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POT1-TPP1 Regulates TelomericOverhang Structural DynamicsHelen Hwang,1,2 Noah Buncher,5 Patricia L. Opresko,5 and Sua Myong1,3,4,*1Bioengineering Department2Medical Scholars Program3Institute for Genomic Biology4Center of Physics for Living Cells

University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, USA5Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA

*Correspondence: smyong@illinois.eduhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2012.08.018


Human telomeres possess a single-stranded DNA(ssDNA) overhang of TTAGGG repeats, which canself-fold into a G-quadruplex structure. POT1 bindsspecifically to the telomeric overhang and partnerswith TPP1 to regulate telomere lengthening andcapping, although the mechanism remains elusive.Here, we show that POT1 binds stably to foldedtelomeric G-quadruplex DNA in a sequential manner,one oligonucleotide/oligosaccharide binding fold ata time. POT1 binds from 30 to 50, thereby unfoldingthe G-quadruplex in a stepwise manner. In con-trast, the POT1-TPP1 complex induces a continuousfolding and unfolding of the G-quadruplex. Wedemonstrate that POT1-TPP1 slides back and forthon telomeric DNA and also on a mutant telomericDNA to which POT1 cannot bind alone. The slidingmotion is specific to POT1-TPP1, as POT1 andssDNA binding protein gp32 cannot recapitulatethis activity. Our results reveal fundamental molec-ular steps and dynamics involved in telomere struc-ture regulation.


Telomeres are nucleoprotein DNA structures that cap the ends

of linear chromosomes to prevent degradation and chromo-

some end-to-end fusions caused by the inappropriate activity

of DNA nucleases and repair enzymes (d’Adda di Fagagna

et al., 2003). Telomeres are essential for genome stability and

cell survival, and defects in telomere maintenance correlate

with human disease including cancers (Armanios et al., 2009).

Telomeric ends in most eukaryotes consist of repeat sequences

with guanine base runs on the 30 single-stranded DNA (ssDNA).

In humans, the telomeric overhang consists of 50–200 nucleo-

tides of tandem TTAGGG repeats, which serves as the substrate

for telomere elongation by telomerase (Makarov et al., 1997). The

chemical nature of the G-rich repeats allows for the ssDNA over-

hang to fold into G-quadruplex structure that consist of three

1872 Structure 20, 1872–1880, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd

tetrads of four guanines interacting via Hoogsteen base pairing

(Gilbert and Feigon, 1999; Neidle and Parkinson, 2003; Sund-

quist and Klug, 1989; Williamson et al., 1989).

In humans, the telomeric overhang is bound by POT1 and

TPP1, which are the homologs of ciliate proteins TEBPa and

TEBPb, respectively (Baumann and Cech, 2001; Wang et al.,

2007; Xin et al., 2007). POT1 binds single-stranded TTAGG

GTTAG sequence and prevents the inappropriate activation

of Ataxia-telangiectasia-mutated and Rad3-related kinase at

the 30 telomeric overhang to ensure that the chromosome end

is not recognized as DNA damage (Denchi and de Lange,

2007). Partial loss or reduction of the 30 telomere overhang

elicits a DNA damage response at telomeres in G1 phase of

cell cycle (Hockemeyer et al., 2005), indicating a role of POT1

in protecting the telomere end. TPP1 increases the affinity of

POT1 for DNA by 10-fold (Wang et al., 2007; Xin et al., 2007)

and also recruits telomerase in vivo (Abreu et al., 2010). RNA

interference silencing of either POT1 or TPP1 induces telomere

lengthening and chromosomal instability (Kelleher et al., 2005;

Liu et al., 2004; Veldman et al., 2004; Ye et al., 2004), clearly

indicating their role in regulating telomerase access to the over-

hang. In addition, TPP1 partners with POT1 to enhance telo-

merase processivity in vitro (Wang et al., 2007). However, unlike

the ciliate counter parts, little is known regarding TPP1 or

POT1 modulation of telomeric DNA structure and G-quadruplex


Using single molecule fluorescence assays, we determined

the molecular mechanism involved in the interaction between

the telomere overhang and its binding proteins, POT1 and the

POT1-TPP1 complex. We find that a POT1 monomer binds

the telomeric overhang in two successive steps whereby one

step likely represents an individual oligonucleotide/oligosac-

charide binding (OB) fold engaging with one repeat sequence.

