Ppt 10 jim crow laws

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Ppt 10 jim crow laws

After slavery was abolished 1865 black people still experienced discrimination and racism in south of the USA

This discrimination was often legal

The Jim Crow laws were gotten rid of after the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s

Literacy tests meant many Black people were denied the vote.

White people not affected by this

Meant that Black people not represented in political system

White pupils and Black pupils attended different schools

Black schools worse

Summer High School for white Children in Kansas

Black people not allowed to travel in same carriages as white people

also had separate waiting rooms

Blacks had to give their seats to white people on the bus

Black people also segregated when eating out

White Coloured

Pool Hall in Memphis

Write down bullet points under the following headings

School Travel Leisure Housing VotingExtension

What effects will the lack of a proper education and not being able to vote have on Black people? Think about housing, standard of living etc

Jim Crow Laws allowed all of this

Why did Black people not fight back?

Homework – research the Ku Klux Klan. What was the organisation and what did they do?