[PPT]13 Colonies - Klein Independent School Districtclassroom.kleinisd.net/users/0657/SS 13 COLONIES...

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Transcript of [PPT]13 Colonies - Klein Independent School Districtclassroom.kleinisd.net/users/0657/SS 13 COLONIES...



13 Colonies

New England-1620

New England Colonies

New England Colonies

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Rhode Island ColonyConnecticut ColonyNew Hampshire Colony

Puritan Town meeting

A member of the Church of England who settled in North America to follow Christian beliefs in a more “pure” way.

An gathering in the New England Colonies in which male landowners could take part in voting and other town business.

New England Colonies - Vocabulary

Triangular Trade Routes

The trade routes referred as the “Triangular Trade Route” connected England and the Colonies and West Africa. (The king only wanted English trading to be done between England and English Colonies.)

New England Colonies - Vocabulary

Native Americans of New England

English Settlers of New England Colonies

Didn’t believe any one person could own land.

They thought that by selling the land to the settlers, they were agreeing to share the land.

Bought land from the Indians to keep for themselves.

They fought with the Indians to force them off the land.

Pequot War: forced Indians off the land.

New England Colonies-Land Usage Issues

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

Puritans Religious freedomEscape from

religious persecution in England

Massachusetts Bay Colony - 1628

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop? (jobs)

John Winthrop Brought the 2nd group

of Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Colony

Governed many times in 20 years

Organized confederation of New England

FishingFur tradingShip buildingLumber/timberwhaling

Massachusetts Bay Colony - 1628

John Endecott Roger Williams

Led the 1st group of Puritans to Massachusetts Bay Colony

Minister in Salem, MA

Left Mass. Bay Colony because he believed people should follow their own religion and not have to be Puritan

Started Rhode Island Colony

Massachusetts Bay Colony - 1628

Massachusetts Bay Colony - 1628

Puritans wanted to create a “pure” church and set an example

Everyone had to be PuritanStrict law, ruled by Puritan ministersOriginal settlements were Boston and Salem

—Plymouth joins in 1691New Bedford was very important to whaling

industryTown meetings where open to everyone, but

only landowning men cold vote

Rhode Island Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

Dissenting Puritans following Roger Williams

Religious freedom (dissention from Puritan religion)

Rhode Island Colony - 1636

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

Roger Williams Minister in Salem Left Mass. Bay Colony

because he believed people should be able to follow their own religion.

Started Rhode Island Colony

Ship buildingTradingWhaling/fishing

Rhode Island Colony - 1636

Anne Hutchinson Roger Williams

Expelled from Massachusetts Bay Colony for questioning the Puritan ministers

Believe in the right to worship as you choose

Settled in Rhode Island Colony

Believed in the right to worship as you choose

MinisterFounded Rhode

Island Colony

Rhode Island Colony - 1636

Rhode Island Colony - 1663

First to allowed freedom of religion (any religion)

Believed in separation of church and state

Worked with the native Narragansett Indians

Anne Hutchinson and followers joined them later

Connecticut Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

Disenchanted Puritans (Puritans who wanted more religious freedoms)

More religious freedom than Mass. Bay Colony

Better farm landMore trade

possibilitiesMore political

freedom than Mass. Bay Colony

Connecticut Colony - 1636

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

Thomas Hooker Founded Connecticut


FarmingShip building

Connecticut Colony - 1636

Connecticut Colony - 1636

Founded by Thomas HookerThree settlements combined to form

Connecticut ColonyEstablished Fundamental Order: allowed

landowning men to vote for their leadersOne of the first written plans of government

in North America.

New Hampshire Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

English settlers More fertile farmland

New Hampshire Colony - 1679

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

David Thomson Founded New

Hampshire Colony


New Hampshire Colony - 1679

New Hampshire Colony - 1679

David Thomson started Strawberry Bank in 1623

Middle Colonies (The Bread Basket)

New York Colony, 1664New Jersey Colony, 1664 (New Netherland takeover)

Pennsylvania Colony, 1681Delaware Colony, 1704

Middle Colonies

Henry Hudson Benjamin Franklin

Dutch explorer who explored the East Coast for Holland

Explored what is now New York, New Jersey, and Delaware

Famous American inventor and thinker

Wrote “Poor Richard’s Almanac”

Organized the first firefighting company

Published a newspaperMade many inventions

(ie lightening rod)Made the first library

Middle Colonies

Middle Colonies

Colonists who left the settlements and went to live in the Piedmont

Lived in the foothills between the lowland coast and the Appalachian mountains

Used the Great Wagon Road to get herePlanted crops like Native Americans, with

beans, corn, and squash in the same mound.Most lived in log huts with dirt floors and no

windowsMade almost everything they needed

Backcountry Settlers

Middle Colonies

Dutch and Swedes: in New Netherland and New Sweden French, Scotch Irish, and Welsh: came for economic reasons and

freedom of religion Jews and Catholics: came for religious freedom..the first group of

Jews settled on New Amsterdam Others came to escape war and famine (starvation) in Europe Many free Africans lived in Philadelphia Germans: came for economic reasons and freedom of religion and

brought barn raising gun making Conestoga wagon construction

Immigrant Groups that settled in the Middle Atlantic Colonies:

Immigrant militia

A person who comes from another country to make new home

Volunteer army

Middle Colonies

Almanac The Piedmont

The book that Ben Franklin published each year with a calendar, weather forecasts, stories, jokes and wise sayings

An area at or near the foot of a mountain. The Piedmont begins in New Jersey and stretches as far south as Alabama

Middle Colonies

Refuge Farm produce

A safe place to live and worship

Grains, fruits and vegetables

Middle Colonies

Trial by jury Great Awakening

The right of people accused of breaking the law to be tried by a group of fellow citizens

A movement that called for a rebirth (redo) of religious ways of life

Middle Colonies

Justice Township

fairness An area of land

Middle Colonies

New York Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

King Charles II King Charles II wanted to expand the colonies

English takeover of New Netherland (a Dutch settlement that was looking for religious freedom)

New York Colony - 1664

Peter Stuyvesant

John Berkeley & George Carteret

Dutch leader of New Netherland

Very strict but made the colony successful

Dutch settlers didn’t like him, so they didn’t fight the English when they came to take over New York.

Englishmen who were given part of New York and New Jersey by the Duke of York

New York Colony - 1664

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

Duke of York Fur tradeCattlewheat

New York Colony - 1664

New York Colony - 1664

Started as the Dutch colony of New NetherlandMajor town: New Amsterdam first Jewish

settlementEnglish wanted to expand their land, so they

declared war on HollandEnglish took it without any fighting because the

Dutch settlers didn’t like their leadersEnglish changed it and called it New YorkSettlers cam from many places to New

Amsterdam, including the first group of Jews in North America

New Jersey Colony

New Jersey Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

EnglishKing Charles II

Part of the expanding of land for England by King Charles II

Was part of New Netherland

New Jersey Colony - 1664

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

John BerkeleyGeorge Carteret

IronShip building

New Jersey - 1664

New Jersey - 1664

Religious group who believed in peace and equality

Believe that people are basically goodRefuse to fight (pacifists)Treated poorly in England for refusing to

fightBought out Berkeley’s share of New Jersey

The Quakers, or Society of Friends

New Jersey - 1664

Used to be part of New Netherland

When the English took over, they split the colony into New York Colony and New Jersey Colony

Sold the land cheaply to anyone who wanted to come there

Pennsylvania Colony

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

It was a repayment to William Penn, from King Charles II

William Penn had loaned money to King Charles II

It was a “holy” experiment established by the Quaker colony

William Penn, the owner welcomed everyone

Pennsylvania Colony - 1681

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

William Penn Quaker who owned

Pennsylvania Planned the

government of Pennsylvania by writing the Frame of Government

Wanted peace and welcomed anyone to the colony

Fur tradingWheatCattletimber

Pennsylvania Colony - 1681

Pennsylvania Colony - 1681

Name means “Penn’s Woods”Named after William Penn’s father

William Penn kept things fair and welcomed everyone

Philadelphia was the main city

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

William Penn He bought it from the

Delaware Indians

William Penn allowed the settlers of the area to create their own government, which turned Delaware into a colony

Delaware Colony - 1704

Who led the colony? What economies did the colony develop?

William PennThe settlers


Ship building

Delaware Colony - 1704

Delaware Colony - 1704

Used to be part of PennsylvaniaWilliam Penn bought if from the Delaware Indians (he treated them fairly)

Late on, he allowed the settlers to create their own government, making it into a colony

The Southern Colonies

Virginia Colony, 1607Maryland Colony, 1632Carolina Colony, 1663

1729 – it split into North Carolina Colony and South Carolina Colony

Georgia Colony, 1723-1733

Southern Colonies

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

The Virginia Company

to become wealthy and make money finding gold and silver

Virginia Colony - 1607

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

John Smith, elected leader

Tobacco cash cropRicetimber

Virginia Colony - 1607

Major Cities


Became capital in 1699

Virginia Colony - 1607

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

The Lords Proprietors (8 English noblemen from Lord Baltimore)

The Calverts (Catholic landowners)

To provide a refuge for Catholics

Religious freedom for Catholics and Protestants

To make money

Maryland Colony - 1632

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

Lord Baltimore TobaccoFish

Maryland Colony - 1632

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

The Lords Proprietors from King Charles II charter (8 English noblemen)

FarmingTo make money

from cash crops

Carolina Colony - 1663

Carolina Colony – 1663

It became too large and difficult to govern

It became North Carolina Colony and South Carolina Colony

Carolina Colony Split, 1729

N. Carolina Colony, 1729 S. Carolina Colony, 1729

Hilly landDeveloped small


Lots of rich Coastal Plain farmlands

Developed large plantations

Carolina Colony – 1663

Who led the settlement?

William Berkeley North Carolina Colony

Anthony Ashley-Cooper South Carolina Colony

Carolina Colony - 1663

What economies did the colony develop?o Indigo – developed as a dye by Eliza Pinckneyo Riceo Timbero Tobacco

Who or what country financed the settlement?

Why was the colony founded?

James Oglethorpe and friends from King George II charter

To give debtors (people who owed money) a new start

As protection from Spain for other colonies

Georgia Colony – 1723;1733

Who led the settlement? What economies did the colony develop?

James Oglethorpe English settler who

was given a charter to settle Georgia

He wanted to bring in debtors from England to help settle it


Georgia Colony – 1732; 1733

Major City


Georgia Colony – 1732; 1733