This results in a sequential unfolding of the G-quadruplex in

four steps by two POT1 monomers. We also demonstrate

that the POT1 binding direction is 30 to 50 with respect to the

DNA overhang substrate. Surprisingly, the POT1-TPP1 complex

exhibits a highly dynamic sliding movement back and forth

on the telomeric overhang, which induces continuous unfold-

ing and refolding of the G-quaduplex. The sliding activity we

demonstrate here may provide a mechanistic basis for how

POT1-TPP1 serves to enhance telomerase processivity (Wang

et al., 2007).

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Table 1. List of DNA Oligonucleotides

Sequence Name 30Cy3 Sequence





























Sequence Name 30 Biotin Sequence

Cy5 18 nt /50Cy5/GCC TCG CTG CCG TCG

CCA /30Bio/(annealed to all the

30 Cy3 sequence listed above)

Cy3 18 nt /50Cy3/GCC TCG CTG CCG TCG CCA /30Bio/

Unlabelled strand GCC TCG CTG CCG TCG CCA /30Bio/(annealed to Cy3-G4 sequences,

mutants, and T25 listed above)


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang


POT1 Binds the Telomeric Overhang Sequentially OneOB Fold at a TimeThe structure of POT1 bound to telomeric DNA reveals extensive

contact between the OB folds of POT1 and the 10 nucleotide

binding sequence, TTAGGGTTAG. OB1 tightly engages with

the TTAGGG and OB2 binds the 30-terminal TTAG nucleotides,

which induces a sharp 90� kink in the DNA backbone at the

interface between the two OB domains (Lei et al., 2004). We

asked if POT1 can bind the telomeric overhang prefolded in

a G-quadruplex. We prepared a 30 overhang substrate of the

sequence (TTAGGG)4, termed ‘‘G4’’ (Table 1), labeled with two

fluorescent dyes, Cy3 and Cy5, at both extremities of the ssDNA

for measuring fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET).

As a molecular ruler, FRET reports on the folding status of the

DNA since the donor Cy3 dye will be closer to the acceptor

Cy5 dye in compact conformations to yield a higher FRET

compared to unfolded forms. We added POT1 (100 nM) to the

G4 FRET construct (Figure 1A) in 150 mM NaCl; a condition in

which G4 exists in one folded conformation (Figures S1A and

S1B available online). G4 contains two POT1 binding sites as

marked in gray shadow (Figure 1B, top). POT1 binding to G4

resulted in a stepwise FRET decrease (Figure 1C, top). We

observed four steps of FRET decrease in the majority of single

molecule traces, which is also presented as a transition density

plot (TDP) built from over 200 data points (Figure 1D, top). The

TDP is formed by plotting FRET before transition and FRET after

transition on y- and x axis, respectively. One cluster represents

one FRET transition corresponding to one binding or dissocia-

tion event whereby binding and dissociation events are plotted

in the upper and lower half triangles, respectively (Figure 1D).

The POT1 binding to G4 shows four steps of monotonic FRET

decrease, indicating successive four-step bindingwithout disso-

ciation. The four steps observed for two monomer binding sites

suggest that one POT1 monomer binds in two steps, likely due

to the two OB folds binding sequentially. The binding is stable

over time as illustrated by the low FRET peak shown in FRET

histogram taken at 10–20 min after the protein addition (Figures


To further test if the stepwise binding of POT1 occurs one OB

fold at a time, we shortened the constructs to create G3 and G2

with three and two TTAGGG repeats, respectively (Figure 1B).

G3 provides one and a half POT1 binding site whereas G2 only

allows one monomer binding. We note that G3 and G2 are not

expected to form higher order structures, yet FRET is 0.7�0.8

due to the ion induced conformational flexibility of ssDNA, which

depends on the ssDNA length (Murphy et al., 2004). According to

the same study, the length corresponding to G4 (24 nt) should

yield a 0.5 FRET. Therefore, the high FRET (0.8) we obtained

for G4 above likely arises from the formation of G-quadruplex,

whereas the high FRET observed for G3 and G2 results from

the short ssDNA tail length. Under the same POT1 binding con-

ditions as the G4 construct, we obtained three and two steps of

FRET decrease for the G3 and G2, respectively (Figures 1C and

1D). This is consistent with the interpretation that one POT1

monomer binds in two steps. We reasoned that if the stepwise

change in FRET arises from individual OB fold association with

the DNA, then the dwell time of the first step (dt1), which repre-

Structure 20, 1872–18

sents the initial POT1 binding, but not the second step (dt2),

which involves the second OB domain binding, should depend

on the protein concentration. To test this, we varied POT1

concentration from 25 to 125 nM and collected dwell times cor-

responding to the first (dt1) and the second step (dt2) of FRET

decrease (from 75 molecules) as denoted in Figure 1C. As pre-

dicted, the dwell time shows the expected concentration depen-

dence for the first step, i.e more rapid binding at higher POT1

concentrations, but not for the second step, which remains

constant regardless of the POT1 concentration (Figure 1E).

