PowerPoint Presentation · 2016-05-10 · BENEFITS SHORT LIST Your benefits: Training provided by...

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Transcript of PowerPoint Presentation · 2016-05-10 · BENEFITS SHORT LIST Your benefits: Training provided by...

Courses &


Consultancy & Certification



Development Services



Introduction to SA8000® &

Basic Auditor Course

Date: 13th-17th of June 2016

Provided by: SAI (Social Accountability International)

Accreditation of: SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Services)

Local Host: CISEO Registrar




Your Benefits - Short List 4

Detailed Course Outline 5


About SA8000®:2014 10

About SAI 11

About SAAS 12


SA8000 Auditor Grades 14

Becoming an SA8000 Auditor 15


SA8000 Basic Auditor Training Course 17

SA8000 Advanced Auditor Training Course 19


Contact CISEO – ISO One Stop Shop 24



Introduction to SA8000 & Basic Auditor Training Course

STANDARD SA8000:2014

ACREDITATIONSAAS – Social Accountability Accreditation Services

(http://www.saasaccreditation.org )


PROVIDERSAI – Social Accountability International (www.sa-intl.org)



SAI – Social Accountability International, the accredited SA8000

trainer provider.




The electronic version of certificates is send to all participants at the end of

course by SAI. If you would like to have a hard copy, there will be a $50 charge

payable by credit card only.


RECOGNITIONInternational recognition, diploma accredited by SAAS

LOCATION Brasov, Romania

LOCAL HOSTCISEO Registrar/CISEO - ISO One Stop Shop (www.ciseo.ro) based

on the partnership between SAI and CISEO (Hosting Agreement).

DATE 13th-17th of June 2016

DURATION 5 days, from 09:00 to 18:00


$1,495 (USD) Services included:

• Certified Trainer for 5 days

• Online Registration System

• Online Master Training Course Book, with slides and case studies

• Exam grading and Certificates

• Catering (daily lunch and coffee breaks)

• Please note that the individual accommodations and transport costs

are not included in this fee.


Certified Trainer - Mr. Badrinath Gulur, SAI’s Director of Training &

Senior Accreditation Auditor at SAAS. Mr. Badrinath Gulur has worked with SAI since 2003, in a range of training and

accreditation programs. He has conducted SA8000 Auditor & Advanced training

and technical assistance in over 75 countries across Asia, Africa, USA, Europe

and Romania, as well. He is a global expert in management systems, with over

18 years of experience in Quality, Environmental, Health & Safety and Social

Accountability training, consulting and auditing. Mr. Gulur holds a Masters

Degree in Urban Environmental Management from The Netherlands. He is also

a registered IRCA Lead Auditor and Trainer for ISO 9000, ISO 14000 & OHSAS

18000. Before being involved in the training and accreditation activities of SAI

from October 2003, Mr. Gulur worked as Country Manager, Lead Auditor and

Trainer for BVQI on ISO 9000, ISO 14000, SA 8000 and OHSAS 18000. He has

conducted over 1500 audits and training programs worldwide across a variety of


LANGUAGE:The official language (verbal and writing) of this training and supporting

documents is English.


Your benefits:

Training provided by SAI - Social Accountability International, the worldwide

SA8000 training provider (please see page no. 12 for details).

Diploma issued by SAI, the issuing organization of the SA8000 Standard.

SA8000 diploma worldwide recognized, accredited by SAAS - Social

Accountability Accreditation Services (please see page no. 13 for details).

Certified Trainer, Director of Training & Senior Accreditation Auditor at

SAAS, with relevant background: SA8000 Auditor & Advanced training courses

and technical assistance in over 75 countries across Asia, Africa, USA and

Europe; over 18 years of experience in Quality, Environmental, Health &

Safety and Social Accountability training, consulting and auditing.

Accessible course location: Brasov town, in the middle of Romania, it allows

you to save time and money not travelling in other countries for obtaining the

SA8000 Auditor specialization.

Ongoing support from your local partner – CISEO ISO - One Stop Shop – the

local host of the SA8000 Auditor Training Course, based on the Hosting

Agreement between SAI and CISEO.


