Portfolio 2011 bookmarked

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of Portfolio 2011 bookmarked

Product Portfolio

Research you can use

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

2011Business, Management

and Economics Library and Information

Studies Social Sciences

Engineering Language and

Linguistics Transport



Subject leadership 2Understanding your needs and exceeding your expectations 5Emeraldquality 6Emeraldadvisers 7Emerald’snewJournals 8EmeraldBooks 9

Business, Management and Economics 11Emerald Management eJournals 12Emerald Backfiles 16Emerald eBooks Series Collection 18Emerald Subject Collections 20Emerald Management First 22Emerald Abstracts 24AccountingandFinance 27BuiltEnvironment 43BusinessEthicsandLaw 49Economics 53EnterpriseandInnovation 63EnvironmentalManagement/Environment 69HealthCareManagement/Healthcare 73HumanResourceManagement 79IndustryandPublicSectorManagement 87InformationandKnowledgeManagement 91InternationalBusiness 99LearningandDevelopment 103ManagementScience/ManagementStudies 107ManagingQuality 113Marketing 117OperationsandLogisticsManagement 127OrganizationStudies 133PerformanceManagementandMeasurement 139RegionalManagementStudies 141Strategy 145

Library and Information Studies 151Emerald Subject Collections 152LibraryandInformationStudies 155

Social Sciences 165Emerald Education Plus 166Emerald Sociology Plus 168Emerald Subject Collections 170Emerald eBooks Series Collections 172Education 175SociologyandPublicPolicy 185TourismandHospitality 195Engineering 201Emerald Subject Collections 202 International Civil Engineering Abstracts 204AdvancedAutomation 208ComputationalMathematics 209ElectronicsManufactureandPackaging 211MaterialsScienceandEngineering 212Language and Linguistics 215Communication 218LanguagesandEnglishLanguageTeaching 218Linguistics 218SpeechandHearing 219Transport 221ClimateChangeandtheEnvironment 224ResearchMethods 224Systems,PlanningandProcess 225TrafficandTransportSafety 227TransportTheory 227Research you can use… easily 229Emeraldonlinebenefits 230Emeraldfeaturesandfunctionality 231Emeraldauthorsandeditors 232Emeraldstandards 234Emeraldconferencesandpartnerships 235Emeraldsupport 236AslibInformationLimited 237Enquiryform 238Enquiries 239Titlelistingsandindex 241


Subject leadership

What’s the big deal?Answer:Thereisn’toneunlessyouwantit.Emeraldrecognizesthat,aswegrowanddevelopourlistsofjournalsandbooks,weneedtosupportourcustomersindifferentways.Thetargetedsubjecte-collectionsofjournalsandbooksmeanthatyou,inturn,cansupportyourinstitutioninawaythatprovidesfocusandflexibility.Pleasegotopages18,152,170and203toseeourdifferentsubjectcollections.Atthesametime,weappreciatethevalueofourfullportfolioforthoseinstitutionsthathavedepartmentsinmost,ifnotall,theareasinwhichwepublishandweofferourEmeraldManagementPlusproducttomeetyourneedstoo.Thiscompletecollectionenablesfullinter-disciplinaryresearchforallyourfacultyandstudentsandensuresthatyouwillalwaysreceivethelatestnewlaunchesandacquisitionsintheEmeraldportfolio.Forafulldescription,pleasegotopage12.

Leading in qualityTheThomsonReuters(ISI)impactfactorsofEmeraldjournalshaveimproveddramaticallyeachsuccessiveyearoverthelastfiveyears,withincreasesofover30percentrepeatedlyrecorded.Theimprovingqualityacrossallourtitlesisimpressiveandhereisasmallsampleofjustsomeoftheindicatorsofprestige:Accounting, Auditing & Accountability JournalandEducation + TraininghavebeengivenatopA*ratingintheAustralianARCnationalranking.

European Journal of Marketingisranked3*inthe2009UKAssociationofBusinessSchoolsrankingandis9thintheworldin“Journalquality:aGooglescholaranalysis”bySoutarandMurphy.Corporate Communications: An International JournalhasbeenincludedincategoryA(top20percentofjournals)bytheNationalResearchCouncilinDenmark.

Leading in booksEmeraldBookscovermanyofthemostwidelyreadandstudiedsubjectareasinhighereducationandpractice,includingeconomics,sociology,businessandmanagement,linguisticsandeducation.Throughastrongcommissioningapproach,oureditorsidentifythekeythemesandemergentsubjectsaffectingresearchandprofessionalpractice.Thetremendousreputationofthebooksacrossthefullrangeofsubjectareasinwhichwepublishcomesfromalonghistoryofexcellentresearch.Forexample,ContributionstoEconomicAnalysiswasoriginallyfoundedin1952byJanTinbergen,whowentontobecomeNobelLaureateinEconomicsin1969.ResearchinExperimentalEconomicswasalsofoundedbythe2002NobelLaureateinEconomics,VernonL.Smith.

I am very pleased to welcome you to the 2011 Emerald brochure. The new structure of the brochure highlights a very exciting step in Emerald’s portfolio development. Emerald is well-known as the leading publisher in management research and for its strength in library and information studies – a reputation that has been established over the last 44 years. What you see in 2011 is how Emerald has extended its footprint in different subject

disciplines and now offers the same level of quality content in other significant areas of research. These have been grouped into the broad headings of “Language and Linguistics”, “Social Sciences”, “Library and Information Studies”, “Engineering”, “Transport” and, of course, “Business, Management and Economics”.

Emerald is applying its long-standing approach to community development to establish subject leadership in all areas. Our success in building quality products is reflected in the feedback we receive from customers, readers, authors and editors.


Leading content innovationEmeraldrecognizedveryearlyonthatourreaderswanttobeabletoread“all”relevantresearch,whetheritcanbefoundinajournalarticleorinabookserieschapter.Forthisreason,westructuredoure-bookchapterssothatthecontentcanbeaccessedalongsidethejournalarticlesinonesimplesearch.Andwehavegoneonestepfurther.ForthosewhowishtokeepsubjectfocusbutwouldliketheopportunitytoexpandthecoveragetoallrelevantEmeraldcontent,wehavedevelopedourEducationPlusandSociologyPlusproducts.Pleaseseemoredetailsonpages166and168respectively.

Thinking and working globalEmeraldisaninternationalpublisherwithrepresentationinAustralasia,Brazil,Canada,China,Dubai,India,Japan,Malaysia,Poland,Turkey,USAandBingley,UK,ensuringthatweprovideexcellent“on-the-ground”customerandauthorservices.Ourpublishingprogrammereflectsthisapproachandsomeofthetitleswehavelaunchedanddevelopedoverrecentyearsillustrateourstrongcommitmenttoencouragingresearchfromallpartsoftheworld.ThroughbrowsingthepagesofthebrochureyouwillseetitlessuchastheJournal of Indian Business Research,Chinese Management Studies,Baltic Journal of Management,etc.,allofwhicharepublishingexcellentresearchfromandaboutspecificregionsoftheworld.Weareworkingcloselywithourteamstodeliverexcellentservicetoallourstakeholdersandinvestheavilyinunderstandingyourneeds.Ihopeyouenjoybrowsingthesepagesandwewelcomeanyfeedbackyoumighthaveinimprovingourproductsandservicesfurther.

PublishingDirectorRebecca Marsh

“Emerald is one of the most innovative and proactive academic publishers”ProfessorCraigStanding,SchoolofManagement,EdithCowanUniversity,Australia

Library and Information Studies



Business, Management and Economics



























Social Sciences















Language and Linguistics











Emerald’s Portfolio


Understanding your needs and exceeding

your expectations

Emerald qualityEmerald advisers

Emerald’s new JournalsEmerald Books


Emerald quality

Ourtitlesalsoenjoyextremelyhighusage.Theentirecollectionreceivedmorethan21milliondownloadsin2009,withmanyofourtitlesreceivingonedownloadeverysecond.Morethan3,000universitylibrariesworldwidereceiveEmeraldjournalsandbookswith95oftheworld’stop100businessschools*andmanyleadingorganisationsintheSocialSciencearenasubscribingtoourtitles.Ourresearchisalsoboughtandreadbymanyoftheworld’sleadingpublicandcorporateorganisations,suchasTheBritishLibraryandIBM.Wecontinuetopublishonlineandinprintsomeofthebest-establishedandmosthighlyrespectedtitlesinthefield,suchastheBritish Food Journal,whichisnow(2010)inits112thvolume,Syntax and Semantics,andAdvances in Librarianship.WearealeadingpublisherintheLibraryandInformationStudiesandPropertyandtheBuiltEnvironmentfields,andarealsotheworld’sleadingpublisherofTransportbooks.Inaddition,EmeraldhasahistoryofpublishingseminalarticlessuchasTimBerners-Lee’s1992paper,“World-wideweb:theinformationuniverse”inInternet Research.Thisarticlecoinedthetermthe“world-wideweb”.Anotherrevolutionaryarticleis“Aservicequalitymodelanditsmarketingimplications”byChristianGrönroos,publishedintheEuropean Journal of Marketing.

Wealsopublishanumberofworld-renownedbooksthatareadoptedoncoursesworldwide–forexample,Fundamentals of Hearing: An IntroductionbyWilliamA.Yost,andThe Behavior of LawbyDonaldBlack.Ourpublishingphilosophyincludesnotionsofinternationality,diversityandresearchwithimpact.Whilstweseektopublishrigorousandrelevantresearchregardlessofwhereintheworlditoriginates,wecontinuetoattractauthors,editors,reviewersandeditorialadvisoryboardmembersfromthetopschoolsaroundtheworldacrosstherangeofdisciplineswithinwhichwepublish.Thequalityofauthorshipcontinuestoincrease–asanexample,wearepleasedtoannouncethatalloftheworld’stop100businessschools*haveEmeraldauthorsorEditorialBoardmembers.Wehaveregulareditorialcontributionsfromthecentresofexcellenceandbluechipcompaniesandourbookcontentisespeciallycommissionedfromleadingfigureswithinasubjectfield,coveringthelatestandemergingresearchtrendsindepth.Importantguidingprinciplesarethatwepublish“researchyoucanuse”and“researchwithimpact”.Concomitantwithbeingcommittedtohighlevelsofscholarship,wefirmlybelievethatourjournalsandbooksshouldpublishresearchwhichnotonlybridgesthegapbetweentheoryandpractice,butalsohasanimpactatmanylevels:onknowledge,inteaching,inpractice,ontheeconomy,onpolicymakingandonsociety.*ListedbytheFinancial TimesGlobalMBARankings2010.

Emerald journals and books continue to go from strength to strength in terms of their quality. Each title has a review process appropriate to its content, with more than 95 per cent of our journals benefiting from a double-blind peer review system, and our books comprising research which is commissioned from leading thinkers in the subject field. This ensures that each article/paper is reviewed and mandated by subject experts and provides for the highest quality published content. This is reflected by the high position of our titles in rankings lists, such as Thomson Reuters (ISI) and other rankings such as the Association of Business Schools list or the Excellence in Research in Australia. Some 45 Emerald journals and book series are now included in Thomson Reuters, with impact factors having increased on average by 30 per cent since 2008.


Emerald advisers

David LamondExecutive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law, Victoria University, Australia



Professor David WeirProfessor of Intercultural Management, Liverpool Hope University, UK, Affiliate Professor, ESC Rennes, France, Visiting Professor, Lancaster University Management School, UK



Professor Howard ThomasDean, Lee Kong Chian School of Business at Singapore Management University, Singapore



Steve O’ConnorUniversity Librarian, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong



Anthony H. Normore California State University, Dominguez Hills, USA


In order to ensure that Emerald continues to develop in line with the needs of our authors, customers and readers we have a team of advisers whom we consult to ensure that we continue to be an innovative and informed publisher.

Emerald’s advisers help to keep Emerald plugged in to the world of academia. They recommend hot topics, seek out potentially high profile authors, and help to ensure that all of our journals and books are produced to the highest of standards.


Emerald’s new Journals


New for 2011Emeraldispleasedtoannouncethefollowingadditionstoitsportfolioin2011:• Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies

• Arts Marketing: An International Journal

• Built Environment Project and Asset Management

• China Finance Review International

• Grey Systems: Theory and Application

• Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

• Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies

• Journal of Culture Heritage Management and Sustainability Development

• Journal of Family Business Management

• Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

• Journal of Social Marketing

• Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal


Emerald actively expands its portfolio through launch and acquisition. Our new journal launch and acquisition programme demonstrates our commitment to:

• Innovation and quality in publishing

• Development of subject area strength and coverage

• Responding to market needs for journals in new and evolving areas

• Internationality and inclusivity

• A diverse range of titles across a broad range of subject disciplines

• Value for money – more journals and more content in specific and relevant areas


Emerald Books

Wearedelightedtopublisharangeofstrongbookserieswithleadingthinkersacrossourrangeofsubjectdisciplines–AdvancesinEconometrics,ResearchinLabourEconomics,ResearchinSocialMovements,ConflictandChange,AdvancesinLibrarianship,andStudiesinSymbolicInteraction,tonamebutafew.Recentlaunchesandacquiredbookseriesinclude:• AdvancesinEcopolitics• BridgingTourismTheoryandPractice• Community,EnvironmentandDisasterRiskManagement• ContemporaryIssuesinEntrepreneurshipResearch• InnovationandLeadershipinEnglishLanguageTeaching.Wealsopublishastronglistofkeytextandreferencebooks,withrecenttitlesincluding:• The Long Work Hours CulturebyProfessorCaryCooperCBE,LancasterUniversity,UKandProfessorRonaldBurke,YorkUniversity,Canada

• Higher Education in a Virtual WorldbyDrCharlesWankel,StJohn’sUniversity,USAandJanKingsley,AssociationforProfessional&ExecutiveLearning,Spain

• Choice Modelling; The State-of-the-Art and the State-of-PracticebyProfessorAndrewDalyandDrStephaneHess,InstituteforTransportStudies,UniversityofLeeds,UK

• Handbook of Survey Research(2nded.)byProfessorPeterMarsden,HarvardUniversity,USAandProfessorJamesWright,UniversityofCentralFlorida,USA

• Successful Project Management PracticesbyProfessorParvizF.Rad,ProjectManagementExcellence,LLCandProfessorVittalS.Anantatmula,WesternCarolinaUniversity,USA

• Managing People and Organizations: Peter Drucker’s LegacybyDrGuidoStein,IESEBusinessSchool,UniversityofNavarra,Spain

• Case Study Research Methods: Theory, Methods and Practice byProfessorArchWoodside,BostonCollege,USA

• To Lead; Lessons Learnt; Reflecting the FuturebyProfessorPeterLorange,IMD,Switzerland

• Signals & Systems(2nded.)byProfessorStuartRosenandProfessorPeterHowell,UniversityCollegeLondon,UK.



The Emerald Books programme continues to develop in both quality and quantity. Since Emerald commenced publishing books at the beginning of 2008, its Frontlist has grown steadily. We published 110 new book titles in 2008, 114 in 2009, 140 in 2010, and are on track to publish 165 new titles in 2011. We publish titles across a broad spectrum of subject areas, with thriving and growing lists in business and management, education, sociology and public policy, language and linguistics, and transport.

Business, Management and


Online products:Emerald Management eJournals

Emerald BackfilesEmerald eBook Series Collection

Emerald Subject CollectionsEmerald Management First

Emerald Abstracts

Journal and Book subject disciplines:Accounting and Finance

Built EnvironmentBusiness Ethics and Law

EconomicsEnterprise and Innovation

Environmental Management/EnvironmentHealth Care Management/Healthcare

Human Resource ManagementIndustry and Public Sector Management

Information and Knowledge ManagementInternational Business

Learning and DevelopmentManagement Science/Management Studies

Managing QualityMarketing

Operations and Logistics ManagementOrganization Studies

Performance Management and MeasurementRegional Management Studies


Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management eJournalsOnline Products Emerald Management eJournals

Leading the way in management research

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management eJournals


Emerald Management eJournal collections are a central access point for rigorous and relevant peer-reviewed research from a publisher with over 40 years of experience in the field of business and management. Defined by the number of journals within, there are a number of options available to allow institutions to select the resource needed; each one comprises titles from up to 24 subject areas. Every collection has been designed to provide users with a thorough understanding of business and management, making Emerald Management eJournal collections a core resource that is crucial to academic, professional and business research. Subjects covered within Emerald Management eJournal collections comprise:

Emerald Management PlusEmerald’s premium and most comprehensive eJournal collection, Emerald Management Plus incorporates all the benefits of an Emerald subscription, whilst providing instant access to new and acquired titles as soon as they are published online – guaranteeing availability of the very latest research. A subscription currently provides access to more than 225 journals, ensuring that users have an extensive source of business and management research. And, with Emerald’s commitment to launching and acquiring high quality publications, the journal count will continually grow. Emerald Management Plus also reduces administration time and provides long-term budget control, as there is no longer the need to renegotiate mid-agreement in order to gain access to the latest titles.

“Emerald Management eJournals are the ‘birthstone of business research’.”Frantz Telfort, Coordinator of Collection Development, Alvin Sherman Library, Nova Southeastern University, Florida

Accounting and Finance

Built Environment

Business Ethics and Law




Enterprise and Innovation

Environmental Management/Environment

Health Care Management/Healthcare

Human Resource Management

Industry and Public Sector Management

Information and Knowledge Management

International Business

Learning and Development

Library and Information Studies

Management Science/Management Studies

Managing Quality


Operations and Logistics Management

Organization Studies

Performance Management and Measurement

Regional Management Studies


Tourism and Hospitality

Emerald Management Plus is First Choice at Universiti Putra Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia is a research university offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses with a focus on agricultural sciences and its related fields. The challenges faced by the librarians working within the Information Management Division are common amongst librarians across the globe including: the worry over budget cuts; the variety of questions from users who all have different research backgrounds; and a demand for niche topics. Emerald Management Plus was chosen by Universiti Putra Malaysia to overcome such challenges, as the resource offers the widest collection of focused titles available. The “versatile database” also eradicates some of the strain of budget control as a set price is confirmed for the full length of the agreement. Most significantly, the extensive coverage of business and management is used widely within their Graduate School of Management, one of the top business schools in Malaysia.The practicality of Emerald Management Plus also helps the librarians, as it arms them with “powerful information that can be adapted in their daily job tasks”. They describe the site as “very easy to use and navigate”, particularly as “the results are segregated by titles: journals, books and bibliographic databases”, which is essential for saving valuable time. They greatly benefit from the ease of downloading articles and the simplicity of the way in which abstracts are displayed to ensure that time is not wasted on reading information that is not relevant to their research. The librarians at Universiti Putra Malaysia have been using Emerald since their student days and now Emerald is still their first choice for searching articles on librarianship.April 2010

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management eJournals


Find out moreEmerald Management eJournal collections are innovative resources, developed specifically for business schools and management departments, and present a unique approach to the provision and use of management information. The collections were developed by talking through the ideas, problems and headaches of Emerald’s academic community members, including deans, directors, researchers, teachers, students and librarians in business schools and university management departments worldwide.Much more than journals in a library or papers online, Emerald Management eJournal collections provide the opportunity to exchange ideas and information, to keep users at the forefront of the world of research. They enable the sharing of ideas about teaching, from planning a course, to finding an interesting case study. They offer help and ideas on writing papers for publication, either to an experienced faculty member or to a graduate crafting their first published piece.The sophisticated search and browse functionality enables users to maximise the effectiveness of their knowledge discovery process, whilst the additional features facilitate and support effective research. Emerald also offers e-mail alerting services to ensure that users are notified as soon as research in their chosen journal or subject field becomes available online. Emerald was one of the first scholarly publishers to publish its journal articles as an online database in 1994 and has come a long way since the company was founded with just one journal in 1967. However, the link between theory and practice that was the foundation of the company 44 years ago remains, and the message “Research you can use” is still upheld today.

Features & benefits:Comprehensive A total of 24 key subject areas within business and management provide users with a complete understanding of this widely studied subject. Direct A single point of access for management research, so that users can pin-point the information they need, whenever they need it, and ultimately save on valuable time.International Authors from over 145 different countries have published with Emerald.

High quality Emerald’s primary research journals are double blind peer reviewed, and many are Thomson Reuters (ISI) ranked, so users can be confident that they are accessing verified and valuable information to enhance and enrich their research.Current Librarians can guarantee that their library contains an up-to-date collection of business and management journals which are relied on to be both rigorous and relevant.

Key titles:Our flagship titles include Management Decision, European Journal of Marketing, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Journal of Consumer Marketing and Library Management. Articles from these titles are downloaded on average 209,000 times each month.

European Journal of Marketing

The European Journal of Marketing received over 761,000 article downloads in 2009 and has an Impact Factor of 0.712 (figures from Thomson Reuters, June 2009). This leading journal offers unparalleled insights on new research, current practice and future trends, so that

practitioners and academics can gain a useful overview of marketing activity and apply that knowledge to develop appropriate strategies. The journal enjoys a long-standing reputation as a catalyst for solving marketing problems and dilemmas, and as such is regarded as an essential resource by many leading industry figures and supplying libraries.

Management Decision

In addition to receiving almost 700,000 article downloads in 2009, Management Decision has recently been accepted into the Social Science Citation Index of Thomson Reuters (ISI). Considered by many to be the best publication in its field, this journal consistently offers thoughtful and

provocative insights into current management practice. As such, its high calibre contributions from leading management philosophers and practitioners make it an invaluable resource in the aggressive and demanding trading climate of the twenty-first century.

European Journal of Marketing

Volume 44 Number 1 2010ISSN 0309-0566


Published in association with the

Management Decision

Volume 46 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0025-1747


“Emerald is the number one database to which I refer my business management and information management students. (It also happens to be my personal database of choice!) The research is trustworthy, the interface easy to use and the added Zones deliver an extra service that is unmatched by any of our other resources.”Sophie van der Walt, Subject Librarian, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

“Emerald has brilliantly combined its website and online database into a single platform ... Search results can be limited by clicking on articles, abstracts & reviews, Emerald site, or other content tabs. Current journal issues are easily located from the journal list, and are displayed with cover images, and links to RSS, latest issue, editorial team, and submission guidelines.”Library Journal, January 2009

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management eJournals


Leadership & Organization Development Journal

Appearing within Emerald’s top five journals with the highest article downloads in 2009, Leadership & Organization Development Journal examines the body of management theory around this topic in order to discover new, more effective ways of managing in organizations and

explores the practical application of leadership and organization development theory in order to identify its relevance for managerial practice.

Journal of Consumer Marketing

Journal of Consumer Marketing offers incisive and authoritative material on all aspects of marketing to consumers to help professionals devise appropriate sales initiatives. Written by acknowledged experts in the field, this journal makes an invaluable companion in an aggressive

marketing world. It helps determine when a new idea or application is required, and offers invaluable practical guidance that can create the spark of inspiration that will outwit competitors – and delight prospective and established customers.

Library Management

Library Management reflects the latest research undertaken in academic, government and corporate institutions by reporting contemporary thought, whilst also exploring practical implications for those involved in teaching and practice. This key title highlights developments in this fast-

changing field to allow professionals to allocate human and financial resources effectively, use current facilities to their maximum advantage, and plan future technology acquisitions from an informed position.

New titles for 2011Subscribers to Emerald Management Plus will benefit from automatic access to these titles and any further journal additions. Emerald’s publishing development programme constantly investigates the launch and acquisition of new titles and explores new partnership opportunities in order to enrich the portfolio.

We have a dedicated new launch and acquisition team that has carefully selected quality journals to add to the portfolio in 2011. Please visit http://info.emeraldinsight.com/products/new/forthcoming.htm for a full list and more information about the new titles for 2011.

Emerald’s launch and acquisition policySince 2005 Emerald has added 121 journals to its portfolio. Our promise to add a further ten titles to our portfolio in 2012 demonstrates the new launch programme’s dedication to innovation and quality in publishing. As Emerald actively expands the portfolio, there is a strong focus on the development of subject area strength and coverage, with major growth in areas such as Information and Knowledge Management, Accounting and Finance, and Enterprise and Innovation.

New journals by subject area since 2007

Emerald continues to grow and develop through: • Provision of both journal articles and tailored support resources• Commitment to launching high quality new journals• Listening to our community of editors, authors and online users.The titles within the Emerald Management eJournal collections reflect our commitment to quality and innovation in the field of business and management research.

For more information about Emerald Management eJournals please contact emerald@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com Find out about which titles are included within the various EMeJ packages on page 242.

Leadership & OrganizationDevelopmentJournal

Volume 30 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0143-7739


Journal of


Volume 26 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0736-3761



Volume 29 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0143-5124


Grey Systems: Theoryand Application

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2043-9377


Grey Systems: Theory and Application

Journal of

Accounting in EmergingEconomies

Volume 1 Number 1 2011

ISSN 2042-1168


Higher Education, Skillsand Work-basedLearning The journal of The University Vocational Awards Council

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-3896


Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies

Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

Journal of

Humanitarian Logisticsand Supply ChainManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-6747


Journal of

Social Marketing

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-6763


Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Journal of Social Marketing

Sport, Business andManagementAn International Journal

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-678X


Journal of

Family BusinessManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2043-6238


Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal

Journal of Family Business Management

“The selection of new journals this year is among the best I have seen in several years – well done, Emerald!”(voter for Best New Journal).




















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Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Backfi les

More than 100 years of management


Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Backfiles


Emerald Backfiles was created as the result of a project carried out with the British Library to digitize more than 68,000 articles from over 120 journals. With articles dating back to the nineteenth century, Emerald Backfiles is an important resource for business and management scholars and social historians alike.

Why did we develop Emerald Backfiles?Over previous years we have seen a huge increase in the usage of articles online. This clearly highlights the changes in reader behaviour; research is chiefly accessed online rather than via hard-copy journals. However, having undertaken some analysis, we identified that four of the five most cited papers in Emerald journals were published before 1994. Therefore, through developing Emerald Backfiles, we have brought this knowledge to new readers and reopened historical scholarship.

Purchase optionsEmerald Backfiles is a static collection and is available for a one-off fee.

Features & benefitsFeatures:• Coverage back to Volume 1 Number 1 with some articles dating as

far back as 1898

• 123 journal titles complete the Emerald Digital Backfiles, providing users with 68,000 articles on key management disciplines

• Each backfile has been transformed into a fully searchable PDF

• Emerald Backfiles contain early articles from seminal publications such as British Food Journal, European Journal of Marketing and Journal of Documentation.

Benefits for librarians:Disseminate out-of-print material – provide users with the widest range of digital material

Save on shelf space – reduce physical presence and associated costs

Fill the gaps – eliminate the problem of missing or lost print issues with the online Backfiles collection

Save time – for researchers and staff – users can access information through familiar online platforms, eliminating the need for inter-library loans or staff support

Effectively manage your budget – the Emerald Backfiles are available for a one-off fee to ensure permanent access with no licence restrictions.

Benefits for researchers:Save time, increase knowledge – Emerald Backfiles will be fully integrated with the current Emerald database and will, therefore, link into the wider body of knowledge and research

Deepen the quality of your research – utilize concepts, theories and ideas that have never previously been published online, to add a new dimension to your thinking

Explore the foundations of business and management research – understand in greater depth the roots of modern business and management theory

Read high-quality PDFs – articles will be available as fully searchable PDFs, combining the look and feel of the printed page with the convenience of a searchable html document.

FREE sample articles from Emerald Backfiles:Visit www.emeraldinsight.com/backfiles to access the following free sample articles from Emerald Backfiles:

Global standardization – courting danger Author: Philip Kotler Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 3 Issue 2, 1986

The future Author: Margaret Maden Education + Training, Vol. 12 Issue 2, 1970

The marketing of professional services – an organizational dilemma Author: Evert Gummesson European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 13 Issue 5, 1979

Marketing megatrends Author: Jagdish N. Sheth Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 1 Issue 1, 1984

World Wide Web: the information universe Authors: Tim Berners-Lee, Robert Cailliau, Jean-François Groff and Bernd Pollermann Internet Research, Vol. 2 Issue 1, 1992

For more information about Emerald Backfiles please contact backfiles@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/backfiles Find out about which titles are included in Emerald Backfiles on page 246.

Emerald Backfiles contains: Number of titles Dating back to Accounting, Finance and Legal 14 1966Education and Health Care 10 1959Engineering 14 1929Human Resource Management 9 1969Industry Sectors, Innovation and International Business 11 1899Library, Information and Knowledge Management 22 1898Management Science, Economics and Social Policy 8 1967Marketing 14 1967Quality and Operations Management 9 1952Strategy, General Management and Property 12 1975

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald eBook Series Collections

A library at your fi ngertips

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald eBook Series Collections


Emerald Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection offers online access to a growing collection of volumes from more than 70 book series titles in the following subject areas:

• Accounting and Finance• Business Ethics and Law• Economics• Enterprise and Innovation• Environmental Management/

Environment• Health Care Management/

Healthcare• Human Resource Management

• International Business• Library and Information Studies• Management Science/

Management Studies• Marketing• Organization Studies• Sociology and Public Policy • Strategy• Tourism and Hospitality.

Subscription options:

Emerald eBook Series Frontlist library• Perpetual access to volumes for the current year (Frontlist) and

rented access to volumes from previous years (Backlist) for the duration of a subscription

• No embargoes, allowing immediate access to the latest volumes as they are published

• Subscribers will receive a regular flow of new and relevant research through Frontlist development.

Emerald eBook Series Backlist library• Perpetual access to all volumes starting from the previous year

(Backlist), currently dating back to 1991 for the Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection

• Instantly expand your book holdings with a one-off purchase.

Features & benefits:• Simple agreements offer unrestricted, concurrent, multi-user,

institution-wide access with no restrictions on use of content in your institution’s VLE or download restrictions on to mobile devices

• Reduce limitations on storage space, whist benefiting from other cost savings such as physical handling, processing and repair

• As eBooks are available via the same platform as eJournals, customers will benefit from the same quick and easy search-and-browse functions

• COUNTER-compliant usage statistics available • Chapters are available in both HTML and PDF• MARC records are available for all titles included in Emerald eBook

Series Collections.

Key book series titles:Advances in International Management – is a research annual dedicated to advancing the cross-border study of organizations and management practices from a global, regional, or comparative perspective, with emphasis on interdisciplinary inquiry that integrates ideas from multiple academic disciplines.Research in the Sociology of Organizations – is an international series that examines cutting edge theoretical, methodological and research issues in organizational sociology. It is especially concerned with specifying the unique contributions of sociological theories and research techniques to the analysis of organizations. Advances in Librarianship – is a series with a long-standing reputation as a resource for current reviews of major issues or themes facing librarians and the institutions in which they practise their profession.

Sample volume titles:• Entrepreneurship: Frameworks and Empirical Investigations from

Forthcoming Leaders of European Research (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Volume 9)

• Urban Risk Reduction: An Asian Perspective (Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management, Volume 1)

• Economic Development, Integration, and Morality in Asia and the Americas (Research in Economic Anthropology, Volume 29)

• Managing, Subsidiary Dynamics: Headquarters Role, Capability Development, and China Strategy (Advances in International Management, Volume 22)

To download MARC records for Emerald eBook Series Collections, please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/marc

For more information about Emerald eBook Series please contact ebookseries@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/ebookseriesFind out about which titles are included on page 251.

In 2010 Emerald added more than 80 Backlist volumes to the Business, Management and Economics eBook Series Collection as part of a digitization project, which meant:• Increased number of volumes included in the collection from a

range of years dating back to 1991• New series titles available in the collection due to the

digitization of volumes from series titles that were not previously included.

2008 2009 2010 2011

More than 50 volumes

addedOver 480 volumes

More than 70 volumes (Minimum forecast to be added)Over 610 volumes forecast

More than 70 volumes (Minimum forecast to be added)Over 680 volumes forecast

More than 60 volumes

addedOver 540 volumes

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections


Emerald’s eJournal Collections provides access to journal articles and Emerald’s Online Collections provides access to both journal articles and book chapters. With 20 subject areas available within Business, Management and Economics you can select the collections you require to create a truly customized resource. Benefit from the freedom of accessing only the information specific to your area of management research.

Features & benefitsCost-effective – Tailoring your subscription by subject area will ensure that you only pay for content that is relevant to you. Current – All new titles published by Emerald are added to the relevant collection as soon as they are available online, ensuring that you always have access to the latest research.

Relevant – With each collection based around a specific management discipline, you can ensure that the information that you access is directly relevant to your interest area.

Subscription optionsA subscription offers access to the archive articles and chapters as well as perpetual access to all the content published during the years to which you subscribe. The collections below can also be purchased with a subscription to Emerald Management First (see page 22).

For more information about Emerald Subject Collections please contact collections@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/collections Find out about which titles are included in each subject collection on page 247.

Accounting and Finance* Managerial accounting, regulation and compliance, social and environmental reporting, risk finance, money laundering, and financial crime

Built Environment Construction and property management, building appraisal and refurbishment, corporate real estate, and facilities and place management

Business Ethics and Law* Corporate social responsibility (CSR), corporate governance, business in society and environmental responsibilities

Economics* Economics of agriculture, ethico-economics, emerging and developing economies, foreign trade and policy, banking stability and public debt

Enterprise and Innovation* Social enterprise, enterprise research, and enterprise and innovation in China

Environmental Management/Environment* Climate change, disaster management, and safeguarding public health

Health Care Management/Healthcare* Obesity, managed care, performance measurement, health in the workplace, and patient safety

Human Resource Management Career development, equality and managerial psychology

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Information and Knowledge Management Data management, security, information systems, intellectual capital, and knowledge management and their impacts within organizations and society

International Business* Management, strategy, marketing, culture, and emerging markets research

Learning and Development Vocational education, Continuing Professional Development (CPD), talent development, organizational learning, and critical perspectives in HRD

Management Science/Management Studies* Management history, managing projects, and modelling in management

Managing Quality Business process management, environmental quality, maintenance engineering, service quality, Six Sigma, and TQM

Marketing* The economic effects on marketing, technology implications, relationship marketing, and customer loyalty

Operations and Logistics Management Operations, technology, logistics, and supply chain management

Organization Studies* Organizational behaviour and analysis, change, leadership, and learning within organizations

Performance Management and Measurement Productivity, team performance measurement, and measuring business excellence

Regional Management Studies General management approaches in a region-specific context, including China, India, Africa and Latin America

Strategy* Management strategy, leadership, and strategy implementation

Users can choose from the following Subject Collections:

*Combined Book and Journal collection available

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management First

Focus on business

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Management First


Emerald Management First is an award-winning, online business and management library which places more management tools at your disposal than any other resource. Designed specifically for managers, the site brings you regularly updated articles, case studies, interviews with established management leaders, and more, direct to your desktop. The intuitive design and state-of-the-art features ensure that every user in your organisation can quickly find reliable information relevant to their needs. Incorporating the latest technological developments and online trends, Emerald Management First provides high quality, easily-digestible information to help professionals tackle everyday business challenges. Emerald Management First is structured around nine management subject areas:(1) Management & Leadership(2) Sales & Marketing(3) Change Management & Innovation(4) Strategy & International Business (5) Human Resources & Training(6) Knowledge Management(7) Health Care Management(8) Accounting, Finance & E-Business (9) Operations, Logistics & Quality.

Features & benefitsEditors’ picks – Chosen and prepared by our in-house editorial team, these features show-case outstanding interviews or articles, in the nine management interest areas. Updates are provided on a monthly basis. Articles – 1,000 to-1,500 word summaries specially prepared by our editorial team and designed to bring you information and knowledge you can apply quickly in the workplace. Interviews – 300+ interviews with today’s most prominent and influential business figures – use the expertise and experience of other professionals in order to overcome daily management issues. Case studies – From 2001 to date, a library containing 1,000+ cases, which are ideal to use as examples of real business and management issues. Management briefings – Article bundles available on “hot topic” areas designed to bring you up to speed for meetings and projects. Personalized – Emerald Management First can be personalized to suit your organization’s individual needs:• YouFirst personal homepage: combine information in

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Emerald Management First cuts through the masses of untrustworthy content on the web and presents a solution to information overload.

The built-in interface with social media tools and personalisation features provides a one-stop business homepage.

Anyone in your organization can find the information they need, whenever they need it, eliminating travel time and costs of attending off-site training. The quality-assured content provides knowledge that can be applied with confidence in any organisation.

As an on-demand resource, managers can quickly find the tools they need, when they need them, allowing time to focus on business-critical issues. Weather the tough economic conditions by ensuring that staff are adequately supported with the tools they need at a time when other training methods are cost-prohibitive.

Subscription options:As the world’s leading publisher of management research, Emerald offers a comprehensive range of journals to suit the individual needs of your organization. Customize your Emerald Management First subscription by adding a subject-specific journal collection to complement your information needs.

See page 21 for further information regarding Emerald’s Business, Management and Economics Subject Collections.

NEW! Emerald Management First Public Sector ZoneEmerald Management First Public Sector Zone has been launched to support managers within public sector and government bodies with both daily responsibilities and long-term continuing professional development.

Key areas covered include:

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• Financial Management & Cost Reduction.

For more information about Emerald Management First please contact emf@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at http://first.emeraldinsight.comFind out about which titles are included on page 247.

Award-winning resourceThe world’s leading publication for the information industry, Information World Review, awarded Emerald Management First the prestigious Smart Choice accolade for business.Emerald Management First is described in the Review as “a well-produced online business resource. The editorial commentary is slick, interesting and informative”.The Review awards 4/5 for both usability and site design, and an outstanding 5/5 for information depth.

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Abstracts

A gateway to relevant research

Business, Management and Economics

Online Products Emerald Abstracts


Computer Abstracts International Database (CAID)Volume: 27Print issues: 6Internet issues: 12Online archiveAbstracts: 1987 - dateCAID provides online access to more than 220,000 abstracts, dating back to 1987, from the 200 foremost

journals in computer science. From its first publication in 1957, CAID has remained a pioneer in its field. CAID’s accredited journal coverage list is compiled from the library holdings of computing centres of excellence worldwide. It covers all major subject areas including: artificial intelligence; communications and networks; computer theory; database and information systems; programming; and systems organization.Key titles include: ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (USA); Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (The Netherlands); The Computer Journal (UK); IEEE Software (USA); RAIRO Theoretical Informatics and Applications (France); and SIAM Journal on Computing (USA)For further information and a full title listing visit: www.emeraldinsight.com/abstracts/caid

Computer & Communications Security Abstracts (CCSA)Volume: 20 Print issues: 6Internet issues: 12Online archiveAbstracts: 1996 - dateCCSA provides online access to more than 16,000 abstracts from the 100 foremost journals in computer

and communications security, with additional abstracts from the most important international conferences in the field. It covers all major subject areas including: biometric identification techniques; electronic commerce security; intrusion detection; malicious software; network security; and trusted third parties.Key titles include: ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (USA); Computer Law and Security Review (UK); IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (USA); Information Systems Security (USA); Journal of Cryptology (USA); and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics (USA).For further information and a full title listing visit: www.emeraldinsight.com/abstracts/ccsa

Current Awareness Abstracts: Library and Information Management Literature (CAA)

Volume: 28 Print issues: 6Internet issues: 12Online archiveAbstracts: 1988 - dateCAA provides online access to unique, easy-to-read structured abstracts of every library and information

management article from the core 400 publications worldwide. Users can search and browse an archive of more than 35,000 abstracts back to 1988. It covers all major subject areas including: librarianship and information science; records management and archiving; serials management; indexing; legislation; information retrieval; website management; and publishing/book trade.Key titles include: Information & Management (The Netherlands); Journal of Documentation (UK); Journal of Information Science (UK); Journal of Librarianship and Information Science (UK); Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (USA); MIS Quarterly (USA); and The Electronic Library (UK).For further information and a full title listing visit: www.emeraldinsight.com/abstracts/caa

Computer AbstractsInternational Database

The Editor’s selection

Volume 52 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0010-4469


Access the full database atwww.emeraldinsight.com/caid

Computer &CommunicationsSecurity AbstractsThe Editor’s selection

Volume 17 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1468-1714


Access the full database atwww.emeraldinsight.com/ccsa

Current Awareness AbstractsLibrary and information managementliterature

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1350-5238


Emerald Abstracts are a gateway to the essential readings from the world’s leading computer science, computer security and library and information titles. These three abstracting and indexing databases provide invaluable access to the latest research from the most important journals in the field, as selected by external panels of subject experts.

Contents:• Accredited journal coverage lists, approved annually by experts• Comprehensive coverage of every journal• Online content added every month• Six hard-copy abstracting journals • Links to the full text.

Benefits:• Recency – keep pace with the latest trends by accessing up-to-

the-minute abstracts• Quality – only the best publications in the world are included• Maximize existing resources – users can pin-point articles

quickly within their own collections.

Accounting and Finance

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals

Accounting,Auditing &AccountabilityJournal

Volume 22 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0951-3574


Accounting ResearchJournal

Volume 22 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1030-9616


Asian Review of Accounting

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1321-7348


ISSN: 0951-3574

ISSN: 1030-9616

ISSN: 1321-7348




The Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal (AAAJ) is dedicated to the advancement of accounting knowledge and provides a forum for the publication of high quality manuscripts concerning the interaction between accounting/auditing and their socio-economic and political environments. It therefore encourages critical analysis of policy and practice in these areas. Analysis could explore policy alternatives and provide new perspectives for the accounting discipline.

Coverage includes:Alternative explanations for observed practice; critical and historical perspectives on current issues and problems; limitations in present accounting measurement; social and political aspects of accounting standards; and the broadening scope of the reporting constituency.The journal was rated A* in the 2010 Excellence in Research for Australia ranking.

The objective of the Accounting Research Journal (ARJ) is to provide a valuable forum for communication between the profession and academics on the research and practice of accounting, finance, auditing, commercial law and cognate disciplines. The Editor would encourage submissions in any of the above areas, which have a practical and/or applied focus. In particular, work reporting the results of research conducted using data from Australia, New Zealand and other Asian-Pacific countries would be welcomed. However, this policy does

not exclude the publication of theoretical works. The journal is committed to the dissemination of research findings to as wide an audience as possible. As a result, we strongly encourage authors to consider a wide and varied readership when writing papers.

Coverage includes:Accounting, finance and auditing; commercial law and cognate disciplines; and profitability and earnings.

The Asian Review of Accounting (ARA) addresses significant issues in the fields of accounting, auditing, taxation and financial management, which are of relevance to the countries and regions of Asia and the Pacific. Perspectives or viewpoints arising from a provincial, national or international focus, a private or public sector information need, or a socialist or capitalist set of influences are greatly welcomed. Emphasis is placed on direct and clearly understood communication, instructiveness, originality and scholarly merit.

Coverage includes: Financial accounting; management accounting; auditing; accounting information systems; taxation, social and environmental accounting; and accounting education.

Benefits and features • Current research in accounting affecting the

expanding Asian and Australian markets.

Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal

Accounting Research Journal

Asian Review of Accounting

Volume: 24Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 23Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 19Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1988 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorsHonorary Professor James GuthrieUniversity of Sydney, Australia

Professor Lee D. ParkerUniversity of South Australia, Australia

EditorProfessor Christine RyanQueensland University of Technology, Australia

EditorDr Jeffrey FauxVictoria University, Australia





Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals


“As the new editor of the International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, it is my honour and privilege, and I say it with confidence, to have this opportunity to work with the industry leader – Emerald – to serve our stakeholders and communities with admirable standards.”Lee J. Yao, Loyola University, USA

International Journal of

Accounting &InformationManagementformerly Asia-Pacific Journal of Information Management

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1834-7649


International Journal of

Islamic and Middle EasternFinance and Management

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8394


ISSN: 1834-7649

ISSN: 1753-8394



The International Journal of Accounting & Information Management (IJAIM) is positioned at the forefront of scholarly research in areas embraced by the broad fields of accounting, finance, information systems and information management. The journal will be of interest to those in academia and professional positions alike. The primary objective is to stimulate research in the journal’s areas of focus and to discuss issues of significance to both the private and the public sector. The journal bridges the knowledge gaps between researchers and practitioners.

Coverage includes: Accounting information and systems; accounting systems management; behavioural accounting; cost/managerial accounting; international financial management; international financial services; and government and non-profit accounting.

Benefits and features • One of the few journals that explores information

management and accounting.

IJAIM is the official journal of the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies (Romania)

The international industry of Islamic finance has grown exponentially in recent years, and shows no signs of abating. The International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management (IMEFM) seeks to serve as a central repository for research in this field, bridging the interests of scholars and practitioners, and bringing the results of research and product development to the attention of the international financial and business management community.

Coverage includes:Fundamentals of Islamic finance; Islamic securitization; socially-responsible investment strategy; Islamic banking; Takaful- and Shari’ah-compliant insurance; Sukuk, Zakat and financial planning; and Shariah-compliant risk management.

Benefits and features• IMEFM is the first journal to engage both Islamic

and non-Islamic fields of scholarship in this dynamic and evolving sector.

International Journal of

Accounting & Information Management

International Journal of

Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management

Volume: 19Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

EditorProfessor Lee J. YaoLoyola University, USA

EditorDr Kadom Shubber Managing director, Management and Economics Consultants International Ltd, UK



Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals

International Journal of

Managerial Finance

Volume 4 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1743-9132


ISSN: 1743-9132


International Journal of Managerial Finance (IJMF) aims to arm its readership with the latest research and commentary in all areas associated with managerial finance, with an informed, inter-disciplinary and international approach. Although financial in nature, the journal is interested in papers from all disciplines; in particular, knowledge management, accounting and economics, which shed further light on the financing decision process. The journal provides an outlet for theoretical and empirical research into

understanding the operation of managerial finance and its implications for all firm stakeholders.

Coverage includes:Treasury and financial risk management; investment and financing decision making; and corporate finance.

Benefits and features• The journal is quickly establishing a strong

reputation as a unique source for managerial research.

International Journal of

Managerial FinanceVolume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorsProfessor David MichaylukUniversity of Technology, Australia

Professor Ralf ZurbrueggUniversity of Adelaide, Australia



Journal of

Accounting in EmergingEconomies

Volume 1 Number 1 2011

ISSN 2042-1168


ISSN: 2042-1168


The Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies (JAEE) will be the sister publication to Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies book series. Together, they are intended to provide an authoritative overview of accounting research and progress in emerging economies.

Coverage includes:Education, training, and the role of professional accounting bodies; financial reporting and accounting standards; auditing; corporate governance; management accounting issues; accounting, regulation, and privatization; accounting

and accountability issues in the public sector, NGOs, multinational corporations; and accounting practices in family businesses.

Benefits and features • JAEE is the only journal focusing specifically on

accounting research in emerging economies and encourages research in accounting and economic development, making it attractive to development policy makers.

Journal of

Accounting in Emerging EconomiesVolume: 1Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 2011Full text 2011

EditorsProfessor Mathew TsamenyiUniversity of Birmingham, UK

Dr Shahzad UddinEssex Business School, UK

Consulting Editor: Professor Trevor HopperUniversity of Sussex, UK


Journal of

Accounting &OrganizationalChange

Volume 4 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1832-5912


ISSN: 1832-5912


The main objective of the Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change (JAOC) is to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners from multiple disciplines to disseminate information on organizational and accounting systems change. To achieve this, the journal will be directed at mapping out contemporary changes in the new global business environment.

Coverage includes:Accounting and management control systems in change management; changes in social and environmental accounting reporting; accountability

and performance in the public and private sectors; corporate governance, disclosure, and accountability; triple bottom line reporting and social accountability issues; culture, performance measurement and change; and accounting change in transitional and developing economies.

Benefits and features • Part of a new journal philosophy that represents

a new emphasis on exploring how organizations change and how the change process affects internal organizational processes.

Journal of

Accounting & Organizational ChangeVolume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorProfessor Zahirul HoqueLa Trobe University, Australia


New La



Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals


Journal of

Applied AccountingResearch

Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0967-5426


Journal of

Financial Crime

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1359-0790


Journal of

Financial Regulationand Compliance

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1358-1988


ISSN: 0967-5426

ISSN: 1359-0790

ISSN: 1358-1988




The Journal of Applied Accounting Research (JAAR) will be of interest to both academics and practitioners, as it is keen to encourage academic research articles which develop a forum for the discussion of real, practical problems and provide the expertise to allow solutions to these problems to be formed. This journal aims to stimulate the dialogue between all those who have an interest in the promotion and development of accounting and accountancy.

Coverage includes: Organizational reporting; governance structures of

accounting; environmental and social aspects of accounting; accounting in transitional economies; management accounting techniques; public sector accounting; business and shareholder value; corporate financial management; and taxation.

Benefits and features • Includes reports, case studies and letters

designed to further debate on real-world accounting issues.

• Bridges the gulf between theory and practice for accounting researchers and practitioners alike.

The Journal of Financial Crime (JFC) provides authoritative and detailed information on understanding the methods used in economic crime and the steps that can be taken to avoid and combat it. The journal is essential reading for those concerned with the prevention, detection and prosecution of financial crime and the protection of assets.

Coverage includes:Policing, prosecution and trying serious frauds; preventing corporate scandals and failures; terrorist investigation and intelligence; cyber-crime;

underground banking; confiscating the proceeds of crime; and organized crime.

Benefits and features• JFC has established itself as one of the leading

sources of authoritative and detailed information on understanding the methods used in economic crime and the steps that can be taken to avoid and combat it.

The Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (JFRC) has emerged as one of the leading journals on the regulation and law governing financial institutions. JFRC publishes double blind peer-reviewed practitioner and academic articles, acting as a forum for expert analysis and applied research, which focuses on the regulation of financial institutions both nationally and internationally.

Coverage includes:Basel II proposals; risk assessment and management; competition law; regulatory rule

updates and guidelines; pension reform; fitness and propriety in financial services; audit regulation; regulation in emerging markets; regulation of internet banking; cross-border regulation; capital adequacy; and compliance costs and benefits.

Benefits and features• JFRC publishes articles from practitioners and

academics on the latest thinking, techniques and developments in regulation and compliance.