This result supports the conclusion that POT1 monomer binds

in two successive steps, one OB fold at a time. To further test

the individual OB fold binding, we prepared FRET-DNA con-

structs with targeted mutations. OB1 mutant (TTTTTT TTAG)

and OB2 mutant (TTAGGG TTTT) DNA constructs (mutated

sequence is underlined) were designed to perturb the binding

of OB1 and OB2, respectively (Figure S1G). OB1 mutant shows

FRET fluctuation indicating an unstable binding of the OB2

80, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 1873


Figure 1. POT1 Binds a Telomeric Overhang One OB Fold at a Time(A) Schematic of the G4 DNA construct. The strand with four TTAGGG repeats was attached to a single molecule surface by annealing a complementary

biotinylated strand to form a duplex. G-quadruplex folding induces high FRET between Cy3 (green) and Cy5 (red) at both ends of the ssDNA.

(B) Telomeric repeats for G4, G3, and G2 with POT1 binding sites marked in gray.

(C) Single molecule traces of POT1 binding to G4, G3, and G2 show four, three, and two steps of FRET decrease (arrow), respectively.

(D) Transition density plots are built from the FRET value before transition in the y axis and the FRET value after transition in the x axis.

(E) Dwell times taken from the first (dt1) and second step (dt2) of FRET decrease obtained from the G4 construct with variable POT1 concentrations.

See also Figure S1. Error bars indicate the SEM.


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

domain whereas the OB2 mutant shows only one step FRET

decrease reflecting a stable binding of the OB1 domain (Figures

S1H and S1I). This is consistent with the crystal structure that

shows extensive contact between OB1 and TTAGGG bases

whereas OB2 shows much fewer contacts with the TTAG base

(Lei et al., 2004). This data agrees well with the dwell time anal-

ysis (Figure 1E) and further supports our model that POT1 binds

one OB fold at a time.

POT1 Binds in 30 to 50 DirectionNext, we asked if POT1 binding initiates from the 30 end or from

the duplex junction. We prepared two alternate substrates that

had the identical DNA composition to the G4 construct, but the

Cy3 dye was relocated 18 or 6 nucleotides from the 50 Cy5 dye

(Figures 2A and 2B). If POT1 binds from the 30 end, we expect

a time delay prior to the first FRET decrease in the two alternate

DNAs. If POT1 binds from the 50 end, the FRET decrease should

occur at about the same time in all three constructs. For this

comparison, we measured the dwell time between the time of

protein addition and the time of first FRET decrease. Figure 2C

shows the representative traces from all three G4 substrates

and the average dwell times analyzed from over 70 molecules.

The substantially longer dwell times obtained for the alternate

G4 constructs (Figure 2D) clearly indicate that POT1 selectively

initiates binding from the 30 end, likely due to a better accessi-

bility of the overhang. Together, our data support a model in

which one OB fold of monomeric POT1 binds G4, partially un-

folding the G-quadruplex at the 30 end, which allows the second

OB fold to associate with the adjacent loop/repeat in the DNA. In

this way, the four arms of G-quadruplex are expected to unfold

1874 Structure 20, 1872–1880, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd

sequentially one-by-one while POT1 binds from 30 to 50 direction,one OB fold at a time (Figure 2E).

To check if the stepwise binding and unfolding is specific to

POT1, we used a single-stranded binding protein, gp32 from

T4 bacteriophage and the G4 FRET construct. The gp32 protein

exhibits a minimum binding size of seven nucleotides, which is

comparable with POT1’s ten nucleotide sequence requirement.

In contrast to POT1, gp32 binding produced a one-step FRET

decrease from 0.8 to 0.3, followed by dissociation. The protein

binding and dissociation was observed as FRET fluctuations

between 0.8 and 0.3 as indicated in the single molecule trace

and transition density plot (Figure S2). Therefore, we conclude

that the stepwise binding is specific to POT1.