SA8000®Introduction to SA8000® &

Basic Auditor Course



SA8000®Introduction to SA8000® &

Basic Auditor Course

Days 1 & 3:

Module 1 - The 3 days Basic Social

Auditing Course

Days 4 & 5:

Module 2 - The 2 days Introduction to

SA8000 Course

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General informationAbout SA8000®:2014

About SA8000®:2014

The SA8000 Standard, established by SAI and one of the world’s preeminent social standards,

is a tool for implementing international labor standards to protect workers along each step of

the supply chain.

The SA8000 Standard is the central document of SAI’s work. It is one of the world’s first

auditable social certification standards for decent workplaces, across all industrial sectors. It is

based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, conventions of the ILO, UN and national law,

and spans industry and corporate codes to create a common language to measure social

performance. SA8000 takes a management systems approach by setting out the structures and

procedures that companies must adopt in order to ensure that compliance with the standard is

continuously reviewed. Those seeking to comply with SA8000 have adopted policies and

procedures that protect the basic human rights of workers. SA8000 is universally applicable,

and certification is in principle available in any state or industry, although there are some

sectors where meeting all Standard requirements poses special difficulty due to industry norms

and technical needs. SA8000 is revised periodically as conditions change. Its revisions also

incorporate corrections and improvements received from interested parties.

SA8000:2014 is the latest version of the SA8000 Standard, the world’s leading voluntary

social certification standard for workplaces. In order to help organisations build and maintain

strong management systems to become SA8000 certified and continually improve, the

SA8000:2014 certification process now includes Social Fingerprint® that focuses on the

integrity and effectiveness of SA8000 certification. Social Fingerprint will help applicants and

certified organisations develop strong management systems to improve their social

performance and compliance with SA8000.

Social Fingerprint is a set of tools that help organisations measure and improve their

management systems for social performance. It identifies the weak links in an organisation’s

management system so clients can make targeted improvements and prioritize the most

important areas. Social Fingerprint teaches an organisation about the components of an

effective and functional management system, so it can maximize resources and create the best

system tailored for its specific needs and risks. Social Fingerprint is aligned with the

SA8000:2014 Management Systems criteria, breaking down the concept of a management

system into: 10 process-based categories

and 5 maturity levels. The key tools used in Social Fingerprint are:

• A management system self-assessment completed by the applicant organisation.

• An independent evaluation of the management system completed by the SA8000 auditor.

• A rating chart that explains the maturity levels for each of the 10 categories.

Many details about the standard you can also find online at the SAI website.


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General informationAbout SAI

About SAI - Social Accountability International

SAI is a non-governmental, international, multi-stakeholder organization dedicated to

improving workplaces and communities by developing and implementing socially responsible

standards. SAI convenes key stakeholders to develop consensus-based voluntary standards,

conducts cost-benefit research, accredits auditors, provides training and technical assistance,

and assists corporations in improving social compliance in their supply chains. SAI is a US-

based charitable 501(C)(3) organization. In 1997, SAI launched SA8000 (Social

Accountability 8000) – a voluntary standard for workplaces, based on ILO and UN

conventions – which is currently used by businesses and governments around the world and is

recognized as one of the strongest workplace standards. SAI partners with trade unions, local

NGOs, multi-stakeholder initiatives, organic, fair trade, and environmental organizations,

development charities, and anti-corruption groups to carry out research, training and capacity-

building programs. SAI works to protect the integrity of workers around the world by building

local capacity and developing systems of accountability through socially responsible


Global Training and Capacity Building Programs

SAI established one of the world's preeminent social standards — the SA8000®

standard for decent work, a tool for implementing international labor standards that is being

used in over 3,000 factories, across 66 countries and 65 industrial sectors. Many more

workplaces are involved in programs using SA8000 and SAI programs as guides for

improvement. SAI is one of the world's leading social compliance training organizations,

having provided training of supply chain management and CSR to over 30,000 people,

including factory and farm managers, workers, brand compliance officers, auditors, labor

inspectors, trade union representatives and other worker rights advocates.

SAI’s training courses integrate compliance requirements with management systems to embed

improvements in daily operations. SAI has provided training to executives from numerous

industries over the past 5 years, including apparel, footwear, agriculture, electronic assembly

and light manufacturing.

