Poverty perry k and dylan k.

Post on 30-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Poverty perry k and dylan k.


BY: Perry Karpins & Dylan Kenyon

• In 2010 the US poverty was at 15.1 percent

•Also in 2010 there was 16.4 million children in poverty

•2010 was the highest poverty percentage since 1993

• Accordin to unicef 22,000 children die everyday due to poverty

•At least 80% of humanity lives on less than $2 a day

•1.8 million children die every year just from diarrhea

•Every second another child enters poverty and we can help that

•121 million children do not have any education

• In India alone, more than 50 million school going children cannot read a very simple text

•36.5 million Americans were living in poverty in 2006

• In many countries, poverty has disappeared only from the view

•Poverty is a common reason for the failure of children to develop to their full potential

•Every child has the right to live a good life and be free from any exploitive or harmful activity


• 15 million children are orphaned due to hiv or aids

•1.6 billion people live without electricity

•In Uganda alone, 100,000 people die of disease annually

• A poor person was essentially defined as someone without enough to eat

•Making children visible requires a protective environment for them

• In Pakistan, laborers sell there kidneys to transplant clinics just to pay there debts

•Between 1981 and 2001, the percentage of the extremely poor fell from 53 to 8 percent of the Chinese population

• The average American enjoys an income 20 times greater than the average sub-Saharan African

Thanks for watching

• Banerjee, Abhijit V., and Esther Duflo. Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way to Fight Global Poverty. New York: PublicAffairs, 2011. Print.

• Criswell, Sara Dixon. Homelessness. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1998. Print.

• "Help End Childhood Hunger." 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2012. <www.strengh.org/#&panel1-1>.

• "Invisible Children." 2005. Web. 04 Apr. 2012. <www.unicef.org/sowob/fullreport/executive3.php>.

• "Whats Going On?-understanding." Web. 04 Apr. 2012. <www.un.org/works/goingon/poverty/lessonplan_poverty.html>

Work cited