Journal of

Applied Accounting Research

Journal of

Financial Crime

Journal of

Financial Regulation and Compliance

Volume: 12Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 18Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 19Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1993 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1992 - dateFull text 2002 - date

EditorsDr Kumba JallowLeicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK

Professor Elaine HarrisRoehampton University, UK

EditorsGeneral Editor: Professor Barry RiderJesus College, UK

Deputy General Editor: Li-Hong XingCentre for International Documentation on Organised and Economic Crime, UK

EditorProfessor Kevin KeaseyLeeds University Business School, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals

Journal of

Financial Reporting & Accounting

Volume 8 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1985-2517


Journal of

Human Resource Costing & Accounting

Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1401-338X


Journal of


Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1528-5812


ISSN: 1985-2517

ISSN: 1401-338X

ISSN: 1528-5812




Journal of Financial Reporting & Accounting (JFRA) provides a valuable forum for the publication of research papers and book reviews that address significant issues on financial reporting and accounting.

Coverage includes:Financial reporting; financial accounting; accounting for human capital; accounting for specialized industry; accounting education & ethics; Islamic accounting and reporting; management accounting; and social and environmental reporting.

Benefits and features• Gain an interdisciplinary and international

understanding of the field.• Keep abreast with the development and

advancement of accounting knowledge in financial reporting and accounting.

• Explore the broad scope of areas related to financial reporting and accounting.

The aim of the journal is to publish research in the field of economic aspects of human resources and accounting in organizations. The journal also strives to be a link between the academic world and practitioners in the business community and public administration. The Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting (JHRCA) tries to highlight costs and revenues related to human resources. The concept of JHRCA comprises both human resource accounting and cost/benefit analyses of human resources.

Coverage includes: Human resource costing and accounting; and human capital theory.

Benefits and features • The journal offers a unique dual perspective on

accounting and human resource management.

The Journal of Investment Compliance (JOIC) is a quarterly professional journal covering regulatory and compliance issues relevant to broker-dealers, investment advisers, mutual funds, hedge funds and other types of investment companies in the principal financial markets of the world. JOIC offers practical analysis on a wide range of issues, providing straightforward practical advice to help compliance professionals monitor a situation or set up policy.

Coverage includes:Research analyst independence; structure of securities markets; organization of the compliance function; the role of the chief compliance officer; and developing a culture of compliance.

Benefits and features• JOIC helps practitioners keep up to date with

SEC, FSA, and other regulatory agency developments and new hedge fund rules and their implications.

Journal of

Financial Reporting & Accounting

Journal of

Human Resource Costing & Accounting

Journal of

Investment Compliance

Volume: 9Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 15Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 12Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2003 - dateFull text 2003 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Editor-in-ChiefProfessor Muhd Kamil IbrahimUniversiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia

EditorProfessor Robin RoslenderHeriot-Watt University, UK

EditorHenry A. DavisHenry A. Davis & Co., USA






t Acq




Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals


Journal of

Islamic Accountingand BusinessResearch

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1759-0817


Journal of

Money LaunderingControl

Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1368-5201


The Journal of

Risk Finance

Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1526-5943


ISSN: 1759-0817

ISSN: 1368-5201

ISSN: 1526-5943




The Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research (JIABR) provides a dynamic forum for the advancement of accounting and business knowledge based on Shari’ah and aims to publish high quality manuscripts related to the interplay between Islamic business ethics, accounting, auditing and governance, in promoting accountability, socio-economic justice (adl) and everlasting success (al-falah).

Coverage includes: Development of accounting, auditing and corporate governance concepts based on Shari’ah; socio-political influence on accounting and auditing regulation and policy making for Islamic financial

institutions and organizations; and historical perspectives on Islamic accounting and auditing.

Benefits and features • JIABR is the only journal that offers a platform for

publishing both theory and practice of Islamic accounting, auditing and business research beyond Islamic banking, finance and economics.

• A Research Note section provides a platform for publishing briefer, less academically rigorous articles which will have direct relevance to practitioners and students.

The Journal of Money Laundering Control (JMLC) is the world’s only quarterly, peer-reviewed journal designed to keep readers up to date with the latest law, regulation, techniques and best practice in the prevention, identification and prosecution of money laundering. The international journal publishes content which allows readers to stay in touch with international developments in the area of money-laundering control.

Coverage includes:The fight against terrorist financing; Joint Money Laundering Steering Group guidance notes; suspicious transaction-reporting requirements;

monitoring patterns of suspicious payments; underground banking systems; confidentiality and the duty of disclosure; and prosecution for money-laundering offences.

Benefits and features• The journal assesses the impact of globalization

on financial transactions and financial crime from some of the world’s leading experts.

The Journal of Risk Finance (JRF) is the premier journal in the field of applied financial risk management and insurance. JRF publishes articles to bring together the buy-and-sell sides of the risk management market. It provides an advice resource for corporate users of insurance and financial products, whilst supporting those institutions which supply them.

Coverage includes:Risk securitization; derivatives and structured financial products; commercial insurance and

reinsurance; alternative risk transfer mechanisms; and capital structure/credit arbitrage methods.

Benefits and features• JRF provides a rigorous forum for the publication

of theory and empirical work, from both academic and industry experts in the areas of: financial engineering, corporate risk management, traditional insurance/reinsurance and alternative risk factor.

Journal of

Islamic Accounting and Business Research

Journal of

Money Laundering Control

Journal of

Risk Finance

Volume: 2Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 14Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 12Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorsProfessor Roszaini HaniffaBradford University School of Management, UK

Dr Mohammad HudaibEssex Business School, University of Essex, UK

EditorsGeneral Editor: Professor Barry RiderJesus College, UK

Deputy General Editor: Li-Hong XingCentre for International Documentation on Organised and Economic Crime, UK

EditorProfessor Michael R. Powers Temple University, USA





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Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals

Managerial Auditing Journal

Volume 25 Number 1 2010

ISSN 0268-6902


Celebrating 25 years 1986-2010

Managerial Finance

Volume 34 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0307-4358


Pacific AccountingReview

Volume 20 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0114-0582


ISSN: 0268-6902

ISSN: 0307-4358

ISSN: 0114-0582




The Managerial Auditing Journal (MAJ) aims to provide a dynamic international forum for the examination of current practice in auditing (both internal and independent).

Coverage includes: Audit and assurance (financial and non-financial); financial and managerial reporting; governance, controls, risks and ethics; and organizational issues including firm cultures, performance and development.

Benefits and features • The journal presents a wide range of material

with an emphasis on practical examples from expert practitioners, making it relevant to a broad readership.

• The journal provides a forum for those with a broad managerial as well as professional interest in audit to explore current practices, ideas and experience.

Managerial Finance (MF) is an international general finance journal which publishes original, creative and rigorous research in all areas of finance including corporate finance, financial institutions & markets, investments, real estate, insurance, personal finance, global finance, financial education, financial services, corporate governance and behavioural finance.

Coverage includes:International financial markets; e-finance; financial management; executive compensation; economics; and banking and corporate governance.

Benefits and features• MF aims to answer the questions that are central

to the operations of today’s industries and their financial management.

• With annual downloads of over 150,000, the journal has a very large number of submissions, and publishes a number of special issues every volume.

Pacific Accounting Review (PAR) is an international, refereed journal for accounting, auditing and finance academics, practitioners and students. First issued in 1988, the journal was published twice yearly, with three issues per year from 2008 onwards. The journal aims to publish articles of high quality on a variety of accounting, auditing, finance and related issues and topics from a variety of perspectives.

Coverage includes: All areas of accounting, finance and related fields; research outside the Pacific area.

Benefits and features • Publishing in the most respected and established

accounting journal in New Zealand.

Managerial Auditing Journal

Managerial Finance

Pacific Accounting Review

Volume: 26Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Volume: 37Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Volume: 23Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1986 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1975 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 2004 - date

EditorsProfessor Philomena LeungMacquarie University, Australia

Professor Barry Cooper and Dr Steven DellaportasDeakin University, Australia

EditorProfessor Don T. JohnsonWestern Illinois University, USA

EditorsProfessor Markus J. Milne, Professor Amanda Ball and Professor Glenn BoyleUniversity of Canterbury, New Zealand





Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals


Qualitative Research in Accounting &Management

Volume 5 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1176-6093


Qualitative Research inFinancial Markets

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1755-4179


Review of Accounting and Finance

Volume 7 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1475-7702


ISSN: 1176-6093

ISSN: 1755-4179

ISSN: 1475-7702




Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management (QRAM) aims to promote an international and interdisciplinary understanding of accounting, management and organizations; recognizing the increasing contribution made by qualitative research in these and related fields and providing a forum for publishing such work.

Coverage includes: Management accounting and control; financial management and accountability; financial reporting; corporate governance; public sector management; and employment relations.

Benefits and features • By providing a forum for publishing high quality

qualitative research on accounting, management and organizations, QRAM offers a critical, interdisciplinary and international assessment of theory and practice in these areas.

• QRAM embraces a wide range of topics related to accounting and management, and publishes qualitative research from a range of positions.

Qualitative Research in Financial Markets (QRFM) provides an international, peer-reviewed forum to explore the burgeoning research activity in finance that uses qualitative methods.

Coverage includes: Inconsistency in managerial and investor perceptions of market pricing mechanisms; managerial and investor views regarding stock market overreaction; and the effect of the sub-prime lending crisis on financial market structure and regulation.

Benefits and features • QRFM is the first journal to be devoted

exclusively to publication of studies in the rapidly-growing area of qualitative research in financial markets.

• The journal publishes methodological analyses of the issues arising from the use of qualitative methods in financial markets research.

• It explicitly explores links and relevance to practice.

The Review of Accounting and Finance (RAF) exists to publish high quality research papers in both accounting and finance. The journal encourages work that offers a global perspective, especially given the international composition of the Editorial Advisory Board.

Coverage includes: Innovative empirical, behavioural, theoretical and historical articles on accounting and finance issues; the role of accounting internal and external communications on capital market valuation; microstructure; asset pricing; and corporate financial decision making.

Benefits and features • A distinctive feature of the journal is that it

recognizes and supports the multi-paradigmatic nature of both accounting and finance.

• Academics and those working on research projects in higher-education facilities will find the material in this journal both invaluable and stimulating.

Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management

Qualitative Research in Financial Markets

Review of Accounting and Finance

Volume: 8Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 10Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2004 - dateFull text 2004 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2002 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorProfessor Deryl Northcott Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

EditorDr Bruce Burton University of Dundee, UK

EditorsProfessor Howard Turetsky and Professor Janis Zaima San Jose State University, USA

Professor C. Janie ChangSan Diego State University, USA




Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Journals

Studies in Economicsand Finance

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1086-7376


Sustainability Accounting,Management and Policy Journal

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-8021


ISSN: 1086-7376

ISSN: 2040-8021



Studies in Economics and Finance (SEF) provides a valuable forum for publication of original theoretical and empirical research on international developments in economics and finance for academics and practitioners. SEF aims to maintain a sound balance between economic theory and application at both the micro and the macro levels as it keeps its readership abreast of current issues.

Coverage includes:Corporate finance; financial markets; money and banking; international finance and economics;

investments; risk management; theory of the firm; competition policy; and corporate governance.

Benefits and features• SEF is committed to the dissemination of

research findings to an international audience and contributors are encouraged to spell out the practical implications of their work for economists in government and industry.

The aim of the Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (SAMPJ) is to find practical and policy solutions to improve the social and environmental sustainability performance of organizations and societies.

Coverage includes:Carbon accounting and trading; corporate governance and corporate social responsibility; environmental management accounting; environmental ethics; environmental management; sustainability strategy; environmental and social

policy; social and environmental audit; and stakeholder engagement.

Benefits and features• SAMPJ is the only journal bringing together a

range of disciplinary approaches to improving social and environmental sustainability and the social and environmental consequences of climate change and other issues.

• It is the only journal focusing on practical and policy implications of quality academic research in this field.

Studies in Economics and Finance

Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal

Volume: 28Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 2Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 1977 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

EditorProfessor Mahendra RajUniversity of Sharjah, UAE

EditorProfessor Carol AdamsLa Trobe University, Australia



www.emeraldinsight.com/sampj.htm Recen

t Lau



“The Emerald group of accounting and finance journals offers researchers, policymakers and practitioners a suite of knowledge resources that encompass the full range of contemporary issues of global and local concern. Both enduring and cutting edge subjects are addressed through innovative research and reflection that exhibit the Emerald commitment to accessibility and application.”Professor Lee D. Parker, Professor of Accounting, School of Commerce – EQUIS Accredited, University of South Australia, Australia

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Books


ISSN: 1475-1488


Advances in Accounting Behavioural Research publishes quality articles, promoting research that investigates behavioral accounting issues. The studies included in the series are interesting, insightful and useful in facilitating future behavioral research.

Coverage includes:All areas of accounting that incorporate theory from and contribute knowledge and understanding to the fields of applied psychology, sociology, management science, and economics.

Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research is essential reading for faculty, doctoral students, and other researchers who are involved in behavioral research in accounting. The series:• Acts as a forum for development, discussion, and

expansion of basic theories from psychology, sociology, and related disciplines.

• Provides a unique opportunity for the exchange of peer-reviewed knowledge across all areas of accounting behavioral research.

Advances in Accounting Behavioural Research

Series EditorVicky Arnold University of Central Florida, USA and The University of Melbourne, Australia

ISSN: 1085-4622


Advances in Accounting Education is a refereed, academic research annual whose purpose is to help meet the needs of faculty members interested in ways to improve their classroom instruction.

Coverage includes:Advances in Accounting Education publishes both non-empirical and empirical articles dealing with accounting pedagogy. All articles must explain how teaching methods or curricula/programs can be improved. Non-empirical papers should be academically rigorous, and specifically discuss the

institutional context of a course or program, as well as any relevant trade-offs or policy issues. Empirical reports should exhibit sound research design and execution, and must develop a thorough motivation and literature review, possibly including references from outside the accounting field.The series provides a forum for sharing generalizable teaching approaches ranging from curricula development to content delivery techniques. Pedagogical research that contributes to more effective teaching in colleges and universities is also highlighted.

Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations

Series EditorsAnthony M. Catanach JrVillanova University School of Business, USA

Dorothy FeldmannBentley University, USA

ISSN: 1474-7871


Advances in Management Accounting publishes well-developed articles on a variety of current topics in management accounting that are relevant to researchers in both practice and academe. One of the premier management accounting series.

Coverage includes:The series examines areas of management accounting, including performance evaluation

systems, accounting for product costs, behavioral impacts on management accounting, and innovations in management accounting. Management accounting includes all systems designed to provide information for management decision making. Research methods will include survey research, field tests, corporate case studies, and modeling. Some speculative articles and survey pieces will be included where appropriate.

Advances in Management Accounting

Series EditorsProfessor John Y. LeePace University, USA

Professor Marc J. Epstein Harvard University and Rice University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Books


ISSN: 1041-7060


Advances in Public Interest Accounting aims to provide a forum for researchers, critically appraising and significantly transforming conventional accounting theory, practice, teaching and research, and to increase the social self-awareness of accounting practitioners, educators, and researchers. Advances in Public Interest Accounting also expands accounting’s focus beyond the behavior of individual corporate entities.

Coverage includes:Influences of gender and feminist theory, class and race, on accounting practice, education, and research; accounting as a communicative practice; effects of accounting on environmental issues; accounting’s participation in multinational expansion, consolidations, and changing economies; and the impact of new advances in information technologies.

Advances in Public Interest Accounting

Series EditorProfessor Cheryl Lehman Hofstra University, USA

ISSN: 1058-7497


Advances in Taxation publishes chapters dealing with all aspects of taxation. Chapters can address tax policy issues at the federal, state, local, or international level.The series primarily publishes empirical studies that address compliance, education, legal, planning, or policy issues. The series also encourages interdisciplinary research involving economics, finance, and other areas.

Coverage includes:Advances in Taxation considers academic articles on any aspect of federal, state, local, or international taxation. These include, but are not

limited to, tax compliance, tax planning, and tax policy issues. The series encourages interdisciplinary research involving accounting, economics, finance, psychology, or other areas. In addition, we are open to a wide variety of research methods, including analytical, archival, experimental, survey, descriptive, and legal, approaches appropriate to the project.

Historically, the key audience consists of academic researchers interested in tax issues and problems. It is relevant to any researchers from fields such as accounting, finance, economics and public policy, psychology, and sociology, and law.

Advances in Taxation

Series EditorProfessor Toby Stock Robert H. Freeman Professor of Accounting, Ohio University School of Accounting, USA

ISSN: 0885-3339


Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms is an edited annual volume of original international research on the issue of participatory and labor-managed organizations. Past volumes are representative of the best theoretical and empirical research being carried out on the economic analysis of participatory and labor-managed firms.

Coverage includes:Typical areas of research include employee-ownership, co-operatives, labor-management decision making, co-determination, profit-sharing, and economic democracy.

Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms

Series EditorProfessor Takao Kato Colgate University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Books


ISSN: 1569-3759


The essays in this series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of economic and financial analysis.

Coverage includes:Privatization in transition economies; post-socialist economies in Eastern Europe; globalization in

relation to Central and Eastern Europe; and resistance, adaptation (and at times the mutual adaptation between the European and global environments), and the production of alternatives to global norms and practices.

Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis

Series EditorsProfessor Robert Thornton and Professor J. Richard AronsonRauch Business Center, Lehigh University, USA

ISSN: 1569-3767


International Finance Review is an annual book series in the international finance area (broadly defined). Each volume generally will have a particular theme. The series offers theoretical, empirical, institutional or policy-oriented articles on multinational financial management and strategies, global corporate governance and risk management, global capital markets and investments, emerging market finance, international financial economics or related issues.

Coverage includes:Asian financial crisis: financial, structural and international dimensions; European monetary union and capital markets; global risk management: financial, operational, and insurance strategies; Japanese finance: corporate finance and capital markets in changing Japan; Latin American financial markets: developments in financial innovations; emerging European financial markets: independence and integration post-enlargement; value creation in multinational enterprise; Asia-Pacific financial markets: integration, innovation and challenges; and institutional approach to global corporate governance.

International Finance Review

Series EditorProfessor J. Jay Choi Temple University, USA

ISSN: 1479-3563


This series arose out of the belief that the international accounting literature should devote more attention to the study of the accounting problems and issues of emerging economies (developing and newly industrialized countries).The volumes presented aim to: raise the level of interest in the specific problems of accounting in emerging economies; and increase

awareness of real issues, so that accounting in these countries will not be seen as simply a matter of copying what is done in the industrialized countries.

Coverage includes:Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies provides an authoritative overview of the research and progress in this field.

Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies

Series EditorsDr Mathew Tsamenyi The Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK

Dr Shahzad UddinEssex Business School, University of Essex, UK

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Books


ISSN: 0196-3821


Research in Finance has made significant contributions to the literature by publishing many articles on important topics in the fields of finance and economics. It is widely considered to be a high calibre collection of titles for the benefit of academics and practitioners.The series seeks to provide a collection each year that reflects the primary issues in financial markets for that year. Special volumes may also be created to provide insight into important areas of current financial research. Published as a hard-cover collection of readings, it offers a worthwhile outlet for contributions that are

longer than a normal journal article, but not the size of a monograph.The audience includes financial economists and accountants in academia, plus executives with financial duties. Students are also considered as potential readers.

Coverage includes:Contributions include finance theory and financial practice, plus accounting issues such as reporting derivatives positions, reflecting intangible holdings, or predicting financial distress.

Research in Finance

Series EditorProfessor John W. KensingerCollege of Business, University of North Texas, USA

ISSN: 0884-0741


Governmental and nonprofit accounting represents an undeveloped research area which would benefit from rigorous examination. The government and not-for-profit sectors are also becoming increasingly attractive research areas. With this in mind, the purpose of Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting is to stimulate and report high-quality research on a wide range of governmental and nonprofit accounting and reporting issues. Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting is also

the only academic series dedicated exclusively to governmental and nonprofit accounting and reporting issues.

Coverage includes:Traditional areas of bond pricing, public sector audit quality and the use of accounting information in evaluating private not-for-profit organizations; analysis of US and UK government reporting and studies examining performance measurement and reporting by public school systems; and varying theories of reporting by non-profit organizations.

Research in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting

Series EditorProfessor Paul Copley J. M. Tull School of Accounting, The University of Georgia, USA

ISSN: 1574-0765


Research in Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting is devoted exclusively to the advancement of ethics research and education in the profession and practice of accounting.

Coverage includes:This series features articles on a broad range of important and timely topics, including professionalism, social responsibility, individual morality, accountability, good business practices in public accounting and the litigation crisis. Papers will be empirical or theoretical in nature, and will draw on paradigms in related disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, theology, economics and sociology.

Its threefold mission is to:(1) Advance innovative and applied ethics research

in all accounting-related disciplines on a global basis;

(2) Improve ethics education in and throughout the professional accounting and management curricula at the undergraduate and graduate levels; and

(3) Provide a source of information for the professional accounting and auditing community for integrating ethics and good business practices in public firms, business corporations, and governmental organizations.

Research in Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting

Series EditorCynthia Jeffrey Iowa State University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Accounting and Finance Books


ISSN: 1479-3512


Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting includes research manuscripts in all areas of accounting. These may be collections of original manuscripts from many authors written expressly for a volume or fully developed books written by one author. They are all aimed at a primary audience of teachers, researchers, and

students, but also often are of substantial interest to accountants and managers.

Coverage includes:Improving organizations and society; non-financial performance measurement and management practices in manufacturing firms; and performance measurement and management control.

Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting

Series EditorProfessor Marc J. Epstein Jones Graduate School of Management, Rice University, USA

ISSN: 1479-3504


Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought works to inform readers of the historical foundations on which the profession is based, the historical antecedents of today’s accounting institutions, the historical impact of accounting, as well as exploring the lives and works of pre-eminent individuals in the profession’s history.

Coverage includes:Recent volumes have addressed: the founders of accounting in the mid-nineteenth century and the

origins of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland; the life and work of accountant Stuart Chase (1888-1985), and his concerns about waste, conservation, social action, justice, ethics and fairness; and the evolving nature of accounting regulation, looking at the overwhelming number of systems and checks that practising accountants face in the wake of modern management fraud.

Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought

Series EditorsGary J. Previts and Robert BrickerWeatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, USA

“Emerald books are timely and valuable sources of scholarly research and information for researchers.”Tom Simon, Student, Walden University, USA

Built Environment

Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals

ConstructionInnovationInformation, Process, Management

Volume 8 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1471-4175


Engineering,Construction andArchitecturalManagement

Volume 15 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0969-9988



Volume 26 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0263-2772


ISSN: 1471-4175

ISSN: 0969-9988

ISSN: 0263-2772




Advances in technological research, combined with highly advanced IT systems, have prompted a period of rapid growth in the construction industry. With its focus on innovation and its unique combination of technology, process and people, Construction Innovation (CI) is unfolding a coherent picture of a future construction vision.

Coverage includes: Advanced automation systems in construction; information management; standardization and data exchange; mobile technology; IT-based innovations and business competitiveness; business process engineering and process improvement;

management strategies and market positioning; organizational e-readiness and soft issues; smart and sustainable environments; visualization and integration; and modelling and simulation.

Benefits and features• CI is formally encouraged by the CIB

(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) for its relevance and link with industry and academia.

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) focuses on developments in the management and practice of construction. Through empirical research, modelling, surveys and investigations, the journal addresses a wide spectrum of construction issues from national and international perspectives.

Coverage includes: Building; civil engineering; major infrastructure; repair and maintenance; design and construction processes; the management of construction

companies and architectural practices; and industry developments from a national and international perspective.

Benefits and features• ECAM is formally encouraged by the CIB

(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).

Facilities (F) covers the multidisciplinary topics of people, property and process management expertise which underpin successful organizational functions in the workplace. It offers serious discussion of key issues to help managers, architects and other interested parties to maximize building space resources.

Coverage includes: Intelligent buildings; post-occupancy evaluation; relocation and change management; ergonomics and workplace design; environmental and workplace psychology; design and construction;

infrastructure management; and environment and climate change.

Benefits and features• Facilities is the first journal in the field of facilities

management with an “academic” refereed content.

• Facilities is formally encouraged by the CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).

Construction InnovationInformation, Process, Management

Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management


Volume: 11Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 18Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 29Print Issues: 14Internet Issues: 14

Online archiveAbstracts 2001 - dateFull text 2001 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1984 - dateFull text 2003 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsProfessor Mustafa AlshawiUniversity of Salford, UK

Dr Jack GouldingUniversity of Central Lancashire, UK

EditorsEditor: Professor Ronald McCafferLoughborough University, UK

Deputy Editor: Professor Antony ThorpeLoughborough University, UK

EditorProfessor Edward FinchUniversity of Salford, UK





Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals


International Journal of

Disaster Resilience in theBuilt Environment

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1759-5908


International Journal of

Housing Markets and Analysis

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8270


International Journal of

Law in the BuiltEnvironment

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1756-1450


ISSN: 1759-5908

ISSN: 1753-8270

ISSN: 1756-1450




International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment (IJDRBE) is the only journal to promote research and scholarly activity that examine the role of building and construction to anticipate and respond to unexpected events that damage or destroy the built environment.

Coverage includes:Disaster prevention, mitigation, response and reconstruction; construction project management for post-disaster reconstruction; and assessment of disaster-related damage.

Benefits and features• The leading journal contributing to the body of

knowledge on disaster mitigation, response and reconstruction within the context of the built environment.

• The only journal to promote research and scholarly activity that examine the role of the built environment community in anticipating or responding to natural and human-induced events that damage or destroy the built environment.

The International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis (IJHMA) aims to provide an international forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to housing, housing markets and the interaction thereof.

Coverage includes: Housing market analysis; social housing considerations and influences; demographics and the relationship with housing; the effect of financial factors on housing markets; first-time buyers or first

home owners; the effect of government decisions on housing; taxation of housing; emerging housing markets; conversion and modification of houses; and the environment and housing.

Benefits and features• IJHMA provides international and cross-cultural

coverage, publishing papers that capture or provide insight into the differences in housing market considerations and practice across regions and countries.

The International Journal of Law in the Built Environment (IJLBE) provides a vehicle for the publication of high quality legal scholarship in the context of the design, management and use of the built environment.

Coverage includes: The law relating to construction contracts and procurement; the law of real property, the land-related torts and neighbour disputes; landlord and tenant law, including dilapidations, rent review and housing law; planning, building control, conservation and environmental law; conflict management, ADR, litigation and the expert witness; negligence, professional liability and indemnity; comparative legal

studies in the built environment; private international law in the context of the built environment; jurisprudential and theoretical perspectives on law in the built environment; the role of legal research and scholarship in the built environment; and law teaching and curriculum development in built environment professional education.

Benefits and features• IJLBE is formally encouraged by the CIB

(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).

International Journal of

Disaster Resilience in the Built Environment

International Journal of

Housing Markets and Analysis

International Journal of

Law in the Built Environment

Volume: 2Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorsProfessor Dilanthi Amaratunga and Dr Richard HaighUniversity of Salford, UK

EditorProfessor Richard Reed Deakin University, Australia

EditorPaul ChynowethUniversity of Salford, UK





t Lau



Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals

Journal of

CorporateReal Estate

Volume 11 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1463-001X


Journal of

Engineering, Designand Technology

Volume 8 Number 1 2010ISSN 1726-0531


Journal of

European Real EstateResearch

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1753-9269


The official journal of the European Real Estate Society

ISSN: 1463-001X

ISSN: 1726-0531

ISSN: 1753-9269




Journal of Corporate Real Estate (JCRE) is the world’s only peer reviewed, professional journal dedicated to corporate real estate.

Coverage includes: Financial strategies; flexibility; portfolio management; construction delivery; workplace productivity; negotiation and dispute resolution; leasing; the cost of capital; strategic planning; cost control; management structures; outsourcing; corporate tenancy; IT; relocation; demand forecasting; rationalization; and insurance and lease issues post-9/11.

Benefits and features• JCRE provides access to practical experiences of

blue-chip companies and government bodies worldwide, with case studies detailing the problems they have met and the lessons they have learned.

• JCRE looks at how some of the world’s largest corporate occupiers are confronting the critical issues they face in managing large-scale real estate portfolios.

Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology (JEDT) serves all practitioners, professionals and clients in the engineering, design and technology sectors.

Coverage includes: Design strategies; usability and adaptability; material, component and systems performance; process control; alternative and new technologies; organizational, management and research issues; human factors; environmental, quality and health and safety issues; cost and life cycle issues; sustainability criteria, indicators, measurement and practices; risk management; entrepreneurship; law, regulation and governance; designing,

implementing, managing and practising innovation; visualization, simulation, information and communication technologies; and education practices, innovation, strategies and policy issues.

Benefits and features• JEDT is endorsed by the Chartered Institute of

Building, Africa and is formally encouraged by the CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).

The Journal of European Real Estate Research (JERER) aims to provide a European forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to commercial and residential property. The journal seeks to publish well-written, readable articles of intellectual rigour with a theoretical and practical relevance to the real estate profession in Europe.

Coverage includes: European real estate; REITs and financial derivatives; housing and residential markets; indirect property investment; cross-border portfolio diversification; comparative market analysis;

banking; analytical techniques and applications in practice; and sustainability and investment value.

Benefits and features• High-quality research articles with clear

indications of practice to ensure relevance and applicability.

• A unique journal that considers commercial and residential property together.

• Papers that concentrate on the expansion of the European real estate market.

Journal of European Real Estate Research is the official journal of the European Real Estate Society.

Journal of

Corporate Real Estate

Journal of

Engineering, Design and Technology

Journal of

European Real Estate Research

Volume: 13Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 9Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 4Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

EditorDr Clare Eriksson Jones Lang LaSalle, Ireland

EditorProfessor Theo Haupt Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa

EditorProfessor Stanley McGrealUniversity of Ulster, UK





Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals


Journal of


Volume 6 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1472-5967


Journal of

Financial Managementof Property andConstruction

Volume 14 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1366-4387


Journal of

Place Management and Development

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1753-8335


The official journal of the Institute of Place Management

ISSN: 1472-5967

ISSN 1366-4387

ISSN: 1753-8335




Journal of Facilities Management (JFM) publishes high-quality, authoritative and detailed analysis, briefings and case studies on how facilities can and do play a vital part in helping deliver corporate strategy.

Coverage includes: Strategic planning; performance measurement; disaster recovery and business continuity planning; life cycle management; contracting and procurement; project management; workplace design and strategy; and space planning.

Benefits and features• JFM features a combination of theoretical and

practical articles, complemented by case studies identifying key implications for senior practitioners in facilities management.

• JFM provides the latest thinking on how to link capital and strategic planning.

• JFM features contributions from some of the leading companies, government institutions and universities in the facilities management area.

The Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction (JFMPC) brings together theoretical- and practical-based developments and new thinking in the financial management of property and construction.

Coverage includes: Project and corporate financing; risk management; market analysis, modeling and valuation of property; capital structure decisions and management; building/construction economics; investment theory and practice; sustainability and renewal; financial implications of IT systems; financial aspect of

statutory regulations, energy and environment; and cost evaluation and financial implications of alternative procurement methods.

Benefits and features• JFMPC is formally encouraged by the CIB

(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) and is an approved RICS Foundation journal.

Place management is a coordinated, area-based, multi-stakeholder approach, harnessing the skills, experience and resources of those in the public, private and voluntary sectors. The Journal of Place Management and Development (JPMD) aims to provide a central repository for research into this expanding topic, pulling together theory and practice in the field.

Coverage includes: Organizational and governance structures in place management; the marketing and branding of places; the consumption of place; design and planning considerations; regeneration; place competitiveness; community engagement and development;

sustainable communities; local economic development; tourism; town centre management; and neighbourhood and community renewal.

Benefits and features• High-quality research articles with clear

indications for practice to ensure relevance and applicability.

• The journal publishes practically-focused case studies.

• JPMD is the official journal of the Institute of Place Management.

Journal of

Facilities Management

Journal of

Financial Management of Property and Construction

Journal of

Place Management and Development

Volume: 9Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 16Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 4Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2002 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

EditorProfessor Michael R. Pitt Liverpool John Moores University, UK

EditorsProfessor Akintola AkintoyeUniversity of Central Lancashire, UK

Dr Jim Birnie UK

EditorsProfessor Cathy ParkerManchester Metropolitan University, UK

Dr John ByromUniversity of Tasmania, Australia

Simon QuinThe Association of Town Centre Management, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Built Environment Journals

Journal of

Property Investment& Finance

Volume 27 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1463-578X



Volume 26 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0263-7472


Structural SurveyJournal of building pathologyand refurbishment

Volume 27 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0263-080X


ISSN: 1463-578X

ISSN: 0263-7472

ISSN: 0263-080X




Widely regarded as one of the best property journals in its field, the Journal of Property Investment & Finance (JPIF) provides an international forum for the interchange of information and ideas relating to property valuation and investment.

Coverage includes: Real estate portfolios and practice; micro- and macro-economics issues; valuation methods; forecasting; and rental and capital determinants.

Benefits and features• JPIF is widely acknowledged to be the “leading

journal for publishing international real estate”.• JPIF gives a comprehensive review of new

legislation and the latest approaches to give an all-round view of the latest developments in the property field.

• JPIF operates a rigorous double blind reviewing system (three reviewers), ensuring that high quality is maintained and developed.

By addressing key issues from an international perspective Property Management (PM) publishes articles which aim to keep academics and practitioners in the field conversant with new thinking and research. It provides an invaluable resource for everyone with a professional and academic interest in all aspects of property management.

Coverage includes: Valuation – theory and practice; sustainability; occupiers’ issues; asset management; taxation;

development and redevelopment; landlord and tenant; maintenance and refurbishment; environmental issues; and security.

Benefits and features• The broad scope of PM ensures comprehensive

coverage of the property life cycle from development through occupation to redevelopment.

• PM publishes topical research dedicated to academics and practitioners in the field, ensuring widespread readership.

Structural Survey (SS) is the leading information resource, offering access to expert comments and advice on all aspects of the inspection and appraisal of buildings.

Coverage includes: Building conservation, regulations and codes; case studies of refurbishment products; engineering services survey; materials, components and building defects; practice abroad; surveying commercial and residential buildings; and law and practice of dilapidation.

Benefits and features• SS is formally encouraged by the CIB

(International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction).

• SS includes a review of the latest certificates issued by the British Board of Agrément as well as incorporating a selected listing of books, articles, pamphlets and reports received by the Building Research Establishment Library.

Journal of

Property Investment & Finance

Property Management

Structural SurveyJournal of building pathology and refurbishment

Volume: 29Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 29Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 29Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Nick FrenchOxford Brookes University, UK

EditorClive WarrenAssociate Professor, University of Queensland, Australia

EditorsProfessor Mike Hoxley and Dr Mark ShelbournNottingham Trent University, UK





Business Ethics and Law

Business, Management and Economics

Business Ethics and Law Journals and Books


t Lau



Business, Management and Economics

Business Ethics and Law Journals

CorporateGovernanceThe international journalof business in society

Volume 8 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1472-0701


International Journal of

Law and Management

Volume 52 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1754-243X


Journal of

Global Responsibility

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2041-2568


ISSN: 1472-0701

ISSN: 1754-243X

ISSN: 2041-2568




Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society (CG) aims to lead the international debate on board performance, corporate responsibility and CEO effectiveness. By cultivating and sharing knowledge and ideas, CG aims to assist businesses in enhancing their corporate governance practice.

Coverage includes:Effective boardroom performance; control and regulation; executive leadership; the growing

importance of governance in the wake of ever-greater corporate scandals; and the role of business in society.

Benefits and features• CG has a strong commitment to publishing the

latest research from around the globe. • CG is the only journal in its field which aims to

lead the debate on board effectiveness and CSR for both academics and professionals alike.

The International Journal of Law and Management (IJLMA) remains committed to publishing the latest research on policy, practice and theoretical perspectives and their impact on the development and leadership of organizations. The journal seeks to provide a bridge between academia and practice.

Coverage includes:Employment and industrial law; corporate governance and social responsibility; intellectual

property; corporate law and finance; and insolvency; and commercial law and consumer protection.

Benefits and features• IJLMA is a multi-disciplinary journal which

provides a platform to stimulate scholarly debate in the development of law and practice.

• IJLMA is an influential and authoritative refereed journal which aims to bridge the gap between academia and practice.

Journal of Global Responsibility (JGR) publishes scholarly articles that build the kind of understanding that will lead organizations towards the adoption of a longer-term focus and a more inclusive set of responsibilities.

Coverage includes:Ethics; new mental models; governance; strategy; public policy; corporate social responsibility; human rights; workplace spirituality; employee/community engagement; transparency; and resource management.

Benefits and features• JGR is located within a new and rapidly

expanding area of scholarly activity. • The content will be of immediate interest to

academics around the world, who are currently developing the next generation of coursework for and about global responsibility.

• JGR is a valuable resource to all those in the business of translating scholarly output into innovative managerial practice.

Corporate GovernanceThe international journal of business in society

International Journal of

Law and Management

Journal of

Global Responsibility

Volume: 11Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 53Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 2Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 2001 - dateFull text 2001 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1966 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

EditorsProfessor Nada K. Kakabadse Northampton Business School, UK

Professor Andrew KakabadseCranfield School of Management, UK

EditorsProfessor James KirkbrideLiverpool John Moores University, UK

Professor Geraint HowellsUniversity of Manchester, UK

EditorsEditor-in-Chief Dr Grant JonesMacquarie School of Management, Australia

Deputy Editor Professor Gayle AveryMacquarie Graduate School of Management, Australia





Business, Management and Economics

Business Ethics and Law Journals


Journal of

International Trade Lawand Policy

Volume 7 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1477-0024


Social ResponsibilityJournal

Volume 4 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1747-1117


Society and BusinessReview

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-5680


ISSN: 1477-0024

ISSN: 1747-1117

ISSN: 1746-5680




The Journal of International Trade Law and Policy (JITLP) is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal which seeks to publish articles from any jurisdiction on the broad theme of international trade. The aim of the journal is to provide a forum for current issues in all aspects of international trade, including legal, economic, management and policy issues.

Coverage includes:International trade; global markets; competition law; governance and regulation; foreign investment; internet law; business ethics; and globalisation.

Benefits and features• JITLP aims to provide a forum for robust debate

on all aspects of international trade, welcoming submissions from both experienced and inexperienced authors.

• JITLP is a double-blind peer-reviewed journal featuring contributions from expert practitioners and academics from across the globe.

Social responsibility is an essential part of citizenship. The Social Responsibility Journal (SRJ) interprets this in the widest possible context and thus publishes multi-disciplinary research covering a wide range of social issues.

Coverage includes:Corporate activity and behaviour; issues of gender, race and ethnicity; ethics and morality; ecology and environment; economy and finance; governance; governmental and trans-governmental regulation; and individuals, lifestyle and citizenship.

Benefits and features• The journal encompasses the full range of

theoretical, methodological and substantive debates in the area of social responsibility.

• SRJ publishes articles from an international authorship, which allows the reader to compare the impact of social responsibility across countries and cultures.

Society and Business Review (SBR) aims to cultivate and share knowledge and ideas in order to assist businesses to enhance their commitment in societies.

Coverage includes:Business and politics; geo-politics of business; societal change; business ethics and values; international dimensions of business and society relationships; business strategies and ecological prosperity; global social responsibility; and corporate governance.

Benefits and features• The journal provides cross-cultural coverage,

publishing papers that capture or provide insight into the differences in management styles across regions/provinces and countries.

• SBR will be of great interest to researchers, educators and senior practitioners who are interested in researching, discussing and analysing the relationship between business and society worldwide.

Journal of

International Trade Law and Policy

Social Responsibility Journal

Society and Business Review

Volume: 10Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorMoe AlramahiAberdeen Business School, The Robert Gordon University, UK

EditorsProfessor David CrowtherDe Montfort University, UK

Professor Guler ArasYildiz Technical University, Turkey

EditorProfessor Yvon PesqueuxCNAM, France




Business, Management and Economics

Business Ethics and Law Books


ISSN: 2043-9059


The aim of this book series is to explore deeply and rethink critically the theoretical debates, arguments, public concerns, institutional policies and practical issues in the broad areas of corporate responsibility, corporate governance and sustainability.

Coverage includes:It examines the social, economic and environmental impacts of corporations and the real effects of CSR, corporate governance and business sustainability in different societies. It enables us to understand how different value systems, cultures and traditions in

different societies affect the policies and practices of CSR, corporate governance and sustainability. It also attempts to identify the future development trends of corporate responsibility, governance and sustainability in different contexts when examining and exploring those key issues. There are no restrictions on the type and variety of contributions. Different perspectives and methodologies are welcomed and encouraged. The volumes consist of state-of-the-art reviews, conceptual development or empirical research on a specific subject or topic.

Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance and Sustainability

Series EditorWilliam SunLeeds Metropolitan University and The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Research Group, UK

ISSN: 2043-0523


The objective of each book is always the same – to present current debates and research about a specific aspect of social responsibility and to show these from global and interdisciplinary perspectives. The aim is to spark debate and encourage discussion between people from different backgrounds as a way of developing and promoting best practice.

Coverage includes:Contributors to the 2009 volume are global; including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, South

Africa, Portugal, New Zealand, Ecuador, Spain and Romania. This is typical and reflects the global nature of the Social Responsibility Research Network. Chapters included in each book are invited contributions, ensuring that the quality remains high, while the scope of coverage for each volume is coherent to make a strong book. This is in addition to the reviewing process.

Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility

Series EditorsProfessor Guler ArasYildiz Technical University, Turkey

Professor David CrowtherDe Montfort University, UK

ISSN: 0193-5895


Since 1979 Research in Law and Economics has been presenting original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law. Leading scholars, including Kenneth Arrow, Kenneth Elzinga, Victor Goldberg, Jack Hirschliefer, Paul Joskow, and Vernon Smith, have chosen Research in Law and Economics as the right forum for presenting their research.

Coverage includes:Timely and relevant topics, which have included themes of economics of environmental policy, urban property rights, and evolutionary models in economics and law.

Research in Law and Economics: A Journal of Policy

Series EditorsProfessor Richard O. Zerbe University of Washington, USA

Professor John B. Kirkwood Seattle University School of Law, USA


t Lau




t Lau




Business, Management and Economics

Economics Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Economics Journals

Agricultural FinanceReview

Volume 69 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0002-1466


China AgriculturalEconomic Review

Volume 1 Number 4 2009

ISSN 1756-137X


Published in association with:

China Agricultural University

and the Chinese Association for Agricultural Economics

ISSN: 0002-1466

ISSN: 1756-137X



Agricultural Finance Review (AFR) provides a rigorous forum for the publication of theory and empirical work, by both academic and industry experts, related to issues in agricultural and agribusiness finance. AFR is committed to research addressing: factors affecting or influencing the financing of agriculture and agribusiness in both developed and developing nations; the broadest aspect of risk assessment and risk management strategies affecting agriculture; and government policies affecting farm profitability, liquidity, and access to credit.

Coverage includes:Agricultural lending and credit issues; farm credit; rural credit in developing economies; and microfinance and microcredit applied to agriculture and rural developments.

Benefits and features• AFR is the only journal dedicated to the

publication of issues related to agricultural finance in its entirety.

China Agricultural Economic Review (CAER) provides a unique and insightful approach to documenting and disseminating research into the economics of agriculture, rural development, natural resources and the environment.

Coverage includes:Agricultural economic theory and policy; agricultural markets; agricultural trade and investment; rural finance; resource economics and environment protection; agricultural R&D and extensions; employment, labor use and migration; agribusiness; rural sociology; development economics; rural household behavior; rural cooperatives; and development of rural non-agricultural industries.

Benefits and features• The varied content composition of CAER offers

readers a holistic view of issues concerning agricultural economics and rural development in China.

Published in association with China Agricultural University and with the Chinese Association for Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Finance Review

China Agricultural Economic Review

Volume: 71Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 3Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2000 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorProfessor Calum G. TurveyCornell University, USA

EditorProfessor Xian Xin China Agricultural University, PR China




“Glad to see the publication of more papers in China Agricultural Economic Review produced by researchers from mainland China, who, in my opinion, are in an excellent position to provide great insights into many issues concerning China’s agricultural economics.”Professor Zhangyue Zhou, James Cook University, Australia

HumanomicsThe international journal of systemsand ethics

Volume 24 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0828-8666


ISSN: 0828-8666


Humanomics: The international journal of systems and ethics (H) is a multidisciplinary journal devoted to the ethico-economic study of major socio-economic issues, with a world perspective. As a deeply methodological field, Humanomics uses the paradigm of circular causation with reference to extended knowledge-induced interaction, integration and creative evolution across relational systems and their variables, functions and entities.

Coverage includes:Islamic economics and finance; ethico-economics; endogenous ethics in the social system; social

economics; economic development and growth; and ethics in a socio-scientific environment.

Benefits and features• Humanomics offers authors the opportunity to

publish in a journal offering perspectives on social economics and Islamic finance.

• The journal publishes the scholarly views and writings of social thinkers and personalities on ethico-economic issues.

HumanomicsThe international journal of systems and ethics

Volume: 27Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorProfessor Masudul Alam Choudhury Sultan Qaboos University, Sultanate of Oman


Business, Management and Economics

Economics Journals


Indian Growth and DevelopmentReview

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8254


International Journal of

Development Issues

Volume 7 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1446-8956


ISSN: 1753-8254

ISSN: 1446-8956



Indian Growth and Development Review (IGDR) seeks to publish high quality peer-reviewed articles on economic growth and development with a special emphasis on emerging and developing economies. It aims to become the best journal in the field of growth and development economics coming out of the fast emerging and developing countries around the world.

Coverage includes:Poverty; income and wealth distribution; infrastructure; trade policy; human capital; fiscal and

monetary policy; inflation; unemployment; agriculture; microfinance; regional development; free trade areas; WTO; outsourcing; foreign direct investment; political economy of growth and development; and environment.

Benefits and features• IGDR aims to develop discourse between

academics, policy-makers and education providers and to impact directly on policy making and higher education provision in India.

The International Journal of Development Issues (IJDI) is intent on providing an international forum for the exchange of viewpoints, from a wide variety of perspectives and disciplines, relating to the subject of development. The expectation is that the journal will be a genuine guideline for socially appropriate policy prescriptions, made by the practitioners and policy makers in developing and emerging market economies.

Coverage includes:Politics in developing nations; historical issues relating to growth and development; sociological issues; sustainability; commercial and economic growth; and transitional economies.

Benefits and features• IJDI invites submissions which focus on all

development issues ranging from political and economic, to historical and ecological.

Indian Growth and Development Review

International Journal of

Development Issues

Volume: 4Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 10Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2003 - dateFull text 2007 - date

EditorsProfessor Satya P. Das and Professor Chetan GhateIndian Statistical Institute, India

EditorAssociate Professor Dilip DuttaUniversity of Sydney, Australia



Business, Management and Economics

Economics Journals

International Journal of

Social Economics

Volume 36 Numbers 1 2009

ISSN 0306-8293


ISSN: 0306-8293


Increasing economic interaction, allied to the social and political changes evident in many parts of the world, has created a need for more sophisticated understanding of the social, political and cultural influences which govern our societies. The International Journal of Social Economics (IJSE) provides its readers with a unique forum for the exchange and sharing of information in this complex area.

Coverage includes:Demographic trends; environmental economics; ethical and religious influences; manpower policy;

socio-economic systems; social indicators; Darwinism and evolutionary economics; and the work of key thinkers in socio-economics – John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Adam Smith and Gustav Schmoller.

Benefits and features• The journal offers wide-ranging studies of socio-

economic systems and the global implications of individual patterns.

International Journal of

Social EconomicsVolume: 38Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Online archiveAbstracts 1974 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Leslie ArmourDominican University College, Canada



“Thanks for all you do to make the International Journal of Social Economics an outstanding outlet for social economics research.”Edward O’Boyle, The Mayo Research Institute, USA

International Journal of ManpowerAn interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management& labour economics

Volume 30 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0143-7720


ISSN: 0143-7720


The field of manpower planning and labour economics is complex, influenced by the many social, technological and economic changes evident in our world today. Within this important area, the International Journal of Manpower (IJM) plays a major role, providing invaluable support to academics and researchers in the field, and to all those charged with setting policies and strategies relating to workforce issues.

Coverage includes:Human resource recruitment, retention and development; and objectives of human resource planning and forecasting requirements.

Benefits and features• IJM publishes numerous special issues on a wide

range of HR, industrial relations and labour economics issues.

• Work published in the journal will be seen by some of the world’s leading labour economists and HR specialists.

International Journal of ManpowerAn interdisciplinary journal on human resources, management & labour economics

Volume: 32Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Online archiveAbstracts 1980 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Adrian ZidermanBar-Ilan University, Israel


This journal is indexed by

Journal of

Chinese Economicand Foreign TradeStudies

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1754-4408


Published in association with

ISSN: 1754-4408


The Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (JCEFTS) negotiates China’s unique position within the international economy, and its interaction with the rest of the world in the age of globalization. Emphasis is placed on the publication of articles which seek to link theory with application, or critically analyse real situations in terms of Chinese economics and business in China.

Coverage includes:Chinese business and culture; foreign trade and policy; Chinese management and business

strategy; cross-cultural management; business in transitional economies; and economic reform in China.

Benefits and features• JCEFTS’s broad scope will be of interest to every

higher education institution, multinational corporations, Sino-foreign joint venture companies, and state and private enterprises in China.

Journal of

Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade StudiesVolume: 4

Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Executive EditorsDr Junjie HongUniversity of International Business and Economics, China

Dr Chengqi WangNottingham University Business School, UK


Business, Management and Economics

Economics Journals


Journal of

Economic Studies

Volume 36 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0144-3585


Journal of

Financial EconomicPolicy

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1757-6385


ISSN: 0144-3585

ISSN: 1757-6385



The Journal of Economic Studies (JES) is dedicated to enhancing the link between academic theory and its application at both micro and macro levels. Authors are encouraged to present their material in such a way that the implications for economists are fully explored. By highlighting new perspectives on major economic trends, JES helps to find solutions to the problems facing many economies around the world today.