SAI's Training & Capacity Programs:

SA8000 Auditor Training | Social Fingerprint® | Implementing the UN Guiding Principles

for Business & Human Rights | Professional Development | Custom Training

| Technical Assistance


General informationAbout SAAS

About SAAS - Social Accountability Accreditation Services

SAAS is an independent organization that oversees the accreditation of Certification Bodies

and course providers to ensure SA8000 training is delivered in a consistent and professional


Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) is an accreditation agency that works to

evaluate, accredit, and monitor organizations that demonstrate competency to audit and certify

organizations that conform to social standards. While Social Accountability International

(SAI) is the creator and owner of the SA8000 Standard, SAAS provides oversight to the

accreditation of certification bodies and the certification of SA8000.

SAAS is the only global accreditation body whose mission is to support implementation of

social and labor standards – this is accomplished through oversight and evaluation services

designed to assess the competency of auditing systems and individual auditors.

How SAAS Got Started

SAAS began work in 1997 as an accreditation department within SAI and was formally

established as its own independent, not-for-profit organization in 2007. In 1998, SAAS began

accrediting Certification Bodies to perform audits that certify qualifying organizations to the

SA8000 Standard. In the structure of management systems accredited certification, there must

be systems in place to control processes and to show that performance is compliant with those

requirements. The idea that a system must include objective verification and evaluation for

competence to perform their task was at the core of developing an accreditation and oversight


SAAS has since expanded its scope to include accrediting bodies to audit against the

InterAction PVO standard, conducting oversight of the BSCI verification code, development of

the Magen Tzedek program, accreditation of the GoodWeave International system, and

oversight and monitoring of organizations delivering SA8000 Training, including SAI.

SAAS Accreditation

SAAS is the only international accreditation body offering third party accreditation for social

audit certification systems. SAAS has built its reputation by offering systems to provide

oversight of social audit programs in a consistent, reliable, and transparent manner.

SAAS accreditation and assurance programs include SA8000 Certification and SA8000

Auditor Training, BSCI Code of Conduct Audits, GoodWeave International, Magen Tzedek,

and InterAction PVO standards.


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Auditor Training Program



Social accountability auditor and other personnel involved in certification

functions: Technical Expert (TE), SA8000 Auditor (A), SA8000 Specialist

Auditor (SA), SA8000 Lead Auditor (LA), SA8000 Senior Lead Auditor

(SLA), SA8000 Program Manager (PM).

SA8000 Specialist Auditor: Individual who is recognized as meeting "Specialist

Auditor" competence and maintenance requirements (see below). The Specialist Auditor

is a member of the audit team assigned to conduct specific interviews and/or review

specific audit evidence (e.g. gender related issues) utilizing his/her specialized skills.

Specialized skills may include investigative skills, accounting skills, labor relations skills,

interview skills, labor law skills, community relations skills, specific safety/health skills etc.Note: An "SA8000 Specialist" is an individual who, under the direct supervision of a SA8000 Lead

Auditor for mentoring purposes, assumes the role of Specialist SA8000 Auditor focusing purely on

specific issues, including worker interviews and gender-specific topics.

SA8000 Auditor: Individual who is recognized as meeting "SA8000 Auditor"

competence and maintenance requirements (see below). Working under the

direction of an SA8000 Lead Auditor, SA8000 Auditor is authorized to

perform "audit team member" duties during all stage s of SA8000

certification.Note: "SA8000 Auditor Trainee" is an individual who, under the direct supervision of an SA8000

Lead Auditor for mentoring purposes, assumes the role of SA8000 Auditor.

SA8000 Lead Auditor: Individual who is recognized as meeting "SA8000 Lead Auditor"

competence and maintenance requirements (see below). SA8000 Lead Auditor is

authorized to perform "audit team leader" duties during all stages of SA8000 certification.

An SA8000 Lead Auditor who is directly employed by a CB is authorized to review and

accept/reject SA8000 audit quotations/costing/ scheduling/outline planning (refer to SAAS

procedure 201A) on behalf of CB top management. This individual is defined as the “Audit

Team Leader” in ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015.Note: "SA8000 Lead Auditor Trainee" is an individual who, under the direct supervision of an

SA8000 Lead Auditor for mentoring purposes, assumes the role of SA8000 Lead Auditor.

