

regarding student progress.

8. Maintains close working ties with the training sites and visits training sites.

9. Provide orientation, consultation, and professional development opportunities to site supervisors each

spring semester.

Field Study Site Supervisor Responsibilities

Students must receive an average of one hour per week of individual supervision with their on-site

credentialed/licensed supervisor each semester they are enrolled in field study. There must be a

licensed/credentialed supervisor physically on-site each day the student is working at the site. Individual

supervision is in addition to the weekly group supervision they receive with their University Supervisor (seminar

instructor). The Site Supervisor is responsible for all of the following:

1. Interviewing the Field Study candidate prior to accepting the candidate at the site;

2. Providing a thorough orientation to the student regarding the site’s mission and service objectives;

3. Training the student to perform the necessary administrative duties of the site, including conducting

intakes and scheduling;

4. Overseeing all of the student’s clinical and administrative work, including, but not limited to: client cases,

assessments, treatment plans, consultation, and record keeping.

5. Observing student counseling sessions live and/or reviewing video/audiotapes of sessions.

6. Providing each student with an average of one hour per week of individual supervision.

7. Verifying student hours completed each week during individual supervision by initialing next to the

respective hours listed on FORM 4: Field Study Time Sheet. (Note: DO NOT insert all initials at the end of the

term – supervision of record keeping should be occurring on an ongoing basis.) 8. Maintaining communication with the University Supervisor and collaborating on goals for students;

9. Informing CSUS if you have not been contacted (via phone or e-mail) by a student’s University

Supervisor by the 4th week of the semester;

10. Thoroughly documenting concerns regarding student progress (making sure documentation is very specific, including direct quotes as appropriate);

11. Consulting with program faculty and informing program faculty of concerns that arise;

12. Completing FORM 5: Midterm Evaluation for each student and reviewing the evaluation with the student

during supervision, identifying strengths and goals for improvement; make copies for students and for

your own records and submit original to University Supervisor.

13. Completing FORM 6: Final Evaluation for each student and reviewing the evaluation with the student

during supervision, identifying strengths, assessing goal achievement and developing long- term goals;

make copies for students and your records and submit original to University Supervisor.

14. Collaborating with the University Supervisor to determine each student’s appropriateness for receiving

credit for field work; 15. Verifying that the required work for Field Study has been completed for each student; and

16. Signing and submitting all field study forms, FORMS 4, 5 and 6 to University Supervisor on or before the

deadline. (See page 4 for deadline dates.)

Field Study Site Supervisors Responsibilities

1. Those involved in training counselors shall conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner in

all training activities. The ACA Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice shall govern their behavior at all

times. The supervisor practices and permits only those empirically based interventions that follow the

current practice guidelines of the ACA.

2. Supervisors are responsible for making sure students and clients are aware of limits to confidentiality.

3. Communicate clear expectations to students.

4. Set up regular, pre-set, uninterrupted times for supervision.

5. Provide adequate clinical opportunities for the students to meet training requirements.

6. Evaluate students in a timely manner.


7. Give clear and frequent feedback to students regarding their progress in training.

8. Inform University Supervisor and Fieldwork Coordinator as early as possible of any difficulties

encountered at the training site.

9. Inform University Supervisor and Fieldwork Coordinator of any changes in the training experience (e.g.,

supervisor change; change in treatment populations).

10. Maintain an up-to-date resume with the Counseling Department.

11. Attend orientation, consultation, and professional development opportunities to site supervisors each

spring semester.

Supervisor Qualifications

Site supervisors have:

(1) a minimum of a master’s degree, preferably in counseling, or a related profession;

(2) relevant certifications and/or licenses;

(3) a minimum of two years of pertinent professional experience in the specialty area in which the student is


(4) knowledge of the program’s expectations, requirements, and evaluation procedures for students; and (5)

relevant training in counseling supervision.

Probation and Dismissal of Students from the Counselor Education Program

The Counseling Program continually reviews the progress of its graduate students. This review is designed to

identify those students who are having difficulty due to academic problems, personal problems, or problems

related to interpersonal issues. If, in the judgment of the program faculty, a student is not progressing

satisfactorily toward the degree or credential objective, a conference may be held with the faculty advisor. If the

faculty decides that the student’s lack of progress is so deficient that it warrants more definitive action, a

conference will be held with an ad hoc faculty committee appointed by the Graduate & Professional Studies in

Education Chair for the purpose of addressing the specific concerns regarding the student. The chosen procedure

is the prerogative of the Counselor Education Program. *For more information regarding dispositions and dismissal,

see student handbook pages 30-31.


The Counselor Education Program has adopted a set of personal and professional dispositions to be demonstrated

by all students. The dispositions include:

Openness: demonstrated by cultural awareness and sensitivity, genuine concern for people with different

values, and perceiving and honoring diversity among groups of people and individuals based on age,

ethnicity, race, socioeconomic status, gender, exceptionalities, language, religion, sexual orientation, and

geographical area.

Professionalism: demonstrated when interacting with faculty, peers, supervisors, and staff, and engaging in

cooperativeness, willingness and ability to use feedback, willingness to accept personal responsibility,

and willingness to express feelings effectively and appropriately

Relationships: demonstrated by offering feedback and honoring boundaries and diversity with peers,

supervisors, faculty, staff, and others, including ability and willingness to deal with conflict and

awareness of impact on others.

Commitment: demonstrated by investing time and energy to enhance professional competencies and

develop skills as a student and professional counselor; to overcome personal, interpersonal, and

professional deficiencies; to demonstrate flexibility in novel situations; and to exhibit a positive attitude.

Integrity: demonstrated by respecting and upholding confidentiality in and out of the classroom setting,

exercising professionally sound judgement, punctuality and reliability with academic and professional

commitments, completion of assignments, and engaging in clinical supervision.

Self-Care: demonstrated by recognizing and engaging in self-awareness to maintain wellness and

participating in professional and personal growth.



Supervisory Roles

For the Field Study experience, supervisors will be asked to take seriously their role as an evaluator and use their

best judgment to determine a student’s readiness for future fieldwork or graduation and/or to assess their

appropriateness for the profession of counseling.

Bernard and Goodyear (2014) define supervision as “An intervention provided by a more senior member of a

profession to a more junior colleague to colleagues to typically (but not always) are members of that same

profession.” This relationship is:

– Evaluative and hierarchical

– Extends over time, and

– Has the simultaneous purposes of enhancing the professional functioning of the more junior person(s);

monitoring the quality of professional services offered to the clients that she, he, or they see; and serving

as a gatekeeper for the particular profession the supervisee seeks to enter.

The aforementioned definition of supervision by Bernard and Goodyear (2014) suggests that supervision has two

central purposes:

– To foster the supervisee’s professional development- a supportive and educational function.

– To ensure client welfare- the supervisor’s gatekeeping function is a variant of the monitoring of client


Supervisors oversee the work of supervisees through a set of supervisory activities, which include consultation,

counseling, teaching and evaluation, with consultation operating as the primary role (Bradley, 1989).


Trainer Evaluator



Consultant (primary role)

Consultation is characterized by a shared responsibility for learning, with maximal input from the counselor

(supervisee) and minimal input from the supervisor. Consultation should be the predominant stance and activity

of counselor supervisor. It is the most viable activity. Consultation in the context of counselor supervision should

lead to objectives which are mutually agreed upon by supervisor and counselor. Objectives tend to fall into the

four categories of:

o Personal problems interfering with the counselor’s work.

o Concerns about professional development.

o Acquisition of new skills or improvement of existing competencies, and

o Program development, maintenance, and evaluation.


With few exceptions, the supervisor (a master counselor) is the most qualified person in the supervisee’s

professional environment to provide counseling. Furthermore, the supervisory relationship is by definition the

right context for facilitating personal development. The issue is not whether to include counseling in the set of

supervisory activities but when and how the supervisor should utilize counseling. When cues become apparent

during a consulting activity indicating that the supervisee is struggling with a personal issue, the supervisor can

follow the counselor’s lead and naturally transition into the counselor role.

Several supervisory sessions may be devoted to the concern, or, if extensive treatment is needed, the supervisor

can make a referral to another counselor. Once the issue has been adequately addressed, the supervisor will

naturally transition back into the role of consultant.


The differentiating criterion between the consultative stance and that of active trainer is supervisor input. When

the supervisor is functioning as an active trainer/instructor, the supervisor carries most of the responsibility, with

the flow of information and direction being principally from supervisor to counselor, and with counselor input at a

minimum. When engaged in consultation, the supervisor can digress to engage temporarily in active training and

then return to consultation, just as was done with the counseling activity. (Beginning supervisors sometimes have

difficulty finding a balance between training and consultation, staying ‘stuck’ in the

training/instructing/evaluating roles and neglecting the primary role as consultant and the supplementary role as


Training and instruction should vary according to the developmental level of the counselor/supervisee:

□ Inexperienced supervisees (enrolled in their first semester of EDC 480) prefer that the supervisor give

them specific information about how to do counseling. Beginning counselors prefer that the supervisor

teach approaches that emphasize direct (structured) instruction such as didactic presentations, direct

observations of the supervisor demonstrating effective counseling, and written materials describing

counseling interventions. Examples of training techniques: modeling and reinforcement, role-playing and

simulation, video and audiotaping, direct observation, and case conceptualization. In addition to

enhancing basic techniques, inexperienced supervisees value support, encouragement, and understanding,

as well as honest, constructive feedback from their supervisors.

• Note: The term “inexperienced” in Field Study does not indicate that the student lacks basic counseling skills. This term is defined as an individual who has mastered basic counseling skills but is still learning how to apply them in a setting with less supervision than received in EDC 475 Practicum.

□ Experienced supervisees (enrolled in their second semester of EDC 480) want less emphasis on the

mechanics and tasks of supervision and more emphasis on a collaborative sharing of ideas and thoughts.

They prefer discussions of theoretical issues, more responsibility for case conceptualization and

collaborative supervisory sessions than do inexperienced counselors. Thus, the trainer/instructor role of

the supervisor is minimized and the consultant role is maximized.


Evaluation is essential for accountable supervision and for accountable counseling in both administrative and


clinical areas. Evaluation can and should be used in conjunction with supervisory consultation without raising the

student’s anxiety level enough to hamper supervision. The debilitating fear associated with evaluation is the most

pervasive roadblock. To minimize this fear and optimize the evaluation process the following three conditions

must be met:

1. Foremost condition: Both supervisor and counselor know the targets for evaluation (knowledge, skills,

disposition, professional conduct, etc.), and the counselor has input into selection of these targets. 2. The counselor is aware of the evaluative procedures, and performs some of them (self-evaluation).

3. The goal of evaluation serves as documentation of success in obtaining objectives and the identification of

areas for improvement.

Evaluation is proactive and facilitative rather than being aimed at punishing supervisees whose work is not

reaching objectives. The consulting supervisor should encourage counselor self-evaluation, generate cooperative

evaluation wherever efficacious, and judiciously apply some evaluatory procedures on a unilateral basis.



