PowerBot+ Dashboard Tutorial v3.1

Post on 08-Jan-2017

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Transcript of PowerBot+ Dashboard Tutorial v3.1

PowerBot+ Dashboard

Version 3.3

Added Arcana Buffs

PowerBot+ Dashboard description

Now you can see everything you need to see on a single screen! The PB+ Dashboard contains

an overview of your city's defensive capabilities and current status. It is integrated in PB+ and

part of PB+ can be configured as well to suit your needs in PowerBot+.

Main Features: Toggle City Defense Mode On/Off

Arcana Tab

Arcana Tower Buffs in Fortification Tab

Distance to HQ & inside or outside Aura (Red/green indicator)

Quickly select Marshal, Champion, Throne Room and Guardian

Attack, Defense & Life boosts

Change Guardian and Throne Room Preset

Sacrifice Troops!

View Troops in City - Split by Defenders and Sanctuary, and categorized by troop type

(Infantry, Ranged, Horsed, Siege and SpellCasters)

Quickly change defending troops

Add extra defenders and defensive presets

View Reinforcements - both encamped and incoming

View Wall Fortifications

The "Overview" section has options to change Marshall, Guardian, Champion and Throne


The Throne Room selector tells you immediately when the throne room change request has

been accepted by the server. This will help you decide how late you can safely leave throne

room changes before an attack hits, based on your connectivity and the responsiveness of your


Throne Room presets can now be named, and can optionally be selected by name.

Everything else is really just eye-candy, but it's kind of nice eye candy ;)

Let us configure the options,

The Dashboard Settings Tab Options

- Show Dashboard – Show Dashboard in game screen


- Overview Defend button / Troops defend Button Option to show Hide/Defend buttons.

- Show TR Preset Changer

Option to show Preset selectors in dashboard.

- Select Preset by name

Option to show Preset numbers OR the Preset Names you gave your presets.

Preset that is active will be highlighted in Blue.

- Graphical Champion Selector

Option to show name (right) or the Pic representing each champ (Left)

- Show quick Sacrifice icons

Option to show graphical representation of each troop in the Defending city

with option to Sacrifice (Fey) or not.

Clicking a Pic representing a Troop, will Sacrifice that troop for the “Default

Sacrifice Duration”.

- Default sacrifice duration Standard set at 1-minute Sacrifice duration. You can change to higher minute

settings according to your needs.

- Maximum troops to sacrifice The maximum amount of troops you can Sacrifice via Dashboard is 100.000

You can change to lower then 100.000 or higher, depending on your needs.

- Show Assign Defenders section above Troop display

The possibility to put the red encircled section on top (choice) or below on the

Troop section (Standard)

- Show defense add troops

The ability to add troops to defense.

- Default add defense amount

Standard adds 100.000 troops to defense, change to lower or higher setting

to suit your needs.

- Show defensive Presets

The ability to change Troop configurations via Presets based on Defense


Presets can be made for different defending scenarios where you would use

different troops to defend in different scenarios’ based on incoming attack


The ability to change the components order in Dashboard.

This is the standard option when you install PB+.

You can UNTICK the components you do NOT want to show on Dashboard.

In this Example the Fortifications and Outgoing Attacks Components are unticked

and therefore will not show themselves on Dashboard. This can be done to make

Dashboard smaller and/or remove components you do NOT need.

The Sequence can be altered to, My Dashboard has “Incoming Attacks” on top

instead of at bottom. You can change the sequence by changing the numbers


Throne Room Presets

These are the common settings. (It shows your


You can alter the names “Preset 1 to 24 “etc.

to reflect what preset it is, like “defense 1”, or

Names (Which make sense to You) etc.

You can when selected, let PB+ change your

Presets based on selected Presets. Gives an

illusion you are at keyboard.

If you have named your Presets in TCO, when

clicking this Option, PB+ will pull the Preset

Names from TCO and import them here.

Game wise it should / could look like this on your screen.

This Depends on YOUR Monitor screen and setting and what you set in PB+.

The 3 settings are Normal, Wide and Ultra.

Normal sets the screen width to 100%... Wide sets the screen width to 1520px, and Ultra sets

the screen width to 1900px. (Check what fits your screen size best, if you have a 22-inch

screen ULTRA would best fit you)

For people with screen resolutions of say, 1280px, Normal gives them 100% of their visible

screen, wide gives them a bit extra with a scrollbar, and ultra gives them even more with a

longer scrollbar. Barbarossa 01-07-2015

The Battle Dashboard We will now discuss the various options this dashboard gives in game

I have made it smaller by not expanding all options so it’s easier to discuss by level

Your 8 cities. By clicking the number of the city, the dashboard gives you the

option to go to that city and what is there. In addition, hovering over a city number

gives you a pop up with resources in that city.










