Portable Pool Safety: One Mom's Research to Save Lives

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Inflatable Pool SafetyMy husband and I made the difficult decision to remove our toddler & baby from an in-home daycare and a provider we loved, because we just could not tolerate the risk of the portable pool she had purchased for her older children.

In the process, I did some research that might help other parents and caregivers save lives, and I wanted to share it.

~ Crystal Olig, 5.30.15

@sparklegem on Twitter

“Every five days a child drowns in a portable pool during the summer in the

United States.”

http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/cirp-portable-pool-safety http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/news-room-articles/new-study-uncovers-the-dangers-of-portable-pools?contentid=92325

Study:Nationwide Children’s/Pediatrics

“I tell parents that drowning is quick, it’s silent and it’s final,” he said.

“Drownings overall represent the second-leading cause of injury deaths among young children and

are different from other childhood accidents because there’s no second chance.”


Dr. Gary A. Smith, director of the Center for Injury Research and Policy at Nationwide Children’s Hospital:

“The majority of cases in the study, which looked at both fatal and non-fatal submersion events, involved children under 5 years of age (94

percent), involved males (56 percent), involved pools in the child’s own yard (73 percent) and

occurred during the summer months (81 percent).”

http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/cirp-portable-pool-safety http://www.nationwidechildrens.org/news-room-articles/new-study-uncovers-the-dangers-of-portable-pools?contentid=92325

Study:Nationwide Children’s/Pediatrics

“No single precaution can keep kids safe. A piece of equipment

this dangerous requires multiple layers of protection to

ensure it’s safe.”


Inflatable Pool Safety:Consumer Reports

“Every pool should be surrounded by a non-climbable fence, at least 4 feet high, with a self-latching, self-closing, locking gate. Any door from the house to the pool should have an alarm on it. Pools should also have an alarm

that sounds at the pool as well as in the house should someone fall in, and a safety


We are not aware of an adequate pool alarm or safety cover designed for inflatable


Inflatable Pool Safety:Consumer Reports

“We think that it’s highly unlikely that consumers will pay at least 10 times the cost of the pool for necessary layers of protection.

Consumer Reports continues to urge consumers not to buy inflatable pools.”


Inflatable Pool Safety:Consumer Reports

Inflatable Pool Safety:Consumer Reports

“The pliable sides on inflatable pools sag under the weight of a child and can allow a head-heavy toddler to topple in. And since

they hold thousands of gallons of water, the pools won’t be emptied after each use. That can leave an attractive backyard hazard up all summer


Although constant adult supervision is the best protection against drowning,

parents can’t be vigilant 24/7.”


“To get an idea of just how quiet and undramatic from the surface drowning can be, consider this:

It is the number two cause of accidental death in children, age 15 and under (just behind vehicle accidents) – of the approximately 750 children

who will drown next year, about 375 of them will do so within 25 yards of a parent or other


In ten percent of those drownings, the adult will actually watch them do it, having no idea

it is happening (source: CDC).”http://www.modernmom.com/5fbdbdc0-48c3-11e3-87f1-bc764e04a41e.html

Recognize Drowning:Modern Mom

Portable pools are affordable, transportable, but can be just as dangerous as any other pool.

CPSC has received an average of 35 reports of deaths of children under the age of 5 in portable

pools each year. These pools account for 11 percent of all pool drownings for children that age.


Just as Dangerous:U.S. Consumer Product Safety

Commission (CPSC)

“The use of portable pools in residential settings poses a significant risk of submersion-related

morbidity and mortality to children, especially in the <5-year-old age group. No single

strategy will prevent all submersion deaths and injuries; therefore, layers of protection are

recommended. Industry is advised to engage in development of protective devices that are effective and affordable for portable pools,

including isolation fencing, pool alarms, and safety covers.”


Under 5 Years Old:American Academy of Pediatrics

While a variety of safety measures such as alarms and fencing are available for in-ground pools, Smith

said, this is not the case for portable pools. The researchers call for industry development of affordable fencing and reliable pool alarms

and covers for portable pools.

Many techniques used to deny access to in-ground pools, such as fencing, cost more than a portable

pool itself, he said. "We have to come up with other strategies that are affordable and effective for

portable pools.”http://health.usnews.com/health-news/diet-fitness/fitness/articles/2011/06/20/portable-pools-pose-drowning-risk-for-young-kids

Industry Call to Action:US News Health