*The following forms are sample forms that can be accessed on the Site Supervisors Canvas Page in fill-in pdf

format and/or emailed via qualtrics survey link*



Consent for Discussing or Recording Counseling Sessions

I understand that my counseling sessions are private and that these sessions cannot be recorded or discussed

outside this agency without my consent. I also understand that this agency is involved in the education and

training of professional, rehabilitation, school, career, and marriage, couples, and family counselors. As a part of

this training, students or faculty discuss or tape record counseling sessions. I am being asked to permit

confidential access to my counseling sessions in this manner

I understand that exclusively graduate students and their faculty or other appropriate personnel at California State

University Sacramento may review these sessions for the purposes of counseling education and training, and that

confidentiality (including my identity) will be assured. Any recordings will be erased within six (6) weeks of the

date of the recording. I am informed that recordings are typically erased within 2 weeks. I understand that I can

withdraw this permission at any time.

The university instructor at California State University Sacramento will keep a copy of this release, with all

confidential counseling information stored in a separate, confidential location, until the completion of the seminar,

after which the form will be destroyed.

I understand that there will be no penalty to me if I refuse to give my permission.

I give permission for my counseling sessions to be:

[ ] discussed

[ ] audio or videotaped

_____________________________________ ______________________________________

Client Signature Date Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature Date

(for a minor)

_____________________________________ _______________________________________

Field Site Supervisor Date Practicum/Field Study Student Date


California State University, Sacramento

Credentials Office


You must obtain a Certificate of Clearance issued by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

(CCTC) in order to obtain a California credential.


Go To:

Click on the link “Credential Leaflet CL-900” under “How do I apply for a Certificate of Clearance?” for

instructions Print three copies of “LiveScan41-LSform” Get LiveScannedatoneagency, for example:

• The Department of Justice (DOJ), 4949 Broadway, Sacramento, CA (916) 227-3310, Rolling Fee: $10.00. First

come, First serve basis: Hours: 7:30am to 3:30pm

• Sacramento State University Police Department, (916) 278-6851 Rolling Fee: $10.00. By appointment only.


• Contact DOJ at (916) 227-3823 for a referral to a LiveScan service operator in your area.

• There is also a list of LiveScan locations on the CTC Website

Pay Fees: $32.00 DOJ + $24.00 FBI + Rolling Fee* payable by cashierscheck or money order to the appropriate

agency. The rolling fee is determined by the fingerprinting agency.

*Fees subject to change without notice.


Go To:

Click on“Applyfor a New Document”

Choose “Submit an Online Application” and then “SubmitYour Application Online”

Enter your Social Security Numberand Birthday, thenclick“OK”

Follow the instructions. When you get to a page with a lot of boxes on it, look at the bottom of the page for “Apply

for Certificate of Clearance” and click on the button that says “Create new.”

Beforecontinuingtothefeepayment page, printthe “Summary, Oath& Affidavit” page

Pay Fee of $52.50 online

Print the confirmation page

**Both Steps Must Be Completed To Process Your Certificate of Clearance**

Pleasekeepcopies of allpaperworksubmittedforyourpersonalrecords.



You must complete this form, attach a copy of unofficial transcripts and proof of liability insurance, and submit to your advisor the semester prior to intended enrollment. Please see canvas page for dates. You are also responsible for reading the Practicum Handbook, knowing its contents and the important requirements of the course. All students enrolling in EDC 475 must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours (including 40 direct counseling hours, 2.5 hours of weekly supervision, and other relevant activities). At least 30 hours will be arranged outside of the regularly scheduled class time. The GPSE office will register you in this course.

Name: SID (not SSI):

Mailing Address: City/Zip:

Email: Phone:

I intend to complete EDC 475 to satisfy requirements of my specialization:

(Check one) Career MCFC RC School


By signing your initials in the respective boxes below, you are certifying that you HAVE COMPLETED THE PREREQUISITE COURSEWORK for EDC 475. Until you have completed all of the prerequisites with a passing grade, you will be prohibited from enrolling in this practicum course. There will be no exceptions.

Prerequisite Course





Semester / Year



Student Initials

210 X X X X

212 X

214 X X X

216 X X X X

218 X X X X*

219 X X* X

231 X

234 X

242 X

252 X* X* X X

260 X X

262 X*

270 X

272 X*

280 X X X X

476 X

* Concurrent enrollment is acceptable

Practicum Petition (Page 2)



I verify that I will be concurrently enrolled in, or have previously completed, the following courses: Course Specialization Semester/Year Student Initials

EDC 252, 262 Career

EDC 219, 252 MCFC

EDC 252, 260 RC

EDC 218, 272 School

SELECTION OF PRACTICUM *See qualtrics link

*Note: Be sure to select only EDC 475 sections from your assigned specialization.

Note: Students must secure LIABILITY INSURANCE in order to enroll in practicum. Please attach proof of liability insurance to your practicum petition. (See page 8 of the Practicum Handbook for more information.) Student Approval

I verify that I have completed all of the requirements for enrolling in practicum coursework and agree to abide by all of the requirements of EDC 475 as outlined in the Practicum Handbook.

Academic Advisor Approval

Print Name of Student Signature of Student Date

Signature of Academic Advisor Approval for Practicum Enrollment Date Yes No


Counseling Skills Evaluation (CSE) Ratings:

Poor: skill not present

Average: needs improvement but can identify attempted skill

Strong: skill evident and identifiable on par for developmental stage in program

Excellent: proper use of skill and can identify clearly in session

Advanced: seamless use of skill in concert with other skills in session(s)

Rating Scale 1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Poor Average Strong Excellent Advanced Not Applicable


1. NONVERBALS: The counselor’s nonverbal behaviors are natural and congruent with those of the client.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

2. OPEN QUESTIONS: The counselor uses open-ended questions appropriately.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

3. CLOSED QUESTIONS: The counselor uses closed questions appropriately.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

4. ENCOURAGERS: The counselor uses encouragers such as “mmh” or “oh yes” to communicate to the client that they

are listening, without interrupting the client’s train of thought or verbal communication.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

5. PARAPHRASING: Without changing the meaning, the counselor states in fewer words what the client had previously


1 2 3 4 5 N/A

6. REFLECTING FEELING: The counselor accurately describes the feelings suggested by the verbal and nonverbal cues

presented by the client.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

7. SUMMARIZING: The counselor combines two or more of the client’s thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors in a

general statement.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A


8. EMPATHY: The counselor’s responses convey to the client that the counselor understands the client’s concerns “as

if” they were their own.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

9. INTERPRETATION: The counselor shares possible explanation of or association among various client behaviors.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

10. CONFRONTATION: The counselor confronts the client by describing accurately the discrepancies or distortions that

appear to exist in the client’s messages, perceptions, or in the situation.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

11. SILENCE: The counselor uses silence intentionally to facilitate client movement.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

12. REFLECTING MEANING: The counselor is able to elicit what values are important to the client.


1 2 3 4 5 N/A

13. SELF-DISCLOSURE: The counselor is able to use disclosure and information-giving when appropriate and


1 2 3 4 5 N/A

14. IMMEDIACY: The counselor uses the immediate situation (here-and-now) to identify thoughts/feelings expressed by

client (verbal/non-verbal).

1 2 3 4 5 N/A


15. OPENING/INITIAL CONTACT: The counselor effectively covers all of the necessary opening information and

begins each session so that the client is at ease.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

16. OBJECTIVITY: The counselor’s responses are sincere and appropriate. Personal agendas, feelings, issues, and values

are kept out of the counseling session.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

17. STRUCTURE/PROCESS: The counselor structures the on-going counseling sessions so there is continuity from

session to session, and continuity within the session.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

18. TERMINATION: The counselor ends each session on time and at a point where the client and the counselor are aware

of what has been accomplished and what has been left unfinished.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A


DISAPPROVAL: The counselor refrains from making statements which convey disapproval on one or more of the

client’s thoughts, behaviors, and/or feelings.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

ADVICE GIVING: The counselor refrains from offering reassurance to the client or refrains from focusing only on

the positive.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A


FEEDBACK (receiving and implementing feedback): the counselor is able to receive feedback from instructor,

supervisor, and peers and is able to implement the feedback in practice.

1 2 3 4 5 N/A

Areas of Strengths:

Areas of Growth:

____________________________________________ _______________________________________

Supervisee Signature Date Supervisor Signature Date


California State University, Sacramento

Counselor Trainee Practicum Evaluation Form: Career, RC, and School Specializations

Student Name: University Supervisor:

Specialization Career RC School Course: EDC 475

Site: Site Supervisor:

Check one: Midterm Final Date: Evaluation by: Student Supervisor

How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.

A. Direct Observation B. Video

C. Audio D. Supervisory Discussion

E. Review of Written Reports F. Feedback from others

G. Other (specify):

Competency Expectations: (For school use)

A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation is required for students to earn credit in EDC 475: Practicum. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 475 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Students should be working toward a passing score of 2 on the midterm evaluation.

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement,” please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

Performance Levels:

0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard

Instructions: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.

COMPETENCY 1: Assessment and Evaluation

Needs much guidance in identifying presenting problems and effective treatment interventions. Often misses identifying client/student strengths. Rarely reflects feelings and content accurately or with appropriate frequency.

Is unable to accurately identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the client/student.

Needs much guidance in identifying signs and symptoms of problematic feelings,

thoughts, and/or behaviors. Needs much guidance in assessing the client/students’ needs in terms of resources.

Can identify presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions with guidance. Sometimes misses client/student strengths and needs to be reminded to identify such strengths. Does not always reflect feelings and content accurately or with appropriate frequency.

Needs help identifying themes and enlarging the meaning for the client/student. Needs help identifying signs and symptoms of problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors. Needs help

assessing the client/students’ needs in terms of resources.

Generally good at identifying presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions.

Routinely assesses client/student strengths and coping skills. Generally reflects client/student’s feelings and content accurately and with appropriate frequency. Can identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the client/student. Generally good at

identifying signs and symptoms of problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors.

Generally good at assessing the client/students’ needs in terms of resources.

Consistently excels at identifying presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions.

Routinely assesses client/student strengths and coping skills. Reflects client/student’s feelings and content accurately and with appropriate frequency.

Consistently identifies themes and enlarges the meaning for the client/student. Thoroughly identifies signs and symptoms of problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors.

Consistently assesses the client/students’ needs in terms of resources.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is unable to identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators.

Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies

upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Demonstrates no knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Needs some guidance to Identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor.

Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is

uncertain in identifying and treating trauma. Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements. Demonstrates limited knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Generally good at Identifying risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor.

Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma

with assistance from supervisor. Manages reporting requirements with

assistance from supervisor. Demonstrates some knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.

Consistently identifies risks and self- destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/ implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma.

Manages reporting requirements appropriately. Demonstrates clear knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 3: Treatment/Session Planning

Inadequate knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates very little or no knowledge of professional literature

related to client/student concerns/issues. Needs much help in identifying stages of counseling.

Imposes treatment goals without client/student input. Does not understand the differences between short- and long-term treatment goals.

Does not recognize the need for referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals. Does not consult with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Inconsistently demonstrates knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates little knowledge of professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues.

Needs help in identifying stages of counseling and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and resources. Often needs help to consult with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Generally demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates knowledge of

professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues. Acceptable identification of stages of counseling and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long- term treatment goals. Recognizes the need for referral— sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Generally good at consulting with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Consistently demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory. Demonstrates strong knowledge of professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues. Identifies stages of counseling and sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals for treatment.

Recognizes the need for referral and identifies appropriate services and resources. Effectively consults with significant people in the client/students’ life.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance.

Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect

treatment outcomes. Does not spend adequate time establishing a therapeutic relationship. Does not demonstrate appropriate non-

verbal attending skills. Does not foster specific and concrete (rather

than general and abstract)

communication. Inadequate in fostering immediacy in the counseling session. Does not encourage the client/student as

appropriate. Inadequate in reflecting discrepancies in client/student communication. Does not set limits appropriately.

Often does not develop empathy. Needs help in creating a safe environment and understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients and often imposes one’s own biases. Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes interventions without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Does not consistently demonstrate appropriate non-verbal attending skills.

Does not always foster specific and

concrete (rather than general and abstract) communication. Needs help to foster immediacy in the counseling

session. Sometimes misses moments to encourage the client/student appropriately. Needs help to reflect discrepancies in client/student

communication. Does not always set limits appropriately.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a

safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the client/student’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with

clients/students but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing the ability to control one’s emotions. Sometimes implements interventions

before trust is fully developed. Generally demonstrates appropriate non-verbal attending skills. Generally fosters specific and concrete (rather

than general and abstract) communication. Generally fosters immediacy in the counseling session. Generally good at encouraging the

client/student as appropriate. Is

beginning to reflect discrepancies in

client/student communication.

Generally sets limits appropriately.

Consistently demonstrates authentic empathy. Creates a

safe environment by understanding the problem from the client/student’s perspective. Consistently in control of one’s

emotions and assesses for trust. Consistently follows the client/student’s lead and spends time establishing a therapeutic relationship.

Consistently demonstrates

appropriate non-verbal attending skills. Fosters specific and concrete (rather than general and abstract) communication.

Fosters immediacy in the counseling session. Encourages the client/student as appropriate.

Confidently reflects discrepancies in client/student communication. Consistently

sets limits appropriately.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 5: Treatment/Therapeutic Interventions

Unable to apply many therapeutic principles.

Limited knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions.

Needs guidance in modifying the

treatment process based upon

therapeutic progress. Needs help at

case management-related issues. Needs guidance in recognizing and

addressing resistance. Often moves either too slowly or too quickly for the client. Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition

from treatment. Does not always return responsibility to client/student and encourage decision-making.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Is adequate at explaining treatments to clients/students.

Good in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of

interventions. Good in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at

case management-related issues.

Adequately recognizes and addresses resistance. Generally moves neither too slowly nor too quickly for the client/student.

Good in developing a plan for termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment. Routinely returns responsibility to client/student and encourages decision- making.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Excellent skills in explaining interventions in ways clients/students can understand

Consistent in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management-related issues.

Recognizes and effectively addresses resistance. Moves neither too slowly nor too quickly for the client/student.

Consistent in developing a plan for termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment.

Routinely returns responsibility to client/student and encourages decision- making.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity/Cultural Sensitivity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Is unaware of elements of difference and how these differences may influence the counseling relationship. Does not address areas of difference with clients/students.

Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client/student’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies. Needs help knowing how to address areas of difference with clients/students.

Generally good at identifying issues

of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews. Generally good at addressing areas of difference with clients/students.

Consistently identifies issues of diversity that impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith/ spiritual beliefs on the therapeutic process. Consistently provides an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views. Consistently applies treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or

worldviews. Consistently addresses areas of difference with clients/students.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Does not adhere to laws relevant to practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.) without supervisor guidance.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information.

Needs help in knowing when to obtain consent to treatment from legal guardians when counseling minors.

Does not always understand the reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of records and materials created in session. Is not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information with some assistance from supervisor.

Obtains consent to treatment from legal guardians when counseling minors (except when not necessary by law) with some assistance from supervisor.

Maintains security of records and or materials created in session. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting.

Adheres to legal statutes, and understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements.

Obtains and understands the need for client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Obtains consent to treatment from legal guardians when counseling minors (except when not necessary by law).

Maintains security of client/student records and/or artwork/etc. created in

session. Aware of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard




Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Does not adhere to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards without supervisor guidance.

Needs help in recognizing ethical issues

arising in this therapeutic setting.

Needs reminders to inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of practice and attempts to treat all problems. Needs reminders of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies

or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor. Does not always adhere to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues

arising in this therapeutic setting. Is able to inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Is aware of one’s scope of practice with some guidance from supervisor. Sometimes needs help in identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together

with supervisor, identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Generally adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge

of ethical issues arising in this therapeutic setting. Consistently informs clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries.

Consistently stays within scope of practice. Consistently able to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation. Adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

0 0.5

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, motivation,

attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills. Does not show tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Does not demonstrate appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in tolerating stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Does not always demonstrate appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Generally demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Generally demonstrates acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Generally shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Generally demonstrates appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Consistently demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, compassion, motivation, attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence. Consistently demonstrates good oral and written communication skills. Consistently shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and

client/student’s). Consistently demonstrates appropriate self-assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts field site policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to field site policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to field site policies.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Needs

improvement with respect to appearance in counseling settings. Has limited involvement much with the

field site or its needs. Is not very aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance is appropriate to counseling setting.

Acceptable involvement with the field site. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues.

Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is appropriately involved with the field site and the field site’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self- care as it relates to effective clinical practice.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after repeated input from supervisor. Does not accurately self-assess.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come

prepared to discuss cases or issues of concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is

somewhat resistant to supervisory input, and sometimes openly argues with supervisor’s observations and/or suggestions. Does not always

accurately self-assess. Does not always take appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details

out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions, and openly shares concerns and ideas with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and uses supervisory suggestions to make improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes

appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


Overall Assessment



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


Areas of Strength:

32 MAB 11-2-09

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Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

University Supervisor’s Comments (Optional):

Is the student at risk at this time of not satisfactorily completing their Practicum hours/units?

Yes No

If yes, please explain here:

Student Signature: Date: ________

University Supervisor Signature: Date:

33 MAB 11-2-09

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California State University, Sacramento Counselor Trainee Practicum Evaluation Form: MCFC Specialization

Student Name: Supervisor:

Specialization MCFC Course: EDC 475 Site:

Check one: Midterm Final Date: Evaluation by: Student Supervisor How Competency was Assessed. Check all

H. Direct Observation

that apply.

I. Video

Competency Expectations: (For school use)

A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation is required for students to earn credit in EDC 475: Practicum. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 475 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Students should be working toward a passing score of 2 on the midterm evaluation.

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement”, please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

J. Audio K. Supervisory Discussion L. Review of Written Reports M. Feedback from others N. Other (specify):

Performance Levels: 0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard

Instruction: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.

COMPETENCY 1: Clinical Evaluation

Needs much guidance in identifying presenting problems, identifying client strengths, and identifying possible substance abuse, and in connecting presenting problem to DSM diagnoses.

Can identify treatment unit, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior with guidance. Does not always identify risks and self-destructive behaviors. Sometimes misses client strengths and needs to be reminded to identify such strengths. Does not always assess for substance abuse. Needs help connecting DSM criteria to presenting problems. Has little understanding of prognostic indicators.

Generally good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and coping skills, and possible substance use. Generally sufficient in using the DSM but sometimes needs help in identifying appropriate diagnoses. Beginning to understand prognostic indicators.

Consistently good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and coping skills, and possible substance use. Connects presenting problem with DSM diagnosis and identifies possible comorbid disorders. Can identify elements relevant to making prognostic predictions.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators. Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor. Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is uncertain in identifying and treating trauma. Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements.

Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor. Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma with assistance from supervisor. Manages reporting requirements with assistance from supervisor.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma. Manages reporting requirements appropriately.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


34 MAB 11-2-09

CAS Rev. 4-13-18

COMPETENCY 3: Treatment Planning

Inadequate knowledge of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Difficulty in identifying stages of treatment and imposes treatment goals. Does not understand the differences between short- and long-term treatment goals. Does not recognize the need for referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals.

Often needs help demonstrating knowledge of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Needs help in identifying stages of treatment and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and resources.

Generally good demonstration of awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Acceptable identification of stages of treatment and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term treatment goals. Recognizes the need for referral— sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Consistent demonstration of awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Identifies stages of treatment and sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long- term goals for treatment. Recognizes the need for referral and identifies appropriate services and resources.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance. Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect treatment outcomes.

Often does not develop empathy. Needs help in creating a safe environment and understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients and often imposes one’s own biases. Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes treatment without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the client’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with clients but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing the ability to control one’s emotions. Sometimes proceeds to treatment before trust is fully developed.

Consistent demonstration of empathy. Creates a safe environment by understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Consistently in control of one’s emotions and assesses for trust.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 5: Treatment

Unable to apply any therapeutic principles.

Poor knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Needs guidance in modifying the treatment process based upon therapeutic progress. Poor at case management-related issues. Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition from treatment.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Is adequate at

explaining treatments to clients. Good in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Good in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at case management-related issues. Good in developing a plan for termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Very good skills in explaining treatments in ways clients can understand. Consistent in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management- related issues. Consistent in developing a plan for termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


35 MAB 11-2-09

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COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies.

Generally good at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews.

Consistent at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith beliefs on the therapeutic process. Consistent at providing an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Does not always understand the reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of therapy records. Is not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice.

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of clinical records. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in clinical practice.

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements. Obtains and understands the need for client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of client therapy records. Aware of and follows law in clinical practice.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard



Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Needs reminders to inform clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of practice and attempts to treat all problems. Needs reminders of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Is able to inform clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Is not always aware of one’s scope of practice. Sometimes needs help in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together with supervisor, identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Consistently informs clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Consistent at staying within scope of practice. Consistent ability to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


36 MAB 11-2-09

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COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Generally acceptable demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Generally acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Consistent demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self- awareness. Consistently demonstrated good oral and written communication skills.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Is inconsistent in punctuality, responsibility, appearance appropriate to clinical setting, and relationship with professional colleagues. Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts agency policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to agency policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to agency policies.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Needs improvement with respect to appearance in counseling setting. Is not involved much with the agency or its needs. Is not very aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Acceptable involvement with the agency. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is appropriately involved with the agency and the agency’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self- care as it relates to effective clinical practice.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after repeated input from supervisor.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come prepared to discuss cases or issues of concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is somewhat resistant to supervisory input, and sometimes openly argues with supervisor’s observations and/or suggestions.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions, and openly shares concerns and ideas with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and uses supervisory suggestions to make improvements when needed.



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


37 MAB 11-2-09

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Overall Assessment



1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard Fails Standard


Areas of Strength:

Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

Consultation with school requested by clinical supervisor: No Yes Best day/time:


Student’s Signature


Supervisor’s Signature


Supervisor’s Comments (optional):


Student’s Comments (optional):

Hours of Supervised Experience During This Evaluation Period

Dates covered by this evaluation and reflected in the BBS logs: / / to / /

Total hours of clinical

services provided during

this academic term:

Percentage of direct client contact hours completed %

Total hours of supervision and training received during this academic term:

The clinical supervisor met, reviewed and discussed this evaluation with the student. Yes No If No, please explain:

Individual Therapy: Hours

Couple, Family & Child Therapy: Hours*

Group Therapy/Counseling: Hours

Telemedicine: Hours

Client Centered Advocacy: Hours

*Do not double count conjoint couples and family therapy hours.

