Positive cloud presentation

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Positive cloud presentation

Positive cloudLet’s fly together towards a positive economy

Louise Briot, Héloïse Dubois, Rémy Durfort, Pauline Maridat

Story board

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Where do we come from?• Our name• Our history• Our background

Where do we go?• Synergy• Responsibility• Humility• Innovation


Where de we come from?Our name

On a cloud

Freedom, water, life

Network, emergence

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Positive economy

Creation of sustainable value

Long term profit

Where do we come from?Our history

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

A 24 year-old experience

Specialized in India 4 partners Positive cloud

Where do we come from?Our background

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Rémy Durfort


Carbon assessment skills

Héloïse Dubois



Team building manager

Pauline Maridat


Public relations specialized in sustainable development

Louise Briot


Marketing consultant

A cloud of complementary skills

Where do we go?A cloud of value

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Where do we go?Synergy

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

For u

s Complementary backgrounds and synergy leads to more efficient work

For y


Competitive advantageCollaborative work leads to new solutions4 parnters with complementary skillsWorking together to the same goal… Your satisfaction

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Where do we go?Responsibility

For u

s New world, new stakes, new opportunitiesThe world is a complex systemEvery partner has to be responsible and engage himself

For y


We all have to face our responsibilities We evaluate the consequences regarding ethic in a complex system

Where do we go?Humility

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

For u

s Listen to the customer and create together a solution

Have humility in everyday working life and in all relations

Growing ethical stakes

For y


We don’t have THE solution

But we’ll build relevant solutions…

…with you & for you

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References

Where do we go?Innovation

For u

s Being coherent with the targetR&D investment in innovating mechanismOne person is only dedicated to innovationChange, evolution, go further

For y


A huge source of potential solutions : new technologies of information & communication, new horizons


Our different clients in India an in developing countries

Where do we come from ? Where do we go? References


Thank you for your attention!

Any questions?

Rémy Durfort1, rue Léo Delibes

37000 ToursRemy.durfort@positivecloud.com