SA8000 Senior Lead Auditor: Individual who is recognized as meeting "SA8000

Senior Lead Auditor" competence and maintenance requirements (see below). In addition

to performing the duties of SA8000 Lead Auditor, SA8000 Senior Lead Auditor is also

authorized to monitor and qualify other SA8000 auditor and allied expert personnel as

meeting required competence/maintenance requirements (see below).Note: "SA8000 Acting Senior Lead Auditor" is an individual who, under the direct supervision of an

SA8000 Senior Lead Auditor for mentoring purposes, assumes the role of SA8000 Senior Lead


Details about the other SA80000 Auditor grades and functions are mentioned in “SAAS

Procedure 201B”.

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If you are interested in becoming an SA8000 Auditor, you must take an SA8000 course

accredited by Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) as well as meet the

requirements as set out in SAAS Procedure 200. SAAS is an independent organization that

oversees the accreditation of Certification Bodies and course providers to ensure SA8000

training is delivered in a consistent and professional manner. All SA8000 auditor and allied

expert personnel and other personnel involved in certification functions must possess the

generic competence described in ISO/IEC 17021-1:2015 as well as the specific social

accountability competencies described in the document “SAAS Procedure 201B”:Grade SA8000 Auditor: Details in SAAS Procedure 201B - Page 11.

Grade SA8000 Lead Auditor: Details in SAAS Procedure 201B – Page 13.

The purpose of the above mentioned document is to supplement the accreditation requirements

within other normative documents (SAAS Procedure 201A, ISO/IEC 17011:2004, and

ISO17021-1:2015). It achieves this by further defining minimum competence and maintenance

requirements for the following social accountability auditor and other personnel involved in

certification functions: Technical Expert (TE), SA8000 Auditor (A), SA8000 Specialist Auditor

(SA), SA8000 Lead Auditor (LA), SA8000 Senior Lead Auditor (SLA), SA8000 Program

Manager (PM). SA8000 auditor and allied expert personnel appointed to audit teams,

between them, reflect the totality of competencies (see tables below), location-specific

knowledge, language skills and cultural knowledge required to perform the audit being

undertaken, (refer to Procedure 200 and Procedure 201A for detailed requirements regarding

the planning and composition of audit teams).

Basic Requirements

Auditors interested in conducting SA8000 audits may do so in one of two ways: working

directly for a Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) - accredited Certification

Body or working as an individual auditor.

The most basic requirements are:

SA8000 Lead Auditor:

a) qualified by a SAAS accredited certification body;

b) qualified ISO 9001:2000 or equivalent lead auditor by a SAAS accredited certification

body or by a recognized auditor certification body;

c) trained at SAAS approved courses as specified in 3.7 of Procedure 200 for both basic

and continuation curriculum’

d) experienced, demonstrated by having:

a. satisfactorily served as a lead auditor on at least three accredited ISO 9001 or

14001 certification audits or equivalent;

b. participated in at least three SA8000 certification or surveillance audits (or

equivalent) as a team member.

SA8000 Team Auditor:

a) be employed by or under contract to a SAAS accredited certification body or working as an

individual auditor;

b) qualified ISO 9001:2000 or equivalent auditor by a SAAS accredited certification body or by a

recognized auditor certification body;

c) trained at SAAS approved courses as specified in 3.7.of Procedure 200 for both basic and

continuation curriculum;

d) have conducted as a team member at least three accredited ISO 9001 or 14001 or equivalent


e) participated in at least one SA8000 audit as an observer.

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SA8000 AuditorTraining Courses


The field of Social Responsibility has been continually improving and expanding to

enhance human rights at the work place. Improving global working conditions is

important for workers and their families, and it is important for businesses and

consumers. As the field of social performance expands from auditing to capacity

building, the professional requirements for auditors and consultants evolve daily.

Having the tools to help companies and individuals measure and improve in the

areas of social performance, supply chain management, and management systems

development and implementation is critical.

