Position Paper Plan Template REQUIRED Engl201C

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Transcript of Position Paper Plan Template REQUIRED Engl201C

  • 8/9/2019 Position Paper Plan Template REQUIRED Engl201C


    English 201C—Leone

    Position Paper Plan


    Purpose:(Working Thesis) 

    Target Audience:

    INTRODUCTION – hort Dra!t"Notes:

    o #ook: #a$$o%een stor&

    o 'ackground In!o:

    'ridge !ro #ook to Topic: stor& is ridge* cannot !ind princess e+ui,a$ent there our an&%here e$se

    De!inition o! Pro$e: $itt$e gir$s are not seeing these$,es represented in a positi,e anner a$ost

    an&%here- and the presentation o! the idea$i.ed %hite !or as the highest $e,e$ o! eaut& is getting%orse

    Reasons !or Concern: gir$s interna$i.ing and ecoing ph&sica$$& and ps&cho$ogica$$& i$$- costs

    one&- changes ho% peop$e re$ate to each other/

    o Working Thesis: The rigid$& idea$i.ed standard o! eaut& perpetuated & the !ea$e protagonists and side

    characters in ost edia- particu$ar$& chi$dren0s entertainent edia- $eads to a ,ariet& o! issues !or thehea$th issues !ro %oen and gir$s- oth enta$$& and ph&sica$$&- as %e$$ as prooting negati,e cu$tura$standards and stereot&pes- that cost oth one& and huan dignit&/

    'OD1 PARA2RAP#:

    PROOF: Stage One of Strategy3Proo! %h& it is a pro$e (conse+uences) %ith e4ap$es to pro,e that it is a pattern

    Topic entence C$ai 56: 7ack o! di,ersit& hars the &oung %oen e4posed to the edia

    8,idence"e4ap$e: eating disorders (pro ana"ia- thigh gap)- !ad diets- depression"$o% se$!9estee-interna$i.ation o! one %a& to $ook"e accepted as eauti!u$ and good

    Topic entence C$ai 5: 7ack o! di,ersit& costs ;ON81

    8,idence"e4ap$e: an& o! the eating disorders"ps&chiatric disorders are pre,enta$e i$$ness ut end upcosting ta49pa&er do$$ars- $ots o! one& spent & indi,idua$s on !itness progras or !ad diets or eaut& productsor se$! ipro,eent products3ore than their ight i! a singu$ar standard o! eaut& %asn

  • 8/9/2019 Position Paper Plan Template REQUIRED Engl201C


    English 201C—Leone

    !orcing %oen to !it o$d that !e% i! an& can per!ect$& !i$$ and te$$s en that this is ho% a good %oan $ooks andan&thing e$se is !reakish

    CAUSES: Stage To of Strategy3Causes !or e4istence and continuance o! pattern

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : Trend has een strengthen s$o%$& so peop$e interna$i.e- then regurgitate it in ore

    e4tree !ors/ '$ind c&c$ica$it&3the %a& itust ore so/8,idence"e4ap$e: e,o$ution o! & $itt$e pon& and Disne& princess e,en Dora the e4p$orer- +uotes aoutaniated %oen- preiu on eaut& and goodness (con!$ate the t%o)

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : #ea$th cu$ture that !ocuses on$& on si.e turns %eight into a kind o! ora$it&- eaning

    $arger protagonists %ou$d e iora$"dangerous to sho% chi$dren8,idence"e4ap$e: the Disne& e4hiit- actua$ disgust at !at peop$e- isdiagnoses- g$ori!ication o! thinness

    the e4tent o! unhea$thiness %hi$e !ai$ing to ackno%$edge the dou$e standard

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : de$ierate anipu$ation o! arket & peop$e %ho can pro!it !ro it8,idence"e4ap$e: ad,ertisers ust ake peop$e unhapp& e!ore the& %i$$ u& stu!! and catching peop$e

    &oung is a good strateg&/ There %ou$d e a arket !or p$us si.e protagonists- ut etter to se$$ cand& andthinness* etter to keep peop$e unhapp&

    SOLUT!O"S: Stage Three of Strategy3Practica$ $ong9ter so$utions to change or diinish this pro$e o,er tie

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : Parenta$ 2uidance

    84ap$e – Parents e4p$aining !$a%s in edia representations- parents seeking ore inc$usi,e edia-parents $o&ing !or copanies to change- parents teaching respect ased on personhood not appearance3acti,e$& countering ipressions gi,en & edia

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : e4 education inc$uding od& iage education in schoo$s

    84ap$e – c$asses that rea$$& take apart the a,erage screen %oan copared to rea$ %oen- e4p$aindangers o! disordered eating in a rea$istic and e4p$icit %a&- and acti,e$& address the %idespread od&discontent %ith rea$ !acts aout hea$th and a,erage %eight or $arger %eights

    Topic entence C$ai 5 : $a%s on the rea$is o! iages in edia !ed to &oung gir$s* potentia$$& %arning $ae$s

    84ap$e 99

    CONC7UION: o?  @hort Dra!t"Notes

    o Paraphrase o! paper ideas " so$utions

    o Prediction o! !uture i! change does " does not occur 

    o Bina$ appea$ or assertion o! paper position

  • 8/9/2019 Position Paper Plan Template REQUIRED Engl201C


    English 201C—Leone

    o This is so ,er& iportant $ike so ,er& iportant I didn