Power Choices - Eurelectric€¦ · The Power Choices scenario delivers a signifi cant part of the...

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Power ChoicesPathways to Carbon-Neutral Electricity in Europe by 2050

EURELECTRIC’s 2007 Role of Electricity project

showed that, under the most favourable scenario using

all available energy options to meet a 50% reduction

target for carbon dioxide emissions in the EU 25 by

2050, the specific CO2 emissions for the European

power sector would fall from the current 0.45 tonnes

CO2 per MWh to 0.10 t CO2/ MWh - equivalent to some

500 million tonnes of CO2 per annum.

Meanwhile the 4th Assessment Report of the

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicated

that, to in order to stabilise atmospheric CO2 emissions

within the threshold of 440ppm, and thus hold the

global temperature rise to an average of 2°C over the

pre-industrial level, emissions would have to fall by

50% on current levels and that the OECD countries

would have to reduce their emissions by 60-80%. This

implies that the OECD power sector would have to be

virtually carbon-free by 2050.

Recognising the responsibility of the power sector as a

major emitter of greenhouse gas, sixty Chief Executives

of electricity companies representing well over 70%

of total EU power generation signed a Declaration in

March 2009, committing to action to achieve carbon-

neutrality by mid-century. The Declaration, which also

draws attention to the need for a properly-functioning

electricity market in Europe, the desirability of an

international carbon

emissions market and

the role of efficient

electric technologies

in the overall drive for

energy efficiency and

carbon reductions, was

handed to the EU Energy

Commissioner by


Lars G Josefsson.

Carbon-neutrality means:

- Calculatingemissionsaccuratelyinatransparent


- Reducingemissionstothefullestextentfeasible


- Offsettingresidualemissionsthroughactions




The EURELECTRIC Power Choices study was set up to

examine how this vision can be made reality. Setting a

reduction goal of 75% - mid-way on the IPCC’s 60-80%

scale - Power Choices looks into the technological

developments that will be needed in the coming

decades and examines some of the policy options

that will have to be put in place within the EU to attain

a deep cut in carbon emissions by mid-century..

Confirming that a carbon neutral power supply, in

combination with a paradigm shift on the demand

side, is the key to achieving this deep cut in overall EU

emissions, the PowerChoices scenario delivers carbon-

neutral power in Europe by 2050:

via low-carbon technologies such as renewable

energies (RES), carbon capture & storage (CCS)

technologies and nuclear power

through intelligent and efficient electricity

generation, transmission and use

with intelligent electricity use as the driver for a

secure, low-carbon energy future

by promoting the roll-out of electric road vehicles

through a drive for widespread energy efficiency in

our economy and society

at a lower long-term total energy cost than under

the Baseline scenario

BackgroundCarbon Reduction Actions and the Power Choices Study

Key Outcomes• Carbon-neutral power in Europe by 2050 is achievable

• The major CO2 reduction in the power sector occurs during 2025 to 2040

• All power generation options, plus robust electricity and carbon markets and

policies to foster energy efficiency, are all needed simultaneously

• A paradigm-shift is needed on the demand side: intelligent electricity sys-

tems should replace direct use of fossil fuels

• The PowerChoices scenario minimises energy import dependency

Policy Recommendations In order to achieve a carbon-neutral power sector, strong and immediate politi-

cal action is required to:

Support the carbon market so as to deliver the EU CO2 cap at least cost

Ensure that all sectors internalise the cost of greenhouse gas emissions

Actively promote an international agreement on climate change

Ensure that public authorities take a leading role in energy efficiency, adop-

ting standards and incentives to help consumers choose energy-efficient


Enable the use of all low-carbon technology options, by ensuring very subs-

tantial investment in:

- large-scale uptake of renewable energies

- early deployment of carbon capture & storage (CCS) technologies, which

must be tested and proven by 2020

- new nuclear power plants

- ‘smart’ grids and networks

- widespread energy efficiency in our economy and society

Encourage public acceptance of modern energy infrastructure, especially

grids, onshore wind, and CO2-storage sites, and streamline their licensing


Ensure recognition that the cost of technology deployment differs substanti-

ally across the EU Member States and distribution effects will vary

Facilitate the electrification of road transport and spatial heating & cooling

Modelling for an Optimum Energy Portfolio

The Study

EURELECTRIC’s Power Choices study uses the PRIMES energy

model developed and run by Athens Technical University

by a team under Professor Pantelis Capros - also used by

the European Commission for its energy scenario work - to

examine scenarios to 2050. For this project, the model has

been fully updated as regards macroeconomic and power-

sector data and assumptions.

