Thisisyourarchetype.Itgivesyou2starting … · Thisisyourarchetype.Itgivesyou2starting powers....

Post on 31-Jan-2021

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Transcript of Thisisyourarchetype.Itgivesyou2starting … · Thisisyourarchetype.Itgivesyou2starting powers....

  • This is your archetype. It gives you 2 startingpowers.

    One or two sentences describing your generalcharacter concept.

    You have 3 abilities: Brawn, Agility, andMind. When the outcome of an action isuncertain, or failure would be interesting, youroll a d20 and add the MODIFIER (which isequal to the SCORE minus 10) of the abilitymost suited to the action. If you roll equal orhigher than the target number, you succeed,otherwise you fail, succeed at a cost, orengender a fun complication. The targetnumber is either an opponent’s ability SCORE,or a number set by the GM.

    When you take damage, first subtract the valueof any AFFINITY you may have in therelevant ability, and then note the damage.When the damage equals the SCORE, you takeTRAUMA. Any damage beyond the scorecarries over to the next ability (i.e. fromBrawn to Agility, from Agility to Mind).PHYSICAL damage goes on your Brawn orAgility, PSYCHIC damage goes on your Mind.

    If you have a BUFFER here, add it to theability’s SCORE to determine the value atwhich you take TRAUMA.

    TRAUMA is either Physical or Mental, butwhen you have taken enough damage to exceeda second score, you take CRITICALTRAUMA instead.

    When you take damage that ARMOR couldconceivably protect against, subtract its value(1, 2, or 3, depending on type) from thedamage, before subtracting any Affinity.

    You have EQUIPMENT SLOTS equal toyour Brawn SCORE. Each slot holds 1 item,though some large items can take up more, andtiny things (such as coins) can be combined into1. This equipment is carried and easily athand. If you carry more than your allottedslots, you’re encumbered, and won’t outrunanyone!

  • WONDER isthe measure bywhich yourcharacteradvances, and itallows you toperformWONDROUSACTIONS.Wonder is acommunal pool,shared by thewhole party. Yougain Wonder asyou discoveramazing things,and you spend iton WondrousActions. TotalWonder SPENTgains youadvances.

    DRIVE is yourcharacter’s reasonfor adventuring,and facing danger,and gives you apiece of startingequipment too. Useit as a roleplayingcue.

    WEAKNESS is also a roleplaying cue, and it informsyour GM about the kinds of trouble you’d enjoy gettingyour character into.

    Your DEFENSE is equal to your Agility SCORE, plusthe value of any SHIELD you wield, plus bonuses fromany spells or powers. It is the value an opponent has toequal or beat on their attack roll to hit you.

    POWERS define the extraordinary traits of yourcharacter. They are varied and plentiful, and you gainmore as your character advances. There are powersrestricted to your archetype, and COSM powers, whichcan be taken by any archetype.

    The colored character sheet depicted here,as well as a printer-friendly black andwhite version, and others, can bedownloaded at