POT1-TPP1N Induces Dynamic Folding and Unfolding ofTelomeric OverhangsTo study how POT1-TPP1 complex interacts with the G-quadru-

plex folded overhang, we purified a well-characterized truncated

form of TPP1, TPP1N, which retains the OB domains and stimu-

latesPOT1binding to telomericDNAand telomeraseprocessivity

(Wang et al., 2007). TPP1N consists of residues 87 to 334;

however, the 87N-terminal amino acids are functionally dispens-

able in human cells and are not conserved in orthologs fromother

organisms (Houghtaling et al., 2004; Liu et al., 2004; Ye et al.,

2004). In addition, TPP1N retains interaction with POT1 and telo-

merase (Xin et al., 2007).Weapplied thepreformedPOT1-TPP1N

(100 nM) complex to the same G4 DNA as used in POT1 binding

(Figure 3A, top).Weobserved FRETdecrease in two steps,which

resembled the one POT1 monomer binding in which the two

steps arise from OB1 and OB2 binding (compare Figure 3B top

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Figure 2. POT1 Binds Overhangs Directionally from 30 to 50

(A) Schematic of the G4 DNA with various dye positions.

(B and C) Schematic diagram representing the dye positions with respect to the individual OB fold binding sites. CT indicates C-terminal domain of POT1. The

positions 24, 18, and 6 nt represent the distances between Cy3 and Cy5. The faint ovals indicate the OB unit bindings that should not induce FRET decrease. The

step number shown in the single molecule traces (C) expected from individual OB fold binding is written above each oval. Single molecule traces obtained from

the three DNA constructs (C). The dt indicates the time interval between POT1 addition and the first step of FRET decrease.

(D) The average dt from each DNA construct. The longest dt for the 6 nt DNA construct suggests POT1 binding initiates from the 30 to 50 direction. Error barsindicate the SEM.

(E) Schematic of a plausible POT1 binding mode.

See also Figure S2.


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

panel to Figure 1Cbottompanel). Unlike the continuous stepwise

FRET decrease seen in POT1 binding, we observed stable FRET

for about 1–2 min, followed by fluctuation at mid- to low-FRET

range, implying dynamic and continuous conformational

changes within the telomeric overhang induced by the POT1-

TPP1N complex (Figure 3B, top). To further characterize this

behavior, we used three alternate FRET constructs, which had

Cy3 to Cy5 distances of 18, 12, and 6 nt (Figure 3A). When the

POT1-TPP1Ncomplexwasadded to the 18ntDNA,weobserved

one step of FRET decrease from high- tomid-level. The one-step

FRET decrease is expected since the dye position is not sensitive

to the first OB binding but only to the second OB binding. This

was followed by FRET fluctuations, indicating dynamic folding

and unfolding of G-quadruplex DNA, similar to the 24 nt

construct, except at a higher FRET range due to the closer

distance between the two dyes (Figure 3B, second panel).

Such fluctuation is less prominent in the 12 and 6 nt DNA, likely

due to a reduced degree of unfolding experienced in this region

ofDNA (Figure 3B, third and fourth panels). FREThistogramsbuilt

from over 100 molecules show the overall FRET pattern in the

three substrates tested (Figure 3C). To test if the FRET fluctua-

tions arise from the same source, we measured dwell times (dt)

Structure 20, 1872–18

from several hundred events obtained from the 24 and 18 nt

substrates and plotted them as a histogram (Figure 3D). The

similar dwell time distribution in both DNA constructs suggests

that the dynamic fluctuation is not random, but arises from the

same activity induced by POT1-TPP1N. The FRET pattern

observed in the four constructs together indicates that the

POT1-TPP1N complex generates dynamic folding and unfolding

of the telomeric overhang DNA.

POT1-TPP1NDisplaysDynamicMovement on TelomericOverhangsHow does the POT1-TPP1N complex induce the conformational

dynamics in the telomeric overhang? To address this question,

we applied POT1 and fluorescently (Alexa 647) labeled TPP1N

to the 30 Cy3 labeled G4 construct to directly visualize the protein

complex on the DNA substrate (Figure 4A, top). The labeling effi-

ciency was approximately 65% as measured by absorbance

spectrophotometer, and the presence of a single fluorophore

on one protein was confirmed by the intensity level expected

from a single dye and one-step photobleaching of Alexa 647

dye. This enables us to observe an individual POT1-TPP1N

complex on a single DNA molecule. Here, we detected the

80, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 1875


Figure 3. POT1-TPP1N Induces Folding-Unfolding Dynamics on Telomeric Overhangs

(A) Schematic of unlabeled TPP1N and POT1 on the G4 FRET construct with Cy3 dyes placed 24, 18, 12, and 6 nt from the duplex junction.

(B) Single molecule traces collected from all DNA substrates shows initial FRET decreases representing POT1-TPP1N binding by POT1 recognition of the

telomeric overhang sequence, followed by continuous FRET fluctuations of the 24 and 18 nt DNA and less pronounced FRET changes for the other DNA

constructs. We interpret the FRET fluctuations as dynamic folding and unfolding of G-quadruplex DNA induced by POT1-TPP1N.