Coverage includes:Dependence theory; finance; labour and regional economics; new developments in the international monetary system; the history of economic thought; and urban bias in developing countries.

Benefits and features• JES publishes a range of articles which cover a

wide spectrum of issues, offering relevant research and thinking in the field of economics.

Journal of Financial Economic Policy (JFEP) is devoted to the advancement of the understanding of the entire spectrum of financial policy and control issues and their interactions with economic phenomena.

Coverage includes:Banking stability, supervision and policy; financial markets and stability; corporate financial policy and liquidity control; systemic liquidity control; private insurance policy; fiscal policy; and fiscal risk management.

Benefits and features• JFEP is the only journal focused exclusively on,

and providing prompt response to, contemporary and emerging financial and economic policy issues. The journal will be key reading in financial and economic policy for both academics and practitioners.

• The journal focuses on policy issues with academic rigour and not on theory.

Journal of

Economic Studies

Journal of

Financial Economic Policy

Volume: 38Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 2Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1974 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

EditorProfessor Mohsen Bahmani-OskooeeUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA

EditorsProfessor James Barth and Professor John JaheraAuburn University, USA



Published in association with

Business, Management and Economics

Economics Books


ISSN: 1529-2134


Advances in Austrian Economics connects the Austrian tradition of economics with other research traditions in economics and related areas. Our editorial policy is based on the conviction that Austrian economics is not a doctrine or a method, but a rich tradition of research in the social sciences whose potential has by no means been exhausted.

Coverage includes:Contributions from both “Austrian” and “non-Austrian” scholars promote fruitful links between the

Austrian tradition and other perspectives on important theoretical and practical problems. Each volume is a special issue devoted to a separate theme. The books in this series will appeal to people working in a variety of traditions in economics and related disciplines. Austrian school economists are the primary audience, but those working in public choice, new institutionalism, complexity theory, cognitive or behavior economics, entrepreneurship, and other areas will find value in the series.

Advances in Austrian Economics

Series EditorsProfessor Roger Koppl Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA

Steven S. HorwitzSt Lawrence University, USA

ISSN: 0731-9053


Advances in Econometrics is a series of research annuals first published in 1982. The senior editors, Thomas B. Fomby, Southern Methodist University, and R. Carter Hill, Louisiana State University, select focus topics for annual volumes that represent new ideas and trends in econometric theory and practice.

Coverage includes:Advances in Econometrics is essential reading for academics, researchers and practitioners who are involved in applied economic, business or social science research, and eager to keep up with the latest methodological tools. The series:

• Disseminates new ideas in a style that is more expository than journal articles, with many papers including supplementary computer code and/or data-driven examples illustrating the techniques.

• Provides a collection of papers in each volume related to a central theme or idea, encompassing alternative approaches to implementation of the methodology.

• Provides empirical applications that may be related to microeconomics, macroeconomics or finance, using cross-section data, time series data or panel data.

Advances in Econometrics

Series EditorsThomas B. Fomby Southern Methodist University, USA

R. Carter HillLouisiana State University, USA

ISSN: 1569-3732


Volumes of the Advances in Financial Economics series often include an eclectic mix of papers, international in scope, and can encompass any area of Finance.

Coverage includes:Important aspects of the link between corporate governance and firm performance; corporate

governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps corporations and other organizations effectively manage, administer, and direct economic resources; the role played by boards of directors, impact of ownership, executive compensation, and investor protection.Advances in Financial Economics is listed on Scopus.

Advances in Financial Economics

Series EditorsMark HirscheyUniversity of Kansas, USA

Kose JohnNew York University, USA

Anil K. MakhijaThe Ohio State University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Economics Books


ISSN: 0573-8555


Contributions to Economic Analysis was established under the editorship of Jan Tinbergen in 1952. Its purpose ever since has been to stimulate the international exchange of scientific information and to reinforce international cooperation by publishing original research in applied economics.

Coverage includes:The editors and authors of the series represent a broad range of geographic and subject-matter interests in economics, and the series includes books from all areas of macroeconomics and microeconomics.These books have in common a quantitative approach to economic problems of practical importance.

Contributions to Economic Analysis

Series EditorsProfessor Badi BaltagiSyracuse University, USA

Professor Efraim Sadka The Eitan Berglas School of Economics, Tel Aviv

ISSN: 1574-8715


This series is aimed at economists and financial economists worldwide and will provide an in-depth look at current global topics. Each volume focuses on specialized topics for greater understanding of the chosen subject and provides a detailed discussion of emerging issues. The target audiences are professional researchers, graduate students, and policy makers.

Coverage includes:FEG offers cutting-edge views on new horizons and deepens understanding in these emerging topics, such as:• Trade Disputes and the Dispute Settlement

Understanding of the WTO.• Globalization and Emerging Issues in Trade

Theory and Policy.• Contemporary and Emerging Issues in Trade

Theory and Policy.

Frontiers of Economics and Globalization

Series EditorsProfessor Hamid BeladiUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Professor E. Kwan ChoiIowa State University, USA

ISSN: 1574-0129


Over the past several decades there have been substantial changes in the size, composition, educational level, work activity, and locational choice of families. The aim of this book series is to provide a better understanding of the forces that have led to the choices and consequent observed changes.

Coverage includes:The first volume offers a collection of articles at the frontier of research on issues relevant to family decision making and the outcomes of such decisions. The book contains theoretical as well as

empirical insights. Future volumes will focus more narrowly on particular topics. The aforementioned changes have probably resulted from varied sources. The first volume provides a collection of articles at the frontier of research on issues relevant to family decision making and the outcomes of such decisions. The book contains theoretical and empirical insights. Future volumes will focus more narrowly on particular topics.The book series will provide readers with a solid theoretical framework as well as a thorough description of the relevant data.

Frontiers of Family Economics

Series EditorProfessor Peter Rupert Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Economics Books


ISSN: 1571-0386


The monograph series, International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics, has been publishing top-quality proceedings of conferences and symposia, as well as research monographs of the highest quality and importance, since 1990. The essays in this series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of economic theory and economics.

Coverage includes:Challenges of the Muslim world; functional structure inference; topics in analytical political economy; modelling our future; and economic complexity.

International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics

Series EditorWilliam Barnett University of Kansas, USA

ISSN: 0363-3268


Research in Economic History is a peer-reviewed book published once a year as a single book-length hardcover volume. We cover all areas of economic history, including demography and development. We welcome good papers of any length, quantitative or non-quantitative, with or without formal theoretical models and statistics. Our format as a hardcover volume allows us to publish longer manuscripts than most journals can accept. We are also especially well-suited for papers presenting and documenting newly-developed statistical series.Research in Economic History is a well-established and well-cited book which has

presented work by leading researchers in the field of economic history, including economists, historians and demographers.

Coverage includes:Most recently: Social overhead investment in the different regions of Italy; bilateral trade flows in Europe between 1857 and 1875; gender, wealth, and health in England and Wales since industrialization; ranchers and miners over who should bear the burden of taxation in nineteenth-century California; cartel behavior under the National Industrial Recovery Act; and Eugene Meyer’s role as Governor of the Federal Reserve Board between 1930 and 1933.

Research in Economic History

Series EditorsChristopher Hanes and Susan Wolcott SUNY, USA

ISSN: 0193-2306


Research in Experimental Economics is a series of edited research volumes first published in 1979 with founding editor Vernon L. Smith. The current senior editor is R. Mark Isaac at Florida State University, and the volume appears approximately every other year.

Coverage includes:The focus for the volumes is laboratory experimental economics, but authors of theoretical, empirical, or field economic research are welcome to submit work, if it would be of interest to the broader experimental economics community. It is a goal of Research in Experimental Economics to be complementary with, and not in competition with, traditional journals as outlets for experimental work. Research in Experimental Economics has the

freedom to consider papers that may not be appropriate for traditional journals for a variety of reasons. Some examples of these strengths include: theme volumes, replication studies, research which requires longer manuscripts for presentation of data or analysis, and papers on methodological topics.The volumes of Research in Experimental Economics are not tied to specific, recurring conferences. Typically, a volume theme is established with scholars who are willing to serve as volume-specific editors. These editors issue formal and informal calls for papers; sometimes the editors may find a connection with a specific conference useful. Recent topics have included market power, charitable contributions, and field experiments.

Research in Experimental Economics

Series EditorsProfessor R. Mark IsaacProfessor and John and Hallie Quinn Eminent Scholar, Florida State University, USA

Douglas A. NortonFlorida State University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Economics Books


ISSN: 0147-9121


Each volume in the Research in Labor Economics series consists of a collection of refereed research papers written by top economists in the field of labor economics. Since 2006, the series has benefited from the contribution of IZA. It has extended to two volumes per year, with one volume remaining in the tradition of the series with empirical and theoretical papers in labor economics, and a

second volume being more policy-oriented, in the spirit of IZA’s focus on policy aspects of labor economics.

Coverage includes:Original research that explores the extent to which the constraints of law explain economic behavior and the role of economics in forming the law.

Research in Labor Economics

Series EditorsProfessor Solomon W. PolachekState University of New York, USA

Dr KonstantinosTatsiramosForschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit GmbH (IZA), Germany

ISSN: 0743-4154


Founded by Warren J. Samuels, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology presents materials in the history of economic thought and the methodology of economics.

Coverage includes:The annual A-volume contains peer-reviewed articles, and also publishes symposia and review

essays on new works in the history of economic thought, methodology and related fields, including multiple reviews of the same work. The annual B-C-volumes are archival supplements that present hitherto unpublished materials of interest in both fields.

Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology

Series EditorsProfessor Jeff Biddle and Professor Ross Emmett Michigan State University, USA

Marianne JohnsonUniversity of Wisconsin Oshkosh, USA

ISSN: 1049-2585


The essays in this series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of Economic Inequality.

Coverage includes:Most recently, Volume 16 of Research on Economic Inequality contains a selection of papers from the 2nd Biennial Meeting of the Society for the Study of Economic Inequality, Berlin, July 2007.

The volume opens with an essay on equal liberties by Serge-Christophe Kolm and is followed by papers on the inequality and envy, equal opportunities, and inequality measurement issues. Empirical applications include Africa, Italy, Argentina, Germany, and the USA.

Research on Economic Inequality

Series EditorProfessor John BishopEast Carolina University, USA

Enterprise and Innovation

Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Journals

European Journal of InnovationManagement

Volume 12 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1460-1060


International Journal of

EntrepreneurialBehaviour & Research

Volume 15 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1355-2554


International Journal of

Gender andEntrepreneurship

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1756-6266


ISSN: 1460-1060

ISSN: 1355-2554

ISSN: 1756-6266




The European Journal of Innovation Management (EJIM) is a European-based forum for disseminating vital information and knowledge in the field of innovation. Readers will keep abreast of the latest theoretical and practical developments in areas pertinent to the total innovation process.

Coverage includes:Methods to achieve cross-functional integration leading to seamless innovation; reasons for and methods of creating and operating innovation networks and alliances; and ways of benchmarking

and assessing the performance of innovation processes.

Benefits and features• EJIM is the only journal to stress the strategic

implications of innovation rather than the merely technical or technological.

• Continuously published for over a decade, the journal is now well established, thus attracting leading authors from Europe and further afield.

The main objective of the International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research (IJEBR) is to provide a wide-ranging forum for interdisciplinary discussion and information exchange on entrepreneurship-related topics. The journal will cover both conceptual development and application of empirical methodologies, leading to an improvement in our understanding of entrepreneurial behaviour in various cultural settings.

Coverage includes:Decision-making models for entrepreneurs; ethnic firms: problems and prospects; new technology and

its implications for small firms; regular book reviews; and enterprise policy – implementation and implications.

Benefits and features• Presents both theoretical and applied articles of

interest to both academics and practitioners in a range of areas pertinent to entrepreneurial behaviour.

• Regular special issues on topical themes.

The International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (IJGE) aims to facilitate the natural evolution of the field of gender and entrepreneurship by drawing together the very best research contributions from around the world. The journal seeks to provide a dedicated publication outlet for high calibre, international research of interest to scholars, entrepreneurs and policy makers in the field of gender and entrepreneurship.

Coverage includes:Entrepreneurship; business ownership and self-employment; femininity/masculinity and

entrepreneurial behaviour; business management and strategy; economics; venture capital; and internationalization and marketing.

Benefits and features• The only journal within the entrepreneurship field

to be dedicated to gender and entrepreneurship. • A leading edge publication that combines the

best peer-reviewed research with dedicated policy content aimed at practitioners.

European Journal of Innovation Management

International Journal of

Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research

International Journal of

Gender and Entrepreneurship

Volume: 14Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 17Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1998 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

Editor-in-ChiefProfessor PervaizMonash University, Malaysia

EditorsDr Mohammed RafiqLoughborough University Business School, UKDr Catherine L. WangUniversity of London, UK

Editor-in-ChiefProfessor Oswald JonesThe University of Liverpool Management School. UK

Co-EditorsDr Simon Down Dr Dilani Jayawarna

EditorDr Colette HenryRoyal Veterinary College, University of London, UK





Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Journals


Journal of


Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1756-1396


Published in association with

Journal of

Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-6204


Journal of

Family BusinessManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2043-6238


ISSN: 1756-1396

ISSN: 1750-6204

ISSN: 2043-6238




The Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship (JCE) aims to give a broad international coverage of subjects relating to entrepreneurship in China. Emphasis will be placed on the publication of articles which critically analyse real situations in terms of Chinese entrepreneurship.

Coverage includes:JCE takes an interdisciplinary approach and focuses on the changing contours of Chinese entrepreneurship research, acquainting readers with the latest trends and explorations in the theory and practice of entrepreneurship in China and in Chinese communities based outside mainland China.

Benefits and features• JCE is the only international academic journal

specializing in perspectives on Chinese enterprise from and about mainland China and Chinese communities around the globe.

Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship is one of the official journals of the China Association for Management of Technology

The Journal of Enterprising Communities (JEC) considers enterprise, people and places – a topic critical in the global economy as it is evolving. Increasingly, the events critical to the sustainable prosperity of people are being played out at the nexus of the local or the community. This journal examines successes and failures of such ventures in a critical way, looking for useful theoretical perspectives and practices.

Coverage includes:Entrepreneurship or self-employment among ethnic minorities; community entrepreneurship and the global economy; and development and sustainable prosperity.

Benefits and features• Case-study led, with direct relevance to practical.• The journal ensures that subscribers are kept at

the cutting-edge of all new developments and trends in this emerging and burgeoning field.

With a unique focus on behavioural research, the Journal of Family Business Management (JFBM) aims to communicate the latest developments and thinking on the management of family business operations worldwide.

Coverage includes:Strategic planning and organizational changes in family firms; corporate governance and strategy in family business; impact of family dynamics on management behaviours; organizational structures; financial issues; and international family-owned business.

Benefits and features• JFBM is the only journal which brings together

thought leadership and applied research conducted by and with practitioners and the academic community and leading actors in the family business arena.

• JFBM is the only publication in the field to publish broad-based behavioural research in the field of family business studies.

Journal of

Chinese Entrepreneurship

Journal of

Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy

Journal of

Family Business Management

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 1Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

Co-EditorsProfessor Wang YongguiUniversity of International Business & Economics, PR of China

Dr Jun LiUniversity of Essex, UK

EditorsProfessor Robert AndersonUniversity of Regina, Canada

Professor Leo Paul DanaUniversity of Canterbury, New Zealand

EditorsProfessor Nicholas O’Regan and Dr Lorna Collins University of the West of England, UK







Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Journals

Journal of

Knowledge-basedInnovation in China

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1756-1418


Published in association with

Journal of

Small Business and EnterpriseDevelopment

Volume 15 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1462-6004


Social EnterpriseJournal

Volume 5 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1750-8614


Published in association with

ISSN: 1756-1418

ISSN: 1462-6004

ISSN: 1750-8614




Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China (JKIC) publishes critical analyses which are informed by an appreciation of the complexity of the National Innovation System and of regional and sectoral diversity. This journal addresses the problems of how to manage the “innovation gap” at both national and regional levels by exploring the nature of the Triple Helix model.

Coverage includes:JKIC publishes research that addresses emerging or developed innovative practices in modern China,

and how innovation is feeding into the country’s rapidly growing knowledge economy.

Benefits and features• JKIC features high quality research papers,

viewpoints (including practitioner pieces), conceptual papers, case studies, policy focus papers and literature reviews.

Published in association with:

The Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development (JSBED) is a major international research journal dedicated to the formulation, development, implementation and evaluation of enterprise policy. Theoretical research articles and evidence-based case studies seek to explore best practice, investigate strategies for growth, and to inform those responsible for the management of SMEs. The international coverage further advances readers’ understanding of small and medium enterprises worldwide.

Coverage includes:Business improvement; recruitment, training and development for SMEs; and SME financing and venture capital and business improvement.

Benefits and features• Features regular special issues on key themes

such as developments in China and new insights on education and training in the field.

• Useful to teachers/researchers, those responsible for building and applying government.

The mission of the Social Enterprise Journal (SEJ) is to provide an opportunity for academics and policy-makers to share new insights into how social enterprise is contributing to a more prosperous and sustainable society. Social enterprises have not been the subject of rigorous research. SEJ seeks to address this void by inviting scholars and practitioners to present their theories and frameworks for understanding social enterprise.

Coverage includes:Entrepreneurship in social enterprises; social enterprises delivering public services; theorisation

on the nature of social enterprise; and value creation.

Benefits and features• Develops a deeper understanding of the complex

issues associated with social enterprise.• Provides practical insights on social enterprise

initiatives worldwide.

Published in association with:

Journal of

Knowledge-based Innovation in China

Journal of

Small Business and Enterprise Development

Social Enterprise Journal

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 18Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 7Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1994 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorsProfessor Chen JinZhejiang University, PR China

Dr Lucy Yang LuNewcastle University, UK

EditorProfessor Harry MatlayBirmingham City University, UK

EditorBob DohertyLiverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, UK





Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Books


ISSN: 1074-7540


Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence & Growth provides an annual examination of the major current research, theoretical and methodological efforts in the field of entrepreneurship and its related disciplines of small business, family business and population ecology, as well as firm growth and emergence research.

Coverage includes:Each volume contains one or more methodological articles which provide all the necessary instruments

and methodological details to permit readers to use the approach in their own work. Nevertheless, all the articles are written to be accessible to an audience of researchers and advanced graduate students from fields other than entrepreneurship. This is done by providing greater detail in the background, development, and implementation of ideas than is possible in journal articles.

Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence & Growth

Series EditorsProfessor Jerome A. KatzSaint Louis University, USA

Professor G. T. LumpkinTexas Tech University, USA



This series aims to present the latest research on entrepreneurship and innovation and the impact on economic performance. The disciplines covered include economics, marketing, management, finance, and history. The target audience includes both academics and practising entrepreneurs. The overall objective is to disseminate research in a clear and effective manner, to promote communication between the business and academic communities and to foster entrepreneurship within society.

Coverage includes:All aspects of entrepreneurial behavior – the determinants of research and development, intellectual property concerns, innovation within and across firms, the effect of government regulation and tax policies, patenting and other property rights issues, organizational factors, market structure effects, marketing strategies, entrepreneurship programs and other educational activities, and the relative performance of entrepreneurial firms.

Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth

Series EditorProfessor Gary D. LibecapUniversity of California - Santa Barbara, USA

“The study of the economics of entrepreneurship, while critically important, is in its early stages, with the key contributions widely scattered across journals. Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth makes a valuable contribution by drawing together original research and review pieces on timely topics in a readily accessible form.”Professor Josh Lerner, Jacob H. Schiff Professor of Investment Banking, Harvard Business School, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Enterprise and Innovation Books


ISSN: 2040-7246


The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) is the UK’s network for individuals and organisations driving small business and entrepreneurship research, enterprise support and advice, entrepreneurship education and training, and for those who formulate, deliver and evaluate policy in this area. This new series publishes themed volumes comprising discrete, quality chapters that collectively explore and develop theory and practice in the field of entrepreneurship and small business. The series selects the best papers submitted from the ISBE annual Conference, in addition to expert contributions

from those outside the Conference where appropriate. The emphasis of the research is quality, currency and relevance, so that the resulting volumes are at the cutting edge of research in entrepreneurship and small business.

Coverage includes:Key research areas include entrepreneurship education & training, gender, entrepreneurship & family business, creative industries entrepreneurship, e-business, innovation, incubation & networks, sustainability and environmental issues.

Published in association with The Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship

Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research (The Institute of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Book Series)

Series EditorsColette HenryRoyal Veterinary College, University of London, UK

Susan MarlowDe Montfort University, UK

ISSN: 1876-0228


The New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium book series is a substantial body of work, comprising an uninterrupted flow of annual edited books emanating from the International High Technology Small Firms Conference, begun in 1993. Each volume of this series comprises the best papers from this Conference.

Coverage includes:Specific issues addressed at the conferences and in the resultant book series cover many of the key

industrial development policies adopted by developed, and developing, national governments since the early 1990s including, for example, writings on policy and practice concerning science parks, incubators, academic enterprise, industrial networking and the role of clusters in nurturing high technology small firms’ formation and growth. In particular, the ongoing problem of early stage high technology funding has been a theme of constant concern since 1993.

New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millennium

Series EditorsProfessor Ray OakeyThe University of Manchester, UK

Aard GroenThe University of Twente at Enschede, The Netherlands

Gary CookUniversity of Liverpool Management School, UK

Peter van der SijdeThe Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

“Emerald Books are diversified and extremely helpful for a wide range of readers from educational students, environmentalists to businessmen and managers.”Nguyen Minh Phuong, Student, Hoa Sen University, Vietnam

Environmental Management/Environment

Business, Management and Economics

Environmental Management/Environment Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Environmental Management/Environment Journals

Disaster Preventionand ManagementAn International Journal

Volume 17 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0965-3562


International Journal of

Climate ChangeStrategies andManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2009ISSN 1756-8692


Published in association with

Management ofEnvironmental QualityAn International Journal

Volume 19 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1477-7835


ISSN: 0965-3562

ISSN: 1756-8692

ISSN: 1477-7835




Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal (DPM) sets out to advance the available knowledge in the fields of disaster prevention and management and to act as an integrative agent for extant methodologies and activities relating to disaster emergency and crisis management. Publishing high quality, refereed papers, the journal supports the exchange of ideas, experience and practice between academics, practitioners and policy-makers.

Coverage includes: In-depth case studies of international disasters; top management attitudes to safety; health effects of

disasters; and public attitudes and actions regarding disaster prevention.

Benefits and features • Access the world’s most comprehensive forum

for disaster management for academics and practitioners alike.

• Learn how to plan for the unknown and react positively to crisis situations.

In the history of science there have been only a few issues which have mobilized the attention of scientists and policy-makers in the same way as the current issue of climate change. The International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management (IJCCSM) addresses the need for disseminating scholarly research, projects and other initiatives, such as new policies, strategies or action plans, which may lead to a better understanding of the subject-matter of climate change.

Coverage includes: Climate change; global warming; mitigation; adaptation; natural variability; disasters; planning

processes; oceans; terrestrial ecosystems; and El Niño.

Benefits and features • IJCCSM is the world’s first journal to address

climate change issues in a holistic way, bearing in mind the social, economic/political and scientific elements that are part of the process.

Published in association with:

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (MEQ) has become a highly respected international forum for the serious debate of environmental issues and their effect on human health. By analyzing ways in which industrial and agricultural bodies can manage our environment responsibly, the journal presents major research findings, warnings of potential dangers to health and suggestions for different codes of practice to safeguard our environment and health.

Coverage includes: Environmental protection; nutrition, drugs and genetic engineering; pollution control; radioactive waste; stress and disease; toxic products; waste disposal; and water resources.

Benefits and features • MEQ is the only academic journal which

examines the direct effects of environmental management on health.

Disaster Prevention and ManagementAn International Journal

International Journal of

Climate Change Strategies and Management

Management of Environmental QualityAn International Journal

Volume: 20Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 3Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 22Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1992 - dateFull text 1992 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1990 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Douglas PatonUniversity of Tasmania, Australia

EditorProfessor Walter Leal Filho Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

EditorProfessor Walter Leal Filho Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany





This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Environmental Management/Environment Books


ISSN: 1745-9001


This series of research monographs focuses on contemporary research in the fields of urban and regional studies and presents high quality research monographs of particular interest to academics and policy makers in the fields of Geography, Planning, Urban Studies and Regional Studies.

Coverage includes:The series encompasses economic development; communication technologies & their urban

& regional impacts; regeneration; brownfield & contaminated land development; urban policy; urban form & morphology; urban governance & institutions; urban liveability; land & property development; urban design; urban sustainability; and globalisation & its urban impacts.

Current Research in Urban and Regional Studies

Series EditorProfessor Steve TiesdellUniversity of Aberdeen, Scotland

ISSN: 2041-806X


Advances in Ecopolitics includes a range of publications which each discuss a significant element in the environmental theory which now represents an important aspect of sustainable living. The series provides insights into real alternatives to the current economic malaise, with an examination of key themes such as transition towns, sustainable Utopias, co-operative farming, sustainability and activism, ecofeminism, green protectionism, intentional communities, environmental justice, environmental movements, green philosophies, politics and green economics. Advances in Ecopolitics provides a forum for debate about a

positive set of sustainable alternatives which set out an understanding that “another world is possible”.

Coverage includes:The series encourages well-written articles with the focus on interdisciplinary, international and comparative standpoints on contemporary management issues. Coverage includes, but is not restricted to: ecological politics; sustainable development; environmental philosophy; green party politics; environmental economics; environmental movements; ecofeminism; sustainable living practices.

Advances in Ecopolitics

Series EditorLiam LeonardIT Sligo, Republic of Ireland

ISSN: 2040-7262


Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management series links academic research to field practice, strengthening the links between the environment, disaster and community. The series will be developed on field evidence and community practices, and thus will provide specific guides for professionals which are grounded in rigorous academic analysis. New volumes in the series will disseminate much needed research to the disaster management

field, using the mode and method of education to create positive impacts.

Coverage includes:The series will have specific focus on community-based disaster management, urban environmental management, human security, water community, risk communication, climate change adaptation, climate disaster resilience and community-based practices.

Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management

Series EditorRajib ShawKyoto University, Japan


t Lau



New A




Health Care Management/Healthcare

Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Journals

Clinical GovernanceAn International Journal

Volume 13 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1477-7274


Health Education

Volume 108 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0965-4283


ISSN: 1477-7274

ISSN: 0965-4283



Clinical Governance: An International Journal (CGIJ) is one of the world’s leading publications specifically produced for clinicians and all those actively engaged in the pursuit of clinical excellence and patient safety. Clinical excellence is the prime goal which is tackled in the research, audit and evidence-based papers published.

Coverage includes: Patient safety; quality improvement; evidence-based practice; clinical guidelines; implementation of good practice; clinical performance indicators; audit; risk management; and policy and strategy.

Benefits and features • CGIJ brings a mix of in-depth research articles,

practical guidance, book reviews, conference reports, health technology developments, clinical risk assessment and interviews with leading figures in clinical governance.

• CGIJ contains a unique full-colour Review section, discussing each article contained within the issue, providing comment, analysis and application.

Health education plays a crucial role in the development of a healthy, inclusive and equitable social, psychological and physical environment. Health Education (HE) reflects the best of modern thinking about health education, offers stimulating and incisive coverage of current debates, concerns, interventions and initiatives, and provides a wealth of evidence, research, information and ideas to inform and inspire those in both the theory and the practice of health education.

Coverage includes: Sex and sexuality; mental health; occupational health education; health communication; personal change; healthy eating; drug education; and ethical issues in health education.

Benefits and features • It reflects current best practice using an

empowering, multi-dimensional, multi-professional approach which relates to all settings, organizations and parts and levels of society.

Clinical GovernanceAn International Journal

Health Education

Volume: 16Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 111Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1992 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsProfessor Alan GilliesUniversity of Central Lancashire, UK

Nicholas HarropConsultant in Emergency Medicine, Victoria Hospital, UK

EditorProfessor Katherine WeareUniversity of Southampton, UK




“CGIJ is, in my opinion, a very insightful and informative journal that touches on current realities in healthcare. Quality in healthcare and regulation is the ‘new’ public health of this century, especially in developed countries. Clinical governance of healthcare organisations and health regulation play a critical role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of patients in this age of rapid advancement in medical technologies and rising entrepreneurial behaviour. Honestly, I have not come across another journal that covers the topics of healthcare regulation and governance with such tremendous comprehensiveness and clarity as CGIJ.”Dr Harold Tan, MoH’s Deputy Director, Singapore

Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Journals


International Journal of

Health CareQuality AssuranceAddressing the issuesof management and quality

Volume 22 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0952-6862


International Journal of

Workplace HealthManagement

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8351


Journal of

Health Organization and Management

Volume 22 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1477-7266


ISSN: 0952-6862

ISSN: 1753-8351

ISSN: 1477-7266




The International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance (IJHCQA) covers issues related to quality in health and social care, and provides a forum for the international exchange of theoretical and practical aspects of quality assurance, innovation, management, continuous improvement and performance management. As part of its unique placement, the journal aspires to provide a network for practitioners to improve quality within their own organization. The journal encourages new writers to publish their work.

Coverage includes: Successful quality/continuous improvement projects; the use of quality tools and models in leadership management development such as the EFQM excellence model, balanced scorecard, quality standards and managed care.

Benefits and features • IJHCQA is highly-respected in its field, providing

a much-needed interdisciplinary resource for all professionals in health care.

The International Journal of Workplace Health Management (IJWHM) publishes current research and debate on all aspects of health in the workplace, both from the wider public health perspective and from the perspective of the individual organization.

Coverage includes: Best practice examples of successful workplace health solutions; compliance with workplace health legislation; promoting health in the workplace; the business case for workplace health promotion; and workplace health issues and concerns – e.g. mental

health, disability management, violence and the workplace, stress, workplace hazards, risk factor modification and work-life balance.

Benefits and features• IJWHM publishes peer-reviewed research articles

on all aspects of workplace health and in-depth case studies, presenting practical solutions to workplace problems.

• IJWHM publishes real-life implications for the individual, the employer and public health systems in general.

The Journal of Health Organization and Management (JHOM) encourages the development of health organization and management as a discipline. Multidisciplinary in scope, the journal is a forum where innovative analysis features strongly. It encourages not only contributions that are complete in their conception, analysis and delivery, but also work-in-progress and other forms of contributions from academics, students and practitioners who wish to test their ideas as they are in the process of development.

Coverage includes: International health; organizational behaviour, governance, management and leadership; the inter-relationship of health and public sector services; theories and practices of management and leadership in health and related organizations; emotion in health care organizations; and management education and training.

Benefits and features • JHOM is listed in Medline.

International Journal of

Health Care Quality AssuranceAddressing the issues of management and quality

International Journal of

Workplace Health Management

Journal of

Health Organization and Management

Volume: 24Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 4Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 25Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1986 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsDr Keith HurstUniversity of Leeds, UK

Kay Downey-EnnisSt Vincent’s Hospital, UK

Editor-in-ChiefDr Lydia MakridesCreative Wellness Solutions, Canada

EditorsTo be appointed




Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Journals

Leadership in HealthServices

Volume 21 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1751-1879


Nutrition & Food Science

Volume 38 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0034-6659


ISSN: 1751-1879

ISSN: 0034-6659



Leadership in Health Services (LHS) provides examples of best practice in developing effective health care leaders, disseminating practical, relevant and timely information. As an international journal, LHS ensures that readers are kept abreast of current debates and hot topics from around the globe.

Coverage includes: Strategic management within health care organizations; leadership: new models of leadership, training and development; resourcing

and resource constraints; public health challenges – HIV/Aids, tuberculosis; integrated care pathways; improving patient care and services through effective management practices; and crisis management.

Benefits and features • As the only peer-reviewed journal focusing on

leadership in a health care setting, LHS ensures that readers are kept abreast of current debates and hot topics, including new models of clinical leadership and management.

Nutrition & Food Science (NFS) offers easily readable, accessible coverage of this complex and dynamic field and also covers consumer and family health issues. The journal aims to reflect contemporary thinking so that professionals in the food and nutrition field can keep pace with developments and look at current preoccupations from industry, health and public perspectives.

Coverage includes: Food safety and hygiene; attitudes to food and nutrition; healthy eating initiatives; marketing,

distribution and legislative issues; nutrition, social status and health; growth and new developments in vegetarian diets; food preparation; consumer choice, preferences and concerns; and family health and welfare.

Benefits and features• In addition to the original articles, each issue

includes Food Facts relating to topical news items, initiatives and web sites.

Leadership in Health Services

Nutrition & Food Science

Volume: 24Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 41Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1971 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsDr Jennifer BowermanCanada

Jo Lamb-WhiteItaly

EditorDr Mabel BladesNutrition and Dietetic Services, UK




“There was an interesting variety of papers [in the last volume of Journal of Health Organization and Management] with an emphasis on applied scholarship … The main strengths of the journal include its wide readership and its comprehensive coverage of health care issues. It is an excellent place to read about international developments in health care management from a wide range of perspectives.”Mark Learmonth, Nottingham University Business School, UK

Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Books


ISSN: 0731-2199


The purpose of Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research is to consider all topics in health economics and the related field of health services research. Each volume is devoted to a specific topic within the field. Most volumes in the series consist of between ten and 12 papers, but a few may take the form of monographs by one or more authors.

Coverage includes:All areas in the field are covered, including the production of and demand for health; the demand

for medical care services; the financing of these services; the markets for physicians, nurses, dentists, hospitals, and drugs; the economics of substance use; health in developing countries; and the economics of medical technology.The series is a forum for theoretical and empirical research. The latter employs data both for developing and for developed countries. While most studies focus on economic issues, contributions from other social scientists are welcomed.

Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research

Series EditorsProfessor Michael GrossmanCity University of New York Graduate Center and National Bureau of Economic Research, USA

Professor Björn Lindgren Lund University Biomedical Centre, Sweden

ISSN: 1474-8231


Advances in Health Care Management is a research annual that publishes state-of-the-art reviews and research on special topics in the field of health care management which orient new and established scholars about current themes within an area of research.

Coverage includes:The series provides a forum for leading research on health care management. Volumes 1-3 offer reviews

of the field, research on selected topics, and best papers from the Health Care Management Division of the Academy of Management. In contrast, Volumes 4-7 focus on a range of special topics, from bioterrorism to international health care management to entrepreneurship to patient safety.

Advances in Health Care Management

Series EditorsProfessor Grant SavageUniversity of Missouri School of Medicine, USA

Professor Myron FottlerUniversity of Central Florida, USA

Professor John BlairTexas Tech University, USA

“Emerald Books are invaluable resources and have helped my studies enormously.”Peter Jahn, Student, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Business, Management and Economics

Health Care Management/Healthcare Books


ISSN: 1479-3555


The objective of this series is to promote theory and research in the increasingly growing area of occupational stress, health and wellbeing and, in the process, to bring together and show-case the work of the best researchers and theorists who contribute to this area.

Coverage includes:Questions of work stress span many disciplines and many specialized journals. It is increasingly difficult to track, and even harder to integrate, the work from

these diverse fields. Therefore, the series aims to provide a multidisciplinary and international approach that gives a thorough and critical assessment of knowledge, and major gaps in knowledge, of occupational stress and wellbeing. Furthermore, because we will be publishing monograph-length conceptual papers, our interest is in promoting the careful development of truly path-breaking contributions that can significantly advance theory.

Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being

Series EditorsProfessor Pamela PerrewéFlorida State University, USA

Professor Daniel Ganster Colorado State University, USA

ISSN: 0275-4959


Research in the Sociology of Health Care deals with issues related to health, health care services, and sociological concerns in both the US health care system and health care systems across the world. Each volume aims to deliver information that is essential reading for medical sociologists, health services researchers, policy analysts, public health researchers and people working in other social science disciplines studying health-related issues.

Coverage includes:Volumes typically include theoretical, qualitative and quantitative papers that deal with complex

understandings of macro system issues, the impact of the patient and individual factors on health and health care and the impact of the provider and interaction between providers and patients.Topics that have been covered in recent years include research on social inequalities, social disparities, chronic diseases, population health and research on access to and quality and utilization of health care services. Most of these topics have a very long tradition in sociological research, and have long been one of the more important topics covered by medical sociologists.

Research in the Sociology of Health Care

Series EditorProfessor Jennie Jacobs KronenfeldArizona State University, USA

“Emerald Books are very engaging – they talk about the latest of concepts in the respective fields and give the reader a new perspective.”Afsha Dokadia, Research Scholar, India

Human Resource Management

Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Journals

Career DevelopmentInternational

Volume 13 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1362-0436


Employee RelationsThe International Journal

Volume 30 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0142-5455


ISSN: 1362-0436

ISSN: 0142-5455



Career Development International (CDI) provides an international forum for all those who wish to gain a greater understanding of career development. The journal exists as a platform for academics to share information and ideas which will help them examine the links between individual career progression and organizational needs.

Coverage includes: Individual careers – psychological and developmental perspectives; career interventions (systems and tools, mentoring, etc.); HR planning

and recruitment; international themes and issues (MNCs, expatriation, etc.); and organizational strategies and systems.

Benefits and features • Articles published in the journal are exposed to

the Academy of Management scholarly community through the journal’s links with the Careers Division.

• The journal publishes fully developed academic papers, research notes and think pieces.

Employee Relations (ER) focuses on the importance of understanding and merging corporate, management and employee needs to increase efficiency, productivity and profitability. Drawing on the latest ideas, research and best practice, ER examines the implication of the changes taking place and how they affect the management and motivation of people.

Coverage includes: Communication, participation and involvement; developments in collective bargaining; equal

opportunities; health and safety; HRM; and industrial relations and employment protection law.

Benefits and features • Specialist and in-depth coverage and analysis of

employee relations issues.• Comprehensive coverage of the employee

relations area of industrial relations. • ER suggests alternative strategies for improving

working conditions and developing constructive relationships between managers and the workforce.

Career Development International

Employee RelationsThe International Journal

Volume: 16Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 33Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1979 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsProfessor Jim JawaharIllinois State University, USA

Dr Hetty van EmmerikUtrecht University, The Netherlands

EditorProfessor John GennardUniversity of Strathclyde, UK




“(Career Development International) The best source for current research on careers and other human resource-related issues.Authors can be assured that their manuscript will receive careful attention from the editors and reviewers. Published articles reflect the high level of effort on the part of authors, reviewers, and the editorial staff.”Dr Gayle Baugh, Associate Professor, University of West Florida, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Journals


Equality, Diversity andInclusionAn International Journal

formerly Equal Opportunities International

Volume 29 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-7149


Gender in ManagementAn International Journal

Volume 25 Number 1 2010ISSN 1754-2413


Human ResourceManagementInternational Digest

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0967-0734


ISSN: 2040-7149

ISSN: 1754-2413

ISSN: 0967-0734




Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) offers a platform for critical and rigorous exploration of equal opportunities concerns including gender, ethnicity, class, disability, age, sexual orientation, religion, as well as other nascent and incipient forms of inequalities in the context of society, organizations and work. EDI is committed to becoming a home for excellent research papers in these areas and the journal of choice for scholars in the field.

Coverage includes: Ethnic diversity; gender issues; training; work values; discrimination; and globalization.

Benefits and features • Addresses emerging areas of debate by

publishing a wide range of special issues on diverse topics.

• Has great links with the international community of researchers and practitioners working with equality and diversity management issues.

Gender in Management (GM) publishes original, critical and scholarly papers that make theoretical and methodological contributions to our understanding of gender-based issues in management. The journal encourages diversity in thinking about gender in management and welcomes papers from all academic disciplines which can contribute to management knowledge about this area. GM welcomes qualitative and quantitative research-based articles as well as critical research reviews.

Coverage includes: Equal opportunities; cross-cultural issues; employee-employer relationships; sexuality and sexual orientation; and glass ceiling issues.

Benefits and features • GM is edited by a team of leading experts in

gender and organizations.• The journal seeks to provide current research,

practice, ideas, developments and news of major issues in the field of gender and management.

Human Resource Management International Digest (HRMID) is an essential information resource for today’s human resource managers. As a unique service, we scan through the best 400 management journals in the world and distil the most topical human resource management issues. We regularly present case studies of the implementation of human resource strategies in organizations of varying sizes.

Coverage includes: Developing HRM strategies; employment law; managing employees in mergers and acquisitions;

recruitment policies; employee retention strategies; promoting leadership and succession planning; and employee development strategies.

Benefits and features • Save valuable management time by accessing

the best management research through easy-to-digest reviews.

• Keep up to date with employment legislation.• Read the current ideas from some of the best HR

thinkers today.

Equality, Diversity and InclusionAn International Journalformerly Equal Opportunities International

Gender in ManagementAn International Journal

Human Resource ManagementInternational Digest

Volume: 30Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 26Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 19Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Online archiveAbstracts 1981 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1985 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2002 - dateFull text 2002 - date

EditorProfessor Mustafa Ozbilgin University of East Anglia, UK

EditorDr Sandra FieldenManchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

EditorDavid PollittInformation Officer, University of Bradford, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Journals


Journal of


Volume 27 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0262-1711


ISSN: 0262-1711


Journal of Management Development (JMD) provides an international communications medium for all those working in management development. The journal draws together the thinking and research relating to the role played by managers in their immediate environment, and the ways in which they can widen their responsibilities to take on larger roles.

Coverage includes: Competence-based management development; developing leadership skills; developing women for

management; global management; the new technology of management development; and career and life planning.

Benefits and features • Enables readers to keep informed of new

company practice and research.• Provides an international communication medium

for all those working in management development, whether in industry, consultancy or academia.

Journal of

Management DevelopmentVolume: 30Print Issues: 10Internet Issues: 10

Online archiveAbstracts 1982 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsProfessor Andrew KakabadseCranfield School of Management, UK

Professor Nada KakabadseNorthampton Business School, The University of Northampton, UK


“Our future is dependent on our social systems and on us as humans to adapt and be resilient in the search for sustained, desired change for a better world. The Journal of Management Development is the definitive source for breakthrough theory, insightful empirical studies, and compassionate but practical applications of management, leadership and organization development. No other journal has the international reach or adventurous editorial direction in the field of change.”Professor Richard E. Boyatzis, Department of Organizational Behavior, Psychology and Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University, and Adjunct Professor of Human Resources, ESADE, USA

Journal of

Chinese HumanResourceManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-8005


ISSN: 2040-8005


The Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management (JCHRM) is the first journal to cater for a steadily-increasing number of researchers, practitioners and university lecturers focusing on a crucial field: the management of one fifth of the world’s workforce in China and the surrounding regions of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Coverage includes: JCHRM will publish peer-reviewed content on Human Resource Management in Chinese companies in China and overseas, as well as studies on international MNCs operating in China.

Benefits and features• JCHRM provides researchers, lecturers,

practitioners, administrators, policy-makers and postgraduate students interested in human resource management in Chinese contexts with a forum for intellectual exchange.

• JCHRM provides a thorough analysis of HRM from three facets: theory, practice, and pedagogy.

Journal of

Chinese Human Resource ManagementVolume: 2Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Editor-in-Chief: Professor Zhong-Ming WangZhejiang University, China

Executive Editor: Dr Connie ZhengRMIT University, Australia

Senior Consulting Editor: Professor David LamondNottingham Business School, UK


ent L




Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Journals


Journal of


Volume 23 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0268-3946


Personnel Review

Volume 37 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0048-3486


Strategic HR Review

Volume 7 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1475-4398


ISSN: 0268-3946

ISSN: 0048-3486

ISSN: 1475-4398




The Journal of Managerial Psychology (JMP) deals with the human resource aspects of managing and providing an understanding of psychology to equip managers to better deal with personnel issues. This journal draws on the latest theories, research findings, case studies and proven practice to throw new light on the behaviour of individuals and groups.

Coverage includes: Communication and its influence on action; developments in leadership styles; how managers achieve success; how work design affects job motivation; and managing conflicts.

Benefits and features • JMP aims to encourage debate between theory

and practice and to disseminate quantitative and qualitative research to students and practitioners.

• The journal welcomes contributions from aligned disciplines which highlight psychologically related issues to management.

Personnel Review (PR) considers and develops all aspects of Human Resource Management (HRM). This highly respected journal presents the latest research and developments and takes a broad view of these aspects, whilst still allowing for extra considerations and an academic rigour that is a hallmark of the journal. PR offers personnel professionals an international overview and the opportunity to adapt successful initiatives to their own needs and situations.

Coverage includes: Employee relations; industrial relations; labour markets; management development; recruitment

and retention; and strategic human resource management.

Benefits and features • Topical content that offers up-to-date coverage of

HRM topics.• Provides a variety of content items: literature

reviews, case studies, applied research papers.• Offers opportunity to publish in a highly-regarded,

Thomson Reuters (ISI) ranked publication.

Strategic HR Review (SHR) is the definitive guide to everything that is happening globally in the HR arena. The journal offers practical solutions for developing an effective culture, managing change, moving from a transactional to a strategic function and managing a global and dispersed workforce. SHR publishes practitioner papers that will significantly enhance both thinking and practical development within the field of corporate HR.

Coverage includes: HR business partnership; employee engagement; performance management; HR measurement; and executive coaching and development.

Benefits and features • Subscribers have access to the latest ideas and

case studies which will impact performance.• Users can locate facts and figures for a

presentation or search for articles on any topic, author or keyword.

Journal of

Managerial Psychology

Personnel Review

Strategic HR Review

Volume: 26Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 40Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 10Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1986 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1971 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorDr Dianna StoneUniversity of Texas at San Antonio, USA

EditorProfessor John LeopoldNewcastle University Business School, UK

EditorSara NolanFree-lance editor, Ireland




This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Books


ISSN: 0742-6186


Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations encourages commentary from scholars across a wide range of disciplines and research methodologies, reflecting the view that no single theoretical or empirical approach should dominate industrial and labor relations studies.

Coverage includes:Psychological versus pecuniary approaches to establishing an ownership culture; accounting for union collective action through resource acquisition

and mobilization; union avoidance through “double-breasting” in multinational companies; labor management partnership and mutual gains in public services; high involvement work systems and union-management communication networks; implications for women of private pension reform and personal accounts; competing ethical conceptions of the minimum wage. Articles published come from diverse disciplines including economics, law, history, organizational behaviour, psychology and sociology.

Advances in Industrial & Labor Relations

Series EditorsDavid LewinUCLA, Anderson School of Management, USA

Bruce E. KaufmanGeorgia State University, USA

Paul J. Gollan London School of Economics, UK and Macquarie University, Australia

ISSN: 0194-3960


Research in Human Capital and Development publishes cutting edge theory and research in the field of human capital and development from a wide range of scholarly disciplines.

Coverage includes:Impacts on health, life quality, safety, and regulatory research; the economics of gender and mental

illness; the economics of disability; and economic and social aspects of occupational and environmental health.

Research in Human Capital and Development

Series EditorProfessor Alan SorkinChairman, Department of Economics, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA

ISSN: 0742-7301


Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management is designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management. Published annually, the volumes include papers on issues of cutting edge importance by some of the very best scholars in the field. Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management is considered to be one of the most respectable publications in

the field of human resources management and acts as a primary resource for both individuals and libraries.

Coverage includes:Monograph-length conceptual papers designed to promote theory and research on important substantive and methodological topics in the field of human resources management.

Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management

Series EditorsJoseph J. MartocchioUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Aparna JoshiUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Hui LiaoUniversity of Maryland, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Human Resource Management Books


ISSN: 1534-0856


Research on Managing Groups and Teams has been publishing volumes to push conceptual and theoretical ideas in the research in this field since 1998. The series publishes papers from an annual conference jointly sponsored by the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. Each year the conference is focused around a different sub-area of Groups research, and participation is by invitation only.

Coverage includes:Identity issues in groups; time in groups; status and groups; groups and ethics; national culture and groups; affect and groups; diversity in groups; and creativity in groups.

Research on Managing Groups and Teams

Series EditorsProfessor Elizabeth A. Mannix Cornell University, USA

Professor Margaret A. Neale Stanford University, USA

“Modern companies pay attention to their human resources. Those that are able to coordinate them, enable them, and take into account their expectations, can gain market share. This series (Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management) certainly shows that.”Edgar da Cruz Souto Gomes, A Favorita, Portugal

“Emerald books are value for money, easy to order and up-to-date.”Amy Fong MSc, Student, Open University, UK

Industry and Public Sector Management

Business, Management and Economics

Industry and Public Sector Management Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Industry and Public Sector Management Journals

British Food JournalAn international multi-disciplinaryjournal for the dissemination offood-related research

Volume 110 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0007-070X


infoThe journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media

Volume 10 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1463-6697


International Journal of

Energy SectorManagement

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-6220


ISSN: 0007-070X

ISSN: 1463-6697

ISSN: 1750-6220




After over 100 years of publication, the British Food Journal (BFJ) continues to be highly respected worldwide for its broad and unique interdisciplinary coverage of food-related research. The journal has a strong commitment to publishing the latest food research from around the globe, all of which is reviewed and adjudicated by an international editorial board of leading experts. With its independent analysis and informed insights, it provides a vital communications link between all sectors of this dynamic industry.

Coverage includes: Consumer choice, preferences and concerns; food-related health education: risk assessment, management and communication; marketing, distribution and retailing; quality assurance practices and strategies; nutrition; food supply and sustainability; and food safety.

Benefits and features • BFJ has a Thomson Reuters impact factor of


info is a bi-monthly international journal concerned with the economic, social, political and regulatory aspects of the emerging tele-information economy. info is an important vehicle for the discussion of information age issues and the publication of research, business analysis and policy thinking relevant to policy makers, business strategists and academic researchers. info is essential reading for those with an interest in the emerging information economy and society.

Coverage includes: Electronic commerce; access to information; governance in the digital age; effective competition; self-regulation; wireless and wired networks; and web 2.0.