The distance from the City you

are on to HQ is measured.

If the distance is Green you are

within the Aura.

If the distance is Red you are

outside the Aura.

Below the 8 city tabs, you have 4 options. To mist, to dove, to use portal of

refuge or portal of order. You can do so by clicking those icons. Mist & dove are

general. PoR & PoO is for the city that is highlighted in the city tab above. From

this dashboard you can take immediate action without going into inventory.

This refresh button refreshes the game WITHOUT reloading the page. It’s great

for stuck scout marches, knights not available etc. Try it, it really works.

This info part gives you a lot of info, city name, the location (cords) + province.

If you have an embassy and how many slots available. If there is a Marshal and

which level. Also if a champion is defending that city, and if not, you can quickly

assign one or change the champion to one of your other champions. (if no

champion is send by attacker, you may want a champ defending that has all troops

stats and thus favoring the outcome in your advantage)

Look may vary depending if you have Graphical selector for Champions

activated or not.

In this row you can change the guardians of your city, you can quickly switch to

defense or attack or else. Selected/Active Guardian is blue Encircled.





This line is for attack/defense / health, the icons reflect the options you can

activate here. In the picture given you see that 50/20/10 is activated. I can easily

click on de 50% attack & 50% defense (blood fury & iron skin) as well as the new

health option icons (last 2)

These are all your TR presets, 24 total.5 If all Presets unlocked)

You can quickly change to your preset of attacking, defending, or peacetime, or

load etc. Again depending which option you have selected, Classic numbers, Or

New Presets by name.

Classic / Standard View

New Presets by Name.

The option to set City to Hide or Defense.




The Arcane Tab

The main part of this is a new expandable section on the Dashboard, labelled

"Arcana", where you can view the currently active bonuses, and activate

additional Personal Bonuses if there are any available.

Note that the game does not provide a way to cancel active Arcana Bonuses, so

use with caution!

IF you are the chancellor of your alliance, you can also activate Alliance Bonuses

here too.

The effect of the bonus on the currently selected city can be viewed by hovering

the mouse over the arcana name or selecting the bonus.

In time when you unlock the levels (1-5) of the Arcane Temple more bonuses

become available for Alliance & Personal use.

On Max level, you will have access to 5 bonuses for Alliance and 3 for Personal use.

Arcana’s running out will be marked in red, warning you that you either you need

to choose a new one or prolong again the one you had active.

The Sacrifice Tab

There is a lot of info here about sacrificing

Number of Altars you have in that city, and what increase (%) that gives. Also it

shows which blessings you have activated for that city. Like in this case Dark Ritual

(yes) and Channeled suffering (no).




On the troop type box, which drops down, you select the troop you want to

sacrifice. Then in the amount box you enter how many. Standard it will give you

already a small sacrifice that lasts around 1 minute. When you change the amount

in the amount box you will increase the sacrifice period. (the more you sacrifice

the longer the period)

When you have 2 altars in that fey city (as sacrificing only works for Fey cities) and

you have the blessing Dark ritual (which allows for 2 simultaneous rituals) as soon

as you have sacrificed the 1st troop, the second box becomes available to sacrifice

the 2nd troop.

OR (Best Option)

Clicking any troop type pic will sacrifice that troop (720 units) for the short

duration of 60 secs.

Here you see the 2 sacrifices in action, the amount sacrificed, duration that it

will be active (countdown) and the ability to cancel the Sacrifice (when needed)




Also, sacrifice as you know takes troops from Sanctuary, if you've moved your troops to

Defend and ask it to sacrifice, it will claw-back the amount you need from defend to

sanctuary, and then does the Sacrifice. TIP!

As soon as you switch to a NON fey city, thus Briton or Druid, the sacrifice

level in dashboard will auto disappear. This has to do with the fact that you

can only Sacrifice in Fey cities and if you have Altars.

SIDENOTE, your attack city needs 2 altars at level 10, this gives you the full

40% boost.


if you have this option ticked, Auto replace, then the troops you have set

defending will get auto replaced when killed. (provided you have enough

troops to replace the lost troops. IE: you have set 200k Flame Archers

1 3





defending, and you have 1 million still in city. If you lose the 200k FA in

defending (you lost the battle) then it auto takes 200k FA again and puts it in

defense of city again. You can do this when online and you need to replace

your troops fast in a battle. But if you are defending when not at PC an

attacker can continue to kill the troops defending and if they get auto

replaced, can kill a lot of your troops. Careful thus with this option.


