PR Report "Rieter Textile Instruments" (WTT YLA nominated)

Post on 06-Feb-2016

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Apprenticeship and Skill Training Program for blue-collar workers at Rieter China

Transcript of PR Report "Rieter Textile Instruments" (WTT YLA nominated)

«Hard Work helps Rieter thrive!»


P R - R e p o r t C P C N , C o n s u l t i n g P r o j e c t C h i n aB u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n , B u s i n e s s I n f o r m a t i c s , F u l l t i m e s t u d y

A p p r e n t i c e s h i p a n d s k i l l t r a i n i n g p r o g r a m f o r b l u e - c o l l a r w o r k e r s

University of Applied Sciences of Eastern Switzerland

Bernd Leyendecker, Rieter (China) Textile Instruments Co Ltd.

The scope of the project was very challenging and complex with an ambi-tious timeline. We have been highly impressed by the well-structured and

professional work attitude from each of the team members. Thanks to the great sup-port of the students, Rieter will be able to start with its own apprenticeship program and therefore set an important pillar for a sustainable growth of Rieter in China.

Coaches: Mathias Kleiner, MBA, FHS St.Gallen Prof. Ming Yao, Tongji University Shanghai

A combination of team work, persistence and at-tention to details led to a unique, tailor-made app-renticeship and skill trai-ning concept for our client. The concept provides well developed solutions which

are directly applicable. The team can be very proud of its achievements!

Rieter (China) Textile Instruments Co Ltd., Changzhou. Jiangsu. PR ChinaRieter is an industrial group, operating on a global scale, domiciled in Winterthur (Switzer-land). Formed in 1795, Rieter is now leading the field as a supplier of short-stable spinning machinery and technology components. The Rieter group is present all over the world, with 18 manufacturing facilities and a world-wide workforce of 4’500 employees. In 2005, the independent legal entity Rieter Textile Systems (Shanghai) Ltd. and Rieter Changz-hou Textile Instruments Co. Ltd. were estab-lished as a part of Rieter Business Group China.

ResultsThe intercultural project team identified all re-levant stakeholders and influence factors for a dual apprenticeship program for Rieter China. The team described them based on field research and secondary research. Over 40 interviews with blue-collar workers, super-visors, HR-directors, professors and other ex-perts were conducted within the scope of the field research in China and Switzerland. For the consolidated findings the team establis-hed CATIE; the acronym for Chinese App-

rentice Training for Improved Excel-lence. This forward-looking concept includes a strategy to implement the dual system in China, all influence factors, a proved recrui-ting concept and an individual curriculum for a Rieter class. Moreover, the project team evaluated a partner college for Rieter, set up the trainer concept and draw the floor plan for the technical training centre. Furthermore, the project team provided a retention strategy to keep Rieter’s well-educated staff.

Sustainable success starts with the first stepRieter China has no structured training pro-gram for its blue-collar workers. Trainings are hold ad-hoc and mostly on the job. For a sus-tainable and successful growth in China, Rie-ter needs are more flexible workforce with broader skill sets and a strong focus on qua-lity.

Follow the shining stars of this projectTo achieve the goals, comprehensive and in-tensive research was necessary. The project team conducted interviews in China and Swit-zerland. Additionally, intensive desk research about the Chinese labour market, the educa-

tion system and the role of Chinese govern-ment was crucial for the success of this pro-ject. Consolidated all the information and put it into a Chinese context in order to set up CATIE.

A glorious future for CATIERieter (China) has an excellent employer image. The project team is convinced that the combination of CATIE, hard work and the employer image will help Rieter thrive.

Project TeamDaniel Ritter, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Science, Switzerland / Project LeaderDong Dai, Tongji University Shanghai, ChinaMelanie Geldhauser, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Science, SwitzerlandSabrina Heller, FHS St. Gallen, University of Applied Science, SwitzerlandSu Jing, Tongji University Shanghai, ChinaXu Menqgi, Tongji University Shanghai, China

ClientRieter (China) Textile Instruments Co Ltd., Changzhou/ChinaProject Manager Rieter: Lena Hausladen / Learning & Development ChinaSteering Committee Rieter: Bernd Leyendecker / Vice President HR Rieter Textile Systems ChinaCarsten Liske / Senior Vice President, Managing Director Rieter ChangzhouStefan Hasenfratz / Vice President Operations Rieter Textile Systems

<<Apprenticeship and Skill Training Program-CATIE>>



Trainers & Mentors




Students of CATIE Promotion

Image Labour Union


Technical Training Centre

Equipment Trainers Quality


Influence factors

Starting criteria

Assessment centre Rieter

klimaneutrale Drucksache / / No. 01-11-151005 / PR 114