Benefits and features • It has a far-reaching influence in the wider media

as a forward-looking journal, and has been used for articles in international publications such as The Economist.

The International Journal of Energy Sector Management (IJESM) aims to focus on holistic, applied research on energy sector management and to disseminate practical solutions to difficult decision-making problems by providing a common forum for wider interaction, information sharing and publication of relevant applied research, thereby trying to bridge the gap between industry and academia.

Coverage includes: Management of scarce resources, projects, activities and concerns, technologies and

knowledge; business strategy, policy and planning and decision support systems for energy sector management; business organization, structure and environment; globalization and multi-cultural management; and management of innovation, change and transition.

Benefits and features • IJESM discusses the key problems and issues

faced by managers in the energy sector and demonstrates common mistakes and best practice.

British Food Journal

infoThe journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications, information and media

International Journal of

Energy Sector Management

Volume: 113Print Issues: 11Internet Issues: 11

Volume: 13Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1899 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

EditorProfessor Chris GriffithUWIC, UK

EditorColin BlackmanConsultant, UK

EditorsDr Subhes C. Bhattacharyya University of Dundee, UK

Dr Prasanta Dey Aston Business School, Aston University, UK





This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Industry and Public Sector Management Journals


International Journal of

Public SectorManagement

Volume 22 Numbers 1 2009

ISSN 0951-3558


International Journal of

Retail & DistributionManagementincorporating Retail Insights

Volume 36 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0959-0552


International Journal of

Sociology and Social Policy

Volume 28 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0144-333X


ISSN: 0951-3558

ISSN: 0959-0552

ISSN: 0144-333X




The International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) focuses on the common issues which public sector managers face the world over – improving efficiency and effectiveness in situations of scarce resources and rising public expectations.

Coverage includes: Health and education services; local government and regional and local development initiatives; the use of consultants and outsourcing; intergovernmental relations; and public/private co-operation.

Benefits and features • IJPSM provides a truly international perspective

by participating in a worldwide discussion of key issues vital to the delivery of efficient and cost-effective services in the public sector.

• It offers advice on how management techniques and concepts can be applied and developed.

The International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management (IJRDM) focuses on issues of strategic significance in retailing and distribution worldwide and provides a forum for researchers in academia, business, consultancy and management. Not allied to any retail or distribution organization, the journal has the freedom to bring critical perspectives to current ideas, and express objective opinions on key issues and controversial topics.

Coverage includes:International retailing; effects of globalization;

impact of technology/e-commerce; alternative retail formats; and lifestyle and store patronage factors.

Benefits and features• The journal publishes high quality and relevant

research papers.• Topical special issues covering such areas as

social and experiential retailing.• Regular issues (12 per year) allows timely

publication of articles, addressing the current issues in the field.

The International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (IJSSP) provides an interdisciplinary forum for research and debate in all branches of sociology and social policy. The journal reflects current thought and practice, presenting comprehensive coverage of issues of international importance, in a lively and informative way.

Coverage includes: Poverty and social exclusion/inclusion; employment restructuring; work organization; consumption;

globalization; work-life balance; family-friendly work practices; age, gender and ethnicity; and disability.

Benefits and features • IJSSP is the only journal in the field of sociology

and social policy to provide a unique business and management focus.

• It publishes academic articles and applied case study materials in all areas of sociology and social policy, but with a predominantly international and/or comparative perspective.

International Journal of

Public Sector Management

International Journal of

Retail & Distribution Managementincorporating Retail Insights

International Journal of

Sociology and Social Policy

Volume: 24Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 39Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Volume: 31Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1973 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1981 - dateFull text 1998 - date

EditorProfessor Joyce Liddle Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK

EditorDr Neil TowersHeriot-Watt University, UK

EditorProfessor Colin WilliamsUniversity of Sheffield, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Industry and Public Sector Management Journals

Journal of

Service Managementformerly International Journal of Service Industry Management

Volume 20 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1757-5818


PolicingAn International Journal of Police Strategies & Management

Volume 31 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1363-951X


Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-6166


ISSN: 1757-5818

ISSN: 1363-951X

ISSN: 1750-6166




The Journal of Service Management (JOSM) draws on leading-edge contributions to help you compare international developments and build up a broader understanding of key issues. Providing a sound basis for further study, as well as guidance on the practical implications of current thinking and research, it offers ready access to information vital to the successful operation of today’s service industries.

Coverage includes: The service encounter, the servicescape and service experiences; service quality and

management; service culture; service strategy and excellence; dynamics in service relationships; service management and leadership; service operations management; human resources management; and manufacturing services.

Benefits and features • JOSM has a Thomson Reuters impact factor of

0.865 and is a leading journal in the field of service management.

Interdisciplinary and wide-ranging in scope, Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management (PIJPSM) covers the latest international developments on matters of policy, practice, management, operations, education and training, science and technology. The worldwide readership includes senior police officers and policy makers, plus academics teaching and researching in this field.

Coverage includes: Community policing; managerial styles and leadership; performance measurement and accountability; pursuit guidelines; crime trends and analysis; crisis negotiation; civil disorder; organized

crime; victimology; crime prevention; career development.

Benefits and features • PIJPSM is truly unique – an independent,

authoritative voice on policing management and strategies.

• Publishes a round-up of all research-in-progress, as well as book and internet reviews, enabling the reader to stay abreast of developments in all facets of the industry.

Transforming Government (TG) publishes leading scholarly research on the subject of technology integration and management of Government, and how this impacts on organizations and people. The journal seeks to recognize both the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives of eGovernment, and welcomes both pure and applied research that impacts Central and Local Government.

Coverage includes: Electronic Government applications; process management and integration; governance and

electronic democracy; benefits, barriers and risks of electronic government; electronic information security management; and technology adoption and diffusion.

Benefits and features• Provides international examples of excellence in

the field of government ICT and insights on how this impacts on governments.

• TG examines how research in the private sector can be applied to the public sector, and vice versa.

Journal of

Service Managementformerly International Journal of Service Industry Management

PolicingAn International Journal of Police Strategies & Management

Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy

Volume: 22Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 34Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1990 - dateFull text 1990 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

EditorProfessor Jay KandampullyOhio State University, USA

EditorProfessor Lawrence F. Travis IIIUniversity of Cincinnati, USA

EditorProfessor Zahir IraniBrunel Business School, Brunel University, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Information and Knowledge Management

Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals and BooksInformation and Knowledge Management Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals

Grey Systems: Theoryand Application

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2043-9377


IndustrialManagement &Data Systems

Volume 108 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0263-5577


InformationManagement & Computer Security

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0968-5227


ISSN: 2043-9377

ISSN: 0263-5577

ISSN: 0968-5227




Grey Systems: Theory and Application (GS) is devoted to the international advancement of the theory and application of grey systems. It seeks to foster professional exchanges between scientists and practitioners who are interested in the foundations and applications of grey systems.

Coverage includes: Grey mathematics; generation of grey sequences; grey incidence analysis; grey clusters evaluations;

grey systems model and grey prediction; grey decision making; grey programming; grey input and output; grey control; and grey system applications.

Benefits and features • Provides state-of-the-art information on new

developments and trends in grey system theory. • Considers case studies and the application of

grey systems theory to solve practical problems.

Industrial Management & Data Systems (IMDS) covers the full range of organizational activity – from personnel to production, distribution to marketing. The journal aims to improve managerial skills by promoting awareness of new technology and related concepts and their implications for new products and processes.

Coverage includes: Management data systems; production; computer selection; materials handling and distribution;

human resources (training and industrial relations in a technological environment); energy conservation; financial planning and control; marketing management; and technological innovations and product planning.

Benefits and features • Presenting international perspectives, IMDS

improves the industrial manager’s understanding of all aspects of management activity, facilitating better communication between functions.

The assurance and security of information and related computer systems is a significant concern for many organizations. Effective methods of protection are required in many contexts. Information Management & Computer Security (IMCS) contributes to the advancement of knowledge in this critical field, providing a link between scholarly research and reflective professional practice.

Coverage includes:Information security management; information assurance; impacts of standards and policies; risk

assessment and modelling; information security culture; internet security and online protection; and computer ethics and security.

Benefits and features• Particular emphasis is placed on the interaction

of technical and human aspects, so that technical developments can be successfully applied in the world of practice.

Grey Systems: Theory and Application

Industrial Management & Data Systems

Information Management & Computer Security

Volume: 1Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 111Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Volume: 19Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1970 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1993 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Sifeng LiuInstitute for Grey Systems Studies, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China

EditorProfessor Binshan Lin Department of Management and Marketing, Louisiana State University, USA

EditorProfessor Steven FurnellUniversity of Plymouth, UK





This journal is indexed by

New La



Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals


Information Technology &People

Volume 21 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0959-3845


Interactive Technologyand Smart Education

Volume 5 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1741-5659


ISSN 0959-3845

ISSN: 1741-5659

ISSN: 1742-7371




As information technology becomes more sophisticated, complex and pervasive, its encounter with organizational structures and practices increases in importance, to the organizations themselves, to the people who comprise them and to the societies in which this encounter is embedded. Information Technology & People (ITP) provides knowledge and understanding of the interrelationship of IT and the organization. This unique information resource explores the intricate and complex relationship between technology and social forms.

Coverage includes: Systems development process and alternative methods; global information systems and global impact of information systems; information technology in developing countries; and the interaction with gender.

Benefits and features • International perspectives – content from around

the world providing critical and qualitative research in Information Systems.

Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE) is a multi-disciplinary journal examining educational technologies that have emerged from Multimedia and Social Software. The journal promotes innovative technology in the context of pedagogical strategies and learners’ educational needs. By bringing together these specialist fields, the journal bridges an important gap in educational technology research.

Coverage includes:Novel approaches to learning to use educational technologies; design and development of learning

technologies; pedagogical methods, educational assessment and quality assurance; usability engineering methods, concepts and evaluation; new and evolving e-research methods; and case studies.

Benefits and features• By bringing ICT and educational communities

together the journal covers the latest technological developments and how they are successfully applied in practice.

International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (IJPCC) addresses technical, safety, social, legal, political and economic issues involved in all aspects of pervasive computing and communications. The journal provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academics, industrial professionals, educators and policy makers working in the field.

Coverage includes: Mobile/wireless computing, communications, systems and services; embedded computing with

applications; wearable computers and technologies; smart devices, spaces and objects; location-dependent/personalized applications; positioning and tracking technologies; integration of wired and wireless networks; and speech and language processing/advanced computer vision.

Benefits and features • IJPCC provides comprehensive coverage of this

exciting area of computing, addressing the profound challenges of all aspects of pervasive computing and communications.

Information Technology & People

Interactive Technology and Smart Education

International Journal of

Pervasive Computing and Communications

Volume: 24Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 8Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1982 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2004 - dateFull text 2004 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

EditorsDr Kevin CrowstonSchool of Information Studies, Syracuse University, USA Dr Robert DavisonDepartment of Information Systems, City University of Hong KongDr Edgar WhitleyLondon School of Economics and Political Science, UK

EditorsDr Pedro IsaiasInformation Management & Information Systems, Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Dr Maggie McPhersonSchool of Education, University of Leeds, UK

EditorProfessor Laurence T. Lang St Francis Xavier University, Canada




Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals

International Journal of

Web Information Systems

Volume 4 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1744-0084


Internet Research

Volume 20 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1066-2243


Celebrating 20 years 1991-2010

ISSN: 1744-0084

ISSN: 1066-2243



The goal of a web information system is to provide users with a unified view to transparently and efficiently access, relate, and combine data stored in multiple, autonomous, and possibly heterogeneous information sources. International Journal of Web Information Systems (IJWIS) presents innovative and stimulating ideas in web information systems at both the theory and the application levels.

Coverage includes: Web semantics and web dynamics; web mining and searching; web databases and web data integration;

web-based commerce and e-business; and internet computing and networks.

Benefits and features • IJWIS presents visionary concepts and

stimulating ideas in web information systems at both the theory and application levels.

• IJWIS is essential reading for those needing to keep up-to-date with the issues and practices in web information systems.

Internet Research (INTR) was the first scholarly journal to devote itself to collecting serious research about the internet and its applications and uses, specifically organizational. The journal aims to discuss, assess and foster understanding of the role of wide-area multipurpose computer networks, specifically the internet. The primary focus is business and organizational applications of the internet, such as marketing, promotion, data collection, research, customer service, publishing, educational, legal and security issues.

Coverage includes: Electronic networks in research and education; managerial and organizational issues; standards; network design and operation; and public and private sector roles and responsibility.

Benefits and features • Comprehensive coverage, charting the important

landmarks and developments in the application and use of the internet since 1991.

International Journal of

Web Information Systems

Internet Research

Volume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 21Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1991 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsDr David TaniarMonash University, Australia

Dr Ismail Khalil Johannes Kepler University, Austria

EditorDr David G. SchwartzGraduate School of Business Administration, Bar Ilan University, Israel




“I use the International Journal of Web Information Systems for my own research and also recommend it to our PhD students. In addition to keeping up-to-date with current research, they benefit from the high readability and accessibility of the articles.”Edgar R. Weippl, Secure Business, Austria

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals


Journal of


Volume 22 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1741-0398


Journal of

Information,Communication and Ethics in Society

Volume 6 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1477-996X


Journal of

Intellectual Capital

Volume 10 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1469-1930


ISSN: 1741-0398

ISSN: 1477-996X

ISSN: 1469-1930




In an increasingly complex industrial and commercial world enterprise plays an important role in generating greater cost-effectiveness, efficiency of operations and increased performance of organizations. Enterprising innovations, enabled through information and communications technologies, are a critical component of strategic intent. Journal of Enterprise Information Management (JEIM) strives to publish high quality articles of significant intellectual interest and commercial relevance.

Coverage includes: eBusiness and tGovernment; infrastructure management; business process transformation;

enterprise management; interoperability systems; inventory and production management; and information management.

Benefits and features • Read about innovative ideas from the most

recent academic research into organizational enterprise.

• Learn from senior managers and consultants who report on specific enterprise case histories.

• Special issues focus on topical issues such as ICT adoption by SMEs.

Information and communication technologies have advanced dramatically in the twenty-first century, but how can we harness the huge potential of technological advances whilst avoiding the social and ethical risks? The Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society (JICES) promotes a thoughtful dialogue regarding social and ethical issues related to the planning, development, implementation and use of new media and information and communication technologies.

Coverage includes:Surveillance; privacy; social inclusion and digital divides; inter-cultural ethics: e-government, gender relations and sociology and ethics of information and communication technologies.

Benefits and featuresDrawing from a wide authorship, JICES provides interdisciplinary, culturally and geographically diverse insight necessary to understand the complex issues in this field.

The Journal of Intellectual Capital (JIC) brings together the best current thinking, research case studies and experience to help you create and manage a coherent and effective policy on intellectual capital in your business. It aims, above all, to report on the identification of innovative intellectual strategies and approaches to facilitate organizational transformation leading to superior performance.

Coverage includes: Measurement of IC; management of IC; IC development; patents and copyright; and the history of IC.

Benefits and features • Identifies the trends, tools and innovation within

intellectual capital.• Provides an advanced level of understanding of

intellectual capital.• Examines best practice on intellectual capital.

Journal of

Enterprise Information Management

Journal of

Information, Communication and Ethics in Society

Journal of

Intellectual Capital

Volume: 24Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 9Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 12Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2003 - dateFull text 2003 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2000 - date

EditorProfessor Zahir IraniBrunel University, UK

EditorsProfessor Simon Rogerson and Dr N. Ben FairweatherDe Montfort University, UK

EditorDr Rory L. ChaseTeleos, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals

Journal of


Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1367-3270


Journal of

Systems andInformationTechnology

Volume 10 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1328-7265


KybernetesThe international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Volume 39 Number 1 2010ISSN 0368-492X


Selected as the official journal of the World Organisation ofSystems and Cybernetics and The Cybernetics Society

ISSN: 1367-3270

ISSN: 1328-7265

ISSN: 0368-492X




The Journal of Knowledge Management (JKM) is dedicated to the exchange of the latest academic research and practical information on all aspects of managing knowledge in organizations. The journal publishes original research and case studies by academic, business and government contributors on strategies, tools, techniques and technologies for knowledge management.

Coverage includes:Developing an appropriate culture and communication strategy; integrating learning and knowledge infrastructure; knowledge management and the learning organization; and information

organization and retrieval technologies for improving the quality of knowledge.

Benefits and features• Advance your understanding of knowledge

management as an organizational core competency.

• Learn how to put knowledge management to work to gain competitive advantage.

• Explore implementation techniques via case studies.

The Journal of Systems and Information Technology (JSIT) provides an avenue for scholarly work that researches information systems, electronic business and information technology. Papers examine the wider implications of the systems or technology being researched. This means that papers consider aspects such as organizational relevance, business value, cognitive implications, social implications, impact on individuals or community perspectives, rather than focusing solely on the technology.

Coverage includes: Influence of politics and culture on systems development; systems approaches in the management and information systems; holistic approaches in the development of technology; and integrative methods of systems design.

Benefits and features • Currency – swift publication of the latest leading

research.• International perspectives – qualitative research

and case studies from around the world.

Kybernetes (K) aims to endow cybernetics and general systems with an authoritative voice of its own and to establish a competent international forum for the exchange of knowledge and information. One of the primary objectives of the journal is to weed out pseudo-cybernetic claims and to base cybernetics on sound scientific foundations. This journal is concerned with the interdisciplinary study of cybernetics and systems in the widest sense.

Coverage includes: Artificial intelligence; automation; cybernetic modelling; computer simulation; biocybernetics;

economic and social systems; and the interrelations between cybernetics and other sciences.

Benefits and features • Access to the latest thinking from eminent

researchers at leading international research centres.

• Unique and broad perspectives on key issues in cybernetics.

The official journal of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics and The Cybernetics Society

Journal of

Knowledge Management

Journal of

Systems and Information Technology

KybernetesThe international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences

Volume: 15Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 13Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 40Print Issues: 10Internet Issues: 10

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1972 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorDr Rory L. Chase Teleos, UK

EditorProfessor Craig Standing Edith Cowan University, Australia

EditorProfessor Brian H. RudallInstitute of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Journals


Records Management Journal

Volume 20 Number 1 2010

ISSN 0956-5698


Celebrating 20 years 1989-2010

VINEThe journal of information and knowledgemanagement systems

Volume 38 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0305-5728


ISSN: 0956-5698

ISSN: 0305-5728



Records Management Journal (RMJ) explores all aspects of records management from the different perspectives of practitioners and educators across all sectors and internationally, emphasizing the latest research and current best practice, particularly within the context of the electronic environment. Valued by records managers in both public and private sector organizations across the world, the journal facilitates the transfer of research findings and innovation into good practice.

Coverage includes: Electronic records management; effect of government policies on record management;

strategic developments in both the public and private sectors; systems design and implementation; best practice, standards and guidelines; risk management and business continuity; and legal and ethical issues.

Benefits and features • RMJ facilitates the transfer of research findings

and innovation into good practice.

VINE: The journal of information and knowledge management systems recognizes the reality and need of organizations, both governmental and private, to operate in a highly interdependent world, where collaboration and knowledge/information are critical for achieving competitive advantage. VINE addresses the many issues and opportunities offered by the emerging discipline of KM and its associated information systems.

Coverage includes: Enterprise management engineering; systems thinking and systems approaches; the learning organization; organizational engineering management; and knowledge and information work productivity.

Benefits and features • Unique perspectives – VINE explores new

theories and practices relating to the enterprise of the twenty-first century.

Records Management Journal

VINEThe journal of information and knowledge management systems

Volume: 21Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 41Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1971 - dateFull text 2001 - date

EditorProfessor Julie McLeod School of Computer Engineering and Information Services, Northumbria University, UK

EditorsProfessor Rongbin W.B. LeeKnowledge Management Research Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Professor Frada BursteinFaculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia



Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


“Among the many KM journals and KM magazines in publication, there are only a few that provide content of real value for the KM practitioner. VINE provides insight not only to the constantly evolving discipline of KM, but also to ‘edge-based’ subject areas of relevance, to which KM professionals and practitioners must be paying attention to deliver real business, operational and performance value to their organizations. VINE is required reading for my KM team.”William S. Kaplan, Acquisition Solutions Inc., USA

Business, Management and Economics

Information and Knowledge Management Books


ISSN: 1574-0145


Handbooks in Information Systems series is a comprehensive survey of the field of Information Systems. Each individual volume offers the state-of-the-art of a sub-field of the Information Systems area, with contributions from leading experts in the field. The series will appeal to information systems practitioners and researchers; business information systems researchers and economists; and policy makers involved with information systems.

Coverage includes:National security; business computing; information assurance; security and privacy services; economics and information systems; threat modeling; intrusion and response; data security and authentication; enhancing and managing customer value; computational approaches in business processes; and supporting knowledge enterprises.

Handbooks in Information Systems

Series EditorAndrew B. WhinstonUniversity of Texas, USA

“Emerald books are invaluable!”Kaloyan Iliev Kolev, Assistant Professor, Varna University of Economics, Bulgaria

“Having looked through the catalogue, I am impressed with the quality and range of subject-matter covered by Emerald books. Thank you for giving me that opportunity. I look forward to reading more Emerald publications.”Leanne Roberts, Librarian/Records Management Coordinator, Verve Energy, Australia

International Business

Business, Management and Economics

International Business Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

International Business Journals

CompetitivenessReviewAn International Business Journal

incorporating Journal of Global Competitiveness

Volume 18 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1059-5422


critical perspectiveson internationalbusiness

Volume 4 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1742-2043


Cross CulturalManagementAn International Journal

Volume 15 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1352-7606


ISSN: 1059-5422

ISSN: 1742-2043

ISSN: 1352-7606




Competitiveness Review (CR) is devoted to the understanding and improvement of issues pertaining to competitiveness on a global level. It seeks to explore and examine the nature of competition and the role of firms and governments in the global marketplace. Each issue of CR publishes empirical, conceptual, and review papers of exceptional quality that contribute to and enrich current thinking and practices of competitiveness in organizations. The journal provides articles on proven strategies as well as those that predict future developments and reflect futuristic thinking.

Coverage includes: National competitiveness; organizational performance; strategic management; strategic alliances; innovation and product development; productivity and technological investment; e-business; privatization; global opportunities; work improvement; human resource issues; intellectual capital; education; training and development; organization changes; and business intelligence and information technology.

Benefits and features • An official journal of the American Society of


critical perspectives on international business (CPOIB) is the only journal that provides a space for researchers and practitioners in such diverse fields as management, politics, economics, geography, etc. to come together to examine questions surrounding international business and approaches to management practice. CPOIB is essential reading both for academics with research interests in international business and for practitioners seeking alternative perspectives on management practice.

Coverage includes: Globalization; production and consumption;

economic change; societal change; politics and power of organizations and governments; and environmental impact.

Benefits and features• Winner of Emerald’s inaugural Best New Journal

award (2010).• Offers broad-ranging analysis of international

business through multi- and transdisciplinary approaches to inquiry.

• Acts as a forum for the debate and publication of work that challenges both accepted managerial orthodoxy and the journal’s own orthodoxy.

Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal (CCM) is dedicated to providing a forum for the exchange of cross-cultural management research. The main objective of this international journal is to provide guidance and information for those managers who need to work in national or organizational cultures other than their own and manage individuals from a variety of cultures. CCM accepts both qualitative and quantitative work that increases our overall knowledge of cross-cultural management.

Coverage includes: Managing people in organizations; diversity; work values; comparative accounting structures; HRM policies; management theory; entrepreneurial business; cross-cultural venturing and alliances; teamwork; and organizational life.

Benefits and features • Provides readers with a well-rounded and

comprehensive overview of the latest research trends and hot topics in cross-cultural management.

• Backed by an internationally-acclaimed Editorial Board.

Competitiveness ReviewAn International Business Journalincorporating Journal of Global Competitiveness

critical perspectives on international business

Cross Cultural ManagementAn International Journal

Volume: 21Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 18Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1991 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1994 - dateFull text 1998 - date

EditorProfessor Abbas J. AliIndiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

EditorsProfessor George Cairns RMIT University, Australia

Dr Joanne RobertsUniversity of Newcastle, UK

EditorProfessor Simon DolanESADE Business School, Spain





Business, Management and Economics

International Business Journals


European BusinessReview

Volume 20 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0955-534X


International Journal of

Commerce andManagement

Volume 18 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1056-9219


International Journal of

Emerging Markets

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-8809


ISSN: 0955-534X

ISSN: 1056-9219

ISSN: 1746-8809




European Business Review (EBR) aims to publish innovative, straightforward, challenging, thought-provoking articles – as well as insights and foresights – in the field of general management. The journal’s content aspires to be relevant and interesting to a wide readership, which adds to the understanding and discussion of business and academia world-wide.

Coverage includes:Management; leadership; marketing; logistics; strategy; quality management; entrepreneurship; business ethics; international business; operations management; manufacturing; accounting and finance – specifically relating to experiences and

reflections of interest to business and academia worldwide.

Benefits and features• The journal is unique in being a general

management/strategy journal exclusively focused on the impact on European business.

• It has a strongly international Editorial Advisory Board, together with a high proportion of non-European authors who provide a global perspective on Europe.

• It is a well-respected academic journal with a rigorous review process and enthusiastic Editor. There were over 150,000 full-text article downloads in 2009.

The aim of the International Journal of Commerce and Management (IJCOMA) is to promote the understanding of managers and organizations within and across nations. It is an interdisciplinary journal directed towards academics, policy makers and practitioners in business and non-profit organizations.The journal aims to provide a forum to widen and deepen discussion about all areas of business and management, as well as being readable, accessible and easy to use.

Coverage includes: Topics include (but are not restricted to) the strategic, human resource, financial, regulatory,

management and cultural aspects of international trade.

Benefits and features • An official journal of the International Academy of

Business Disciplines.• Publishes high-quality research articles with clear

indicators for practice, enabling high-level decision making and stimulating debate.

• Includes case studies with direct relevance to real business situations, aiming to enhance processes and procedures.

The International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJoEM) brings together the latest theoretical and empirical business and management research in (and on) emerging markets. IJoEM offers both contributors and readers the opportunity to explore issues in emerging markets from comprehensive disciplinary and geographical perspectives, and makes a significant and innovative contribution to business and management studies and the sub-disciplines that constitute it.

Coverage includes: The impact of globalization and new technologies on consumers and producers; entrepreneurship,

including international and social entrepreneurship; business-government relationships; inward and outward foreign direct investment; modes of entry, outsourcing, and sourcing strategies; SMEs and small business strategies; and the impact of government, non-government, and not-for-profit organizations on business practice.

Benefits and features• IJoEM is highly topical as significant changes in

business and management theory and practice are likely to take place in emerging markets in the years to come.

European Business Review

International Journal of

Commerce and Management

International Journal of

Emerging Markets

Volume: 23Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 21Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 6Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1991 - dateFull text 2004 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorProfessor Göran SvenssonOslo School of Management, Norway

EditorProfessor Abbas J. Ali Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA

EditorDr Yusaf Akbar Central European University, Hungary




Business, Management and Economics

International Business Books


ISSN: 1571-5027


Advances in International Management is a research annual devoted to advancing the cross-border study of organizations and management practices from a global, regional, or comparative perspective, with emphasis on interdisciplinary inquiry that integrates ideas from multiple academic disciplines.

Coverage includes:It publishes conceptual and empirical papers that deal with international topics from any area within

the management field, including strategy, organization theory and behavior, human resource management, business ethics, entrepreneurship, technology management, and others. The organizations studied can be domestic or multinational, and the level of analysis can be macro or micro.

Advances in International Management

Series EditorsProfessor Timothy DevinneyUniversity of New South Wales, Australia

Professor Torben PedersenCopenhagen Business School, Denmark

Professor Laszlo TihanyiTexas A&M University, USA

ISSN: 1876-066X


This series aims to apply a truly international perspective to the study of international business, with a special emphasis on management and marketing issues.

Coverage includes:International Business and Management deals with topics including globalization, international business negotiations, cross-cultural communication, entry strategies, doing business in different regions, and

future trends. Work on competition, the development of international business theory, methodological issues, the results of empirical studies and the findings of practitioners also fall within its brief. Throughout, the intention is to provide up-to-date guidance to students and practitioners of international business, and to advance the frontiers of knowledge in this fast-developing field.

International Business and Management

Series EditorProfessor Pervez GhauriKing’s College London, UK

ISSN: 1745-8862


Progress in International Business Research is intended to be a publication outlet for high quality research presented at the Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), providing a much-needed channel for dissemination of new knowledge in international business research.

Coverage includes:The series encompasses empirical as well as conceptual research over a broad range of

international business topics, and no preference will be given to particular theoretical and/or methodological perspectives. The target audience is foremost scholars in international business and related fields such as strategic management, marketing, and organization studies, but the series also aims to reach policy-makers and the business community.

Progress in International Business Research

Series EditorEuropean International Business Academy (EIBA)

Learning and Development

Business, Management and Economics

Learning and Development Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Learning and Development Journals

Development andLearning inOrganizationsAn International Journal

Inside Issue 2:

Crossing the generational divide: engaging“young” employees in your organization

Barriers to progress in learning – a globalconvergence of concern?

The future of workplace learning

Volume 22 Number 2 2008

ISSN 1477-7282


Industrial and CommercialTraining

Volume 41 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0019-7858


Journal of

European Industrial TrainingA journal for HRD specialists

Volume 32 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0309-0590


ISSN: 1477-7282

ISSN 0019-7858

ISSN: 0309-0590




Development and Learning in Organizations (DLO) is central to organizational success. DLO is written for busy managers, consultants and researchers who need to know and understand more about the latest thinking in the fields of organizational learning, training and leadership development but do not have the time to access all the information available.

Coverage includes: Creating, implementing and sustaining learning strategies; work-based and on-the-job learning; coaching and mentoring; managing change; and leadership and management development.

Benefits and features• Easy-to-digest reviews keep you up to date with

the latest theories and practice in learning and development.

• Benchmark your research findings against other high-performing organizations.

• Track the success or failure of organizational development strategies undertaken by other companies of varying sizes and in different business sectors.

Industrial and Commercial Training (ICT) helps readers to develop a well-trained workforce by keeping them up to date with all the latest initiatives and ideas in their field. This leading international journal is highly regarded by training specialists worldwide. Its universal coverage and down-to-earth practical approach have been carefully cultivated.

Coverage includes: Action learning – principles and practice; applications of new technology; careers

management and counselling; computer-based training and interactive video; continuing management education; and managing change.

Benefits and features• It focuses on the application of training theory,

identifying what works for practitioners and how it works.

• A very well-established journal which provides an international perspective on real-life learning and development concerns.

Journal of European Industrial Training (JEIT) provides managers and researchers with the knowledge base they need to develop plans and meet the challenges ahead. JEIT is the only publication which has the information for which training professionals are looking, complete with the models they need and all the appropriate references.

Coverage includes:Globalisation and HRD; blended learning; corporate strategy and culture; and employee engagement in HRD.

Benefits and features• JEIT focuses primarily on Europe but also draws

on insights from the rest of the world.• The journal focuses strongly on applied research

and case study material.• JEIT publishes several special issues per

volume, covering new or topical issues in the field.

Development and Learning in OrganizationsAn International Journal

Industrial and Commercial Training

Journal of

European Industrial Training

Volume: 25Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 43Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 35Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Online archiveAbstracts 2002 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1969 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1977 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorAnne Gimson Strategic Developments International, UK

EditorBryan SmithInternational Consultant, Cogges, UK

EditorProfessor Thomas GaravanKemmy Business School, The University of Limerick, Republic of Ireland





Business, Management and Economics

Learning and Development Journals


Journal of

Workplace Learning

Volume 21 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1366-5626


ISSN: 1366-5626

ISSN: 0951-3507



As a fully refereed international journal with a focus on learning in, from and for the workplace, the Journal of Workplace Learning (JWL) gives a voice to those teaching, training, researching and practising in the workplace, along with managers and policy makers. It provides a global forum for the presentation of workplace learning research, in particular supported by empirical data, as well as systematic reviews referring to the main topics of the journal.

Coverage includes: Employee counselling; formal and informal learning interventions; knowledge management; learning skills; learning styles; and training effectiveness.

Benefits and features• JWL publishes content which is strong on

application.• “Professional Practice” articles published with

workplace learning practitioners in mind.

Training & Management Development Methods (TMDM) aims to provide an easy to use compendium of tested, up-to-date training and development methods, incorporating new and interesting ideas and guidance on their use. This collection of training methods is compiled from actual experience, and includes contributions from leading figures in the training and development field. It builds into a bank of useful material that can be referred to again and again, and added to year on year.

Coverage includes: Action learning/learning organizations; approaches and techniques of training design; assessment, diagnosis and evaluation; case studies; cross-cultural issues; and self-development.

Benefits and features• The unusual format makes it a highly effective

toolkit, which can be photocopied, sampled and used again and again.

Journal of

Workplace Learning

Training & Management Development Methods

Volume: 23Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 25Print Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsDr Sara Cervai University of Trieste, Italy

Professor Tauno KekäleUniversity of Vaasa, Finland

EditorDavid Pollitt University of Bradford, UK



“Thank you for the effort you have put into keeping the journal Training & Management Development Methods lively and addressing current issues in training and management development.”Professor Augustine Okanlawon, Isle of Man International Business School, Isle of Man

Management Science/Management Studies

Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Journals

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1757-4323


International Journal of

Conflict ManagementEditor: Dr Richard Posthuma

Volume 20 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1044-4068


Founding Editor: Dr Afzal Rahim

International Journal of

Managing Projects in Business

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8378


ISSN: 1757-4323

ISSN: 1044-4068

ISSN: 1753-8378




The Asia Pacific Journal of Business Administration (APJBA) offers a forum for both established scholars and early career researchers in all aspects of business administration. The APJBA also welcomes submissions from practitioners that stimulate engagement between academics and practitioners in the field.

Coverage includes: Business strategy and policy; accounting and financial management; marketing and HR

management; operations; logistics and supply chain management; quality management; innovation; knowledge management; public sector and non-governmental organizations; public/private partnerships; and cross-cultural innovations.

Benefits and features• With an emphasis on rigour and relevance the

APJBA addresses both theory and practice in the field of business administration in the Asia-Pacific region.

International Journal of Conflict Management (IJCMA) publishes both quantitative and qualitative research including original theoretical and empirical articles and critical or integrative literature reviews relevant to the substantive domains served by the journal. The journal aims to publish articles that make fundamental and substantial contributions to understanding conflict and conflict management and to maintain a sound balance between theory and practice.

Coverage includes: Dispute resolution; fairness and justice; mediation and arbitration; negotiation; law and procedure; and bargaining and industrial relations and peace studies.

Benefits and features• An editorial board including top names in the field

from institutions such as Northwestern and Stanford.

The International Journal of Managing Projects in Business (IJMPB) publishes leading scholarly and practitioner research on the subject of project management with a focus on business applications, programme and portfolio management. Unique and progressive in its approach, the journal seeks to recognize both the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives of project management and welcomes both pure and applied research that impacts the management of projects, with international business perspectives particularly acceptable.

Coverage includes:Business strategy; governance structures and change management; time planning; cost planning and control; quality management; risk management; ICT support systems; communications management; knowledge management; systems design; and project leadership.

Benefits and features• The journal contains a unique “project

management in business” focus.

Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration

International Journal of

Conflict Management

International Journal of

Managing Projects in Business

Volume: 3Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 22Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1990 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

EditorsProfessor Peter SteaneMacquarie University, Australia

Dr Yvon DufourAuckland University, New Zealand

Consulting EditorProfessor David LamondVictoria University, Australia

EditorDr Richard A. Posthuma University of Texas at El Paso, USA

EditorProfessor Derek H.T. Walker RMIT University, Australia





This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Journals


Journal of

Advances inManagementResearch

Volume 6 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0972-7981


Published in association with

Journal of


Volume 14 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1751-1348


Journal of

Modelling inManagement

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-5664


ISSN: 0972-7981

ISSN: 1751-1348

ISSN: 1746-5664




Journal of Advances in Management Research (JAMR) provides a dynamic international forum for the exchange and dissemination of the latest studies on all functional areas of management, both in the service and the manufacturing sectors. The main objective of the journal is to act as a vehicle for resources which contribute to the improvement of management practices within societies and businesses worldwide.

Coverage includes:JAMR publishes theoretical, technical and practice-based papers. Research papers, case studies; the sharing of practices and experiences; quantitative and qualitative research are all welcome.

Benefits and features• Focused solidly on progression, all content

published in JAMR takes management research and practice in fresh directions. This focus on the applicability of management research does not detract from an emphasis on sound methodology.

JAMR is published in association with the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India.

The Journal of Management History (JMH) reflects on the historical development of management concepts and practices, with a view to how they inform the present and shape what we are and what we do.

Coverage includes:Examination of established historical management concepts; the historical and continuing role of the behavioural sciences in the development of management practices; historical analysis of management philosophies; methodologies for

dealing with historical management materials; and the importance of the historical perspective in understanding contemporary management.

Benefits and features• Appreciate the development of management

concepts and the historical contexts that have influenced it.

• Understand the importance of historical perspectives in relation to contemporary management.

The Journal of Modelling in Management (JM2) is focused on the utilization of management data, which are amenable to research-modeling processes. The journal is particularly interested in innovative methodological and statistical modeling processes.

Coverage includes:A priori theorising conceptual models; uncertainty- based reasoning models; multi-attribute decision-making models; generalized linear models; non-linear models; statistical decision models; and computer-based models.

Benefits and features• Learn from the innovative methodological and

statistical modelling processes, which will allow you to make accurate managerial decisions.

• Achieve inspiration from the theory explored in the models and turn it into a practical tool.

• Take advantage of the knowledge of an international advisory board, representing the most important areas of business and management modelling.

Journal of

Advances in Management Research

Journal of

Management History

Journal of

Modelling in Management

Volume: 8Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 17Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorsProfessor Surendra S. Yadav and Professor Ravi ShankarIndian Institute of Technology, India

EditorProfessor David LamondVictoria University, Australia

EditorProfessor Luiz Moutinho University of Glasgow, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Journals

Management Decision

Volume 46 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0025-1747


ManagementResearch Reviewformerly Management Research News

Volume 33 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-8269


Sport, Business andManagementAn International Journal

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-678X


ISSN: 0025-1747

ISSN 2040-8269

ISSN: 2042-678X




Management Decision (MD) publishes research and reflection on theory, practice, techniques and context of decisions taken in and about business and business research. Its high calibre contributions, from leading management philosophers and practitioners, make it an invaluable resource and distil the most valuable information in a clear format for the reader.

Coverage includes: Operations management; financial management; motivation; entrepreneurship; problem solving and proactivity; serious management argument; and strategy and policy issues.

Benefits and features• Presenting serious debate on major issues in an

accessible format, the journal keeps you abreast of contemporary thought and practice. Its critical insights allow you to analyse methodologies and research, and distil the most valuable information for your own use to gain competitive advantage.

Management Research Review (MRR) publishes a wide variety of articles outlining the latest management research. Published 12 times a year, the journal prides itself on quick publication of the very latest research in general management.

Coverage includes:Human resource management; financial management; consumerism; information and knowledge management; marketing; industrial relations; personnel management; organization

development; production and operations management; and entrepreneurship and small business management.

Benefits and features• Conducts rapid reviews, so new research very

quickly gets into print and online.• Presents work in a concise and readable way.• Emphasizes the research applications and

implications rather than the literature or methodology.

Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal (SBM) serves to promote the development of a coherent, high quality body of work in sport, business and management.

Coverage includes:Sport; business; management; accounting; corporate social responsibility; economics; entrepreneurship; ethics; finance; governance; human resource management; information

technology; law; marketing; organisational behaviour; strategy; and supply-chain management.

Benefits and features• SBM has a unique focus on business and

management in sport and publishes papers from authors at mainstream business schools.

• SBM bridges the gap between existing academic research on sports business and relevant practitioner issues in the industry through its mixture of article content.

Management Decision

Management Research Review formerly Management Research News

Sport, Business and ManagementAn International Journal

Volume: 49Print Issues: 10Internet Issues: 10

Volume: 34Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Volume: 1Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1967 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1978 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

EditorJohn Peters Emerald Group Publishing Limited, UK

EditorProfessor Joseph SarkisClark University, USA

EditorProfessor Simon ChadwickCoventry University, UK





This journal is indexed by

New La



Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Books


ISSN: 1877-6361


The Advanced Series in Management focuses on developing the ideas that will become the foundation for the next generation of management theory, research, and practice.

Coverage includes:Prior volumes in Advanced Series in Management have introduced the competence-based approach to strategy and management theory and practice,

defined a new taxonomy of organizational types and change pathways, elaborated the nature and functioning of virtual organizations, explored the relevance of complexity theory for management theory and practice, developed a systems perspective on firm resources, capabilities, and management processes, and presented an autopoietic theory of firm formation and evolution.

Advanced Series in Management

Series EditorProfessor Ron SanchezCopenhagen Business School, Denmark

ISSN: 1477-4070


Advances in Business and Management Forecasting is a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis.The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of forecasting methodologies to such areas as sales, marketing, and strategic decision making (an accurate, robust forecast is critical to effective decision making). The focus

of the research annual is applications- and practitioner-oriented.

Coverage includes:Sales and marketing; forecasting; new product forecasting; judgmentally based forecasting; the application of surveys to forecasting; forecasting for strategic business decisions; and improvements in forecasting accuracy and sales response models.

Advances in Business and Management Forecasting

Series EditorProfessor Kenneth D. LawrenceNew Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

ISSN: 0276-8976


Applications of Management Science is a blind refereed serial publication published on an annual basis.The objective of this research annual is to present state-of-the-art studies in the application of management science to the solution of significant managerial decision-making problems. This research annual significantly aids in the dissemination of actual

applications of management science in both the public and the private sectors.

Coverage includes:Multi-criteria decision making; operations and supply chain management; productivity management (DEA); financial management; engineering; and accounting and marketing.

Applications of Management Science

Series EditorProfessor Kenneth D. LawrenceNew Jersey Institute of Technology, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Management Science/Management Studies Books


ISSN: 1074-7877


International Research in the Business Disciplines is an outlet for unique, often cutting edge, business research with an international flavour.

Coverage includes:Each volume reflects an important theme within the realm of business. Articles that appear in each volume are original, peer-reviewed manuscripts, selected both to support the volume’s theme and to provide a cross-section of high-quality knowledge

concerning the selected topic. Articles may range from empirical, quantitative studies of a specific question to much more qualitative, descriptive work. Non-traditional approaches to both issues and questions are encouraged and supported. Papers may be discipline-specific, or interdisciplinary in terms of content and orientation, so long as they fit within the general theme of a specific volume. Papers on Asian, Pacific Rim, European, African or South American experiences are especially welcome.

International Research in the Business Disciplines

Series EditorsProfessor Mike H. RyanBellarmine University, USA

Professor Craig S. GalbraithUniversity of North Carolina, USA

ISSN: 1479-3571


Monographs in Leadership and Management aims to broaden and challenge the understanding of leadership and management for academics and practitioners alike. Throughout the series, contributors focus on how new theoretical perspectives, measures, and intervention strategies offer rich and useful insights, without being overly dry and academic

or too anecdotal and opinionated, that can be used to foster authentic leaders and followers.

Coverage includes:MLM hopes that ultimately the insights offered will promote a comprehensive research agenda into what constitutes real leadership and management and how it can be positively developed to produce veritable and sustainable gains in performance.

Monographs in Leadership and Management

Series EditorProfessor James G. Hunt (In memoriam)

ISSN: 1744-2117


Research in Competence-Based Management extends current competence-based management (CBM) theory, proposes new additions to CBM theory, suggests new directions for CBM theory development, and/or applies CBM theory in research on management issues and topics.

Coverage includes:All volumes in the Research in Competence-Based Management series are “focused issues” that

address specific issues in CBM theory, research and practice including the marketing process in building and maintaining organizational competences; competence approaches to managing knowledge assets and organizational learning; organizational growth through entrepreneurship, innovation and diversification; fundamental issues in competence theory development; and identifying, building, and linking competences.

Research in Competence-Based Management

Series EditorsProfessor Ron SanchezCopenhagen Business School, Denmark

Professor Aimé HeeneCollege of Europe, Belgium

Managing Quality

Business, Management and Economics

Managing Quality Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Managing Quality Journals

Asian Journal on Quality

Volume 11 Number 1 2010ISSN 1598-2688


Official journal of the Korean Society forQuality Management

BenchmarkingAn International Journal

Volume 15 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1463-5771


Business ProcessManagement Journal

Volume 14 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1463-7154


ISSN: 1598-2688

ISSN: 1463-5771

ISSN: 1463-7154




Asian Journal on Quality (AJQ) provides those involved in quality management research and practice in Asia with research findings, case examples, news and a forum for discussion.

Coverage includes:Research and case studies focusing on the public and private sectors and covering the following topics: measurement of quality; efficiency; TQM/excellence models; process management; implementation and maintenance strategies; strategic, tactical and operational issues; and perceptions of quality in Asia.

Benefits and features• The journal’s specific Asian focus gives you the

insight necessary to compete effectively in a region ever growing in importance.

The Asian Journal on Quality is the official journal of the Korean Society for Quality Management.

Benchmarking: An International Journal (BIJ) presents different approaches to benchmarking, from strategic advisory articles to practical guidance, illustrating how benchmarking can work effectively in any organization.

Coverage includes: Benchmarking theory; performance measurement metrics and best practice; benchmarking techniques and practices employed by public and private sector organizations of all sizes; role of the internet; cross-industry and global benchmarking; and strategic, tactical and operational planning.

Benefits and features • Rigorously refereed articles enable researchers

and practitioners to keep pace with the latest international research and thinking in the field.

• Case studies demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of a variety of tools and techniques.

• Themed issues publish research on topical issues such as service industry perspectives of benchmarking and environmental benchmarking.

Business processes are a fundamental building-block of organizational success and their effective management is therefore a key activity for businesses. Business Process Management Journal (BPMJ) examines how the variety of business processes intrinsic to organizational efficiency and effectiveness can be integrated and managed for competitive success.

Coverage includes: BPM in eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment; knowledge management and the learning organization; modelling, analysis and design;

techniques of moving to continuous improvement; and tools and techniques of change management.

Benefits and features • Obtain a broad grasp of business process

management. • Find out how to make process management and

re-engineering work alongside TQM and other business improvement initiatives.

• Enhance your learning through a critical evaluation of the experience of others.

Asian Journal on Quality

BenchmarkingAn International Journal

Business Process Management Journal

Volume: 12Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 18Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 17Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1994 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

EditorProfessor Soo Wook KimCollege of Business Administration, Seoul National University, South Korea

EditorProfessor A. GunasekaranUniversity of Massachusetts Dartmouth, USA

EditorProfessor Majed Al-MashariKing Saud University, Saudi Arabia





Business, Management and Economics

Managing Quality Journals


International Journal of

Lean Six Sigma

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-4166


International Journal of

Quality & ReliabilityManagement

Volume 26 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0265-671X


ISSN: 2040-4166

ISSN: 0265-671X



Lean Six Sigma is an integrated approach of Lean and Six Sigma, the two most powerful strategies for achieving operational and service excellence in any organization today. The International Journal of Lean Six Sigma (IJLSS) publishes original, empirical and review papers, case studies and theoretical frameworks or models related to Lean and Six Sigma methodologies.

Coverage includes: Lean Six Sigma and its link to other quality management initiatives; design, development and

application of tools and techniques; statistical thinking; and project selection and prioritization in Six Sigma.

Benefits and features • Bridging the gap between the theory and practice

of Lean Six Sigma, publishing the latest issues and challenges associated with implementation.

• A platform for research progressing Six Sigma from its current status in organizations.

The quality and the reliability of products, processes or services are vital features of a successful enterprise. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (IJQRM) sets out to advance knowledge through its unique blend of research and application articles that focus on managerial and technical issues in managing quality and reliability.

Coverage includes: Implementation and sustainability of quality management; productivity/performance management; process and continuous

improvement; statistical quality control; and reliability modelling and management.

Benefits and features • Evaluate the practical relevance and implications

of the latest research. • Learn about the advantages and disadvantages

of a variety of tools and techniques through informative case studies.

• Gain in-depth insights into pertinent topics, such as project portfolio management, through themed special issues.

International Journal of

Lean Six Sigma

International Journal of

Quality & Reliability Management

Volume: 2Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 28Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1984 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Jiju AntonyUniversity of Strathclyde, UK

EditorsTon van der WieleRSM, Erasmus University, The Netherlands

Christian N. MaduLubin School of Business, USA




t Lau



“Reading the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management is an essential part of my work. It has been, for a long time, a top journal in the Quality area, attracting interesting authors from many different countries. I know from personal experience that it has a first-rate peer review system.”Professor Roger Williams, Emeritus Professor of Organisation and Management, Erasmus University, Rotterdam

Business, Management and Economics

Managing Quality Journals

Journal of

Quality inMaintenanceEngineering

Volume 14 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1355-2511


Managing ServiceQualityAn International Journal

Volume 20 Number 2 2010ISSN 0960-4529


Celebrating 20 years 1991-2010

The TQM JournalThe international review oforganizational improvement

formerly The TQM Magazine

Volume 21 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1754-2731


ISSN: 1355-2511

ISSN: 0960-4529

ISSN: 1754-2731




Increasingly sophisticated technology demands highly skilled and knowledgeable engineers to ensure that it consistently operates to the highest standards, so that product quality is not compromised. The Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (JQME) keeps readers abreast of the latest developments in maintenance engineering to ensure that the maintenance function can be more reliable, efficient and cost-effective.

Coverage includes: Maintenance information systems; process capability and maintenance; process-monitoring

techniques; reliability-based maintenance; replacement and life cycle costs; and TQM and maintenance.

Benefits and features • The research published can play a crucial role in

minimizing process variability and sustaining process stability, essential for product quality and minimizing costs.

• A dedicated resource to quality within maintenance engineering.