SAI training courses are designed to encourage proficiency in social compliance and

emphasize the implementation of management systems in combination with

performance elements embedded in the SA8000 Standard. These courses are

required for all SA8000 auditors, and are just as valuable to internal auditors,

buyers, managers and workers for auditing to any labor code or standard – as

we see these audiences in our training courses. SAI’s training courses are open to


SA8000 Auditor Training Courses:

1. Introduction to SA8000 & Basic Auditor Course

2. SA8000 Advanced Training Course

1. Introduction to SA8000 Basic Auditor Training Course


Goal of SA8000 Basic Auditor Training Course

The five-day SA8000 Introduction & Basic Auditor Training Course trains certification

auditors and professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and interests.

Over the years the course has drawn auditors, corporate compliance staff, managers

from brands, retailers and manufacturers, government officials, academics, and trade

union and NGO representatives. The course provides practical knowledge on the main

issues of social auditing and performance, using the SA8000 management systems

approach. It provides training in:

• Key concepts and background on social compliance in the supply chain and social


• Understanding the elements of the SA8000 Standard

• Review of common compliance problems and possible solutions

• Effective auditing techniques related to each social compliance element

• Effective methods for managing risk in a facility or across a whole supply chain

The guidance document, in-depth case studies, virtual factory tours and highly

interactive group exercises allow for hands-on learning and practical application

methods and tools. The course concludes with a comprehensive exam, and students

who successfully pass are awarded a Certificate of Successful Completion.

The SA8000 Basic Auditor Training Course has recently been updated to reflect

the SA8000:2014 changes as well as incorporating the emerging issues and

techniques in the field of social compliance auditing. SAI trains certification auditors

and professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. About 1,000

people take the course every year with SAI, and the Basic course has drawn auditors,

corporate compliance staff, managers from brands, retailers and manufacturers,

government officials, academics, and trade union and NGO representatives.

As of July 1, 2015, the SA8000 Basic Auditor training course has been fully updated

and is now structured differently. This course now takes a Modular Approach, so that

our increasingly diverse audiences can tailor the training for their needs.

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Module 1: The 3 days Basic Social Auditing CourseThis Module will teach students how to apply methods and techniques

to plan and conduct a Social Responsibility audit.

Core concepts and background on social compliance in the supply chain

Practical knowledge of social auditing and performance

Review of common compliance problems and possible solutions

Application of methods and techniques to gather, evaluate & triangulate

satisfactory objective evidence during an audit to determine the conformance of a


Ability to generate accurate, appropriate and comprehensive audit findings and


Module 2: The 2 days Introduction to SA8000 CourseThis Module will teach students the principles of SA8000 and how to use tools,

including Social Fingerprint, to plan and conduct an SA8000 audit.

Understanding the elements of the SA8000 Standard

Effective auditing techniques related to each SA8000 social compliance element

A review of the SA8000 documents and tools, including in-depth review of Social


Practical knowledge of the Management Systems Approach

Application of methods and techniques to conduct, and generate findings, on an

SA8000 audit.

These two modules will often be offered together as a 5-day course for

participants hoping to obtain the SA8000 Basic Auditor Training Course

Completion Certificate.

Therefore, in order to obtain the SA8000 Completion Certificate, participants

must take both Modules 1 and 2.

Overall, the modules together involve in-depth case studies, virtual factory tours and

highly interactive group exercises allow for hands-on learning and practical

application methods and tools. The course concludes with a comprehensive exam,

and students who successfully pass, after attending both Modules, are awarded a

Certificate of Successful Completion.

These courses are required for all SA8000 auditors. Please check with your

Certification Body to determine what other requirements may be necessary for you.

SA8000 Advanced Auditor Training Course www.CISEO.ro

*Please note: The SA8000 Basic Course is also a pre-requisite for the SA8000

Advanced Course. Participants must have already successfully completed the

course and exam prior to enrolling in the SA8000 Advanced Course.

Social auditors play an essential role in maintaining the integrity of the SA8000

certification and other labor audits to ensure human rights in workplaces around the

world. As of February 2012, SAI's SA8000 Advanced Auditor Training Course consists

of two mandatory components: online training and classroom training.