Please use this option with care - it's a great way to lose all your troops....

On the dashboard - troops section there's now a tick box labelled Auto-Replenish. If ticked,

after each attack, your defenders will be reset to the levels they were before the attack. This is

to enable you to (hopefully) successfully defend multiple waves. There may be timing issues

with the attack landing, so I cannot guarantee this will work 100% of the time, but it's a feature that's been asked for many times, so why not give it a shot ;)

Here it will show the troops defending and how many. See below pic for an


200k Flame archers have been selected to defend the city (But are not

defending yet as they are hiding) (The HIDING button is green) (But defense

is ready & standby by when needed)


The green HIDING button will turn RED when you click it and NOW you will

be defending with the selected troops, in this case the 200k Flame Archers.

You see that everything turns red, as a sign that you are defending now.

Clicking the DEFENDING button (3) again will set it back at HIDING.

This shows the total amount of troops available in the city, categorized by


in the Troops section, pretty much everything is clickable... i.e. if you want to switch all your Ranged troops to defend, you can click on the sanctuary Ranged column heading, and they all move to Defend. alternatively, if you want to move all your scouts to defend, you can click on the Scouts image or label in the sanctuary section, and they all jump up to Defend... and vice versa, to switch back to sanctuary, click the stuff in the Defend section...



Click Hcav pic or Horsed Tab (Sanctuary) to move all to Defend (Horsed tab

will move all Horsed troops, including Lcav, Hussars, if available, PIC of troop

just moves that troop)

Now all Hcav have been moved to Defend status, Reversing the troops from

Defend to Sanctuary, click the Horsed tab (for all) or the pic of the troop

(Troop specific).

Assign Defenders, from this part you can select and assign troops for the

defense of your city.

I have selected FLAME ARCHERS; the pre-defined amount is 200k. I can

change this to more or less. By clicking ADD, the 200k Flame Archers will be

selected and moved to previous discussed panel, for the defense of the city.

I can also build presets here. With presets I can select a group of troops

defending for specific defensive strategies. Aka, you can switch a group of

troops to defense to suit your needs.


In this case I have selected 100k scouts + 200k flame archers + 100k Onagers


Defensive preset 1. By clicking the SAVE button, this preset will be stored.

By clicking the REPLACE button, the 200k flame archers that were set before,

are now replaced by the troops in “defensive preset 1”

You can build as many defensive presets as you want with different troop

types and quantities. By using the drop down box for the presets, you can

select the preset you want (with the troops you want defending + qty already

set) Then click REPLACE and the troops will be set for defending.

This is useful, when you need to switch defending troops from RANGED to

SIEGE troops for example. This depending of course what is attacking you.

An Example:

You have 300k Heavy cav incoming. You decide to use as defense 300k Catas.

You select “defensive preset 2” which is programmed by you to have 300k

catas in that preset. Now you click REPLACE and the 300k catas are set in

defense stance. When the time comes to defend, you click the HIDING

button to switch to DEFENDING and you select (at the last moment) the TR

Preset (1-24) of your throne room where you will defend with. (All from the

DASHBOARD) as you remember, the TR presets were in the 1st panel we


Just after the 300k Heavy cav, there is another wave incoming of archers. You

decide to defend with RANGED troops. Again from the dropdown box you

select the “defensive preset” you want and click replace button. The 300k

catas are switched out for the preset you built for ranged troops. When the

time comes to defend again, you click the HIDING button to switch to

DEFENDING and you select (at the last moment) the TR Preset (1-24) of your

Throne Room where you will defend with.

When mastered, it saves time by switching presets to defend with different

troops instead of manually adding the troops for defending with. Of course

the troops you want to defend with have to be in the city.

You have to try it for yourself a few times, by building presets of troops you

want and switch the presets & troops, when you have a calm moment (not

under pressure of attack) That way you can see how much time you save,

and train yourself to get the hang of it. When you get the hang of it, it is a


Note: Now you also understand that when you were attacking someone, why

there where different troops defending when your waves landed and how it is


Basically what you need in Dashboard, has

now been discussed.

Reinforcements Tab

If expanded this part will show you the troops reinforcing, you. Since the

Dashboard is already big with above options, and those are the ones you use

the most, I therefore have not expanded the reinforcements part. If you

have the screen size and it all fits, your choice of course.

Troops that are encamped you can send home via “Send Home” Button,

troops that are still inbound to you, show a countdown how long it takes

them still to arrive at your city. Use Red “Send all Home” to send all reins


Fortifications Tab

If expanded this part will show you the wall & field & Tower (level)defenses

of your city.

