Portfolio_Ashley Davis

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Portfolio_Ashley Davis

Ashley V.


Designdigital + fine arts


Corporate Branding // Print DesignOnline User Experience // Web DesignLogos + Marketing Products // Identity DesignInvitations, Stationary, + Paintings // Fine Arts

My name is Ashley Davis and I am a designer. In the office, or at home, my creativity never stops; I constantly am working to turn ideas into reality. With experience in print, layout, identity, and web design, I bring not only digital design and design research experience, but also fine arts skills, to the table.

Professional ExperienceCreative Specialist, OurHealthJuly 2013 - Present• Collaborate with different areas of business including Operations, Sales,

Finance, and Account Management to lead art direction and develop design concepts for a range of projects including: quarterly and annual reports, flyers, brochures, posters, ads, sales presentations, proposals, signs and displays, internal communications, etc.

• Design custom icons and graphics (ex. researching, writing, and designing infographics)

• Copywrite material for web and print promotional projects including: OurHealth’s Member Portal communications, presentations, quarterly and annual reports, etc.

• Work as Visual Experience Designer, collaborating with software engineering team, to provide look and feel of user interface for OurHealth’s Member Portal

• Manage digital content and communications on OurHealth’s Member Portal, including developing graphics and content

Communications Assistant, Herron School of Art + Design August 2011 – May 2013• Researched and wrote new content relevant to the art & design field for

the Herron Blog and alumni newsletter• Developed promotional material and communication tools for

recruiting new students to Herron School of Art + Design

Additional Experience Owner, Pale Fox Designs (www.PaleFoxDesigns.com)January 2014 - Present• Create a range of handmade watercolor prints, invitations, greeting

cards, and stationary products for sale on Etsy• Analyze analytics and optimize online traffic to create effective web

marketing and promotions across social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest)

• Coordinate all online sales and fulfillment of product orders• Accept freelance projects on an ongoing basis including: commission

paintings, custom invitations, wedding suites, corporate branding, posters, etc.

Design Skills

Additional Skills• Fine Art skills including watercolor, oil, and

acrylic painting, hand lettering, drawing, etc.• Live visual notetaking skills (translating

discussions/meetings into pictures in real-time)• Proficient in Microsoft Office (Excel,Word,

PowerPoint)• Knowledge of E-Mail Marketing (MailChimp)• Social media marketing (Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram)• Intermediate Written/Spoken French

EducationIndiana University

Master of Fine ArtsVisual Communication Design Indianapolis, IN GPA: 3.52/4.0Indiana University Scholarship: 2011-2013

Loyola University ChicagoBachelor of ArtsInternational Studies Communication, FrenchChicago, IL GPA: 3.43/4.0Dean’s Scholarship: 2007-2010

Université de Pau, FranceFrench Language & Politics2008-2009

Projects2013 Greencastle Community SummitAugust 2013Facilitator/Visual Notetaker

Indiana Humanities Council INconversationMay 2013Visual Notetaker

Indiana Humanities Council Big Hoosier ChallengeAugust 2012 – April 2013 - Communications Consultant

IndyGo Lobbying ToolkitDecember 2012-May 2012Communications Consultant














OurHealth//Corporate Branding

Established in 2009, OurHealth is a company that promises to transform healthcare delivery through exception patient experience. Prior to being hired, OurHealth had yet to develop a corporate branding strategy. During my time at OurHealth, I was personally responsible for developing our branding guide, selecting our colors and fonts, and leading the direction of all creative and design choices, both in print and web.

My strategy was to assess the company’s core attributes and create a consistent look that married the ingrained definitions of healthcare with a modern visual identity. My goal was to evoke feelings of modernity, cleanliness, transparency, and professionalism while staying friendly, open, and inviting.

ourhealth //web design: patient portal

In an effort to reflect the company’s patient-centered focus while creating an inviting, fun feeling for patients, icons and images were used to invoke a “friendly” presence. This is not the “clinical, sterile” hospital of your grandparents, OurHealth strives to create an engaging, personal experience. This mission is reflected in the flat design, fun and lively characters, clean photos, and inviting narrative.