It is important that organizations of all types and sizes satisfy their customers’ needs and managing the quality of service can give a business a strategic advantage over its competitors. Managing Service Quality (MSQ) publishes the latest scientific research in the field of service quality, along with case studies and practical guidance on measuring service quality and managing service improvement.

Coverage includes: Measuring service quality; customer expectations; customer complaints; customer loyalty programmes; and customer retention.

Benefits and features • Discover research with a clear focus on service

excellence in this niche journal. • International and multidisciplinary papers relevant

to the academic and business world. • Learn through the experiences of other

organizations such as Singapore Airlines, in informative case studies.

Commitment to quality is essential if companies are to succeed in a commercial environment. The TQM Journal illustrates how organizations need to build quality into every department and every process within their operational structure in order to be successful.

Coverage includes: Customer satisfaction; the measurement of quality; costs of quality; tools and techniques for quality management and improvement; and strategic, tactical and operational issues for TQM implementation and maintenance.

Benefits and features • Learn about successful and unsuccessful

initiatives through academically rigorous research which emphasizes the practical implications.

• Gain in-depth insights into topical issues, such as Kansei Engineering, through themed special issues.

• Evaluate the different perspectives on quality management around the world through the international spread of research published.

Journal of

Quality in Maintenance Engineering

Managing Service QualityAn International Journal

The TQM JournalThe international review of organizational improvement

Volume: 17Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 21Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 23Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1991 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Salih O. DuffuaaKing Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

EditorJay KandampullyOhio State University, USA

EditorAlex DouglasLiverpool John Moores University, UK






Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals

Asia Pacific Journalof Marketing andLogisticsincorporating the Journal of Asia PacificMarketing

Volume 20 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1355-5855


CorporateCommunicationsAn International Journal

Volume 13 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1356-3289


Published in association with Endorsed by

European Journal of Marketing

Volume 44 Number 1 2010ISSN 0309-0566


Published in association with the

ISSN: 1355-5855

ISSN: 1356-3289

ISSN: 0309-0566




The Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics (APJML) aims to provide a unique focus on marketing and logistics in the Asia Pacific region. It includes articles which focus on marketing and logistics problems, new procedures and practical approaches, systematic and critical reviews of changes in marketing and logistics and cross-national and cross-cultural comparisons of theory into practice.

Coverage includes:All aspects of marketing and logistics with a clear focus on the Asia Pacific – for example, cross-cultural issues, branding issues in Asia Pacific markets, managing marketing channels.

Benefits and features• Provides readers globally with an in-depth

understanding of marketing and logistics issues pertaining to this rapidly developing region.

Corporate Communications: An International Journal (CCIJ) illustrates why communications are important and how best to implement a strategic communications plan. Regular features include viewpoints from consultants and debating points from other journals to keep readers in touch with key issues and opinions worldwide.

Coverage includes: How company communications can affect profitability; how effective employee communications can influence productivity and performance; press and media relations; the growth and accessibility of information on central and local

government affairs; and the value of investor relations and financial PR.

Benefits and features • Published in association with Corporate

Communication International (CCI), a world-class research-driven educational centre at Baruch College/CUNY, USA.

• Captures the latest research worldwide on corporate communication and strategic PR.

Published in association with the Academy of Marketing, the European Journal of Marketing (EJM) contains leading-edge marketing theory – supported by evidence-based research, from the world’s leading marketing thinkers. It aims to facilitate information exchange between researchers on a worldwide basis.

Coverage includes:Although the journal retains a European brand identity, it actively encourages global contributions from scholars across a broad domain of marketing issues.

Benefits and features• High reputation in the field built up over more

than 40 years of continuous publication. • Publishes around 70 articles per year – high

output of quality material to add to reader knowledge.

• Regular special issues presenting in-depth coverage of current topics.

Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logisticsincorporating the Journal of Asia Pacific Marketing

Corporate CommunicationsAn International Journal

European Journal of Marketing

Volume: 23Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 16Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 45Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1967 - dateFull text 1989 - date

EditorDr Ian Phau Curtin Business School, Australia

EditorDr Wim Elving Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR), The Netherlands

EditorProfessor Nick LeeAston Business School, UK





Published in association with

Published in association with

Endorsed by

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals


International Journal of

Bank MarketingFor the financial services sector

Volume 26 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0265-2323


International Journal of

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-6123


International Journal of

Wine BusinessResearchformerly International Journal of Wine Marketing

Volume 20 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1751-1062


ISSN: 0265-2323

ISSN 1750-6123

ISSN: 1751-1062




The International Journal of Bank Marketing (IJBM) presents the latest thinking, practice and research findings on issues of current and future concern for financial services marketers worldwide. The journal brings together valuable insights into how to win customers in the financial services sector and keep them.

Coverage includes:Trust in financial services; consumer perceptions of financial services; competition from non-banking institutions; internationalization of financial services;

marketing communications and financial services; and measurement of in-branch customer service.

Benefits and features• International content means that subscribers can

keep pace with new developments worldwide.• Dedicated solely to a focus on marketing within

financial services – thus providing readers with a specialized resource for this field.

The International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing (IJPHM) has emerged to be a leading specialist reference resource of health care marketing information and analysis, highlighting cutting edge research, new concepts and theories, and fresh practical ideas and initiatives that can be readily applied in the pharmaceutical and health care industries. It also serves as an innovative practice reference that supplies pharmaceutical company management as well as health care service providers and managers with insights, techniques and strategies to retain their competitiveness and best satisfy their customers.

Coverage includes: Strategic marketing to consumer advertising of pharmaceuticals; new product development and technology issues; health care systems and recent developments; public policy and macromarketing issues; and service marketing issues.

Benefits and features • IJPHM is the only journal to combine the health

care and pharmaceutical industries.• IJPHM boasts a first-class Editorial Advisory

Board of leading academics.

Emerging from the International Journal of Wine Marketing, the purpose of the International Journal of Wine Business Research (IJWBR) is to provide a forum for the publication of timely, rigorous, technically sound, and scientific research manuscripts that focus on all business aspects of the wine industry. It is an international journal dedicated to the recognition and growth of the academic field of wine business, particularly management and marketing.

Coverage includes: Wine-related topics within all business disciplines; and qualitative and quantitative studies.

Benefits and features• IJWBR is the only journal that provides complete

coverage across business disciplines, continents and countries, on all issues related to managing wine-related businesses.

• IJWBR contains informative case studies on wine brands, producing regions and exporting countries.

• IJWBR is linked to the Academy of Wine Business Research.

International Journal of

Bank MarketingFor the financial services sector

International Journal of

Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

International Journal of

Wine Business Research

Volume: 29Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 23Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorDr Jillian FarquharOxford Brookes University, UK

EditorProfessor Avinandan Mukherjee Montclair University, USA

EditorProfessor Ulrich OrthChristian-Albrechts Universität, Germany




Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals


Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0265-1335


Journal of

Business & Industrial Marketing

Volume 23 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0885-8624


Journal of


Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1363-254X


ISSN: 0265-1335

ISSN: 0885-8624

ISSN: 1363-254X




The International Marketing Review (IMR) provides a platform for contemporary ideas in international marketing and delivers research based on empirical studies of marketing strategy issues as well as comparative studies of markets and marketing practice with a purely “International” flavour. IMR seeks to publish papers that communicate effectively and apply theoretical information to practical situations in the real world. It is an essential source in a high-pressure industry and makes a real contribution to international marketing.

Coverage includes: Conceptual and empirical studies in international

marketing; marketing abstracts of major current papers and research; and practical applications and case studies.

Benefits and features• The journal offers genuinely international

perspectives on the key issues and concerns preoccupying marketers.

• Accessible content drawn from an international base, ensuring comparative examples of best practice across the globe.

The Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing (JBIM) provides both academics teaching marketing and directors and executives of marketing with new ideas concerning business-to-business marketing. That is, how one company or organization markets its goods/services/ideas to another company or organization.

Coverage includes:Competitive strategy; organizing for international growth; relationship marketing; impact and implications of new technology; and regional studies of B2B marketing practices.

Benefits and features• Features the work of leading experts, thus

ensuring cutting edge coverage of key issues.• Regular case studies and executive summaries

along with a practical edge to the articles generally ensure that this is research you can use – to teach, to further your own research, to inform your business development.

The Journal of Communication Management (JCOM) provides an international forum for refereed papers, case studies and reviews on the latest developments, practice and thinking in the management of all forms of business and organizational communication. JCOM is the definitive international quarterly publication for communications and public relations professionals in private and public sector organizations as well as academics in universities and business schools.

Coverage includes: Corporate communications; public relations; public affairs; workforce communications; customer

relations; corporate brand management; corporate social responsibility; internal communications; investor relations; crisis and risk management; and environmental and community relations.

Benefits and features • Stimulates cutting-edge debate through opinion

and debate pieces.• Publishes both theoretical and practical papers

on communication management.• International editorial advisory board populated

by top names from industry and academia.

International Marketing Review

Journal of

Business & Industrial Marketing

Journal of

Communication Management

Volume: 28Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 26Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 15Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1986 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 2000 - date

EditorsProfessor Jeryl WhitelockBradford School of Management, UK

Professor John CadoganLoughborough University Business School, UK

EditorProfessor Wesley J. JohnstonGeorgia State University, USA

EditorsEditor-in-Chief: Professor Anne GregoryLeeds Metropolitan University, UK

Editor: Dr Magda PieczkaQueen Margaret University College, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals


Journal of


Volume 26 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0736-3761


Journal of

Fashion Marketing and ManagementAn International Journal

Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1361-2026


Journal of

Historical Research inMarketing

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1755-750X


ISSN: 0736-3761

ISSN: 1361-2026

ISSN: 1755-750X




The Journal of Consumer Marketing (JCM) presents leading-edge research papers which provide insight into how people behave as consumers worldwide and examines the theoretical and managerial implications of such behaviour.

Coverage includes:Consumer behaviour; customer policy and service; practical case studies to illustrate concepts; customer loyalty; CRM; and ethics in relation to marketing.

Benefits and features• Executive summaries of each article provide an

“at-a-glance” appreciation of the content.• The journal publishes research you can use –

readable material which is of value for further research, teaching or practical application.

• Each volume provides a broad range of book reviews, extending your knowledge in the field.

The Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (JFMM) examines the emerging trends and issues that impact on the fast-moving environment of the fashion and textile industry. The journal blends high quality research, subject to rigorous review, with up-to-date descriptive studies of current business practices and developments in the field.

Coverage includes:Apparel innovation; brand loyalty; consumer decisions and shopping behaviour; manufacturing

systems; market positioning; piracy issues; quality and performance measurement; and the importance of socio-economic factors.

Benefits and features• This journal evaluates the influence of socio-

economic factors on the fashion industry.• Helps with the development of a clear

understanding of new management techniques and concepts.

• Shows how to implement strong branding to create a desirable product image.

The Journal of Historical Research in Marketing (JHRM) focuses on marketing history and the history of marketing thought. Marketing history includes the histories of advertising, retailing, channels of distribution, product design and branding, pricing strategies, and consumption behaviour. The history of marketing thought examines the histories of marketing ideas, concepts, theories, and schools of marketing thought, including the lives and times of marketing thinkers.

Coverage includes:Marketing history; history of marketing thought; advertising history; retailing history; history of consumption; and historiography.

Benefits and features• JHRM publishes high quality original research

that encompasses a broad range of historical approaches, philosophical positions and methodologies.

• The only journal that is devoted exclusively to historical research in marketing.

Journal of

Consumer Marketing

Journal of

Fashion Marketing and ManagementAn International Journal

Journal of

Historical Research in Marketing

Volume: 28Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 15Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 3Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1984 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 2001 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorDr Richard C. LeventhalMarketing Consultant, Arvada, USA

EditorDr Steven Hayes Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

EditorProfessor D.G. Brian JonesQuinnipiac University, USA




Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals

Journal of

Islamic Marketing

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1759-0833


Journal of

Product & Brand Managementfeaturing Pricing Strategy & Practice

Volume 17 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1061-0421


Journal of

Research in InteractiveMarketingformerly Direct Marketing: An International Journal

Volume 4 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-7122


ISSN: 2040-8021

ISSN: 1061-0421

ISSN: 2040-7122




The Journal of Islamic Marketing (JIMA) aims to lay the foundation of, and advance, Islamic marketing as a new discipline. It provides a world-class forum for researchers, academics, and business people, where all issues related to Islamic marketing can be actively debated.

Coverage includes:Muslim consumers; Islamic marketing ideals and mix; Islamic business ethics; marketing Islamic financial products; halal market; Islamic hospitality;

Islamic branding; advertisements to Muslims; Islamic pricing practices; Islamic e-Market; Islamic fashion and clothing industry; Islamic pharmaceuticals, cosmetics & toiletry; and Islamic law and marketing practices.

Benefits and features• JIMA is the first journal that attempts to put

forward the point of view of Islamic principles relating to marketing.

The Journal of Product & Brand Management (JPBM) provides international coverage of the full range of factors impacting on branding decisions – supplying researchers, practitioners and teachers with an in-depth resource. The journal also provides an in-depth understanding of pricing issues.

Coverage includes:How to value your brand portfolio; target marketing; behavioural pricing; understanding the risks of a new product launch; and managing corporate reputation and winning customer loyalty.

Benefits and features• Executive summaries of full length research

articles provide a concise view of key issues.• Regular case studies provide an in-depth view on

practical issues.• An extensive book review section provides a

broad view of the literature in this field.

The Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing (JRIM), formerly Direct Marketing: An International Journal, focuses on substantive issues in interactive, relationship, electronic, direct and multi-channel marketing and marketing management.

Coverage includes:Comparative studies of effective interactive marketing activities across different markets and market regions; measuring the effectiveness of interactive marketing activities; identifying appropriate interactive marketing/multi-channel activities across

varying organizations and industries; interactive marketing in the public sector/non-profit realm; ethical/legal issues in direct marketing; strengths and weaknesses of various interactive/direct marketing activities; assessing the interactive marketing environment; applying interactive marketing to gain competitive advantage; and issues related to industry and government policies in direct marketing.

Benefits and features• JRIM boasts a first-class Editorial Advisory Board

of leading academics worldwide.

Journal of

Islamic Marketing

Journal of

Product & Brand Managementfeaturing Pricing Strategy & Practice

Journal of

Research in Interactive Marketingformerly Direct Marketing: An International Journal

Volume: 2Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 20Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1992 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

EditorDr Bakr Ahmad AlserhanUnited Arab Emirates University, UAE

EditorDr Richard C. LeventhalMarketing Consultant, Arvada, USA

EditorProfessor Amanda BroderickDurham University Business School, UK






t Lau



Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals


Volume 10 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1471-5201


Journal of

Research in Marketing andEntrepreneurship

ISSN: 1471-5201


Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship (JRME) seeks studies that contribute to our developing knowledge of entrepreneurial and small business marketing – an exciting and thought-provoking area of study.

Coverage includes:The size and structure of the entrepreneurial enterprise; how SMEs and micro businesses approach marketing; the role of entrepreneurship in marketing; the role of marketing in entrepreneurship; and how successful entrepreneurs market their products and services.

Benefits and features• Understand the competencies necessary for the

successful entrepreneur.• Discover the role of entrepreneurship in the

development of organizations.• Examine relationships between SMEs and larger

firms.• Explore cultural and sociological perspectives of

the entrepreneur.

Journal of

Research in Marketing and EntrepreneurshipVolume: 13

Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 1999 - date

EditorJonathan DeaconNewport Business School, University of Wales, UK


Journal of

Social Marketing

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-6763


ISSN: 2042-6763


The Journal of Social Marketing (JSOCM) publishes double blind peer reviewed research that show-cases the adaptation and adoption of commercial marketing activities, institutions and processes as a means to induce behavioural change in a targeted audience on a temporary or permanent basis to achieve a social goal.

Coverage includes:Social marketing; public health; environmental protection; accident prevention/road safety; alcohol;

obesity; behaviour/attitudes; drugs; gambling; smoking/tobacco; advertising; communication; pricing; and taxes.

Benefits and features• The journal publishes rigorous research show-

casing how commercial marketing activities have been adapted and adopted to induce behavioural change in a targeted audience on a temporary or permanent basis to achieve a social goal.

Journal of

Social Marketing Volume: 1Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

EditorsAssociate Professor Sharyn Rundle-Thiele and Professor Andrew McAuleyGriffith University, Australia





Journal of

Services Marketing

Volume 22 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0887-6045


ISSN 0887-6045


The Journal of Services Marketing (JSM) provides insights into consumers’ behaviour, how they react to service encounters and the factors dictating marketing success or failure. It details the latest research and concepts and also examines the theoretical and managerial implications – suggesting future research opportunities and how to turn the information into profitable practice.

Coverage includes:Customer policy and service; marketing of services; marketing planning; service quality; and influence and implications of new technology.

Benefits and features• Executive summaries of articles provide a speedy

appreciation of research findings.• Special issues provide in-depth coverage on

issues such as internationalization of services.• Over two decades of publication means that the

journal is established as a leading resource and thus attracts leading authors.

Journal of

Services MarketingVolume: 25Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Online archiveAbstracts 1987 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Charles Martin Wichita State University, USA


This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Journals

MarketingIntelligence & Planning

Volume 27 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0263-4503


Qualitative MarketResearchAn International Journal

Volume 11 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1352-2752


Young ConsumersInsight and ideas for responsible marketers

Volume 10 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1747-3616


Celebrating 10 years 1999-2009

ISSN: 0263-4503

ISSN 1352-2752

ISSN: 1747-3616




Marketing Intelligence & Planning (MIP) offers in-depth analysis of the intricate relationship between planning and implementation, plus informed opinion and critical analysis from international experts in the field. It aims to provide the practical implications that will help to bridge the gap between academic research and practice.

Coverage includes:Strategic marketing; sales management; strategic planning; technological forecasting; account

planning; and impact of factors such as new technology and globalization.

Benefits and features• The journal prides itself on publishing readable

material with real practical and research implications.

• By analyzing the relationship between the planning and implementation stages, the journal offers practical insights for marketing campaigns and provides markers for further research.

Qualitative Market Research (QMR) furthers the frontiers of knowledge and understanding of qualitative market research and its applications, exploring many contemporary issues and new developments in marketing. It breaks new ground by raising awareness of the dichotomy of principles and practices in research, in an analytical and practical way.

Coverage includes:Qualitative perspectives of relationships and complexities in buyer and supplier behaviour; focus

groups; research design processes; applications of technology; use of qualitative research to enhance quantitative work; interdisciplinary applications; and projective and enabling techniques.

Benefits and features• Includes case studies to demonstrate the

effectiveness of methodologies described.• Offers cross-national and cross-cultural

perspectives.• The only scholarly journal to focus solely on

qualitative market research.

Young Consumers (YC) is a quarterly research journal focusing on responsible marketing to children and young people. The journal draws on the experience and knowledge of children and youth marketers, advertising agencies, market researchers and the very best academic research. It provides practical guidance through industry initiatives, reports, interviews and book reviews on the latest ideas alongside articles that represent fundamental new thinking.

Coverage includes: Youth consumer behaviour; branding; new product development; child development; children and technology; responsible marketing; youth trends; playground trends; children’s media; industry initiatives; and ethical and regulatory issues.

Benefits and features • The only publication that is 100 per cent focused

on understanding what motivates children and young people.

Marketing Intelligence & Planning

Qualitative Market ResearchAn International Journal

Young ConsumersInsight and ideas for responsible marketers

Volume: 29Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 14Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 12Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1998 - dateFull text 1998 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 2002 - date

EditorProfessor Gillian WrightManchester Metropolitan University, UK

EditorProfessor Len Tiu WrightLeicester Business School, De Montfort University, UK

EditorDr Brian Young University of Exeter, UK





Business, Management and Economics

Marketing Books


ISSN: 1069-0964


Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing offers leading edge theory, empirical research, and practice on sense making, planning, implementing, and evaluating of strategies in business-to-business marketing and purchasing.

Coverage includes:All papers in the series cite and build heavily on relevant literature. They go deeper in explaining complexity in multiple antecedent paths leading to decisions and actions than management texts available in airport bookstores. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing is for reading by executives recognizing that highly effective

decisions involve more than check-lists and asking the “ultimate question.” Executives who dream about handling complexity and about how to thoroughly evaluate ongoing management performance are kindred spirits of the authors contributing to the series.Papers in the series are usually longer than articles in the pages of quarterly and monthly journal issues, providing more details in reviewing literature, developing theory, reporting empirical procedures, describing implications for strategy, and examining implemented strategies.

Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing

Series EditorProfessor Arch WoodsideBoston College, USA

ISSN: 1474-7979


For the past two decades, the Advances in International Marketing series has made unique contributions to the field of international marketing through original and high-quality essays that address various international marketing topics.

Coverage includes:The contributions featured in Advances in International Marketing tend to be longer than the typical journal article and may incorporate ideas, analyses, or techniques considered to be too radical by other refereed journals.

While some contributors focus on managerial issues in international marketing, others take a public policy or a comparative perspective. Similarly, while some authors may confine their analyses to well-established concepts or methodologies in international marketing, others have the opportunity to incorporate new and innovative perspectives. Individual volumes in the series have often featured papers selected from the annual meetings of the CIMaR (Consortium for International Marketing Research).

Advances in International Marketing

Series EditorProfessor Shaoming ZouUniversity of Missouri, USA

ISSN: 0885-2111


Research in Consumer Behaviour is a peer-reviewed annual volume interested in publishing the latest research on consumption, regardless of methods employed. The series seeks qualitative and quantitative empirical research, theoretical papers, and methodological papers concerning any aspect of consumer acquisition, consumption, and disposition.

Coverage includes:Preference is given to longer papers that may be too long for regular journals, but are not sufficiently long or complete to be considered for books or monographs. This may include a series of

experiments, an extensive ethnography, projects including visual (black and white) photographs, or projects in which innovative content demands a longer format. Shorter manuscripts will also be considered.The volume welcomes contributions from scholars around the globe. Authors for whom English is not a first language may benefit from copy editing by a native English speaker before submission. Although the majority of prior authors have been from the field of marketing, professional affiliations from other fields of business, the social sciences and the humanities are most welcome.

Research in Consumer Behaviour

Series EditorRussell BelkYork University, Canada

Operations and Logistics Management

Business, Management and Economics

Operations and Logistics Management Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Operations and Logistics Management Journals

The International Journal of


Volume 21 Number 1 2010ISSN 0957-4093


International Journal of

Operations &ProductionManagement

Volume 30 Numbers 3 and 4 2010ISSN 0144-3577


The official journal of the European Operations Management Association

ISSN: 0957-4093

ISSN: 0144-3577



The International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM) seeks to advance knowledge and practice in the discipline of business logistics, publishing insights and contributions from those involved in all areas of the field and from all over the world.

Coverage includes: Supply chain management; technology in the field; global logistics; risk management; and outsourcing.

Benefits and features • Keep up with current developments in the field of

business logistics and supply chain management.• Identified as the third most valuable journal in

terms of “research usefulness” by academics in the field in 2009.

• Learn through the experiences of other organizations in informative case studies.

• Gain in-depth insights into the subject through themed issues such as “Building theory in business logistics”.

The International Journal of Operations & Production Management (IJOPM) covers all aspects of operations management, with a key focus on topics which have substantial management content. IJOPM looks at the managerial problems of developing and implementing operation systems and has become a widely respected resource in a complex and increasingly important field.

Coverage includes: Operations planning, scheduling and control; operations strategy; new product and service/design development; supply chain management; and performance measurement and management.

Benefits and features • IJOPM is indexed by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and

its journal impact factor has continued to rise each year since 2002.

• IJOPM publishes current, high quality research papers and topical special issues that undergo a rigorous but constructive review by international experts in the field.

The official journal of the European Operations Management Association

The International Journal of

Logistics Management

International Journal of

Operations & Production Management

Volume: 22Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 31Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Online archiveAbstracts 1990 - dateFull text 1990 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1980 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorsScott B. KellerUniversity of West Florida, USA

Professor Chandra S. LalwaniUniversity of Hull Logistics Institute, UK

EditorsProfessor Steve Brown, Dr Harry Maddern, Professor Roger Maull and Professor Andi Smart University of Exeter Business School, UK




This journal is indexed by

“International Journal of Operations & Production Management is one of the best operations management journals to address both academic rigour and practical relevance. As an applied researcher, this makes IJOPM one of my preferred choices for publication.”Professor Henrique Corrêa, Crummer Graduate School of Business, USA

This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Operations and Logistics Management Journals


International Journal of

Physical Distribution & LogisticsManagement

Volume 41 Number 1/2 2011ISSN 0960-0035


International Journal of

Quality and ServiceSciences

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1756-669X


ISSN: 0960-0035

ISSN: 1756-669X



International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management (IJPDLM) aims to align the academic and practical elements of physical distribution, logistics and supply chain management through the publication of readable and practical papers containing academically rigorous research.

Coverage includes: Distribution costing and planning; emerging technology in the field; materials and purchasing management; performance measurement and

management; outsourcing; supply chain issues; and transport and inventory management.

Benefits and features • A lively forum for the discussion and exchange of

ideas on logistics and supply chain management.• Identified as the second most valuable journal in

terms of “research usefulness” by academics in the field in a 2009 study.

• Topical special issues on themes such as the sustainable agenda and energy efficiency.

The International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences (IJQSS) seeks to explore various aspects of quality and services as closely interrelated phenomena in the context of ongoing transformation processes of organizations and societies.

Coverage includes: Ontology and epistemology of service and quality science; emerging service society; service economy and postmodern workplace; sustainable development of quality and service; emerging

trends, such as “Health consumption”, wellbeing/wellness industry, eco-tourism, eco-efficiency; and processes and operations management for service and quality.

Benefits and features• IJQSS seeks to embrace a holistic,

multidisciplinary view of service sector management.

• IJQSS has a unique focus explicitly promoting the emerging field of “service science”.

International Journal of

Physical Distribution & Logistics Management

International Journal of

Quality and Service Sciences

Volume: 41Print Issues: 10Internet Issues: 10

Volume: 3Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1971 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorsProfessor Michael R. Crum and Professor Richard F. Poist JrIowa State University, USA

EditorProfessor Su Mi Dahlgaard-Park Institute of Service Management, Lund University, Sweden



“Our studies indicate that published research in operations management has, over the years, been moving away from heavily analytical and axiomatic analyses based on artificial reconstructions of managerial phenomena toward more interpretive analyses based on direct observations of these phenomena. The International Journal of Operations & Production Management has been leading this trend among operations management journals for a long time. We have also noticed that the rigor of the research published in IJOPM has increased substantially over the past 20 years, and especially in the last decade.”Jack Meredith, Wake Forest University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Operations and Logistics Management Journals

Journal of

Humanitarian Logisticsand Supply ChainManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-6747


Journal of


Volume 19 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1741-038X


Journal of

Science and TechnologyPolicy in China

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1758-552X


ISSN: 2042-6747

ISSN: 1741-038X

ISSN: 1758-552X




The Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management (JHLSCM) publishes state-of-the-art research, utilizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches, in the field of humanitarian and development aid logistics and supply chain management.

Coverage includes:Humanitarian logistics; emergency logistics; disaster relief operations; supply chain management in disaster relief; development aid logistics and supply chain management; assessing and managing supply chain vulnerability; managing supply chain

disruptions; measuring performance in humanitarian supply chains; and decision making in humanitarian supply chains.

Benefits and features• Articles advance science in this field.• Provides practitioners with insights.• Creates a lively and valuable forum for

discussion and exchange of ideas, so that greater effectiveness of humanitarian operations can be achieved of value to beneficiaries.

Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (JMTM) provides international coverage of subjects relating to the management of manufacturing technology and the integration of the design, production, marketing and supply functions of enterprises.

Coverage includes: Technological innovation; technology transfer and dissemination; sustainable production and “green” manufacturing; global manufacturing networks and international operations; automation of manufacturing processes and systems; human

factors, work organization and workforce demographics; and strategy formulation relating to manufacturing operations and technologies.

Benefits and features • Readable and practical papers offer expert

advice on all aspects of manufacturing and technology management, from problem solving to strategy and technological investment.

• Publication of articles which aim to advance understanding of the latest ideas and practices in the field and encourage further research.

The rise of China is reshaping the global “science and technology landscape” and is having a great influence on the policies of the world’s governments, industrial firms, and universities. The significance of these developments affects the future growth and the competitive position of China within the global economy, which will be discussed in the research papers submitted to the Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China (JSTPC).

Coverage includes:JSTPC publishes research articles in the field of policy and management of innovation, R&D, science and technology relative to China under the globalized context.

Benefits and features • JSTPC aims to offer a fluid debate on science

and technology issues in the hope of influencing the wider community of policy makers and contributors.

Journal of

Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Journal of

Manufacturing Technology Management

Journal of

Science and Technology Policy in China

Volume: 1Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 22Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 2Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1990 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

EditorsDr Gyöngyi Kovács and Professor Karen SpensHanken School of Economics, Finland

EditorProfessor David BennettAston Business School, UK

EditorsDr Jiang Yu Chinese Academy of Sciences, PR China

Professor John Adams Edinburgh Napier University, UK





New La




t Lau



Business, Management and Economics

Operations and Logistics Management Journals


Journal of

TechnologyManagement in China

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-8779


Published in association with

Strategic OutsourcingAn International Journal

Volume 2 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1753-8297


Supply ChainManagementAn International Journal

Volume 13 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1359-8546


ISSN: 1746-8779

ISSN: 1753-8297

ISSN: 1359-8546




China’s accession to the World Trade Organization has led to opportunities and challenges for international communities. Many failed international joint ventures indicate that, to some extent for foreign firms, operating in China is risky. The Journal of Technology Management in China (JTMC) is committed to publishing research within the technology and knowledge transfer, technology and business strategy and technology management fields in China.

Coverage includes: Technology management; technology transfer; Chinese business and culture; knowledge transfer

and sharing; technology economics and business strategy; and entrepreneurship and innovation management.

Benefits and features• The only journal to focus exclusively on research

of technology management and technology transfer in China.

• The journal encourages theoretical and applied research papers which identify good practice.

Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal (SOIJ) provides an authoritative and independent forum for the critical evaluation and dissemination of research relating to the design, implementation and undertaking of strategic outsourcing, placing a strong emphasis on applied research with relevant implications for both knowledge and practice.

Coverage includes: New business/process/operations models; business process reengineering; localization issues and international management; supplier/partner selection; and collaboration and supply chain management.

Benefits and features • Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives

from all relevant sectors and subject fields ensure broad applicability and interest.

• International and cross-cultural coverage provides insight into the differences in outsourcing practice across regions and countries.

• Research by leading authors in the field, such as Douglas Brown, Erran Carmel, Bill Hefley, Mary C. Lacity, Ronan McIvor and Leslie P. Willcocks.

Supply Chain Management: An International Journal (SCM) publishes multidisciplinary research which extends beyond the buyer-supplier interface. The journal aims to encourage the development and implementation of supply chain systems which achieve higher levels of service and substantial savings in costs.

Coverage includes: Contractual relationships; data interchange and vertical integration; Just-in-time; and risk management.

Benefits and features • A high journal impact factor signifies that the

papers published are drawn on by other academics in the field.

• Insights from industry provide practitioners and researchers with an understanding of the latest developments and best practice in the field.

• High quality, multi-disciplinary research papers further thought and encourage future research.

Journal of

Technology Management in China

Strategic OutsourcingAn International Journal

Supply Chain ManagementAn International Journal

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 4Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 16Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1996 - dateFull text 1996 - date

EditorDr Richard Li-HuaSalford Business School, Salford University, UK

EditorDr Marco BusiCarisma r.c.t. Ltd, UK

EditorDr Beverly WagnerUniversity of Strathclyde, UK




Published in association with

This journal is indexed by

Organization Studies

Business, Management and Economics

Organization Studies Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Organization Studies Journals

International Journal of

Organizational Analysis

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1934-8835


Journal of


Volume 21 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0953-4814


ISSN: 1934-8835

ISSN: 0953-4814



The International Journal of Organizational Analysis (IJOA) aims to provide a robust and discursive forum for the study and analysis of organization. It looks at the critical impact of disciplines as experienced by people in organizations and society with the aim of improving life in, and experience of, organizations.

Coverage includes:Organization theory; organization behaviour; organization development; organizational learning;

strategic and change management; business and its interrelationship with society; and ethics and morals, spirituality.

Benefits and features: • A new editorial team in 2010 has brought clarity

and focus to the journal.• Rather than theory remaining primarily an

exercise played out in the academy, the journal is interested in developing the application of theory into practice.

The Journal of Organizational Change Management (JOCM) is unique in its ability to set the management and organizational change and development agenda, by analysing new approaches and research theories. International and interdisciplinary in its approach, the journal offers a wealth of valuable material to the organization committed to the choice for change.

Coverage includes:Adapting strategic planning to the need for change; leadership research; responsibility for change

implementation and follow-through; the psychology of change and its effect on the workforce; and TQM – will it work in your organization?

Benefits and features• International and interdisciplinary in its approach,

the journal offers a wealth of valuable material to the organization committed to the choice for change.

International Journal of

Organizational Analysis

Journal of

Organizational Change Management

Volume: 19Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 24Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1993 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorDr Peter StokesUniversity of Central Lancashire, UK

EditorProfessor Slawomir MagalaErasmus University, The Netherlands




This journal is indexed by

“Journal of Organizational Change Management is definitely more innovative, more inclusive (postmodern, environmental entrepreneurship, spirituality to critical theory and everything in between), and of course constantly challenging the status quo.”Ram Tenkasi, Benedictine University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Organization Studies Journals


Leadership & OrganizationDevelopmentJournal

Volume 30 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0143-7739


The LearningOrganizationThe international journal ofknowledge and organizationallearning management

Volume 15 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0969-6474


Qualitative Research inOrganizations andManagementAn International Journal

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-5648


ISSN: 0143-7739

ISSN: 0969-6474

ISSN: 1746-5648




The Leadership & Organization Development Journal (LODJ) examines the body of management theory around leadership and organizations in order to discover new, more effective ways of managing in organizations. The journal explores the practical application of leadership and organization development theory in order to identify its relevance for managerial practice.

Coverage includes: The journal addresses a broad range of topics which are relevant to organizations and reflective of societal developments.

Benefits and features• Examines the body of management theory

around leadership and organizations in order to discover new, more effective ways of managing in organizations.

• Explores the practical application of leadership and organization development theory in order to identify its relevance for managerial practice.

Much is talked about in terms of the theory of “learning organizations”. The Learning Organization (TLO) explains the conceptual underpinnings and practices which are most beneficial to companies pursuing such strategies. TLO aims to bring new ideas, debate issues, introduce innovative methods and offer practical case studies to practitioners, consultants, researchers and students world-wide.

Coverage includes: Learning organizations; knowledge integration;

globalization; communities of practice; systems dynamics; and e-learning.

Benefits and features • TLO publishes practical examples, case histories

and illustrations from international sources, to show the reader how to implement the culture of learning.

• The journal endeavours to broaden readers’ understanding of the term “learning organization” and to appreciate its changing relevance.

Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management (QROM) is an international journal committed to encouraging and publishing qualitative work from researchers and practitioners within the management and organizational field throughout the world.

Coverage includes:Qualitative research methodology and research practice; strategic management; public sector management; entrepreneurship and small business;

marketing; human resource management; organizational theory and behaviour; employment relations; industrial/organizational psychology; finance and accounting; information systems; and technology, innovation and operations management.

Benefits and features• QROM provides an overview of the current state-

of-the-art qualitative methods in management and organizational research alongside excellent examples of applied qualitative empirical work.

Leadership & Organization Development Journal

The Learning OrganizationThe international journal of knowledge and organizational learning management

Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management An International Journal

Volume: 32Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 18Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1980 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1994 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorProfessor Marie McHughUlster Business School, University of Ulster, UK

EditorProfessor Deborah Blackman University of Canberra, Australia

EditorsProfessor Catherine CassellUniversity of Manchester, UK

Dr Gillian SymonUniversity of London, UK




Business, Management and Economics

Organization Studies Books


ISSN: 1475-9152


Appreciative Inquiry has touched and affected the lives of thousands who apply its principles in a wide range of settings, including industry, government, spiritual and not-for-profit organizations.

Coverage includes:The Advances in Appreciative Inquiry series advocates an organizational science that focuses on advancing a scholarship of positive human organizations, positive relationships and positive modalities of change, which promise to be of world benefit for individuals, organizations and communities.

The book series is dedicated to building such a discipline through the advancement of Appreciative Inquiry as an approach to organizational inquiry and human development, and through the interdisciplinary articulation of non-deficit theories of positive change processes in human systems. Guided by the ethos of Appreciative Inquiry, the book series supports a relentless inquiry into the true, the good, the better and the possible. It is dedicated to advancing a “scholarship of the positive” and “positive scholarship”.

Advances in Appreciative Inquiry

Series EditorsProfessor David CooperriderCase Western Reserve University, USA

Professor Michel AvitalUniversity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ISSN: 1475-9144


Research in Multi-Level Issues is an annual series that provides an outlet for the discussion of multi-level problems and solutions across a variety of fields of study. Using a scientific debate format of a key scholarly essay followed by commentaries and a rebuttal, we present, in this series, theoretical work, significant empirical studies, methodological developments, analytical techniques, and

philosophical treatments to advance the field of multi-level studies, regardless of disciplinary perspective.

Coverage includes:Five “critical essays” are presented in each volume that offer extensive literature reviews, new model developments, methodological advancements, and some data for the study of multi-level issues.

Research in Multi-Level Issues

Series EditorTo be appointed

ISSN: 0897-3016


The Research in Organizational Change and Development series is devoted to addressing the most important, challenging and exciting issues emerging in the fields of organizational change and organization development today. The articles in the series are contributed by leading academics, many of whom call upon their knowledge of previous literature and research or their time consulting with complex organizations in formulating their points of view. While the series is primarily devoted to advancing research on the topic of organizational change, scholarly practitioners will find much of value here to guide their thinking and shape the future of their efforts.

Coverage includes:The topics addressed in the series are familiar to those who know the fields of organization development and organization change. These include:• Offering new frameworks to understand change

dynamics, resistance to change, or other social processes related to change.

• Evaluating the comparative effectiveness of different approaches to change.

• Developing new organizational capabilities via change and development efforts.

Research in Organizational Change and Development

Series EditorsProfessor William PasmoreCenter for Creative Leadership, USA

Professor Richard WoodmanTexas A+M University, USA

Professor Abraham B. (Rami) ShaniCalifornia Polytechnic State University, USA

Business, Management and Economics

Organization Studies Books


ISSN: 0733-558X


Research in the Sociology of Organizations is an international series that examines cutting edge theoretical, methodological and research issues in organizational sociology.

Coverage includes:It is especially concerned with specifying the unique contributions of sociological theories and research

techniques to the analysis of organizations. In addition to publishing original research, each volume aims to foster debate about the value of new theories and research to the growing international community of organizational scholars.

Research in the Sociology of Organizations

Series EditorProfessor Michael LounsburyUniversity of Alberta, Canada

ISSN: 1746-9791


The annual series, Research on Emotion in Organizations, presents empirical and conceptual articles at the forefront of research in this burgeoning area. Ignored for much of the previous century, the study of affect and emotion and their antecedents and consequences in organizations is currently generating a torrent of new research. Chapters, sourced in part from the biennial International Conferences on Emotion and Worklife, represent a cross-section of cutting-edge scholarship in the field and feature contributions from established leading scholars

as well as the “rising stars” in the field. As such, the series plays a leading role in driving an exciting new field of research, and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Coverage includes:Topics range across all levels of research and include the effects on organizational behavior of mood and affective events, emotional labor and its effects, emotional intelligence, emotion and leadership, emotion and moral behavior, emotion and decision making, and the causes and effects of anger in the workplace.

Research on Emotion in Organizations

Series EditorsNeal M. AshkanasyUniversity of Queensland, Australia,

Wilfred J. ZerbeUniversity of Calgary, Canada

Charmine E. J. HärtelMonash University, Australia

“Research in the Sociology of Organizations is a unique and valuable resource for organizational scholars. Each volume includes articles by top scholars organized around a central theme – the sociology of entrepreneurship, comparative studies of organizations, change in culture industries, the financial crisis – providing a single point of entry into findings and debates in the contemporary literature. I look forward to every volume.”Professor Jerry Davis, University of Michigan, USA

Performance Management and Measurement

Business, Management and Economics

Performance Management and Measurement Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Performance Management and Measurement Journals

International Journal of

Productivity andPerformanceManagement

Volume 57 Numbers 1 2008

ISSN 1741-0401


Measuring BusinessExcellenceThe journal of organizationalperformance management

Volume 12 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1368-3047


Team PerformanceManagementAn International Journal

Volume 14 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1352-7592


ISSN: 1741-0401

ISSN 1368-3047

ISSN: 1352-7592




The International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (IJPPM) aims to address new developments and thinking to improve individual, group and organizational performance. It seeks to develop an understanding in and across manufacturing, service and public sector organizations. The journal includes both peer reviewed research papers and a “Reflective Practice” section, which includes practical examples and case studies.

Coverage includes:Organizational design and methods; performance management; performance measurement tools and

techniques; process analysis; and quality and business excellence management.

Benefits and features• Learn about new techniques and approaches to

help improve individual, group or organizational performance.

• Explore the strategic implications of performance measurement and management systems.

• Discover practical applications of performance measurement and management, in the Reflective Practice section.

To be the best in its class, a business needs to have efficient business processes, optimize resources, motivate people and satisfy customers. Measuring Business Excellence (MBE) provides international insights into non-financial ways to measure business performance. It is essential reading for those who need to attain sustainable competitive advantage in an ever changing business environment.

Coverage includes:Balanced scorecard; business metrics; future directions; performance measurement schemes;

tests for business excellence; predictive planning; and sustainable development indicators.

Benefits and features• Apply the principles of business excellence to the

practical day-to-day running of your organization.• Keep abreast of key issues and emerging trends

in the field.• Participate in an international exchange of

knowledge, ideas and information.

Team Performance Management (TPM) contributes to the successful implementation and development of work teams and team-based organizations by providing a forum for sharing experience and learning. The journal seeks to bridge the gap between research and practice by publishing articles where the claims are evidence-based and practical. TPM also helps readers to successfully implement and develop work teams through its mix of case studies, application papers and reviews.

Coverage includes: Team-based organizations; measurement, rewards and compensation; information systems; successful team building; learning organizations; and knowledge management.

Benefits and features• The journal publishes case studies on teaming

from a variety of industry sectors.• TPM’s content is keenly-focused on managerial


International Journal of

Productivity and Performance Management

Measuring Business ExcellenceThe journal of organizational performance management

Team Performance ManagementAn International Journal

Volume: 60Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 15Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 17Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Online archiveAbstracts 1952 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1997 - dateFull text 2000 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

EditorsDr Thomas F. BurgessLeeds University Business School, UK

John HeapNational Productivity Centre, UK

EditorsDr Jos van Iwaarden RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands

Professor Giovanni Schiuma Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Italy

EditorsDr Fiona LetticeUniversity of East Anglia, UK

Dr Martin McCracken University of Ulster, UK





Regional Management Studies

Business, Management and Economics

Regional Management Studies Journals

Business, Management and Economics

Regional Management Studies Journals


African Journal ofEconomic andManagement Studies

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 2040-0705


Baltic Journal ofManagement

Volume 3 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1746-5265


Chinese ManagementStudies

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-614X


ISSN: 2040-0705

ISSN: 1746-5265

ISSN: 1750-614X




The African Journal of Economic and Management Studies (AJEMS) aims to advance both theoretical and empirical research, inform policies and practices, and improve understanding of how economic and business decisions shape the lives of Africans. AJEMS carries a section entitled “Practitioner Perspectives.” The aim is to encourage practitioner engagement in discussions about management challenges facing Africa today.

Coverage includes:AJEMS is a multidisciplinary journal and welcomes papers from all the major disciplines in economics,

business and management studies including: management, marketing, strategy, finance and investment, organizational management, international trade, business economics, entrepreneurship and economic development. AJEMS accepts papers that may have a continental or region of country focus.

Benefits and features• AJEMS places management and leadership at

the centre-stage of business and organizational research in Africa.

The Baltic Journal of Management (BJM) contributes to an understanding of different management cultures and provides readers with a fresh look at emerging management practices and research in the Baltic region and beyond. BJM is the only journal that actively encourages dialogue between Baltic management researchers and supports research from the region.

Coverage includes: Management decisions; strategic management; marketing; human resource management; decision making and problem solving; operations and quality management; innovation and enterprise; corporate social responsibility; and financial management.

Benefits and features • Acts as a forum for the debate and publication of

papers which establish a virtual bridge between East and West management research.

• Published in partnership with the Baltic Management Development Association (BMDA), which has over 50 members across 16 countries.

Chinese Management Studies (CMS) provides a unique and insightful approach to documenting and disseminating research into Chinese processes of managing enterprises, firms and corporations. Integrating both qualitative and quantitative research, it provides in-depth analysis of Chinese managerial thinking, philosophy and processes, and empirical pieces on Chinese management.

Coverage includes: Indigenous Chinese values and management practices; Chinese economy and the global economy; managerial styles; business strategy; business culture and ethics; foreign trade and

investment; managing enterprise growth and change; state-owned enterprises; individual and group behaviour within corporations; HR management; and marketing in Chinese economies.

Benefits and features • Documents the thinking, philosophy and

strategies of key Chinese academics and CEOs.• Emphasizes both “soft” and empirical approaches

to Chinese management.• Publishes papers that highlight the differences in

management styles across Chinese regions/provinces.

African Journal of Economic and Management Studies

Baltic Journal of Management

Chinese Management Studies

Volume: 2Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

EditorProfessor John Kuada Aalborg University, Denmark

EditorDr Asta Pundziene ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania

EditorDr Check Teck Foo The ASEAN Office (Singapore), City University of New York, Singapore





t Lau



This journal is indexed by

Business, Management and Economics

Regional Management Studies Journals


EuroMed Journal of Business

Volume 4 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1450-2194


The official journal of

Supported by

Journal of

Asia Business Studies

Volume 4 Number 2 2010ISSN 1558-7894


ISSN: 1450-2194

ISSN: 1558-7894



EuroMed Journal of Business (EMJB) is the only journal that stimulates and nourishes dialogue between European-Mediterranean researchers and encourages research from the EuroMed region. The journal aims to reveal and emphasize the best practice and research of developed and developing countries in the area. By doing so, EMJB contributes to the development of knowledge and understanding for contemporary management developments, trends and challenges.

Coverage includes: Management decision making; strategic management; marketing; human resource management; financial economics and services; management information

systems; innovation and enterprise; corporate social responsibility; operations, quality and supply chain management; hospitality, sports and tourism; and shipping and logistics.

Benefits and features • Enables both academics and practitioners to

keep up-to-date with business developments in European and Mediterranean countries.

• The official journal of the EuroMed Research Business Institute.

• The journal’s editorial board is reinforced with leading names in business and management.

Journal of Asia Business Studies (JABS) aims to identify and highlight theoretical and practical issues faced by companies, foreign or local, competing in the booming markets of Asia, and by Asian corporations in challenging Western markets, and to disseminate knowledge and information about theoretical advancement and best practices regarding Asia business.

Coverage includes:Accounting; e-commerce; entrepreneurship; ethics; finance; international business; management; marketing; and strategy.

Benefits and features• Explore the issues affecting Asian businesses

and businesses operating in Asia.• Gain practical advice on business in Asia through

Executive Viewpoints from leading professionals.• Learn from case studies of business in the

region.• Gain an understanding of the different issues

affecting different Asian countries.

EuroMed Journal of Business

Journal of

Asia Business Studies

Volume: 6Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 5Print Issues: 2Internet Issues: 2

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2006 - dateFull text 2006 - date

EditorsProf. Dr Demetris Vrontis and Dr Petros LoisUniversity of Nicosia, Cyprus

Editors-in-ChiefRoger (Rongxin) Chen and Nicholas S. P. TayUniversity of San Francisco, USA



The official journal of Supported by

“The EuroMed Journal of Business fills an important niche. I have been looking over the last three volumes of the journal and I can see a clear profile for this journal emerging. There is a focused regional business approach, a special treatment accorded to the entrepreneur and the SME and also the application of management and theory within the context of the region. It serves a geographical region and business within it. The journal has been able to consistently attract a number of good quality research papers from established academics in the field.”Professor Stan Paliwoda, Professor of Marketing, University of Strathclyde, UK


t Acq




Business, Management and Economics

Regional Management Studies Journals

Nankai BusinessReview International

Volume 1 Number 1 2010ISSN 2040-8749


Management ResearchThe Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management

Volume 8 Number 1 2010ISSN 1536-5433


The official journal of

Journal of

Indian BusinessResearch

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1755-4195


ISSN: 2040-8749

ISSN: 1536-5433

ISSN: 1755-4195




With Chinese business as the focus, the Nankai Business Review International (NBRI) examines the Chinese adaptation of American and European management theory. The journal traces traditional Chinese management practices and how applicable they are, within the current transitional economy. NBRI also studies the relationship between Chinese enterprises’ management practice, social evolution and the pattern of Chinese enterprises’ management practice.

Coverage includes:NBRI publishes papers on corporate governance, strategy management, operational practices, business management in China and comparative issues between China and the West.

Benefits and features• NBRI show-cases comprehensive research about

Chinese management and its evolution, and cultural differences between Chinese and Western managers through a historical and realistic lens.

Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management (MRJIAM) is an international journal dedicated to the advancement of management in private and public sector organizations with an Iberoamerican focus. MRJIAM aims to improve the understanding of the nature of management and what this means across different contexts, countries and cultures with the overall objective of providing an international dialogue between researchers. Although MRJIAM considers itself to be a supranational journal, it is especially dedicated to fostering the general advancement

of management scholarship among Iberoamerican scholars and academics interested in Iberoamerican issues.

Coverage includes:MRJIAM is a multidisciplinary journal and welcomes papers from all the major disciplines in management and organization studies.

Benefits and features• Authors can submit their papers in English,

Spanish or Portuguese for review purposes, although all papers will be published in English.