Individual Supervision: Hours

Group Supervision: Hours

Workshops, seminars, or trainings: Hours


Practicum Hours Defined


Direct Contact Hours Provide counseling/psychotherapy/consultation/guidance

Individual See INDIVIDUAL clients for face-to-face counseling/therapy (includes counseling by phone)

Couple/Family See COUPLES or FAMILIES for face-to-face counseling/therapy

Group See GROUPS: counseling/psychotherapy, psycho-educational, guidance

Consultation* Provide consultation, guidance, facilitation to family members, teachers, etc. to achieve client goals (includes consulting by phone)

Supervision Hours for Practicum Receive weekly clinical supervision from EDC 475 instructor.

Individual/Triadic Supervision An average of at least one hour of individual or triadic with EDC 475 instructor.

Group Supervision An average of at least one and one half hours of group with EDC 475 instructor

(*Note: Consultation does not count as direct contact for MCFC Specialization)


Category A: Additional Work On-Site

Preparing for Client Contact (e.g., brief telephone contacts, getting materials ready, writing letters, completing referral forms, impromptu discussions with on-site personnel or supervisors, answering agency phones)

Writing Clinical Summaries (e.g., charting, keeping logs/progress notes, intake assessments, treatment plans )

Meetings: Attend staff meetings, clinical team meetings, orientation meetings

Peer Observation: Observe live or taped counseling sessions

Work on Program Development/Conduct In-Service Training

Category B: Additional Work Off-Site Do outside research and/or reading related directly to client issues, listen to audio tapes or view video tapes of one’s own counseling sessions

Attend outside Workshops/Lectures/Conferences



California State University Sacramento FORM 3 Counselor Education Program Page 1 of 2

EXPECTATIONS CONTRACT Due to EDC 480 Seminar Instructor 3rd Week of Semester

The CSUS counseling student identified below has expressed an interest in working at the identified agency or school for their field experience. On the basis of preliminary information we received from the student, the student's placement has been approved. This document serves to outline expectations for field study students and school districts/agencies in the fieldwork partnership. Circumstances unique to specific students and districts will be addressed by discussion between the district, the field study student, and CSUS. Please check the following information for accuracy, sign the form, and retain one copy for your files. The original signed form must be returned to the student’s University Supervisor (Seminar Instructor) no later than the third week of the University’s semester.

The above-mentioned CSUS counseling student would like to perform 100 hours 200 hours 300hours 400hours of fieldwork (field study/internship) at the site during the following CSUS semester(s):

Fall 2019 Spring 2020 Fall 2020

Specific dates will include:

Expectations of Field Study Students: 1. Forty percent (240 minimum direct) of all hours accrued during any given semester must

Field Study Site Information

Name of Field Site


Type of Facility

On-Site Supervisor: Name



Degree/License/Certification Held and #


Name of Student Specialization Student ID # (not SSI)

Email Phone Address


include experience in individual counseling and group counseling. For MCFC students, BBS requires couple/family counseling specific services;

2. Receiving one (1) hour of weekly individual supervision that occurs regularly during the course of Field Study by a licensed or credentialed on-site supervisor. There must be a licensed/credentialed supervisor physically on-site each day the student is working at the site. Individual supervision is in addition to the weekly group supervision they receive with their University Supervisor (seminar instructor);

3. Two (2) hours per week of group supervision that is provided on a regular schedule over the course of the student’s Field Study by a CSUS faculty supervisor;

4. Each Field Study student is required to obtain a Certificate of Clearance from the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and professional liability insurance prior to fieldwork placement;

5. Each Field Study student is required to produce at least one written case study per semester about a client they are currently counseling;

6. Sign and submit all required field study forms; 7. Read the CSUS Counselor Education Field Study Handbook in full; 8. Conduct themselves in an ethical and professional manner in all training activities. The ACA

Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice shall govern their behavior at all times on the site as well as at school. The student must practice only those empirically based interventions that follow the current practice guidelines of the ACA;

9. Shall integrate themselves into training sites and develop respectful working relationships with staff, students, and clients. Demanding, threatening, or rude behavior is inconsistent with the identity of a counselor;

10. Are expected to appear for all events for which they have been contracted. They should clear vacation times with their supervisors;

11. Shall cultivate an attitude of openness to self-examination, supervision, and new learning. 12. Shall immediately inform their supervisor and the course instructor of record of any difficulties

encountered; 13. Shall make effective use of supervision by preparing for supervision sessions, bringing relevant

material from client sessions to supervision. Students are expected to be responsive to direction and guidance from their supervisor, and to implement supervision guidance into their work with clients;

14. Students must attend weekly group supervision (University seminar) each semester they are enrolled in field study;

15. Group supervision is in addition to the weekly individual supervision they receive on-site with their field supervisor;

16. Field Study students should be instructed to notify their supervisor immediately if a client reveals the intent to harm self or others, or if there are reasons to suspect child abuse. Supervisors are responsible for assisting students in making necessary legal reports and/or reports to Child Protective Services (CPS);

17. Be prepared to bring audio/video recording to university supervision; 18. Be prepared to talk about cases with both on-site and university supervisor.

Expectations of On-Site Supervisors:

1. Interviewing the Field Study candidate prior to accepting the candidate at the site; 2. Documentation of a multicultural client population (at least 50% persons of color or low SES); 3. Providing a thorough orientation to the student regarding the site’s mission and service objectives; 4. Training the student to perform the necessary administrative duties of the site, including

conducting intakes and scheduling; 5. Overseeing all of the student’s clinical and administrative work, including, but not limited to: client

cases, assessments, treatment plans, consultation, and record keeping;


6. Observing student counseling sessions live and/or reviewing video/audiotapes of sessions; 7. Providing each student with an average of one hour per week of individual supervision, setting up

regular, pre-set, uninterrupted times for supervision; 8. Making sure students and clients are aware of limits to confidentiality. Field Study students should

be instructed to notify their supervisor immediately if a client reveals the intent to harm self or others, or if there are reasons to suspect child abuse. Supervisors are responsible for assisting students in making necessary legal reports and/or reports to Child Protective Services (CPS);

9. Verifying student hours completed each week during individual supervision by initialing next to the respective hours listed on FORM 4: Field Study Time Sheet (Note: DO NOT insert all initials at the end of the term – supervision of record keeping should be occurring on an ongoing basis);

10. Maintaining communication with the University supervisor and collaborating on goals for students; 11. Informing CSUS Fieldwork Coordinator if you have not been contacted (via phone or e-mail) by

a student’s University supervisor by the 4th week of the semester;

12. Thoroughly documenting concerns regarding student progress (making sure documentation is very specific, including direct quotes as appropriate);

13. Consulting with program faculty and informing program faculty of concerns that arise; 14. Inform University Supervisor and Fieldwork Coordinator as early as possible of any difficulties

encountered at the training site. 15. Completing FORM 5: Midterm Evaluation for each student and reviewing the evaluation with the

student during supervision, identifying strengths and goals for improvement; make copies for students and for your own records and submit original to University supervisor;

16. Completing FORM 6: Final Evaluation for each student and reviewing the evaluation with the student during supervision, identifying strengths, assessing goal achievement and developing long-term goals; make copies for students and your records and submit original to University supervisor;

17. Collaborating with the University Supervisor to determine each student’s appropriateness for receiving credit for field work;

18. Verifying that the required work for Field Study has been completed for each student; 19. Signing and submitting all field study forms, FORMS 4, 5 and 6 to University supervisor on or before

the deadline; 20. Agreement that supervisor will read the CSUS Counselor Education Field Study Handbook in full; 21. Inform University Supervisor and Fieldwork Coordinator of any changes in the training experience

(e.g., supervisor change; change in treatment populations); 22. Maintain an up-to-date resume with the Counseling Department; 23. Attend orientation, consultation, and professional development opportunities to site supervisors each

spring semester.

Expectations of University Supervisors: 1. Facilitating two hours of group discussion and supervision of client cases; 2. Evaluating each student’s contribution to group supervision; 3. Establishing contact with On-site Supervisors (via phone or e-mail) by the 4th week of the semester and

making self-available for questions and/or concerns; 4. Maintaining communication with On-site Supervisor and collaborating on goals for each field student as

appropriate; 5. Reviewing video/audiotapes of sessions and/or observing student counseling sessions live; 6. Thoroughly documenting concerns regarding student progress and/or the quality of on-site supervision the

student is receiving; 7. Consulting with program faculty as appropriate and informing program faculty of concerns that arise; 8. Verifying that the required work for Field Study has been completed for each student; 9. Collaborating with On-site Supervisor to determine each student’s appropriateness for receiving credit for

field work;


10. Making sure graduating students complete FORM 9 and submit to their advisor for signature by the Friday of Final Exam week (no later than 5 p.m.).

11. Signing and filing all field study forms, FORMS 2 and 3, and 4, 4a, 5, 6, 7 and 8, in the students’ clinical files by Final Exam week of each semester; and

12. Submitting students’ grades via Qualtrics.

Field Study Student Signature: Date:________

On-Site Supervisor Signature: Date:________

University Supervisor: Date:________


California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 4 EDC 480 FIELD STUDY TIME SHEET

Field Study Hours Semester/Year

Direct Contact Hours Supervision Hours Miscellaneous


Weekly Hours

Site Supervisor

Initials /

Date Individual Couple/ Family

Group Consulting Site Supervision Category

A Category

B Individual Group

Subtotals = Total Hours (This Page)

Student Approval: Date: ___________ Site Supervisor Approval: Date: ___________ University Supervisor Approval: Date: ___________

Name of Student Name of Site Supervisor Name of Course


(*Note: Consultation does not count as direct contact for MCFC Specialization)


Direct Contact Hours Provide counseling/psychotherapy/consultation/guidance

Individual See INDIVIDUAL clients for face-to-face counseling/therapy (includes counseling by phone)

Couple/Family See COUPLES or FAMILIES for face-to-face counseling/therapy

Group See GROUPS: counseling/psychotherapy, psycho-educational, guidance

Consultation* Provide consultation, guidance, facilitation to family members, teachers, etc. to achieve client goals

Supervision Hours Receive weekly clinical supervision from site supervisor and University seminar instructor

Individual Supervision At least one hour of individual supervision with site supervisor (required).

University Group Supervision At least one and one half hours of group supervision with University seminar instructor (required).

Site Group Supervision Group supervision that takes place at the field study site (optional).


Category A: Additional Work On-Site Preparation for Client Contact

(e.g., brief telephone contacts, getting materials ready, writing letters, completing referral forms, impromptu discussions with on-site personnel or supervisors, answering agency phones)

Clinical Notes (e.g., do charting, keep logs/progress notes)

Observe On-Site Supervisor Conducting Counseling Sessions Observe Another Field Study Student Conducting Counseling Sessions Attend Staff, Clinical Team, or Orientation Meetings Work on Program Development/Conduct In-Service Trainings

Category B: Additional Work Off-Site Conduct Outside Research and/or Reading Related Directly to Client Issues Attend Outside Workshops/Lectures/Conferences/Trainings Research and Write Case Study on Client


California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 4a EDC 480 FIELD STUDY TIME SHEET: University Supervision Hours

Student Approval: Date: _________

University Supervisor Approval: __________________________________________ Date: ______

Name of Student Name of Site Supervisor Name of

Field Study University Supervision Hours

Week Date Weekly Group

Supervisor Initials




















California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 4b EDC 480 TEACHING ASSISTANT TIME SHEET

Teaching Assistant Hours

Semester/Year Service Hours Meetings

with Instructor




Initials /

Date Peer Observation/ Feedback

Small Group Facilitation

Research Miscellaneous

Subtotals = Total Indirect Hours

= Total Direct

Hours (See Note)

Note: No more than 60 total T.A. hours can be applied toward the 600 hour Field Study requirement. T.A. hours for MCFC students do NOT count as DIRECT CONTACT hours. Only T.A. hours earned for EDC 280 triadic supervision, EDC 242 Micropracticum, and EDC 475 triadic supervision may count as direct hours for Career and School students.

