Ppt of what can we eat from the plant

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Ppt of what can we eat from the plant

Unit : Plants


Year 1

This is a plant

What do plants need to grow?

This is soil

We plant a seed down in the soil

This is the sunlight

Plants need sunlight

This is water

Plants need water

This is air

Plants need air

How do plants take in water?

Plants take in water with


Water goes up the stem to the leaves

Parts of a plant

A plant has got flowers,


roots and a stem

This is a flower

This is a leaf

This is a stem

These are roots

What can we eat from a plant?

We eat…Roots



These are carrots

•A carrot is the root of a plant

We can eat…………..




This is an apple

An apple is the fruit of a plant

This is celery

Celery is the stem of a plant

This is Asparagus

Asparagus is the stem of a plant.

Can you guess ??

Can we eat the flower ?

Borocli Cauliflower

Can we eat seeds?



We eat….

apples oranges

celery lettuce


An apple is……

A stem of a plant A fruit of a plant

Well done!

Are you sure?

A carrot is….

A stem of a plant A root of a plant

Well done!

Are you sure?

What do plants need to grow?Plants need water

Plants need soil

Plants need sunlight

Plants need air

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