Working with a team of software engineers, I created mock-ups that were then transformed into working designs. I started by sketching ideas, creating mock-ups in Illustrator, creating sprite sheets for the engineers, and working in real-time to design the visual experience of the portal.

ourhealth //web design: Main site

This landing page was designed to reflect the new style of the OurHealth Patient Portal. Using similar icons and characters, and continuing with the same colors, fonts, etc. This page is to serve as the OurHealth main landing page.

INACTIVITY. Physical activity helps use up glucose as energy. The less active you are, the greater your risk.

FAMILY HISTORY. Your risk increases if your parent or sibling has type 2 diabetes.

www.cdc.gov/diabetes/preventionWEIGHT. The more fatty tissue you have, the more resistant your cells become to insulin.

SMOKING. Smokers are 30-40% more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than nonsmokers.

Take the DIABETES RISK TEST online at


TYPE 1 TYPE 2Usually diagnosed in children and young adults, type 1 diabetes is when the body doesn’t produce enough insulin.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It’s when your body does not use insulin properly, causing your blood glucose levels to rise higher than normal.


That’s 1 in 3! But what is Prediabetes?

Before people develop type 2 diabetes, they almost always have “prediabetes” – blood glucose levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes.




*Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy needed for daily life.

9 out of 10


PREDIABETES.Without management, 15-30% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.

If you have prediabetes, losing weight can cut your risk of getting type 2 diabetes in HALF.


1 out of 4people don’t know they have diabetes



Diabetes is the 7TH LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH in the

United States



$$Medical costs for people with diabetes is TWICE AS HIGH as for people without diabetes

American Diabetes Association “Statistics About Diabetes” http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/statistics/

American Diabetes Association “Type 2” http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/type-2/

American Diabetes Association “Type 1” http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/type-1/?loc=db-slabnav

Mayo Clinic “Diseases and Conditions: Diabetes; Risk Factors” http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/basics/risk-factors/con-20033091

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention “Prediabetes Infographic” http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/pubs/images/prediabetes-inforgraphic.jpg

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention “Smoking and Diabetes” http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/diabetes.html







styes, boils, fungal infections, & itching

Learn more at www.diabetes.org or www.cdc.gov/diabetes.

Be more active & stay


Lose weight Eat healthy Work with a health


431 2




CONCERNED ABOUT DIABETES? A health professional can help you determine your risk and, if necessary, schedule an in-office test to diagnose diabetes.


Cigarette smoking accounts for 1 IN 5


On average, smokers DIE 10 YEARS EARLIER

than non-smokers.

1,300 PEOPLE DIE EVERY DAY FROM SMOKING.When burned, cigarettes create

more than 7,000 CHEMICALS. At least 69 ARE KNOWN TO CAUSE CANCER.

Some chemicals found in tobacco smoke include:

Acetone (found in nail polish)Lead (used in batteries)Cadmium (active component in battery acid)Arsenic (used in rat poison)Benzene (found in rubber cement)Formaldehyde (embalming fluid)


Smoking is responsible for approximately 90% OF LUNG CANCER DEATHS and 80-90% of COPD (emphysema and chronic bronchitis) deaths.

Smokers have bigger bellies and are 30-40% MORE LIKELY TO DEVELOP TYPE 2 DIABETES. Diabetes can lead to blindness, heart disease, kidney failure, and amputations.

Smoking during pregnancy can cause a baby to be born too early. For men, smoking can damage sperm, causing infertility or GENETIC DEFECTS IN CHILDREN.

Smoking puts stress on the heart, making it weaker and increasing your risk for HEART DISEASE AND HEART ATTACKS.



HEROIN. It changes your brain; when you quit,

you go through withdrawal, leaving you feeling anxious, irritable, and having

strong cravings.

Smoking increases the risk of ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION

(the inability to get or keep an erection).

19%of American adults are current smokers.

26%of American adults in the Midwest are smokers.

1 of 5adults and teenagers smoke.

9 out of 10smokers start before the age of 18.



Pick a date within the next two weeks to quit; this will give you time to prepare. Avoid choosing a day when you might be stressed or tempted to smoke.

2. TELL FAMILY & FRIENDSIt’s easier to quit when you have people in your life to support you. Let them know you plan to quit and how they can help. Include why you are quitting.