Student Approval: Date: ________

Instructor Approval: Date:________

University Supervisor Approval: Date:________

Name of Student Assistant Name of Instructor/Supervisor Name of Course(s)


California State University, Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 5

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee MIDTERM EVALUATION: Career, RC, and School Specializations

Completed by On-Site Supervisor


1. Thoughtfully complete this evaluation. Please be sure to circle the appropriate score for each competency. See “Performance Levels” information

below for more details.

2. Meet face-to-face with the student to review and discuss the evaluation.

3. Sign and date the evaluation with the student present and make copies for the student and yourself.

4. Have the student submit the “original” evaluation to their University Supervisor (seminar instructor) by the deadline.

COMPETENCY 1: Assessment and Evaluation

Needs much guidance in

identifying presenting problems and effective treatment interventions. Often misses

identifying client/student strengths.

Rarely reflects feelings and content accurately or with appropriate frequency.

Is unable to accurately identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the client/student.

Needs much guidance in

identifying signs and symptoms of

problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or


Needs much guidance in

assessing the client/students’ needs

in terms of resources.

Does not consult with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Can identify presenting problems,

patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions with guidance. Sometimes misses

client/student strengths and needs to

be reminded to identify such strengths. Does not always reflect feelings and content accurately or with appropriate frequency. Needs help identifying themes and enlarging the meaning for the client/student. Needs help

identifying signs and symptoms of

problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or

behaviors. Needs help assessing

the client/students’ needs in terms of

resources. Often needs help to consult with significant people in the

client/students’ life.

Generally good at identifying presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions.

Routinely assesses client/student strengths and coping skills. Generally

reflects client/student’s feelings and content accurately and with appropriate frequency. Can identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the

client/student. Generally good at

identifying signs and symptoms of

problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or

behaviors. Generally good at

assessing the client/students’ needs in

terms of resources. Generally good at consulting with significant people in the

client/students’ life.

Consistently excels at identifying presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective treatment interventions.

Routinely assesses client/student

strengths and coping skills. Reflects client/student’s feelings and content

accurately and with appropriate frequency.

Consistently identifies themes and enlarges the meaning for the client/student. Thoroughly identifies

signs and symptoms of problematic

feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors.

Consistently assesses the

client/students’ needs in terms of resources.

Effectively consults with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Name of Student Specialization Dates of Placement From: To:

Field Study Site

Name of Field Site


Type of Facility

On-Site Supervisor Information: Name


License/Credential and Number


How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.

H. Direct Observation I. Video J. Audio K. Supervisory Discussion L. Review of Written Reports M. Feedback from others N. Other (specify):

Competency Expectations: A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation (FORM 6) is required for students to earn credit in EDC 480: Field Study. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 480 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Students should be working toward a passing score of 2 on the midterm evaluation (FORM 5).

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement”, please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

Performance Levels: 0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard

Instruction: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.


0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard



COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is unable to identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self,

or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators.

Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Demonstrates no knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Needs some guidance to Identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor.

Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is uncertain in identifying and treating trauma. Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements. Demonstrates limited knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Generally good at Identifying risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor.

Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma

with assistance from supervisor.

Manages reporting requirements with assistance from supervisor. Demonstrates some knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.

Consistently identifies risks and self- destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/

implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma.

Manages reporting requirements appropriately. Demonstrates clear

knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 3: Treatment/Session Planning

Inadequate knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates very little or no

knowledge of professional literature related to client/student

concerns/issues. Needs much help in identifying stages of counseling.

Imposes treatment goals without client/student input. Does not understand the differences between short- and long-term treatment goals.

Does not recognize the need for

referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals.

Inconsistently demonstrates knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates little knowledge of professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues.

Needs help in identifying stages of counseling and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and


Generally demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates knowledge of professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues. Acceptable identification of stages of counseling and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long- term treatment goals. Recognizes the need for referral— sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Consistently demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory. Demonstrates strong knowledge of professional literature related to client/student concerns/issues. Identifies stages of counseling and sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals for treatment.

Recognizes the need for referral and identifies appropriate services and resources.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance.

Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect

treatment outcomes. Does not

spend adequate time establishing a

therapeutic relationship. Does

not demonstrate appropriate non- verbal attending skills. Does not foster specific and concrete (rather

than general and abstract)

communication. Inadequate in fostering immediacy in the counseling session. Does not encourage the client/student as

appropriate. Inadequate in reflecting discrepancies in client/student communication.

Does not set limits


Often does not develop empathy.

Needs help in creating a safe

environment and understanding the problem from the client/student’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients/students and often imposes one’s own biases.

Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes interventions without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Does not consistently demonstrate appropriate non-verbal attending skills.

Does not always foster specific and concrete (rather than general and

abstract) communication. Needs help to foster immediacy in the counseling session. Sometimes misses moments to encourage the client/student

appropriately. Needs help to reflect discrepancies in client/student communication. Does not always set limits appropriately.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a

safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the

client/student’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with clients but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing the ability to

control one’s emotions. Sometimes implements interventions before trust is fully developed. Generally demonstrates appropriate non-verbal

attending skills. Generally fosters specific and concrete (rather than general and abstract) communication.

Generally fosters immediacy in the

counseling session. Generally good

at encouraging the client/student as appropriate. Is beginning to reflect

discrepancies in client/student

communication. Generally sets limits appropriately.

Consistently demonstrates authentic empathy. Creates a

safe environment by understanding the problem from the client/student’s perspective.

Consistently in control of one’s emotions and assesses for trust.

Consistently follows the

client/student’s lead and spends time

establishing a therapeutic


Consistently demonstrates

appropriate non-verbal attending

skills. Fosters specific and concrete (rather than general and abstract) communication.

Fosters immediacy in the

counseling session. Encourages

the client/student as appropriate. Confidently reflects

discrepancies in client/student communication. Consistently sets limits appropriately.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 5: Treatment/Therapeutic Interventions

Unable to apply many therapeutic principles.

Limited knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client/student’s coping skills

to determine timing of interventions. Needs guidance in modifying the

treatment process based upon

therapeutic progress. Needs help at case management-related issues.

Needs guidance in recognizing and

addressing resistance. Often moves

either too slowly or too quickly for the client. Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition

from treatment. Does not always

return responsibility to client/student and encourage decision-making.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Is adequate at explaining

treatments to clients/students. Good

in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions.

Good in modifying the treatment process

by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at case management-related issues.

Adequately recognizes and addresses resistance. Generally moves neither

too slowly nor too quickly for the client/student.

Good in developing a plan for termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment. Routinely returns responsibility to client/student and encourages decision-making.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Excellent skills in explaining

interventions in ways clients/students can

understand. Consistent in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in

modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management-related issues.

Recognizes and effectively addresses

resistance. Moves neither too slowly nor

too quickly for the client/student.

Consistent in developing a plan for termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment.

Routinely returns responsibility to client/student and encourages decision-making.

0 .5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity/Cultural Sensitivity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Is unaware of elements of difference and how these differences may influence the counseling relationship. Does

not address areas of difference with


Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic

environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client/student’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies. Needs help knowing

how to address areas of difference with


Generally good at identifying issues of diversity which impact the

therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews. Generally good at

addressing areas of difference with


Consistently identifies issues of diversity that impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith/ spiritual beliefs on the therapeutic process.

Consistently provides an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views. Consistently applies treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews. Consistently addresses areas of difference with clients/students.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Does not adhere to

laws relevant to practice (e.g.,

HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.) without supervisor guidance.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information.

Needs help in knowing when to

obtain consent to treatment from legal

guardians when counseling minors.

Does not always understand the

reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of records and materials created in session. Is

not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information with some assistance from supervisor.

Obtains consent to treatment from

legal guardians when counseling minors

(except when not necessary by law) with

some assistance from supervisor.

Maintains security of records and or materials created in session. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting

Adheres to legal statutes, and understands and appropriately manages

mandated reporting requirements.

Obtains and understands the need for client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Obtains consent to treatment from legal

guardians when counseling minors (except

when not necessary by law).

Maintains security of client/student records and/or artwork/etc. created in

session. Aware of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard





Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Does not adhere

to ACA and/or ASCA

Ethical Standards

without supervisor


Needs help in recognizing ethical issues arising in this therapeutic setting. Needs

reminders to inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of practice and attempts to treat all problems. Needs reminders of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor. Does not always adhere to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues arising in this therapeutic setting. Is able to

inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated

reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Is aware of one’s scope of practice with some guidance from supervisor. Sometimes needs help in

identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together

with supervisor, identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Generally adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of ethical issues arising in this therapeutic

setting. Consistently informs clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries.

Consistently stays within scope of practice. Consistently able to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies

personal limitations that require outside consultation. Adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

0 0.5

Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, flexibility,

patience, insight, motivation, attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills.

Does not show tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Does not demonstrate appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, compassion, motivation, attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence.

Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in tolerating stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Does not

always demonstrate appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Generally demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight,

compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Generally demonstrates acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Generally shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Generally demonstrates appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Consistently demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight,

compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Consistently demonstrates good oral and written communication skills. Consistently shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Consistently demonstrates appropriate self-assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts field site policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to field site policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to field site policies.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with

professional colleagues. Needs improvement with respect to

appearance in counseling settings.

Has limited involvement much with the field site or its needs. Is not very aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and

relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance is appropriate to counseling setting. Acceptable involvement with the field site. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues.

Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is

appropriately involved with the field site and the field site’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self- care as it relates to effective clinical practice.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after

repeated input from supervisor.

Does not accurately self-assess.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come

prepared to discuss cases or issues of

concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is somewhat resistant to supervisory

input, and sometimes openly argues with supervisor’s observations and/or

suggestions. Does not always accurately self-assess. Does not

always take appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share

concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions,

and openly shares concerns and ideas

with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and

uses supervisory suggestions to make improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


Overall Assessment

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard



Areas of Strength:


Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

University Supervisor’s Comments (Optional):

Is the student at risk at this time of not satisfactorily completing their Field Study hours/units at your site? Yes No

If yes, please explain here:

Student Signature: Date:

Site Supervisor Signature: Date:

University Supervisor Signature: Date:


California State University, Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 5

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee MIDTERM EVALUATION: MCFC Specialization

Completed by On-Site Supervisor


5. Thoughtfully complete this evaluation. Please be sure to circle the appropriate score for each competency.

6. Meet face-to-face with the student to review and discuss the evaluation.

7. Sign and date the evaluation with the student present and make copies for the student and yourself.

8. Have the student submit the “original” evaluation to their University Supervisor (seminar instructor) by the


Name of Student Specialization Dates of Placement

From: To:

Field Study Site

Name of Field Site


Type of Facility

On-Site Supervisor Information: Name


License/Credential and Number


How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.