Part 1: Online Training: SA8000 Advanced Auditor Pre-Requisite Online


This online course reviews fundamental concepts and highlights from SAI’s 5-day Basic

Auditor classroom course. It is a pre-requisite to SAI’s 3-day Advanced Auditor

classroom course. The goal is to promote a stimulating, value-added learning

environment - where all participants enter the Advanced Auditor classroom well-

prepared and ready to engage with trainers and peers in the advanced exercises and

discussions. The course can also be taken as a standalone, for those seeking a primer

or refresher on key aspects of management-systems based auditing for labor


Topics include:

o Auditor Attitudes, Skills & Knowledge;

o International Labor Conventions and Standards;

o Labor Standards Elements: Child Labor, Forced Labor, Health & Safety, Freedom of

Association, Discrimination, Disciplinary Practices, Working Hours, Remuneration

and Management Systems;

o SA8000 Certification System;

o Auditor Role and Audit Process;

o Preview of Advanced Auditor Course: Enhancing Auditor Competencies.

The online course takes about 2 hours to complete and may be accessed on-demand

at the participant's convenience. On-screen slides, recorded audio/video, and non-

scored quizzes provide an interactive learning experience. Finally, a scored on-screen

exam helps participants gauge whether they have effectively absorbed the material.

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Part 2: Classroom Training: 3 days SA8000 Advanced Auditor Classroom


The 3-day classroom course reinforces and develops advanced knowledge, skills

and attitudes for experienced social auditors. The class builds on the collective

experiences of the participants, offering insight into fundamental issues that arise

on a regular basis in field assessments.

Key topics:

o Expanded compliance knowledge of industry sector and regional issues;

o Enhanced auditing skills and expertise through extensive case studies and role

play exercises ;

o Tools to assess adequate levels of client performance in areas such as basic

needs wage, overtime hours, freedom of association and control of suppliers;

o Interview techniques essential to gathering accurate information from workers,

NGOs, labor organizations and other parties.

This course is designed to simulate an audit and includes document review,

worker interviews, writing non-conformance requests and conducting open and

closed meetings.

The class concludes with a one-hour examination taken on the final day of the

course to ensure that each student has absorbed the critical teaching points

successfully and students who successfully pass are awarded a Certificate of

Successful Completion.

Both online and classroom components are required for all participants - neither

component is available as a standalone and one cannot be substituted for the

other. Anyone who does not complete the online course or scores below 75% on

both exam attempts will have 10 points deducted from the final classroom exam.

Why to choose CISEO?

1. A wide range of training courses available for various international

standards on single or integrated management system:



ISO courses: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 22000 (HACCP), FSSC

22000, IFS, BRC, ISO 27001, ISO 13485, ISO 20000, ISO 50001, ISO/TS 16949, SA

8000 etc.

Internal Auditors Courses with national and international recognition.

Auditors, Managers, Specialist courses (COR code) with national accreditation (ANC)

External Auditors Courses with international accreditation (IRCA, SAAS, APMG)

ANC accreditation Courses: Auditors, Managers, Specialists etc.

Specialized Courses: Project Manager etc.

Improvement courses: Six Sigma, Lean Manufacturing, Kaizen, Soft Skills etc.

Why to choose CISEO?

6. Accessible course location – in the middle of the country (Brasov, Romania).

2. Access to ANC, IRCA, SAAS, APMG accredited courses.

7. Ongoing support until you get the certificate and after.

3. Certificates issued by international recognized training providers or

multinational accredited Certification Bodies.

4. Certified Trainers with relevant practical experience as Auditor in different

fields of activity and in different countries and cultures.

5. Access to complete and correct information provided by CISEO’s specialized


Choose the perfect

courses & training for you or your team!

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ISO One Stop Shop

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E-mail: office@ciseo.ro

Telephone: 0727.963.012

CISEO - ISO One Stop Shop

CISEO - ISO One Stop Shop is for Romanian organizations, the fair,

competent and reliable partner, acting as an integrator of services and

solutions perfectly adapted for the certification & implementation of

European standards in organizations from all over Romania.

CISEO - ISO One Stop Shop is the bridge between customers,

consultants and ISO Certification Bodies.

Thank you for choosing us!

S.C. CISEO Registrar S.R.L. - CUI 17883070 – J08/2064/2005 – www.ciseo.ro – e-mail: office@ciseo.ro - tel.: 0727.963.012