(C) FRET histograms built from FRET values collected from 100 single molecule traces that exhibit dynamic folding-unfolding of unlabeled POT1-TPP1N on the

G4 DNA FRET constructs.

(D) Dwell time histograms from over several hundred events of 24 and 18 nt G4 DNA FRET constructs.

See also Figure S3. Gaussian fit yields center of the histogram with the SEM.


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

binding of a POT1-TPP1N complex as an abrupt appearance of

FRET, followed by continuous FRET fluctuation (Figure 4B, top).

We note that the FRET fluctuation is not due to successive

binding and unbinding events because the lowest FRET value

is at 0.3–0.4, which is far above the value expected from disso-

ciation of the protein (0.18). Therefore, we reason that the FRET

fluctuations arise from a continuous association between the

labeled protein and the 30 terminus of the G4 DNA. This activity

is specific to POT1-TPP1N since Alexa 647 labeled TPP1N

added to G4 only shows an abrupt FRET increase and decrease

reflecting a short binding period of TPP1N to G4. We also

confirmed that fluorescence labeling does not perturb the

protein activity by performing an alternative fluorescence assay,

PIFE (Figure S3; Hwang et al., 2011). Unlike TPP1N, which only

transiently associates with G4 (about 2.5 s averaged over 100

events), the POT1-TPP1N complex stays on the overhang for

a substantially longer period (45 s averaged over 100 events).

This is likely due to the behavior of the POT1-TPP1 complex,

not individual protein, since POT1-TPP1 forms a stable complex

when bound to telomere overhang DNA (Liu et al., 2004; Wang

et al., 2007; Xin et al., 2007).

To further characterize this sliding effect, we subjected POT1-

TPP1N (Alexa 647) to four alternate substrates, which have Cy3

dye located 18, 12, 6, and 0 nt away from the duplex junction

(Figure 4A). Both the 24 and 18 nt DNA yield a robust FRET fluc-

1876 Structure 20, 1872–1880, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd

tuation exhibiting high- to low-FRET values, whereas the ampli-

tude of FRET change is substantially reduced in the 12 and 6 nt

DNA, with no detectable FRET change in the 0 nt substrate

(Figures 4B and 4C). In light of the folding unfolding dynamics

shown on the same DNA overhang (Figure 3B), the FRET fluctu-

ation seen in the 24 and 18 nt constructs here is likely arising from

POT1-TPP1N sliding back and forth on the G4 DNA. The more

pronounced FRET changes seen in the 24 and 18 nt DNA

compared to the other three substrates can be attributed to

two sources. First, TPP1N (Alex 647) is expected to be posi-

tioned near the 30 end of telomeric overhang since it interacts

with the C-terminal region of POT1 near the POT1 OB2 fold

(Liu et al., 2004; Ye et al., 2004), giving rise to the high FRET.

Second, the activity of POT1-TPP1 may be more localized to

the 30 end, consistent with the more pronounced effect of folding

and unfolding dynamics seen near the 30 end (Figures 4A and

4B). In addition, the protein dwell times measured for the 24

and 18 nt DNA (Figure 4D) match closely to each other as well

as to the folding unfolding kinetics of the DNA as shown in Fig-

ure 3D, strongly suggesting that this protein sliding motion is

responsible for the folding and unfolding of G-quadruplex DNA.

POT1-TPP1N Slides on Mutant Telomeric SequenceA previous study showed that POT1-TPP1N enhanced the

telomerase processivity even on substrates that possessed

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Figure 4. POT1-TPP1N Slides on the Telomeric Overhang near the 30 End(A) Schematic of Alexa 647-labeled TPP1N and POT1 on the G4 DNA construct, with the Cy3 dye located 24, 18, 12, 6, and 0 nt from the duplex junction.

(B) Single molecule traces show the initial FRET increase, followed by dynamic FRET fluctuations reflecting movement of POT1-TPP1N on the G4 DNA.

(C) FRET histograms taken from over 100 single molecule traces that display FRET fluctuation.

(D) Dwell times from several hundred events from the 24 and 18 nt G4 Cy3-DNA constructs. Gaussian fit yields center of the histogram with the SEM.

(E) Schematic of Alexa 647-labeled TPP1N and POT1 on the G2-mut2 DNA construct.

(F) Single molecule trace of POT1-TPP1N (Alexa 647) on G2-mut2 exhibits dynamic FRET fluctuations similar to the G4 DNA.

