Pork Barrel in the Cordillera

Post on 04-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Pork Barrel in the Cordillera

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera




    Joanna K. Cario

    Cordillera Peoples Alliance

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Legislator District Hard

    M Pesos


    M Pesos


    M Pesos

    PDAF Other




    Agyao, Manuel S. Kalinga 100.000 20.500 - 20.500 120.500

    Bulut, Elias Jr. C. Apayao 100.000 20.000 8.000 28.000 128.000


    Solomon R.

    Ifugao 130.000 - - - 130.000

    Dangwa, Samuel


    Benguet 119.750 47.000 - 47.000 166.750


    Victor S.



    120.000 - - - 120.000


    Mauricio G.



    117.000 5.000 - 5.000 122.000


    Cecilia S.

    Abra 100.000 - - - 100.000


    Laurence B.

    Kalinga* 20.000 15.000 2.914 17.914 37.914

    Total 806.750 107.500 10.914 118.414 925.164

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    Table 2. Samuel S. DangwasPDAF Projects for CYs

    2007-09 Channelled Through Napoles Fake NGOs


    Social Development Program for Farmers

    Foundation Inc. (SDPFFI)

    NABCOR Samuel S. Dangwa 15.520

    Social Development Program for FarmersFoundation Inc. (SDPFFI) NLDC

    Samuel S. Dangwa 8.730

    Countrywide Agricultural and Rural Economic

    Development Foundation Inc. (CARED)

    TRC Samuel S. Dangwa 10.520*

    Peoples Development Program for Farmers

    Foundation Inc. (POPDFI)

    TRC Samuel S. Dangwa 7.200

    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation Inc.


    TRC Samuel S. Dangwa 1.800

    Ito Na Movement Foundation


    NLDC Samuel S. Dangwa 0.970

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Audit Results on Dangwas PDAF

    Projects were agricultural development packages such asliquid fertilizers, training & livelihood kits, computer system

    2 proj to SDPFFI of which Benhur Luy is pres, 1 to CAREDand 1 to POPDFI, all three are Napoles bogus foundations

    Suppliers had questionable documents, had no permits,could not be found or did not confirm transactions

    Supposed procurements were not supported with receiptsor any proofs of payments

    Questionable beneficiariesnot in list of voters

    Two mayors Bony Tacio of Sablan and Augusto Siadto ofKibungan of denied that there were items delivered to theirmunicipalities; mayor of LT did not confirm residency ofbeneficiaries

    Dangwa did not reply to audit teams rqst for confirmation

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Table 3. Cordillera Legislators PDAF Projects for CYs

    2007-09 Channelled Through Dubious NGOs


    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation

    Inc. (MBFI)

    TRC Elias C. Bulut Jr. 4.500

    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation

    Inc. (MBFI)

    TRC Elias C. Bulut Jr. 14.400*

    Masaganang mga Bukirin FoundationInc. (MBFI)

    NLDC Elias C. Bulut Jr. 7.760

    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation

    Inc. (MBFI)

    TRC Laurence B. Wacnang 17.255*

    Ito Na Movement Foundation


    NLDC Manuel S. Agyao 6.063

    Ito Na Movement Foundation(ITONAMI)

    NABCOR Manuel S. Agyao 5.384

    Ito Na Movement Foundation


    NABCOR Manuel S. Agyao 5.384

    Commoners Foundation Inc (CFI) NLDC Manuel S. Agyao 21.146

    Share a Joy Foundation Inc. (SJFI) TRC Mauricio G. Domogan 4.700*

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Audit Results on Buluts PDAF

    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) is an NGOregistered with the SEC and with a business permit from QCcovering the CYs 2007-2010. Its address was a high-endresidential unit without NGO signage, whose caretaker didnot know anything about the aforementioned NGO.

    Elias Bulutsthree projects were for the procurement ofcomputer systems and livelihood kits for distribution toselected individual recipients.