The scenario calculations break the 2050 timeframe into three

periods: 1) recession 2008-2014; 2) recovery 2015-2022; and

3) low but stable growth 2023-2050. These macroeconomic

assumptions are consistent with those employed by the

EU legislative bodies for economic analysis. They are a key

factor in the model, as the level of economic activity and

growth drives future energy demand. Fuel prices are derived

from the Prometheus world energy model and are employed

consistently throughout.

The study develops two alternative scenarios for the EU-27

countries during the 1990-2050 period: Baseline, assuming

all existing policies are pursued; and PowerChoices, which

sets a 75% reduction target for greenhouse gases across the

entire EU economy.

The Baseline scenario assumes that:

• Full auctioning of emissions allowances under the EU

Emissions Trading System (ETS) applies as of 2015

• Renewable energies (RES) reach their highest level of

deployment via existing national support mechanisms

• After 2020, no further policies are set to promote RES

• The EU maintains beyond 2020 the linear CO2 reduction

set by the ETS

• CO2 prices are applied only in sectors covered by the


• Announced pilot projects for carbon capture and storage

are in operation by 2020

• The nuclear phase-out envisaged in Germany and

Belgium remains in place

• Energy effi ciency policies are enacted, driving energy

savings and cutting demand

• Electricity does not become a major fuel in the road

transport sector

The Power Choices scenario aims for an optimal portfolio

of power generation based on an integrated energy market.

The PRIMES model calculates the market-optimum, taking

into account the technology assumptions developed by the

industry. The scenario assumes that:

Climate action becomes a priority and the EU sets and

reaches a target of cutting 75% of its CO2 emissions from

the whole economy versus 1990 levels

Electricity becomes a major transport fuel as plug-in

electric and hybrid cars develop

All power generation options remain available, including

nuclear power in those countries that currently produce

it, but envisaged national phase-out policies remain

No binding RES-targets are set after 2020; RES support

mechanisms remain fully in place until 2020 and are then

gradually phased out during 2020-2030

Energy effi ciency is pushed by specifi c policies and

standards on the demand-side during the entire projection

period, which will result in slower demand growth

The price of CO2 (‘carbon-value’) applies uniformly to all

economic sectors, not just those within the ETS, so that

all major emitting sectors pay for their emissions

After 2020, an international carbon market defi nes the

price per tonne of CO2; after 2030 the CO2 price is the

only driver for deployment of low-carbon technologies

CCS technology is commercially available from 2025.

CO2 emissions under Baseline and PowerChoices work out

as shown in the graph:

CO2 emissions index (1990=100)








1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Baseline Power Choices

Modelling for an Optimum Modelling for an Optimum Modelling for an Optimum Modelling for an Optimum Energy PortfolioEnergy PortfolioEnergy PortfolioEnergy Portfolio

Power Choices results in savings in primary energy consumption versus Baseline The PowerChoices scenario shows primary energy consumption

to 2050 falling from 1795 Mtoe to 1402 Mtoe, a reduction of

22% on Baseline.

The major part of this reduction is accounted for by considerably

lower demand in the transport and residential sectors, much of

this trend being due to substitution by electricity of relatively

ineffi cient uses of oil and gas in road transport and household

heating. A signifi cant role is also played by much improved

building insulation, plus effi ciency advances in existing

electrical applications.

Power Choices scenario delivers a major reduction in import


We observe a reduction of 40% in net energy imports under the

PowerChoices scenario compared to Baseline. In addition to

the greatly reduced use of oil and gas in end-user applications,

the scenario also indicates a slightly lower use of gas for

generating electricity than in the Baseline scenario.

A change in the structure of fi nal energy demand – a shift to electricity. This reduction in primary energy demand translates to an even

steeper decrease in fi nal energy consumption, from 1170 Mtoe

to 817 Mtoe, a saving of 30% on Baseline.