(G) FRET histogram built from over 100 single molecule traces that exhibit dynamic FRET fluctuation on the G2mut2 DNA.

(H) Dwell times from over several hundred events of sliding on the G2mut2 DNA construct.

See also Figures S4 and S5. Gaussian fit yields center of the histogram with the SEM.


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

modified telomeric sequence (Latrick and Cech, 2010). The

mutant telomeric sequence had two telomeric repeats followed

by multiple repeats of the mutated sequence ‘‘TTTGGC’’ (modi-

fied nucleotides are underlined). The mutant sequence allows

binding and activity of telomerase harboring a mutant RNA

template of the same sequence, but POT1-TPP1N cannot stably

bind to the 30 mutated repeats on the substrate. We hypothe-

sized that POT1-TPP1’s sliding movement may occur on this

substrate and contribute to enhancing telomerase processivity.

Structure 20, 1872–18

To test this, we adopted a sequence, which had two telomeric

repeats followed by two repeats of the mutated sequence

‘‘TTTGGC,’’ which we refer to as G2-mut2 (Figure 4E). First, we

tested POT1 binding to the G2-mut2 construct. POT1 addition

resulted in two steps of FRET decrease followed by a plateau

at mid-FRET, indicating that only one POT1 monomer bound

to the cognate sequence of two telomeric repeats, and the

mutated sequence remained unbound by POT1 (Figures S4A

and S4B). This is consistent with biochemical data that shows

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Pot1, TPP1




Figure 5. Proposed Mechanism of POT1-

TPP1N Sliding

TPP1N-POT1 binds to the telomeric overhang

from the 30 end in a POT1-dependent manner and

exhibits sliding clamp activity by diffusing along

the telomeric overhang near the 30 end.See also Figure S5.


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

themutant sequence does not allow POT1-TPP1 binding (Latrick

and Cech, 2010).

Next, we added the POT1-TPP1N (Alexa 647) complex to the

G2-mut2 DNA. Here, we observed FRET fluctuations analogous

to the G4 construct, i.e FRET fluctuation exhibiting high- to low-

levels (Figures 4F and 4G). The presence of high FRET in the

single molecule trace indicates that POT1-TPP1N interacts

with the mutant sequence situated at the 30 region (Figure 4F).

The range of FRET fluctuation and dwell time measured for

this substrate (Figures 4G and 4H) are highly analogous to the

pattern observed in the G4 substrate (Figures 4B and 4C, top),

suggesting that the POT1-TPP1N complex slides back and

forth on both substrates. Additionally, when we lengthened the

mutant sequence to four repeats (G2-mut4), we still observed

similar FRET fluctuation, albeit at a slightly reduced FRET value,

strongly suggesting that POT1-TPP1N slides even on a longer

stretch of the mutant sequence (Figures S4C–S4F). As a control

measurement, we subjected POT1-TPP1N (Alexa 647) to a

poly-thymidine (25 nt) substrate and observed no FRET fluctua-

tion (Figures S5A and S5B). In addition, we substituted POT1

with gp32 (T4 bacteriophage gene product 32), which is an

ssDNA binding protein that does not stimulate telomerase proc-

essivity (Latrick and Cech, 2010). In this case, we obtained FRET

traces, which indicate binding and unbinding of TPP1N, but

no FRET fluctuations resembling POT1-TPP1N sliding (Figures

S5C and S5D). Therefore, we demonstrate that the dynamic

sliding motion is specific to the POT1-TPP1N complex on telo-

meric overhang DNA and that POT1-TPP1 can slide even on

the mutated telomere sequence to which POT1 cannot stably

bind on its own. Taken together, we propose a sliding clamp

model whereby the POT1-TPP1N slides back and forth on the

telomeric overhang and thereby generates unfolding and folding

dynamics near the 30 region (Figure 5). In contrast to the sequen-

tial binding of POT1, which sequesters the overhang in an un-

folded state, POT1-TPP1N presents a disparate mechanism

involving a dynamic sliding movement.


The investigation of telomeric overhang DNA dynamics is com-

plicated because bulk-phase ensemble studies cannot resolve

transient protein-DNA interactions and inter- and intra-molecular

dynamics. Single molecule approaches allow for the real time

detection of nucleic acid structural dynamics as the substrate

undergoes interaction with a protein and protein complexes.