H. Direct Observation I. Video J. Audio K. Supervisory Discussion L. Review of Written Reports M. Feedback from others N. Other (specify):

Competency Expectations: A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation (FORM 6) is required for students to earn credit in EDC 480: Field Study. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 480 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Students should be working toward a passing score of 2 on the midterm evaluation (FORM 5).

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement”, please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

Performance Levels: 0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard

Instruction: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.

COMPETENCY 1: Clinical Evaluation

Needs much guidance in identifying presenting problems, identifying client strengths, and identifying possible substance abuse, and in connecting presenting problem to DSM diagnoses.

Can identify treatment unit, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior with guidance. Does not always identify risks and self-destructive behaviors. Sometimes misses client strengths and needs to be reminded to identify such strengths. Does not always assess for substance abuse. Needs help connecting DSM criteria to presenting problems. Has little understanding of prognostic indicators.

Generally good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and coping skills, and possible substance use. Generally sufficient in using the DSM but sometimes needs help in identifying appropriate diagnoses. Beginning to understand prognostic indicators.

Consistently good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and

coping skills, and possible substance use. Connects presenting problem with DSM diagnosis and identifies possible comorbid disorders. Can identify elements relevant to making prognostic predictions.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators. Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor. Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is uncertain in identifying and treating trauma.

Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements.

Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor. Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma with assistance from supervisor. Manages reporting requirements with assistance from supervisor.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma. Manages reporting requirements appropriately.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 3: Treatment Planning

Inadequate knowledge of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Difficulty in identifying stages of treatment and imposes treatment goals. Does not understand the differences between short- and long-term treatment goals. Does not recognize the need for referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals.

Often needs help demonstrating knowledge of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Needs help in identifying stages of treatment and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and resources.

Generally good demonstration of awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Acceptable identification of stages of treatment and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term treatment goals. Recognizes the need for referral— sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Consistent demonstration of awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Identifies stages of treatment and sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals for treatment. Recognizes the need for referral and identifies appropriate services and resources.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance. Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect treatment outcomes.

Often does not develop empathy. Needs help in creating a safe environment and understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients and often imposes one’s own biases. Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes treatment without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the client’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with clients but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing the ability to control one’s emotions. Sometimes proceeds to treatment before trust is fully developed.

Consistent demonstration of empathy. Creates a safe environment by understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Consistently in control of one’s emotions and assesses for trust.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 5: Treatment

Unable to apply any therapeutic principles.

Poor knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Needs guidance in modifying the treatment process based upon therapeutic progress. Poor at case management-related issues.

Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition from treatment.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Is adequate at explaining treatments to clients. Good in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Good in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at case management-related issues. Good in developing a plan for termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Very good skills in explaining treatments in ways clients can understand. Consistent in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management-related issues. Consistent in developing a plan for termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies.

Generally good at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews.

Consistent at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith beliefs on the therapeutic process. Consistent at providing an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Does not always understand the reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of therapy records. Is not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice.

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of clinical records. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in clinical practice.

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and

understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements. Obtains and understands the need for client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of client therapy records. Aware of and follows law in clinical


0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard





Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Needs reminders to inform clients of

parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of

practice and attempts to treat all problems. Needs reminders of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Is able to inform clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic

boundaries. Is not always aware of one’s scope of practice. Sometimes needs help in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together with supervisor, identifies

personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Consistently informs clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic

boundaries. Consistent at staying within scope of practice. Consistent ability to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Generally acceptable demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Generally acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Consistent demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self- awareness. Consistently demonstrated good oral and written communication skills.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Is inconsistent in punctuality, responsibility, appearance appropriate to clinical setting, and relationship with professional colleagues. Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts agency policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to agency policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to agency policies.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Needs improvement with respect to appearance in counseling setting. Is not involved much with the agency or its needs. Is not very aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Acceptable involvement with the agency. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is appropriately involved with the agency and the agency’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self-care as it relates to effective clinical practice.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after repeated input from supervisor.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come prepared to discuss cases or issues of concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is somewhat resistant to supervisory input, and sometimes openly argues with supervisor’s observations and/or suggestions.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions, and openly shares concerns and ideas with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and uses supervisory suggestions to make improvements when needed.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


Overall Assessment

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



Areas of Strength:


Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

Consultation with school requested by clinical supervisor: No Yes Best day/time:

Student’s Comments (optional):

University Supervisor’s Comments (optional):


Hours of Supervised Experience During This Evaluation Period

Dates covered by this evaluation and reflected in the BBS logs: / / to / /

Total hours of clinical services provided during this academic term:

Individual Therapy: Hours

Couple, Family & Child Therapy: Hours*

Group Therapy/Counseling: Hours

Telemedicine: Hours

Client Centered Advocacy: Hours

*Do not double count conjoint couples and family therapy hours.

Percentage of direct client contact hours completed %

Total hours of supervision and training received during this academic term:

Individual Supervision: Hours

Group Supervision: Hours

Workshops, seminars, or trainings: Hours

The clinical supervisor met, reviewed and discussed this evaluation with the student. Yes No If No, please explain:

Is the student at risk at this time of not satisfactorily completing their Field Study hours/units at your site?

Yes No

If yes, please explain here:

Student Signature: Date:

Site Supervisor Signature: Date:

University Supervisor Signature: Date:



California State University, Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 6

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee FINAL EVALUATION: Career, RC, and School Specializations

Completed by On-Site Supervisor

9. Thoughtfully complete this evaluation. Please be sure to circle the appropriate score for each competency. See “Performance Levels” information

below for more details. 10. Meet face-to-face with the student to review and discuss the evaluation.

11. Sign and date the evaluation with the student present and make copies for the student and yourself.

12. Have the student submit the original evaluation to their University Supervisor (seminar instructor) by the deadline.

Name of Student Specialization Dates of Placement

From: To:

Field Study Site

Name of Field Site


Type of Facility

On-Site Supervisor Information: Name/Position

License/Credential and Number


How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.

O. Direct Observation P. Video

Q. Audio R. Supervisory Discussion

S. Review of Written Reports T. Feedback from others U. Other (specify):

Competency Expectations: A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation (FORM 6) is required for students to earn credit in EDC 480: Field Study. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 480 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement,” please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

Performance Levels: 0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard Instructions: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.

COMPETENCY 1: Assessment and Evaluation

Needs much guidance in identifying presenting problems

and effective treatment

interventions. Often misses identifying client/student strengths. Rarely reflects

feelings and content accurately

or with appropriate frequency. Is unable to accurately

identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the client/student.

Needs much guidance in

identifying signs and symptoms

of problematic feelings,

thoughts, and/or behaviors.

Needs much guidance in

assessing the client/students’

needs in terms of resources.

Does not consult with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Can identify presenting problems, patterns of behavior, and effective

treatment interventions with

guidance. Sometimes misses client/student strengths and needs to be reminded to identify such

strengths. Does not always reflect

feelings and content accurately or with appropriate frequency. Needs help identifying themes and enlarging the meaning for the client/student. Needs help

identifying signs and symptoms of

problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or

behaviors. Needs help assessing

the client/students’ needs in terms of

resources. Often needs help to

consult with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Generally good at identifying presenting problems, patterns of

behavior, and effective treatment interventions. Routinely assesses client/student strengths and coping skills. Generally reflects client/student’s feelings and content accurately and with appropriate frequency. Can identify themes and enlarge the meaning for the client/student. Generally good at

identifying signs and symptoms of

problematic feelings, thoughts, and/or

behaviors. Generally good at

assessing the client/students’ needs in

terms of resources. Generally good at consulting with significant people in the client/students’ life.

Consistently excels at identifying presenting problems, patterns of behavior,

and effective treatment interventions.

Routinely assesses client/student strengths and coping skills. Reflects client/student’s feelings and content accurately and with appropriate frequency.

Consistently identifies themes and enlarges the meaning for the client/student. Thoroughly identifies

signs and symptoms of problematic

feelings, thoughts, and/or behaviors.

Consistently assesses the

client/students’ needs in terms of resources.

Effectively consults with significant people in the client/students’ life.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is unable to identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self,

or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators.

Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies

upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Demonstrates no knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Needs some guidance to Identify risks and self-destructive behaviors and implement prevention techniques and identify appropriate intervention resources.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor.

Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is

uncertain in identifying and treating trauma. Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements. Demonstrates limited knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills.

Generally good at Identifying risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor.

Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma

with assistance from supervisor. Manages reporting requirements

with assistance from supervisor.

Demonstrates some knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.

Consistently identifies risks and self- destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/

implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma.

Manages reporting requirements appropriately. Demonstrates clear knowledge of crisis counseling principles and skills, even if does not have the opportunity to implement these skills over the course of the semester.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 3: Treatment/Session Planning

Inadequate knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates very little or no knowledge of professional literature related to client/student

concerns/issues. Needs much help

in identifying stages of counseling. Imposes treatment goals without

client/student input. Does not understand the differences between

short- and long-term treatment goals.

Does not recognize the need for referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals.

Inconsistently demonstrates knowledge of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates little knowledge of professional literature related to

client/student concerns/issues. Needs help in identifying stages

of counseling and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and resources.

Generally demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates knowledge of professional literature related to

client/student concerns/issues. Acceptable identification of

stages of counseling and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term treatment goals.

Recognizes the need for referral—sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Consistently demonstrates awareness of principles of therapeutically appropriate theory.

Demonstrates strong knowledge of professional literature related to

client/student concerns/issues. Identifies stages of counseling and

sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals for treatment.

Recognizes the need for referral and identifies appropriate services and resources.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance.

Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect

treatment outcomes. Does not

spend adequate time establishing a

therapeutic relationship. Does

not demonstrate appropriate non- verbal attending skills. Does not foster specific and concrete (rather

than general and abstract)

communication. Inadequate in fostering immediacy in the counseling session. Does not encourage the client/student as

appropriate. Inadequate in reflecting discrepancies in client/student communication.

Does not set limits


Often does not develop empathy.

Needs help in creating a safe

environment and understanding the problem from the client/student’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients/students and often imposes one’s own biases. Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes interventions without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Does not consistently demonstrate appropriate non-verbal attending skills.

Does not always foster specific and concrete (rather than general and

abstract) communication. Needs help to foster immediacy in the counseling session. Sometimes misses moments to encourage the client/student

appropriately. Needs help to reflect discrepancies in client/student communication. Does not always set limits appropriately.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a

safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the

client/student’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with clients/students but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing

the ability to control one’s emotions. Sometimes implements

interventions before trust is fully developed. Generally demonstrates

appropriate non-verbal attending skills. Generally fosters specific and

concrete (rather than general and abstract) communication. Generally

fosters immediacy in the counseling session. Generally good at encouraging the client/student as appropriate. Is beginning to reflect

discrepancies in client/student communication. Generally sets limits appropriately.

Consistently demonstrates authentic empathy. Creates a

safe environment by understanding the problem from the client/student’s perspective.

Consistently in control of one’s emotions and assesses for trust.

Consistently follows the

client/student’s lead and spends time

establishing a therapeutic

relationship. Consistently demonstrates appropriate non-

verbal attending skills. Fosters specific and concrete (rather than

general and abstract) communication. Fosters immediacy in the counseling session.

