Poverty 97% live below federal poverty levels Median income is between $2,600 and $3,500 ...

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Poverty 97% live below federal poverty levels Median income is between $2,600 and $3,500 ...

Life on the reservation

Pine Ridge ReservationPoverty 97% live below

federal poverty levels

Median income is between $2,600 and $3,500

Unemployment is 83-85%

Estimated 17 people living in each family home

Pine RidgePoor health Average life

expectancy 45-48 years

Teenage suicide is 150% higher than national average

Substandard education School drop out rate is

over 70% Teacher turnover is

800% higher than national average

Alcoholism and Pine Ridge

Affects 8 out of 10 families Death rate from alcohol-related

problems is 300% higher than remaining US population

The Lakota Nation prohibited the sale of alcohol on the Reservation in 1970s

The town of Whiteclay, which is 400 yards off the Reservation, has approximately 14 residents and 4 liquor stores and sells over 4.1 million cans of beer each year.

Statistics published by the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota

(Sioux) Reservation