The PowerChoices scenario delivers a signifi cant part of the

reduction in fi nal energy consumption through a shift towards

electric applications.

The scenario indicates very strong reduction in end use of

gas and oil – down from 52.5% of fi nal energy demand under

Baseline to only 36% under PowerChoices. This is mirrored by a

consequent increase in the proportion of electricity in end-use

applications – up from 20% to 45.5%. We see a small increase

in the proportion of renewable energy in end use - from 7%

to 7.5% - a fi gure which includes applications such as solar

thermal and biomass-based heating. However the overall RES

share in energy demand is much higher, as RES-power assumes

much greater importance in electricity generation.

Energy in the Wider Economy

A paradigm shift on the demand side: oil and gas replaced by effi cient electric technologies

Primary Energy Requirements in Mtoe



2010 2020 2030 2040 2050




Natural gas



Final Energy Demand in Mtoe









2010 2020 2030 2040 2050



Steam Distrib.





Under Power Choices, the

residential sector shows

fi nal energy consumption of

175Mtoe in 2050, down from

308Mtoe in 2005. A major part

of this cut is accountable to heating and cooling, in which fi nal

energy demand falls by over half from 275Mtoe to 135Mtoe,

due to major progress in insulation and a shift in heating

technology away from oil and gas towards effi cient heat

pumps, which sees both gas and oil demand in the sector cut by

over 60% by 2050. Residential energy demand is also reduced

by major advances in the effi ciency of electrical appliances and

lighting technology, where the PowerChoicesscenario results

in 40% lower energy demand in 2050 compared to Baseline.

Under the Power Choices

scenario, fi nal energy

consumption in the transport

sector is cut by over 35%, from

362Mtoe in 2005 to 223Mtoe

in 2050. This transition is particularly remarkable given a

predicted rise of over 45% in distance travelled per citizen

over the period – from 12,750km per year in 2005 to 18,250km

in 2050. The key here is the wholesale electrifi cation of road

transport, with over 90% of passenger cars powered by

electricity by 2050. This reduces both oil consumption and

carbon emissions in the sector by over 75%.

residential transport

Electricity Generation

RES Take Off, Broad Fuel Mix Maintained Although the PowerChoices scenario sees electricity claim a greater

share of total energy consumption, as the energy-effi ciency drive

squeezes out less effi cient vectors, total EU net power generation

reaches a level not much greater than under Baseline, rising from

some 3,100 TWh in 2005 to around 4,800 TWh in 2050.

Among the various sources of power generation, RES-power

production increases dramatically, reaching 1,800 TWh in

2050 and becoming - despite the phase-out of support schemes

by 2030 - at 38% of total EU generation the greatest single

source of power. This compares with just over 15% in 2005.

Among RES technologies, windpower takes the lead, with on-

shore wind providing 32% of the RES contribution and off-shore

wind 24%. Hydropower remains stable throughout the period,

accounting for 20% of the RES total. Biomass-fi red electricity

also sees a substantial increase, although in relative terms its

share of RES power slightly decreases, while solar power also

comes into the picture.

While nuclear power generation increases somewhat under

PowerChoices - from around 950TWh in 2005 to 1300TWh in

2050 - its share of electricity actually falls from 31% to 27%.

Most new nuclear capacity is completed after 2025. Electricity

from solid fuels decreases until 2025, when the implementation

of CCS facilitates a revival. However, the level of solid fuel-fi red

generation in 2050, at 870TWh, does not show a signifi cant

increase on the 2005 fi gure of 850TWh and its share actually

falls from almost 28% to 18% over the period. Gas-fi red power

reaches its peak in 2040, followed by a slight decline as gas

and carbon prices rise and CCS also becomes necessary for

gas-fi red plants, stabilising at 750 TWh in 2050, 16% of total

EU electricity compared to 22% in 2005. Oil-fi red plants have

only a marginal role, with production progressively reducing

over time to reach just 1% of total power generation in 2050.

