Polygamous Marriage - Gareth Kay

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Polygamous Marriage - Gareth Kay

Let’s get married forthe right reason

Gareth KayHead of Planning, Modernista!Polygamous Wedding 10.26.07

Courtesy of Richard Huntington (www.adliterate.com)

Photo from Tim WIlliams(Ignition Consulting Group)

This marriage needs to be about thecreation of energy

The active or moving force of a brand

H&P: Momentum rules

Y&R BAV: Brand energy is a leading indicator of usage and preferenceJustifies a higher priceAdds an incremental 64% to brand valuethan sales growth alone

6 ways to create more energy

1. Be enthusiastic

A brand without a point of viewis like a song without a tune

Have a social mission, not justa commercial proposition

Make people think aboutthe world around them

Photo: Andrew Hovells(aka Northern Planner)

Photo: Andrew Hovells(aka Northern Planner)

2. Be interesting or useful(better still be both)

“Nobody reads advertising. People read whatthey want to read and sometimes it's an ad.”

Howard Gossage

“Often our biggest mistake as managers isbelieving that, in general, customers care

a lot about your brand. They do not.”Patrick Barwise

3. Do stuff

4. Do more than one thing

Any idea is dangerous ifit is a person's only idea

George Will’s take on the American idea

Atlantic Monthly, November 2007

Stop making a thing,start creating a puzzle

Provide anuplifting experience

that enrichespeople’s lives

language,eg ‘skinny’

specials eg frappucino


rangeand options




‘my sister’book

africa 05


used groundsfor gardeners

fair tradecoffee

causepublicityin store

sofas andambience


burn your owncd

music cd

in storeperformance

and art

book reading


akelah and the bee

Source: John Grant, ‘The Brand Innovation Manifesto’



The rule of 5%

5. Get out of thedistribution industry

“We're not in the business ofkeeping the media companiesalive. We're in the business ofconnecting with consumers.”

Trevor Edwards, NikeNew York Times, 10.14.07

The best ad is 30 times morelikely to be stopped andwatched than the worst.

The worst ad is 5.5 timesmore likely to be fast

forwarded than the best.Source: Millward Brown, DVRs and Link research 2005 via Adliterate

6. Sweat the small stuff

Thank you Ed and Influx Insights for spotting this

Stop delivering messages,start creating energy

Thank youhttp://www.garethkay.com