Encourages the client/student as

appropriate. Confidently reflects discrepancies in client/student

communication. Consistently

sets limits appropriately.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 5: Treatment/Therapeutic Interventions

Unable to apply many therapeutic principles.

Limited knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions.

Needs guidance in modifying the treatment process based upon therapeutic progress. Needs help at case management-related issues.

Needs guidance in recognizing and addressing resistance. Often moves either too slowly or too quickly for the client. Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition

from treatment. Does not always

return responsibility to client/student and encourage decision-making.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Is adequate at explaining

treatments to clients/students. Good in evaluating client/student’s coping skills

to determine timing of interventions.

Good in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at case management-related issues.

Adequately recognizes and addresses resistance. Generally moves neither too slowly nor too quickly for the client/student.

Good in developing a plan for

termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment.

Routinely returns responsibility to

client/student and encourages decision- making.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence-based treatment, and client/student-specific interventions. Excellent skills in explaining

interventions in ways clients/students can understand Consistent in evaluating

client/student’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in

modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management-related issues.

Recognizes and effectively addresses

resistance. Moves neither too slowly nor

too quickly for the client/student.

Consistent in developing a plan for termination with client/student to provide a transition from treatment.

Routinely returns responsibility to client/student and encourages decision-making.

0 .5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity/Cultural Sensitivity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Is unaware of elements of difference and how these differences may influence the counseling relationship. Does

not address areas of difference with


Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic

environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client/student’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies. Needs help knowing

how to address areas of difference with


Generally good at identifying issues of diversity which impact the

therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews. Generally good at

addressing areas of difference with


Consistently identifies issues of diversity that impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith/ spiritual beliefs on the therapeutic process.

Consistently provides an unbiased therapeutic environment when client/student’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views. Consistently applies treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews. Consistently addresses areas of difference with clients/students.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Does not adhere to

laws relevant to practice (e.g.,


without supervisor guidance.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information.

Needs help in knowing when to

obtain consent to treatment from legal

guardians when counseling minors.

Does not always understand the reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of records and materials created in session. Is not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or

obtain confidential information with some assistance from supervisor.

Obtains consent to treatment from

legal guardians when counseling minors

(except when not necessary by law) with

some assistance from supervisor.

Maintains security of records and or

materials created in session. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this therapeutic setting

Adheres to legal statutes, and understands and appropriately manages

mandated reporting requirements. Obtains and understands the need for client/student’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information.

Obtains consent to treatment from

legal guardians when counseling minors

(except when not necessary by law).

Maintains security of client/student records and/or artwork/etc. created in session. Aware of and follows law in practice (e.g., HIPPA, FERPA, ADA, etc.).

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard





Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Does not adhere

to ACA and/or ASCA

Ethical Standards

without supervisor


Needs help in recognizing ethical issues arising in this therapeutic setting.

Needs reminders to inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of practice and attempts to treat all problems.

Needs reminders of appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor. Does not always adhere to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues arising in this therapeutic setting. Is able to

inform clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated

reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries. Is aware of one’s scope of practice with some guidance from supervisor. Sometimes needs help in

identifying personal reactions/ countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together

with supervisor, identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Generally adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of ethical issues arising in this therapeutic

setting. Consistently informs clients/students of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic boundaries.

Consistently stays within scope of practice. Consistently able to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies

personal limitations that require outside consultation. Adheres to ACA and/or ASCA Ethical Standards, both in and out of counseling sessions.

0 0.5

Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, flexibility,

patience, insight, motivation, attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills.

Does not show tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s).

Does not demonstrate appropriate self-assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight, compassion, motivation, attitude, self-awareness, and personal presence.

Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in tolerating stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Does not

always demonstrate appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Generally demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight,

compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Generally demonstrates acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Generally shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Generally demonstrates appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

Consistently demonstrates integrity, initiative, flexibility, patience, insight,

compassion, motivation, attitude, self- awareness, and personal presence.

Consistently demonstrates good oral and written communication skills. Consistently shows tolerance of stress and discomfort (of own feelings and client/student’s). Consistently demonstrates appropriate self- assurance, confidence, and trust in own ability.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts field site policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to field site policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to field site policies.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with

professional colleagues. Needs improvement with respect to appearance in counseling settings.

Has limited involvement much with the field site or its needs. Is not very

aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and

relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance is appropriate to counseling setting. Acceptable involvement with the field site. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues.

Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is

appropriately involved with the field site and the field site’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self- care as it relates to effective clinical practice.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after repeated input from supervisor.

Does not accurately self-assess.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come prepared to discuss cases or issues of

concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is somewhat resistant to supervisory input, and sometimes openly argues

with supervisor’s observations and/or suggestions. Does not always

accurately self-assess. Does not always take appropriate steps toward

increased education, consultation, referral.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details

out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions, and openly shares concerns and ideas

with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and uses supervisory suggestions to make

improvements when needed.

Accurately self-assesses. Takes appropriate steps toward increased education, consultation, referral.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


Overall Assessment

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard



Areas of Strength:


Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

University Supervisor’s Comments (Optional):

Is the student at risk at this time of not satisfactorily completing his/her Field Study hours/units at your site? Yes No

If yes, please explain here:

Student Signature: Date:

Site Supervisor Signature: Date:

University Supervisor Signature: Date:


California State University, Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 6

EDC 480 Counselor Trainee FINAL EVALUATION: MCFC Specialization

Completed by On-Site Supervisor


5. Thoughtfully complete this evaluation. Please be sure to circle the appropriate score for each competency.

6. Meet face-to-face with the student to review and discuss the evaluation.

7. Sign and date the evaluation with the student present and make copies for the student and yourself.

8. Have the student submit the “original” evaluation to their University Supervisor (seminar instructor) by the


Name of Student Specialization Dates of Placement

From: To:

Field Study Site

Name of Field Site


Type of Facility

On-Site Supervisor Information: Name


License/Credential and Number


How Competency was Assessed. Check all that apply.

V. Direct Observation W. Video X. Audio Y. Supervisory Discussion Z. Review of Written Reports AA. Feedback from others BB. Other (specify):

Competency Expectations: A minimum passing score of 2 on all competencies on the Final Evaluation (FORM 6) is required for students to earn credit in EDC 480: Field Study. Earning a grade of No Credit in EDC 480 for two semesters will result in automatic removal from the Counselor Education Program.

Note: If student “Fails Standard” or “Needs Improvement”, please explain in the “Comments” box for that Competency.

Performance Levels: 0-0.5: Does not meet standard, requires further training 1-1.5: Meets minimum standard, would benefit from further training 2-2.5: Meets standard appropriate to current level of training and experience

3: Exceeds performance standard

Instruction: Check all boxes that apply within each Competency area and rank student where majority of boxes are checked.

COMPETENCY 1: Clinical Evaluation

Needs much guidance in identifying presenting problems, identifying client strengths, and identifying possible substance abuse, and in connecting presenting problem to DSM diagnoses.

Can identify treatment unit, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior with guidance. Does not always identify risks and self-destructive behaviors. Sometimes misses client strengths and needs to be reminded to identify such strengths. Does not always assess for substance abuse. Needs help connecting DSM criteria to presenting problems. Has little understanding of prognostic indicators.

Generally good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and coping skills, and possible substance use. Generally sufficient in using the DSM but sometimes needs help in identifying appropriate diagnoses. Beginning to understand prognostic indicators.

Consistently good at identifying unit of treatment, presenting problems, and patterns of behavior. Identifies risks and self-destructive behaviors and implements prevention techniques and identifies appropriate intervention resources. Routinely assesses client strengths and

coping skills, and possible substance use. Connects presenting problem with DSM diagnosis and identifies possible comorbid disorders. Can identify elements relevant to making prognostic predictions.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 2: Crisis Management

Is inadequate in identifying indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Sometimes disputes supervisor’s identifications of such indicators. Inadequate in issues dealing with trauma. Completely relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger and to report these incidents.

Sometimes misses indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others, but understands these signs after discussion with supervisor. Mostly relies upon supervisor to develop and implement a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Is uncertain in identifying and treating trauma.

Feels less confident in reporting such crises and defers to supervisor to complete reporting requirements.

Generally good at observing and assessing for indicators of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others with support from supervisor. Helps in the development and implementation of a plan to reduce the potential for danger. Generally good at identifying and treating trauma with assistance from supervisor. Manages reporting requirements with assistance from supervisor.

Consistently observes and assesses for indications of abuse, danger to self, or danger to others. Develops/implements a plan to reduce the potential for danger with appropriate input from supervisor. Excellent at identifying and treating trauma. Manages reporting requirements appropriately.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 3: Treatment Planning

Inadequate knowledge of

principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Difficulty in identifying stages of treatment and imposes treatment goals. Does not understand the differences between short- and long-term treatment goals. Does not recognize the need for referral and is not aware of appropriate referrals.

Often needs help demonstrating knowledge of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Needs help in identifying stages of treatment and developing mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals. Often needs help recognizing the need for referral for appropriate services and resources.

Generally good demonstration of awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Acceptable identification of stages of treatment and mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term treatment goals. Recognizes the need for referral—

sometimes needing guidance—for appropriate services and resources.

Consistent demonstration of

awareness of principles of systems theory and/or a clinically appropriate theory. Identifies stages of treatment and sets mutually agreed upon, appropriate short- and long-term goals for treatment. Recognizes the need for referral and

identifies appropriate services and resources.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 4: Rapport Building

Inadequate in developing empathy and sometimes is not aware of empathy’s importance. Does not create a safe environment. Is unaware of how one’s own biases affect treatment outcomes.

Often does not develop empathy. Needs help in creating a safe

environment and understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Does not always develop trust with clients and often imposes one’s own biases. Is not always aware of one’s emotions and imposes treatment without much regard to therapeutic working alliance.

Generally good at developing empathy. Is adequate in creating a safe environment and attempts to understand the problem from the client’s perspective. Is adequate in developing trust with clients but sometimes needs to keep biases in check. Is developing the ability to control one’s emotions. Sometimes proceeds to treatment before trust is fully developed.

Consistent demonstration of empathy. Creates a safe environment by understanding the problem from the client’s perspective. Consistently in control of one’s emotions and assesses for trust.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 5: Treatment

Unable to apply any therapeutic principles.

Poor knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Needs help in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Needs guidance in modifying the treatment process based upon therapeutic progress. Poor at case management-related issues. Needs help in identifying appropriate termination and transition from treatment.

Generally good knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Is adequate at explaining treatments to clients. Good in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Good in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Adequate at case management-related issues. Good in developing a plan for

termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.

Demonstrates consistent knowledge of theoretically appropriate, evidence based treatment, and client-specific clinical interventions. Very good skills in explaining treatments in ways clients can understand. Consistent in evaluating client’s coping skills to determine timing of interventions. Consistent in modifying the treatment process by monitoring therapeutic progress. Good at case management-related issues. Consistent in developing a plan for

termination with client to provide a transition from treatment.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 6: Human Diversity

Unable to understand the importance of issues of diversity.

Needs help in identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Sometimes is unable to disentangle one’s own values from client’s values, which sometimes interferes with treatment strategies.

Generally good at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment. Is able to provide an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values or beliefs are different from one’s own views. Can apply treatment strategies consistent with client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews.