Meanwhile total power capacity increases 55% from 800GW in

2010 to over 1200GW in 2050. This net increase is almost solely

attributable to RES-technologies, which by 2050 take a 54%

share of EU installed power capacity, while thermal (32%) and

nuclear (14%) capacity increase slightly over the period.

Carbon Intensity Falls DramaticallyCarbon dioxide emissions from the EU power sector decrease

substantially under both Baseline and PowerChoices scenarios.

Baseline policy action reduces sector CO2 emissions by 66%,

still leaving 492 Mt CO2 emitted in 2050.

Power Choices sees CO2 emissions plummet by 90% versus

the 2005 level, from 1423 Mt to just 128 Mt in 2050.

What does ‘128 Mt CO2 emitted by 2050’ really mean?

Taking as an example a typical large-sized lignite-fired

plant of 1,250 MW capacity, with average emissions of

0.955 tonnes of CO2 per MWh electricity produced, and


peryear, theentireEuropeanpowersectorwouldemit in

2050 the equivalent 2009emissionsof roughlyonlyone


Under the Baseline scenario, the power sector would still emit

84Kg/MWh in 2050, thus delivering a reduction of less than

75% on the 2005 level. Under Power Choices, the carbon-

intensity of power generation falls by almost 95%, from roughly

360kg/MWhin 2005 to 22kg/MWh in 2050.

Power Choices - Power Generation (TWh net)

Power Choices - Power Generation from RES in TWh







2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

From RES (see details below)

From NuclearFrom GasFrom OilFrom Solids












2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

– Geothermal heat– Geothermal heat– Biomass-waste fired

Other renewables (tidal etc.)Solar

– Wind off-shore

– Wind on-shore

– Run of river

– Lakes

CO2 emissions (in Mt CO2) Thermal power plants










2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Baseline Power Choices

Investmentand cost

Carbon intensity of the power sector (in t CO2/MWh net)










2010 2020 2030 2040 2050

Baseline Power Choices

Power Generation Investment (billion €)







Baseline Power Choices



Total Cost of Energy as % of GDP







2010 2020 2030 2040 2050Baseline Power Choices

Until 2025, the main drivers for carbon reductions are

energy effi ciency improvements and a fuel switch from

oil and coal to gas, while the increasing deployment of

renewable energy sources also plays an important role. As

from 2025, CO2 emissions decline quite rapidly, primarily

due to the deployment of CCS technologies, fi rst applied to

coal-fi red plants and then also to gas- and oil-fi red plants.

The two other main drivers for reducing CO2 emissions are,

once again, the higher penetration rate of RES, plus new

installed nuclear power capacity.

Investments rising from 2025 Total cumulative investment in power generation amounts

to some €2 trillion in 2005 money by 2050. During the 2000-

2025 period, PowerChoices investments total €803 billion,

quite comparable with the €791 billion under the Baseline

scenario. In the subsequent 25 years, from 2025 to 2050,

the required investments are much higher, totalling €1,156

billion, €157 billion more than Baseline.

Overall energy cost in the economy decreases long term The Power Choices scenario sees the overall cost of

energy in relation to GDP increasing from just under 11%

in 2010 to 12% by 2025, mirroring the pattern in Baseline.

However, in the long term, the cost of energy under Power

Choices falls back to just below 9% at 2050, much lower

than under Baseline, despite the less ambitious GHG

emissions reduction target in that scenario.

The initial rise in the cost of energy is due to high capital

outlay, in line with the carbon-neutrality goal, and one-

off investments in energy effi ciency – for example in

insulation equipment, which will also contribute to the

rise in energy costs.

Over time, return on investments in energy effi ciency,

the growing role of electricity, particularly in transport,

combined with demand-side management programmes,

will allow optimisation of the system by smoothing

out more expensive peaking electricity production and

reducing average costs. The rapid decrease in energy cost

as a percentage of GDP after 2025 also refl ects the overall

decrease in primary energy use.

Energy effi ciency

Q: How signifi cant is the impact of energy effi ciency?

A: Reducing EU greenhouse gas emissions by 75% by 2050, without the strong investment drive in energy effi ciency seen under the Power Choices scenario would push the total cost of energy up by an additional 2% of GDP.