In addition, Arcane Bonuses related to the Towers are also displayed.

Remember, Arcane bonuses raise ALL stats of the Towers.

Tower boosts (Shop Items) can be easily activated by clicking on their icon in

the fortification Tab. Giving Boosts to Tower Attack and Tower Life

Incoming Attacks This is the bottom of the dashboard.

If there are no incoming attacks, it will be like the pic above.

In case of incoming attacks, this part will expand to reflect the incoming


Also you can take action from here.

For purposes of explaining, I have closed some levels so the Battle

Dashboard” is smaller and we can see top & bottom easily in the pic.




On the top of the dashboard, the city that is under attack will turn red and

above the refresh button you will now have a countdown timer, how long till

the attack reaches your city.

Also in this level, you can see the time till attack arrives and there is more.

A) On the A part, you can see the name of the attacker. By clicking on the

name part this will open another pop-up, “The battle Monitor”

B) The B part gives the location of the attacker. By clicking on the cords, you

will be taken to those cords on the map.

C) The C part will inform you what is coming towards you. If there is a knight,

champion, which troops and what quantities.

Let’s See it in action




By clicking on the attacker’s name, as previous said, you will get a new pop


This battle monitor will show you the Throne Room Preset of the attacker

and if the attacker is changing it.

When I click the attackers name, the battle monitor will be launched as you

will see in the next picture.





1) Reflects your TR preset and which one you are currently on (in this case


2) All the info of the Attacker, Name, Alliance, TR/CH Might, Glory Might +

clickable link to kocbyte to see the player’s profile on kocbyte.

3) The Attackers TR will be shown here, what he is using on that moment. If

he changes, it will show as well to what it changes. This helps you

anticipate better in Defending that Attack & counter it.

A) With that button you can post the Attackers TR to alliance chat.

B) With that button you can go to the Attacker’s throne room and see the

items he is using exactly

C) Pauses the monitor. Freezes it. And the PAUSE button becomes a RESUME


Please note that the monitor times out in 15 minutes. As you can see at the

top, a countdown timer reflects that (14:53). After 15 minutes you have to

click the RESUME button to keep monitoring.

Especially when a battle with another player exceeds 15 minutes, your

monitor will pause. This can give you “unreliable” info as it will be stuck

with the TR it freezes on. So keep an eye on the timer, and when the 15

minutes are up, click the resume button. You get a sound alert as well

(arrow sound) when the timer is up.

Monitoring players

Monitor History Log

Keep a record of all the unique throne rooms you have ever monitored! (Well, up to

a maximum of 50, oldest ones eventually drop off the bottom...)

Label them, post them to chat, view them again, etc.

The "Keep" tick box stops them from dropping off the bottom.

For a quick-view of TR, mouse over the throne icon on the left...

This is what the LOG pop up will show, you can look them up again. Or keep

monitoring them, for TR changes, so you can gain INTEL on TR’ presets being used

by that person.

The Monitor Options

These are the common settings. (you may change to what you need)

The Option to use sound alerts with ability to set volume & test that volume.

The Option to use colors in monitor window to quickly show the Battle stats per color

group. Each Stat Group has its own color (Attack = Red, Defense = Blue, range = Green etc.)

and GENERAL buffs & Debuffs are in BOLD as where Troop SPECIFIC are not Bold.








6 7

The Option to “Show PVP Effects Only” allows you to show the monitor with

Battle Stats only. You will not see Crafting Speed etc., as these are not Battle

Important Stats, basically you will see only the Stats that are important for your

decisions. (less Clutter)

PvP Effects Only Show All


Alternate Sort Order.

Example 1 is with Alternate Sort Order Example 2 Without Alternate Sort Order

With gives you all ALL GENERAL & Specific Grouped together.

Show throne room preset changer

This will Show or not Show the Preset changer on the monitor



Select Presets by Name.

Depending on your Preferences, Classical Preset View or New by Preset Name.

Monitor Refresh Rate.

You have the option to set the Monitoring Rate from 1 to 5 seconds.

Standard enabled at 3 seconds.



Legend for Colors

Blue = Defense

Red = Attack

Green = Range

Cyan = Life

Orange = Accuracy

Black = Combat Speed

Magenta = Other PvP combat effects, SpellCasters

Grey = others (non-combat)

Bold = General (affects all troops)

Italics = Debuff

Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes, it gives you and edge, or advantage, but

it leaves also many people clueless. The objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players have

a better under understanding of the game. The more players participate, the better the overall experience is for all players.

More attacking and defending means “lively” domains full of activity.