3. PLAN FOR CHANGEWhen you quit smoking, you’ll go through withdrawal. The first few weeks are the hardest; common feelings include: depression, anxiety, nervousness, and irritability.

4. REMOVE TEMPTATIONRemove cigarettes and other tobacco from your home, car, and work. Give or throw away lighters and ashtrays.

5. TALK TO YOUR DOCTORIt’s difficult to quit smoking on your own. Your doctor can answer questions and give advice. Additionally, medications exist to help you quit smoking. Talk to your provider to find out what’s right for you.

CDC “Adult Cigarette Smoking in the United States: Current Estimates” http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/adult_data/cig_smoking/index.htm

CDC “Fast Facts” http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/fast_facts/index.htm

American Lung Association “What’s in a Cigarette” http://www.lung.org/stop-smoking/about-smoking/facts-figures/whats-in-a-cigarette.html

Smokefree.gov “18 ways smoking affects your health” http://smokefree.gov/health-effects

BeTobaccoFree.gov “Tobacco Facts and Figures” http://betobaccofree.hhs.gov/about-tobacco/facts-figures/

SmokeFree.gov “Prepare to Quit” http://smokefree.gov/steps-to-prepare

ourhealth //web design: patient portal

These infographics were created for the OurHealth Portal, as part of the news feed. I did extensive research into each topic, compiled sources, created the infographics, and had each approved by the company’s medical directors.

I tried to incorporate typography and iconography to create designs that were engaging and “fun” despite the heavy nature of the content.

*Both infographics were recently accepted by Images Publishing Group Shanghai to be published as part of the collection, “Visual Storytelling - Infographic Design in News.”

HOW TO BEAT THE Winter Blues Seasonal A�ective DisorderSeasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs at a certain time of the year, usually in winter. Symptoms can start in the fall and may continue into the winter months, sapping energy and increasing moodiness. Symptoms can also occur in the spring or early summer, although this is less common.


How to prepare for your appointment

Be prepared for your appoint-ment by making a list of:

• Your symptoms• When your depression starts

and what seems to make it better or worse

• Any major life changes orstressers

• All medications you’retaking

• Any mental health problemsyou have

For SAD, some basic questions to ask your provider include:

• Are my symptoms caused bySAD or could they be due to something else?

• What are the best treatmentoptions?

• Should I see a psychiatrist, psychologist, or other mental health provider?

For questions or to schedule an appointment, contact OurHealth’s Member Relations Team at (866) 434-3255 or member@ourhealth.org.

Source: MayoClinic.org “Diseases & Conditions: Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)”

Lowered sunlight levels in fall and winter can disrupt the body’s internal clock, leading to feelings of depression.

Women and young people are more likely to be diagnosed with SAD.

People with SAD may be more likely to have blood relatives with SAD or another form of depression.

Reduced sunlight can cause a drop in

serotonin, a brain chemical that affects mood.

SAD is more common in

northern regions, where the winter season is longer and more harsh.

Symptoms of clinical depression or bipolar disorder may worsen seasonally if you have one of these conditions.

ourhealth //web design: patient portal

I created these infographics using a flat, modern design, incorporating elements from the OurHealth patient website to provide a sleek, engaging combination of facts and icons. Each infographic was researched and designed by me.

ourhealth //web design: patient portal

Continuing with the same style/theme as the OurHealth Portal, I designed error pages. The same colors, type, graphics, and characters already part of the Portal.

ourhealth //web design: patient portal

These posters were designed for the launch of the OurHealth Portal, a health management platform integrating online tools with clinic services and reporting.

For the poster on the left, I began by hand lettering the message on paper. I then transformed this design into vector using Illustrator, added icons that reflected the service offerings of the site, and used colors that stayed within the OurHealth brand.

IndYGo//Communications Strategy

Using human-centered design research methods, market research, and secondary sources, I established a deep understanding of the current public transportation economy in Indianapolis, Indiana. I interviewed bus riders, transportation officials, and city legislature, in addition to gathering statistical data and performing a quality management assessment.

Using this information, I was able to develop a fully integrated communications campaign aimed at connecting supporters and policy makers through a combination of online organizing, media coverage, and advertising.

