Post production questionnaire results

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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questionnaire results for our production

Transcript of Post production questionnaire results

Post Production Questionnaire Results

Created by Farwa Ahmed- MediaCFZ

How the feed back will help our production?

• This feedback will help our production because it will help us improve our work, by giving us a insight in to what the audience think of our 2 min opening sequence. The audiences criticism will help our production reach its potential and meet the needs of the audience.

• With the feedback that we receive we will understand what the weaknesses and strengths of our production our so we can improve them.

Question 1 The majority of the participants said that the opening sequence does fit into the Thriller genre codes and conventions which means that the film has been successful at mirroring the aspects of a Thriller film. A minority said that the opening did not fit into the Thriller genre, this suggests that we should make stronger scenes that show the audience that this is a Thriller film.

Question 2 Again the majority of the participants said that they recognised who the antagonist was, this is good because it shows that most people have understood what the storyline is and the audience are more engaged because they understand the characters. The minority said they could not identify who the antagonist was, to improve this we could make it even more clearer who the antagonist and who the protagonist are by making the protagonist look more vulnerable.

Question 3

Here we got similar results to Question 2 and the improvements that we can make are similar to question 2’s improvements.

Question 4

Most people said that an age 15 certification is appropriate for this film as there was no strong language and no sexual scenes so it is suitable for viewers aged 15. Minority of people disagreed.

Question 5

Most people said the storyline and camera work were the weakest part of our production. We can’t do anything about the storyline and camerawork because the film has already been edited and uploaded. 30% of people said they did not like the sound however 40% said they did like the sound.

Question 6

Most people thought the strongest element of the film was sound and camerawork, we used a variety of different and angles throughout the sequence, also the sound effects added made the whole film fit together really well.

Question 7

80% of people said they would be interested in watching the whole film, this is a good thing because this is over half the people that were asked. However 20% of people said they would not be interested in watching the whole film which means we may need to add a cliff-hanger that leaves the audience wondering.

Question 8

Majority of people said they liked the sound effects already used however we could improve them by making them synced with the film for the minority that did not like them.

Question 9

80% of people said that the name ‘Hidden Truth’ fit well with the plot, this is good because the name of a film can sometimes make people want to watch a film. The name ‘Hidden Truth’ creates mystery and doesn’t give away the plot.