Portfolio fall 2011

Post on 18-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Portfolio fall 2011

PortfolioRob Heinrichs

Fall 2011

Formative AssessmentI am learning to use formative assessment practices in ways that can have powerful implications for learning.

Engage in a critical cycle of action–reflection to understand and develop your practice.  This term my focus is really more about developing my teaching practice and the critically understanding what I believe about assessment and putting those beliefs into practice.

ISTE NETS Standard 2dproviding students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments.  My hope is to be much more intentional with formative assessment practices in my classroom, in every facet, but with particular focus on writing.

From the student’s point of view, the formative assessment “script” reads like this: “What knowledge or skills I am to develop? How close am I now? What do I need to do next?”

It’s not fair to students to present them with feedback and no opportunities to use it. It’s not fair to students to present them with what seems like constructive criticism and then use it against them in a grade or final evaluation.

Qualities of Good Feedback

Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Qualities of Good Feedback


Developing Personal Learning Goals

My goal was to make sure that I had no spelling mistakes and to make sure  my sentence’s made sence!

My goal for this piece of writing was to have  striking words and phrases that are used accurately and effectively.

    My goal today is Conventions, spelling every word right. 

My goal is to use expressive and bold words in my blogging.

My goal was to use descriptive language to help my readers, see, hear, and feel what I’ve experienced.

Examples of Student Feedback

Examples of Student Feedback

Starting with Learning Intentions

Where To Now?I want to continue developing my use of formative assessment practices in my classroom. Specifically I would like to work on developing my questioning techniques (Bloom’s Taxonomy), and increasing the variety of formative assessments that I use consistently.

Personal LearningNetwork/CommunityI am learning to grow my Personal Learning Network and Personal Learning Community in deeper ways which are impacting me as a person and as a result impacting my teaching practice.

Big Idea:

My PLN is a critical part of my teaching practice. I am hugely influence by the people I include in my PLN.

Big Idea:

Twitter and my PLN are dynamic, friendly places, which allow me to connect with people in ways I previously could not.

Big Idea:

My PLN is becoming a “networked community.” I am participating more relational ways within my PLN. It is growing in deeper ways, not just in numbers.

Changing Conversations on Twitter

Changing Conversations on Twitter

Twitter Stats

Where To Next?I have just begun to unleash the power of my PLN on my practice. I want to continue to develop my use of tools like twitter in ways that will impact me personally and professionally. As well, I would like to develop my students use of their PLN (Collaborative Learning).

Integrating TechnologyI am learning how to better integrate technology into my practice in meaningful and powerful ways.

Integrate existing and emerging technologies in your practice to support student learning.  I want to use technologies that I am familiar with in a more integrated way in my practice.  I want to use google docs so that students can provide feedback for each other, but also so that they can collaborate on writing.  I want to use our classroom blog to extend what we did last year, with a focus on formative assessment and self/peer evaluation.

Skype Session with Professor Evenden from UBC

Where To Next?I want to continue to develop how I integrate technologies into my practice. I want the integration to always be purposeful, powerful and moving towards ubiquitous. Specifically, I would like to continue to develop my use of blogs in writing and connecting my students with the larger community.