Power Choicespolicy framework...The Power Choices main scenario assumes

that all power generation options will be

used in a market environment, taking full ac-

count of today’s political realities, including

planned nuclear phase-outs in Germany and

Belgium. In addition, we have assumed that

CCS technologies would be demonstrated by

2020, allowing full-scale commercial deploy-

ment to commence in 2025. The main scena-

rio also places no limitations on the building

of onshore windpower installations.

... but what if?What if countries such as Germany

and Belgium decide to overturn their pre-

viously envisaged nuclear phase-out poli-

cies? What impact would that have on how

Europe reduces its CO2 emissions?

What if CCS technologies are delayed

by ten years and available for commercial,

full-scale deployment only after 2035? What

would happen to Europe’s CO2 emissions?

What if future onshore windpower

capacity is dramatically curtailed due to un-

favourable planning and authorisation pro-

cedures? What if a third of planned onshore

wind simply does not get built?

We ran these scenarios through the model

to see how Power Choices outcomes might


WHAT IF... countries envisaging a phase-out

of nuclear power decide to reverse this policy?

What impact might that have on Europe’s CO2

emission reductions?

If the envisaged nuclear phase-out policies are

overturned, nuclear energy could see its share of

the EU power generation mix increase to 32%. Some

30GW of additional nuclear capacity could be installed

compared with the Power Choices main scenario,

bringing EU installed nuclear capacity up to 192 GW.

This would also have an impact on the way the EU

reduces its CO2 emissions. With more nuclear energy

in the system, the power industry would be able to

smooth out its CO2 reduction curve, especially in the

2015-2035 period.

WHAT IF... CCS technology is seriously

delayed and does not become available

before 2035?

Should CCS not become commercially available from

2020, but only after 2035, this would have a significant

impact on the way the EU reduces its CO2 emissions.

Reduction of power-related CO2 emissions would

happen much more slowly during the 2020-2035

period, after which a sharp reduction would be seen.

This would slow down emissions reductions from the

EU economy as a whole, as no other technology would

be deployed rapidly enough to replace CCS.

WHAT IF... deployment of new onshore

windpower between 2010 and 2050 is reduced

by a third due to obstruction to development

through planning rules and local public


The shortfall in onshore wind generation reaches

142TWh by 2050 compared to the PowerChoices main

scenario. This is compensated for by a combination of

nuclear power (an extra 47TWh), and CCS-equipped

coal- and gas-fired generation (an extra 65TWh).

However, notably very little additional offshore wind

(only an extra 1TWh) is constructed under this sub-

scenario as it remains relatively expensive. The

compensatory role of biomass generation is also very

small, with only an additional 7TWh over the Power

Choices main scenario.

The Union of the Electricity Industry-EURELECTRIC

is the sector association representing the electricity

industry at pan-European level, plus its affiliates

and associates on several other continents.

EURELECTRIC’s mission is to contribute to the

development and competitiveness of the electricity

industry and to promote the role of electricity in the

advancement of society.

As a centre of strategic expertise, EURELECTRIC

identifies the common interests of its Members

and, through research into the marketplace,

technologies, legislation, etc, assists them in

formulating common solutions to be implemented

and in coordinating and carrying out the necessary

action. It also acts in liaison with other international

associations and organisations, recognising their

specific missions and responsibilities.

In the European Union, EURELECTRIC represents

the electricity industry in public affairs, in particular

in relation to the EU legislative institutions, in

order to promote the interests of its Members at

a political level.

The electricity sector comprises more than 3,500

companies, serving over 200 million billable

customers and employing some 750,000people.

These companies have an installed power capacity

totalling 900 Gigawatts, generating some 3,600

Terawatt-hours of electricity annually.

This electricity is transmitted and distributed over a

total surface area of 5.4millionkm2to a population

of 570millionpeople.

Total annual industry turnover in Member

countries is some €300 billion, and annual

investment in plant and infrastructure totals more

than €45billion.

speaking on behalf of an essential european industry

Union of the Electricity Industry - EURELECTRIC aisblBoulevard de l’Impératrice, 66 - boite 2B - 1000 BrusselsBelgiumTel: + 32 2 515 10 00 ; Fax: + 32 2 515 10 10

www.eurelectric.org Pho

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