
Post on 26-Mar-2016

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This is my portfolio after my first three years of college

Transcript of Portfolio

Commercial Arts Pablo Mauricio Uranga

Table of Contents


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� is was a study of anatomy and poses of human � gures in di� erent spaces. For some drawings I used real models and for others I used pictures as sources. I learned how to create shadow and light e� ects using pencils, charcoal and pen. � e two drawings on the next page are self-portraits using only one light source.

25 x 15 Pen drawing “Growing up”

10 x 15 Pen/Pencil Drawing

21 x 21 Pen Drawing “Reading Girl”

27 x 18 Pencil Drawing “School”27 x 18 Pencil Drawing “Dreams”

6 feet tall

3D Project� e WaveSketches and a small prototype were created before the � nal 6 foot tall cardboard sculp-ture. � e objective of this project was to build an object with interesting line move-ment, a speci� c direction and e� ective neg-ative spaces. � is design has the perfect combination of organic and geometric shapes in order to make it more aesthetically appealing. � e color is very rich to catch the viewer’s eye as well as to create in-teresting shadows.

5 feet long

� is project was one of the reasons why I was awarded an art scholarship for be-ing a outstanding freshman art student at Ashland University. � e asssignment was to be presented in the form of pictures. Af-ter the � rst review of my portfolio several teachers were impressed with the work and they nominated me for the scholarship. � is award inspired me to keep working hard and keep creating innovative art.

� is project was one of the reasons why I was awarded an art scholarship for be-ing a outstanding freshman art student at Ashland University. � e asssignment was to be presented in the form of pictures. Af-ter the � rst review of my portfolio several teachers were impressed with the work and they nominated me for the scholarship. � is award inspired me to keep working hard and keep creating innovative art.

L’homme du bassin

� e assigment was to create a project that in some-way included our bodies and then use it to present an artistic statement. I decided to create a human muta-tion; an idea that came to me a� er spending hours and hours swimming in the pool. I painted my body and added membranes to my hands that would make a human swim faster. Finally, I also added gills on my neck to give it the � nal touch of a human � sh. � e project was successful because I used my body in a creative manner.

neck to give it the � nal touch of a human � sh. � e project was successful because I used my body in a creative manner.

Fight, Don’t FlightIn this computer art project, we were challenged to create a diptych in which words were incor-porated into the images. � e assignment speci-� ed that to get inspiration we should � rst make an original quote. My inspirational statement said “To hunt success you must turn your back on failure and start moving forward”. In the bot-tom image, I depicted a human � gure in order to make the theme more relatable. In the image above, the drawing of a furious lion embodies the challenges one faces when hunting success. I used complementary colors to create a sense of � ghting between the characters. Con� ict is also present between � re and water. As a result, the two images coincide concerning their message, color and style.

“Fail” Photoshop Digital Image

“Fight” Photoshop Digital Image

COINSIn this project, we were to make an artistic statement with modi� ed pictures. I chose to express my opinion concerning the di� erence be-tween these two words. � e actions these words inspire di� ers along with the results. To make it more realistic, I incorporated all the ele-

ments of real coins includ-ing the portrait, the � eld, the legend, the designer’s initials, etc.

“Greed Coin”

“Ambition Coin”


SCANNING ASSIGNMENT� e challenge of this asssignment was to use images of scanned objects and incorporate them into the � nal images. I scanned some aluminum foil and modi� ed it using Adobe Photoshop to portray texture. I also scanned plastic to create the e� ect of water in the image below. � e images narrate a story of a fan-tastic adven-ture of an actual dream I had. � e two images depict the sur-real mood of the dream.


10 X 15 Digital Image on Canvas “Ashland”

10 X 15 Digital Image on Canvas “Chihuahua”

10 X 15 Digital Image on Canvas “Ashland”

10 X 15 Digital Image on Canvas “Chihuahua”

10 X 15 Digital Image on Canvas “Ashland”

12 x 15 � e Mixer of Worlds We were to select an instrument from a still life and make a detailed rep-resentation of it on a scratchboard. Next, we were to put it in an imagi-nary space that matches the style and mood of the object. I decided to make a symmetrical compostition of an old mixer. Its symmetry creates tension between both sides with the mixer in the middle.


� e two projects on the previous page are transfers of digital images onto canvas and then retouched with charcoal. � ey are both related to my past. � e various elements shown represent the culture shock I ex-perienced when I went to college far from home.

12 x 15 “Scratchboard Mixer”

18 x 24 Oil Paint “Bottle”

Still lifes

� e assignment was to paint two still lifes with di� erent styles. I used painterly e� ects and more expressive brush strokes on the top image. In contrast, I used glaz-ing techiniques to create a more realistic image in the bottom painting.

18 x 24 Oil Paint “Red Re� ections”

Color palette� e next challenge was to improve my color combination skills. � us, I made a painting that explores the combination of three colors, plus white, and how they a� ect each other. � e only tool used in this painting was the palette knife.

Indian Poker� is oil paint is a story of how indian poker relates to real life. � e idea was that we all have di� erent qualities that we ourselves discov-er based on interactions with other people.

24 x 18 Oil Paint

25 x 8 Oil Paint “Indian Poker”

Oil Painting

� ese mysterious water paintings are stories of characters searching for light sources. Nothing distracts them from the light. � e viewer is invited to see their actions and their intriguing faces. � e source of the light is le� unclear to make the viewer contemplate the source and importance of the light.

24 x 18 “Under Water”

32 x 2432 x 24

Light Squeezing

An impossible task like squeezing the light out of some-thing invites the imagination to immerge in a world where everything is possible. � is task seems unrealistic even in this unknown world; however, the painting focuses on the action of trying. Attempting something that seems impos-sible to others inspires people to think about what they could be trying.

32 x 24 “Guitar Player” Oil Painting27 x 27 “Drumer” Oil Painting

24 x 18 “Drop” Oil Painting


� ese are paintings that all have to do with liq-uid and the transformation of it as it a� ects sol-ids. � e paintings were inspired by musicians and their music, speci� cally a guitar player (top le� ) and a drummer (bottom le� ). � e liquid represents music. It shows how it a� ects other people (the boxes) in di� erent ways when they get hit with the waves of rythm.

9 x 9 “Copy of Lucien Freud” Oil Painting

Odd Nerdrum and Lucien Freud

� e teacher assigned two artists to each student that we had to study. We learned the techniques and concepts they used. We were challenged to make a copies of their work. A� er studying them we made a research paper to compare and contrast each artist. � en we chose our fa-vorite and did an original painting with the artist’s style. I selected Odd Nerdrum because I liked some of his ide-as. I also liked his techiniques better than Freud’s so I decided to make a compostition (bottom right) showing some of his in� uence.

18 x 24 “Odd Nerdrum Copy” Oil Paint

14 x 20 “Original with Nerdrum style” Oil Paint

12 x 16

12 x 18

Color � eory

� ese are two examples of my studies in color theory. � ey are both acrylic paintings of still lifes. � e two paintings are meant to explore the use of color, light and shadow. � e mix-

ing and application of this media was crucial to the overall aesthetic value of the pieces. In the top painting, the still life is full of opaque ob-

jects that are lit with cool and warm lights. � e composition had to be surreal, so I created this

image where gravity does not rule. � e bot-tom painting has only transparent objects. � e

obstacle of this painting was to combine the colors well enough to paint them as solid colors

rather than watering down the paint.