The Journal of Indian Business Research (JIBR) is a leading specialist reference resource of academic information and analysis on Indian business. JIBR publishes articles that facilitate a new understanding of Indian business, while simultaneously making significant contributions to the theoretical advancement of the discipline.

Coverage includes:JIBR publishes research pertaining to all functional aspects of business, such as marketing, finance,

accounting, management information systems, human resource management, organizational behaviour, public systems, strategic management and services.

Benefits and features• The Journal of Indian Business Research is a

leading specialist reference resource of academic information and analysis on Indian business.

Nankai Business Review International

Management ResearchThe Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management

Journal of

Indian Business Research

Volume: 2Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 9Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 3Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2003 - dateFull text 2003 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorProfessor Li Wei’an,Nankai University, PR China

EditorProfessor Rita Campos e CunhaUniversidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

EditorsDr G. ShaineshIndian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIMB), India

Dr Avinandan MukherjeeMontclair State University, USA






t Lau




Business, Management and Economics

Strategy Journals and Books

Business, Management and Economics

Strategy Journals

Business StrategySeries

2010formerly Handbook of Business Strategy

Volume 11 Number 1 2010ISSN 1751-5637


foresightThe journal of futures studies, strategicthinking and policy

Volume 10 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1463-6689


Journal of

Business StrategyKeeping customers in a recession

Five competitive forces of leadership

Six Sigma and corporate communications

The power of vision statements

Innovation archetypes

Volume 30 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0275-6668


ISSN: 1751-5637

ISSN: 1463-6689

ISSN: 0275-6668




Business Strategy Series (BSS) provides busy managers with a comprehensive series of executive briefings on a whole range of issues central to all cutting-edge corporate strategies.

Coverage includes:Leadership; human resource management; markets and marketing, and technology and processing.

Benefits and features• BSS is the only journal to separate its articles

into themed issues – so you know exactly where to go for what.

• You are in good company – readers include senior executives at Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and Lego Group.

• The journal is produced in such a format that the articles are concise and only highlight the real points for practice – you will not get lost in theoretical jargon.

foresight (FS) is an important vehicle for the publication of research, business analysis and policy thinking. The journal provides an effective forum for debate on the important social, economic, political and technological issues, which are shaping all our futures, and is an invaluable source of information about futures activity from around the world. foresight is intended as a valuable resource for those in business, organizations and government.

Coverage includes: Social, political and economic science; sustainable development; horizon scanning; and management of uncertainty, complexity and risk.

Benefits and features• foresight is the only futures studies journal which

strikes a balance between the needs of academics, business and policy makers.

• The journal’s articles aim to draw out the practical implications for decision makers in business and government.

Journal of Business Strategy (JBS) publishes articles designed to help readers develop successful business strategies across all industries. Written in magazine rather than scholarly format, the articles focus on the practical aspect of business theories and implications for real life business situations.

Coverage includes:Corporate governance; marketing strategy; developments in the global economy; mergers & acquisition integration; HR issues; strategic management; innovation; leadership; and strategic planning.

Benefits and features• Covers a wide variety of strategy ideas which can

be applied at many levels of business.• Includes case studies with non-industry-specific

applications. • Regular articles from Presidents and CEOs of

major corporations.

Business Strategy Series

foresightThe journal of futures studies, strategic thinking and policy

Journal of

Business Strategy

Volume: 12Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 13Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 32Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2004 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1980 - dateFull text 2003 - date

EditorProfessor Alfred LewisMontreat College, USA

EditorDr Ozcan Saritas University of Manchester, UK

EditorNanci Healy Consultant, USA





Business, Management and Economics

Strategy Journals


Journal of

Strategy andManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1755-425X


Strategic Direction

Volume 24 Number 1 January 2008

ISSN 0258-0543


Strategy &LeadershipInside Issue 1 – Expecting theunexpected

• Short-term economic scenarios• The discontinuity mindset• The smarter supply chain of the future• Innovating on a firm’s strategic frontier• Sharing competencies• Lessons for building a brand in China

Volume 36 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1087-8572


ISSN: 1755-425X

ISSN: 0258-0543

ISSN 1087-8572




The Journal of Strategy and Management (JSMA) provides broad and unrivalled coverage of all aspects of strategic management. With a unique focus on behavioural research, it aims to inform both research and practice in the field.

Coverage includes:All facets of strategic management in both private and public organizations including: strategic decision making and strategy implementation;

competition; alliances and partnering; mergers and acquisitions; joint ventures; new ventures; innovation; entrepreneurship and creativity; globalization; knowledge management; resource leverage; and corporate social responsibility.

Benefits and features• JSMA publishes high-quality research articles

with clear indications for practice to ensure relevance and applicability.

Strategic Direction (SD) is an essential management information resource for today’s strategic thinkers. As a unique service it scans through the best 400 management journals in the world and distils the most topical issues. Each briefing is prepared by an independent writer who adds their own impartial comments and puts the arguments in context.

Coverage includes: Defining the strategic intent of your organization; initiating change; learning from global competitors; managing information technology; protecting your technological lead; and procuring competitive information.

Benefits and features• Save valuable management time by accessing

the best management research through our easy-to-digest reviews.

• Keep up-to-date with management developments worldwide.

• Track the successes or failures of strategies undertaken by the Fortune 500 companies.

Strategy & Leadership (S&L) provides informed opinion from leading specialists; looks at strategies, tools and techniques from an objective position and explains the how and why of strategy and leadership in order to keep you clearly focused.

Coverage includes:Leadership; corporate governance; human resources; marketing; growth; strategy planning and execution; company crises; innovation; excellence; mergers and acquisitions; and case studies.

Benefits and features• S&L authors are often senior executives from

large successful companies, so the articles are full of real-life practical advice.

• Readers of the journal include Ernst & Young, Accenture, Siemens, Guardian Media Group, and the Australian Tourist Commission – so you are in good company.

Journal of

Strategy and Management

Strategic Direction

Strategy & Leadership

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 27Print Issues: 11Internet Issues: 11

Volume: 39Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2002 - dateFull text 2002 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1975 - dateFull text 2000 - date

EditorsProfessor Abby GhobadianHenley Management College, UK

Professor Nicholas O’Regan University of West of England, UK

EditorMartin FojtEmerald Group Publishing Limited, UK

EditorRobert RandallConsultant, USA




Business, Management and Economics

Strategy Books


ISSN: 0749-6826


Advances in Applied Business Strategy publishes peer-reviewed papers that explore the application of strategic management theory in management practice. While maintaining the highest standards of theoretical clarity and rigour in articulating theory relevant to strategic management, the series directly addresses the many practical and organizational challenges involved in successfully applying management theories in the strategic management process.

Coverage includes:Recent volumes include papers on the management of inter-firm interactions (both competitive and cooperative), internationalization processes, organizational learning, stakeholder development, organizational renewal, development of organizational competences, and competence-based strategies.

Advances in Applied Business Strategy

Series EditorsProfessor Ron SanchezCopenhagen Business School, Denmark

Professor Aimé HeeneGhent University, Belgium

ISSN: 1535-1203


As organizations and leadership become more global, there are pressing needs for better developed conceptual models and definitions of what is meant by global leadership. Further, there is a need to integrate models and empirical evidence from multiple cultures and from non-Western authors.The urgency of a deeper understanding of the nature and development of leaders who can be effective across multiple contexts and national boundaries has never been more apparent.

Advances in Global Leadership seeks to contribute to this understanding by presenting original papers by academics, practitioners and consultants actively engaged in global leadership from multiple perspectives.

Coverage includes:Leadership, international business, organizational behavior, international management and global leadership development processes.

Advances in Global Leadership

Series EditorDr William H. MobleyChina-Europe International Business School & Mobley Group Pacific Limited, PR China

ISSN: 1479-361X


What makes the Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions series stand out is its focus on all three characteristics that make up this research field – studies from scholars in different countries, with different research questions, relying on different theoretical perspectives. By bringing together a collection of papers by contributors, all of whom are tackling the same general phenomenon, this series offers something that cannot be easily replicated in other forums. Integrative and expansive in its choice of research questions and theoretical underpinnings, Advances in Mergers

& Acquisitions offers a unique perspective on this diffuse topic that helps scholars think about mergers and acquisitions in new ways, building the knowledge base on this critical topic.

Coverage includes:Strategy, organizational integration, culture, leadership, human resource planning, and financial analysis. The theories brought to bear help one to understand mergers and acquisitions from upper echelons theory to the resource-based view of the firm, competitive analysis, organizational trust, networks and knowledge management.

Advances in Mergers & Acquisitions

Series EditorsProfessor Sydney FinkelsteinDartmouth College, USA

Professor Cary CooperLancaster University, UK

Business, Management and Economics

Strategy Books


ISSN: 0742-3322


Advances in Strategic Management is dedicated to communicating innovative, new research that advances theory and practice in Strategic Management. The series is committed to expanding the scope of Strategic Management theory and analysis and enriching practice by encouraging multitheoretical approaches that span multiple social science disciplines, welcoming papers using a diversity of innovative research methods and creating

focused volumes that explore in depth, promising new research directions, consolidate research streams, and address significant current theoretical and practical problems.

Coverage includes:Corporate and business unit strategy, strategic organization and process, alliances and networks, and competitive dynamics.

Advances in Strategic Management

Series EditorProfessor Joel A. C. BaumUniversity of Toronto, Canada

ISSN: 1064-4857


The focus of this series is the international dimension of strategic management. In this series we publish original papers that deal with new issues in international strategic management.

Coverage includes:The strategies of multinational enterprises; the nature and extent of globalization as it applies

to firm strategy; network relationships and organizational structures relevant to international strategic management; theories of international management; the implications of international trade and investment agreements as they affect business strategy; and other thematic issues relevant to studies in international business strategy.

Research in Global Strategic Management

Series EditorProfessor Alan RugmanIndiana University, USA

ISSN: 1479-8387


This book series’ mission is to provide a forum for critique, commentary, and discussion about key methodology issues in the strategic management field.Strategic management relies on an array of complex methods drawn from various allied disciplines to examine how managers attempt to lead their firms toward success.The field is undergoing a rapid transformation in methodological rigour, and researchers face

many new challenges about how to conduct their research and in understanding the implications that are associated with their research choices.

Coverage includes:This book series seeks to bridge the gap between what researchers know and what they need to know about methodology.

Research Methodology in Strategy and Management

Series EditorsProfessor David J. Ketchen JrAuburn University, USA

Professor Donald D. BerghThe University of Denver, USA

Library and Information


Online products:Emerald Subject Collections

Journal and Book subject disciplines:Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections

Comprehensive coverage of Library

and Information Studies

Since 2010 Emerald has been a special partner of IFLA, cementing the good relationship which started during the IFLA/UAP Office at the British Library Document Supply Centre in the 1970s. Emerald has been an IFLA Gold Corporate Partner since 1998, and for over more than a decade it has strengthened its involvement in IFLA’s activities, culminating in the sponsorship of the IFLA International Marketing Award, support of some IFLA satellite meetings and support of IFLA library initiatives and activities in Africa.

IFLA is the leading body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. Its members are national library associations, libraries of all types (national, academic, public, special) and library and information educational institutions (faculties, schools) in approximately 150 countries. It aims to: • Promote high standards of provision and delivery of library and

information services

• Encourage widespread understanding of the value of good library and information services

• Represent the interests of its members throughout the world.IFLA’s worldwide membership represents the large and growing number of library and information professionals, estimated to be between 500,000 and 1 million! Librarians and information specialists get involved in the professional activities that IFLA performs, develop international contacts and contribute to the work of the Federation through IFLA groups called Sections.

Library and Information Studies

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections


Emerald Library and Information Studies eJournal Collection provides access to journal articles and Emerald Online Library and Information Studies Collection provides access to both journal articles and book chapters. As the leading publisher for LIS research, Emerald’s Library and Information Studies publications provide comprehensive and quality coverage in all areas of this field. Spanning a range of topics from collection building to library finances, to document supply and inter-library lending, this is an essential resource for information professionals, librarians, educators, students and researchers around the world.

Journals• Aslib Proceedings*

• Collection Building

• Interlending & Document Supply*

• Journal of Documentation *

• Library Hi Tech*

• Library Hi Tech News

• Library Management

• Library Review

• New Library World

• OCLC Systems & Services

“Emerald’s library and information science journals balance practice and innovation, ideas for today with research for tomorrow. Together they form a corpus that educates both the active professional and the student. Directors and beginners benefit equally from the international coverage and technology depth.”Michael Seadle, Editor, Library Hi Tech, Institute for Library and Information Sciences, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany.

• Online Information Review*

• Performance Measurement and Metrics

• Program*

• Reference Reviews

• Reference Services Review

• The Bottom Line

• The Electronic Library*

Book series• Advances in Librarianship • Advances in Library Administration and Organization• Library and Information Science

Features & benefits:• More than 40 per cent of the titles that form the Emerald Library and

Information Studies eJournal Collection receive Thomson Reuters impact factors, making them essential reading for all who are working in, researching or teaching this subject

• Library leaders are supported, as the quality and validity of the peer-reviewed journals provide sound evidence for decision making.

Subscription options:A subscription offers access to the archive articles and chapters as well as perpetual access to all the content published during the years to which you subscribe.

For more information about Emerald Subject Collections please contact collections@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/collectionsFind out about which titles are included on page 247.

In “special partnership” with the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)

* Indexed by

Articles published in Emerald journals, which are based on papers presented at IFLA conferences or report the work of IFLA Sections, feature the IFLA logo.

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals and Books

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals

Aslib ProceedingsNew information perspectives

Volume 61 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0001-253X


The Bottom LineManaging library finances

Volume 21 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0888-045X


Collection BuildingDedicated to all aspects of library collection development and maintenance from the practical to the theoretical

Volume 27 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0160-4953


ISSN: 0001-253X

ISSN: 0888-045X

ISSN: 0160-4953




Aslib Proceedings: New information perspectives (AP) provides perspectives from information managers, providers, packagers and consumers of all kinds, and especially those from the related fields of journalism, electronic publishing, communication and internet studies. The journal brings currency, authority and accessibility to the reporting of current research, issues and debates in the broad area of information work.

Coverage includes: Information science; librarianship; journalism; electronic publishing; communication and internet studies; new media; and digital health studies.

Benefits and features • AP is an interdisciplinary journal, providing a one-

stop shop for the latest developments in the information studies field.

• A swift, but rigorous review process ensures that the latest research and innovations in this field are published without loss of currency.

The Bottom Line (BL) is concerned not only with practical operational matters such as budgeting, costing, charging, and fundraising but also with how this fits into the financial management of the organizations in which libraries and information services operate, e.g. academic institutions, local government, cultural institutions and companies. It covers the broad areas of accounting and auditing policy and practice; financial governance; taxation; regulation and compliance; and performance management and metrics.

Coverage includes: Financial reporting; asset management; risk assessment; investment; liabilities; credit control; HRM; health and safety; environment; and economics.

Benefits and features• The only international journal devoted to the

financial aspects of library operations.

Collection Building (CB) aims to provide well-researched and authoritative information on collection development for librarians in academic, public, company and special libraries. It will provide practical information on resource sharing, maximizing restricted budgets and the implications of change, particularly in the area of information technology. It will maintain a balance between theory and practice; continue to expand its international coverage; provide bibliographic essays to assist collection development librarians; and help librarians to improve their service to users.

Coverage includes: Collection development; resource sharing; new information formats; discussion on collection development policies and sample collection policies; and guidance on evaluating electronic resources for library collection.

Benefits and features • Focuses solely on collections.• Covers public sector developments.• Includes international as well as North American

perspectives for a broader perspective.

Aslib ProceedingsNew information perspectives

The Bottom LineManaging library finances

Collection Building

Volume: 63Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 24Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 30Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1949 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1988 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1978 - dateFull text 1996 - date

EditorProfessor David NicholasUniversity College London, UK

EditorDr Bradford Lee EdenUniversity of California Santa Barbara, USA

EditorDr Kay Ann CassellRutgers University, USA





This journal is indexed by

Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals


The Electronic LibraryThe international journal for the application of technology in information environments

Volume 27 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0264-0473


Interlending &Document Supply

Volume 36 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0264-1615


Journal of


Volume 64 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0022-0418


ISSN: 0264-0473

ISSN: 0264-1615

ISSN: 0022-0418




The Electronic Library (EL) aims to be a comprehensive source of information and knowledge on the applications and implications of new information and communication technologies, automation, user interfaces, networks and the web in all types of libraries, information centres and museums throughout the world.

Coverage includes: Libraries and the web; the digital library; software and hardware developments; library automation;

integrated library systems, OPACs; user interfaces – web usability; internet access and use; e-books and e-journals; e-governance and e-readiness; and online and distance learning.

Benefits and features • Regularly publishes the best work out of the

LIANZA, ALIA and ZA-WWW conferences.• Provides a broad experience, by informing

readers regarding things about which they might not otherwise hear.

The principal aim of libraries and information centres is to provide relevant and timely information to their client group. Interlending & Document Supply (ILDS) offers expert analysis and practical recommendations on all aspects of the supply of information through the library network. It evaluates traditional methods, as well as new approaches made possible through technological innovation, both nationally and internationally.

Coverage includes: Networking and resource sharing; copyright issues; worldwide developments in new technology; international interlibrary lending and document supply activity; and international co-operation.

Benefits and features • ILDS is viewed as the best international journal in

the field.• The journal regularly publishes literature reviews.

Journal of Documentation (JD) has been publishing the best in information research for over six decades. This highly regarded journal, with its long and distinguished history, provides a forum for the dissemination of scholarly articles, research reports and critical reviews in the information sciences. It provides a link between research and scholarship and reflective professional practice, so that all are informed and enhanced. The journal regularly achieves the highest citation ratings in Thomson Reuters (ISI) for comparable titles.

Coverage includes: Information science and librarianship; information and knowledge management, and information retrieval; records management and archiving; national and international information policy; human information behaviour and the sociology of information; and information and digital literacies.

The Electronic LibraryThe international journal for the application of technology in information environments

Interlending & Document Supply

Journal of


Volume: 29Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 39Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 67Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1973 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1945 - dateFull text 1997 - date

EditorDr David Raitt

EditorMike McGrathConsultant and Former Head of UK Marketing, The British Library, UK

EditorProfessor David BawdenCity University, London, UK




This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals

Library Hi Tech

Volume 26 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0737-8831


LIBRARY HI TECH NEWS Number 1 2010, pp. 1-3, # Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 0741-9058, DOI 10.1108/07419051011034103 1

The Charleston Conference focuses onacquisitions and collection developmentissues. This year as always theconference confirmed the ever changinglibrary scene. The conference beganwith an optimistic presentation byDavid Lankes, Director, InformationInstitute of Syracuse, SyracuseUniversity, in which he said that ‘‘thebest years of librarianship are ahead ofus.’’ Lankes stated that librarians can beleaders in this new knowledge age. Hepointed to the shift away from theownership of artifacts, i.e. materials, andto rentals, i.e. subscriptions. In additionto this trend Lankes sees libraries as theplace for the creation of knowledgethrough conversations in libraries. Hesays that the mission of libraries isto improve society through facilitatingknowledge transfer.

In the collection development arealibraries are investigating e-books ande-book packages as well as user-drivenacquisitions. Two librarians from theUniversity of Vermont, Albert Joy andPeter Spitzform, reported on user-drivenacquisitions. They cited studies thatshow that library collections often existin isolation and that librarians are notgood at determining what materialswill be used. The University of VermontLibrary found that books ordered forpatron requests circulated twice as oftenas those ordered the usual way. The onedown side to this way of working is that

if we do not buy monographs when theyare published, perhaps they will not beavailable when we want them. Anotherpanel on ‘‘Libraries Without Print’’explored several university librarymodels. For example, Robert Murdock atthe Brigham Young University Librarydiscussed the library’s concentration onacquiring and supplying e-materials. Hestated that students and faculty wantimmediate access to materials. BYULibrary has an agreement with bothebrary and YBP to supply e-books basedon patron requests.

In addition to the e-books produced bypublishers and the collections availablethrough ebrary, NetLibrary, etc., there isHathi-Trust which involves more than 15university libraries in a consortium thatare developing a repository of digitizedcollections to preserve and share. Housedat the University ofMichigan there is nowa catalog of materials in the collection.Many of the books are in the publicdomain and available to the public(www.hathitrust.org).

‘‘Pricing Digital Journals’’ was thesubject of one of the plenary sessions.David Stern from Brown UniversityLibrary recommended that publishersdevelop different packages of digitizedjournals. He suggested more packagesbased on subject areas. He also discussedthe need to analyze journal packages tosee which ones were really being used.Packages by Carnegie level was another








Conference reportsCharleston Conference 2009 . . . . . . 1

National workshop on technicalservices in law libraries:an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FeaturesPicturing your community: Flickr

use in public libraries . . . . . . . . 6

Access to agricultural information andmillennium development goals . . 10

ColumnCurrent CITE-ings from the popular and

trade computing press . . . . . . . . 13

New & Noteworthy . . . . . . . . 16

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Charleston Conference 2009

Kay A. Cassell and Marina I. Mercado

Library Linkwww.emeraldinsight.com/librarylink


Volume 29 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0143-5124


ISSN: 0737-8831

ISSN: 0741-9058

ISSN: 0143-5124




This international journal allows one to explore the strengths and weaknesses of current and emerging technologies, and offers continuing education about the issues and options facing libraries. Library Hi Tech (LHT) combines research articles, case studies and literature reviews with regular columns to give a greater understanding of technology, as well as a look at the full range of tools that librarians and their customers employ.

Coverage includes: Library information technology; integrated library systems; networking; strategic planning; archiving; digital libraries; and metadata.

Benefits and features • Routinely publishes some of the most important

writers on library technology.• Publishes authors from the UK, Germany, Africa

and Australia.• Provides in-depth coverage via topical, themed


Library Hi Tech News (LHTN) keeps one fully informed of the latest developments in library automation, new products, network news, new software and hardware, and people in technology. Published monthly and distributed ten times a year, it combines features, conference reports, regular columns, news items and a diary of forthcoming events world-wide. It represents the perfect way to stay abreast of important issues and activities in the library and information world – especially concerning IT in libraries.

Coverage includes: The future of wireless; new library technologies and applications; staffing and training for technology;

standards for technology; and distance education and technology in education.

Benefits and features • A permanent record of more informal knowledge

in the field.• Contrary to most newsletters, has the attraction

of being published in print and online for better access.

Library Management (LM) aims to publish articles of interest and value to senior managers and academics within the library and information profession. The journal will discuss strategy and innovative developments in the management of libraries and information services. It will also include papers designed to assist in the development of research and the teaching of information and library management as an academic discipline.

Coverage includes: Democracy and information; the future of consortia; professional leadership; and digital repositories.

Benefits and features • Publishes a supplement in Mandarin Chinese.• Publishes work out of major East Asian


Library Hi Tech

Library Hi Tech News

Library Management

Volume: 29Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 28Print Issues: 10Internet Issues: 10

Volume: 32Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Online archiveAbstracts 1983 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1999 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1979 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProf. Dr Michael Seadle Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany

EditorsMarty Kesselman and Laura Bowering MullenRutgers – The State University of New Jersey, USA

EditorStephen O’Connor The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PR China





Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


This journal is indexed by

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals


Library Review

Volume 58 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0024-2535


New Library WorldCharting new developments

Volume 110 Number 1/2 (1256/1257) 2009

ISSN 0307-4803


OCLC Systems & ServicesInternational digital library perspectives

Volume 24 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1065-075X


ISSN: 0024-2535

ISSN: 0307-4803

ISSN: 1065-075X




Library Review (LR) is an independent journal for all those concerned with librarianship, information transfer and communication. It aims to provide an international communication link between researchers, educators and library professionals in academic, public, company and other libraries. It describes, reviews and discusses the effects of digital library innovation on the provision of information services; reviews and analyses the communications between academics and practitioners at all levels; updates and informs on current and future projects and collaborative programmes; and publishes the results of

current research as applied by librarians and information professionals.

Coverage includes: Hybrid and digital libraries; information literacy and e-learning; library history; library and information ethics; and training and professional development.

Benefits and features • Is a source of information on reflective practice.• Includes a substantial section of book reviews to

keep subscribers up to date with new publications.

New Library World (NLW) aims to publish articles, short communications and conference reports which will raise the level of awareness within the international library and information community of the potential for change and innovation; assist policy and decision making in the medium term (five to ten years); and help in reporting on present research, the implementation of research results, and the planning of future research.

Coverage includes: How libraries will be managed in the future; the changing role of the library; the changing role of the librarian/information professional; library buildings; the impact of electronic publishing; and the modern library – news and views of what is to come.

Benefits and features • In addition to articles, includes book reviews and

a “What’s new in public libraries” column.• Regularly publishes conference reports.

OCLC: Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives (OCLC) is a refereed journal which aims to provide wide-ranging coverage of developments in digital libraries and digital repositories, and the web-based delivery of cultural content. The journal is intended for information professionals, librarians, educators, students, and researchers around the world to share and exchange their ideas, initiatives, and research results.

Coverage includes: Digital libraries; digital repositories; digital cultural content services; web metadata standards; web mark-up languages; digital preservation; imaging and digitization techniques; and usability studies.

Benefits and features • Publishes columns on Dublin Core and Systems

analysis.• Publishes themed issues to cover topics in depth.

Library Review

New Library WorldCharting new developments

OCLC Systems & ServicesInternational digital library perspectives

Volume: 60Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Volume: 112Print Issues: 12Internet Issues: 12

Volume: 27Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1927 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1898 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1985 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorDavid McMenemyUniversity of Strathclyde, UK

EditorLinda AshcroftLiverpool John Moores University, UK

EditorDr Bradford Lee EdenUniversity of California Santa Barbara, USA




Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals

Online InformationReview The international journal of digitalinformation research and use

Volume 32 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1468-4527


PerformanceMeasurement and MetricsThe international journal for library and information services

Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1467-8047


ProgramElectronic library and information systems

Volume 42 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0033-0337


ISSN: 1468-4527

ISSN: 1467-8047

ISSN: 0033-0337




Online Information Review (OIR) is devoted to research in the broad field of online information, including both transactional and transformational aspects, in the academic, corporate, scientific and commercial contexts. It addresses issues related to online resources, systems and services, information quality, content and software evaluation, with a primary focus on online and digital information creation, storage, retrieval and applications. Coverage is intentionally international, with contributions from both developed and developing countries.

Coverage includes: Search engines; indexing and metadata;

authentication and security; innovative applications of online information, e.g. in e-government, e-medicine; and web site development.

Benefits and features • Carries opinion pieces including “savvy

searching”.• Includes book reviews and a “Guide to the

professional literature” to keep subscribers up to date with new publications.

Performance Measurement and Metrics (PMM) is the only journal devoted to performance measurement in library and information services. It aims to provide a crucial international link for all information professionals, whether practitioners or academics, addressing the issues of metrics, quantitative approaches to measurement across the spectrum as well as the qualitative aspects of the provision of library and information services.

Coverage includes: The measurement and role of information in enhancing organizational effectiveness; quality techniques and quality improvement; training and education; methodologies for performance measurement and metrics; standard assessment tools; and setting standards of service quality.

Program: Electronic library and information systems (PROG) publishes material on all aspects of the management and use of information technology in libraries and archives, museums and galleries, information centres, and the information industry generally. The automation of library and information services, the storage and retrieval of all forms of electronic information, and the delivery of information to end-users are primary interests.

Coverage includes: Database design and management; techniques for storing and distributing information; networking and communications technology; the internet; user

interface design; the procurement of systems; user training and support; and system evaluation.

Benefits and features • Publishes topical and geographically themed

issues.• Includes a substantial book reviews section.

Online Information Review The international journal of digital information research and use

Performance Measurement and MetricsThe international journal for library and information services

ProgramElectronic library and information systems

Volume: 35Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 12Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 45Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1977 - dateFull text 1999 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2000 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1966 - dateFull text 1997 - date

EditorDr G.E. GormanVictoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

EditorSteve Thornton Formerly Departmental Programmes Coordinator for Knowledge Services, Ministry of Defence, UK

EditorLucy A. TeddUniversity of Wales, UK





This journal is indexed by

Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


Published in association with Aslib, The Association for Information Management


This journal is indexed by

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Journals


Reference Reviewsincorporating Aslib Book Guide

Reviews of new reference materials prepared by librarians for librarians

Volume 22 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0950-4125


Reference ServicesReviewReference and instructional servicesfor libraries in the digital age

Volume 36 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0090-7324


ISSN: 0950-4125

ISSN: 0090-7324



Reference Reviews (RR) presents reviews of new reference materials prepared by librarians for librarians. It reviews and evaluates a wide variety of publications having reference value within academic, public, school and special library settings. In addition, it seeks to provide subject bibliographers and reference librarians with information useful to the functions of collection development and assessment, readers, advice and guidance, bibliographic instruction, management, online searching and automated reference functions.

Coverage includes: General works; philosophy and religion; social sciences; business and management; languages and literature; science and technology; arts; leisure and sport; geography, biography and history; and area studies.

Benefits and features • Lengthy evaluations of reference works.• Reviews are written for an international


Reference Services Review (RSR) reviews and evaluates a wide variety of publications having reference value within academic, public, school and special library settings. In addition, it seeks to provide subject bibliographers and reference librarians with information useful to the functions of collection development and assessment, readers’ advice and guidance, bibliographic instruction, management, online searching and automated reference functions.

Coverage includes: Automation and evaluation of reference services; delivery models for reference services in all types

and sizes of libraries; development, management, and assessment of teaching/learning tools and activities; design, promotion and evaluation of information literacy programmes; and creation of partnerships with other entities to achieve reference/instruction goals and objectives.

Benefits and features • Spans reference work and information literacy.• Is close to the edge, particularly with the editorial


Reference Reviewsincorporating Aslib Book Guide

Reference Services ReviewReference and instructional services for libraries in the digital age

Volume: 25Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 39Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveReviews 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1973 - dateFull text 1997 - date

EditorAnthony Chalcraft York St John University, UK

EditorsEleanor MitchellDickinson College, USA

Sarah Barbara WatsteinUCLA Library, USA



“Reference Services Review is a satisfying combination of practice and theory, so it serves front-line reference librarians as well as library school students and educators. In this time of economic crisis, as libraries look to their bottom lines more than ever, RSR’s dual approach and serviceability should appeal strongly to all those involved in public service matters. You will note I am on the Editorial Advisory Board – does that reveal a bias? It certainly does – I only associate myself with publications in which I believe strongly and which I can support unabashedly.”Cheryl LaGuardia, Research Librarian for East Asian Languages & Civilizations, Widener Library, Harvard University, USA

Library and Information Studies

Library and Information Studies Books


ISSN: 0065-2830


Advances in Librarianship is a series with a long-standing reputation as a resource for current reviews of major issues or themes facing librarians and the institutions in which they practise their profession.The series is characterized by its collection of in-depth chapters offering broad coverage of the library field over time, and an updated snapshot of specific, sometimes recurring, themes in a given volume.It is dedicated to the publication of critical articles and surveys of specific aspects of the

field of librarianship and related subjects, based on the published literature, research in progress, and current developments, in all segments of the profession.

Coverage includes:All areas of public, college, university, primary and secondary schools, and special libraries are given critical analysis by experts engaged in the practice of librarianship, in teaching, and in research.

Advances in Librarianship

Series EditorAnne Woodsworth New York, USA

ISSN: 0732-0671


Advances in Library Administration and Organization was initiated to publish longer, research quality studies of interest both to working library managers and to scholars.Advances in Library Administration and Organization is particularly interested in how libraries have been and should be managed, and the series continues to solicit and publish thought-provoking articles relating to both innovative and time-tested methods that can be used to organize our work.

Coverage includes:The series publishes articles on how libraries run in all venues (academic settings, public libraries, schools and special libraries) and across national boundaries.The subjects of the articles published vary widely, but the common theme is that the topics treated represent areas of common interest within our profession.

Advances in Library Administration and Organization

Series EditorsDelmus E. WilliamsUniversity of Akron Libraries, USA

James M. NyceBall State University, USA

Janine GoldenTexas Woman’s University, USA

ISSN: 1876-0562


The series solicits and publishes manuscripts which cover all aspects of the Library profession and all aspects of Information Science. This includes all operational and theoretical aspects of these fields. It covers the creation, distribution, location, acquisition, organization, storage, retrieval, and the general management of information in all forms.

Coverage includes:Automated information retrieval; understanding reference transactions; models for library management, decision making, and planning; power laws in the information production process; link analysis: an information science approach; text information retrieval systems; looking for information; and business information needs and strategies.

Library and Information Science

Series EditorAmanda SpinkLoughborough University, UK

Social Sciences

Online products:Emerald Education PlusEmerald Sociology Plus

Emerald Subject CollectionsEmerald eBooks Series Collections

Journal and Book subject disciplines:Education

Sociology and Public PolicyTourism and Hospitality

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Education Plus

Impact and knowledge in education

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Education Plus


Emerald Education Plus is Emerald’s premium and most comprehensive journal and book series collection, covering education research, management and practice. It includes 36 journals and 33 book series.Offering wide-ranging coverage of issues pertinent to education researchers and practitioners – from policy-driven concerns to matters surrounding gifted education and educational psychology, this collection offers a cross-disciplinary and unique perspective.

Education research, management and practice is a well established area of Emerald’s portfolio, and one which is developing rapidly to meet the challenging conditions which education researchers and practitioners face in an increasingly complex society.As well as covering many core and developing areas within this multifaceted discipline, Emerald is privileged to publish in areas which many consider deserve better representation across the genre. We have core strengths in the area of educational administration, leadership and policy, as well as the highly topical field of multicultural education, diversity and social justice.Working with over 1,300 Editors and Editorial Advisory Board members and over 13,000 authors in 110 countries in the Education field alone, Emerald draws on editorial and research expertise from top Education Research School academics and practitioners across the globe. This collection provides a truly international perspective.Emerald Education Plus includes all journals and book series relating to Education. A subscription to the collection allows access in perpetuity to forthcoming content, whilst also allowing access to archive material back to 1994 at no additional cost. Book series content is just as accessible as journals – both journal articles and book chapters are fully searchable.Subscribers to this collection will automatically gain access to a growing number of new and acquired titles.

Why should you subscribe to Emerald Education Plus?Subject leadership – Emerald’s journals and book series are amongst the leading publications in Education, offering unique insight, thorough analysis and practical advice on matters facing all education researchers and practitioners.


Comprehensive collection – Emerald Education Plus offers wide-ranging, yet in-depth coverage of all issues pertinent to education research, management and practice.Cross-disciplinary content – Reflecting the needs of the modern researcher and practitioner, content is cross-disciplinary, drawing from the core Education field, but also the related fields of Sociology, Business and Management, Psychology, and Language and Linguistics.Global and comparative coverage – Education systems differ across the globe – Emerald’s collection draws together studies that are country-specific and those that have a comparative focus.

Demonstrating strength and depth in education research, management and practiceEmerald’s Education publications are world-class, and average an article download every minute. Emerald Education Plus provides a wide range of content from well-established journals and book series, as well as new publications which highlight fast-developing areas of research and exciting new perspectives. As a subscriber to this product, you can also expect to find contributions from the leading figures in the field.Notable titles include: • Diversity in Higher Education (series)• International Perspectives on Education and Society (series)• Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities (series)• Journal of Educational Administration (journal)• Education + Training (journal)• Quality Assurance in Education (journal)

For more information about Emerald Education Plus please contact emerald@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at http//info.emeraldinsight.com/tk/education-plus Find out about which titles are included on page 252.

“The International Journal of Educational Management presents outstanding research from a global perspective. It unites researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds who examine new and exciting ways to conceptualize educational management. This results in cutting-edge ideas generated by research published in the IJEM. In many ways, the IJEM is the leading journal in informing the global practice of educational management. The double-blind, peer-reviewed policies of the journal result in the publication of the highest quality research.”Professor Raymond Calabrese, Ohio State University, USA

Subject coverage includes:• Administration, Leadership and Policy• Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment• Early Childhood Education• Educational Psychology• Global and Comparative Education• Multicultural Education, Diversity and Social Justice Education• Research Design, Skills and Methods• Sociology of Education• Special Education/Gifted Education• Teacher Education• Technology and Learning• Vocational Education

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Sociology Plus

Impact and understanding in


Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Sociology Plus


Emerald Sociology Plus is Emerald’s most extensive book series & journal collection, spanning key areas of sociological research and practice. There are 41 book series and 17 journals in this collection. This collection provides a range of perspectives and wide-ranging coverage of key issues pertinent to sociology and social policy researchers and practitioners. Sociology is a recent addition to Emerald’s portfolio, but now marks one of our fastest-growing areas of coverage. As a discipline which touches and influences many others, the breadth of content within the portfolio is significant, befitting the increasing complexity faced by researchers studying the social world. Theoretical, empirical and methodological approaches are offered, which provide context to current social, political and cultural debates.

A number of developing as well as core areas are covered within this complex discipline. Emerald have significant strengths in the area of work, economy and organizations, as well as the globally relevant field of politics and social change.A rounded international perspective is provided by this collection. Over 500 editors and Editorial Advisory Board members and over 6,000 authors in 111 countries contribute to this pool of knowledge in the Sociology field alone. Emerald is privileged to draw on the editorial and research expertise from highly respected sociologists and social science practitioners right around the world. Emerald Sociology Plus includes all journals and book series relating to sociology, anthropology and social and public policy. A subscription to the collection allows access in perpetuity to forthcoming content, whilst also allowing access to archive material back to 1994 at no additional cost. Book series content is just as accessible as journals – both journal articles and book chapters are fully searchable.Subscribers to this collection will automatically gain access to new and acquired titles, as and when they become available online. Our book series publishing programme is the most significant ever. Subscribers

can rest assured that they will have access to the very latest research as soon as it becomes available.

Why should you subscribe to Emerald Sociology Plus?Subject leadership – Emerald’s book series are amongst the leading publications in Sociology, offering unique insight, thorough analysis and practical advice on matters facing researchers and practitioners.Comprehensive collection – Emerald Sociology Plus offers wide-ranging, yet in-depth coverage of all issues pertinent to sociology research and practice.Cross-disciplinary content – Reflecting the needs of the modern researcher and practitioner, content is cross-disciplinary, drawing from the core Sociology field, but also the related fields of Education, Business and Management and Psychology. Global and comparative coverage – Sociological perspectives can vary across the globe – Emerald’s collection draws together studies that are country-specific and those that have a comparative focus.

Demonstrating strength and depth in sociological research and practiceEmerald’s Sociology publications are world-class. Emerald Sociology Plus provides a wide range of content from well-established journals and book series, as well as new publications which highlight fast-developing areas of research and exciting new perspectives. As a subscriber to this product, you can also expect to find contributions from the leading figures in the field.Notable titles include: • Research in the Sociology of Organizations (series)• Research in Social Movements, Conflict and Change (series)• Research in the Sociology of Work (series)• Comparative Social Research (series)• International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (journal)

For more information about Emerald Sociology Plus please contact emerald@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at http//info.emeraldinsight.com/tk/sociology-plus

Find out about which titles are included on page 252.


Subject coverage includes:• Comparative and Historical Approaches• Demographic and Population Studies• Family, Life Course and Society• Gender and Sexuality• Medicine and Health• Politics and Social Change• Race and Ethnicity• Research Design, Skills and Methods• Rural and Urban Sociology• Social Control, Law, Crime and Deviance• Social Inequalities and Interaction• Social Theory• Sociology of Culture• Work, Economy and Organization

“Political Power and Social Theory has been at the leading edge of problem-oriented social science thinking, attracting prominent scholars from across the disciplines to contribute informed, provocative, and timely essays on politically important topics. For quality, breadth and creativity, there is no other forum that can touch it.”Professor Frank Dobbin, Harvard University

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections

Covering key areas within social sciences

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald Subject Collections


Emerald eJournal Collections provide access to journal articles and Emerald Online Collections provide access to both journal articles and book chapters.

Emerald Education Subject CollectionsCovering more than 50 years of research in education, the Emerald Education Subject Collections provide a multi-disciplinary focus on research and practice in areas such as educational management, educational administration, educational technologies and quality and best practice in education. Drawing on the expertise and insights of contributors from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines, this collection is an invaluable resource for both educators and academics.

Journals• Campus Wide Information Systems• Education + Training• Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues• Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning• International Journal of Educational Management • International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education• Journal of Educational Administration • Multicultural Education & Technology Journal • On the Horizon • Quality Assurance in Education.

Book series• Advances in Early Education and Day Care• Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research Policy

and Praxis • Advances in Educational Administration • Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities• Advances in Motivation and Achievement • Advances in Program Evaluation • Advances in Research on Teaching • Advances in Special Education• Diversity in Higher Education • International Perspectives on Education and Society • International Perspectives on Higher Education Research • International Perspectives on Inclusive Education• Research in Sociology of Education• Studies in Educational Ethnography.

Emerald Tourism and Hospitality Subject CollectionsCombining innovative academic research and thinking with practical examples from industry’s best practice, the Emerald Tourism and Hospitality Collections include coverage of topics such as hospitality trends, tourism development and behaviour, service improvement and business performance, talent management, destination culture and destination marketing, and sustainability.

Journals• International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management

• International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

• International Journal of Event and Festival Management

• Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

• Tourism Review

• Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes.

Book series• Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research • Advances in Hospitality and Leisure• Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice• Tourism Social Science.

Features & benefits:Cost-effective – Tailoring your subscription by subject area will ensure that you only pay for content that is relevant to you. Current – All new titles published by Emerald are added to the relevant collection as soon as they are available online, ensuring that you always have access to the latest research. Relevant – Benefit from the freedom of accessing only the information specific to your area within social sciences.

Subscription optionsA subscription offers access to the archive articles and chapters as well as perpetual access to all the content published during the years to which you subscribe. For more information about Emerald Subject Collections please contact collections@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/collectionsFind out about which titles are included on page 247.

“I consider the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM) one of the top hospitality management journals. The IJCHM balances well between academics and the hospitality industry and therefore supports communication between them. As a researcher in the field, I experienced a review process that is always professional, timely, constructive, and supportive.”Michael C. Ottenbacher PhD, Associate Professor, Hospitality and Tourism Management Program, San Diego State University, USA

A library at your fi ngertips

Social Sciences

Online Products eBook Series Collections

Social Sciences

Online Products Emerald eBook Series Collections


Emerald Social Sciences eBook Series Collection offers online access to a growing collection of volumes from more than 35 book series titles in the following subject areas:• Education• Environmental Management/Environment• Health Care Management/Healthcare• Language and Linguistics• Sociology and Public Policy.

Subscription options:

Emerald eBook Series Frontlist library• Perpetual access to volumes for the current year (Frontlist) and

rented access to volumes from previous years (Backlist) for the duration of a subscription

• No embargoes, allowing immediate access to the latest volumes as they are published

• Subscribers will receive a regular flow of new and relevant research through Frontlist development.

Emerald eBook Series Backlist library• Perpetual access to all volumes starting from the previous year

(Backlist), currently dating back to 1998 for the Social Sciences eBook Series Collection

• Instantly expand your book holdings with a one-off purchase.

Features:• Simple agreements offer unrestricted, concurrent, multi-user,

institution-wide access with no restrictions on use of content in your institution’s VLE or download restrictions on to mobile devices

• Reduce limitations on storage space, whilst benefiting from other cost savings such as physical handling, processing and repair

• As eBooks are available via the same platform as eJournals. Customers will benefit from the same quick and easy search-and-browse functions

• COUNTER-compliant usage statistics available • Chapters are available in both HTML and PDF• MARC records are available for all titles included in Emerald eBook

Series Collections.

Key series titles:Comparative Social Research – each volume concentrates on a specific topic, mostly of a substantive, but also of a methodological character. Articles generally present two or more cases for comparison, be they national, regional, organizational or social units of different points in time.Studies in Law, Politics and Society – provides a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship. Whereas other law-related publications publish within a single domain – the humanities, social science, or legal doctrine, Studies in Law, Politics and Society seeks to bridge those divides.Advances in Special Education – is directed to special and regular educators, mental health clinicians, psychologists, university professors and graduate students who have a professional interest in the education and treatment of individuals with exceptionalities.

Sample volume titles:• Work and Organizations in China after Thirty Years of Transition

(Research in the Sociology of Work, Volume 19) • Black American Males in Higher Education: Research, Programs and

Academe (Diversity in Higher Education, Volume 7) • Families in Eastern Europe (Contemporary Perspectives in Family

Research, Volume 5) • Globalization, Changing Demographics, and Educational Challenges

in East Asia (Research in the Sociology of Education, Volume 17).

To download MARC records for Emerald eBook Series Collections, please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/marc

For more information about Emerald eBook Series please contact ebookseries@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/ebookseriesFind out about which titles are included on page 251.

2008 2009 2010 2011

More than 30 volumes

addedOver 210 volumes

More than 30 volumes (Minimum forecast to be added)Over 260 volumes forecast

More than 30 volumes (Minimum forecast to be added)Over 290 volumes forecast

More than 20 volumes

addedOver 230 volumes

In 2010 Emerald added over 15 Backlist volumes to the Social Sciences eBook Series Collection as part of a digitization project, which meant:• Increased number of volumes included in the collection from a

range of years dating back to 1998• New series titles included in the collection, due to the

digitization of volumes from series titles that were not previously included.


Social Sciences

Education Journals and Books

Social Sciences

Education Journals

Campus-WideInformation SystemsThe international journal ofinformation and learning technology

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1065-0741


Education +Training

Volume 50 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0040-0912


Education, Business andSociety: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1753-7983


ISSN: 1065-0741

ISSN: 0040-0912

ISSN: 1753-7983




Campus-Wide Information Systems (CWIS) provides wide-ranging and independent coverage of the management, use and integration of information resources and learning technologies. It offers up-to-date international research which informs decision making in the higher and further education sectors. It provides a forum for the sharing of the latest theories, applications, and services related to information technologies.

Coverage includes: Innovations in teaching and learning with technology; the changing roles of teacher and

student; new technologies; IT implementation and support; managing web-based resources; planning and administration; developing and maintaining networks effectively and efficiently; and course management systems.

Benefits and features • CWIS provides a forum for the sharing of issues

and accomplishments related to administrative, academic and library computing as well as other educational technologies.

Education + Training (ET) addresses the increasingly complex relationships between education, training and employment and the impact of these relationships on national and global labour markets. A leading publication in its field, ET examines the links between career professionals in schools, colleges and universities and training professionals in industry. The journal focuses on the relationship between education and training, addresses vocational learning and highlights the changing nature of the partnership between the worlds of work and education.

Coverage includes: Choosing a career; courses and qualifications; developing new graduates; the psychology of winning; the transition from higher education to work; planning and development in universities and colleges; reviews of recent publications; and training aids.

Benefits and features• ET provides insights into how to create and

maintain partnerships betweens education and industry.

Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues (EBS) provides a forum for researchers and practitioners to discuss, analyse and shape the social, economic and political terrain of the Middle East. The journal views education, business and society as overlapping and interlocking constructs that provide coverage of most of the contemporary developments in the Middle East.

Coverage includes: Cross-cultural dimensions of business and management; business ethics; educational

management and administration; e- and blended learning in schools and universities; and language and communication.

Benefits and features • Provides a forum for researchers and

practitioners to discuss, analyse and shape the social, economic and political terrain of the Middle East.

Campus-Wide Information SystemsThe international journal of information and learning technology

Education + Training

Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues

Volume: 28Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Volume: 53Print Issues: 9Internet Issues: 9

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1984 - dateFull text 1995 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1959 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

EditorProfessor Glenn HardakerUniversity of Huddersfield, UK

EditorDr Martin McCrackenSchool of Business Organisation and Management, University of Ulster, UK

EditorsProfessor James S. PounderHigher Colleges of Technology, UAE

Dr Matthew ClarkeUniversity of New South Wales, Australia





Social Sciences

Education Journals


Higher Education, Skillsand Work-basedLearning The journal of The University Vocational Awards Council

Volume 1 Number 1 2011ISSN 2042-3896


International Journal of


Volume 22 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0951-354X


ISSN: 2042-3896

ISSN: 0951-354X



Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning (HESWBL) is the official journal of the University Vocational Awards Council and launches in 2011.

Coverage includes:Development, marketing, delivery, validation and evaluation of higher level work-based learning; Identification of how skills gaps and shortages can be addressed through higher level work-based learning; international approaches to higher level work-based learning; new technologies in the delivery and validation of higher level work-based learning; partnership approaches; employer-

developed training programmes; and funding of higher level work-based learning.

Benefits and features• The journal is designed to have impact with

practitioners both academic and commercial as well as with policy makers.

• The international reach of the journal will enable work to be read by those who need it or ought to hear about it.

Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning is the official journal of the University Vocational Awards Council

The International Journal of Educational Management (IJEM) aims to provide those from schools, universities and further education with an insight into the effective management of the educational process and a broad overview of developments and best practice in the field, with particular reference to how new ideas can be applied worldwide. It offers essential information to professionals dedicated to maximizing resources through intelligent management strategies which respond to national and international considerations.

Coverage includes: Curriculum development; government of educational establishments; independent education; managing professional staff; minimizing resources; new technology in education; resource allocation; and staff development.

Benefits and features • Papers published within IJEM spell out practical

implications of research for those involved in the management of education.

Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning

International Journal of

Educational Management

Volume: 1Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 25Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Online archiveAbstracts 2011 - dateFull text 2011 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1987 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorPaul GibbsMiddlesex University, UK

EditorProfessor Brian E. RobertsUniversity of Hull, UK



New La



“The International Journal of Educational Management presents outstanding research from a global perspective. It unites researchers and practitioners from diverse backgrounds who examine new and exciting ways to conceptualize educational management. This results in cutting-edge ideas generated by research published in the IJEM. In many ways, the IJEM is the leading journal in informing the global practice of educational management. The double-blind, peer-reviewed policies of the journal result in the publication of the highest quality research.”Professor Raymond Calabrese, The Ohio State University, USA

Social Sciences

Education Journals

International Journal of

Sustainability in Higher Education

Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1467-6370


Journal of


Volume 46 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0957-8234


ISSN: 1467-6370

ISSN: 0957-8234



The International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IJSHE) aims at addressing environmental management systems (EMS), sustainable development and Agenda 21 issues at higher education institutions, worldwide. It intends to act as an outlet for papers dealing with curriculum greening and methodological approaches to sustainability. In addition, the journal reports on initiatives aimed at environmental improvements in universities, and the increased competitiveness of self-regulatory mechanisms such as environmental auditing and maintaining EMS.

Coverage includes: Environmental management systems; sustainable development; curriculum greening; operational aspects of universities; energy, water, recycling, waste management; planning and design of campuses; environmental policies and action plans; and staff and student initiatives.

Benefits and features • IJSHE is the only academic journal which

examines sustainability as it applies specifically to higher education institutions.

The Journal of Educational Administration (JEA) is a double blind peer-reviewed journal created to meet the needs of those interested in the practice and theory of educational administration. Administrators are the key to educational progress. The burden of responsibility increasingly falls on the educational administrator to adapt positively to external pressures and instigate action. The demands faced in this profession are analysed in this journal, which presents an account of the latest research taking place in the international educational arena.

Coverage includes: Career incentives of elementary school principals; leadership style of principals; organizational processes in schools; policy implementation; and teaching administrative theory.

Benefits and features • JEA presents international knowledge and

initiatives designed to help educational administrators deal with the powerful social, political and economic factors affecting education today.

International Journal of

Sustainability in Higher Education

Journal of

Educational Administration

Volume: 12Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 49Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2000 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1963 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Walter Leal FilhoHamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

EditorProfessor A. Ross ThomasUniversity of Wollongong, Australia




“As a professor, supervising graduate students, I have always referred my students to update development in education administration by reading articles in the Journal of Educational Administration. The journal has a worldwide readership and has attained the highest level of academic rigor.”Professor Y.L. Jack Lam, Professor Emeritus, Brandon University, Canada

Social Sciences

Education Journals


Multicultural Education& Technology Journal

Volume 2 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1750-497X


On the Horizon

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1074-8121


Quality Assurance in Education

Volume 16 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0968-4883


ISSN: 1750-497X

ISSN: 1074-8121

ISSN: 0968-4883




Multicultural Education & Technology Journal (METJ) provides an international, peer-reviewed forum to explore the learning technology and multicultural education interface in various educational settings, with a particular focus on the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa. Attention is also given to both secular and non-secular education. The journal examines the role of learning technologies in supporting multicultural education from a comprehensive multidisciplinary and geographic perspective.

Coverage includes: Multicultural education and classroom technologies; managed learning environments and learning styles; multicultural online libraries and digital repositories; multilingual literacy and adaptive technologies; collaborative digital communication tools; and open and distance learning through e-learning inter-cultural dialogue.

Benefits and features • This is the only journal which explicitly links

multicultural education and learning technologies – both highly prospective concepts in the twenty-first century.

On the Horizon (OTH) is an international quarterly publication providing analysis and comment on the future of post-secondary education. OTH provides a “radar” service to key decision-makers concerned with post-secondary education in its many and emerging forms, from traditional institutions to corporate universities. Our mission is to inform educators about the challenges that they will face in a changing world and the steps they can take to meet these challenges.

Coverage includes: Lifelong learning; performance-based learning; distance learning; technology for education; course content and certification; and book reviews.

Benefits and features • OTH seeks to challenge conventional wisdom in

order to open up the discussion on issues of concern to decision-makers in education on a global scale.

Quality Assurance in Education (QAE) devotes itself to the dissemination of best practice on the management of change and improvement in higher education. The journal seeks to contribute to developing effective strategies to deal with the complex and uncertain environment in which education now operates. It invites insights into the perceptions and opinions of quality in education of a number of stakeholders to gain a balanced view.

Coverage includes: Quality in post-compulsory education, further education, higher education and secondary

education; EFQM models; e-learning, training and development; personal development; quality in the future of education; and student evaluations of quality.

Benefits and features • QAE provides educators with the tools to build an

effective strategy to deal with the complex and uncertain environment in which education now operates.

Multicultural Education & Technology Journal

On the Horizon

Quality Assurance in Education

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 19Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 19Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2000 - dateFull text 2000 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1993 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorProfessor Glenn HardakerUniversity of Huddersfield, UK

EditorDr Tom P. AbelesSagacity Inc., USA

EditorProfessor John F. DalrympleUniversity of Notre Dame, Australia




Social Sciences

Education Books


ISSN: 1479-358X


How one provides for equality of schooling as well as equality of outcomes in an increasingly diverse and heterogeneous society is the primary objective of the Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis series. The series addresses ways of looking at the hope and promise of education and schooling in spite of the advent, realities, and complexities of globalized societies.

Coverage includes:Previous volumes include: Producing Knowledge, Pursuing Understanding; African-American Education; Teacher Unions and Education Policy: Retrenchment or Reform?; National and International Dimensions of Child Poverty and Public Policy; and Higher Education in a Global Society.

Advances in Education in Diverse Communities: Research, Policy and Praxis

Series EditorCarol Camp-Yeakey Washington University in St Louis, USA

ISSN: 1479-3660


Advances in Educational Administration presents new perspectives and the latest thinking within the area of educational administration.

Coverage includes:Previous volumes include; Teaching Leaders to Lead Teachers; No Child Left Behind and other

Federal Programs for Urban School Districts; Technology and Education: Issues in Administration, Policy and Applications in K12 Schools; Administering Special Education: In Pursuit of Dignity and Autonomy; and Challenges of Urban Education and Efficacy of School Reform.

Advances in Educational Administration

Series EditorAnthony NormoreCalifornia State University at Dominguez Hills, USA

ISSN: 0735-004X


The purpose of Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities is to present reports of recent original research, integrative research reviews, theory formulation and policy analysis in the areas of learning disabilities and behavioral disorders.The individual volumes that make up this series are organized around relevant themes; however, the intent of each is to further our knowledge and understanding, with the aspiration that this

will lead to practices which will help improve the life success of individuals with learning and behavioral disabilities.

Coverage includes:Cognition and learning in diverse settings; applications of research methodology; international perspectives; personnel preparation; and policy and practice.

Advances in Learning and Behavioral Disabilities

Series EditorsThomas E. Scruggs and Margo A. MastropieriGeorge Mason University, USA

Social Sciences

Education Books


ISSN: 0749-7423


For 25 years, the Advances in Motivation and Achievement book series has highlighted the cutting edge research and ideas of leading scholars in the field. Under founding editor Martin Maehr’s guidance, the Advances in Motivation and Achievement series has developed a reputation as the premier book series on the subject. With the publication of the 15th volume, the series editorship is being passed to a new editorial team who remain committed to maintaining the tradition of

highlighting the innovative work of the leading scholars in the field, providing readers with a source of new ideas and fresh perspectives.

Coverage includesCultural and contextual factors; new voices in the study of motivation; the intersection of motivation and religion; social psychological perspectives on motivation and achievement; contextual influences on motivation.

Advances in Motivation and Achievement

Series EditorsStuart A. Karabenick University of Michigan, USA

Timothy C. UrdanSanta Clara University, USA

ISSN: 1474-7863


This annual publication addresses a wide range of international issues concerning program evaluation. The essays in the series offer fresh theoretical and methodological insights into the key issues in the field of program evaluation.

Coverage includes:How evaluators define, understand and represent program quality; school-based evaluation:

an international perspective; evaluating the upgrading of technical courses at two-year colleges: NSF’s advanced technological education program; and dilemmas of engagement.

Advances in Program Evaluation

Series EditorsRobert E. Stake University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Saville KushnerUniversity of the West of England, UK

ISSN: 1479-3687


This series intends to contribute to and move forward understanding of teaching, teacher education and growth in teaching in terms of pedagogy, curriculum, methodology and policy. In meeting this goal, we consider for publication texts that holistically examine teaching and learning from the lens of experience and practice.

Coverage includes:Using video in teacher education; social constructivist teaching; expectations in the classroom; qualitative methods for studying teaching and teacher education.

Advances in Research on Teaching

Series EditorStefinee PinnegarBrigham Young University, USA

Social Sciences

Education Books


ISSN: 0270-4013


This series is directed to special and regular educators, mental health clinicians, psychologists, university professors and graduate students who have a professional interest in the education and treatment of individuals with exceptionalities.Each series volume includes diverse chapters by contributing authors who discuss basic theoretical positions and empirical findings in their professional disciplines, which provide the

rudimentary foundations for educational, clinical and research applications to children and adults with exceptionalities.

Coverage includes:High and low incidence exceptional populations (learning disabilities, autism), multicultural special education, legislative foundations, and special education administration are issues addressed in this series.

Advances in Special Education

Series EditorAnthony Rotatori Saint Xavier University, USA

ISSN: 1479-3644


Diversity in Higher Education addresses topics regarding diversity or the lack thereof in a wide range of higher education settings. This series takes a scholarly approach: historical, policy-oriented, basic research, essay, most recent national data/statistics, etc.; appeals to multiple disciplines (education, social sciences, engineering, natural sciences, etc.); and is highly topical, addressing the intersection of race and gender.

Coverage includes:Ground-breaking higher education literature because of research, evaluation research and policy focus; few studies have had as many chapters in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields; and possible international implications for nations similar to the USA.

Diversity in Higher Education

Series EditorHenry T. FriersonAssociate Vice President and Dean, The Graduate School, University of Florida, USA

ISSN: 1479-3679


The International Perspectives on Education and Society volume series synthesizes the principal developments in and contributions to the field of education from international and comparative perspectives. This is the only series dedicated to the annual synthesis and review of education from comparative and international perspectives.

Coverage includes: Each volume provides an overview and critical examination of the current status of topics in

education from theoretical, research, or policy perspectives using a comparative and international lens. The intent is to have a combination of state-of-the-field reviews, theory-driven syntheses of current scholarship, reports of new empirical research, and critical discussions of major topics around each volume’s theme.

International Perspectives on Education and Society

Series EditorAlexander W. WisemanLehigh University, USA

Social Sciences

Education Books


ISSN: 1479-3628


International Perspectives on Higher Education Research is a series which aims to feature something of the variety of research being undertaken into higher education systems and issues outside North America.

Coverage includes:Previous volumes have looked at how and why autonomy matters in contemporary social science

research; how students, academics, universities and higher education systems relate to one another across international borders; access and exclusion – what is and is not permitted, included or allowed within our higher education institution; and Academic Work and Life – what it is to be an academic, and how this is changing.

International Perspectives on Higher Education Research

Series EditorMalcolm TightLancaster University, UK

ISSN: 1479-3539


Research in the Sociology of Education accentuates new and engaging work on problems facing schools, families, and their communities. Contributions come from authors spread around the globe, illuminating how the efficacy and ideologies of schooling unfold variably in differing national and historical contexts. Written by sociologists, anthropologists, economists, and cultural

critics, this annual series offers lively and accessible empirical work to a broad audience.

Coverage includes:Recent issues have focused on children and inequality cross-nationally, how cultural and ethnic boundaries condition social capital in education, and the centralization of education policy around standards-based accountability.

Research in the Sociology of Education

Series EditorsBruce Fuller University of California, USA

Emily HannumOxford University, UK

“A truly international effort featuring cutting-edge scholarship on gendered educational institutions around the world. This is an invaluable resource for all interested in the comparative study of gender and education, including in previously understudied regions of Africa and Asia.”Maria Charles, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Gender, equality and education from international and comparative perspectives”, International Perspectives on Education and Society, Volume 10

Sociology and Public Policy

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 1529-2126


Advances in Gender Research seeks to encourage empirical and theoretical gender scholarship worldwide in order to further the understanding of gender and to promote the application of this understanding to the solution of social problems and the achievement of equality locally and globally.The series recognizes that gender intersects with other social structures, including, but not limited to, race/ethnicity, sexuality, citizenship, social class, age, and (dis)ability; and with various institutions, including, but not limited to, the family, the state, the economy, the media,

and education. The Editors invite manuscripts that explore these intersections.

Coverage includes:Gender and work and occupations; gender and health, medicine, and reproduction; gendered sexualities; feminist frameworks, methods, and praxis; gender in global and local perspectives; gender in various social institutions including the academy, the family, the state; gender and social movements; gender and migration and immigration; gendered violence; gendered bodies; and history of gender scholarship.

Advances in Gender Research

Series EditorsProfessor Vasilikie DemosUniversity of Minnesota-Morris and Center for Conflict Resolution, Salisbury University, USA

Professor Marcia Texler SegalIndiana University Southeast, USA

ISSN: 0882-6145


Advances in Group Processes is targeted at people who study group-related phenomena (decision making, power, stereotyping, altruism, emotions, social identity, status processes, and so on) from sociology, psychology, political science, philosophy, computer science, mathematics and organizational behavior. Previous contributors have included scholars from diverse fields including sociology, psychology, political science, philosophy, computer science, mathematics and organizational behavior. As such, it is the only edited series to bring together diverse papers

on group-related phenomena from a range of fields.The Editors seek to publish papers on a range of group processes, broadly defined. This includes work on groups ranging from the very small to the very large.

Coverage includes:Group processes in the context of classic and contemporary topics such as status, power, exchange, justice, influence, decision making, intergroup relations and social networks.

Advances in Group Processes

Series EditorsProfessor Shane R. ThyeUniversity of South Carolina, USA

Professor Edward LawlerCornell University, USA

ISSN: 1057-6290


This series brings together the newest issues and most current concerns in Medical Sociology, in an ongoing collection of edited volumes. Each volume is edited by a medical sociologist with particular expertise, bringing together contributions from sociologists working in different settings and nations,

exploring one particular advance in Medical Sociology.

Coverage includes:Social networks and health; bioethical issues; care and case management; and emerging epidemics.

Advances in Medical Sociology

Series EditorProfessor Barbara Katz Rothman Baruch College, The City University of New York, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 1479-0661


Given the continued growth and explosion of information and interest in political psychology, there is an increasing need for a place where the research findings, theoretical developments, and conceptual breakthroughs in this area of inquiry are synthesized and integrated in a form accessible to the scholar, student, and practitioner. The Advances in Political Psychology annual series is intended to fill this need by recording the state of the field and highlighting innovative developments, so that those who are interested

can keep abreast of what is happening in political psychology.

Coverage includes:Research that is at the frontiers of our knowledge of élite politics; studies that are comparative in nature – cross-national, cross-cultural, cross-time.

Advances in Political Psychology

Series EditorProfessor Margaret HermannMaxwell School, Syracuse University, USA

ISSN: 0195-6310


Comparative Social Research aims at furthering the international orientation in the social sciences, offering a valuable resource to researchers and practitioners alike. Each volume concentrates on a specific topic, mostly of a substantive, but also of a methodological, character. As a rule the articles present two or more cases for comparison,

be they nations, regions, organizations or social units at different points in time.

Coverage includes:Comparative studies of universities as institutions for production and diffusion of knowledge; family change; regional cultures; institutional aspects of work and wage formation; culture and power; and childhood.

Comparative Social Research

Series EditorDr Fredrik EngelstadInstitute for Social Research, Norway

ISSN: 1572-8323


The series publishes both theoretical and empirical papers on conflict and peace related to economic, social and political development, primarily of the developing countries. Whilst the subject-matter is broad, the series maintains a firm focus on conflict, its management, and possible resolution.

Coverage includes:The role of uneven distribution of resources, inequity in income distribution, social and political

discrimination, poverty, and arms spending on conflict within and between countries is covered.Developmental issues related to water resources, energy-environment, health, urbanization, globalization and population growth and their impact on conflict are areas of interest.

Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace Economics and Development

Series EditorProfessor Manas Chatterji Binghamton University, USA

Sponsored by International Society of Political Psychology

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 0278-1204


Current Perspectives in Social Theory presents essays on major issues in contemporary theoretical sociology, providing both critical overviews of major debates and original contributions by specialists working in social theory, sociological theory, and critical theory. While the series presents a forum for a wide range of theoretical issues in sociology and related disciplines, each volume collects contributions that share a common orientation, theme or challenge. Authors are encouraged to

address and assess the continuing relevance of classical and twentieth-century contributions to social theory, as individual societies as well as human civilization continue to undergo changes at an accelerating pace.

Coverage includes:Recent volumes: Social Theory as Politics in Knowledge; Globalization between the Cold War and Neo-Imperialism; and No Social Science without Critical Theory.

Current Perspectives in Social Theory

Series EditorDr Harry DahmsUniversity of Tennessee, USA

ISSN: 0198-8719


Political Power and Social Theory is an annual review, committed to advancing our interdisciplinary, critical understanding of the linkages between social relations, political power, and historical development.This permanent forum for ideas not only fills the gap between quarterly publications and monographs, but also reveals the passionate engagement of scholars today with the social transformations in the world around them. The series opens a space of inquiry and debate that crosses disciplinary and geographic

boundaries and appeals to a broad range of social scientists as well as area specialists.

Coverage includes:Political Power and Social Theory publishes well-reasoned, insightful, and intellectually engaging works that advance our interdisciplinary, critical understanding of the linkages between social relations, political power, and historical development.

Political Power and Social Theory

Series EditorProfessor Julian GoBoston University, USA

ISSN: 2042-9940


This series examines the linkage between the life sciences (broadly defined) and politics. Biological areas from which these linkages are drawn include: human ethology; socio-biology; genetics; evolutionary theory; neurosciences; biotechnology; and bioethics. These knowledge arenas are used to illuminate policy choices (biopolicy), political behaviour, leadership behaviour, international politics and political philosophy. The series focuses on the relationship between biology and politics and

builds on what is already known in the biological sciences to help provide answers to long-standing questions regarding power, politics, political behavior, and governance.

Coverage includes:Subject areas covered include, though are not restricted to: biopolicy; biology and politics; biopolitics; evolutionary politics; political ethology; life sciences and politics; public policy; and neuropolitics.

Research in Biopolitics

Series EditorsDr Albert SomitSouthern Illinois University, USA

Dr Steven A. PetersonPennsylvania State University, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 0190-1281


As an anthropological series, Research in Economic Anthropology is especially concerned with empirical ethnographic research, but more theory-oriented essays and reviews are also accepted for consideration, as are submissions by non-anthropologists.

Coverage includes:Recent volumes: Social Dimensions in the Economic Process, Anthropological Perspectives on

Economic Development and Integration, Ethnographic Reflections, Economics of Health and Wellness, and Social Responsibility.With its considerable momentum, Research in Economic Anthropology continues to promote economic anthropology and improve our understanding of human economic behavior.

Research in Economic Anthropology

Series EditorDr Donald WoodAkita University, Japan

ISSN: 1061-7230


Research in Political Economy analyzes society in a manner consistent with classical Marxism. International in scope, the annual volumes deal primarily with economic and political issues and the unity between them. The series presents definitive volumes that bring together significant, rigorous scholarship where both theoretical and empirical works are included.

Coverage includes:International in scope, the annual volumes deal primarily with economic and political issues and the

unity between them. Both theoretical and empirical works are included. Recent volumes have covered topics such as: Why Capitalism Survives Crises; The Hidden History of 9-11-2001; The Capitalist State and Its Economy; Economic Theory of Capitalism and Its Crises; and Latest Developments in Marxist Theory.

Research in Political Economy

Series EditorProfessor Paul ZarembkaState University of New York at Buffalo, USA

ISSN: 0895-9935


Since its inception, Research in Political Sociology has had the primary objective of publishing original, high quality manuscripts to increase our understanding of political structures and processes.

Coverage includes:The articles in Research in Political Sociology are directed towards identifying, understanding, and

explaining the various interrelations that exist within and between social and political phenomena. This includes exploring the underlying social roots or origins of politics and power; the organization, management, and process of political power structure; and the effects of political decision-making and power structures on the surrounding society and culture.

Research in Political Sociology

Series EditorProfessor Barbara WejnertUniversity at Buffalo, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 0732-1317


Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management presents selected research papers dealing with important methodological and theoretical issues in the policy sciences, with research in policy-related disciplines, and applied research on issues in public policy analysis and public management. There is particular emphasis on research related to operations and design issues for governmental organizations.

Coverage includes:Comparative governance reform in Asia: democracy, corruption, and government trust; comparative public administration; public ethics and governance: standards and practices in comparative perspective; and strategies for public management reform.

Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management

Series EditorProfessor Lawrence R. Jones Naval Postgraduate School, USA

ISSN: 0195-7449


Contributions to the series consist of original research papers from an international community of specialists on race and ethnic relations exploring recent theoretical and empirical research in the field.

Coverage includes:The New Black: Alternative Paradigms and Strategies for the 21st Century, The Racial Politics

of Booker T. Washington, Marginality, Power and Social Structure: Issues in Race, Class, and Gender Analysis, The Sociology of Oliver C. Cox: New Perspectives, The Black Intellectuals.

Research in Race and Ethnic Relations

Series EditorsDr Donald Cunnigen University of Rhode Island, USA

Dr Marino BruceMeharry Medical College, USA

ISSN: 1057-1922


Thematically organized, this series addresses issues relating to rural social change and its impacts on families and communities, the globalization and restructuring of agriculture and the food industry and the dynamics of development in agrarian societies.

Coverage includes:Between the local and the global: confronting complexity in the contemporary agri-food sector;

new directions in the sociology of global development; nature, raw materials and political economy; walking towards justice: democratization in rural life; dairy industry restructuring; focus on migration; sustaining agriculture and rural communities; household strategies; and cross-continental perspectives on the differentiated countryside and its regulation.

Research in Rural Sociology and Development

Series EditorProfessor Terry MarsdenSchool of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University, UK

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 0163-786X


Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change is a well-respected outlet where top-level peer-reviewed research is published, research that has helped define and advance scholarship in social movements, conflict resolution, and social and political change for more than 30 years.

Coverage includes:Why and how we organize into movements for political and social change, and why and how we engage in social conflicts; exploration of new frontiers in conflict resolution practice and theory; and quantitative and qualitative empirical research as well as pieces focused on theory-building.

Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change

Series EditorDr Patrick G. CoyKent State University, USA

ISSN: 0196-1152


Research in Social Problems and Public Policy is devoted to the sharpening and reshaping of scientific discourse in the area of inquiry implied by its title, involving the intersection of social problems and public policy. In particular, it is interested in the analysis of the potential failure of public institutions to fulfil their obligations to the broader society.

Coverage includes:Recent volumes have covered topics such as: government secrecy; integrating the sciences and society challenges, practices, and potentials; equity and the environment; long-term management of contaminated sites; the organizational response to persons with mental illness involved with the criminal justice system; and terrorism and disaster: and new threats, new ideas.

Research in Social Problems and Public Policy

Series EditorsProfessor William R. FreudenburgUniversity of California, USA

Professor Ted I. K. YounBoston College, USA

ISSN: 1479-3547


Research in Social Science and Disability is devoted to the scholarly, social-scientific analysis of significant issues in disability. A multidisciplinary approach permits contributors to explore the social origins of disability in society, and provides a basis for examining cross-cultural differences in approaches to disability. The series includes research framed by a variety of theoretical perspectives and research methodologies and considers the economic, social and psychological consequences for individuals,

families and social institutions and organizations.

Coverage includes:International views on disability measures: moving toward comparative measurement, using survey data to study disability: results from the national health survey on disability, exploring theories and expanding methodologies: where we are and where we need to go, expanding the scope of social science research on disability.

Research in Social Science and Disability

Series EditorsDr Barbara AltmanNational Center for Health Statistics, USA

Dr Sharon BarnarttDept of Sociology, Gallaudet University, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 1476-2854


Intended as a resource for students and researchers alike, the series approaches the sociological study of sport from both a contemporary and an interdisciplinary perspective. Bringing together some of the leading authors in the field, each volume addresses a current theme within this emerging area of research.

Coverage includes:Social and cultural diversity in a sporting world; tribal play: subcultural journeys through sport; theory, sport and society; and global olympics.

Research in the Sociology of Sport

Series EditorDr Kevin Young Department of Sociology, University of Calgary, Canada

ISSN: 0277-2833


Research in the Sociology of Work is an annual publication that examines current issues related to the sociology of work. The volumes are topically organized to offer in-depth analysis of an issue of current interest in this field of research. Each addresses a number of key issues and covers a broad range of fields including, but not limited to, sociology, business, science, economics, politics, history, and anthropology.

The series offers readers an organized publication to access up-to-date information about current issues pertaining to the sociology of work.

Coverage includes:Work and family; deviance in the workplace; marginal employment; employment restructuring; union revitalization; worker training; diversity; and entrepreneurship.

Research in the Sociology of Work

Series EditorProfessor Lisa KeisterDuke University, USA

ISSN: 1047-0042


This series addresses the key themes within urban sociology, including ethnic and minority groups within the city; social network of urban residents, location of retail and industrial activities within the metropolitan complex; decline of the central cities and emergence of suburban lifestyles and the core question of community integration itself.

Coverage includes:Ethnic landscapes in an urban world; race and ethnicity in New York city; critical perspectives on urban redevelopment; constructions of urban space; new directions in urban sociology; and urban sociology in transition.

Research in Urban Sociology

Series EditorDr Ray HutchinsonUniversity of Wisconsin, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 1537-4661


Sociological Studies of Children and Youth provides an outlet for social scientists whose reports on their work with children or youth may not “fit” in traditional academic journals. Some volumes will emphasize specific themes, while others will include a range of chapters on diverse topics. Contributions from all methodological and theoretical orientations are welcome and are peer-reviewed by the series editors, members of the editorial board, and other researchers.

The series has a history of publishing work by international scholars and continues to welcome contributions from across the globe.

Coverage includes:The lives of children and the policies that shape their lives on five continents; Adolescents’ transition to adulthood and children’s time-use issues; How social organization and private emotional experience are different phases of the social process.

Sociological Studies of Children and Youth

Series EditorsDr Loretta BassUniversity of Oklahoma, USA

Dr David KinneyCentral Michigan University, USA

ISSN: 1521-6136


Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance is a series of edited volumes that publish scholarly work in the areas of the sociology of deviance, criminology and criminal justice, and sociology of law.Each volume in the series is organized around one central theme and includes a variety of chapters by authors show-casing their recent work. The series is especially interested in publishing contributions from scholars from various parts of the world and is likewise open

to submissions from leading experts and up-and-coming scholars alike.

Coverage includes:Restorative justice: from theory to practice, surveillance and governance; crime and human rights; police occupational culture: new debates and directions; sociological theory and criminological research; ethnographies of law and social control; terrorism and counter-terrorism; violent acts and violentization; and legal professions: and work structure and organization.

Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance

Series EditorProfessor Mathieu DeflemUniversity of South Carolina, USA

ISSN: 0275-7982


Studies in Communications is a series that presents contemporary scholarship on the central dynamic of society – communications. Theoretically grounded, empirical studies drawn from the social sciences focus on the institutional patterns and the dynamic processes of meaning construction. Each volume draws from relevant theories in mass media/communications as well as providing applications for policy and teaching.

Coverage includes:Human rights and media; children/youth and new media; communities and information technology; communications and stereotypes; and visual sociology.

Studies in Communications

Series EditorDr Diana PapademasSociology Department of the State University of New York College at Old Westbury, USA

Social Sciences

Sociology and Public Policy Books


ISSN: 1059-4337


The objective of Studies in Law, Politics, and Society is to provide a vehicle for the publication of scholarly articles within the broad parameters of interdisciplinary legal scholarship.Whereas other law-related publications publish within a single domain – the humanities, social science, or legal doctrine, Studies in Law, Politics and Society seeks to bridge those divides.

Coverage includes:Empirical studies of legal phenomena; legal theory; legal history; cultural studies of law; policy analysis; critical approaches to law; and articles dealing with current controversies at the intersection of law and politics.

Studies in Law, Politics and Society

Series EditorProfessor Austin Sarat Amherst College, USA

ISSN: 1042-3192


This series comprises qualitative research designed to take up issues and debates in this area that relate to methodology. It addresses the relationship between data collection and data analysis, as well as the relationship between theory and method, and the implications of qualitative research for social policy and evaluation.The series provides a theoretical and empirical perspective on the value, potential and contribution that qualitative research methodologies bring to a variety of contexts.

Coverage includes:Qualitative urban analysis: an international perspective; negotiating boundaries and borders: qualitative methodology and development research; seeing is believing: approaches to visual research; cross-cultural case study; computing and qualitative research; issues in qualitative research; learning about fieldwork; and qualitative housing analysis.

Studies in Qualitative Methodology

Series EditorDr Christopher Pole Department of Sociology, University of Nottingham, UK

ISSN: 0163-2396


The essays in this series consist of original research and theory within the general sociological perspective known as symbolic interactionism. Longer than conventional journal-length articles, the essays wed micro and macro concerns within a qualitative, ethnographic, autoethnographic and performance studies orientation. The emphasis is on new thought and research.

Essays which interrogate the intersections between biography, media, history, politics and culture are encouraged.

Coverage includes:International in scope, the series draws on the work of urban ethnographers, interpretive, constructionist, ethnomethodological, critical race, post-colonial, feminist, queer theory, and cultural studies traditions.

Studies in Symbolic Interaction

Series EditorProfessor Norman DenzinUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Tourism and Hospitality

Social Sciences

Tourism and Hospitality Journals and Books

Social Sciences

Tourism and Hospitality Journals

International Journal of


Volume 21 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0959-6119


International Journal of

Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

Volume 3 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1750-6182


Published in association with

International Journal of

Event and FestivalManagement

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1758-2954


ISSN: 0959-6119

ISSN: 1750-6182

ISSN: 1785-2954




The International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (IJCHM) aims to communicate the latest developments and thinking on the management of hospitality operations worldwide. A multidisciplinary journal, it covers issues relevant to operations, marketing, finance and personnel and encourages an interchange between hospitality managers, educators and researchers.

Coverage includes: Annual review of trends; applied research; effective marketing; hospitality methodology; management

styles, methods and principles; techniques and innovations; and strategic management.

Benefits and features • IJCHM is regarded as a leading journal in the

field by key figures within the hospitality industry. • IJCHM is consistently ranked in the top ten

journals in the Emerald Fulltext database in terms of usage.

• IJCHM actively encourages and supports the publication of work by first-time authors.

The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (IJCTHR) focuses on building bridges between theory, research and practice across the interrelated fields of culture, tourism and hospitality.

Coverage includes: Tourist culture and behaviour; marketing practices in tourism and hospitality, and how these relate to cultures; consumer behaviour and trends in tourism and hospitality; destination culture and destination marketing; and international tourism and hospitality.

Benefits and features • IJCTHR is the only journal to link explicitly the

three connected disciplines of tourism, hospitality, and culture, edited by a leading figure.

• IJCTHR makes explicit links between theory and good practice, exploiting useful marketing analysis, trends and practices for successful tourism and hospitality strategies.

International Journal of Event and Festival Management (IJEFM) seeks to advance knowledge in the field of events and to enhance the uptake of such knowledge by practitioners in the field. Whilst publishing theoretical and practical articles, articles will include a section on how the findings can be adopted by practitioners in the field.

Coverage includes: Event marketing; event planning and design; event logistics; event evaluation; strategic management

and creative leadership; sponsorship and fundraising; volunteer and human resource management; event professionalism; event programming; event risk management; and financial management of events.

Benefits and features • A section that provides the practical perspectives

on the articles contained in each issue. • Reviews of event tools and software rather than

the more traditional book reviews.

International Journal of

Contemporary Hospitality Management

International Journal of

Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

International Journal of

Event and Festival Management

Volume: 23Print Issues: 7Internet Issues: 7

Volume: 5Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 2Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2007 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

EditorDr Fevzi Okumus University of Central Florida, USA

EditorProfessor Arch Woodside Boston College, USA

EditorsProfessor Jack CarlsenCurtin Sustainable Tourism Centre, Curtin University of Technology, Australia

Professor Leo JagoChristel DeHaan Tourism and Travel Research Institute, Nottingham University Business School, UK







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Social Sciences

Tourism and Hospitality Journals


Journal of

Hospitality andTourismTechnology

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1757-9880


Tourism Review

Volume 63 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1660-5373


The official journal of the AIEST

Worldwide Hospitalityand Tourism Themes

Volume 1 Number 1 2009

ISSN 1755-4217


ISSN: 1757-9880

ISSN: 1660-5373

ISSN: 1755-4217




Launched in 2010, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology (JHTT) serves as a scholastic platform in the fields of Hospitality Information Technology and E-Business. It seeks to serve as a bridge between academia and industry through intellectual exchange of ideas, trends and paradigmatic changes under way in the two important and related domains that it addresses.

Coverage includes:E-Marketplaces, electronic distribution channels, or e-Intermediaries; Internet or m-commerce business

models; self-service technologies; e-procurement in supply chain management; and social dynamics of communication on the internet.

Benefits and features• The only journal dedicated solely to research in

technology and e-business in tourism and hospitality and tourism.

Tourism Review (TR) aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of tourism as an interdisciplinary phenomenon and to provide insights into developments, issues and methods in tourism research.

Coverage includes: Aspects of tourism demand (consumer behaviour) and its development in a socio-economic context; managing and marketing tourism products and services in a destination network with its social, ecological and economic interrelations; and markets and their institutions in transition.

Benefits and features • TR is edited by two highly-respected Editors

based in a leading institution, within the hospitality and tourism fields.

• As the official journal of the International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (AIEST), TR seeks to prompt discussion across disciplines and research streams on a global level.

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes (WHATT) provides thematic reviews of the major challenges facing the tourism and hospitality industry today.

Examples of themes relevant to the journal include:Human resource development in hospitality and tourism; tourism development; hospitality trends; travel and tourism marketing; sustainable development and international tourism;

management, service improvement and business performance in tourism and hospitality; climate change and the tourism industry; and talent management in the hospitality sector.

Benefits and features • WHATT takes a considered look at how

academic analysis might assist practitioners in a meaningful way.

• Each issue is themed and addresses a significant hospitality/tourism challenge.

Journal of

Hospitality and Tourism Technology

Tourism Review

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes

Volume: 2Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 66Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 3Print Issues: 5Internet Issues: 5

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1946 - dateFull text 2007 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2009 - dateFull text 2009 - date

EditorDr Cihan CobanogluUniversity of South Florida, USA

EditorsProfessor Dr Christian Laesser and Professor Dr Thomas Bieger University of St Gallen, Switzerland

EditorDr Richard TeareGlobal University for Lifelong Learning, UK





t Lau



Social Sciences

Tourism and Hospitality Books


ISSN: 1871-3173


Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research seeks to advance knowledge and sense-making skills in interpreting cultural, organizational, and personal influences relating to tourism and hospitality behaviors. This broad objective includes examining unconscious and conscious thinking processes of tourists, guests, and/or service providers in contexts that relate to tourism and hospitality. The series aims to be eclectic in providing both in-depth and holistic examinations of antecedents, process transformations, and immediate and long-range outcomes of contexts, thoughts,

actions, behaviors, and interpretations relating to tourism and hospitality topics. The series seeks papers by authors from the behavioral sciences, journalism, tourism and hospitality and management. All papers published in Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research are double-blind reviewed.

Coverage includes:The Series Editor encourages submissions from a broad range of cultural, tourism, and hospitality topics.

Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

Series EditorProfessor Arch WoodsideBoston College, USA

ISSN: 1745-3542


Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, a peer-review series published annually, is seeking to deliver refreshing insights from a host of scientific investigations pertaining to hospitality, leisure and tourism, while rendering an academic forum to stimulate discussion on current literature, contemporary issues and emerging trends essential to theory advancement as well as professional practices from a global perspective.The main focus of the series is to divulge the innovative methods of inquiry so as to inspire new research topics that are vital and have been

largely neglected. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure strives to address the needs of the populace, willing to disseminate seminal ideas, concepts and theories derived from scholarly inquiries.

Coverage includes:Volume themes should cover a broad range of issues such as consumer behaviors, economic impacts, environmental impact, human resource management, marketing, natural disaster, pricing strategy, product development, risk management, service quality and terrorism.

Advances in Hospitality and Leisure

Series EditorProfessor Joseph ChenIndiana University, USA

“Emerald Books are topical, well thought out, researched and well composed.”Richard Sennoga, Webmaster and ICT Support Specialist, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, Uganda

Social Sciences

Tourism and Hospitality Books


ISSN: 2042-1443


The aim of Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice is to have academic and industry leaders join forces in their respective fields to discuss, exchange and debate issues critical to the advancement of tourism and to inspire a new generation of researchers who can both translate scholarly discoveries to deliverable results valuable to practitioners and inform academics of industry best practices. The series creates a platform for academics and practitioners to share theories and practices

with each other and serves as a collaborative venue for meaningful exchange and syntheses.

Coverage includes:Contributors to each volume come from multiple disciplines and industry sectors. Coverage includes, but is not restricted to: theoretical development in this field; best practices in the fields of application policy, planning, and development; strategies, globalization, and sustainability; and emerging markets and consumers.

Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice

Series EditorsProfessor Jafar JafariUniversity of Wisconsin-Stout, USA

Professor Liping A. CaiPurdue University, USA

ISSN: 1571-5043


The books in Tourism Social Science Series are intended to systematically and cumulatively contribute to the formation, embodiment and advancement of knowledge in the field of tourism. The series significantly favours state-of-the-art presentations, works featuring new directions and especially the cross-fertilization of perspectives beyond each of these singular fields.

Coverage includes:Tourism Social Science Series’ multidisciplinary framework and treatment of tourism include application of theoretical, methodological and substantive contributions from such fields as anthropology, business administration, ecology, economics, geography, history, hospitality, leisure, planning, political science, psychology, recreation, religion, sociology, and transportation.

Tourism Social Science Series

Series EditorProfessor Jafar JafariUniversity of Wisconsin-Stout, USA

“Emerald Books are written and edited by thought leaders and provide in-depth insight into the area for which they are written.”Professor Mala Srivastava, SVKM, NMIMS University, India


Online products:Emerald Subject Collections

International Civil Engineering Abstracts

Journal subject disciplines:Advanced Automation

Computational MathematicsElectronics Manufacture and Packaging

Materials Science and Engineering


Online Products Emerald Subject Collections

An essential engineering database


Online Products Emerald Subject Collections


The Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection comprises 19 international peer-reviewed journals covering four major areas of engineering and technology: Advanced Automation, Computational Mathematics, Electronics Manufacture and Packaging, and Materials Science and Engineering. Also included is Kybernetes, the international journal of cybernetics, systems and management sciences.

Features & benefits:• Covering important aspects of engineering and technology, you can

rest assured that the information you receive is directly relevant to your interest area

• 16 of the 19 Engineering journals that make up the Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection receive Thomson Reuters impact factors, making them essential reading for all engineers who are working in, researching or teaching this subject

• Pin-point the right information quickly, as all articles are in one place and available whenever you need them

• The theory-into-practice emphasis gives researchers working in industry the latest research, allowing solutions to “real-world” applications to be sourced.

Subscription optionsA subscription offers access to the archive articles and chapters as well as perpetual access to all the content published during the years to which you subscribe.

Emerald Engineering journal usage (2006-2009)













2007 2008 2009

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology*

Civil and military aircraft, flight systems, aerospace technologies, rotorcraft, satellite and spacecraft technologies

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials* Corrosion cost and risk management, health and safety, protection of structural steelwork, environmental issues

Assembly Automation* Artificial intelligence, compliant mechanisms, manufacturing control systems, design for assembly

Circuit World* Flexible circuits, printed circuit board (PCB) and interconnect technology, high speed PCBs, controlled impedance

COMPEL* Modelling and simulation, computational techniques, circuit analysis, multiphysics effects

Engineering Computations* Aerospace technology, computer science – CAD/CAM, materials science, construction

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology* Materials and techniques involved in tribology, best practice in lubrication, wear and friction, and quality

Industrial Robot* Robot construction, automotive industry, military applications, health care/medical robots

International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology*

Innovative algorithm developments, colour inventory management, quality issues, garment manufacture and design, fabric testing and capabilities

International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics

Evolutionary computation, image processing/recognition, intelligent control, natural language processing, real time systems and virtual reality

International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow*

Biomedical engineering, heat transfer in composites, ceramics, plastics etc., innovative algorithm developments and application to heat and fluid flow

International Journal of Structural Integrity Design and structural assessment of metallic and composite structures, environmental effects and structural performance, structural performance evaluation of metals, composites, hybrids and polymers

Kybernetes* Adaptive systems, artificial intelligence, biocybernetics, computer simulation, cybernetics and systems modeling

Microelectronics International* Design, manufacture and assembly of advanced packaging, micro-circuit engineering, interconnects, semiconductor technology and systems engineering

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

Multidiscipline modeling, design, optimization in materials and structures, solid mechanics, applications in engineering

Pigment & Resin Technology* The formulation and manufacture of dyes, pigments, coatings, inks, adhesives, sealants and varnishes

Rapid Prototyping Journal* CAD and other software aspects, additive manufacturing, integration with design process, new materials

Sensor Review* MEMS technology, imaging and vision technology, biosensors and biomimetic sensors

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology* Surface mount technology and assembly, soldering, conductive adhesives, conformal coatings

* These journals are indexed by

The Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection contains the following journals:

For more information about Emerald Engineering Collections please contact engineering@emeraldinsight.com or visit our website at www.emeraldinsight.com/engineering. Find out about which titles are included on page 247.

A gateway to the essential readings from the world’s leading civil

engineering titles


Online Products International Civil Engineering Abstracts


Online Products International Civil Engineering Abstracts


International Civil Engineering Abstracts (ICEA) is a vast abstracting and indexing database providing invaluable access to the latest key research from all the most important journals in civil engineering, as selected by an external panel of subject experts.

Volume: 40 Print issues: 6 Internet issues: 12Online archive: 160,000 abstracts back to 1976First published in 1972, ICEA has continued to provide a wealth of information to academics and professionals in the field. Pin-pointing the major issues and the latest

thinking in this important international industry, ICEA enables subscribers to access that knowledge with speed and accuracy.

Subject coverageICEA covers all the major subject areas including: • Construction Management• Environmental Engineering• Hydraulic Engineering• Structural Engineering• Transport Engineering.While some databases remain selective in coverage, ICEA remains committed to total coverage. Users can be sure that every article in every publication on the Accredited Journal list is in the database.

Journal coverageMuch of the added value users derive from ICEA comes from the knowledge that only periodicals of the highest order are included in the database, so time will not be wasted searching for and reading inappropriate material.Journal accreditation processes ensure that ICEA covers the world’s finest periodicals in civil engineering. The ICEA Accredited Journal Coverage List is compiled from the library holdings of civil engineering centres of excellence worldwide, such as the Institute of Civil Engineers and Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London. However, this list is not set in stone: new titles may emerge, while older titles may no longer make the grade. The Accreditation Board, which comprises a group of internationally known experts in the field of civil engineering, reassesses this list every year using their own experience and expertise plus recommendations from users.

Key titles include: • Advances in Cement Research (UK)• ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering (USA)• ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (USA)• Coastal Engineering (The Netherlands)• Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (UK)• Engineering with Computers (UK)• International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering (UK)• Journal of Hydrology (UK)• Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers – Transport (UK)

Accreditation BoardMr David Bayliss, OBE, Director of Transport and Planning, Halcrow Group Ltd, UK

Professor David Muir Wood, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bristol, UK

Professor Roger Flanagan, Department of Construction Management and Engineering, University of Reading, UK

Professor M.B. Pescod, OBE, Expert Consultant, Environmental Technology Consultants, SEC-UK Environment and Infrastructure Ltd, UK

Professor F.K. Kong, Emeritus Professor of Structural Engineering, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Professor R.K. Price, I.H.E., Delft, The Netherlands

Professor R. McCaffer, Senior Pro-Vice Chancellor, Department of Civil and Building Engineering, Loughborough University, UK

Professor Nigel H.M. Wilson, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA

Full-text linkingInternational Civil Engineering Abstracts acts as a high-speed route to identifying and retrieving relevant full-text articles. Using link resolver technology, many academics, researchers and students use ICEA as a time- and effort-saving method of pin-pointing articles quickly within their own library collections. Civil engineers, government departments and construction companies can save money on journal subscriptions, as specific articles can be purchased as and when needed.

For further information and a full title listing visit: www.emeraldinsight.com/abstracts/icea

International Civil Engineering AbstractsThe Editor’s selection

Volume 37 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0332-4095


Access the full database atwww.emeraldinsight.com/icea

Contents:• More than 160,000 abstracts back to 1976 from the 150 top

journals in civil engineering• Accredited journal coverage list, approved annually by experts

in the area• 900 new abstracts added each month• Comprehensive coverage of every journal• Six hard-copy abstracting journals• All abstracts classified and keyworded• Links to the full text from a choice of locations• E-mail alerting services.

Benefits:• Recency – users are always up to date with the latest trends

and developments in civil engineering, because article abstracts appear in the database immediately after journal publication, plus saved search alerts instantly notify users of material relevant to them.

• Quality – only the best publications in the world are included, so no time is wasted searching through substandard material.

• Maximize existing resources – link resolvers allow users to pin-point articles quickly within their own library collection.




Advanced Automation

Advanced Automation

Advanced Automation



Industrial RobotThe international journal of industrial andservice robotics

Volume 35 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0143-991X


International Journal of

Intelligent Computingand Cybernetics

Volume 1 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1756-378X


Published in association with

Assembly AutomationThe international journal of assemblytechnology and management

Volume 28 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0144-5154


ISSN: 0143-991X

ISSN: 1756-378X

ISSN: 0144-5154




For almost 40 years, Industrial Robot (IR) has been a leading international journal providing up-to-date coverage of international activities that relate to the design and applications of industrial and service robots. It is an essential information resource for those who design, develop and use robots and robot systems.

Coverage includes: Automotive industry; military applications; navigation and localization; robot construction; and health care and medical robots.

Benefits and features • IR publishes a mix of practitioner-focused

features and academic research articles.• The journal is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in

2009 had an impact factor of 0.404. • Latest trends, developments and applications

within robotics are reported.

International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics (IJICC) focuses on studying and understanding the underlying principles of natural computation, and how these principles can be adopted or modified to extend and enrich computer science and engineering.

Coverage includes: Natural language processing; intelligent search; optimization; pattern recognition; evolvable hardware; software development environments; intelligent control; nonlinear control; predictive control; adaptive control; system identification; fault

identification; manufacturing systems; hybrid systems; and real-time systems and virtual reality.

Benefits and features • IJICC’s scope places a unique emphasis on

cutting-edge papers bridging research into both intelligent computing and cybernetics.

• It has a strong editorial advisory board of leading academics based at key institutions around the globe.

Assembly Automation (AA) provides up-to-date coverage of international activities that relate to the automation of assembly operations. Proven applications are covered together with company news and new product information.

Coverage includes:Artificial intelligence for assembly; calibration; electronic assembly; control systems; joining technologies; modular and robotic assembly systems; parts feeders; flexible gripping; design for assembly; rapid prototyping; and additive manufacturing.

Benefits and features • AA is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009

had an impact factor of 0.382.• Scholar One Manuscripts is used for online

submission and peer review, giving authors the ability to track their papers through the review process.

• Publishes the latest trends, developments and applications within automated assembly.

Industrial RobotThe international journal of industrial and service robotics

International Journal of

Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics

Assembly AutomationThe international journal of assembly technology and management

Volume: 38Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 4Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 31Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1973 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2008 - dateFull text 2008 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1980 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorDr Clive LoughlinIlkley, UK

EditorProfessor Haibin DuanBeihang University, China

EditorDr Clive LoughlinIlkley, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Advanced Automation

Computational Mathematics

Advanced Automation



Sensor ReviewThe international journal of sensing for industry

Volume 28 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0260-2288


COMPELThe international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering

Volume 28 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0332-1649


Rapid Prototyping JournalThe international journal for research on additive manufacturing technologiesand rapid product development

Volume 14 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1355-2546


Rapid Prototyping Journal is published in association with GARPA

ISSN: 0260-2288

ISSN: 0332-1649

ISSN: 1355-2546




Sensor Review (SR) provides up-to-date coverage of international activities that relate to the design and application of sensors and sensor systems.

Coverage includes: Biometric sensors (fingerprints etc.); colour measurement; fibre-optic sensors; magnetic field sensors; sub-surface structural inspection; flow measurement; sensor fusion; thermal imaging sensors and systems; and machine vision and nanosensors.

Benefits and features • The journal publishes a mix of practitioner-

focused features and academic research articles.• SR uses Scholar One Manuscripts for online

submission and peer-review, giving authors the ability to track their papers through the review process.

• The journal receives its first impact factor in Summer 2010.

COMPEL provides a forum for discussion and dissemination of computational and analytical methods in electrical and electronic engineering. The main emphasis of papers is on methods and new techniques, or the application of existing techniques in a novel way.

Coverage includes: Modelling and simulation; computational techniques; development of algorithms; performance analysis and prediction; circuit analysis; design and optimisation; computational electromagnetics; coupled problems; multiphysics effects; electrical

power issues; and electrical/electronic applications.

Benefits and features • COMPEL publishes a variety of special issues

from international conferences.• Publishes top quality, refereed articles with the

emphasis on new methods and techniques.• COMPEL is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in

2009 had an impact factor of 0.441.

Rapid Prototyping Journal (RPJ) publishes leading global research on the development and application of rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing and related technologies.

Coverage includes: Benchmarking; reviews of processes/applications; CAD and other software aspects; integration with design processes; new rapid prototyping processes; rapid prototyping for tooling; medical applications; rapid/direct digital/additive manufacturing; and reverse engineering in relation to RP.

Benefits and features • The journal is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in

2009 had an impact factor of 1.086.• RPJ is the only academic journal dedicated 100

per cent to RP and rapid manufacturing.• Publishes the latest research into the

development and application of rapid prototyping, direct manufacturing and related technologies.