    Two projects with TRC and one with NLDC had questionable

    suppliers. The beneficiaries did not have complete addresses and

    could not be contacted for confirmation.

    Bulut did not reply to the audit teams request forconfirmation.

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Audit Results on Wacnangs PDAF

    Masaganang mga Bukirin Foundation, Inc. (MBFI) is an NGOregistered with the SEC and with a business permit from QCcovering the CYs 2007-2010. Its address was a high-endresidential unit without NGO signage, whose caretaker did

    not know anything about the aforementioned NGO. The projects were for the procurement of computer

    systems and livelihood kits for distribution to selectedindividual recipients. Supposed procurements were notsupported with receipts or any proofs of payments.

    The two projects of Wacnang have not been liquidated upto the present.

    Wacnang never replied to the audit teams request forconfirmation.

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Audit Results on Agyaos PDAF

    Project through NABCOR and ITONAMI was for the procurement of 4WDtractors. While Northern Asia Sales Corporation confirmed the delivery of4WD tractors, the status of these tractors could not be established. TheCity Agricultural Officer of Tabuk claimed that he was not aware of any4WD tractors turned over to the City government of Tabuk during theprevious and present administration.

    5 projects worth P21.146 M coursed through NLDC to the CommonersFoundation, Inc. CFI is an NGO registered with the SEC based in LucenaCity.

    The projects covered the procurement of farm tools, planting materials,various livelihood kits and books from 36 suppliers and intended for 5453individual recipients. Many of the purported suppliers were questionable,having no business permits or could not be located. Many of the supposed

    beneficiaries denied receiving livelihood kits or otherwise could not belocated. 11 of the respondents who were contacted denied attending thetraining, there were some that claimed that they attended a trainingconducted at the Pastoral Center, Bulanao whereas the training waspurportedly conducted for five days at Emilias Kitchenette.

    Agyao confirmed the authenticity of his signatures submitted in the

    documents of the NGO.

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    Audit Results on Domogans PDAF

    This NGO is not registered with SEC and hasno permit to operate from the CityGovernment of Baguio. It was reportedlyoperating at Camp John Hay DevelopmentCorporation, Loakan Road, Baguio City. It

    did not confirm its transactions and did notsubmit additional documents requested bythe team. Hence the very existence of theNGO is questionable.

    The project, with funds released in 2007,

    was intended for the implementation ofvarious livelihood projects. The release,however, remained unliquidated as of auditdate despite request by the team.

    Domogan confirmed the authenticity of his

    signatures in all projects submitted by theNGO.

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Malampaya Funds

    22 out of 97 mayors who were named in the releasesof the Malampaya funds are from CAR, with 7municipalities in Abra, 3 in Apayao, 6 in Benguet, 4 inIfugao, and 2 in Kalinga.

    All of them supposedly received P10 M each, saidfunds released during the last week of December in2009.

    Whistleblower Merlina Suasadmitted in her affidavitthat the mayors signatures were forged

    Some mayors have denied any involvement: RamonTinawi of Hingyon, Allen Jesse Mangaoang of Balbalan,Benito Siadto of Kibungan

    Other mayors should speak out to clean their names

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  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Development Acceleration Program

    The latest development in thepork barrel issue is the Presidentspork barrel or the huge amountsof funds that are under hisdiscretion.

    DAP questioned asunconstitutional

    Media reports say that P1.5 Bfrom DAP was allocated for theCordillera Peoples LiberationArmy.

    Why was such a huge amountgiven to the CPLA and how wasthis spent?

    This needs more research

  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    WHAT TO DO: kumilos

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  • 8/13/2019 Pork Barrel in the Cordillera


    Abolish all kinds of discretionary and lump

    sum funds

    Hold accountable all those involved in the

    pork barrel mess

    Introduce greater transparency, pass the

    Freedom of Information (FOI) bill

    Monitor the use of public funds

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