Unexpectedly, we observed a two-step binding process of one

1878 Structure 20, 1872–1880, November 7, 2012 ª2012 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved

POT1 monomer to a telomeric overhang

(Figures 1D and 1E). Based on the

sequence specificity of POT1 binding to

telomeric DNA (Lei et al., 2004), our

results suggest that one OB fold binds one telomeric repeat at

each step. The dwell time analysis, i.e the difference between

24 and 18 nt DNA (Figures 2C and 2D), indicates that the OB2

fold initiates unfolding of the G-quadruplex by binding to the

TTAG nucleotides at the 30 terminus, followed by the OB1 fold

engaging with the second TTAGGG repeat, further unfolding

the G-quadruplex (Figure 2E). Unlike other ssDNA binding pro-

teins, such as RecA and Rad51, the POT1 structure reveals a

sharp turn between the two OB fold domains, generating a

sawtooth-like bending on the DNA (Lei et al., 2004). The sequen-

tial two-step binding of POT1 that we report here may explain

how POT1 binding to the heavily structured telomeric DNA is

facilitated by the two-step binding that results in a kinked domain


The POT1-TPP1N interaction with telomeric G-quadruplex

DNA revealed surprising dynamics, which is in striking contrast

to the POT1 binding alone. Our data are consistent with the inter-

pretation that the POT1-TPP1N complex slides back and forth

on the overhang, generating G-quadruplex unfolding and refold-

ing dynamics near the 30 end of overhang, possibly contributing

to the reduced protein-DNA FRET changes observed when the

DNA dyewas located near the 50 side of the overhang, compared

to its location near the 30 end (Figure 4B). The same sliding

motion occurred on an overhang containing mutant telomeric

sequence at the 30 end (Figures 4F and 4G), demonstrating

that TPP1N alters the nature of POT1 interaction with telomeric

DNA so as to impart mobility, even on the mutant sequence to

which POT1 cannot bind by itself.

Based on our data, we postulate a mechanism in which the

POT1-TPP1N complex engages with the telomeric sequence in

a POT1 dependent manner and converts to a sliding clamp,

which diffuses on the telomeric overhang (Figure 5). TPP1N lacks

the interaction domain with TIN2, which tethers POT1-TPP1 to

shelterin and the telomere (Takai et al., 2011). Thus, POT1-

TPP1 (full length) sliding along ssDNA while tethered to duplex

DNA via shelterin may generate an ssDNA loop as proposed

previously (Latrick and Cech, 2010).

This sliding activity may partially explain the ability of POT1-

TPP1N to enhance telomerase processivity, even on an over-

hang with mutant telomeric sequence. We hypothesize that the

slidingmotion of POT1-TPP1Nmay serve in this capacity in three

ways. First, it may facilitate loading of telomerase at the 30

terminus by making the 30 end of the overhang accessible, i.e

when the complex slides away from 30 end, the 30 tail is exposedto allow for telomerase loading. Second, the mobility of POT1-

TPP1 near the 30 tail may help to retain telomerase on the


POT1-TPP1 Induces Dynamics in Telomeric Overhang

telomeric overhang by continuously engaging with the telome-

rase. Third, the sliding activity may physically promote the

propulsion of the telomerase, thereby enhancing its transloca-

tion along the telomeric overhang. The ability of the POT1-

TPP1N complex to slide along ssDNA may be highly analogous

to the proliferating cell nuclear antigen sliding clamp, which

greatly enhances the processivity of DNA polymerases (Bowman

et al., 2004).



G2, G3, and G4 salt titration buffers consisted of either 0–100 mM KCl or

0–150 mM NaCl in 25 mM Tris (pH8). POT1 reaction buffer contained

150 mM NaCl in 25 mM Tris pH 8. For single molecule imaging, 0.8 mg/ml

glucose oxidase, 0.625% glucose, �3 mM 6-hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-

chromane-2-carboxylic (Trolox), and 0.03 mg/ml catalase were added to the


DNA Constructs

Oligonucleotides required to make the partial DNA duplex substrates were

purchased from IDT with either Cy3 or Cy5 dyes (Table 1). The G3 construct

was purchased with an amino modifier C6 dT at the 30 end and reacted with

NHS-ester conjugated Cy3 (GE Healthcare). Briefly, 10mMdyewas incubated

with 0.15 mMDNA in 100 mM sodium tetraborate pH 8.5 buffer overnight. The

excess dye was then filtered out using Micro Bio-spin 6 column (Biorad) twice.

Telomeric DNA constructs were prepared by mixing a 30Cy3 sequence with

the 30 biotin sequence at amolar ratio of 1:1.5 in 20mMTris-HCl pH 7.5, 50mM

NaCl and incubating at 95�C for 2min then slowly cooling to room temperature

for 2 hr.