Sensor ReviewThe international journal of sensing for industry

COMPELThe international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering

Rapid Prototyping JournalThe international journal for research on additive manufacturing technologies and rapid product development

Volume: 31Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 30Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 17Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1981 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1982 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1995 - dateFull text 1995 - date

EditorDr Clive LoughlinIlkley, UK

EditorProfessor Jan Sykulski University of Southampton, UK

EditorDr Ian Campbell Loughborough University, UK





This journal is indexed by

Published in association with

This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Computational Mathematics

Computational Mathematics

Computational Mathematics



International Journal of

Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow

Volume 18 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0961-5539


Multidiscipline Modelingin Materials andStructures

Volume 6 Number 1 2010ISSN 1573-6105


EngineeringComputationsInternational journal for computer-aided engineering and software

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0264-4401


ISSN: 0961-5539

ISSN: 1573-6105

ISSN: 0264-4401




The International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow (HFF) provides applied mathematicians, engineers and scientists engaged in computer-aided design and research in computational heat transfer and fluid dynamics with information on the development, refinement and application of computer-based numerical techniques for solving problems in heat and fluid flow.

Coverage includes: Conduction, free and forced convection; contributions to numerical modelling in CAD, CAM and CAE; heat

transfer in composites, ceramics, plastics, etc.; algorithm developments and applications to heat and fluid flow; and laminar and turbulent flow.

Benefits and features • All papers undergo rigorous peer-review by

leading experts.• HFF is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009

had an impact factor of 0.685.

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures (MMMS) is an international journal which aims to publish original and creative research contributions relating to multidiscipline modeling, design, optimization in materials and structures.

Coverage includes:Solid mechanics; general mechanics; fluid mechanics and thermal mechanics, as well as their interaction in materials and structures; multidiscipline bases of material design and

production as well as mechanical behaviour; multidiscipline structural design, optimization and analysis; multiscale (micro, meso and macro) study in materials and structures; and applications in engineering.

Benefits and features:• Exchange ideas and techniques in

multidiscipline interaction science and applications.

The main objective of Engineering Computations (EC) is to provide research engineers, numerical analysts and software developers with timely and accessible information on the latest developments and applications of new solution algorithms, innovative numerical methods and/or solution techniques directed at the utilization of computational methods in engineering analysis, engineering design and practice.

Coverage includes: Computational methods and techniques in: aerospace; chemical engineering; civil engineering;

computer science-CAD/CAM; mechanical engineering; materials science; and mathematics.

Benefits and features • Stringent peer review ensures that only the

highest quality research is published. • EC is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009

had an impact factor of 0.488.

International Journal of

Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow

Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures

Engineering ComputationsInternational journal for computer-aided engineering and software

Volume: 21Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Volume: 7Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 28Print Issues: 8Internet Issues: 8

Online archiveAbstracts 1991 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 2005 - dateFull text 2005 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1984 - dateFull text 1996 - date

EditorProfessor Roland W. Lewis Swansea University, UK

Editor-in-ChiefZhufeng YueNorthwestern Polytechnical University, PR China

EditorProfessor D.R.J. Owen Swansea University, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by


t Acq




Electronics Manufacture and Packaging

Electronics Manufacture and Packaging

Electronics Manufacture and Packaging



MicroelectronicsInternationalAn International Journal

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1356-5362


Soldering & SurfaceMount Technology

Volume 21 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0954-0911


Circuit WorldThe international journal of circuit technology

Volume 35 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0305-6120


ISSN: 1356-5362

ISSN: 0954-0911

ISSN: 0305-6120




Microelectronics International (MI) covers research and applications of all technologies associated with the design, manufacture and assembly of miniaturized devices and advanced packaging.

Coverage includes: Advanced packaging; ball grid arrays; ceramics; chip attachment; chip on board; chip scale packaging; dieing; land grid arrays; micro-circuit technology; multichip modules; scribing, semiconductor technologies; and thick/thin film technology.

Benefits and features• The journal publishes state-of-the-art, in-depth

technical research papers that are complemented by international industry news, new products, and a diary of international events.

• All submissions undergo rigorous peer review.• MI is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009

had an impact factor of 0.471.

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology (SSMT) provides an authoritative, international and independent forum for the dissemination of research and development, application, processes and current practices relating to the assembly of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and the interconnection of electronic components and other devices on the printed board.

Coverage includes: Surface mount assembly; solders, pastes and fluxes; conductive adhesives; inspection and testing; and packaging and interconnection.

Benefits and features• SSMT provides an important dissemination route

for new knowledge on lead-free solders and processes and environmental issues.

• Each issue contains sections dedicated to industry news, new products and an international diary.

• SSMT is listed by Thomson Reuters and in 2009 had an impact factor of 0.667.

Circuit World (CW) provides up-to-date coverage of international activities related to the design and manufacture of printed circuit boards (PCBs) and interconnect technology.

Coverage includes: High speed PCBs; single- and double-sided boards; environmental issues; drilling substrates; flexible circuits; printed electronics; optical PCBs; and soldering.

Benefits and features• CW is ranked by Thomson Reuters (ISI) and in

2009 had an impact factor of 0.464.• Articles bring theory into practice, making them

more applicable to your real life scenarios and case studies.

• Keep up-to-date with the recent developments in all areas of the field with a comprehensive news section.

Microelectronics InternationalAn International Journal

Soldering & Surface Mount Technology

Circuit WorldThe international journal of circuit technology

Volume: 28Print Issues: 3Internet Issues: 3

Volume: 23Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 37Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Online archiveAbstracts 1982 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1996 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1974 - dateFull text 1996 - date

EditorDr John AtkinsonUniversity of Southampton, UK

EditorProfessor Martin GooseyLoughborough University, UK

EditorProfessor Martin GooseyLoughborough University, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering



Anti-CorrosionMethods and Materials

Volume 55 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0003-5599


Industrial Lubrication and TribologyCovers all automotive and industrialapplications of lubricants

Volume 61 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0036-8792


Aircraft Engineeringand Aerospace TechnologyAn International Journal

Volume 80 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1748-8842


ISSN: 0003-5599

ISSN: 0036-8792

ISSN: 1748-8842




Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials (ACMM) provides a broad coverage of the materials and techniques employed in corrosion prevention.

Coverage includes: New methods; materials and software; new developments in research and industry; stainless steels; protection of structural steelwork; environmental issues; health and safety (including EC regulations); corrosion monitoring and plant health assessment; and corrosion cost and corrosion risk management.

Benefits and features • ACMM is a well-respected independent, global

journal on anti-corrosion technologies.• ACMM is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in

2009 had an impact factor of 0.514.• All articles undergo rigorous peer review prior to

publication to ensure top quality content.

Industrial Lubrication and Tribology (ILT) provides a broad coverage of the materials and techniques employed in the three disciplines of tribology; lubrication, wear, and friction. It follows the progress of research into advanced lubricants, bearings, seals, gears and related materials.

Coverage includes: Abrasion-resistant materials; condition monitoring; dynamic seals; lubricant additives; and oil refining.

Benefits and features • The journal has an Editor who is a leading,

independent expert in the field, and an internationally recognized EAB.

• ILT is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009 had an impact factor of 0.231.

• Special emphasis is placed on the development of alternatives to hydrocarbon-based lubricants.

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (AEAT) provides a broad coverage of the materials and techniques employed in the aircraft and aerospace industry. Coverage is essentially of a practical nature and designed to be of material benefit to those working in the field.

Coverage includes: Civil and military aircraft; control and flight systems; rotorcraft; and satellite and spacecraft technologies.

Benefits and features • AEAT is an independent journal that publishes

peer-reviewed research articles relevant to both academics and practitioners.

• The journal is one of the oldest in its field with an archive dating back to 1929.

• AEAT is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009 had an impact factor of 0.183.

Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials

Industrial Lubrication and TribologyCovers all automotive and industrial applications of lubricants

Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace TechnologyAn International Journal

Volume: 58Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 63Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 83Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 1954 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1948 - dateFull text 1994 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1929 - dateFull text 1997 - date

EditorDr William Cox Corrosion Management, UK

EditorJohn TaylorTaylor Marketing & Technical Services Ltd, UK

EditorDr Askin T. IsikverenUniversity of Bristol, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering

Materials Science and Engineering



International Journal of

Structural Integrity

Volume 1 Number 1 2010

ISSN 1757-9864


Published in partnership with theEuropean Aeronautics Science Network

Pigment & ResinTechnologyThe international journal of colorants, polymers and colour applications

Volume 37 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0369-9420


International Journal of

Clothing Scienceand Technology

Volume 20 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0955-6222


ISSN: 1757-9864

ISSN: 0369-9420

ISSN: 0955-6222




The International Journal of Structural Integrity (IJSI) is published in partnership with the European Aeronautics Science Network to bring together academic and industrial research in the area of damage tolerance design and structural integrity.

Coverage includes: Durability, design and structural assessment of metallic and composite structures; advances in fracture analysis; environmental effects and structural performance; examination of computational codes for stress analysis and damage tolerance; structural performance

evaluation of metals, composites, hybrids and polymers; repair technologies; coating technology and structural performance; and nanomechanics and nanomaterials.

Benefits and features • The journal circulates the state-of-the-art in the

area of structural integrity.• The published works encapsulate trends and

problems usually not visible in traditional research papers.

Pigment & Resin Technology (PRT) provides a broad coverage of the materials and techniques employed in the formulation and manufacture of paints, coatings, dyes, inks, adhesives, sealants and varnishes. Coverage is of a practical nature and designed to be of benefit to those working in the field.

Coverage includes: Materials (e.g. pigments, solvents, resins and chemicals); coatings and preservations; inks for packaging; and testing equipment and procedures.

Benefits and features • PRT is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in 2009

had an impact factor of 0.769.• The Editor works closely with authors to ensure

that their papers stand the best chance of successful peer review.

• All major areas of research are covered, allowing practitioners and academics to keep pace with changes.

The International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology (IJCST) is a specialized journal for all those involved in clothing. This may include specialists involved in fabric design, production, machinery, management or retailing.

Coverage includes: Automatic manipulation of fabric; colour inventory management; computer-aided design and manufacture; fabric testing and capabilities; and garment manufacture and design.

Benefits and features • IJCST is the only scholarly publication dedicated

to the science and technology of clothing.• IJCST is ranked by Thomson Reuters and in

2009 had an impact factor of 0.571.• All articles are peer reviewed by internationally-

recognized experts prior to publication to ensure the highest standards of research.

International Journal of

Structural Integrity

Pigment & Resin TechnologyThe international journal of colorants, polymers and colour applications

International Journal of

Clothing Science and Technology

Volume: 2Print Issues: 4Internet Issues: 4

Volume: 40Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Volume: 23Print Issues: 6Internet Issues: 6

Online archiveAbstracts 2010 - dateFull text 2010 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1972 - dateFull text 1997 - date

Online archiveAbstracts 1989 - dateFull text 1994 - date

EditorChris RodopoulosUniversity of Patras, Greece

EditorProfessor Long Lin University of Leeds, UK

EditorProfessor George StyliosHeriot-Watt University, UK





This journal is indexed by

This journal is indexed by


t laun



Language and Linguistics

Book subject disciplines:Communication

Languages and English Language TeachingLinguistics

Speech and Hearing

Language and Linguistics

Language and Linguistics


Language and Linguistics



ISSN: 1572-6304

ISSN: 2041-272X

ISSN: 1472-7870




Emerald continues to publish the international book series Studies in Writing, previously published by Elsevier. The intended readers are all those interested in the foundations of writing, learning and teaching processes in written composition. The series aims at multiple perspectives of writing, education and texts. Therefore authors and readers come from various fields of research, from curriculum development and from teacher training.

Fields of research covered are cognitive, socio-cognitive and developmental psychology, psycholinguistics, text linguistics, curriculum development and instructional science.

Coverage includes:Theoretical issues, supported by empirical research, quantitative as well as qualitative, representing a wide range of nationalities.

Language program leadership and curriculum are a central aspect of the teaching of English as a vibrant and rapidly growing area of education worldwide. English language teaching operates within a rapidly changing, global environment with multiple and diverse expectations and clientele that require innovative approaches as well as strong and diverse leadership skills. This series develops books on innovative curriculum in English language teaching with a focus on leadership in this expanding field.

Coverage includes:Topics for the series include program management, curriculum design, faculty development, program and faculty evaluation, and leadership in the teaching of English worldwide. The primary audiences are language program administrators, teachers and professors, and students pursuing Master’s and/or Doctoral degrees in Applied Linguistics or the Teaching of English as a Second/Foreign Language.

The aim of this series is to focus on the relationship between semantic and pragmatic theories for a variety of natural language constructions.

Coverage includes:The boundary between semantics and pragmatics can be drawn in many and various ways; the relative benefits of each have given rise to a vivid theoretical dispute in the literature in the last three decades.

As a side-effect, this variety has produced a certain degree of confusion and absence of purpose in the extant publications on the topic. This series provides a forum where the confusion within the existing literature can be removed and the issues raised by different positions can be discussed with a renewed sense of purpose. The Editors intend that the contributions to this series should take further steps towards clarity and cautious consensus.

Studies in Writing

Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching

Current Research in the Semantic/Pragmatic Interface

Series Editor

Series Editor

Series Editors

Professor Gert RijlaarsdamUniversity of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Martha PenningtonGeorgia Southern University, USA

Dr Ken TurnerUniversity of Brighton, UK

Dr Klaus Von HeusingerUniverstät Stuttgart, Germany


Languages and English Language Teaching


Language and Linguistics



ISSN: 1750-368X

ISSN: 0092-4563

ISSN: 1871-1294




The Studies in Pragmatics series is dedicated to publishing innovative, authoritative monographs and edited collections from all micro-, macro- and metapragmatic linguistic perspectives.The goal of the series is to provide a widely read and respected international forum for high quality theoretical, analytical, and applied pragmatic studies of all types. By publishing leading edge work on natural language practice, it seeks to extend our growing knowledge of the forms, functions, and foundations of human interaction.

Coverage includes:Rooted in the interdisciplinary spirit of the Journal of Pragmatics, it welcomes not only book proposals from linguistics proper but also pragmatically-oriented proposals from neighboring disciplines such as interactional sociology, language philosophy, communication science, social psychology, cognitive science, and information science.

Syntax and Semantics is a long-established and highly respected series which focuses on the relationship between semantic and syntactic theories for a variety of languages.

Coverage includes:Much of the interesting work in linguistics today concerns the interfaces between the traditional components of grammar. The aim of the Syntax and Semantics Series is to publish exciting and

innovative research involving the sub-systems of grammar that interface with syntax and semantics. This crucially includes the syntax-semantics interface itself, but also the systematic interplay of syntax and semantics with pragmatics, information structure and discourse. The series will promote research that brings novel forms of empirical evidence to bear on issues in theoretical syntax and semantics.

The Augmentative and Alternative Communications Perspectives is a series of extensively-referenced books based on the three corner-stones of evidence-based practice: research, clinical and/or educational expertise, and stakeholder perspectives. All the books relate to aspects of the broad communication model originally proposed by L.L. Lloyd, R. W. Quist and J. Windsor in “A proposed

augmentative and alternative communication model”, Augmentative and Alternative Communications Perspectives, Vol. 6 (1990).

Coverage includes:Volumes will vary from emphasis on research and basic information to highlighting clinical and educational practice.

Studies in Pragmatics

Syntax and Semantics

Augmentative and Alternative Communications Perspectives

Series Editors

Series Editor

Series Editors

Bruce FraserBoston University, USA

Kerstin FischerUniversity of Hamburg, Germany

Maj-Britt Mosegaard HansenUniversity of Manchester, UK

Professor Jeff RunnerUniversity of Rochester, USA

Professor Lyle Lloyd and Dr Helen ArvidsonUniversity of Purdue, USA



Speech and Hearing

This journal is indexed by


Book subject disciplines:Climate Change and the Environment

Research MethodsSystems, Planning and Process

Traffic and Transport SafetyTransport Theory







ISBN: 9780080447094

ISSN: 1472-7889



This book argues that the issues surrounding sustainable transport constitute a new – post-modern – phase in transport policy and management. Achieving sustainable transport requires more than “optimal” management of congestion and the effects on public health and the environment. Assessments of external effects, and their optimal levels, tend to be piecemeal, localized, and focused on a specific type of effect. Sustainability, on the other hand, is a comprehensive, forward-looking concept that encompasses the achievement of a state of

society that is better overall; it requires a widened concept of welfare that includes environmental quality and social justice in both the short and long term. The book is organized into three sections, each discussing a major set of challenges to the transition to a sustainable transport system.

Coverage includes:Sustainable transport in terms of: how to cast the future; spatial economic interactions in sustainable settings; and effectiveness and acceptability.

As one of the most challenging issues facing the transport sector, the need for this Handbook, devoted to the environmental impacts of transport, is clear. Each chapter was specially commissioned from an acknowledged world expert on the topic and offers an overview and useful insights to those familiar with the area as well as those new to it. Systematic and thorough in its creation, current and accessible in its content, and authoritative and international in its authorship, the Handbook of Transport and the Environment is a definitive reference work on this important subject.

Coverage includes:Key environmental concerns including global warming, air quality, noise, safety, amenity, and severance; the role of fuel sources and new technology in reducing environmental externalities; the contribution of each transport sector to energy consumption and emissions – appraisal, valuation, and impacts of externalities; institutional and political settings and policies – the role of environmental legislation; and special topics such as tourism, public attitudes, and gender.

Building Blocks for Sustainable Transport: Obstacles, Trends, Solutions

Handbook of Transport and the Environment


Series Editors

Adriaan PerrelsGovernment Institute for Economic Research VATT, Finland

Veli Himanen and Martin Lee-GosselinUniversité Laval, Canada

David HensherThe University of Sydney, Australia

Kenneth ButtonGeorge Mason University, USA

Climate Change and the Environment

Climate Change and the Environment

ISBN: 9781848558441


This book is a new chapter in a continuing international collaboration on transportation survey methods. It identifies new challenges to the world community of transport survey specialists as well as the larger constituency of practitioners, planners, and decision-makers that it serves and provides potential solutions and recommendations for addressing them. The book is structured around an introduction and five overlapping themes of major

contemporary importance to the development of data collection on both passenger travel and freight movements.

Coverage includes:Sustainability and user adaptation; global social issues; freight and transit planning; technology applications; and emerging/persistent survey issues, including data harmonization.

Transport Survey Methods: Keeping up with a Changing World

EditorsPatrick BonnelENTPE-LET, France,

Martin Lee-GosselinUniversité Laval, Canada,

Johanna Zmud NuStats, USA

Jean-Loup MadreINRETS, France

Research Methods




ISSN: 1472-7889


Since 2000, an exponential amount of research has been completed in the field of transport modelling, thereby creating a need for an expanded and revised edition of this book. National transport models have taken on the new modelling methods and there have been theoretical and empirical advances in performance measurement. This 2nd edition will continue to be an essential reference for researchers and practitioners in the field. All contributions are by leading experts in their respective fields and there is extensive cross-

referencing of subject-matter. The book features expanded coverage on emerging trends and updated case studies and also addresses models for specific applications to the likes of parking, national traffic forecasting, public transport, urban freight movements, and logistics management.

Coverage includes:Current demand methods; data issues; valuation; and cost and performance and updated traffic models.

Handbook of Transport Modelling, 2nd edition

Series EditorsDavid HensherThe University of Sydney, Australia

Kenneth ButtonGeorge Mason University, USA

Systems, Planning and Process

ISBN: 9781849507721


This book contains a selection of the best theoretical and applied papers from the inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference. The Conference was organised by the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds and was held in 2009. The Conference brought together leading researchers and practitioners from across the many different areas in which choice modelling is a key technique for understanding behaviour and evaluating policy. The diversity of the field was reflected in presentations by both

academics and practitioners, from six continents and a variety of fields including transport and economics. Key contributions include papers from Professor Daniel McFadden, from the University of California, Berkeley – Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and chief architect of random utility modelling.

Coverage includes:Data collection; concepts and methodology; endogeneity and heterogeneity; transport modelling; and modelling beyond transport.

Choice ModellingThe State-of-the-art and the State-of-practice – Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference

EditorsStephane Hess and Andrew DalyInstitute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, UK

Systems, Planning and Process

ISBN: 9780080446622


This book is a new chapter in the continuing focus of the International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences (ISCTSC). It was derived from papers that were part of the 7th International Conference on Travel Survey Methods in 2004. The Conference covered both passenger and freight transport, and focused on surveys that collect information directly from individuals or organizations. Delegates attended from North, Central and South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia and Africa, so there was a keen interest in examining applicability of standards and looking at needed future research in regions

outside the North American/Western European context.

Coverage includes:The papers extend discourse on broad topic areas that have been addressed by the ISCTSC in previous conferences, provide an update on travel survey initiatives currently under way in many countries, and offer a glimpse into the future in the form of changing contexts, new topics, new technologies, and new standards from around the world, with an emphasis on standards and future research directions.

Travel Survey Methods: Quality and Future Directions

EditorsPeter StopherThe University of Sydney, Australia

Cheryl StecherFranklin Hills Consulting Group, USA

Research Methods




ISBN: 9781848557505


Studies of pedestrian behavior have recently gained much attention in a variety of disciplines, including urban planning, transportation, civil engineering, computer science/artificial intelligence and applied physics, and a variety of models for simulating pedestrian behavior have been suggested. Moreover, new technologies have also recently been used to collect data about pedestrian movement patterns. In this book, leading scholars representing different fields of application have written chapters about the analysis and modeling of pedestrian movement patterns as a

means of documenting these new developments in research and modeling approaches. These chapters illustrate that such models can be successfully used to simulate phenomena such as lane formation, crowding, activity-patterns, path decisions, micro-behavior, impulse buying and store choice behavior.

Coverage includes:The book looks at the following modelling approaches: cellular automata models, fluid dynamics, discrete choice models, rule-based models, multi-agent models and models of bounded rationality.

Pedestrian Behavior: Models, Data Collection and Applications

EditorHarry TimmermansTechnische Universiteit Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Systems, Planning and Process

ISBN: 9780080451190


This book is intended for transportation professionals interested in the role of Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs), and freight transport modeling and policy. It is dedicated to the memory of Professor Marvin L. Manheim, the father of modern Transportation Systems Analysis (TSA). The book is divided into three main parts. The first focuses on Professor Marvin L. Manheim and his path-breaking contributions to transportation. The remainder of the book – parts two and three – look at freight transport modeling and policy, and present an application of Manheim’s TSA paradigm.

Coverage includes:A model of the linkages between freight and the macro-economic environment; models of the detailed aspects of logistics choices such as mode of transport, transhipments, and shipment size; predictions of production to consumption freight flows through the use of multi-regional input-output models; choice analysis using freight market research surveys; and estimation of value of quality attributes and value of time in freight transport.

Recent Developments in Transport Modelling: Lessons for the Freight Sector

EditorsMoshe Ben AkivaMIT, USA

Hilde Meersman and Eddy van de VoordeUniversity of Antwerp, Belgium

Systems, Planning and Process

ISBN: 9781848559363


The International Association for Travel Behaviour Research conference proceedings series has a history of over 30 years and is widely read by researchers, practitioners and graduate students in the field of transportation, urban planning and, in particular, travel behaviour analysis. It is the only series of conference proceedings that comprehensively reviews, synthesizes and identifies research needs and future research directions for the respective sub-areas of the travel behaviour research field as well as presenting state-of-the-art assessments by distinguished authors. This book examines key

issues and emerging trends in the expanding field of travel behaviour via workshop resource papers by distinguished authors in nine subject areas, synthesis papers with a focus on Asian developments and 16 selected research papers.

Coverage includes:Key areas of travel behaviour analysis including: group behaviour, data acquisition, econometric methods, activity analysis, policy analysis and management, measurement and quantification and decision dynamics.

The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research

EditorsRyuichi KitamuraIn memoriam

Toshio YoshiiKyoto University, Japan

Toshiyuki YamamotoNagoya University, Japan

Systems, Planning and Process

ISBN: 9781848552500


The 2nd edition of this acclaimed book (previously published in 2004) gives state-of-the-art summaries of current knowledge regarding the effects of 128 road safety measures.

Coverage includes:All areas of road safety including: traffic control; vehicle inspection; driver training; publicity

campaigns; police enforcement; and general policy instruments. With many original chapters revised and several new ones added, extra topics covered in this edition include: post-accident care; DUI legislation and enforcement; environmental zones; and speed cameras.

The Handbook of Road Safety Measures, 2nd edition

EditorsRune Elvik, Truls Vaa, Alena Høye and Michael SørensenInstitute of Transport Economics, Oslo

Traffic and Transport Safety

ISBN: 9780080450292


Traffic crashes have become the epidemic of the third millennium – a seemingly necessary evil that accompanies increasing levels of motorization. In this comprehensive book, Dr David Shinar provides a theoretical framework and a critical evaluation of the most recent research findings to comprehend the complexity of traffic safety and the central role that drivers, motor-cyclists, and pedestrians play in it. In approximately 800 pages with over

250 graphs and tables, Shinar covers the key issues that relate human behavior to traffic safety.

Coverage includes:Background, methods, models; driver capacities and individual differences; driving style; driver temporary impairments; other road users; and crash causation and countermeasures.

Traffic Safety and Human Behavior

AuthorDavid ShinarBen Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

Traffic and Transport Safety




ISBN: 9780080450285


The study of transport is the study of movements, of displacements of individuals and things in both space and time. The objective of this book is to provide the basic concepts and tools for the economic analysis of transport systems, with emphasis on the behaviour of users and operators. Distinctive features will be introduced and treated as the natural consequence of processes that deal with displacements in space-time. Emphasis will be given to the operation of transportation systems, i.e. to the actual form of combining vehicles, terminals and rights-of-way in order to

produce certain levels of flows of different things in different directions. This book focuses on the behavior of users and operators outside traditional economic behavior theory and includes time and space as a distinctive feature of transport economics.

Coverage includes:Transport production and cost structure; travel demand and value of time; valuation of users’ benefits in transport systems; and optimal transport pricing.

Transport Economic Theory

AuthorSergio Jara-DíazUniversity of Chile, Chile

Transport Theory

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Emerald online benefits

Management Reviews – a vast database of 250,000+ abstracts from the top 300 management publications worldwide, as selected by an independent accreditation board of industry experts. All the top titles are included, such as Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing,

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Emerald features and functionality

This was the first in a wave of developments as Emerald seeks to continuously improve its platform to better meet the needs of its customers, users, editors and authors. Through 2011 developments will be undertaken in order to make Emerald’s content more discoverable online via multiple access points. Every user can create their own profile, which can be tailored to quickly identify articles of interest, provide alerts to new and relevant content and interact more easily with the Emerald platform. By registering on “Your Profile”, a user will be able to update their details and personalize their subscription using the following functions:

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For more information about Emerald’s web improvement programme please contact us at emerald@emeraldinsight.com

As a direct result of feedback from our library customers and authors, Emerald improved the design and functionality of its website in 2010. Users benefited from more intuitive search and browse capabilities, searchable journal information pages and superior site performance from quick-loading pages. The ability to copy abstract citation documents for quick referencing was incorporated and recommended reading lists of related articles (based on keyword searches) were introduced.


Emerald authors and editors

We all remember the first time we were published, and we know that can be intimidating sometimes. We encourage in particular new researchers and first-time authors to come to us and much of the information carried on these web pages is aimed at making the scholarly publishing process accessible to a wide audience. We believe in the value of authors from a wide range of nationalities, cultures and contexts. Although we only currently publish mainly in the English language, we encourage contributions from around the world. Looking through a few recent issues of our founding publication, Management Decision, there are papers from France, the UK, The Netherlands, Australia, Hong Kong, the USA, Canada, Scotland and Kuwait. And we believe in our authors. We offer what we believe are pragmatic, realistic and forward-looking attitudes on copyright. We provide, in the Emerald Literati Network, what we think is a unique service – something which has grown from prolonged investment over the years in our relationships with authors. We distribute our titles through a range of electronic media (as well as traditional print format), which gives very wide dissemination into universities and businesses worldwide.

AwardsEmerald runs a number of awards in different categories and to reward different activities.

Emerald Literati Network Awards for ExcellenceThese awards take place every year and reward exceptional work in the categories of authorship, editorship, contribution and reviewing within Emerald journals and books.Emerald’s publishing philosophy highlights six areas that inform the development of our journals and books: (1) Internationality (2) Diversity (3) Support for scholarly research (4) Encouragement of applied research (impact) (5) Commitment to high quality scholarship (6) A desire to ensure that reader, author and customer experience

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Citations of ExcellenceEvery year, Emerald Management Reviews rewards authors of exceptional papers covered in its article-review database with a Citation of Excellence Award.Each of the independent reviewers in the Emerald Management Reviews team has a portfolio of journals carefully matched to his or her area of expertise. Articles from the publications on the prestigious Emerald Management Reviews Coverage List are reviewed and compared by the reviewers for a whole calendar year.While all publications on the list are already guaranteed to be of the highest quality, having been through a rigorous accreditation process, just 50 articles across the whole database are singled out for special praise and awarded a Citation of Excellence.

Our aim is to be the first choice as a publisher for authors and researchers around the world. Emerald looks to assist first-time and more experienced authors across a number of disciplines.

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Vice President of Operations for the Americas region Jim DeWolf (right) pictured with Richard Boyatzis, who is receiving the Outstanding Special Issue across the portfolio award for an issue of Journal of Management Development presented in 2009.


Over 15,000 article reviews are added to the Emerald Management Reviews database annually, and so receiving a Citation of Excellence is quite an achievement. Winners receive an official certificate and badge to display on their work. Past winners have found the award useful for research funding.For an author, inclusion in the Emerald Management Reviews database represents one of the highest accolades that can be achieved.

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2009 Winner of Management and GovernanceCategory sponsored by Management Decision

Matthias Seifert “Intuition and rationality in managerial decision behaviour” IE Business School, Spain Doctorate conferred by University of Cambridge, UK

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Aslib Information Limited

Aslib, The Association for Information Management, has been acquired by MCB Group, the holding company for Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Emerald and Aslib have been working closely together since 2001, when Aslib’s collection of research journals, including Journal of Documentation and Aslib Proceedings, were acquired by Emerald. The acquisition means that Aslib’s services to members will continue and grow, and the operating name and identity of Aslib will be preserved. Established in 1924, Aslib has recently encountered difficult times. Following the sale of its journals to Emerald, Aslib sold its book-publishing business to Taylor and Francis in 2002, and went into voluntary liquidation in 2004, following which it was reconstituted as a limited liability company providing membership services to library and information professionals. Emerald Joint CEO John Peters commented: “Following the acquisition of the Aslib journals, we have worked very closely with the organization over the years, and were sad to see the decline of a highly regarded institution. This is a real opportunity for us to build a twenty-first century member organization. Aslib will be run independently, but will draw on services from Emerald, as well as other publishers. We plan to reinstate an Advisory Board, and to revamp and improve the Aslib Managing Information (MI) magazine.”

Future plans John Peters continued: “These are obviously difficult times for libraries and information services providers worldwide. We will hold Aslib and MI subscription fees at current levels in 2010 and 2011, but will be looking to offer a raft of new service options for members. Our first step will be to go to current and former members, and our own LIS community of editors and advisers for consultation. It’s a great strategic fit for us, and an opportunity to build something of value to all Aslib members, and to the LIS/Information and Knowledge Management community.”Aslib’s registered office will move to Emerald’s UK headquarters in Bingley, West Yorkshire.Aslib Corporate members receive a subscription to Managing Information magazine as well as subscriptions to two Aslib/Emerald journals from the following selection:• Aslib Proceedings

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Corporate members also have access to the Emerald Management Knowledge Resource.Aslib runs a number of other services, including training courses and the annual Translating and the Computer Conference. We plan to develop and build on these services in consultation with Aslib members and the Information and Knowledge Management community.For membership enquiries, please contact: members@aslib.com For Managing Information subscription enquiries, please contact: subscriptions@aslib.com For training enquiries, please contact: training@aslib.comFor conference enquiries, please contact: conferences@aslib.com


Aslib ProceedingsNew information perspectives

Volume 61 Number 1 2009

ISSN 0001-253X

www.emeraldinsight.comLIBRARY HI TECH NEWS Number 1 2010, pp. 1-3, # Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 0741-9058, DOI 10.1108/07419051011034103 1

The Charleston Conference focuses onacquisitions and collection developmentissues. This year as always theconference confirmed the ever changinglibrary scene. The conference beganwith an optimistic presentation byDavid Lankes, Director, InformationInstitute of Syracuse, SyracuseUniversity, in which he said that ‘‘thebest years of librarianship are ahead ofus.’’ Lankes stated that librarians can beleaders in this new knowledge age. Hepointed to the shift away from theownership of artifacts, i.e. materials, andto rentals, i.e. subscriptions. In additionto this trend Lankes sees libraries as theplace for the creation of knowledgethrough conversations in libraries. Hesays that the mission of libraries isto improve society through facilitatingknowledge transfer.

In the collection development arealibraries are investigating e-books ande-book packages as well as user-drivenacquisitions. Two librarians from theUniversity of Vermont, Albert Joy andPeter Spitzform, reported on user-drivenacquisitions. They cited studies thatshow that library collections often existin isolation and that librarians are notgood at determining what materialswill be used. The University of VermontLibrary found that books ordered forpatron requests circulated twice as oftenas those ordered the usual way. The onedown side to this way of working is that

if we do not buy monographs when theyare published, perhaps they will not beavailable when we want them. Anotherpanel on ‘‘Libraries Without Print’’explored several university librarymodels. For example, Robert Murdock atthe Brigham Young University Librarydiscussed the library’s concentration onacquiring and supplying e-materials. Hestated that students and faculty wantimmediate access to materials. BYULibrary has an agreement with bothebrary and YBP to supply e-books basedon patron requests.

In addition to the e-books produced bypublishers and the collections availablethrough ebrary, NetLibrary, etc., there isHathi-Trust which involves more than 15university libraries in a consortium thatare developing a repository of digitizedcollections to preserve and share. Housedat the University ofMichigan there is nowa catalog of materials in the collection.Many of the books are in the publicdomain and available to the public(www.hathitrust.org).

‘‘Pricing Digital Journals’’ was thesubject of one of the plenary sessions.David Stern from Brown UniversityLibrary recommended that publishersdevelop different packages of digitizedjournals. He suggested more packagesbased on subject areas. He also discussedthe need to analyze journal packages tosee which ones were really being used.Packages by Carnegie level was another








Conference reportsCharleston Conference 2009 . . . . . . 1

National workshop on technicalservices in law libraries:an overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FeaturesPicturing your community: Flickr

use in public libraries . . . . . . . . 6

Access to agricultural information andmillennium development goals . . 10

ColumnCurrent CITE-ings from the popular and

trade computing press . . . . . . . . 13

New & Noteworthy . . . . . . . . 16

Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Charleston Conference 2009

Kay A. Cassell and Marina I. Mercado

Library Linkwww.emeraldinsight.com/librarylink

Journal of


Volume 64 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0022-0418


Records Management Journal

Volume 20 Number 1 2010

ISSN 0956-5698


Celebrating 20 years 1989-2010

PerformanceMeasurement and MetricsThe international journal for library and information services

Volume 9 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1467-8047


ProgramElectronic library and information systems

Volume 42 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0033-0337


Current Awareness AbstractsLibrary and information managementliterature

Volume 25 Number 1 2008

ISSN 1350-5238


Reference Reviewsincorporating Aslib Book Guide

Reviews of new reference materials prepared by librarians for librarians

Volume 22 Number 1 2008

ISSN 0950-4125



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Title listings and index

Product title listings:Emerald Management eJournals

Emerald BackfilesEmerald Management First

Emerald eJournal Subject CollectionsEmerald Online Subject CollectionsEmerald eBook Series Collections

Emerald Plus

Alphabetical product index


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Emerald Management eJournalsEmerald offers a range of online collections to suit both global and local requirements. For further information about the full range of Emerald Management eJournal collections please contact your local business manager (see page 239).

Emerald Management 40Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal JBenchmarking: An International Journal JBottom Line, The JBritish Food Journal JBusiness Process Management Journal JEducation + Training JEmployee Relations: The International Journal JFacilities JHealth Education JInformation Management & Computer Security JInternational Journal of Bank Marketing JInternational Journal of Public Sector Management JInternational Journal of Social Economics JInternational Marketing Review JInternet Research JJournal of Business Strategy JJournal of Health Organization and Management JJournal of Intellectual Capital JJournal of Managerial Psychology JJournal of Product & Brand Management JJournal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering JJournal of Services Marketing JJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development JLeadership & Organization Development Journal JLeadership in Health Services JLibrary Hi Tech JLibrary Hi Tech News JManagement Decision JManagement of Environmental Quality: An International Journal JNew Library World JNutrition & Food Science JOn the Horizon JOnline Information Review JProgram JQualitative Market Research: An International Journal JQuality Assurance in Education JRecords Management Journal JReference Services Review JStructural Survey JSupply Chain Management: An International Journal J

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Product title listings


Please note access to titles on these products depends on individual terms and the lists are to be used as a guide only

Leadership in Health Services JLearning Organization, The JLibrary Hi Tech JLibrary Hi Tech News JLibrary Management JLibrary Review JManagement Decision JManagement of Environmental Quality: An International Journal JManagement Research Review JManagerial Auditing Journal JManagerial Finance JManaging Service Quality: An International Journal JMarketing Intelligence & Planning JMeasuring Business Excellence JNew Library World JNutrition & Food Science JOCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives JOn the Horizon JOnline Information Review JPerformance Measurement and Metrics JPersonnel Review JPolicing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management JProgram JProperty Management JQualitative Market Research: An International Journal JQuality Assurance in Education JRecords Management Journal JReference Reviews JReference Services Review JReview of Accounting and Finance JStrategic Direction JStrategy & Leadership JStructural Survey JSupply Chain Management: An International Journal JTeam Performance Management: An International Journal JTQM Journal, The JVINE J

Emerald Management 175Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal JAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics JAsian Review of Accounting JAslib Proceedings JBaltic Journal of Management JBenchmarking: An International Journal JBottom Line, The JBritish Food Journal JBusiness Process Management Journal JBusiness Strategy Series JCampus-Wide Information Systems JCareer Development International JChinese Management Studies JClinical Governance: An International Journal JCollection Building JCompetitiveness Review: An International Business Journal JConstruction Innovation JCorporate Communications: An International Journal JCorporate Governance Jcritical perspectives on international business JCross Cultural Management: An International Journal JDevelopment and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal JDisaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal JEducation + Training JEducation, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern

Issues JElectronic Library, The JEmployee Relations: The International Journal JEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management JEquality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal JEuroMed Journal of Business JEuropean Business Review JEuropean Journal of Innovation Management JEuropean Journal of Marketing J

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Journal JJournal of Financial Crime JJournal of Financial Regulation and Compliance JJournal of Health Organization and Management JJournal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting JJournal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society J


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Emerald Management PlusAccounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal JAccounting Research Journal JAfrican Journal of Economic and Management Studies JAgricultural Finance Review JArts Marketing: An International Journal JAsia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration JAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics JAsian Journal on Quality JAsian Review of Accounting JAslib Proceedings JBaltic Journal of Management JBenchmarking: An International Journal JBottom Line, The JBritish Food Journal JBuilt Environment Project and Asset Management JBusiness Process Management Journal JBusiness Strategy Series JCampus-Wide Information Systems JCareer Development International JChina Agricultural Economic Review JChina Finance Review International JChinese Management Studies JClinical Governance: An International Journal JCollection Building JCompetitiveness Review: An International Business Journal JConstruction Innovation JCorporate Communications: An International Journal JCorporate Governance Jcritical perspectives on international business JCross Cultural Management: An International Journal JDevelopment and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal JDisaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal JEducation + Training JEducation, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern

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International Journal of Energy Sector Management JInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research JInternational Journal of Event and Festival Management JInternational Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship JInternational Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance JInternational Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis JInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and

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Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth B 67

African Journal of Economics and Management Studies J 142Agricultural Finance Review J 54Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International

Journal J 212Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials J 212Applications of Management Science B 111Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration J 108Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics J 118Asian Journal on Quality J 114Asian Review of Accounting J 28Aslib Proceedings J 156Assembly Automation J 208Augmentative and Alternative Communications Perspectives B 219Baltic Journal of Management J 142Benchmarking: An International Journal J 114Bottom Line, The J 156Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice B 199British Food Journal J 88Building Blocks for Sustainable Transport B 224Business Process Management Journal J 114Business Strategy Series J 146Campus-Wide Information Systems J 176Career Development International J 80China Agricultural Economic Review J 54Chinese Management Studies J 142Choice Modelling B 224Circuit World J 211Clinical Governance: An International Journal J 74Collection Building J 156Community, Environment and Disaster Risk Management B 71Comparative Social Research B 187COMPEL J 209Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal J 100Construction Innovation J 44Contemporary Issues in Entrepreneurship Research B 68Contemporary Studies in Economic and Financial Analysis B 39Contributions to Conflict Management, Peace, Economics

and Development B 187Contributions to Economic Analysis B 59Corporate Communications: An International Journal J 118Corporate Governance J 50critical perspectives on international business J 100Critical Studies on Corporate Responsibility, Governance

and Sustainability B 52Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal J 100Current Perspectives in Social Theory B 188Current Research in the Semantics/Pragmatics Interface B 218Current Research in Urban & Regional Studies B 71Development and Learning in Organizations: An International

Journal J 104Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility B 52Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal J 70Diversity in Higher Education B 182Education + Training J 176Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle

Eastern Issues J 176Electronic Library, The J 157Employee Relations: The International Journal J 80Engineering Computations J 210Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management J 44Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal J 81EuroMed Journal of Business J 143European Business Review J 101European Journal of Innovation Management J 64European Journal of Marketing J 118

Alphabetical product index


Facilities J 44foresight J 146Frontiers of Economics and Globalization B 59Frontiers of Family Economics B 59Gender in Management: An International Journal J 81Grey Systems: theory and application J 92Handbook of Transport and the Environment B 224Handbook of Transport Modelling B 225Handbooks in Information Systems B 98Health Education J 74Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning J 177Human Resource Management International Digest J 81Humanomics J 55Indian Growth and Development Review J 55Industrial and Commercial Training J 104Industrial Lubrication and Tribology J 212Industrial Management & Data Systems J 92Industrial Robot J 208Info J 88Information Management & Computer Security J 92Information Technology & People J 93Innovation and Leadership in English Language Teaching B 218Interactive Technology and Smart Education J 93Interlending & Document Supply J 157International Business and Management J 102International Finance Review J 39International Journal of Accounting and Information

Management J 29International Journal of Bank Marketing J 119International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and

Management J 70International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology J 213International Journal of Commerce and Management J 101International Journal of Conflict Management J 108International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management J 196International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality

Research J 196International Journal of Development Issues J 55International Journal of Disaster Resilience in the Built

Environment J 45International Journal of Educational Management J 177International Journal of Emerging Markets J 101International Journal of Energy Sector Management J 88International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research J 64International Journal of Events and Festival Management J 196International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship J 64International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance J 75International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis J 45International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics J 208International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and

Management J 29International Journal of Law and Management J 50International Journal of Law in the Built Environment J 45International Journal of Lean Six Sigma J 115International Journal of Logistics Management, The J 128International Journal of Managerial Finance J 30International Journal of Managing Projects in Business J 108International Journal of Manpower J 56International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid

Flow J 210International Journal of Operations & Production Management J 128International Journal of Organizational Analysis J 134International Journal of Pervasive Computing and

Communications J 93International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare

Marketing J 119International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics

Management J 129International Journal of Productivity and Performance

Management J 140International Journal of Public Sector Management J 89International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management J 115International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences J 129International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management J 89

International Journal of Social Economics J 56International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy J 89International Journal of Structural Integrity J 213International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education J 178International Journal of Web Information Systems J 94International Journal of Wine Business Research J 119International Journal of Workplace Health Management J 75International Marketing Review J 120International Perspectives on Education and Society B 182International Perspectives on Higher Education Research B 183International Research in the Business Disciplines B 112International Symposia in Economic Theory and Econometrics B 60Internet Research J 94Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change J 30Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies J 30Journal of Advances in Management Research J 109Journal of Applied Accounting Research J 31Journal of Asia Business Studies J 143Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing J 120Journal of Business Strategy J 146Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies J 57Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship J 65Journal of Chinese Human Resource Management J 82Journal of Communication Management J 121Journal of Corporate Real Estate J 46Journal of Documentation J 157Journal of Economic Studies J 57Journal of Educational Administration J 178Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology J 46Journal of Enterprise Information Management J 95Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places

in the Global Economy J 65Journal of European Industrial Training J 104Journal of European Real Estate Research J 46Journal of Facilities Management J 47Journal of Family Business Management J 65Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International

Journal J 121Journal of Financial Crime J 31Journal of Financial Economic Policy J 57Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction J 47Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance J 31Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting J 32Journal of Global Responsibility J 50Journal of Health Organization and Management J 75Journal of Historical Research in Marketing J 121Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology J 197Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting J 32Journal of Human Resource Management in China J 82Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain

Management J 130Journal of Indian Business Research J 144Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society J 95Journal of Intellectual Capital J 95Journal of International Trade Law and Policy J 51Journal of Investment Compliance J 32Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research J 33Journal of Islamic Marketing J 122Journal of Knowledge Management J 96Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China J 66Journal of Management Development J 82Journal of Management History J 109Journal of Managerial Psychology J 83Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management J 130Journal of Modelling in Management J 109Journal of Money Laundering Control J 33Journal of Organizational Change Management J 134Journal of Place Management and Development J 47Journal of Product & Brand Management J 122Journal of Property Investment & Finance J 48Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering J 116Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing J 122Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship J 123


Journal of Risk Finance, The J 33Journal of Science and Technology Policy in China J 130Journal of Service Management J 90Journal of Services Marketing J 123Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development J 66Journal of Social Marketing J 123Journal of Strategy and Management J 147Journal of Systems and Information Technology J 96Journal of Technology Management in China J 131Journal of Workplace Learning J 105Kybernetes J 96Leadership & Organization Development Journal J 135Leadership in Health Services J 76Learning Organization, The J 135Library and Information Science B 162Library Hi Tech J 158Library Hi Tech News J 158Library Management J 158Library Review J 159Management Decision J 110Management of Environmental Quality: An International

Journal J 70Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican

Academy of Management J 144Management Research Review (formerly Management Research

News) J 110Managerial Auditing Journal J 34Managerial Finance J 34Managing Service Quality: An International Journal J 116Marketing Intelligence & Planning J 124Measuring Business Excellence J 140Microelectronics International: An International Journal J 211Monographs in Leadership and Management B 112Multicultural Education & Technology Journal J 179Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures J 210Nankai Business Review International J 144New Library World J 159New Technology Based Firms J 68Nutrition & Food Science J 76OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library

perspectives J 159On the Horizon J 179Online Information Review J 160Pacific Accounting Review J 34Pedestrian Behaviour B 225Performance Measurement and Metrics J 160Personnel Review J 83Pigment & Resin Technology J 213Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies &

Management J 90Political Power and Social Theory B 188Program J 160Progress in International Business Research B 102Property Management J 48Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal J 124Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management J 35Qualitative Research in Financial Markets J 35Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management:

An International Journal J 135Quality Assurance in Education J 179Rapid Prototyping Journal J 209Recent Developments in Transport Modelling B 225Records Management Journal J 97Reference Reviews J 161Reference Services Review J 161Research in Accounting in Emerging Economies B 39Research in Biopolitics B 188Research in Competence-based Management B 112Research in Consumer Behavior B 125Research in Economic Anthropology B 189Research in Economic History B 60Research in Experimental Economics B 60Research in Finance B 40Research in Government and Nonprofit Accounting B 40

Research in Human Capital and Development B 84Research in Labour Economics B 61Research in Law and Economics B 52Research in Multi-level Issues B 136Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being B 78Research in Organizational Change & Development B 136Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management B 85Research in Political Economy B 189Research in Political Sociology B 189Research in Professional Responsibility and Ethics in

Accounting B 40Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management B 190Research in Race & Ethnic Relations B 190Research in Rural Sociology and Development B 190Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change B 191Research in Social Problems and Public Policy B 191Research in Social Science and Disability B 191Research in Strategic Management B 149Research in the History of Economic Thought and

Methodology B 61Research in the Sociology of Education B 183Research in the Sociology of Health Care B 78Research in the Sociology of Organizations B 137Research in the Sociology of Sport B 192Research in the Sociology of Work B 192Research in Urban Sociology B 192Research Methodology in Strategy and Management B 149Research on Economic Inequality B 61Research on Emotion in Organizations B 137Research on Managing Groups and Teams B 85Review of Accounting and Finance J 35Sensor Review J 209Social Enterprise Journal J 66Social Responsibility Journal J 51Society and Business Review J 51Sociological Studies of Children & Youth B 193Sociology of Crime Law and Deviance B 193Soldering & Surface Mount Technology J 211Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal J 110Strategic Direction J 147Strategic HR Review J 83Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal J 131Strategy & Leadership J 147Structural Survey J 48Studies in Communications B 193Studies in Economics and Finance J 36Studies in Law, Politics and Society B 194Studies in Pragmatics B 219Studies in Qualitative Methodology B 194Studies in Symbolic Interaction B 194Studies in the Development of Accounting Thought B 41Studies in Writing B 218Studies of Managerial and Financial Accounting B 41Supply Chain Management: An International Journal J 131Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal J 36Syntax and Semantics B 219Team Performance Management: An International Journal J 140The Expanding Sphere of Travel Behaviour Research B 226The Handbook of Road Safety Measures B 227Tourism Review J 197Tourism Social Science B 199TQM Journal, The J 116Traffic Safety and Human Behavior B 226Training & Management Development Methods J 105Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy J 90Transport Economic Theory B 226Transport Survey Methods B 227Travel Survey Methods B 227VINE J 97World Hospitality and Tourism Themes J 197Young Consumers J 124

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