Columbus Chamber of Commerce // Ignite Columbus

For this project, I was tasked with creating a poster, Facebook banner, and email banner for the event “Ignite Columbus.” Ignite Columbus is a quick fire, think on your feet, creative & interactive idea-sharing event with a purpose. Working with previous years’ designs, I was able to keep with the same geometric, bold, and modern look and feel.

Columbus young professionals club// Identity design

For this logo, I was tasked with updating the organization’s previous logo to create something modern and fun that could be used across a range of marketing collateral.

our analytics //identity design

This logo began as a hand lettered design. I then transfered the design into a vector illustration to create a modern, clean logo.

Ashley Davis555 Sunset Lane

Somewhereville, IN


E: adavis@ouranalytics.com


May 31, 2014

Dear Sir,

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris elit libero, sodales in ipsum eget, interdum auctor ligula. Suspendisse dignissim porttitor aliquet. Pellentesque sit amet metus pretium, rutrum justo id, aliquet orci. Quisque facilisis purus vitae erat commodo imperdiet. In sed pharetra enim, nec pulvinar nunc. Nulla ac lacus velit. Pellentesque sagittis dolor ut orci malesuada, nec consectetur elit iaculis. Fusce odio nulla, aliquet sed accumsan at, pretium nec dolor. Aenean vehicula velit vel nisi adipiscing tempor. In adipiscing id ligula ut rhoncus.

Ut dignissim nisi at sapien convallis fringilla. Sed nec consectetur nulla. Aenean at urna lobortis, fringilla massa ut, mollis neque. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque sed aliquam magna. Integer ut lobortis nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae;

Etiam mollis accumsan elementum. Pellentesque porta libero nec purus porta, ut placerat orci tristique. Ut accumsan interdum dui, id dignissim erat ultrices sit amet. Phasellus accumsan arcu odio, at viverra nisi ullamcorper ut. Aenean condimentum erat non vehicula malesuada. Donec facilisis metus sed convallis blandit. Integer viverra dignissim varius. Vivamus non est eu metus porta consequat. Duis blandit massa sit amet sapien consectetur, at aliquam ante cursus. Aliquam non diam vehicula, facilisis arcu ac, cursus nulla. Aenean malesuada vitae mi quis bibendum. Nullam viverra ipsum urna. Donec in ligula ultricies, fringilla odio non, rutrum quam.


Ashley Davis

OurAnalytics555 Sunset Lane, Somewhereville, IN

317.333.5555 | www.OurAnalytics.com

Leviathan photography // identity design

Leviathan Photography is a small business based out of Indiana, focused on a range of areas from cosplay and suicide girl shoots to wedding and save the date photography. The word “leviathan” has become synonymous with any large sea monster or creature. The concept for this design was to incorporate the L and P from the company name with marine and sea references. The design started as a drawing, which I then transferred into a vector illustration.

Alli & Ryan nuptials // wedding design suite

For this project, I worked with the bride, using her color scheme, to create a custom logo and personalized bride and groom avatars (both is “regular” clothes and wedding appar-el). Using these elements I was able to put together her Save the Date cards, Placeholder cards, Menu cards, and Thank You cards. Additionally, the logo and avatars were used on a children’s coloring book, coffee cup sleeve, and other items.

rebecca & Darshan nuptials // wedding design suite

This is a save the date for a wonderful couple, Darshan and Rebecca. Their goal was to tell their love story through modern icons and a flat design. I also incorporated a custom avatar to create an even more personal touch.

rebecca & Darshan Nuptials //Wedding Design suite

This wedding invitation integrates hand-painted watercolor leaves with typography and symbols to create an elegant design that captured the desire for a fall wedding theme.

Watercolor + Mixed Media Paintings // Fine arts

In addition to digital art, I am also proficient in fine arts, including watercolor, oil, and acrylic painting. Above are a range of original watercolor and mixed media painting that are available for purchase as part of my etsy shop, Pale Fox Designs.

I was also chosen to participate as a featured artist at RAW: Indianapolis’ Sensory Showcase. The pieces pictured above, along with several other pieces, were also on display at the show.

Hand Lettering //Fine Arts

I am also interested in typography and using hand lettering to create fine art pieces. Above are two examples of the hand lettered pieces I have produced using ink.