POT1 and TPP1N Protein Purification

Recombinant human POT1 protein was purified using a baculovirus/insect cell

expression system as described previously (Sowd et al., 2008). The hexahisti-

dine Sumo-tagged TPP1N (amino acids 89–334) construct was kindly pro-

vided by Dr. Ming Lei (University of Michigan). Expression was induced with

0.1 mM isopropyl 1-thio-b-D-galactopyranoside in Escherichia coli BL21

(DE3) pLysS cells, and the protein was purified as previously described

(Sowd et al., 2009).

Fluorescent Labeling of TPP1N

The Alexa647 (NHS ester) was reacted with TPP1N in a 1:20 protein-dye ratio

for 1 hr in 100 mM sodium bicarbonate buffer, pH 8.5. Excess dye was

removed using a Micro Bio-spin 6 column (BioRad) twice.

Single Molecule Fluorescence Data Acquisition

Single molecule fluorescence experiments were carried out on quartz slides

(Finkenbeiner). To minimize surface interactions with the protein, quartz slides

and coverslips were coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG) (Roy et al., 2008).

Briefly, the slides and coverslips were cleaned and treated with methanol,

acetone, potassium hydroxide, burned, treated with aminosilane, and coated

with a mixture of 97% mPEG (m-PEG-5000, Laysan Bio, Inc.) and 3% biotin

PEG (biotin-PEG-5000, Laysan Bio, Inc).

Partial duplex DNA molecules were annealed and immobilized on the PEG-

passivated surface via biotin-neutravidin interaction. Excess donor molecules

were washed away with reaction buffer and supplemented with an oxygen

scavenging system (0.8 mg/ml glucose oxidase, 0.625% glucose, �3 mM 6-

hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethylchromane-2-carboxylic (Trolox), and 0.03 mg/ml

catalase). Imaging was initiated before protein (POT1, TPP1N, or POT-

TPP1N) was flowed through to capture the moment of protein binding to

DNA. All experiments and measurements were carried out at room tempera-

ture (23�C ± 1�C).Prism type total internal reflection microscopy was used to acquire single

molecule FRET and PIFE data. A 532-nm Nd:YAG laser was guided through

a prism to generate an evanescent field of illumination. A water-immersion

objective was used to collect the signal and a 550-nm long pass filter was

Structure 20, 1872–18

used to remove the scattered light. Cy3 signals were collected using a

630-nm dichroic mirror and sent to a charge-coupled device camera. Data

were recorded with a time resolution of 100 ms as a stream of imaging frames

and analyzed with scripts written in interactive data language to give fluores-

cence intensity time trajectories of individual molecules.

smFRET Data Analysis

Basic data analysis was carried out by scripts written inMatlab, with FRET effi-

ciency, E, calculated as the intensity of the acceptor channel divided by the

sum of the donor and acceptor intensities. Histograms were generated using

over 6,000 molecules collected and were fit to Gaussian distributions using

Origin 8.0, with the peak position left unrestrained. Fluorescence resonance

energy transfer TDP are two-dimensional contour maps plotted from transi-

tions collected from 200–800 FRET transitions. TDP is constructed by plotting

values for each transition based upon FRET value from which the transition

originated (y axis) to which FRET value the transition ends (x axis). Dwell times

were collected bymeasuring the time themolecule spends in a particular FRET

state. The means and the standard errors were plotted. Software for analyzing

single-molecule FRET data is available for download from https://physics.



Supplemental Information includes five figures and can be found with this

article online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.str.2012.08.018.


The authors thank Brian Freeman and Ruobo Zhou for careful review of the

manuscript, members of theMyong andOpresko laboratory for helpful discus-

sions, and M. Lei for the TPP1N plasmid construct. Support for this work was

provided by the American Cancer Society (Research Scholar Grant; RSG-12-

066-01-DMC), the Human Frontier Science Program (RGP0007/2012), and

the U.S. National Science Foundation Physics Frontiers Center Program

(0822613) through Center for the Physics of Living Cells for S.M.; the Linda

Su-Nan Chang Sah Doctoral Fellowship for H.H.; and NIH Grant ES0515052

and the David Scaife Foundation grant to the Center for Nucleic Acid Science

and Technology for P.O. H.H. labeled the TPP1N protein, conducted all of the

experiments, and analyzed all of the data. N.B. purified all of the proteins. S.M.

performed experiment design, analyses, and interpretation of the data. S.M.

wrote the manuscript, and P.O. contributed to writing the manuscript.

Received: May 14, 2012

Revised: August 13, 2012

Accepted: August 14, 2012

Published online: September 13, 2012


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