Polyglot parallelism

Post on 29-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Polyglot parallelism

Polyglot ParallelismA Case Study in Using Erlang

and Ruby at Rackspace

The ProblemPart 1

20,000 network devices

9 Datacenters,3 Continents

devices not designed forhigh-throughput


we need a high throughput solution

the time spent in I/O is the primary


if you want to speed things up you have to talk to more devices

in parallel

The ProblemPart II

huge blobs of data

lots of backups equals big database

ad-hoc searching is difficult but


customer SLA means need to restore from

backup quickly

an event must be generated for each device interaction

migrations are problematic with that much data

rigid schema made adapting to new devices difficult

each device type has different properties

“backup” means different things for each device type

need to grow with the business

Previous Solution

multiple Ruby apps

difficult to scale

vendor device managers

New Solution

the simplest thing that could possibly


most db writes come from

scheduled jobs





Other Clients


Joe Armstrong

AXD301ATM Switch



Dynamically Typed

Single Assignment

A = 1. %=> 1A = 2. %=> badmatch

[B, 2, C] = [1, 2, 3].B = 1. %=> 1C = 3. %=> 3



D = dict:new().D1 = dict:store(foo, 1, D).D2 = dict:store(bar, 2, D1).

Concurrency Oriented

-module(fact).-export([fac/1]). fac(0) -> 1; fac(N) -> N * fac(N-1).

-module(quicksort).-export([quicksort/1]). quicksort([]) -> [];quicksort([Pivot|Rest]) -> quicksort([Front || Front <- Rest, Front < Pivot]) ++ [Pivot] ++ quicksort([Back || Back <- Rest, Back >= Pivot]).


jobs framework



Runner Worker CallbackModule



process processready





“behaviour” is interface

behaviour_info(callbacks) -> [ {init, 1}, {process_item, 3}, {worker_died, 5}, {job_stopping, 1}, {job_complete, 2}].

running({worker_ready, WorkerPid, ok}, S) -> case queue:out(S#state.items) of {empty, I2} -> stop_worker(WorkerPid, S), {next_state, complete, S#state{items = I2}};

{{value, Item}, I2} -> job_worker:process(WorkerPid, Item, now(), S#state.job_state),

{next_state, running, S#state{items = I2}} end;

handle_info({'DOWN', _, process, WorkerPid, Info}, StateName, S) -> {Item, StartTime} = clear_worker(WorkerPid, S),

Callback = S#state.callback, spawn(Callback, worker_died, [Item, WorkerPid, StartTime, Info, S#state.job_state]),

%% Start a replacement worker start_workers(1, Callback), {next_state, StateName, S};

handle_cast({process, Item, StartTime, JS}, S) -> Callback = S#state.callback, Continue = try Callback:process_item(Item, StartTime, JS) catch throw: Error -> error_logger:error_report(Error), ok end,

job_runner:worker_ready(S#state.runner, self(), Continue),

{noreply, S}.

story time

ReSTful APIwith Webmachine

The Convention Over Configuration Webserver

HTTP Request Lifecycle Diagram


Webmachine Is Simple As Proven by the “Number of Types of Things”

Measurement of Complexity

If you know HTTP

The 3 Most Important Types of Things In Webmachine

1. Dispatch Rules (pure data--barely a thing!)2. Resources (composed of simple functions!)3. Requests (simple get/set interface!)

Dispatch Rules

GET /devices/12345

Webmachine inspects the device_resource module for defined callbacks, and sets the Request record’s “server”

value to 12345.

{ ["devices", server], device_resource, [] }


• POEM (Plain Old Erlang Module)• Composed of referentially transparent functions*• Functions are callbacks into the request lifecycle• Approximately 30 possible callback functions, e.g.:

• resource_exists → 404 Not Found• is_authorized → 401 Not Authorized

* mostly

Perma-404resource_exists(Request, Context) -> {false, Request, Context}.

Lucky Authis_authorized(Request, Context) -> S = calendar:time_to_seconds(now()), case S rem 2 of 0 -> {true, Request, Context}; 1 -> {“Basic realm=lucky”, Request, Context} end.

Resource Functions

Requests• The first argument to each resource function • Set and read request & response data

wrq:set_resp_header(“X-Answer”, “42”, Request).

RemoteIP = wrq:peer(Request).

content_types_provided(Request, Context) -> Types = [{"application/json", to_json}], {Types, Request, Context}.

to_json(Request, Context) -> Device = proplists:get_value(device, Context), UserId = get_user_id(Request),

case fe_api_firewall:get_config(Device, UserId) of

{ok, Config} -> success_response(Config, Request, Context);

{error, Reason} -> error_response(502, Reason, Request, Context) end.

Retrieving a JSON Firewall Representation


primitive obsession


[<<"easy as ">>, [$a, $b, $c], " ☺\n"].

“hi how are you”

<<“hello there”>>

hashes vs records

to loop is human,to recur divine

Erlang conditionals always return a value

design for testability

don’t spawn,

use OTP


Erlang changes very slowly

3rd party libraries

standard librarycan be inconsistent

package management


Phil: @philtolandhttp://github.com/tolandhttp://philtoland.com

Mike: @lifeinzemblahttp://github.com/msassak
