power point bout nutrition

Post on 07-Mar-2016

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Healthy diet pyramid: what you should eat every day How much you should eat from each group Unhealthy food All the following food is very unhealthy and must not be eaten in excess because it can be the cause of very bad diseases in the future that can cause a lot of difficulties and also make your life shorter. They're not completely forbidden, but you should eat them the least you can. School Activities about nutrition

Transcript of power point bout nutrition

Healthy diet pyramid:
what you should eat every day

How much you should eat from each group

All the following food is very unhealthy and must not be eaten in excess because it can be the cause of very bad diseases in the future that can cause a lot of difficulties and also make your life shorter. They're not completely forbidden, but you should eat them the least you can.

Unhealthy food

School Activities about nutrition


Multiple choice questions about nutrition.Video on how to eat healthy.Tips for a balanced diet (what you should eat everyday).Activity on diseases related to poor nutrition.

All these activities were quite entertaining as they didn't involve much work but they were very useful, and they were worth the two lessons we dedicated to them.


PowerPoint about the projectVideo about nutrition factsWritten activities about nutrition and food components.The fast food song.

This lesson was pretty fun because everything we learned in it were things we hadn't ever heard before so it was all new for us. Additionally, I think the reason we learned so much was because of the PowerPoint presentation, as it's more visual than simply some theoretical texts.


Elaboration of a healthy diet.Activity about knowing how many proteins, carbohydrates, calories and fats each food contains.

In my opinion, this was the most difficult lesson about nutrition we've done. We had to work a bit more than in other lessons, and do a lot of calculations to know the components of each food, but we made it out pretty well finally.


Picture project about exercise

We had to do a project which consisted in taking pictures of us in groups while practising several different sports.