Consistent at identifying issues of diversity which impact the therapeutic environment, including issues of gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, age, disability, and religious/faith beliefs on the therapeutic process. Consistent at providing an unbiased therapeutic environment when client’s values, beliefs, and/or worldviews are different from one’s own views.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard



Poor understanding of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing legal issues, managing mandated reporting requirements, and obtaining client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Does not always understand the reasoning behind the need for legal requirements. Needs to be reminded of issues surrounding security of therapy records. Is not very knowledgeable of laws relevant to practice.

Adequately knowledgeable of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and

generally understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements with some assistance from supervisor. Obtains client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of clinical records. Is developing knowledge of and follows law in clinical practice.

Consistent knowledge of legal issues relevant to this clinical setting. Adheres to legal statutes, and understands and appropriately manages mandated reporting requirements. Obtains and understands the need for client’s (or legal guardian’s) authorization for release to disclose or obtain confidential information. Maintains security of client therapy records. Aware of and follows law in clinical practice.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard





Poor understanding of ethical issues relevant to this clinical setting.

Needs help in recognizing ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Needs reminders to inform clients of

parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Is not aware of one’s scope of practice and attempts to treat all problems. Needs reminders of appropriate

therapeutic boundaries. Has difficulty in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process and sometimes denies or disputes these issues when pointed out by supervisor.

Generally good knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Is able to inform clients of

parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic

boundaries. Is not always aware of one’s scope of practice. Sometimes needs help in identifying personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, but can easily correct oversights in this area. Together with supervisor, identifies

personal limitations that require outside consultation.

Demonstrates excellent knowledge of ethical issues arising in this clinical setting. Consistently informs clients of parameters of confidentiality and conditions of mandated reporting. Maintains appropriate therapeutic

boundaries. Consistent at staying within scope of practice. Consistent ability to identify personal reactions/countertransference issues that could interfere with the therapeutic process, and identifies personal limitations that require outside consultation.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 9: Personal Qualities

Has demonstrated lapses in integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Has demonstrated lapses in oral and written communication skills.

Needs improvement in demonstrating integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Needs improvement in oral and written communication skills.

Generally acceptable demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self-awareness. Generally acceptable oral and written communication skills.

Consistent demonstration of integrity, initiative, motivation, attitude, self- awareness. Consistently demonstrated good oral and written communication skills.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 10: Work Performance

Does not demonstrate professional work performance.

Is inconsistent in punctuality, responsibility, appearance appropriate to clinical setting, and relationship with professional colleagues. Does not always maintain orderly paperwork and sometimes skirts agency policies.

Maintains timely and orderly paperwork and adheres to agency policies.

Consistent maintenance of timely and orderly paperwork, and adherence to agency policies.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard




COMPETENCY 11: Professionalism

Does not demonstrate professionalism in the work setting.

Needs improvement in punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Needs improvement with respect to appearance in counseling setting. Is not involved much with the agency or its needs. Is not very aware of the need for self-care.

Acceptable demonstration of punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Acceptable involvement with the agency. Is developing the understanding of the importance of self-care.

Consistently demonstrates punctuality, responsibility, and relationship with professional colleagues. Consistently demonstrates proper appearance appropriate to counseling setting. Understands and is appropriately

involved with the agency and the agency’s needs. Has the ability to understand the need for self-care as it relates to effective clinical practice.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard


COMPETENCY 12: Supervision

Resistant to supervision and does not make improvements after repeated input from supervisor.

Needs to make better use of supervision. Does not always come prepared to discuss cases or issues of concern. Has difficulty in presenting full case conceptualizations. Is somewhat resistant to supervisory input, and sometimes openly argues with supervisor’s observations and/or suggestions.

Does not always seek supervision when needed, preferring to wait until regularly scheduled supervisory sessions. Comes prepared to supervision sessions, but sometimes needs prompting by supervisor to share concerns. Is generally good at presenting full case conceptualizations but sometimes leaves relevant details out of presentation. Is generally open to supervision and makes improvements when needed.

Seeks supervision when needed, comes prepared for supervision sessions, and openly shares concerns and ideas with supervisor. Can present full case conceptualizations. Consistently demonstrates openness to feedback and uses supervisory suggestions to make improvements when needed.

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5

Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard


Exceeds Standard


Overall Assessment

0 0.5 Fails Standard

1 1.5 Needs Improvement

2 2.5 Meets Standard

3 Exceeds Standard



Areas of Strength:

Areas in Need of Further Development:

Plans for Development or Remediation:

Consultation with school requested by clinical supervisor: No Yes Best day/time:

Student’s Comments (optional):

University Supervisor’s Comments (optional):


Is the student at risk at this time of not satisfactorily completing their Field Study hours/units at your site?

Yes No

If yes, please explain here:

Student Signature: ___________________________________________Date:

Site Supervisor Signature: _____________________________________Date:

University Supervisor Signature: _______________________________ Date:

Hours of Supervised Experience During This Evaluation Period

Dates covered by this evaluation and reflected in the BBS logs: / / to / /

Total hours of clinical services provided during this academic term:

Individual Therapy: Hours

Couple, Family & Child Therapy: Hours*

Group Therapy/Counseling: Hours

Telemedicine: Hours

Client Centered Advocacy: Hours

*Do not double count conjoint couples and family therapy hours.

Percentage of direct client contact hours completed %

Total hours of supervision and training received during this academic term:

Individual Supervision: Hours

Group Supervision: Hours

Workshops, seminars, or trainings: Hours

The clinical supervisor met, reviewed and discussed this evaluation with the student. Yes No If No, please explain:


California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 7 EDC 480 STUDENT EVALUATION OF FIELD SITE Page 1 of 2

Completed by Student

Name of Site Name of Site Supervisor Lic./Cert. Held Lic./Cert. #

Instructions: Please evaluate the on-site supervision you received by checking the appropriate box and/or circling the appropriate number that best represents your experience.

1. Please check the item that best describes your Field Study site: 1. Community Counseling Agency 7. Psychiatric Hospital 2. Elementary or Secondary School 8. Other Inpatient Facility 3. College/University Counseling Center 9. Criminal Justice 4. College/University Career Center 10. Outpatient Clinic 5. Community/Junior College 11. WEAVE / DV Treatment Site 6. General Hospital 12. Other (please specify):

2. Please estimate the percentage of your weekly hours spent in each of the following activities and write in

adjacent box: 1. Individual Counseling 8. Diagnosis / Assessment 2. Group Counseling 9. Administrative Duties 3. Supervision (Individual and Other) 10. Report Writing 4. Couples Counseling 11. School-Based Meetings 5. Family Counseling 12. Consultation 6. Career Counseling 13. Other (please specify): 7. School Counseling

3. Listed below are major areas of Field Study training. Using the scale below, please circle the number

that best represents your judgment of the training you received at your Field Study Site. (Circle N/A if the area of training is not relevant to your career/curriculum.)

Very Inadequate Excellent

1. Individual Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 2. Group Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 3. Supervision 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 4. Couples Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 5. Family Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 6. Career Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 7. School Counseling 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 8. Diagnosis / Assessment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 9. Administrative Duties / Paperwork 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 10. Understanding your role in the agency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 11. Professional collaboration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A 12. Consultation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/A

1. To what extent do you think that the skills you have learned at this site can be transferred to other settings?

Name of Student Specialization Semester


2. The population served at this site is culturally diverse:

3. The quality of ON-SITE supervision is:

4. The quantity of ON-SITE supervision (in terms of licensure requirements and basic requirements) is:

1 2 3 4 5

Completely inadequate More than adequate

5. Overall, this Field Study placement is evaluated in the following way:

1 2 3 4 5

Limited Average Excellent

6. Please use the space below to write general comments regarding this placement’s strengths,

weaknesses, areas needing improvement, etc.

University Supervisor Comments: (optional)

University Supervisor Signature:

1 2 3 4 5 Not at all transferable Highly transferable

1 2 3 4 5 Strongly disagree Strongly agree

1 2 3 4 5 Completely inadequate More than adequate


California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 8 VERIFICATION OF WORK COMPLETED AND GRADE FOR TERM

(EDC 480)

Completed by University Supervisor (Seminar Instructor)

1. Students will complete all domains except those in the Grade table. 2. Make sure students complete fully and submit ALL of the required forms before calculating grade and giving credit for the

semester. 3. Organize all forms in the order listed below (FORMS 4-7) with this form on top. (Students who are graduating will also

need to submit FORM 9. Please check FORM 10 for completion and include on top of forms 4-8). 4. Students who will fall short of their enrolled hour requirement must submit a Petition for Incomplete to the Program no later

than two weeks before Final Exam Week, or they will receive no credit for the semester. 5. When an Incomplete is issued, submit this form along with copies of the incomplete time sheets (Form 4). When the

Incomplete grade is being changed to a Credit grade, submit a new version of this form showing the Credit grade along with signed, completed time sheets.

Name of Student Student ID # (not SSI) Semester Year

Grade Calculation Number of Units Registered for this Semester =

Number of Units Completed this Semester =

Number of Field Study Seminars Attended =

Seminar Instructor CIRCLE ONE:

GRADE: CR (Credit)

NC (No Credit)

INC (Incomplete)

Field Study Site(s) Hours Completed at Each Site Name of Field Site(s) Address of Field Site(s) Site Supervisor (s) Direct Hours Total Hours

University Supervision Hours

Teaching Assistant Hours Hours Completed as T.A.

Name of Course(s) Semester/Year Hours Earned Name of Instructor Direct Hours*

Total Hours


*Note: Only Career and School students may earn direct hours for being a TA for EDC 280 triadic supervision, EDC 242 Micropracticum, and EDC 475 triadic supervision.

University Supervisor Checklist Forms Received Attached

FORM 3: Expectations Contract

FORM 4: Field Study Time Sheets

FORM 4a: T.A. Time Sheet (if applicable)

FORM 5: On-Site Supervisor’s Midterm Evaluation of Student

FORM 6: On-Site Supervisor’s End of Semester Evaluation of Student

FORM 7: Student’s Evaluation of Field Study Placement


University Supervisor Approval: Date:__________________

Advisor Verification Approval for Graduation Date Yes No


California State University Sacramento: Counselor Education Program FORM 9 FINAL VERIFICATION OF FIELD STUDY COMPLETION

(EDC 480) Graduating Students 1. This form is to be completed by students in their last semester of the program. 2. Complete entire form with accurate information for all of Field Study semesters completed in the program. 3. Submit the form to seminar instructor the week prior to Final Exam week with all other 480 forms for the semester. 4. Grand Total must equal at least 600 clock hours including at least 40% (or 240) direct contact hours. Seminar Instructors 1. Seminar instructors please review to make sure students have completed all of the required fields before accepting

these forms. 2. Students should not receive credit for the course unless this form is fully completed and submitted to you on time. 3. Submit to Advisor no later than 5:00 p.m. the Friday of Final Exam week for final endorsement of total hours.

Name of Student Specialization Academic Advisor

E-mail Phone Address

Semester/Year of Graduation:

Summary of Field Study Experience

Semester/Year Direct Contact

Hours Miscellaneous

Hours Supervision

Hours Total Hours for Semester

Units Enrolled

Grade Received




Subtotals: + + = GRAND TOTAL HOURS

Student Verification: Date:______________________

For Office Use: Only Date Received from Student: Comments: I verify that this student has completed the minimum 240 client contact hours and 600 total hours of fieldwork required to graduate.

Advisor Verification Approval for Graduation Date Yes No